Steven Tyler Vocal Cords are 'Mangled' ... Won't Slow Him Down!!!

Steven Tyler's vocal cord injury was even worse than first thought -- he can barely speak -- but we're told recovery is certain and he will come back as strong as ever.

Sources close to Tyler tell TMZ ... after blowing out his vocal cords last weekend at his Long Island concert, to the point they bled, Steven flew to Boston to see his ENT doctor, and the X-rays showed the vocal cords were "mangled."

We're told the injury occurred early on during Aerosmith's concert, but he powered through his entire set, including "Dream On," where Steven hit his famous, glass-shattering note in the song's climax. The audience had no idea he was severely impaired.

Our sources say Steven can't even speak now ... he "squeaks" when he tries to talk.

Steven can't sing for 30 days because of the damage, putting the band's tour on pause.

Nevertheless, we're told Steven's not going to let his injury stop him from doing future shows ... and he's still planning on hitting those risky high notes and he will go 100% once his voice returns. As one source put it ... "Steven's an animal. There's no stopping him."

In the meantime, Aerosmith postponed shows in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Raleigh, Washington, D.C. and Toronto ... pushing them back to January and February 2024.

The good news ... this isn't the end for Steven and Aerosmith.

Warren Moon I Bet Aaron Rodgers Comes Back ... 'Not The Way He Wants To End His Career'


Warren Moon doesn't think Aaron Rodgers' Achilles tear will end the quarterback's career ... telling TMZ Sports he's betting the Jets star will make another run at things in 2024.

"Knowing Aaron Rodgers," the Hall of Famer said, "I don't think he wants to go out like this."

Rodgers blew out the tendon on just the fourth play of his Jets career Monday night ... and many have wondered if his time in the NFL is now over.

After all, he turns 40 in December ... and he spent a significant portion of this offseason already pondering retirement -- well before he was dealing with a serious leg injury.

But Moon thinks Aaron will get back on the gridiron eventually ... saying, "My gut tells me that he's probably going to try it one more time."

"Just because he feels like this isn't the way he wants to end his career," Moon added, "four plays into this season."

Moon anticipates it'll be about an eight-to-nine-month recovery for Rodgers ... which will mean he'll have plenty of time in the offseason to ramp up for one more go at things in the Big Apple.

In the meantime, Moon tells us if he were running the Jets ... he wouldn't tap a veteran like Matt Ryan or Carson Wentz to be the new starter -- saying NY should just run with Zach Wilson as its QB1.

That being said, Moon did advise the team to go get someone with experience to sit behind the 24-year-old.

Aaron Rodgers Out For Season ... With Torn Achilles


1:31 PM PT -- Jets coach Robert Saleh addressed Aaron Rodgers' injury with reporters on Tuesday ... and while he said he feels for the quarterback, he makes it clear his team is not going to give up on the season.

New York Jets

"I don't look at it like a 'woe is me' here for the organization," Saleh said. "I think guys are excited about being able to step up and continue the things that we've been building. But a lot of hurt for Aaron."


Saleh added Zach Wilson will lead the team moving forward ... and he has a lot of confidence in the young QB.

Aaron Rodgers' first season with the Jets is over before it could ever take off -- the superstar quarterback suffered a torn Achilles in his first-ever game for New York, officially ending his 2023 campaign.

The team confirmed the devastating news on Tuesday ... announcing the 39-year-old Super Bowl champion will be sidelined for the rest of the season after an MRI revealed a complete tear in his left Achilles tendon.

Rodgers went down in the Jets' fourth offensive snap of Monday Night Football against Buffalo ... when Bills linebacker Leonard Floyd tackled him to the turf.

Initial x-rays came back negative ... and there was a small possibility Rodgers may have just had a high ankle sprain.

Unfortunately for Rodgers and Co., Tuesday's scans confirmed the worst.

Now, the once-Super Bowl hopefuls will turn to backup Zach Wilson ... in hopes of having a successful season without their star QB under center.

Rodgers has experienced numerous injuries throughout his career ... but this is by far the most serious, and many are wondering if he will be able to bounce back and return to his dominant ways.

Now that Aaron's out for the rest of the season with a torn Achilles, do you think it's the end of his football career? Vote below.

Originally Published -- 8:13 AM PT

Novak Djokovic 'I Was Never Anti-Vax'

Omaha Productions

Despite being turned away from multiple major tournaments over his refusal to get the COVID vaccine, Novak Djokovic is insisting he's not an anti-vaxxer.

The tennis superstar -- who just secured his 24th major championship with a victory at this month's U.S. Open -- broke the whole situation down for John McEnroe during a recent interview for Omaha Productions' "McEnroe's Places."

Djokovic told the tennis legend on the show that his gripe with the COVID vaccine situation was not necessarily whether it was effective or anything like that ... but rather, the way he perceived it was being forced onto people.

"I was never anti-vax," Djokovic said. "I was always pro-freedom-to-choose. And that's something that we took really for granted. I didn't feel like a lot of people had a choice, really."

Djokovic told McEnroe that at the height of the vaccine mandates and vax passports -- he felt like he was "a villain of the world."

"I just wanted to compete," he said, "and I wanted to play tennis because that's what I do best."

While still apparently unvaccinated from COVID, Joker's seemingly put the whole issue behind him ... he's dominated 2023 so far as vax mandates have eased, reclaiming his spot as the No. 1-ranked men's tennis player in the world.

In fact, just a few days ago, Barack and Michelle Obama -- two of the biggest proponents of COVID vaccines -- watched him courtside at the US Open ... and cheered him on.

The full Djokovic interview with McEnroe -- plus the rest of the season of "McEnroe's Places" -- is out now on ESPN+.

Novak Djokovic "Nunca fui un antivacunas"

Yo apelaba a la libertad de elegir
Omaha Productions

A pesar de haber sido rechazado en varios torneos importantes por su negativa a vacunarse contra el COVID, Novak Djokovic insiste en que no es un antivacunas.

La superestrella del tenis, que acaba de conseguir su 24º gran campeonato con una victoria en el US Open este mes, explicó todo el asunto a John McEnroe durante una entrevista reciente para "McEnroe's Places", de Omaha Productions.

Djokovic le dijo al legendario tenista en el programa que su queja con la vacuna COVID no se relacionaba con si esta era eficaz o algo por el estilo, sino más bien con la forma en que se le estaba imponiendo a la gente, según él percibía.

"Nunca he sido antivacunas", dijo Djokovic. "Siempre he estado a favor de la libertad de elección. Y eso es algo que dimos por sentado. A mí no me pareció que mucha gente tuviera la posibilidad de elegir en realidad"

Djokovic le dijo a McEnroe que en el momento álgido de los mandatos y pasaportes de vacunación, se sintió como "un villano del mundo".

"Sólo quería competir", dijo, "y quería jugar tenis porque es lo que mejor se me da".

Aunque aparentemente sigue sin vacunarse contra el COVID, parece que Joker ha dejado todo el asunto atrás. El tenista ha dominado 2023 con su juego, ahora que los mandatos han disminuido, recuperando su puesto como tenista masculino número 1 del mundo.

De hecho, hace tan solo unos días, Barack y Michelle Obama -dos de los mayores defensores de las vacunas COVID- lo vieron en la cancha del US Open y lo animaron.

La entrevista completa de Djokovic con McEnroe, además del resto de la temporada de "McEnroe's Places", ya está disponible en ESPN+.

Aaron Rodgers Fuera por el resto de la temporada


1:31 PM PT -- El entrenador de los Jets, Robert Saleh, abordó la lesión de Aaron Rodgers con los periodistas el martes, y aunque dijo que lo siente por el quarterback, deja claro que su equipo no va a renunciar a la temporada.

Esto no es el fin
New York Jets

"No lo veo como un 'ay de mí para la organización", dijo Saleh. "Creo que los chicos están entusiasmados con la posibilidad de dar un paso adelante y continuar con lo que hemos estado trabajando. Pero mucha tristeza por Aaron".

Saleh agregó que Zach Wilson liderará al equipo en el futuro, y tiene mucha confianza en el joven jugador.

La primera temporada de Aaron Rodgers con los Jets ha terminado antes de que pudiera siquiera despegar. La superestrella sufrió un desgarro en su tendón de Aquiles en su primer juego para el equipo neoyorquino, terminando oficialmente su campaña 2023.

El equipo confirmó la devastadora noticia el martes, anunciando que el campeón del Super Bowl de 39 años estará fuera de juego por el resto de la temporada después de que una resonancia magnética revelara un desgarro completo en su tendón de Aquiles izquierdo

Rodgers cayó al suelo en el cuarto ataque ofensivo de los Jets en el Monday Night Football contra Buffalo, cuando el linebacker de los Bills, Leonard Floyd, lo derribó al césped.

Las radiografías iniciales fueron negativas, pero había una pequeña posibilidad de que Rodgers solo tuviera un esguince de tobillo alto.

Por desgracia para Rodgers y compañía, las exploraciones del martes confirmaron lo peor.

Ahora, los otrora aspirantes al Super Bowl recurrirán al suplente Zach Wilson... con la esperanza de tener una temporada exitosa sin su jugador estrella en el centro.

Rodgers ha sufrido numerosas lesiones a lo largo de su carrera, pero esta es por lejos la más grave, y muchos se preguntan si será capaz de recuperarse y volver al estado que lo ha llevado a dominar el campo hasta ahora.

Aaron Rodgers Sale del campo lesionado... En primer juego de los Jets


8:48 PM PT -- El entrenador de los Jets, Robert Saleh, acaba de reunirse con los miembros de los medios después de la improbable victoria de su equipo sobre los Bills, y dijo que Aaron Rodgers sufrió una lesión en el tendón de Aquiles y "no se ve bien".

6:15 PM PT -- Los New York Jets acaban de anunciar que Aaron Rodgers ha sido descartado para el resto del partido, ¿pero la buena noticia? Los rayos X dieron negativo.

Bueno ... esto no se ve nada bien.

La superestrella de la NFL, Aaron Rodgers, cayó con una aparente lesión durante el primer partido de su carrera contra los New York Jets en el Monday Night Football, convirtiendo su gran debut a una frenada brusca.

Rodgers estaba siendo exigido en numerosas ocasiones cuando los Jets iniciaron su primera ofensiva del partido contra los Buffalo Bills, con varios jugadores defensivos abriéndose camino hacia el backfield y derribándolo.

Pero a los seis minutos de juego, el #8 recibió un golpe de Leonard Floyd, ex jugador de primera ronda, que resultaría ser un duro golpe. Aunque inicialmente pudo ponerse de pie, volvió a sentarse en el césped con cara de preocupación.

Rodgers fue asistido fuera del campo por el personal médico y más tarde fue llevado en un carro mientras Zach Wilson se hacía cargo del bajo el centro.

El entrenador de los Jets Robert Saleh dijo al equipo de transmisión de ESPN que Rodgers parecía haberse lastimado el tobillo, aunque el alcance de la lesión aún se desconoce.

Será una gran decepción para los Jets si Rodgers se ve obligado a perderse tiempo. Como la nueva adquisición del equipo campeón del Super Bowl, el jugador tenía a toda la liga esperando por él esta temporada.

La historia sigue en desarrollo...

Publicado originalmente 6:02 PM PT

Aaron Rodgers Carried Off Field With Injury ... In First Jets Game


8:48 PM PT -- Jets head coach Robert Saleh just met with media members following his team's improbable win over the Bills ... and he said Aaron Rodgers suffered an Achilles injury and "it's not good."


6:15 PM PT -- The New York Jets just announced Aaron Rodgers has been ruled out for the rest of the game ... but the good news?? The QB's x-rays came back negative.

Well ... this sucks.

NFL superstar Aaron Rodgers went down with an apparent injury during the first game of his New York Jets career on Monday Night Football ... bringing his big debut to a screeching halt.

Rodgers was getting drilled on numerous occasions as the Jets started their first offensive drive of the matchup against the Buffalo Bills ... with several defensive players making their way to the backfield and knocking him down.

But just 6 minutes into the game, #8 took a hit from former first-round pick Leonard Floyd that would prove to be a major blow ... 'cause even though he was initially able to get back up on his feet, he sat back down on the grass with a concerned look on his face.

Rodgers was then assisted off the field alongside medical staffers ... and was later taken away on a cart as Zach Wilson took over under center.

Jets coach Robert Saleh told ESPN's broadcast team Rodgers appeared to have hurt his ankle ... although the extent of the injury is unknown at this time.

It will be a huge bummer for the Jets if Rodgers is forced to miss time ... as the team's acquisition of the Super Bowl champ had the entire league expecting a turnaround this season.

Originally published 6:02 PM PT

Steven Tyler Heartbroken After Damaging Vocal Cords ... Aerosmith Shows Temporarily on Ice

Steven Tyler is hitting the pause button on his Aerosmith Farewell tour, this after the legendary singer injured his vocal cords, causing them to bleed.

In a statement posted to Instagram, Tyler said he received heartbreaking news from a doctor, who ordered him to stay away from his microphone for the next 30 days after the throat damage occurred at Saturday's performance.

He went on to say the rock group is postponing six upcoming concerts, pushing them to January and February 2024. The rescheduled shows will take place in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Raleigh, Washington, D.C. and Toronto, Canada.

Previously purchased tickets will be honored on the new dates, and fans can ask for a refund if they get tied up and can't go.

The sudden change in plans is a bummer for the band, which launched the "Peace Out: The Farewell Tour" just over a week ago in Philly. The show featured original Aerosmith members Joe Perry (lead guitar), Brad Whitford (rhythm guitar), Tom Hamilton (bass) and, of course, Tyler. John Douglas took over pounding the skins from drummer Joey Kramer, who has been on a temporary leave of absence since March 2022.

Steven Tyler desconsolado, daños en sus cuerdas vocales lo llevan a posponer shows

Steven Tyler está presionando el botón de pausa en la gira Aerosmith Farewell, esto luego de que el legendario cantante se lesionara las cuerdas vocales, causándole una hemorragia.

En un comunicado publicado en Instagram Tyler dijo que recibió noticias desgarradoras de un médico, quien le ordenó mantenerse alejado del micrófono durante los próximos 30 días luego de que el daño en la garganta ocurriera en la actuación del sábado.

El grupo de rock pospone sus seis próximos conciertos en enero y febrero de 2024. Los conciertos reprogramados tendrán lugar en Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Raleigh, Washington D.C. y Toronto (Canadá).

Las entradas adquiridas con anterioridad se mantendrán en las nuevas fechas y los fans podrán solicitar el reembolso si no pueden asistir.

El repentino cambio de planes es un fastidio para la banda, que lanzó la gira "Peace Out: The Farewell Tour" hace poco más de una semana en Filadelfia. En el concierto participaron los miembros originales de Aerosmith, Joe Perry (guitarra solista), Brad Whitford (guitarra rítmica), Tom Hamilton (bajo) y por supuesto, Tyler. John Douglas sustituyó al baterista Joey Kramer quien ha estado de baja temporal desde marzo de 2022.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Here's My Latest Cast!!! After Undergoing Elbow Surgery


Arnold Schwarzenegger has been temporarily sidelined from working out, after going under the knife.

Sources connected to the 76-year-old bodybuilder/actor/politician tell TMZ ... Arnold had nerve damage in his elbow that required surgery last Thursday. Doctors put a protective cast on his entire right arm, so Gold's Gym is without its leader ... but probably only for a week.

He got in his last workout just hours before the operation, and now he's getting his exercise by strolling in the SoCal sun.

Arnold released a never-before-seen video last week, revealing his 2018 heart surgery was way more serious than anyone knew. It was supposed to be a routine, non-invasive procedure to replace a heart valve, but something went wrong and doctors quickly decided to do full-blown open-heart surgery.

Dude's like a Timex watch ... takes a lickin' but keeps on ticken!

Jenelle Evans Ex-Husband Suffers Apparent Overdose ... Terrifying 911 Audio!!!

Jenelle Evans' first husband suffered an apparent overdose at his home in North Carolina ... and his wife's frantic call to dispatchers is chilling.

TMZ obtained audio of the 911 call Courtland Rogers' wife placed Aug. 28 from their home in Wilmington, and she says Courtland is showing signs of an overdose ... describing him as being naked on the toilet while making concerning gurgling sounds.


Courtland's wife says he locked himself in the bathroom while she was out of the house with their kids ... but she broke down the door to find him unresponsive.

The dispatcher tells Courtland's wife to try getting him off the toilet, and lay him flat on his back on the floor, but he's too heavy for her to move and she resorts to trying CPR.

As Courtland's wife desperately tries to revive him, she screams for him to wake up ... and tells the dispatcher she's unsure what drugs he took and there's no Narcan available to resuscitate him.

Ultimately, paramedics arrive ... and that's when the call stops.

Our law enforcement sources say Courtland survived, and no drugs or paraphernalia were found on scene when authorities arrived.

Courtland  -- who was married to the former "Teen Mom" star from 2012 to 2014 -- has been open in the past about his drug abuse ... estimating he's overdosed 5 times, and admitting heroin's ruined his life.

Ed Sheeran Cancels Las Vegas Show Last Minute ... Apologizes To Fans

Ed Sheeran pulled out of his Nevada concert Saturday night shortly before he was to take the stage ... apologizing to his fans and rescheduling the show.

Sources connected to venue operations tell TMZ ... "The stage wasn’t approved last night for safety reasons so they tried to rebuild this morning and even picked back doors opening times as they thought they’d pull it off…nope. It has been rescheduled for Oct 28th. There are fans in the stadium as they made the call and he’s in the stands taking pics and saying sorry."

TikTok / @madison_laatz, @webdev_botdev, @foodie.dhillon

The Grammy-winning musician posted a statement on Instagram around an hour before he was set to perform at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas.

Sheeran blamed the cancellation on "challenges encountered during the load in of our Vegas show" -- whatever that means.

He went on, "I'm so sorry. I know everyone has traveled in for this and I wish I could change it."

Fans flocked to the arena and stood outside in sweltering temperatures (above 90 degrees!) waiting to go in. But there were constant delays, causing some to fall ill.

The Clark County Fire Department said they treated multiple people for "heat-related issues" at the scene. One person was hospitalized.

A rep for Allegiant Stadium said there were "technical issues" that caused the show to be postponed to October 28. All tickets from last night will be honored at Sheeran's make-up performance, part of his Mathematics Tour.

Amanda Bynes Saying Goodbye to Face Tattoo

Amanda Bynes appears to be starting a new chapter in life, one that does not include heart-shaped tattoos on her face ... because the one she's had is getting nixed.

Check out the side-by-side -- the thin heart under her eye is a lot more faded than it once was. Of course, you can still see it, but most tattoo removals require more than one session ... and they fade away during the process.

BTW, Amanda and her vanishing ink were out Wednesday in L.A., where she was also rocking some platinum blonde hair.

032123_amanda_bynes_kal MARCH 2023

As we reported, Amanda was placed on a couple of 5150 holds this year -- once after roaming the streets naked.

She checked herself into an Orange County mental health treatment center at the beginning of July, just a week after leaving an LA-area facility.

Our sources say she liked the latest center, specifically because she could be around a medical team, therapists and other patients as opposed to being on her own.

We got videos of Amanda out shopping and running errands in Orange County at the end of last month, marking the first time she was seen in public since checking into the facility there.


It's unclear if she's still getting treatment there -- as she was in L.A. this week -- but we were told she was allowed to leave at certain hours, if needed, but still planned to remain at the center.

Bodybuilding Star Lisa Lyon Dead at 70

Lisa Lyon -- a game changer in professional women's bodybuilding -- has died, TMZ has learned.

A close friend who has been helping Lisa and her family tells us, Lisa died Friday at her home in the San Fernando Valley, where she was in hospice care. We're told the cause of death was stomach cancer.

Lisa famously posed for Playboy back in 1980, and the year before she won the first International Federation of Bodybuilders Woman's World Pro Bodybuilding Championship. It was a huge achievement that really put women's bodybuilding on the map.

She became a staple on the TV talk show circuit, also appearing in a slew of health and fitness magazines. She even wrote a book -- "Lisa Lyon's Body Magic" -- which was published in 1981.

She also modeled for iconic photog Robert Mapplethorpe.

Lisa was inducted into the International Fitness and Bodybuilding Federal Hall of Fame back in 2000 ... for helping to elevate bodybuilding into an art form.

And speaking of elevating bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger told TMZ, "She is the best. I love her."

Lisa was 70.


CEO Jizzle Okay After Lil Baby Concert Shooting ... Cops Leaning On Fans For Info


CEO Jizzle, the Memphis-based rapper in Young Dolph's Paper Route Empire camp who was shot during Lil Baby's concert Thursday night, appears to be OK ... and cops are still trying to find the suspect.

Memphis Police sources tell TMZ Hip Hop they're actively investigating how someone was able to get a firearm past security at the FedEx Forum in Memphis. We're told there were no other injuries reported, indicating Jizzle might have been targeted.

seriously injured
Facebook / @GlentaviousJones

For now, cops are gathering video and asking the public to call CrimeStoppers at 901-528-2274 with any additional info that might lead to an arrest.

After arriving on the scene, officers discovered Jizzle with a gunshot wound ... he was taken out of the arena on a stretcher and rushed to a hospital.

X / @TheOfficialThaj

Jizzle was listed in critical condition but appeared to be feeling much better Friday when he posted on IG ... lashing out at rumors of his death which were floating online.

Much like the police, Jizzle didn't seem to know who his assailants were but assured his supporters he was made of concrete, and the opps could never take him out.