Bob Saget Photos of Headboard ... Authorities Believe Caused His Death

Bob Saget may have died after hitting his head on the headboard in his Orlando hotel room -- at least that's what authorities believe -- and they have just released photos of the object.

The headboard -- in the Ritz-Carlton hotel room -- is padded, although cops say there's a hard surface underneath ... they believe Bob hit his head on that surface, which caused a fatal brain bleed.

The reason for the theory -- Bob's head was not bleeding externally when they discovered his body. They theorize he hit his head while getting into bed just after 2 AM.

Fact is ... authorities say they may never know precisely what caused the fatal contact. The reason they're sticking to the headboard theory -- the Medical Examiner concluded Bob hit his head on "something hard, covered by something soft."

It looks like Bob used the bathroom before getting into bed. There's a towel in the tub and toiletries in the shower as well as on the counter.

What's interesting ... Bob may have taken a shower, although authorities haven't said that. It leaves open the possibility Bob may have suffered his injury in the bathroom, although it doesn't align with the theory of something hard covered by something soft.

There's also the interview cops did with the hotel valet, who says Bob was in good spirits when he arrived just after 2 AM. The employee said Bob showed no signs of dizziness, slurred speech or other indicators of a head injury ... and there was no damage to his vehicle indicating he'd been in a wreck. Further supporting the theory the accident happened in his room. He also looked fine in a photo taken with the valet.

TMZ broke the story ... Bob's body was discovered hours after he checked into the hotel room. Once he shut the door, no one else walked in until security entered the room in the afternoon.

Starbucks Sued You Served Me a Cleaning Solution!!!

Starbucks usually gives its customers a caffeine jolt, but one guy says he perked up for entirely different reasons ... claiming the coffee giant poisoned him with a cleaning solution.

A man named Matthew Mitchell is suing the green mermaid company for what he claims was a reckless display from management when he allegedly downed a black coffee ... which turned out to be blue, and NOT any type of java in the slightest.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Mitchell claims he ordered a simple coffee beverage from a Connecticut location last August ... which was promptly served, and which he threw down the hatch without even thinking twice.

Almost immediately, however, Mitchell says when he drank what turned out to be a witch's brew, he immediately felt a burning in his throat and chest. He looked down in his cup and saw a blue liquid ... turns out it was a chemical substance -- causing his stomach to turn upside down within seconds. Mitchell alleges the staff told him a new employee had screwed the pooch ... not realizing they were brewing coffee in a machine that had just gotten a Urnex treatment.

If you're unfamiliar ... Urnex has a product called Urn and Brewer Cleaner, which Starbucks uses to purify its brewing machines. Problem is, according to Mitchell, Starbs has a crappy system to alert employees when the cleaning is going on -- an upside-down cup and nothing more, he says -- leading novice workers to serve customers like him tainted cups of Joe.

Mitchell says this system is BS -- insisting a more thorough process should've been in play to prevent the nightmare -- and hits the point home, claiming Starbucks was cutting corners here ... which caused great pain and suffering on his part. As a matter of fact, Mitchell claims at least 2 other alleged poison victims sued Starbucks for the exact same thing in the past.

While he was treated for the alleged poisoning, Mitchell says he continues to deal with the fallout -- including what he says is heightened anxiety and fear about the long-term effects of the Urnex ... not to mention medical bills, etc.

For all this trouble, Mitchell says Starbucks is completely responsible ... and he's asking a judge to award him a boatload of cash in damages, laid out in explicit terms by his dynamo attorney, Joe Tacopina.

We reached out to Starbucks, who said, "Our baristas take great care in crafting beverages and providing a safe experience for our customers. We take this obligation seriously and are reviewing Mr. Mitchell's claims."

Talk about a morning rush!

Wendy Williams Heads to Miami After Declaring She's Ready to Work

Wendy Williams is back in South Florida, hopping on a commercial flight in the NYC area hours after insisting she'll be ready to do her show again ... once she deals with some "private things."

We got these pics of the beloved talk show host in Newark Airport, where she was catching a flight to Miami. Witnesses tell us Wendy was traveling with her son, Kevin Hunter Jr.

As you know, Wendy's been battling multiple health issues for several months. We're told she was holding Kevin Jr.'s arm at times last Thursday night, and it appeared he was guiding her as they made their way to their flight.

One good sign, though ... Wendy wasn't using a wheelchair, which is major progress over the last few times she'd been out in public. She had been at a wellness center in Miami last year, so it's possible that's where she was heading.

Once arriving in Miami around 12:30 AM, Wendy was overheard talking to a fan who'd asked about her making a return to TV ... and she said she's in the process of getting her show back, and working things out with her money.

That jibes with what she'd said last week on 'GMA' -- that she'll be ready, willing and able to do her show again once she takes care of some personal matters.

As for the money, Wendy claimed Wells Fargo denied her access to her accounts and filed documents saying she has "several million dollars" that have been frozen due to alleged financial exploitation.

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As we've reported, "The Wendy Williams Show" found a permanent replacement in actress and comedian Sherri Shepherd at the beginning of February.

By the end of the month, show producers announced the end of Wendy's show and the launch of Sherri's. We talked to Sherri the day before the cancelation when she still referred to herself as a "temp" host.

Tony Hawk I'm Skating Again!!! ... Two Weeks After Breaking Femur

Instagram / @tonyhawk

Tony Hawk's superhuman recovery from a broken leg continued on Monday ... when the legendary skater actually rode a board!!!

The 53-year-old posted footage of the incredible feat on his social media page ... showing him skating away from the exact spot on a ramp that he smashed his femur on just two weeks ago.

"This is right where I slammed, right here," Hawk said before jumping on his board. "This is where I discovered my leg was broken exactly two weeks ago. I'm now going to skate away from this area."

In an amazing achievement, Hawk then hopped on his skateboard, pedaled away, and rode it toward the end of the ramp with no help from crutches or his friends and family.

Hawk then vowed in his caption on the video to not only walk across the stage unaided when he presents an award at the Academy Awards next month -- but also to skate again at an event in May.

"I am not defying doctors' orders by doing so," Hawk said, "but I realize I might not be at 100% trick / power capacity by that time."

"But I have a lot of grit...," he continued, "and many 80’s tricks as backup."

As we previously reported, the leg injury Hawk suffered back on March 7 was so bad -- he initially wondered if he'd ever walk again unassisted.

But, Hawk's made incredible progress since having surgery to repair the damage -- walking just days after the operation, and now, skating again.

Hawk promised he'd keep pushing even if he does eventually run into a road block ... ending his caption by writing, "Until the wheels fall off."

Delonte West Opens Up On Hoops Comeback ... 'Feel More Athletic'

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Delonte West -- who publicly battled mental health, addiction and legal issues -- is opening up about his basketball comeback for the first time ... with the NBA hooper saying he feels he has more bounce than ever in new workout footage we obtained.

We broke the news in February ... the 38-year-old, former 8-year NBA vet was training with the goal of making the BIG 3, participating in a try-out in Washington D.C. earlier this month (DW was invited to an upcoming workout).

Now, West is speaking out ... saying he's hyped to return to the court.

"It's important really to be honest about how you feel physically and what you're capable to do," West said in the new video.


"I lost some weight so I actually feel a little more athletic. I can jump a little higher now."

And, you can see in the footage ... 6'3" West goes up for a reverse dunk at an outdoor court in Maryland, throwing it down like it was nothing.

His jumper and handles look pretty good, too. West's manager, Donovan Fordham, tells us the former 24th overall pick (2004 NBA Draft) has been working nonstop, on and off the court.

"He's constantly working on mental health," Fordham tells us on Monday, "he's really fighting."

There's more. We're also told West and Fordham are working with 214 Films to create a documentary about Delonte's life.

The hooper has been through a lot ... and wants to shine a spotlight on the importance of mental health.

"It will be about him dealing with mental illness, addiction plus his personal life story," Fordham says, "He wants to highlight mental illness and help others with the same issues."

"He wants to be a voice for not just athletes but everyone who struggles with mental health."

Fordham says West is trying to change for his family ... with his 2 kids and mom being his motivation.

Way to go, Delonte!

China Plane Crash Nosedives into Mountain ... Sparks Massive Fire, 132 Onboard


New video shows the moment a Chinese passenger plane crashed into a mountainside, causing a huge forest fire ... and 132 are feared dead.

The China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 was heading from Kunming to Guangzhou Monday when it lost contact with air traffic control -- and the horrifying footage shows the plane taking a nosedive into a mountainous area. Fire and smoke immediately started billowing from the crash site.

Surveillance data shows the plane plummeted for a total of 2 minutes ... after maintaining a cruising altitude of 29,000 feet. The pilots briefly pulled out of the dive around 10,000 feet, but then it started going down again -- and the last data contact with the plane was at 3,200 feet.

The airline released a statement, saying "China Eastern Airlines has activated the emergency mechanism, dispatched a working group to the scene, and opened a special line for emergency assistance to family members."

Shortly after the crash, Chinese President Xi Jinping ordered a search and rescue operation, alongside an investigation into the cause of the accident.

Rescue teams headed to the scene, but based on the photos and video ... it would be an absolute miracle if anyone survived.

SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas Hospitalized ... Bed-Ridden w/ Infection

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been hospitalized with what sounds like a serious illness ... but the high court says he should be okay in due time.

The SCOTUS's Office of Public Information made the announcement Sunday, saying Thomas had been admitted to Sibley Memorial in D.C. Friday after experiencing flu-like symptoms. After undergoing tests, he was diagnosed with an infection ... and is now being treated with intravenous antibiotics.

The good news ... his bosses say his symptoms are waning, and he should be released in a day or two. In the meantime, they say he's resting comfortably.

As for his work duties, Thomas will apparently continue to weigh in on cases to be considered for the Supreme Court while he's bed-ridden -- but he'll do so on the basis of briefs, transcripts and audio of oral arguments. So ... no in-person stuff for now.

The SCOTUS office made clear after the fact ... this is not COVID-related -- Thomas is said to be vaxxed and boosted.

Thomas is the longest-serving justice on the bench -- and there are some big cases on the docket that'll require his say in the near future ... including a few that are scheduled for this week.

Get well soon.

Bill Murray Pandemic Remark Backlash 'We're Afraid to Die, Afraid to Kill'

Bill Murray is being labeled as an old and out-of-touch guy after seemingly lamenting the fact we've had to wear masks during this pandemic ... likening it to a fear of death. 🤔

The actor recently did an interview with The Independent about his concert film that was shot in 2018 at the Acropolis of Athens, and while discussing it ... Bill and co. mention how it's like looking into a time capsule due to how carefree he and everyone else was.

With that in mind, the author says there's nothing quite like a pandemic to put the kibosh on spontaneous interaction -- and then right after, Bill is quoted as saying this ... "We just went out with our friend to walk the dog, and you're wearing a mask, everyone's wearing a mask. The dog is the only one who's completely alive!"

He adds, "He's living the dog's life. The rest of us are afraid to die, and afraid to kill, so we're masked up and we're injected, and so forth. It's the most challenging time of this life cycle for us."

Finally, BM compares how we've dealt with the pandemic with how previous generations dealt with global events, saying ... "We didn't have a world war or a depression, the things our ancestors had. This is the hand we got dealt and if you fold, you can't win."

Pretty cryptic on its face, but Twitter seems to know what Bill means here ... and they're tearing him apart over it, with many saying his comments are incredibly tone-deaf.

Bill might be misunderstood in this sitch, because he's spoken about COVID quite a bit over the past two years ... and not once has he come off as resentful about how the world reacted to the virus. If anything, he's been kinda optimistic and impressed.

One theme he's hit home is that, perhaps, some good has come out of COVID ... in that it's made this generation more resilient and willing to survive like in years past. Still, it's hard to know for sure what he's getting at with the dog analogy ... 'cause it doesn't sound great.

UFC Fighter Eryk Anders Gashes Foot W/ Chainsaw ... Gnarly Photos!!!!

UFC fighter Eryk Anders suffered a super GNARLY injury this week ... when he was chopping trees down with a chainsaw, and SAWED INTO HIS OWN FOOT!!

And, it's just as gross as it sounds.

TMZ Sports talked to 34-year-old Anders just days after he was forced to seek emergency treatment at a local hospital for the chainsaw injury.


"I was cutting down trees, and of course, I was on the last one, and I'm not a professional or nothing. It was a pretty big tree," Anders says, adding, "and I was cutting it and the tree leaned into the blade, so it kinda got stuck. With my other hand I reached up to push the tree, and I thought the chainsaw would keep cutting."

But, that's unfortunately not what happened.

"I guess I didn't have any pressure on the chainsaw to keep it moving in that direction and it kind of skipped off the tree and bounced off my foot."


How much did it hurt? We asked Eryk.

"I didn't even know I did it. Obviously, I felt the weight of the chainsaw land on my foot. I took a second. And, then the tree fell. So, I had to dodge the tree, so it was a big clusterf**k, all in the snap of a finger."

It goes without saying Anders is one tough dude. Not only is he a UFC fighter ... but he used to be a star on the University of Alabama football team, where he won a national championship under Nick Saban.

Thankfully, Anders was patched up by a doctor at the hospital (he needed 20 stitches) and is already back in the gym (maniac).

But, that's likely the end of Anders's logging career.

"I don't think I'll be using chainsaws anymore."

Gabriel Iglesias Helps Fan Get New Prosthetic Leg

Gabriel Iglesias is helping to make the life of one fan who recently suffered a serious injury much easier ... by reaching into his wallet to help buy a much needed device.

Nick Weaver tells TMZ ... he recently reached out to the comedian on social media, sharing his story, and asking to help contribute to a GoFundMe with an $8,000 goal to buy a prosthetic leg.

On Thursday, much to Nick's surprise, a $5,000 donation come in from Gabriel ... hitting the fundraiser's target.

After donating, Gabriel reposted the link online, joking, "Just paid off his leg. Make sure he doesn’t miss my show." A few months ago, celebrity jeweler Ben Baller also donated $2K to Nick's cause, saying "thank you for being part of the BTB army!"

Nick says back in August 2021, he got into a dispute with his brother over some money owed ... and his brother allegedly ran him over with a car. He lost his leg as a result of the incident after surgeries were unsuccessful in saving it.

Nick wanted to see Gabriel when he toured near his hometown in Mobile, Alabama back in November but was unable due to his current complications. Hopefully, the two can meet up at a future show for some laughs!

Tony Hawk Walks Without Crutches ... 9 Days After Breaking Leg


Tony Hawk -- who suffered a career-threatening broken femur just last week -- is already up and walking without crutches ... further proving the skateboarding legend is simply built different.

The 53-year-old posted the update on Thursday ... showing a slow and steady walking pace with only a slight hobble.

It's pure insanity -- given how gnarly the break was -- but it shouldn't come as a surprise ... after all, Hawk was putting weight on the busted leg just one day after his skating accident.

Tony seems to be having some fun during his recovery ... playing Run-D.M.C.'s "Walk This Way" as he takes his steps.

As we previously reported, Hawk feared the injury could keep him from ever returning to 100% ... but with this kind of progress, it seems like he'll be on the board again in no time.

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"I've said many times that I won't stop skating until I am physically unable," Hawk said last week. "A broken leg -- with plenty of hardware -- will probably be the biggest test of that creed. I'll be back ... maybe not at full capacity but I resigned to that notion years ago as I approached 'mid-life.'"

"Thanks to my unyieldingly supportive, tolerant family -- and all of you -- for the love and support through the years; I wouldn't be here without you. See you on the other side."

'NCIS' Mystery Illness Spreading on Set Cast & Crew Throwing Up

Folks on the set of 'NCIS' are getting sick ... and sources say the mystery illness has more than a dozen people who work on the show puking.

The long-running CBS program is currently filming in Valencia, CA just outside of L.A. ... and one source tells us at least 18 people on set fell ill Thursday morning.

One show exec told us they have been having Zoom meetings to figure out how to message what happened to everyone involved.

A CBS source tells TMZ it appears to be something like food poisoning, which the source describes as a minor illness with "mild symptoms."

So far, we're told the source of the illness is not known.

We're told they are still in production.

Story developing ...

Big E In Good Spirits, Wearing Brace ... After Breaking Neck

Twitter / @WWEBigE

Big E might be the most positive person on the planet -- the WWE Superstar was in amazing spirits while walking around and wearing a brace on Thursday ... just days after breaking his neck in a match.

E -- whose real name is Ettore Ewen -- shared how well his recovery is going in a video posted to social media ... saying, "I'm just here to provide a brief life update. I got breath in my lungs. It's a beautiful day. That's what's going on in my life."

The former champ said half-jokingly, although his neck may be broken, his heart is still intact ... or at least he hopes.

Of course, Big E is working his way back after Ridge Holland delivered a belly-to-belly suplex and dropped E incorrectly ... causing him to break his neck.

The spot in the match obviously wasn't planned, and Ridge clearly knew he completely botched the move ... expressing concern for Big E, who appeared to be seriously hurt.

Big E was ultimately taken out of the arena on a stretcher and rushed to the nearest hospital, where he posted a video thanking his fans for the concern and support they expressed for him.


The injury comes at a bad time for one of WWE's most athletic and charismatic superstars ... as the Super Bowl of wrestling -- WrestleMania 38 -- is fast approaching.

But you wouldn't be able to tell by Big E's enthusiasm in the vid ... so his return to the ring could come sooner than later!!

Get well soon, E!!

Jack Dorsey Donates $7M to Help Ukrainians

Jack Dorsey is making another big donation ... and this time he's sending money to organizations helping with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

The former Twitter CEO and founder just donated $7 million to benefit Ukrainians impacted by Vladimir Putin's war, and he's spreading the dough around evenly to 7 different initiatives.

The money is flowing through Jack's fund Start Small, LLC ... and it's the same fund he's used before to donate $3 million to Colin Kaepernick's legal defense initiative and $1 billion to COVID-19 relief.

Jack's $1 million donations are going to the following organizations:

- Nova Ukraine ... a humanitarian aid workgroup on the ground in Ukraine since 2014, run by a group of Silicon Valley-based Ukrainians who work in the tech industry

- CARE ... a crisis fund providing food, water, hygiene kits and more to 4 million Ukrainians, with an emphasis on women, families and the elderly

- World Central Kitchen ... a collection of chefs and others serving thousands of fresh meals to Ukrainians

- Sunflower of Peace ... a group distributing first-aid kits, medicine and medical instruments to paramedics and doctors in war-torn areas of Ukraine

- Razom ... crisis relief workers providing life-saving medical supplies and humanitarian aid and helping Ukraine rebuild

- Mery Corps ... a global team of humanitarians providing emergency cash assistance and connecting people on the move with information, like where to access basic services and find safe routes in Ukraine, Romania and Poland

-GlobalGiving ... a crisis relief fund supporting humanitarian assistance in impacted communities in Ukraine and surrounding regions where refugees are fleeing

Jack's seven-figure donation comes on the heels of the Russian government restricting access to Twitter for millions of people in the country ... and Russia's ex-Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin taking shots at Jack on social media.

Jussie Smollett Fasting Behind Bars ... Only Water for Lent

Jussie Smollett is taking Lent very seriously this year, choosing to give up food while behind bars ... and he's intending to stick to it for nearly 5 more weeks.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Jussie's fasting for spiritual reasons and hasn't eaten anything since Lent started on March 3, a full week before he started serving his sentence in Cook County Jail -- and he's continued the fast behind bars.

We're told all he's ingested is water, and while his plan is to keep that up until Lent ends on April 17, Easter Sunday ... he's taking things "one day at a time."

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Our sources say Jussie remains in good spirits, noting this is not a hunger strike or protest to his imprisonment. Remember, Jussie made a point to repeatedly say, during his sentencing, he is not suicidal.

He's nearly 2 weeks into the fast, and we're told he's still physically okay and in "good spirits." Cook Co. Sheriff's Office says it can't comment on religious or spiritual practices of individuals, but did say jail staff monitors all inmates to "ensure their health and wellness."

On Wednesday, his brother, Jocqui said Jussie had been moved out of the psych ward thanks to fan support, with #FreeJussie circulating online.

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While he claimed his brother was kept in a restrained bed during his time in the ward, a rep for the sheriff's office says that wasn't the case and denied Jussie's bed had any restraints.

We're also told he was moved out of the ward because health services needed space for another detained person, and the decision to move him was made by medical professionals.

A rep for the jail tells us, "Cook County Jail staff, as well as staff from Cermak Health Services, monitor all individuals in custody at the jail to ensure their health and wellness. The Sheriff’s Office cannot comment on any individual’s personal religious or spiritual practices."

Norman Reedus Suffers Concussion on 'WD' Set

Norman Reedus won't be shooting down any zombies in the near future, 'cause the guy hit his head bad enough to put him out of commission for a bit ... TMZ has confirmed.

Reedus' rep tells us the actor suffered a concussion Friday on the set of "The Walking Dead" -- although it's unclear if it happened while filming or not. There's also no word, thus far, on what exactly happened and how severe it was.

It couldn't have been too bad, though ... we're told Norman's already been discharged from the hospital, and his rep says NR is "recovering well" and set to return to work soon.

Norman's in the middle of production for what is supposed to be the final season of the long-running series -- this before his own spinoff goes into production, which is expected to start sometime this year or perhaps next.

News about Norman having been injured first broke Tuesday via comic convention the Fandemic Tour, which noted he'd been hurt and had to cancel a scheduled appearance ... without elaborating on what exactly had gone down.

As you probably know ... Norman's been with 'TWD' since the very beginning, and with the offshoots in the works, ya gotta figure everyone's happy to hear he's okay.

Get well soon, bud.