Jamie Foxx Hot Date With GF In Mexico

Jamie Foxx is fully back to living the good life after his health scare ... taking in the sights, sounds and some good grub on a hot date with his girlfriend in Mexico.

Check out the pic obtained by TMZ of the Oscar-winning actor holding hands with Alyce Huckstepp late Sunday afternoon as they enter a restaurant at Nobu Los Cabos Hotel in Cabos San Lucas.

We're told staff escorted the pair to a table for an early dinner on a patio outside where they could enjoy the stunning ocean views of the Baja Peninsula. Eyewitnesses tell us they seemed "very happy" and looked smitten as they laughed and flirted with plenty of affection.

Our sources say they were definitely a couple and, while Jamie hasn't confirmed it yet, there have been plenty of sightings of them making out and having dinner as of late with friends in Los Angeles.


As you know, Jamie has been on the road to recovery ever since he suffered a medical emergency that landed him in the hospital back in April. He's never disclosed exactly what happened to lead to his hospitalization, but we know he was working in ATL when it happened.

Last month, Jamie released a statement, saying he was beginning to feel like himself again.

Britney Spears ¡¡¡Quítenle los perros!!! Piden los fans luego del video con cuchillos

Britney Spears no solo representa un grave peligro para sí misma bailando con cuchillos afilados, sino que también para sus pequeños perros, según piensan sus seguidores, quienes creen que estos deberían ser rescatados.

Britney ha hecho que las personas comenten en Internet, después de poner su fascinación por los cuchillos en plena exhibición el lunes por la noche en un bizarro video donde aparece bailando, pinchando e incluso chocando los cuchillos entre sí.

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baile con cuchillos
Instagram / @britneyspears

A lo largo del video, se puede ver a los tres perros de Britney observando asustados, mientras ella da vueltas con los cuchillos afilados. De hecho, cuando Britney los choca, los perros corren a esconderse.

Los fans y críticos de Britney opinaron sobre los perritos en las redes sociales, escribiendo: "Esos pobres perros simplemente corrieron asustados necesitan ser rescatados y ella necesita AYUDA". Otro escribe: "¡¡¡Alguien por favor salve a estos cachorros!!!" y: "Ahora me preocupa que ella tenga perros y mucho menos cualquier animal después de este video".

Debemos señalar que el pie de foto original de Britney bailando decía: "Empecé a jugar en la cocina con cuchillos hoy". Aunque más tarde dijo que eran accesorios falsos de Halloween. Sin embargo, por el sonido, está bastante claro que eran de verdad.

Un fan lo señaló: "Los cuchillos hacían un ruido metálico. Son claramente reales. Lo suficientemente reales como para caer sobre uno de los pobres cachorros y matarlo".

Britney podría haber confirmado los temores de que estos eran reales, con el video que publicó el martes donde aparece con un corte en la pierna y un vendaje en el brazo.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los Servicios para Animales del Condado de Ventura, quienes nos dijeron que aún no habían recibido ninguna queja sobre la conducta de Britney. Sin embargo, el representante agregó: "Revisamos el video y aunque los perros parecían asustarse por el tintineo de los cuchillos, no sentimos que estuvieran en una situación en la que fuera necesario enviar a un oficial."

Britney Spears Take Dogs Away from Her!!! Fans Urge After Knife Vid

Britney Spears not only poses a serious danger to herself by dancing around with sharp knives, but onlookers believe her tiny dogs are also at risk ... and should be taken away.

Britney's got the internet talking after putting her fascination with knives on full display Monday night in a bizarre video where she danced with, jabbed and even clanged knives together.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

Throughout the video, you can see 3 of Britney's dogs looking on in fear as she twirls around with the sharp tools. In fact, when Britney bangs the knives together, the dogs run for cover.

Britney fans and critics sounded off about the pooches on social media, writing, "Those poor dogs just ran scared they need to be rescued and she needs HELP." Another writes, "Someone please save this puppies!!" and, "I'm now concerned about her having dogs let alone any animals after this video."

We should note, Britney's original caption with the dancing video read, "I started playing in the kitchen with knives today," she later added to say they were fake Halloween props. However, it's pretty clear to tell from the sound, the knives are real.


One fan pointed this out, saying, "The knives made a clanking noises. They're clearly real. Real enough to fall on and kill one of those poor worried pups."

Britney may have confirmed her fans fears that the knives were real, posting a video of herself Tuesday where she appeared to have a cut on her leg and bandage on her arm.

We contacted Ventura County Animal Services who told us they hadn't yet received any complaints about Britney's conduct. However, the rep added, "We reviewed the video, and while the dogs appeared to be startled by the clinking of the knives, we didn’t feel they were in a situation where an officer needed to be dispatched."

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Should Britney Spears' dogs be taken away from her in light of the knife video? Vote below.

Colin Kaepernick Sent NY Jets Letter After Aaron Injury ... Asked To be Signed To Practice Squad

Colin Kaepernick wrote a letter to the general manager of the NY Jets days after Aaron Rodgers went down with a serious injury during MNF ... asking the organization to consider signing him to their practice squad.

News of the correspondence was actually broken by J. Cole ... who posted the typed note, sent to Joe Douglas, to his X account on Tuesday.

Previously, there were reports that Kap expressed interest in joining the squad ... but now we're looking at the entire letter.

"I'm writing, of course, in response to the unfortunate loss of Aaron Rodgers. I know the aspirations this season were, and still are, to win a championship, and so that Hall of Fame sized hole will need to be filled as best as possible to keep the team on a Super Bowl track," 35-year-old Kaepernick opened the letter.

But, if you thought he was seeking the starting gig from the jump, as barren as the Jets QB room currently is, you're mistaken.

Colin explained ... "As much as I would love the opportunity to fill that [starting] spot, I'm writing you in hopes that you can imagine a much different approach involving me; I would be honored and extremely grateful for the opportunity to come in and lead the practice squad."

"I would do this with the sole mission of getting your defense ready each week."

FYI, NFL teams all have "practice squads" ... consisting of 16 players who, you guessed it, practice with the team during the week, but do not dress for games.

It's a lot of sacrifice for little money or glory ... especially for a guy who was a star and even started a Super Bowl -- like Kap.

Kaepernick went on to say, if things didn't work with Zach Wilson (and let's be honest, it ain't working), he could be a backup plan (no pun intended) for the team.

"I believe a confident Zach Wilson has the tools to do this. However, in the event that this is not the case, I would love to offer you a risk-free contingency plan."

Despite not playing in the NFL since 2016 for the San Francisco 49ers, Colin believes he's still a top-tier signal caller.

"I am sure of my ability to provide you with an elite QB option if, God forbid, QB1 goes down."

Despite the long layoff, CK's adamant he's never stopped training, and is raring and ready to go.

"Unlike many of the veteran QB's that have been named in the media, I've never retired or stopped training."

Despite the letter, the Jets have obviously not signed Kap up to this point.

On Tuesday, the team signed Trevor Siemian to their practice squad.

Britney Spears Bandage on Arm & Cut Leg After Dancing with Knives

Britney Spears may have cut herself when playing with knives ... now sporting a bandage and what appears to be a gash on her thigh and lower back.

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Britney just posted the video, wearing the same outfit she was in when she spun around, jabbed and clanged together two butcher knives ... only this time she's got the new apparent injuries.

Britney doesn't explain why she's got the white bandage or what caused the cut on her upper thigh or lower back, but they're all new injuries since her first knife video Monday night.

As we told you ... Britney's got a fascination with knives. In fact, when she was taken off her conservatorship there were recommendations given in order to make sure she was safe. One of the most important recommendations was to keep knives away from Britney.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

Our sources say she keeps the sharp tools throughout her house -- including inside her bedroom -- as a form of protection out of fear she'll be re-institutionalized.


Of course, Britney claimed the knives in Monday's video were fake, but only after she got a ton of heat for posting the video online. They also sounded VERY real when she clanged them together.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Britney Spears Vendada en el brazo y la pierna Después del baile con cuchillos

Britney Spears podría haberse cortado mientras jugaba con cuchillos, pues ahora luce un vendaje y lo que parece ser un corte en el muslo y la espalda baja.

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Britney acaba de publicar el video, vistiendo el mismo atuendo que llevaba cuando giró y chocó sus dos cuchillos en un baile. Solo que esta vez tiene dos aparentes lesiones.

Britney no explica por qué lleva el vendaje ni lo que causó el corte en la parte superior de su muslo y espalda baja, pero todas las lesiones son nuevas desde que compartió su primer video con cuchillos el lunes por la noche.

Como les contamos, Britney tiene una fascinación por los cuchillos. De hecho, cuando le quitaron la tutela hubo recomendaciones para que estuviera segura y una de las más importantes era que había que mantener los cuchillos lejos de Britney.

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Bailando con cuchillos
Instagram / @britneyspears

Nuestras fuentes dicen que ella los mantiene afilados por toda su casa, incluyendo dentro de su dormitorio, como una forma de protegerse ante el temor de volver a ser re-institucionalizada.

serios problemas de seguridad

Por supuesto, Britney afirmó que los cuchillos en el video del lunes eran falsos, pero solo después de que recibiera una tonelada de comentarios por publicar el video. También sonaron MUY reales cuando los hizo chocar.

Presidente Biden Su pastor alemán muerde a otro agente del Servicio Secreto ... 11 víctimas y contando

El Presidente Biden tiene un mordedor en sus manos, su perro, Comandante, quien ha atacado de nuevo, posiblemente a la 11 ª víctima.

Se informa que Comandante mordió a otro agente del Servicio Secreto el lunes. Esto, de acuerdo con un portavoz de la agencia, quienes confirmaron que uno de sus chicos había sido mordido alrededor de las 8 PM y que fue atendido por personal médico.

Las circunstancias en que ocurrió la mordedura y el alcance de las lesiones del agente del Servicio Secreto aún no han sido revelados, pero de todos modos, ha demostrado ser una tendencia preocupante este año.

Recordemos que en julio se supo que Comandante llevaba cuatro meses atacando a mordiscos a varios agentes del Servicio Secreto con heridas de diversa consideración. El número que habíamos oído en ese momento era de 7, pero algunos informes lo elevaban a 10.

El Secretario de Prensa de la Casa Blanca dijo que el perro estaba estresado por toda la conmoción y que la gente estaba corriendo de un lado a otro en la zona de residencia de la Casa Blanca y otras áreas también.

Cuando esto salió a la luz en el verano, la Casa Blanca dijo que iban a tener que someter a Comandante a más formación, y que también habían tallado zonas designadas en el exterior y establecido tiempos en los terrenos para que él pueda vagar y estirar sus piernas.

No había ninguna indicación de que Comandante terminaría como Mayor, otro pastor alemán de Biden que también se había metido en problemas por morder.

No se sabe si eso va a cambiar ahora, viendo cómo sigue hundiendo sus dientes en los seres humanos. Todo lo que podemos decir es, ¡chico travieso!

President Biden First Pooch Commander Bites Another Secret Service Agent ... 11 and Counting

President Biden has a biter on his hands ... his dog, Commander, has struck yet again ... possibly the 11th victim.

Commander is reported to have chomped down on another Secret Service agent Monday ... this according to a spokesperson for the agency. They confirmed that one of their guys had been bitten around 8 PM and that he was treated by medical personnel.

The exact circumstances of what led up to the biting and the extent of the SS agent's injuries haven't been disclosed -- but regardless ... it's proven to be a troubling trend this year.

Remember, it was revealed in July that Commander apparently went on a 4-month biting spree ... attacking several different Secret Service agents with varying degrees of wounds. The number we'd heard at the time was 7 ... but some reports had it as high as 10.

The White House Press Secretary said the dog was stressed out by all the commotion and people darting back and forth in the residence area of The White House and other areas as well.

When this came to light in the summer, the White House said they were going to have Commander undergo more training/leashing ... and that they'd also carve out designated areas and times on the grounds for Commander to roam and stretch his legs.

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There was no indication that Commander would get the boot like his older brother, Major ... another German Shepherd of Biden's that had also run into biting trouble.

No word on whether that'll change now, seeing how he continues to sink his teeth into human beings. All we can say is ... bad boy!

Brooks Robinson Hall of Famer Dead At 86

Baseball Hall of Famer Brooks Robinson -- one of the greatest third basemen in MLB history -- has passed away, the Baltimore Orioles announced Tuesday.

He was 86 years old.

The O's released a statement on the tragic news ... saying, "We are deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of Brooks Robinson. An integral part of our Orioles Family since 1955, he will continue to leave a lasting impact on our club, our community, and the sport of baseball."

Robinson -- who earned the nicknames "Mr. Hoover" and "The Human Vacuum Cleaner" as a result of his defensive playmaking abilities -- spent his entire career in Baltimore from 1955-1977 ... winning the World Series in 1966 and 1970, and being named the Most Valuable Player during his second championship.

Robinson had stellar longevity -- he was an 18-time All-Star and 16-time Gold Glove winner and won the 1964 MVP.

While he turned heads on the field, he was also a force in the batter's box -- recording 2,848 hits, 268 homers and 1,357 RBI.

Robinson was a shoo-in for the Hall of Fame -- he was inducted in his first year of eligibility in 1983, which had never happened before for a third baseman.

His No. 5 jersey was retired by the organization.

The legend remained close to the franchise over the years -- the O's honored him on the 45th anniversary of his retirement in 2022 ... where he rode on the field and greeted fans before a game.


Britney Spears Dangerous Dance with Knives

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Instagram / @britneyspears


9:56 PM PT -- Britney Spears just adjusted her caption, saying, "Don't worry they are NOT real knives!!! Halloween is soon!!!" Thing is ... you hear the clanging of the knives as they come together, so they sure seem real.

Britney Spears put her years-long fascination with knives on full display ... dangerously dancing with two massive butcher knives in a bizarre new video.

Spears posted the video Monday holding the razor-sharp blades with the caption, "I started playing in the kitchen with knives today" while she rubbed and even clapped the blades together while dancing.

The whole thing comes across as extremely dangerous -- as Spears clearly isn't trained to hold or handle the tools in such a manner ... at times jabbing them in the air.

While Britney claims she only started playing with the knives "today," we were first to report months ago Britney had a fascination with knives.

In fact, as her conservatorship came to an end, those responsible for her care made a list of recommendations ... one major rec being to keep knives away from her.

britney art 2

Multiple sources tell us Britney saw knives as a form of protection, afraid she's be re-institutionalized. We're told Britney keeps knives all around her house -- including in her bedroom -- and one source said she, "was paranoid someone was going to get her, and she needed the knives as protection."

Now, without Sam Asghari or anyone to truly make sure she's safe, the new video is extremely dangerous alarming to say the least.

Do you think Britney Spears is a danger to herself? Vote below.

Originally Published -- 9:14 PM PT

LSU's Kim Mulkey Undergoes Heart Surgery ... After Artery '95-99% Blocked'

LSU women's basketball head coach Kim Mulkey was forced to undergo heart surgery in June after doctors discovered she had an artery that was nearly completely blocked.

But, thankfully, she says she's now doing well.

The 61-year-old revealed the ailment was initially discovered way back in May after she had noticed some tingling in the tip of one of her fingers.

She said the problem led to her going to a doctor -- and following some testing, she told ESPN she found out she had "plaque on her carotid arteries."

Further testing showed she had a blockage in her heart -- and would need to have two stents put in to fix the issue. She held off on the surgery until after the Tigers' May visit to the White House.

"You're awake for the procedure," she said, according to ESPN. "Then they told me, 'You were 95-99% blocked in one artery.' And I said, 'Doc, why didn't I feel bad in any way?' He said, 'You're what's called an asymptomatic patient. You're the ones that can die suddenly and drive cardiologists crazy.' I asked if I was likely to have had a heart attack without the procedure, and he said, 'Yes, eventually.'"

Mulkey is now feeling good and taking medication to make sure the problem doesn't return. She's also urging people to go get checked out, even if they're feeling OK.

"The issue with my heart, it was really just luck that we found it," she said. "So I will keep telling people, 'Get yourself checked out. You have nothing to lose, and it could save your life.'"

Mulkey just became the highest-paid women's college basketball coach this year after agreeing to a $32 million contract. She helped LSU win their first NCAA title this April.

Britney Spears Fans Think Knife Dance Inspired By Shakira ... After VMA Performance

Britney Spears alarmed a lot of people with her knife dance on Instagram, with many looking for answers as to what inspired the dangerous act, and some believe Shakira holds the key.

As we reported, Britney shared a clip of herself Monday with the caption, "I started playing in the kitchen with knives today," dancing and clanking the knives together -- even jabbing them in the air.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

The singer claimed the blades weren't legit, but they sure didn't sound like props based on the way they hit together.

However, Shakira recently did something pretty similar -- on national television, no less -- and folks think that's where Britney got the inspo.

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In case ya missed it, the Colombian pop star gave a show-stopping performance of some of her greatest hits at the MTV VMAs earlier this month ... and at one point, she danced while both of her hands were occupied by 2 thick daggers.

It appears Shakira was paying homage to an Arabic dance, known to some as the dance of the daggers ... and people online think Britney loved what she saw, so that's why she may have tried it out for herself.

Britney's been catching some heat for her video ... and as we've reported, Britney has a fascination with knives that makes her clip a bit more concerning.

Remember, those responsible for Britney's care made a list of recommendations as her conservatorship ended -- with 1 major point being to keep knives away from her.

britney art 2

Sources have told us Britney sees knives as a type of protection, afraid she'd be re-institutionalized ... and we were told she keeps them all around her house, including her bedroom.

Do you think Britney Spears is a danger to herself? Vote below.



Britney Spears acaba de ajustar su pie de foto diciendo: "¡¡¡No te preocupes, NO son cuchillos de verdad!!! ¡¡¡Halloween es pronto!!!"

Britney Spears puso sus años de fascinación por los cuchillos en plena exhibición bailando peligrosamente con dos enormes cuchillos de carnicero en un nuevo y bizarro video.

Spears publicó el vídeo el lunes con el : "Empecé a jugar en la cocina con cuchillos de hoy", mientras se frota e incluso aplaudió las cuchillas juntos mientras bailaba.

Todo el asunto parece bastante peligroso. Spears claramente no está entrenada para manejar los cuchillos de la manera que pretende hacerlo.

Aunque Britney afirma que comenzó a jugar con los cuchillos "hoy", fuimos los primeros en informar hace meses que Britney tenía una fascinación por estos objetos.

De hecho, cuando su tutela terminó, los responsables de su cuidado hicieron una lista de recomendaciones en las que se incluía: "mantener cuchillos lejos de ella".

britney art 2
tmz investiga

Múltiples fuentes nos dicen que Britney vio los cuchillos como una forma de protección, por temor a que sea reinstitucionalizada. Nos dicen que Britney guarda cuchillos por toda su casa (incluyendo en su dormitorio) y una fuente nos dijo que ella "estaba paranoica con la idea de que alguien fuera por ella. Necesitaba los cuchillos como protección."

El nuevo video es extremadamente alarmante por decir lo menos y nos preocupa que ya no este Sam (o cualquier persona) con ella para protegerla.

Publicado originalmente -- 9:14 PM PT

Bronny James Misses First USC Practice ... Coach Says He's 'Doing Very Well'

The USC Trojans were without Bronny James during their first team practice on Monday ... but according to coach Andy Enfield, the star freshman is in good spirits as he recovers from his cardiac arrest in July.

Enfield shared the update after the Trojans' training session ... and while he didn't have any new information on Bronny's hoops return, he said the Lakers superstar's oldest son is crushing it off the court.

"Bronny's doing very well," Enfield said, according to ESPN. "But we just can't comment on anything medically. He's going to class and doing extremely well in school, and we're really excited for him."

"He's around when he can be. And he's getting caught up [with] some schoolwork and doing very well. His grades are excellent right now, and he's being the true student-athlete."

Enfield went on to explain there is no timetable for Bronny's college debut ... but made it clear he still believes the 18-year-old will be a "valuable part of our basketball team."

As we previously reported, Bronny was diagnosed with a treatable congenital heart defect last month ... and his family believes he will be able to continue his career on the hardwood.

Despite his absence from practice, Bronny's teammates said he's been happy and lighthearted in the weeks following the incident.


Britney Spears alarmó a mucha gente con su baile con cuchillos en Instagram. Muchos buscaron respuestas en cuanto a lo que inspiró la peligrosa performance y algunos creen que Shakira es la clave.

Como informamos, Britney compartió un video el lunes con el mensaje: "Hoy empecé a jugar en la cocina con cuchillos", luego bailó e hizo sonar los cuchillos al chocarlos entre ellos e incluso los clavó en el aire.

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un baile peligroso
Instagram / @britneyspears

La cantante afirmó que los cuchillos no eran reales, pero claramente no sonaban como si fueran de plástico al golpearlos.

Sin embargo, Shakira hizo recientemente algo muy similar —por televisión nada menos— y la gente piensa que ahí es donde Britney obtuvo la inspiración.

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En caso de que te lo hayas perdido, la estrella del pop colombiana ofreció una actuación espectacular que incluyó algunos de sus grandes éxitos en los MTV VMA a principios de este mes y en un momento dado bailó mientras sus dos manos estaban ocupadas por 2 gruesas dagas.

Al parecer, Shakira estaba rindiendo homenaje a una danza árabe conocida por algunos como la danza de las dagas. La gente en línea piensa que a Britney le encantó lo que vio y por eso quiso intentarlo ella misma.

Britney ha estado recibiendo un poco de hate por redes sociales y, como hemos informado, tiene una fascinación por los cuchillos que hace que su clip sea un poco más preocupante.

Recordemos que los responsables del cuidado de Britney hicieron una lista de recomendaciones cuando su tutela terminó con 1 punto principal... mantener los cuchillos lejos de ella.

britney art 2

Fuentes nos han dicho Britney ve a los cuchillos como un tipo de protección y que los tiene por toda su casa, incluyendo su dormitorio.


Margot Robbie, Mattel y la gente detrás de "Barbie" están acumulando una tonelada de dinero en los cines gracias a los adultos que se sienten nostálgicos y necesitados.

En TikTok circula una tendencia que muestra a hombres y mujeres adultos que se graban a sí mismos yendo a sus jugueterías locales y eligiendo nuevas muñecas Barbie para sí mismos, todo con el fin de satisfacer a su niño interior y conseguir apoyo emocional.

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Esto se a convertido en todo un fenómeno desde que se estrenó la película este verano, algunas personas se están comprando las muñecas que nunca tuvieron o regalándoselas a seres queridos (como los padres) que quizá no tuvieron esos juguetes cuando eran niños.

Una profesora de psicología, Kristin Flora, explica a CNN que esto es algo bueno... ya que la gente adulta ahora se siente cómoda no sólo reconectando con su infancia, sino también compartiéndola, y parece ser bien recibido en las redes sociales. Obviamente, esto se presta a la salud mental, etc.

Es una prueba más de que la película de "Barbie" ha tenido un verdadero impacto en la cultura este año y, sea cual sea el motivo, también sigue afectando positivamente a las cuentas bancarias.

Ya sabemos que ha hecho ganar a Warner Bros. más de mil millones de dólares y con este aparente auge en la compra de muñecas, Mattel también debe estar sonriendo. Además, esto parece estar haciendo realmente feliz a la gente en general.

¡Todos ganan!