KRAYZIE BONE I Fought For My Life In Hospital ... 'Won The Battle This Time'

Krayzie Bone says he spent 9 days fighting for his life in a hospital ... literally.

The Bone Thugs-N-Harmony rapper just posted a picture from his hospital bed on social media, and he's thanking God for being alive.

Krayzie says ... "Just fought for life Literally for 9 days straight. And I only won the battle this time because I know Jehovah God was with every step of the way fighting for me."

As we reported ... Krayzie needed at least two surgeries to address internal bleeding, which he now says was threatening his life.

KB was hospitalized last month after he started coughing up blood ... so doctors ran some tests and discovered a bleeding artery in one of his lungs ... and he twice went under the knife.

When Krayzie was in the hospital, tons of celebs and sports figures wished him the best ... and he says he's thankful for all the prayers.

Krayzie concludes ... "Never take life for granted enjoy it while have you have it! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers trust me I needed every last on [sic] of them."

Colin Kaepernick Lands Men's Health Cover ... Lookin' Ripped!!!

Colin Kaepernick clearly wasn't lying when he said he still works out religiously, despite being out of the league for 6+ years ... 'cause the star QB's lookin' ripped on the cover of Men's Health magazine!

The world's largest men's magazine is celebrating the "35 Strongest Men of the Past 35 Years" for their October/November issue ... and Kap is featured on the cover.

"Grateful to be a part of @menshealthmag 35 strongest men of the last 35 years!" Kaepernick wrote on Instagram.

The cover features a shirtless Kap holding a football, rockin' his afro ... but what really stands out are Colin's ripped abs and massive arms!

It shouldn't come as a surprise... just last month Kap discussed his workout regimen, revealing he will still hitting the gym hard in hopes of being signed by an organization.

"My training schedule has remained the same for 6 years; Monday through Friday, 5 AM-8 AM training on the field and weight room," Kap wrote in a letter to the NY Jets after Aaron Rodgers went down with an Achilles injury.

In addition to Colin, this month's issue recognized several other star athletes ... including LeBron James, Lewis Hamilton, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Michael Phelps, and Magic Johnson.

Other celebrities like Chadwick Boseman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, and RuPaul were also named.


"It’s dope to share space with the other incredible men whose strengths show up in different ways!" Kaepernick said.

"Strong people build strong futures! Let’s get to building!"


Aaron Rodgers se burló de Travis Kelce por el anuncio de la vacuna COVID-19 que ha estado apareciendo en la TV, refiriéndose a la superestrella de los Kansas City Chiefs como "Mr. Pfizer".

El mariscal de campo de los New York Jets hizo el comentario durante su aparición semanal en "The Pat McAfee Show" el martes cuando decidió divertirse un poco mientras analizaba el desempeño de su equipo en Sunday Night Football contra Patrick Mahomes y compañía.

"Creo que hay cierto sentimiento de que hay una especie de victoria moral, además de gente comentando que nuestra defensa jugó bien", dijo Rodgers. "Pat no tuvo un buen partido y al "Sr. Pfizer" lo contuvimos bastante. No tuvo un gran impacto en el partido".

McAfee no pudo evitar estallar en carcajadas con el nuevo nombre de "AR8" para Kelce y su coanfitrión (y excompañero de equipo de los Packers de Rodgers) A.J. Hawk sonrió y negó con la cabeza.

Rodgers continuó el resto de su recapitulación con una sonrisa en la cara, sabiendo que su broma le gustó a los chicos del programa.

Mientras que todo parecía marchar bien, Rodgers se ahogaba en la controversia sobre la vacuna COVID-19. Recordemos que en una ocasión dijo que estaba "inmunizado" cuando se le preguntó acerca de si recibió el pinchazo en agosto de 2021.

Rodgers afirmó más tarde que era alérgico a ciertos componentes de las vacunas Moderna y Pfizer y estaba listo para recibir la inyección de Johnson & Johnson antes de que fuera retirada por causar coágulos de sangre.

Rodgers ha sido marginado por un desgarro en el tendón de Aquiles, por lo que asumimos que está tan molesto como todos acerca del comercial de Kelce que aparece a cada rato en los medios tiempos de los partidos y en TV.

Y si pensabas que íbamos a pasar todo un post sobre Kelce sin mencionarla... ¡sorpresa!

Taylor Swift.

NIÑO DE 11 AÑOS LE DISPARA A SUS COMPAÑEROS DE EQUIPO Acusado por intento de asesinato

Un jugador de fútbol juvenil de 11 años se enfrenta a un cargo de intento de asesinato en segundo grado después de presuntamente dispararle a dos de sus jóvenes compañeros de equipo en la práctica de esta semana en Florida.

TMZ Sports confirmó el incidente que ocurrió en el Northwest Recreation Center alrededor de las 8:20 PM del lunes, cuando tres niños estaban involucrados en una discusión después de la práctica que tomó un giro aterrador.

"El altercado continuó en el estacionamiento donde este menor tuvo acceso a un arma de fuego en el coche de su madre", dijo el jefe de policía de Apopka Mike McKinley durante una conferencia de prensa el martes.

Fue entonces cuando McKinley dijo que el sospechoso sin nombre (la policía no está revelando su identidad debido a su corta edad), que no tiene antecedentes penales, apretó el gatillo y le dio a sus dos compañeros de equipo.

un incidente aislado

Una de las víctimas fue alcanzada en el brazo y la otra sufrió heridas en la parte superior del cuerpo. Ambos chicos tienen 13 años.

"Disparó un solo tiro", dijo McKinley, "y ese único disparo alcanzó a ambas víctimas".

McKinley dijo que el joven sospechoso está acusado de un cargo de intento de asesinato en segundo grado (podrían añadirse más cargos) y el departamento también está estudiando la posibilidad de presentar cargos contra los padres que dejaron el arma en un lugar al alcance del niño.

"Es un crimen para permitir que sus hijos tengan acceso a su arma de fuego en una caja no segura", dijo el jefe McKinley.

En cuanto a la corta edad del tirador, el jefe dice que esta no es una posición en la que querían estar.

"Nadie quiere arrestar a un niño de 11 años, de ninguna manera, pero en base a nuestra investigación creemos que esos cargos están justificados".

Afortunadamente, se espera que las dos víctimas estén bien.

Aaron Rodgers Playful Jab At Travis Kelce ... 'Mr. Pfizer'

Shots fired.

Aaron Rodgers took a playful jab at Travis Kelce over his COVID-19 vaccine commercial that's been popping up on everyone's TVs ... referring to the Kansas City Chiefs superstar as "Mr. Pfizer."

The New York Jets quarterback made the wisecrack during his weekly appearance on "The Pat McAfee Show" on Tuesday ... when he decided to have some fun while analyzing his team's performance on Sunday Night Football against Patrick Mahomes and co.

"I think there's some sentiment that there's some sort of moral victory out there that we hung with the champs and that our defense played well," Rodgers said. "Pat didn't have a crazy game and Mr. Pfizer, we kind of shut him down a little bit. He didn't have a crazy impact game."

McAfee couldn't help but burst out in laughter over AR8's new name for Kelce ... and his cohost (and Rodgers' former Packers teammate) A.J. Hawk grinned and shook his head.

Rodgers continued the rest of his recap with a smile on his face ... knowing his joke landed with the guys on the show.

While it all appeared to be in good fun, Rodgers was drowning in controversy over the COVID-19 vaccine -- remember, he infamously said he was "immunized" when asked about whether he got the jab in August 2021.

Rodgers later claimed he was allergic to parts of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines ... and was set to get the Johnson & Johnson shot before it was pulled for causing blood clots.

Rodgers has been sidelined with a torn Achilles since he went down in Week 1 ... so we're assuming he's just as annoyed as the regular folk are about the commercial popping up every media time-out.

And if you thought we were going to go a whole post about Kelce without mentioning her ... think again.

Taylor Swift.

Damar Hamlin Mic'd Up In First Game Back ... 'We Did It'

Damar Hamlin was showered with praise and encouragement in his first regular season game since suffering cardiac arrest in January ... and hot mics captured emotional conversations with teammates, opposing players and the man he credited with saving his life.

The Buffalo Bills safety took the field against the Miami Dolphins on Sunday ... and understandably, he was reminiscent of the moment his life changed forever during Monday Night Football nine months ago, as well as his journey back to playing condition.

25-year-old Hamlin had a special moment with Bills trainer Denny Kellington prior to kickoff ... with the staffer telling him, "Have fun today, brother."

"Love you, Denny," Hamlin replied.

Kellington is the man who performed CPR on Hamlin as a team of medical professionals fought to restore his heartbeat on Jan. 2 ... and Damar later referred to him as "the savior of my life."

Hamlin also had a conversation with Tua Tagovailoa after the Bills' 48-20 win ... with the Dolphins QB saying, "How you feeling, babe?"

"You guys keep going, man. We'll see you guys again ... best of luck, stay healthy."

Hamlin -- who revealed back in April his medical emergency was the result of commotio cordis -- was a part of special teams during the game ... taking the field for the majority of kickoffs and punts.

Youth Football Players 11-Yr-Old Arrested For Shooting Teammates ... Facing Attempted Murder

An 11-year-old youth football player is facing a second-degree attempted murder charge after allegedly shooting two of his young teammates at practice this week in Florida.

TMZ Sports confirmed the incident with police who say it all happened at the Apopka (FL) Northwest Recreation Center around 8:20 PM on Monday ... when three kids were involved in an argument after practice that took a terrifying turn.

"[The altercation] continued into the parking lot where this juvenile had access to a firearm in his mother's car," Apopka police chief Mike McKinley said during a press conference on Tuesday.

That's when McKinley said the unnamed suspect (cops aren't releasing his identity because of his age), who doesn't have a criminal history, squeezed off a single round, striking his two teammates with a single shot.


One of the victims was hit in the arm and the other suffered injuries to the upper body. Both boys are 13.

"Fired one shot," McKinley said, "and that one shot hit both victims."

McKinley said the young suspect is being charged with one count of second-degree attempted murder (more charges could be tacked on) ... and the department is also looking at potentially pressing charges against the parents who left the gun in a place the child could reach it.

"It is a crime to allow your children to have access to your firearm in an unsecured box," Chief McKinley said.

As for the young age of the shooter, the chief says this isn't a position they wanted to be in.

"Nobody wants to arrest an 11-year-old, by any means, but based on our investigation we feel those charges are warranted."

The two victims are thankfully expected to be okay.

JACKY OH! Dr. Won't Face Criminal Probe In Cosmetic Surgery Death

DC Young Fly's partner Jacky Oh! died from cosmetic surgery complications, but the doctor who operated on her won't be charged with any crimes ... TMZ has learned.

The Miami Police Department tells TMZ ... the medical examiner ruled Jacky's death accidental, and homicide detectives will not launch a criminal investigation.

As we reported ... Jacky flew to Miami back in May for cosmetic procedures, and she was prescribed medications after the procedure. Jacky then got a headache, went back to the surgeon for a post-operative appointment, decided to get a massage to alleviate her pain and was advised to swap some of the pills she was taking.

According to the ME report, Jacky then began to feel her head "burning" and she had difficulty speaking. A family member called 911 but Jacky was unresponsive before first responders arrived, and she was ultimately pronounced dead at a hospital.

The autopsy report noted Jacky had swelling in her brain and extensive bleeding of the skin around her torso.

In a since-deleted social media post before her death, Jacky said she was in Miami for a "mommy makeover" with Dr. Zachary Okhah.

Dr. Okhah released a statement shortly after Jacky's death, though he didn't directly address the situation ... instead saying his office "remains devoted to the highest quality medical care."

The doc added ... "All aesthetic procedures are performed in a hygienically safe environment to universally recognized medical standards."

There was some question as to whether anyone would be charged in Jacky's death ... but on the heels of the Medical Examiner's findings, cops say that won't happen.

LeBron James Bronny's 'Doing Extremely Well' ... Hoping To Play This Season

LeBron James says Bronny is recovering so well from recent heart surgery that he's now hoping to suit up for USC this season.

The Lakers superstar revealed the plans for his 18-year-old son while meeting with reporters at L.A.'s Media Day on Monday.

Bron said his boy is "doing extremely well," and has already begun rehabbing to "get back on the floor this season with his teammates at USC."

"He's on the up-and-up," LeBron added.

As we previously reported, Bronny suffered cardiac arrest back on July 24 ... and was later diagnosed with a congenital heart defect that required a procedure to fix.

While docs believed the issue wouldn't derail his basketball career -- a timetable for a return to the Trojans' floor was not known. Clearly, however, LeBron thinks his son can get back within a matter of a couple months.

LeBron also called the summer "a whirlwind" that featured "a lot of emotions for our family" -- but he said the James Gang all leaned on each other to get through it.

"Happy to see where he is today," LeBron said, adding that he's dedicating this season to Bronny, "and we look forward to seeing what his future still has in store for him."

ladrón prende fuego a un trabajador durante una violenta pelea

el terrible momento

Un trabajador de una tienda de California intentó detener a un presunto ladrón, pero acabó en urgencias con quemaduras en todo el cuerpo después de que el sospechoso le prendiera fuego.

El empleado, Suraj, estaba trabajando con su compañero en Appian Food and Liquor, en El Sobrante el 22 de septiembre cuando Kendall Burton entró y presuntamente robó líquido para encendedores por tercera vez ese día.

El compañero de trabajo vio el robo y notificó Suraj, que fue a confrontar Burton y fue cuando comenzaron los problemas.

El vídeo de vigilancia muestra a Suraj luchando violentamente con Burton, mientras que su compañero de trabajo agarra un bate de béisbol que tenía dentro de la tienda.

Durante el forcejeo, Burton vierte el líquido sobre la cabeza de Suraj y le prende fuego.

Antes de que se corte el vídeo, se ve a Suraj corriendo frenéticamente al baño para apagar las llamas rociándose con agua.

Suraj fue trasladado a un hospital local y tratado por quemaduras graves en la cara, el cuello, el pecho y el hombro.

Desde la cama del hospital, Suraj declaró a CBS Bay Area que nadie debería estar sometido a tales peligros y pidió más seguridad en el lugar de trabajo. También dijo que le queda un largo camino de recuperación y que necesita varias operaciones para reparar los cuantiosos daños.

Su esposa ha creado una página en GoFundMe para ayudar a sufragar sus crecientes gastos médicos.

En cuanto a Burton, fue detenido y acusado de asalto con arma mortal, agresión, incendio provocado y robo. Actualmente está detenido sin fianza.

Kanye West Regretted G.O.O.D. Music 'Wyoming Sessions' ... I'm Carrying These Scrubs!!!

Kanye West wished he would've saved his good beats for himself during his 5-album "Wyoming Sessions" run in 2018 ... as he felt Pusha T, Nas and Teyana Taylor weren't appreciating his greatness!!!

kanye-right (5)

The regrets -- yes, he's had a few -- are coming out now in leaked footage from a 2018 documentary Ye shot with Milo Yiannopoulos.

Ya might recall, at the time Ye was focused on revamping his G.O.O.D. Music label, and while ensconced at his Wyoming ranch, he delivered a flurry of albums -- an ill-advised decision he ranted about to his then-manager Scooter Braun.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Ye criticized himself for blessing Teyana with her biggest song "Gonna Love Me" and giving Pusha T beats on his "Daytona" album that he failed to elevate ... comparing the production to 3 times the amount of his landmark album, "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy."

Nas finished his Def Jam contract by collaborating with Ye for his "NASIR" album, but Ye even dissed him for rapping off-beat on the track "Cops Shot the Kid" -- and then being wishy-washy for the music video rollout!!!

Ye called out all 3 artists for, in his humble opinion, simply riding his wave. As he put it, "These muthaf***as don't appreciate me. These muthaf***as are trying to use me. I'm the greatest muthaf***ing artist living, and I can do everything."

Kanye was adamant he was the 🐐 artist and needed his own festival after being disappointed performing for others.

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He knew his words would sting and warned Scooter he refused to end up like XXXTENTACION, who was shot and killed around that time.

Cardi B was also dissed in the unreleased doc but she's since forgiven Ye. No word if his former G.O.O.D. Music artists will do the same!!

Flaming Horror Serial Shoplifter Sets Clerk On Fire ... Caught On Surveillance Video


A California store clerk tried to stop an alleged shoplifter, but ended up in the emergency room with burns covering his body after he was set ablaze by the suspected thief.

The clerk, Suraj, was working with his coworker in Appian Food and Liquor in El Sobrante September 22, when Kendall Burton came in and allegedly stole lighter fluid for the third time that day.

The coworker saw the theft and notified Suraj, who went to confront Burton ... and all hell broke loss.

Newly released surveillance video shows Suraj violently struggling with Burton, while his coworker retrieves a baseball bat from somewhere inside the store.

During the tussle, Burton pours the accelerant over Suraj's head and lights him on fire.

Before the video cuts off, Suraj is seen frantically running to the bathroom to extinguish the flames by dousing himself with water.

Suraj was rushed to a local hospital and treated for serious burns over his face, neck, chest and shoulder.

From his hospital bed, Suraj told CBS Bay Area that no one should be subject to such dangers and called for more security in the workplace. He also said he has a long road to recovery and needs several surgeries to repair the extensive damage.

His wife has set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for his rising medical costs.

As for Burton, he was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon, battery, arson and robbery. He's currently being held without bail.

BRITNEY SPEARS ¡atrás POLICÍAS! Esto Es Abuso De Poder

Britney Spears se fue contra la policía el sábado, exigiendo una disculpa después de que vinieron a su casa hace unos días para hacer un control de bienestar.

Como ustedes saben, Brit estaba bailando con cuchillos el lunes y parecía bastante peligroso. Ella dijo que eran cuchillos de utilería, pero los fans no se lo creyeron después de que ella publicó otro video un día después con un vendaje en el brazo y un corte en la pierna.

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¡no son reales!

Los policías llegaron a la casa para ver si todo estaba bien, luego de que un miembro de la policía de Los Ángeles que tuvo interacciones anteriores con Britney se alarmó.

Britney no se lo cree: "¿Es una broma? ¿En las noticias de nuevo y diciendo que vienen a ver si estoy bien? Vamos América, somos mejores que eso, ¿verdad? Los oficiales vinieron a mi casa y dijeron que no se irían hasta que hablaran conmigo, tal como la gente habla con ellos durante cuatro minutos. Estoy recibiendo una disculpa. He sido intimidada en mi casa durante tanto tiempo... ¡ES SUFICIENTE! Esto es abuso de poder policial".

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con vendajes

Luego apuntó a su madre: "Como mi madre opta por el silencio cuando papá hace preguntas acerca del bienestar de su propia hija... no, es solo un juego. La gente tiene que ser responsable de sus acciones".

analizando los hechos

Como informamos, Lynne Spears estuvo en la ciudad durante todo el asunto de los cuchillos para ver a su hija, Jamie Lynn, actuar en "Dancing with the Stars". Britney ha vuelto a cortar con Lynne así que ahora mamá se calla cuando los paparazzi le hacen preguntas. Brit ha interpretado esto como una traición.

Es una situación en la que todos pierden.

Britney Spears Back Off, Cops!!! This is an Abuse of Power

Britney Spears went off on cops Saturday ... demanding an apology after they came to her house a few days back to do a welfare check.

As you know, Brit was dancing with knives Monday, and it looked perilous. She said they were prop knives, but fans weren't buying it after she posted another video a day later with a bandage on her arm and a cut on her leg.

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Cops came to the house to do a welfare check, after someone from the LAPD who had prior interactions with Britney became alarmed.

Britney's not buyin' it ... “Is it a joke in the news again with welfare checks??? Come on America … we cooler than that, right ??? The officers came to my home and said they would not leave until they spoke to me as people do 4 minute performances with them. I am getting an apology. I’ve been bullied in my home for so long now…ITS ENOUGH! ... It's about power for cops."

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She then took aim at her mom ... "As my mom does the silent treatment when paps ask questions about her own daughter as if I’m in the wrong…nope it’s an old game. People need to be responsible for their actions!"


That's kind of a catch-22. As we reported, Lynne Spears was in town during the whole knife thing to watch her daughter, Jamie Lynn, perform on "Dancing with the Stars." Britney has cut Lynne off again, so Mom is now mum when paparazzi ask her questions, and Brit has interpreted that as a betrayal.

It's a lose-lose proposition.

Amanda Serrano Women Can Box Three Minute Rds ... And I'll Prove It!!!

Amanda Serrano

Amanda Serrano isn't only seeking a win next month, she's also looking to prove women absolutely can box 12 three-minute rounds, telling TMZ Sports the ladies can do it just like the men!

You may not even know ... female boxers don't go three-minute rounds, but rather fight for two minutes.

But, that's about to change when Serrano steps in the ring with Danila Ramos (12-2, 1 KO) on October 27 ... 'cause they're going the full three-minute rounds in Orlando ... the first female fighters to do so in 16 years!

"It's definitely been a long time since it happened," Serrano told us this week. "I'm excited."

"I have an amazing team backing me up that's pushing this fight and it about time we showcase now that I have this platform, now that I have this exposure to showcase that women can and will and capable of going 12, three-minute rounds."

Now, the reason behind WBC's rule is supposedly for the safety of the women, who are said to be at greater risk for head injuries. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine once said "female athletes appear to sustain more severe concussions than male athletes, due in part to a lower biomechanical threshold tolerance for head impacts.”

Whether or not it's medically accurate, Serrano (45-2-1, 30 KOs) wants to fight three-minute rounds ... and hopes to show that's how it should always be going forward.

"It's two women going at it but you know I'm hoping to prove come October 27 that we can do it and we're gonna come out well and healthy," Serrano said.

Amanda Serrano

The bottom line ... Amanda says she's going to put on a helluva show in Orlando.

"It's gonna be an amazing night of nonstop action," the 34-year-old said. "You're gonna see me for three minutes, go out there and throw all my punches like I usually do!"

Let's go, ladies!

Bill Maher Biden no debería postularse nuevamente "Hay un periodo para Joe Biden, pero no 2"

Bill Maher tiene una gran estima por el presidente Biden, dice que ha hecho un buen trabajo y que ha traído un poco de normalidad de nuevo a la Casa Blanca, pero que ahora tiene que pasar la antorcha a otra persona o Trump será reelegido.

El presentador de "Real Time" volvió con fuerza tras la huelga de guionistas y no puede estar más entusiasmado con lo que viene en 2024. Bill dice que Donald Trump debe ser derrotado o la democracia seguramente morirá, pero cree que Biden no puede vencerlo porque los votantes tienen temor respecto a su edad, así como su agudeza física y mental.

Maher dice que ya no importa en este momento si Biden es lo suficientemente perspicaz para un segundo mandato. Incluso los demócratas tienen profundas reservas y la percepción es ahora la realidad.

Maher dice que la edad no debe ser un descalificador automático, que eso debe revisarse caso a caso. Y hablando de eso, tienen que oír Bill hablar de Mitch McConnell, quien se ha quedado petrificado varias veces en público.

En cuanto a Trump, dice que a pesar de que tiene más o menos la misma edad que Biden, de alguna manera parece más vibrante: "Trump es como KISS. Se pone la pintura en la cara y la peluca y ¡se parece al mismo de 1978!".

Y hablando de Trump, Bill hilarantemente tiene algunos consejos para el futuro posible compañero de celda del expresidente. Tienen que verlo.

Cuento corto, Maher dice que Joe no debe aspirar a convertirse en Ruth Bader Biden, cree que uno debe saber cuándo decir adiós.