Travis Kelce Responde a Rodgers por broma sobre 'Sr. Pfizer' Firme con la vacuna...

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No hay problema...
Kansas City Chiefs

Travis Kelce se tomó con calma la broma de Aaron Rodgers, admitiendo que le pareció muy divertido cuando la superestrella de los Jets se refirió a él como "Sr. Pfizer" a principios de esta semana, al mismo tiempo que reafirmó su decisión de ser portavoz de la vacuna.

Kelce abordó los recientes comentarios de AR8 en el "Pat McAfee Show" el viernes, haciendo algunas bromas mientras discutía sobre lo ocurrido.

"Me pareció muy bueno", dijo Kelce en las instalaciones de los Chiefs. "Quiero decir, con el bigote de ahora, me parezco a alguien que se llame Mr. Pfizer. Quién habría pensado que me iba a meter en una guerra de vacunas con Aaron Rodgers. El Sr. Pfizer contra la familia Johnson & Johnson".

Por supuesto, Kelce se refiere al propietario de los Jets, Woody Johnson, que es heredero de la compañía farmacéutica Johnson & Johnson.

Estoy enfocado
Kansas City Chiefs

Luego Travis se pone serio por un segundo y explica los motivos para tener la vacuna.

"La tengo porque ya sabes, me mantiene a salvo, a mi familia, a la gente en este edificio. Así que sí, la apoyo al 1000%. Totalmente de acuerdo con que me llame Mr. Pfizer".

A Kelce -que celebró su cumpleaños 34 el jueves- también se le preguntó por su reciente romance con Taylor Swift y todo el bombo alrededor de ella, y bueno, él está consciente de que atrajo toda la atención sobre sí mismo.

"Tienes a un montón de personas que se preocupan por Taylor y con justa razón", dijo Kelce. "Solo hay que seguir viviendo y aprendiendo y disfrutando de los momentos. Al final del día, siempre he sido bastante bueno para separar las cosas y he tenido la capacidad de mantener la concentración en este edificio. Voy a seguir así".

Chrisean Rock My Baby's Surgery Was A Success!!!

Chrisean Rock says her son is recovering after undergoing surgery to remove the hernia that Blueface brought to the world's attention.

Chrisean posted a boomerang video holding a smiling Chrisean Jr. Friday from his hospital bed, nothing the newborn was "recovering so fast."

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As we reported, the youngster was suffering from an inguinal hernia ... and Blueface blamed Chrisean for mistreating their son by not getting him treatment soon enough. The rapper also posted a nude photo of the child, showing his condition ... and got a ton of heat online.

Despite the backlash, Blue's mother Karlissa Saffold defended her son to TMZ Hip Hop ... even going as far as to blanket it as a teachable moment for new parents and their child's medical issues.

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We're not even a month removed from Chrisean facing the wrath of the internet and Blue's family as she let her baby dangle loosely during a Walmart shopping trip.


Cardi B and Keke Palmer have both offered her public support and with the surgery in the rearview mirror, hopefully so are some of those motherly growing pains!!!

President Obama Mourns Dick Butkus' Death ... He 'Was Football' In Chicago

People in and around the sports world are honoring the life and legacy of Chicago Bears great Dick Butkus following his death ... with Barack Obama, Bill Belichick and more sharing their memories of the Hall of Fame linebacker.

"In Chicago, Dick Butkus was football," Obama -- a diehard Windy City sports fan -- said on Friday. "Thinking of his family today, and all the Bears fans who loved watching one of the best to ever play the game."

Belichick also addressed the tragic loss ... taking a few minutes out of his press conference to praise Butkus' impact on football.

"The prototype middle linebacker," the Patriots coach said. "From his playing style, to the look, to his ads. He was a Chicago Bear if there ever was one."

BB added he got to spend time with Butkus in recent years ... saying it was great to meet and talk with him.

"A ton of respect for Dick, his play style, what he did for the game. At that time, the way he played, he was the ultimate middle linebacker."

Former Pittsburgh Steelers coach Bill Cowher also joined in paying his respects ... saying, "Dick Butkus was not only a Legend, he was my Idol. Loved his Frankness, Toughness, and the Inspiration he was for me! You set the Standard for the role of a MLB! Love you Dick."

Current Bears wide receiver D.J. Moore -- who finished with 8 receptions, 230 yards and 3 touchdowns during Chicago's win over the Washington Commanders on Thursday Night Football -- also shared a touching message about 51 after the game.

"R.I.P Dick Butkus. Was looking over us Tonight," he tweeted.

The Bears will look to keep making Dick proud the rest of the season -- their next game will be at home against the Minnesota Vikings on Oct. 15.

Drake I'm Done with Music for At Least a Year ... Gotta Focus On Major Stomach Issues!!!

Table For One / SiriusXM

Soak up his new album, "For All the Dogs," because Drake is dropping the mic -- he says he's walking away from music to deal with a health issue that's plagued him for a long time.

He made the bombshell announcement Friday morning on his SiriusXM show "Table for One" ... saying, "I need to focus on my health, first and foremost." Apparently, he's been battling a gastrointestinal issue ... he says, "I've been having the craziest problems for years with my stomach."

He didn't get any more specific about the ailment, but says it's gonna require enough of his time that "I'ma lock the door on the studio for a little bit. Maybe a year or something ... maybe a little longer."

It's a huge revelation, and not just for his fans, but for the music industry as a whole. Quite frankly, Drake's thing has been quantity -- the guy cranks out records very regularly.

He's dropped 9 studio projects in the last 13 years, most of them packed with #1 hits that dominate radio play and streaming services.

But, just hours after releasing his latest, he's making it clear he's got more important things to deal with now -- "I need to focus on my health, and I need to get right."

Drake Se tomará un descanso musical de al menos un año Enfocado en su salud...

Me quiero enfocar en mí
Table For One / SiriusXM

Disfruten mucho el nuevo álbum de Drake, "For All the Dogs", porque el rapero planea alejarse de los escenarios y de la música por un tiempo, para hacer frente a un problema de salud que lleva arrastrando desde hace años.

El cantante lanzó la bomba el viernes por la mañana en su programa de SiriusXM, "Table for One", diciendo: "Tengo que enfocarme en mi salud, en primer lugar y principalmente". Al parecer, Drake ha estado luchando contra un problema gastrointestinal que describe así: "He estado teniendo los problemas más locos con mi estómago por años".

El rapero no especificó mucho más sobre su dolencia, pero dijo que va a requerir una buena parte de su tiempo, por lo que cerraría la puerta a los estudios por un tiempo. "Quizá un año o quizá un poco más".

Se trata de una gran revelación, y no solo para sus fans, sino que para la industria musical completa. Francamente, lo de Drake ha sido la cantidad: saca discos con mucha regularidad.

Ha lanzado nueve proyectos de estudio en los últimos trece años, la mayoría de ellos repletos de éxitos que dominan la radio y los servicios de streaming.

Pero apenas unas horas después de lanzar su último trabajo, dejó claro que tiene que ocuparse de cosas más importantes: "Necesito centrarme en mi salud y ponerme bien".

Deion Sanders Dealing W/ Medical Issue, Misses Event ... Colorado Says He's OK

Deion Sanders was under the weather on Thursday after having a bad reaction to medication ... Coach Prime was forced to skip his radio show Thursday, but thankfully, Colorado says the Hall of Famer is okay!

The CU Buffs' weekly radio show started Thursday afternoon with one very noticeable absence ... Deion, the man everyone wanted to hear.

Instead, assistant coach Gary "Flea" Harrell was behind the mic ... and show host Mark Johnson provided an update on Sanders.

“We are going without Coach Prime here today," Johnson said. "We received notification a little while ago that (he) was a little under the weather and had a bad reaction to his immune IVs, is what I was told.”

A spokesperson for the Buffs didn't add any further detail, per The Denver Post, but added the coach was fine.

Sanders has had a few health issues since putting on the headset. In 2022, Sanders had two toes on his right foot amputated.

The good news ... Coach Prime is expected to be well enough to travel with his team for their game on Saturday against Arizona State.

The Buffs started the season 3-0, and were ranked as one of the top 20 teams in the country ... before being blown out by Oregon.

Last weekend, Colorado gave USC a run for their money with a late 2nd-half run, but came up short, 48-41.

AT&T Designs Helmet For Deaf FB Players ... Shows Plays On Visors


This is amazing -- AT&T is partnering up with Gallaudet University to introduce a game changer for deaf football players ... by designing a 5G-connected helmet that shows play calls on the visor!!

The company broke the news on Thursday ... stating the football team at Gallaudet -- a private university in Washington, D.C. for deaf and hard-of-hearing students -- will wear the gear for the first time ever on Oct. 7.

The helmets will allow coaches to communicate with their team from the sideline by selecting a play from a tablet ... which will then show up on the players' visors.

The athletes were stoked after trying on the new equipment ... with one saying, "It felt like the world just instantly lifted off of my shoulders."

Gallaudet football head coach Chuck Goldstein is also excited for his team ... thanking AT&T for the incredible gift.

"We work out the same way as every other college football program, we practice the same way, we compete the same way," Goldstein said.

"The difference between coaching a hearing team compared to a deaf team is first the communication. The AT&T 5G-connected helmet will change football."

If that wasn't enough, AT&T is also donating a massive $500k to Gallaudet's football program.

"Our expertise in connectivity combined with Gallaudet's legacy of breaking down barriers has created a helmet that not only transforms the way deaf and hard of hearing athletes engage in sports but opened up endless possibilities for innovation," AT&T Senior VP Corey Anthony said.

"Together with Gallaudet, we are proving that connecting changes everything."

Taylor Swift Entradas se venden en 15 mil dólares En subasta de Selena Gomez

Taylor Swift está en todas partes por estos días, incluso ayudando a recaudar algo de dinero para el evento de caridad de su mejor amiga Selena Gomez.

Se va la una... a las dos...

Dos codiciadas entradas a uno de sus conciertos se tomaron la subasta de Hollywood el miércoles, con motivo de la inauguración de Rare Impact Fund Benefit. El evento es parte de la campaña de Selena por generar mayor conciencia sobre las personas que luchan con problemas de salud mental y auto aceptación.

Martin Short fue el maestro de ceremonias del evento, quien dio el pistoletazo de salida a la subasta de entradas en 5.000 dólares, pero la cifra fue aumentando hasta que finalmente alcanzó la suculenta suma de 15.000 dólares, la entrada más cara del evento. Por supuesto, Martin añadió mucho humor e hizo que el público se muriera de la risa.

Como era de esperar, una vez que Martin hizo oficial al ganador, todo el mundo se volvió loco y aplaudió.

El afortunado fan estaba extasiado de tener dos entradas para cualquier futuro concierto de Taylor Swift en todo el mundo.


La Semana de la Moda de París ha terminado, pero la fiesta sigue para las chinches que han tenido la suerte de viajar con las estrellas de Hollywood de regreso a EE.UU. Una organización especializada en estas plagas ha lanzado una severa advertencia.

El Dr. Jim Fredericks —un entomólogo certificado y Vicepresidente Senior de Asuntos Públicos de la Asociación Nacional de Control de Plagas— le dijo a TMZ que las chinches son autoestopistas muy capaces, por lo que la posibilidad de un viaje a los Estados desde París infestado sigue siendo alta. Sin embargo, hay medidas que los famosos pueden tomar para evitar esa pesadilla.

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Para empezar, el Dr. Fredericks dice que todos los famosos que asistieron a desfiles de moda o se alojaron en hoteles de lujo de París deben inspeccionar a fondo tanto su equipaje como su ropa de cama. Eso también incluye a los que se alojaron en los hoteles más lujosos; ya sea de cinco estrellas o de una, a las chinches les da igual y tienden a colarse en cualquier sitio.

Además de buscar chinches vivas, el doctor dice que cualquier signo de exoesqueletos o manchas fecales son buenos indicios de un problema de chinches. Como medida preventiva, explica que lo más sensato es guardar el equipaje fuera de las habitaciones durante las visitas.

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Además, es aconsejable inspeccionar a fondo las maletas, mochilas, etc. antes de coger un vuelo de vuelta a casa para evitar que los bichos salten de continente.

Aunque estés seguro de que tu equipaje está libre de chinches, El Dr. Fredericks dice que cualquiera que visite París debería lavar a fondo toda su ropa y secarla a alta temperatura. Una vez de vuelta en los EE.UU., dice que es mejor prevenir que curar, por lo que una limpieza en seco no estaría de más tampoco.

Mientras que los chinches chupadores de sangre no suponen un riesgo de propagación de enfermedades, pueden ser una gran molestia una vez que se han establecido. Sin embargo, todo se puede evitar siendo preventivo.

¡Cuanto más sepas mejor!

Taylor Swift Concert Tickets Sell For $15K ... At Selena Gomez Charity Auction

Taylor Swift is everywhere these days, even helping to raise some money for her bestie Selena Gomez's charity event.


Two of Taylor's highly sought-after concert tix hit the auction block in Hollywood Wednesday at the inaugural Rare Impact Fund Benefit. It was part of Selena's ongoing campaign to bring awareness to people struggling with mental health issues and self-acceptance.

Martin Short was the emcee of the affair, kicking off the tickets auction at $5K, but the number steadily rose until it finally hit a whopping $15K -- the biggest ticket item of the event. Of course, Martin added a lot of humor and had the audience cracking up.

Unsurprisingly, once Martin made the winner official -- everyone went crazy and clapped.

The lucky fan was ecstatic, snagging two tickets to any future Taylor Swift concert around the world.

Paris Fashion Week Pest Org Warns Celebs ... Don't Bring Bed Bugs Home!!!

Paris Fashion Week is over, but the party's still going for the bed bugs lucky enough to hitch a ride with Hollywood A-listers flying back to the U.S. ... and now an org specializing in the creepy crawly pests is offering a stern warning.

Dr. Jim Fredericks -- a board-certified entomologist and senior public affairs VP at the National Pest Management Association -- tells TMZ ... bed bugs are highly capable hitchhikers, so the possibility of them catching a ride to the States from infested Paris remains high. However, there are measures celebs can take to avoid that nightmare.

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For starters, Dr. Fredericks says any celebs who attended fashion shows or bunked up at bougie Paris hotels need to do a hardcore inspection of their luggage and bedding alike -- and that includes those who stayed at the ritziest of hotels. 5-stars or one, bed bugs don't care, and tend to worm their way into any setting.

On top of looking for live bed bugs, the doc says any signs of exoskeletons or fecal spots are good indications of a bed bug problem. Preventatively, he explains the wise move is storing luggage outside of bedrooms during visits.

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Additionally, a thorough inspection of suitcases/backpacks, etc. is smart before catching a flight back home ... to prevent the critters from hopping continents.

Even if you're sure your gear is bed bug-free ... Dr. Fredericks says anyone visiting Paris oughta do a thorough wash of all their clothes, and dry them on a high heat setting. Once back in the U.S., he says it's better to be safe than sorry ... so, a dry clean wouldn't hurt either.

While blood-sucking bed bugs don't pose a risk of spreading disease, per se, they can be a major nuisance once they've set up shop ... all of which can be averted with preemptive action.

The more you know!

LSU Safety Greg Brooks Diagnosed W/ Rare Brain Cancer ... Weeks After Surgery

Greg Brooks Jr. has a rare form of brain cancer, according to LSU ... who provided an update on the Tigers CB, just weeks after he had surgery to remove a tumor.

As we previously reported, Brooks underwent (successful) surgery on September 20 ... and doctors removed a large tumor from his brain. Despite the procedure, the diagnosis wasn't clear until this week ... when doctors announced Brooks has medulloblastoma.

“For the last three weeks, Greg has been recovering from an extensive surgery to remove a brain tumor that was located between his cerebellum and brainstem,” Dr. Catherine O’Neal, Chief Medical Officer at Our Lady of the Lake Health, told reporters.

“Greg’s speech and ability to communicate has been impacted, and although he is responsive and working daily with physical therapy, he will face months of intensive rehabilitation."

The good news is there's no evidence that the cancer has spread ... and Dr. O'Neal says he'll get a treatment plan from "nationally recognized specialists in this specific form of brain cancer."

The university has also launched a fundraiser for the former 4-star recruit to help raise money to cover the medical expenses including travel, treatment, and therapy.

"He has a long journey ahead," Dr. O'Neal said, "and will need the full support of our community behind him as he faces this battle."

Brooks -- who transferred from Arkansas to LSU in 2022 -- last played on Sept. 9 against Grambling State. Over the last two seasons, Greg's accumulated 74 tackles and 2 interceptions.

KEVIN SPACEY directo AL HOSPITAL Miedo a un ataque al corazón

Kevin Spacey corrió al hospital luego de sentir los mismos síntomas de un ataque cardíaco.

Spacey habló sobre el susto que pasó en Uzbekistán durante el Festival Internacional de Cine de Tashkent durante la ceremonia de clausura la noche del lunes, diciendo que todo su brazo se entumeció durante unos 8 segundos mientras tomaba un tour por el Museo Afrasiyab en la ciudad de Samarcanda temprano durante el día.

la revelación de spacey

Ante el temor de sufrir un ataque al corazón, Kevin corrió al hospital.

Por suerte para Kevin y los organizadores del festival, todo terminó bien y fue capaz de asistir al festival y dar un discurso más tarde esa misma noche.

Spacey dijo que la terrible experiencia le hizo apreciar mucho más la vida y felicitó a los cineastas del festival por todo el trabajo que hacen para contar sus historias. También aplaudió al festival por ofrecer oportunidades a los futuros narradores para crecer.

Como se sabe, Spacey ha estado fuera de los focos de Hollywood desde que fue acusado y finalmente absuelto de agredir sexualmente a múltiples hombres. El ex protagonista de "House of Cards" dijo a principios de esta semana que sus mejores papeles están aún por llegar, anunciando su regreso en la capital de Tashkent durante el fin de semana.

Kevin Spacey Rushed To Hospital ... Fear Of Heart Attack

Kevin Spacey feared he could be suffering a very serious medical emergency overseas ... rushing to the hospital after having symptoms of a heart attack.

Spacey spoke about the health scare in Uzbekistan at the Tashkent International Film Festival during its closing ceremony Monday night ... saying his entire arm went numb for about 8 seconds while taking a tour of the Afrasiyab Museum in the city of Samarkand earlier in the day.


Fearing he was having a heart attack, Kevin says he raced to the hospital.

Lucky for Kevin, and festival organizers, he ended up being fine -- and was able to attend the festival and give a speech later that night.

Spacey said that frightening ordeal made him appreciate life a lot more ... and congratulated the filmmakers at the festival for all the hard work they do to tell their stories. He also applauded the festival for providing opportunities for upcoming storytellers to grow.

As you know, Spacey has been out of the Hollywood limelight since being accused and eventually cleared of sexually assaulting multiple men. The former "House of Cards" star said earlier this week his best roles were still to come, announcing his comeback in the capital of Tashkent over the weekend.

Michael Myers Actor Tyler Mane Careful With Prop Knives, Britney ... They Can Still Hurt You!!!


Tyler Mane, famous for playing Michael Myers on the big screen, is an expert on prop knives ... and despite their dull edges, he says they can still hurt someone like Britney Spears.

We got the "Halloween" star at LAX and our photog asked him to weigh in on Britney's knife dancing controversy ... playing him a clip of her clanking knives together, which she insists are just props.

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Tyler says Britney could be wielding prop knives, based on the sounds they're making, and he tells us how they're different from real knives ... basically, prop knives have dull edges and a dulled tip.

Remember ... this guy knows his stuff, he's used tons of real and prop knives on the set of 2 movies as notorious serial killer Michael Myers.

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But, Tyler's not saying prop knives are inherently safe ... warning they still pose a danger if the person wielding them isn't careful.

Britney's fans aren't buying her prop knife explanation ... because she's also on video with a bandage on her arm and a cut on her leg ... and cops went to her house to do a welfare check, which didn't go over so well with Britney.

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Bottom line from Tyler ... Britney's gotta know what she's doing if she's going to play with knives, prop or not.

ACTOR DE MICHAEL MYERS Cuidado con los cuchillos falsos, Britney... ¡¡También pueden dañarte!!

Háganme caso

Tyler Mane, famoso por interpretar a Michael Myers en la gran pantalla, es un experto en cuchillos de utilería, y a pesar de que sus bordes no causan dolor, también pueden herir a alguien como Britney Spears.

Nos encontramos con la estrella de "Halloween" en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles y nuestro fotógrafo le pidió que opinara sobre Britney y su polémico video, en donde aparece chocando dos cuchillos, los que ella insiste que no son reales.

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Por favor, son falsos!!!

Tyler dice que Britney podría estar usando cuchillos de utilería, por los sonidos que está haciendo, y nos explica las diferencias que tienen con los reales. Básicamente, los cuchillos de utilería no tienen bordes ni una punta afilada.

Recuerden, este tipo sabe de lo que habla, ha utilizado toneladas de cuchillos reales y falsos en el set en las dos películas como el notorio asesino en serie Michael Myers.

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Tyler está diciendo que los cuchillos de utilería no son intrínsecamente seguros, advirtiendo que todavía representan un peligro si la persona que los empuña no tiene cuidado.

Los fans de Britney no están creyendo su explicación de que son de utilería porque en otro video aparece con un vendaje en el brazo y un corte en la pierna. Los policías fueron a su casa para chequear que todo esté bien, lo que no le cayó muy bien a Britney.

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En palabras simples, Britney tiene que saber lo que hace si va a jugar con cuchillos, ya sean falsos o no...