Taylor Swift posa con Celine Dion tras escándalo en los Grammy

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Taylor Swift ganó el Álbum del Año (de nuevo) en los Grammy, pero ignoró al icono musical que la presentaba -Celine Dion- aunque, al parecer, sí presentó sus respetos en el backstage.

Fue un raro paso en falso para Tay Tay el domingo por la noche... como que metió la pata, al menos a los ojos de Tuiter, cuando le prestó muy atención a Celine, quien la anunció como la ganadora del AOTY (Album of the Year), y las cosas no salieron muy bien.

Fue el último premio de la noche y el premio más grande en los Grammys, por lo que fue notable ver a Celine salir a presentarlo en persona.

Es bien sabido que la icónica cantante está luchando contra el Síndrome de Stiff-Person y se ha alejado de los focos en los últimos tiempos, por lo que hacer esto fue notable y conmovedor, sobre todo porque lucía relativamente saludable... cosa que el público notó y celebró.

Nombraron a Taylor ganadora cuando corrió al escenario con sus colaboradores -además de Lana Del Rey- y parecía tan abrumada por la emoción que le restó importancia a la presencia de Celine, simplemente tomó la estatuilla sin mayor solemnidad.

De hecho, resultó bastante grosero - se podía decir que Celine lo encontró extraño también - e Internet se descargó contra Taylor por lo que percibieron como una gran falta de respeto / reverencia.

Al parecer, Taylor y su equipo se enteraron rápidamente de esta reacción, porque no mucho tiempo después apareció una foto de las dos posando juntas en el backstage, y un montón de medios de comunicación la publicaron rápidamentem, sin mucha descripción o subtítulos. ¿Coincidencia?

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Algunos están sugiriendo que la máquina de relaciones públicas de Taylor se puso en marcha... y tal vez así fue. En cualquier caso, parece que Tay TayS hizo las cosas bien finalmente.

Las celebridades acuden en masa a las fiestas posteriores a Los Grammy

Los Grammy ya terminaron, pero todas las estrellas que asistieron a la gala tenían ganas de más una vez entregados los últimos premios, y eso es exactamente lo que hicieron.

Los famosos salieron de fiesta el domingo por la noche en Los Ángeles, y sí, desafiaron al mal tiempo, decididos a divertirse a pesar de la lluvia y el viento que azotaron la ciudad hasta bien entrada la noche.

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Una de las grandes reuniones fue cortesía de la discográfica de SZA, TDE, que acogió a un montón de grandes estrellas para celebrar la gran noche de la cantante, que ganó tres estatuillas.

Ella tuvo buena compañía, estrellas como French Montana, Chris Brown, Keke Palmer, Big Boy, Andra Day, Storm Reid, AJ McLean, Alabama Barker y más estuvieron presentes.

En otro lugar de Los Ángeles, la fiesta de Universal Music Group se estaba llevando a cabo, y mientras había un puñado de caras conocidas, en su mayoría ern artistas más pequeños, lo cual es irónico teniendo en cuenta toda la pelea que se está desarrollando en TikTok.

En cuanto a las estrellas reconocibles... Paris Jackson, G Flip y Adrien Brody. Hubo una tonelada de músicos de bajo perfil, quienes sin duda están siendo afectados por el hecho de que la UMG (Universal Music Group) ha quitado su música de una popular aplicación de redes sociales.

¡En todo caso parecían entusiasmados de estar allí y parecía no importarles en lo absoluto si alguien sabía quiénes eran o no!

Las fiestas fueron el broche de oro de una noche memorable en el mundo de la música. Hubo un montón de momentos destacados, por no hablar de increíbles actuaciones de todo tipo.

Los artistas habituales que hicieron lo suyo, pero un puñado de músicos que rara vez suben al escenario, como Joni Mitchell, Billy Joel y Tracy Chapman.

Mientras que la emisión estuvo llena de acontecimientos memorables, hubo algunas cosas extrañas.

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Pero, vamos a mantenernos positivos... felicitaciones a todos los ganadores.

Grammys 2024 Celebs Paint Town Red Post-Show ... Party Come Rain or Shine

The Grammys have come and gone -- but all the stars who were at the show were still down to boogie once the final awards had been given out ... and that's exactly what they did.

Celebs hit the town in L.A. Sunday night -- and yes, they braved the crappy weather ... seemingly determined to party regardless of the rain and wind that was plaguing the city well into the evening. No matter ... 'cause these folks showed up and showed out in force!

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One of the big get-togethers came courtesy of SZA's label -- TDE -- which hosted a slew of A-listers who rolled through to celebrate the singer's big night ... she won 3 statuettes herself.

She was in good company to ring in her wins -- stars like French Montana, Chris Brown, Keke Palmer, Big Boy, Andra Day, Storm Reid, AJ McLean, Alabama Barker and more were in attendance.

Elsewhere in L.A., the Universal Music Group party was going down -- and while there was a smattering of well-known faces who rolled through ... it was mostly smaller artists, which is ironic considering this whole TikTok feud that's unfolding.

As far as the recognizable stars -- Paris Jackson, G Flip, Adrien Brody ... and that's about it. There were a ton of other more low-key musicians/acts that popped in -- ones that are no doubt being affected by UMG yanking their music from the popular social media app.

In any case ... they looked stoked to be there and to celebrate the Grammy vibes -- whether anyone knew who they were or not!

Anyhoo ... the bashes here capped off what was most certainly a memorable night in music. There were lots of standout moments, not to mention incredible performances all around.

There were the usual artists who did their thing -- but a handful of musicians who rarely hit the stage stepped into the spotlight for historic showings ... like Joni Mitchell, Billy Joel and Tracy Chapman.

While the broadcast was full of memorable happenings, there were a few strange ones.

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But, we'll keep it positive here ... congrats to all the winners.

Phoebe Bridgers le dice a la ex directora de los Grammy Que "se pudra"


Phoebe Bridgers tuvo un fuerte mensaje para el tipo que solía dirigir los Grammys. A pesar de que no está muerto todavía, le deseó una horrible despedida en el más allá una vez que llegue su día.

La cantante compartió sus duras palabras el domingo por la noche mientras hablaba con la prensa detrás del escenario después de la gran victoria de su grupo Boygenius, tomando un momento para enviarle un mensaje a Neil Portnow -el ex director general de la Academia de Grabación- y su infame sentimiento de hace unos años.

Échale un vistazo a lo que Phoebe tuvo que decir acerca de la nota que Neil hizo sobre las mujeres en la industria de la música hace 5 años, cuando les dijo que debían "dar un paso adelante" si querían ser nominadas. Ella dijo que espera que "se pudra en pis" una vez que muera...

Pohebe no ha olvidado que -por no mencionar el hecho de que está envuelto en una demanda- no hay que olvidar que agredió sexualmente a una mujer, algo que él ha negado rotundamente.

Sin embargo, Phoebe se descargó contra él, destacando su victoria y el hecho de que la Academia parece haberse olvidado de Portnow, y que hay más artistas femeninas nominadas que tal vez nunca antes.

Portnow no ha abordado sus comentarios y ha estado fuera del centro de atención por un tiempo, habiendo salido de su papel como perro superior en los Grammy en 2018 con Harvey Mason Jr. reemplazándolo.

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Solo uno de los muchos momentos destacados de los Grammy... buenos o malos.

Jay-Z se pregunta por qué Beyoncé tiene más Grammys Pero no ha ganado el álbum del Año

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ella merece mucho más

Jay-Z fue realista en los Grammy. Defendió a Beyoncé durante su discurso de agradecimiento, sugiriendo que ella debería haber ganado más premios, incluido el tan esquivo galardón principal.

Al rapero le dieron una estatuilla honorífica el domingo por la noche llamada el Dr. Dre Global Impact Award, y subió a aceptar el premio con su hija -Blue Ivy- a su lado mientras Bey miraba desde el público.

Jay-Z abordó su historia con los Grammy, incluyendo sentimientos que ha experimentado a lo largo de los años y se explayó durante su discurso.

Eso lo llevó básicamente a llegar al punto de que él y sus contemporáneos solo quieren que los Grammy hagan las cosas bien, incluso si no es perfecto, la Academia de la Grabación puede esforzarse por ser mejor y sugirió que la entrega de premios había mejorado los últimos años.

Luego vino algo de tensión, Jay señaló a Beyonce y dijo que algunas cosas que los votantes de los Grammy hacen no tiene sentido, como darle el mayor número de premios Grammy (Bey tiene el récord de 32 en total), pero no darle jamás el Álbum del Año.

Jay insistió en este punto un poco más, diciendo que una cosa no tiene nada que ver con la otra.

the yeller
gritado desde el público
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Sin duda fue algo incómodo, porque básicamente es una queja que los fans de Beyoncé han  han señalado en repetidas ocasiones, incluso Harry Styles hizo lo suyo sobre el tour "Renaissance".

Su base leal se ha indignado antes, pero ahora es obvio que le molesta a Jay y presumiblemente, la propia Bey también está algo molesta... pero la cosa no queda ahí.

Jay llegó a decir que algunas personas se irán a casa sintiéndose estafados y en algunos casos dijo que pueden tener razón, pero en otros, no tanto. De hecho, Jay dijo que algunos de los artistas nominados ni siquiera merecían estar en la categoría.

Eso provocó un coro de oohs/ahhhs, pero no dio ningún nombre. Sin embargo, fue un momento bastante picante.

Jay no se guardó nada y cree que Bey debe ser más celebrada de lo que ya es y su consejo para ella (y otros) era simplemente seguir adelante.

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Veremos si Bey puede conseguir ese codiciado premio al Álbum del Año uno de estos días o si las palabras de Jay simplemente son ignoradas. Como él mismo dijo, no hay garantías. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Phoebe Bridgers To the Ex-Grammys CEO ... 'Rot in Piss' Over Remarks on Women


Phoebe Bridgers had a strong message for the guy who used to run the Grammys -- even though he ain't dead yet ... she wished an awful farewell in the afterlife once his day comes.

The singer shared her harsh words Sunday night while talking to the press backstage after her group boygenius' big win ... taking a moment to single out Neil Portnow -- the former CEO of the Recording Academy -- and his infamous sentiment from a few years ago.

Check out what Phoebe had to say about NP's note to women in the music industry 5 years ago -- when he told them they should "step up" if they wanted to be nominated more. She said she hopes he "rots in piss" once he dies ... a twisted take on RIP, obviously.

Safe to say ... PB hasn't forgotten that, not to mention the fact that he's embroiled in a lawsuit that alleges he sexually assaulted a woman -- something he's adamantly denied.

Nevertheless, Phoebe unloaded on him ... highlighting her win, and the fact the Academy seems to have turned the page from Portnow, and that there's more female artists being nominated than perhaps ever before.

Portnow hasn't addressed her comments ... and he's been out of the spotlight for a while now, having exited his role as top dog at the Grammys in 2018 with Harvey Mason Jr. replacing him.

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Just one of many standout moments from the Grammys ... good or bad.

Jay-Z How Does Bey Hold Grammy Record ... But Hasn't Won AOTY Yet???

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Jay-Z kept it real at the Grammys -- during his acceptance speech, he defended Beyoncé ... suggesting she oughta have more wins herself, including the long-elusive top prize.

The Roc Nation honcho was given an honorary statuette Sunday night dubbed the Dr. Dre Global Impact Award -- and Hov went up there to accept with his daughter, Blue Ivy, by his side ... and with Bey looking on from the audience.

Jay-Z went on to address his history with the Grammys -- including feelings he's experienced over the years where he thought it'd be worth boycotting, for one reason or another.

That led him to basically get to the point that he and his contemporaries just want the Grammys to get it right ... even if it's not perfect, the Recording Academy can at least strive toward being better -- and he suggested the award show had gotten better in recent years.

Then came some tension ... Jay singled out Beyonce and said some things the Grammy voters do doesn't make sense -- including giving her the most Grammy awards ever (Bey holds the record at 32 total) ... but not giving her the crème de la crème, Album of the Year.

Jay harped on this point a little longer ... saying one thing doesn't track with the other.

the yeller
capturing the noise
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It was a little awkward, no doubt -- because he basically articulated a gripe Beyoncé fans have long aired out about her continuously being snubbed at the Grammys ... including as recently as last year, when Harry Styles took ATOY over 'Renaissance.'


Her loyal base has been outraged before, but now ... it's obvious that it bothers Jay -- and, presumably, Bey herself as well. Jigga wasn't done airing his grievances just yet though.

Jay went on to say that some people there in the building will go home feelin robbed -- and in some cases, he said they may be right ... but in others, not so much. In fact, Jay said some of the artists that were nominated didn't even deserve to be in the category.

That spurred a chorus of oohs/ahhhs, but he didn't name any names. It was spicy, though.

Anyway, Jay spoke his piece and made it known -- he thinks Bey should be more celebrated than she already is ... and his advice to her (and others) was to just to keep showing up.

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We'll see if Bey can snag that coveted Album of the Year award one of these days -- or if Jay's words here just go ignored. Like he said, all this stuff is subject ... no guarantees. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Killer Mike Booked for Battery on Citizen's Arrest Vid Shows Security Face-Off

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8:20 PM PT -- TMZ has obtained new video and info that sheds more light onto the Killer Mike situation -- including the fact that he's now being booked for battery on a citizen's arrest ... this after he allegedly got physical with a security guard at the venue, while out in the rain.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Mike was booked for misdemeanor battery Sunday evening, this after a private person's arrest took place at Crypto.com Arena. We're told KM is accused of knocking down a security officer after they did not get out of his way quick enough -- the apparent aftermath of which looks to have been caught on tape, seen here.

We got a hold of video that seems to show Mike being chased down outside in the windy rain, where security personnel can be seen attempting to stop him ... with Mike looking determined to get by them. You can't see any "knock-down" as has been described to us by law enforcement -- but it does look like he faces off with security guards in tense fashion.

Eventually, Mike was cuffed and led away in the rain as well. It's still unclear what exactly led up to this -- remember, just moments earlier, he was inside soaking in the Grammy win.

Killer Mike's Grammys night came to an early end ... because he was just led out of the event in handcuffs -- after an alleged physical altercation.

A journalist for The Hollywood Reporter posted video to X showing the Run The Jewels rapper leaving the venue with a police escort ... hands bound behind his back.

The 48-year-old doesn't look particularly concerned as he's being led away ... chatting amicably with a man who is walking alongside him and police before saying hello to someone else in a tuxedo.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Killer Mike was detained after allegedly getting into some kind of physical altercation with a security guard at the event.


We're told he's not under arrest, and officers are still trying to sort out exactly what happened.

It must feel like an emotional roller coaster for KM and his fans after an afternoon full of highs.

Mike's already got his Grammys ... he took wins in all three categories he was nominated for including Best Rap Performance, Best Rap Album and Best Rap Song -- though his win in the last contributed to some controversy and conspiracies.

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We've reached out to Killer Mike's team ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 5:10 PM PT

Guess Who This Grammy Girl Turned Into!

Before this sweet girl with lots of ponytails in her hair turned into a Grammy-winning singer, she was just applying her pink lipstick and growing up in London with big dreams of becoming a super star!

Yes, the 2019 Grammys was a big win for her, but she REALLY "danced the night away" at last night's award show! Aside from her musical skills, she's been tapping into her acting side, recently appearing in "Barbie" and "Argyle."

She's collaborated with music's hottest stars like Miley Cyrus and Elton John ...

"Don't Start Now!"

Can you guess who he is?

Adivina en quién ¡se ha convertido esta pequeña!

Antes de que esta dulce chica con muchas colas de caballo en el pelo se convirtiera en una cantante ganadora del Grammy, ¡solo se aplicaba su lápiz labial rosa y crecía en Londres con grandes sueños de convertirse en una súper estrella!

Sí, los Grammy 2019 fueron una gran victoria para ella, ¡pero REALMENTE "bailó toda la noche" en la entrega de premios de anoche! Aparte de sus habilidades musicales, ha estado aprovechando su lado actoral, apareciendo recientemente en "Barbie" y "Argyle".

Ha colaborado con estrellas de la música como Miley Cyrus y Elton John.

"¡No empieces ahora!"

¿Adivinas quién es?

Taylor Swift I'm a 13x Grammy Winner ... Also, New Album Coming Out!!!

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a new era ... coming soon!

Taylor Swift just won her latest Grammy (#13 to be specific) -- but the bigger news came in what she said during her acceptance speech ... namely, announcing a brand new album.

The singer was announced as the winner for Best Pop Vocal Album for "Midnights" Sunday night -- and Tay Tay went up there to accept her hardware ... like we said, this marks her 13th Grammy statuette, something she made a note of right from the get-go at the mic.

Taylor then started teasing some major news -- which got the crowd whipped up into a frenzy. Eventually, she let the cat out of the bag ... T-Swift has a new project coming soon.

She says the forthcoming album -- one she says she's been working on in secret for the past two years, unbeknownst to her fans -- is called 'The Tortured Poets Department,' and it's dropping on April 19.

Shortly after winning her award/making her big announcement ... Taylor went backstage and uploaded a tweet that showed off what seems to be the album cover, as well as some apparent lyrics. They're interesting ... they certainly read like a traditional poem, super deep.

As you can imagine, the Swifties are absolutely losing their minds right now -- 'cause this truly did come out of nowhere. Up until now, people figured she was busy re-recording her old albums and was focusing on just that for the time being.

She released two "Taylor's Version" albums last year ... and seemed to have her hands full on that front. Plus, she's been knee-deep in performing for the "Eras" tour -- not to mention being in a whirlwind romance with Travis Kelce. As it turns out, she was laying down tracks for a whole new project in the wings ... and now, we're going to hear fresh material.

If you thought Taylor was already on top of the world -- and she most certainly is -- that mountain top is only going to get higher at this point. 2023 was Taylor's year ... ditto for '24.

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You can't keep a good girl down ... the Taylor Swift eternal era is upon us, y'all!!!

Trevor Noah Grammys Won't Cut to Taylor Swift ... We're Hounding an NFLer!!!


Trevor Noah's backing up Taylor Swift ... saying the Grammys wouldn't focus lenses on her like the NFL -- they'd go after a former player.

The comedian just took to the Grammys stage to perform his opening monologue -- during which he stayed real positive and complimentary -- before mentioning the world's biggest pop star and chastising NFL fans for blaming Taylor for the amount football broadcasts cut to her.

Noah said she doesn't control the cameras, so people need to chill out ... before insisting that every time someone mentioned Swift, he'd make sure the cameras cut to an ex-NFL player.

The camera then jumped ... to actor and "America's Got Talent" host Terry Crews, who looked totally surprised by the attention.

If you don't know, TC wasn't always an actor -- he played 32 NFL games for three teams between 1991 and 1995 ... the perfect person for TN to use in his revenge plan.

Terry cracked up ... with Noah continuing to yel; funny/harassing things at the absolutely ripped 55-year-old.

It's all in good fun and an especially topical joke ... 'cause Taylor's probably heading to the Super Bowl in Las Vegas next week -- so NFL fans can expect more Swift on their screen soon enough

BTW ... Taylor looked stunning in a flowing white dress on the red carpet -- which she was left to walk alone because of her man Travis Kelce's practice schedule.

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Better keep smiling, Terry ... don't want a candid moment turning into a meme!

Los fans de Nicki Minaj hacen trending #Scammys Tras falsa victoria en los Grammy

La 66ª edición de los Grammy no ha empezado de la mejor manera, porque la Academia ha hecho que Warren Beatty, ¡y los fans de Nicki Minaj se enfaden!

Así es la cosa, los Grammys no comienzan hasta las 5 PM, pero antes de la ceremonia, la Academia utiliza su cuenta de X para entregar algunos de los trofeos, básicamente para reducir el tiempo durante la ceremonia.

Uno de esos premios, Mejor Canción de Rap, le fue entregado a Nicki Minaj y Ice Spice por su canción "Barbie World", fue un gran momento para los raperos, pero no duró porque, la Academia aparentemente tuvo que retirarlo.

Verás... la Academia borró ese tuit de felicitación y publicó uno diferente, diciendo que Killer Mike en realidad había ganado el trofeo por su tema "Scientists & Engineers" con André 3000, Future, y Eryn Allen Kane.

Nicki ya ha pasado por esto antes, lleva 12 nominaciones sin llevarse un premio. También fue nominada a Mejor Canción Escrita para Medios Visuales, pero perdió frente a Billie Eilish y FINNEAS por "What Was I Made For?". ¡Cuando llueve, diluvia!

Pero si alguien se lo está tomando peor que Nicki, son las Barbz, que piensan que toda la ceremonia está arreglada.

arden las redes

De hecho, están tan seguros de esto que tienen #Scammys y #BarbieWorld como trending en X, básicamente afirmando que la Academia amañó los resultados debido a la explosiva pelea entre Nicki y Megan Thee Stallion.

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Entonces, ¿hay algún tipo de conspiración en marcha, o simplemente un error honesto del gerente de medios sociales de la Academia?

Nicki Minaj Fans Grammys Are One Big Scam ... After Mistaken Win Tweet

The 66th Grammy Awards aren't off to the best start ... 'cause the Recording Academy pulled a Warren Beatty -- and Nicki Minaj fans are PISSED!!!

Here's the deal ... the Grammys don't start until 5 PM PT, but before the ceremony, the Recording Academy uses its X account to hand out some of the trophies -- basically to cut down time during the ceremony.

One of those awards ... Best Rap Song, which was won by Nicki Minaj and Ice Spice for their song "Barbie World" -- a huge moment for the rappers -- except it didn't last 'cause the Academy seemingly took it back.

You see ... the Recording Academy deleted that congratulatory tweet and posted a different one -- saying Killer Mike had actually won the trophy for his track "Scientists & Engineers" featuring André 3000, Future, and Eryn Allen Kane.

Multiple outlets are reporting KM as the real winner of the Gramophone... so it seems NM and IS are officially out of luck!

Nicki's been through this song and dance before ... she's now racked up 12 nominations without taking home a single one. She was also nominated for Best Song Written for Visual Media -- but lost that one to Billie Eilish and FINNEAS for "What Was I Made For?" When it rains, it pours!

But if anyone's taking it harder than Nicki ... it's the Barbz -- who think the whole damn ceremony is rigged.


In fact, they're so sure about this they've got #Scammys and #BarbieWorld trending on X ... basically claiming the Academy rigged the results because of Nicki's explosive beef with Megan Thee Stallion.

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So is there some kinda of grand conspiracy going on, or just an honest mistake from the Recording Academy's social media manager? Let us know below.

Nicki Minaj's Grammy Taken Away ...

Glen Powell abandona la fiesta previa a los Grammy Con varias modelos

Glen Powell está acabando con todos esos rumores sobre Sydney Sweeney, porque en lugar de suspirar por su prometida compañera de reparto, está de fiesta con un montón de modelos.

El actor salió en Los Ángeles el sábado a una fiesta Pre-Grammys con unas cuantas damas encantadoras, y aunque no le dijo nada a los fotógrafos, dejó una gran impresión entre la multitud.

"adelante chicas"

Glen se subió a un carro de lujo con varias personas, entre ellas las modelos Sienna Raine y Sarah Hands y, si somos honestos, un par de sus acompañantes parecían absolutamente enamoradas del chico.

Basta con mirar a esas caras. Grandes sonrisas y ojos atentos, parece que Powell era el alma de la fiesta. No es de extrañar, ya que el tipo no solo es guapísimo, ¡sino también muy divertido!

Glen claramente está avanzando en el mundo de las citas, recordemos que su ex novia -Gigi Paris- lo dejó en medio de especulaciones de que estaba interesado en Sydney Sweeney de Euphoria, los dos protagonizaron la comedia romántica "Anyone But You" y las fotos en el set se veían bastante coquetas para ser honestos.

Por supuesto, la pareja ha negado que algo estuviera pasando entre ellos, aunque Sydney dejó algunos comentarios sugerentes en el Insta de Glen y dijo que ella se preocupa por él profundamente... este tipo de cosas sin duda llamó la atención de los fans.

Glen parece estar poniendo esos rumores atrás, esperemos que de una vez por todas, porque el hombre está claramente disfrutando de la vida de soltero después de salir de una larga relación.

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En pocas palabras, ¡"Anyone But You" es solo el título de una película, porque parece que estas damas no estaban interesadas en Anyone But Glen!

Glen Powell Ready to Party All Night Long... Hanging w/ Giggly Models

Glen Powell's really putting all those Sydney Sweeney rumors to bed ... 'cause instead of pining over his engaged costar he's partying with tons of models!

The actor stepped out in L.A. Saturday after a Pre-Grammys bash with a few lovely ladies ... and even though he didn't say anything to the photogs waiting outside the venue he still made quite the impression on the crowd.


GP hopped in an SUV with several people including models Sienna Raine and Sarah Hands ... and, if we're being honest, a couple of his companions seemed absolutely smitten with the guy.

Just look at those faces ... big smiles and attentive eyes -- seems like Powell was the life of the party. Not exactly surprising given the dude's not only drop-dead gorgeous, but he's also hella funny to boot!

Glen's clearly moving on in the dating world ... remember, his longtime GF Gigi Paris dumped him amid speculation he was interested in Euphoria's Sydney Sweeney -- the two starred in the rom-com "Anyone But You" and on-set photos looked flirty as hell.

Of course, the pair have denied anything was going on between them ... though Sydney left some suggestive comments on Glen's IG and said she cares about him deeply -- a lot of stuff that caught fans' eyes.

Glen seems to be putting those rumors to rest -- hopefully once and for all -- here ... 'cause the man's clearly enjoying the single life after getting out of a long relationship.

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Bottom line ... "Anyone But You" is just a movie title -- 'cause it seems these ladies weren't interested in Anyone But Glen!

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