Taylor Swift no sabía Que Calvin Harris estaba en los Grammys

Taylor Swift se cruzó brevemente con su ex novio -Calvin Harris-, en los Grammys este fin de semana, y mientras que él puede haberla visto, ella definitivamente no lo notó.

Los aficionados se apresuraron a notar que las dos estrellas de la música estuvieron brevemente a pocos metros el uno del otro el domingo dentro del Crypto.com Arena, en concreto, cuando Taylor estaba haciendo su gran entrada y consiguiendo una ronda de aplausos de todo el mundo.

Hay videos y fotos de este momento que han estado circulando y se puede ver Tay Tay caminando justo al lado de Calvin, quien estaba sentado en una mesa de espaldas a ella.

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En un clip se puede ver que Calvin vio a Taylor, pero giró la cabeza para evitar el contacto visual. Esto llevó a los fans a lanzar teorías de que Taylor lo vio también y que, tal vez, había un poco de incomodidad entre ellos, ya que ambos estaban en el edificio.

Por desgracia para los chismosos, no hay nada más de que hablar. Los testigos que estaban allí nos dicen que Taylor y Calvin no hablaron ni tuvieron ningún tipo de encuentro que les obligaría a charlar y mucho menos reconocer la presencia del otro.

Nos dicen que Taylor y Calvin ni siquiera estuvieron en el mismo espacio durante el show. Fuera de este momento fugaz, cuando ella pasó junto a él, testigos presenciales insisten en que estaba preocupado con su bella esposa -Vick Hope- y no le estaba prestando atención a Taylor.

Por suerte para él, ese sentimiento se aplica a Taylor también. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que ella ni siquiera registro que estaba en la asistencia, por lo que bien podría no haber estado allí en lo absoluto.

Taylor y Calvin salieron por un minuto en 2015 y 2016. Estuvieron juntos por un poco más de un año.

Teniendo en cuenta que Taylor siempre tiene algo que decir de sus exes, ver la conexión entre Joe Alwyn y su nuevo álbum tiene sentido, por qué algunos asumirían que hay mala sangre aquí.

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Sin embargo, no es el caso, Calvin está en su retrovisor y nadie parece estar dando un paso en falso.

Mathew Knowles Beyoncé's Record Label Also to Blame For Grammys AOTY Snub


Jay-Z says the Recording Academy is at fault for Beyoncé never winning the top prize at the Grammys ... but Bey's pops says her own record label is also contributing to the snub.

Mathew Knowles joined us on "TMZ Live" Monday, and we asked him about Jay's spicy speech at the Grammys, and what's holding Beyoncé back from winning Album of the Year.

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While HOV pointed the finger at the voters, Mathew claims Beyonce's record label, Columbia Records, isn't doing its part behind the scenes ... suggesting it's not going to bat for her when it comes to the voting process or the lobbying involved for award shows.

As Mathew explains, record labels can only support one artist per category, which becomes an issue when artists from the same label are nominated for the same award ... as has been the case with Beyoncé at least twice.

Mathew says this exact scenario played out back in 2017 ... when Beyoncé and Adele, who is also signed to Columbia, were both nominated for AOTY. Bey's dad claims Columbia Records threw its support behind Adele, and she ended up trumping Bey for the Grammy.

Harry Styles is also on Columbia, BTW ... and last year, he beat out Beyoncé for AOTY.

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Mathew says there are all sorts of reasons a record label would support one artist over another -- he broke down a few for us, while also pointing out it's not always about the music itself.

Jay-Z admitted in his speech this whole process is subjective, and Mathew's not denying that ... but he says money is a big motivator here too.

Beyoncé may very well win AOTY somewhere down the line ... but at the moment, her father seems to be implying the powers that be just aren't in her corner for the top prize.

Of course, Jay's solution was to "keep showing up," to the point where she can no longer be denied ... but Mathew's saying Beyonce's label has to show up for her.

It's an interesting conversation ... and Mathew takes us behind the curtain in the nomination and voting process.


Steve Harwell and C-Knight's omissions from the Grammys' "In Memoriam" segment Sunday was rude and disrespectful ... according to their nearest and dearest.

Robert Hayes, a rep for Smash Mouth's late lead singer, is hurt over the snub ... though he tells TMZ it didn't surprise him because the Recording Academy never acknowledged Steve when he was alive ... so why would they honor him when he passed?

Smash Mouth was nominated for a Grammy once, in 2000, but didn't win.

His remarks were cutting ... asking who even bothered to watch the Grammys anymore -- and expressing his belief the award ceremony hadn't been good in more than 20 years.

Steve left a lasting influence in the music industry before he passed away in Sept 2023 ... and only 2 months later, fellow artist C-Knight also died, having been taken off life support following complications from diabetes.

C-Knight's brother George Lee Blount echoed similar feelings of hurt and outrage over the "In Memoriam" exclusion.

George tells TMZ ... while C-Knight and his band The Dove Shack never scooped a Grammy, their impact on G-funk and hip hop is undeniable -- adding he was a hip hop legend, and the least they could've done was give him a mention.

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George is hoping the same mistake doesn't happen again, urging the Grammys to do more research into artists to understand the hard work and sacrifice they put into their music careers.

For a fair system, he urges Grammys to be more like the BET Awards ... noting they have a better understanding of Black artists and, therefore, can appropriately award artists who've made an impact in music.

Taylor Swift Didn't Know Calvin Was at Grammys ... No Awkwardness At All

Taylor Swift briefly crossed paths with her ex-boyfriend, Calvin Harris, at the Grammys this weekend -- and while he may have seen her ... she didn't notice him.

Fans were quick to notice the two music stars briefly coming within feet of one another Sunday inside of Crypto.com Arena -- specifically, when Taylor was making her big entrance and getting a round of applause from everyone.

There's video and photos of this moment that have been circulating ... and you can see Tay Tay walking right past CH -- who was sitting at a table with his back turned to her.

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In a clip of this, it appears Calvin saw Taylor but turned his head to avoid eye contact -- and this led fans to run wild with theories that Taylor saw him too ... and that there, perhaps, was a little awkwardness between them since they were both in the building and mingling.

Unfortunately for the gossip crowd, there's nothing to speculate on. Eyewitnesses who were there tell us Taylor and Calvin didn't talk -- nor did they have any kind of specific run-in that would require them to chat ... let alone acknowledge one another's presence.

We're told T-Swift and Calvin weren't even in the same space during the show -- outside of this one fleeting moment when she happened to pass by him -- and eyewitnesses insist ... he was preoccupied with his beautiful wife, Vick Hope, and was paying no mind to Taylor.

Lucky for him ... that feeling applies to Taylor too. Sources with direct knowledge tell us she didn't even register he was in attendance -- so he might as well have not been there at all.

Taylor and Calvin dated for a hot minute in 2015 and 2016 -- they were together for a little over a year ... and then their romance flamed out before they each moved on to the next.

Considering Taylor still seems to have it for some exes -- see the Joe Alwyn connection to her new album -- it makes sense why some would assume there was bad blood here.

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That's just not the case though ... Calvin is in her rearview, and wasn't even invisible in her side-view mirrors for this brief reunion of sorts.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms!

The TMZ Podcast: Killer Mike Arrested at Grammys & Taylor Ignores Celine Dion 😬

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Rapper Killer Mike was arrested outside Crypto.com Arena following the Grammy Awards after he was accused of battery to a security officer. Mike took home wins in all three categories he was nominated for including Best Rap Performance, Best Rap Album and Best Rap Song.

Taylor Swift's success continues as she won Album Of The Year for 'Midnights' ... but folks online called her out over an awkward interaction after appearing to ignore Celine Dion, who presented the award onstage.

Jay-Z defended Beyonce in his acceptance speech, questioning why she has been constantly snubbed for Album Of The Year despite holding the most Grammy awards in history.

Plus, retired porn star Lisa Ann was detained by NYPD at Matt Rife's Radio City comedy show for allegedly "using her phone."

Subscribe to the The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Eric Colley

Killer Mike Son Getting Kidney Transplant ... After Mike's Grammys Arrest

Killer Mike's officially putting his arrest at the Grammys on the back burner, because after a long wait, his oldest son is finally getting a kidney transplant ... TMZ Hip Hop has learned.

Sources connected to the Grammy-winning rapper tell us Mike is with his son Mikael "Pony Boy" Render Monday as he undergoes the transplant surgery. The 21-year-old has been waiting for a kidney match for 3 years.

Back in November, Mikael got bumped up on the transplant waitlist, and his proud dad talked about it during an interview with Graham Bensinger.

Mike has said Mikael -- who's a musician and rapper, just like Dad -- never had a chance to fully experience his teenage years, because of his battle with kidney disease.

The fact Pony Boy's number got called for the transplant today, of all days, seems like a strange twist of fate ... considering his dad's weekend of some major ups and downs.

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TMZ broke the story ... Killer Mike was awarded 3 Grammys Sunday at L.A.'s Crytpo.com Arena -- but he also got arrested.

He was booked for misdemeanor battery after allegedly knocking over a security guard at the venue, but was quickly released on his own recognizance. After getting released ... Mike was in relatively good spirits, even though he'd gone through a fairly dramatic situation.

I Feel Great

Paps tried talking to him about it in the aftermath -- but he wasn't really trying to talk much about it ... keeping his attention on the music. In light of this news about his son ... his mind was clearly elsewhere, as he had more important matters to attend to.

Mike won Grammys for Best Rap Album, Best Rap Song and Best Rap Performance -- but today his focus is purely on Mikael's surgery.

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Here's hoping all goes well on that front.

Ludacris Timberlake Told Me STFU at '07 Grammys ... Spills Alleged Tea on 'DC'


Ludacris is recalling a wild moment from his win at the Grammys back in the day ... and it's all about Justin Timberlake's explicit reaction to Luda's big night -- which sounds jarring.

The story, as Ludacris explained on "Drink Champs," goes like this ... Ludacris was backstage at the 2007 Grammys after winning the award for Best Rap Album and he was dropping f-bombs and letting out his emotions.

Back then, Ludacris says artists went into little holding areas only separated by thin curtains ... which didn't offer much privacy.

Once Ludacris ended his celebration, he says he heard a voice from the other side of the curtain ... "Shut the f*** up, some of us didn't win any g****** Grammys!!!"

Luda says he pulled back the curtain ... only to find Justin Timberlake standing there, and in his mind -- it was clearly him who yelled it.

Hard to tell if Luda is all that bent out of shape about it -- if anything, he seems to find it more amusing than anything all these years later. Based on his demeanor here, he clearly loves to tell the tale and still gets a kick out of it in 2024.

Ludacris says he was extra amped after winning the award because he had come up short for years and set out to win a Grammy when he recorded "Release Therapy."

Justin's funny outburst was a bit premature ... he lost Best Pop Vocal Album and Album Of The Year for "FutureSex/LoveSounds" but won two Grammys ... Best Rap/Song Collaboration for "My Love" and Best Dance Recording for "Sexy Back."

FWIW, Luda says it's all love with Justin ... calling JT "gangsta" -- so he's good in his book.

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This type of story certainly might've landed poorly if Luda was actually upset with Justin -- dude's still in a bit of an uphill battle in terms of getting his fanbase back amid backlash from Britney Spears/Janet Jackson lovers. Luckily, Luda isn't piling on ... at least not really.

Ludacris recuerda un divertido momento con Justin Timberlake En los Grammy


Ludacris recordó un gran momento de una vieja victoria en los Grammys. Se trata de la reacción de Justin Timberlake a la gran noche de Luda.

La historia, como Ludacris explicó en "Drink Champs", es así: Ludacris estaba en el backstage de los Grammys 2007 después de ganar el premio al Mejor Álbum de Rap y estaba dejando salir sus emociones.

En aquel entonces, Ludacris dice que los artistas iban a pequeñas áreas de espera que estaban separadas únicamente por finas cortinas que no ofrecían mucha privacidad.

Una vez que Ludacris terminó su celebración, dice que oyó una voz desde el otro lado de la cortina: "¡Cállate la p*** boca, algunos de nosotros no ganamos ningún g****** Grammys!"

Luda dice que corrió la cortina solo para encontrar a Justin Timberlake de pie... claramente fue él quien lo gritó.

Luda parece encontrar muy divertido este asunto todos estos años después. Basándonos en su comportamiento, está claro que le encanta contar la historia y todavía se divierte en 2024.

Ludacris dice que estaba muy emocionado después de ganar el premio porque se había quedado corto durante años y se había propuesto ganar un Grammy cuando grabó "Release Therapy".

El divertido arrebato de Justin fue un poco prematuro, perdió Mejor Álbum Pop Vocal y Álbum del Año por "FutureSex/LoveSounds" pero ganó dos Grammys, Mejor Colaboración Rap/Canción por "My Love" y Mejor Grabación Dance por "Sexy Back".

A propósito, Luda dice que solo tiene amor por Justin, llamando a JT "gangsta" - por lo que es bueno en su libro.

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Este tipo de historia sin duda podría haber aterrizado mal si Luda estaba realmente molesto con Justin - dude todavía está en un poco de una batalla cuesta arriba en términos de obtener su base de fans de nuevo en medio de la reacción de los amantes de Britney Spears / Janet Jackson. Por suerte, Luda no está apilando en ... al menos no realmente.


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Getting Her Flowers

Miley Cyrus' big night at the Grammys -- scooping up 2 trophies -- is raising eyebrows because she totally excluded her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, from her acceptance speeches.

Miley first bagged the Best Pop Solo Performance Award for her hit song "Flowers" before the song later cinched the Record of the Year trophy -- and while she thanked several key people in her life onstage, she notably omitted mention of the iconic country musician.

The former Disney star went through the laundry list of people she wanted to thank -- her team, everyone onstage with her, her BF Maxx Morando, as well as her mom, Tish Cyrus, and sister, Brandi Cyrus -- but Billy didn't get a coveted shout-out.

The snub was even more pronounced as Miley made a concerted effort to ensure she didn't overlook anyone ... turning to her team behind her, asking: "Anyone else? Your wife, your fiancée, all the people that we love. Thank you all so much."

Even her undergarments got a playful shout-out, as she joked: "I don't think I forgot anyone. But, I might have forgotten underwear. Bye!" ... but as for a mention of Billy? Nada!

The omission may be a wholly innocent slip of the mind or may allude to an extension of reports from 2022 that Miley's relationship with Billy was strained following his divorce from Tish ... who attended the Grammys with her daughter.

Remember, Miley once shared a special bond with Billy who played a pivotal role in launching her career through "Hannah Montana" -- they shared the screen on all 4 seasons of the TV show, and the subsequent film.

If there is family tension, Miley didn't show it though -- she was glowing during the rest of her acceptance speech, saying: "This award is amazing, but I really hope it doesn't change anything because my life was beautiful yesterday."

Miley added, "Not everyone will get a Grammy, but everyone in this world is spectacular, so please don't think this is important, even though it's very important."

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During the ceremony, she also had a pretty incredible live performance of "Flowers" -- and, apparently, does not need her pops to buy her any.

Miley Cyrus deja a su padre Billy Ray Cyrus Fuera del discurso de aceptación de los Grammy

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La gran noche de Miley Cyrus en los Grammy -en la que se llevó dos trofeos- está dando que hablar porque excluyó por completo a su padre, Billy Ray Cyrus, de su discurso de agradecimiento.

Miley se llevó primero el premio a la mejor actuación pop en solitario por su éxito "Flowers" antes de que la canción consiguiera el trofeo a la mejor grabación del año, y aunque le dio las gracias a varias personas clave en su vida en el escenario, omitió notablemente al icónico músico country.

La ex estrella de Disney nombró a su equipo, todo el mundo en el escenario con ella, su novio Maxx Morando, así como su madre, Tish Cyrus, y su hermana, Brandi Cyrus, pero no hubo mención a Billy.

El desaire fue aún más pronunciado cuando Miley hizo un esfuerzo concertado para asegurarse de que no pasaba por alto a nadie, dirigiéndose a su equipo detrás de ella, preguntando: "¿Alguien más? Tu mujer, tu prometida, toda la gente que queremos. Muchas gracias a todos".

Incluso su ropa interior recibió un juguetón saludo, bromeando: "No creo que me haya olvidado de nadie. Pero puede que me haya olvidado de la ropa interior. Adiós". ¿Alguna mención a Billy? Nada.

La omisión puede ser un desliz totalmente inocente o puede aludir a una extensión de los informes de 2022 que aseguran que la relación de Miley y Billy se tornó tensa después de su divorcio de Tish, que asistió a los Grammy con su hija.

Recordemos que Miley compartió un vínculo especial con Billy, quien jugó un papel fundamental en el lanzamiento de su carrera a través de "Hannah Montana", compartieron la pantalla durante las 4 temporadas de la serie de televisión y la película posterior.

Si hay tensión familiar, Miley no lo demostró, ella estaba radiante durante el resto de su discurso de aceptación, diciendo: "Este premio es increíble, pero realmente espero que no cambie nada porque mi vida era hermosa ayer".

Miley añadió: "No todo el mundo conseguirá un Grammy, pero todo el mundo es espectacular, así que por favor no piensen que esto es fundamental, aunque sí es un gran honor".

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Durante la ceremonia, también tuvo una actuación en directo bastante increíble de "Flowers", y al parecer, no necesita que sus papás le compren ninguna.

Travis Scott Seems to Throw a Fit Onstage ... After Latest Grammys Loss

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Feinin' For Recognition

Travis Scott got snubbed yet again at the Grammys -- and he seemed to let out his rage in the aftermath ... at least that's what some are perceiving from his WWE-style performance.

The rapper was fresh off another loss at Sunday's show -- with Killer Mike beating him out for Best Rap album, even though many thought 'Utopia' was a shoo-in -- and when TS hit the stage later for a live-music moment ... he appeared to address his anger about it.

Trav and Playboi Carti tag-teamed their song 'FE!N' ... and at one point, Travis started freaking out in the middle of the stage -- throwing around foldable chairs that were there, and even hitting some of the stage props around him.

Some assumed it was just part of his thing -- y'know, typical raging, etc. -- but it became clear to others that something else was going on ... namely, because of TS's own words.

Trav switched up some of the lyrics in the song and said "They slept on me 10 times!" -- obviously in reference to him being nominated 10 times at the Grammys but never winning.

Clearly, he felt some type of way about it -- and seems to have let it out in his art.

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As for Killer Mike, well ... he was happy about being recognized -- but things took an ugly turn very soon after, when he got led away by cops in handcuffs. Win some, lose some.

Travis Scott parece desahogarse Durante su actuación en los Grammy

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sin reconocimiento

Travis Scott fue desairado una vez más en los Grammys y parecía dejar salir su rabia en las secuelas... al menos eso es lo que algunos están percibiendo de su actuación al estilo WWE.

El rapero recién había perdido antes de su show del domingo, con Killer Mike superándolo por Mejor Álbum de Rap, a pesar de que muchos pensaban que "Utopía" ganaba seguro, cuando Travis subió al escenario más tarde para dar un show donde parecía vomitar sus frustraciones.

Trav y Playboi Carti interpretó "FE!N" y por un momento, Travis comenzó a enloquecer en el centro del escenario, lanzando alrededor sillas plegables que estaban allí e incluso golpeando parte del escenario.

Algunos supusieron que era parte del show, ya sabes, la típica rabia, etc., pero otros se dieron cuenta de que no era así. Incluso hay quienes diucen saber la verdad de la propia voz de Travis, asegurando que dijo cosas en backstage.

Trav cambió algunas de las letras de la canción y dijo "¡Me durmieron 10 veces!". obviamente en referencia a que ha sido nominado 10 veces en los Grammy, pero nunca ha ganado.

Claramente dejó salir los sentimientos en su arte.

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En cuanto a Killer Mike, bueno, estaba feliz de ser reconocido, pero las cosas tomaron un giro feo muy poco después cuando fue llevado esposado por policías... ya saben, veces se gana y a veces se pierde.



Taylor Swift was a sucker for Olivia Rodrigo's performance of "Vampire" ... debunking any beef rumors between them at the Grammys Sunday evening.

Olivia gave a bloody good rendition of the fiery tune ... with Tay Tay singing and dancing along -- something that didn't go unnoticed on Olivia's end as she blew her a kiss at the end ... signaling a mutual respect between the two.

The "Guts" singer Olivia returned the supportive favor ... standing up to clap for Taylor as she scooped the Best Pop Vocal Album. Yeah, you wouldn't be doing all that for your arch-nemesis, now would you?

The duo's fandom first speculated they were feuding when Olivia retroactively credited Swift and producer Jack Antonoff on her single "Deja Vu" -- though she's denied any clash between them since.

"I don't beef with anyone," Olivia clarified to Rolling Stone in Sept 2023  ... noting that falling out with someone was unlike her cause she's a chill person who keeps to herself.

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She concluded on the matter: "There's nothing to say. There's so many Twitter conspiracy theories. I only look at alien-conspiracy theories." Underlying point, fandoms need to chill.

So, there you have it, folks ... things between O&T are good and had never soured in the first place.

This all was evident as Taylor was seen doing what she does best ... doling out a serious dose of girl power for her pals when they're killing it.

Olivia Rodrigo y Taylor Swift Poder femenino en los Grammys ¿Cuál pelea? Está todo bien

"Vampire" en los Grammys

Taylor Swift se quedó prendada de la interpretación de Olivia Rodrigo de "Vampire" este domingo en los Grammys, desmintiendo cualquier rumor de bronca entre ellas.

Olivia dio una buena interpretación de la poderosa melodía, con Tay Tay cantando y bailando durante toda la canción, algo que no pasó desapercibido para Olivia quien le lanzó un beso al final, lo que indica que hay un respeto mutuo entre ellas.

La cantante de "Guts" le devolvió el favor a Taylor, al ponerse de pie para aplaudir su premio al Mejor Álbum Pop Vocal. No harías todo eso por tu archienemiga, ¿o sí?

Los fans de las cantantes especularon que estaban peleadas cuando Olivia retroactivamente le dio crédito a Swift y al productor Jack Antonoff en su single "Deja Vu", aunque ella ha negado cualquier enfrentamiento entre ellas desde entonces.

"No me peleo con nadie", aclaró Olivia a Rolling Stone en septiembre de 2023, señalando que eso no es propio de ella, pues es una persona tranquila que se las vale sola.

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Concluyó: "No hay nada que decir. Hay tantas teorías de la conspiración en Twitter. Yo solo miro teorías de conspiración alienígena". Punto subyacente, los fans necesitan calmarse.

Así que ahí lo tienen amigos, las cosas entre Olivia & Taylor están bien y nunca estuvieron mal en primer lugar.

Todo esto se hizo evidente cuando Taylor fue vista haciendo lo que mejor sabe hacer: repartir una buena dosis de girl power para sus amigas cuando están arrasando.

Taylor Swift's Grammys AOTY Awkwardly Ignores Celine Onstage ... Makes Up for It w/ Sweet Pic

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celine who?

Taylor Swift won Album of the Year (again) at the Grammys, but weirdly ignored the musical icon presenting in Celine Dion -- even though ... she paid her respects backstage, it seems.

Rare misstep for Tay Tay, who's usually on point ... but on Sunday night, she kinda screwed up -- at least in Twitter's eyes, anyway -- when she paid little to no attention to CD who announced her as the winner for AOTY ... which was a big deal for a lot of reasons.

It was the final award for the night -- and the largest prize at the Grammys, period -- which is why it was such a remarkable moment to see Celine come out to present it in person.


Of course, she's very publicly battling Stiff-Person Syndrome -- and has stepped away from the spotlight of late -- so for her to do this was notable and moving, especially since she appeared to look relatively healthy here ... something the audience met with a standing O.

Fast-forward to Taylor being named the winner, when she ran onstage with her collaborators -- plus Lana Del Rey -- and looked so overcome with emotion that she totally downplayed Celine's presence ... simply taking the statuette from her without so much as a nod.

Indeed, it came off as quite rude -- you could tell Celine found it odd as well -- and the Internet unloaded on Taylor for what they perceived as a major lack of respect/reverence.

It would appear Taylor and/or team caught wind of this backlash quickly -- 'cause not too long after ... a photo of the two posing together (and looking cozy) backstage surfaced, which a ton of outlets then posted without much description or captions. Coincidence much?

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Some are suggesting her PR machine kicked into high gear -- and perhaps it did. In any case, it sounds like T-Swift made things right with the legend ... all's well that ends well.

Travis Kelce Touches Down In Las Vegas For SB ... As Taylor Swift Cleans Up At Grammys

Travis Kelce couldn't attend the Grammys with Taylor Swift on Sunday night -- he was busy landing in Las Vegas to begin preparations for Super Bowl LVIII -- but he still managed to publicly support his girlfriend from hundreds of miles away.

The Chiefs star and his teammates touched down in Sin City at around 5 PM local time ... just as Swift was settling in her seat for the big music awards show in Los Angeles.

Kelce didn't appear to be sporting any overt homages to his GF as he left the plane to get ready for Super Bowl week -- he wore nothing more than a Nike sweatsuit, some shades and a Cincinnati Bearcats cap.

But, he did take to Instagram to show some love for his GF nonetheless.

The Kansas City tight end dropped a "like" on NPR's Grammys post -- which featured a pic of Swift on the red carpet.

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Taylor, meanwhile, flew solo for her big night -- sitting with Lana Del Rey and Jack Antonoff ... before she took home multiple honors, including Album of the Year. She did not mention Kelce in either of her acceptance speeches.

It's unclear if she'll now join Kelce in Nevada later this week for his big moment -- she's performing in Tokyo before the game ... though most expect her to make it in time for kickoff.

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As for Kelce's week, in addition to practicing for the 49ers, he's slated to meet with the media later Monday at Allegiant Stadium as part of Super Bowl Opening Night -- and you can bet there will be plenty of Swift questions directed his way there.

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