Matt Rife Nima Withdraws Oral Sex Story ... It Was Always Satirical!!!


The self-described comedian who accused Matt Rife of performing oral sex to get ahead in Hollywood is walking back his salacious claim -- Nima Yamini says he was just joking.

In a video posted Friday, Nima says he was just doing a parody bit when he alleged Matt performed fellatio on a couple of Hollywood execs who promised fame in exchange.


TMZ broke the story ... Matt's considering legal action over the claim, and, interestingly, Nima didn't clarify the whole casting couch tale until after we posted about Matt's intentions.

However, Nima says that's not why he's walking it back ... instead, he says he's pissed at a conspiracy-pushing social media account that reposted his original video -- without his permission -- and made it seem like a serious allegation.

He insists that was never his intention.

Nima says the whole thing was meant as satire, and he doesn't know Matt personally and has never met him -- let alone ever being in the same room as him with Hollywood honchos.

What's more, Nima says the "joke" should not discredit Matt or how hard he's worked to become a famous comedian.

With Nima doing some serious backpedaling here, it will be interesting to see if Matt follows through with his legal threats.

Stay tuned ...

Chloe Bailey Keeping Halle's Preggo Secret Was Easy!!!

I Feel Great

Chloe and Halle Bailey have a bond that can't be broken -- which is probably why the older sibling here says it was no issue keeping her little sister's pregnancy a secret.

We caught up with sister duo at Essence mag's pre-Oscar gala on Thursday -- and Halle couldn't help but blush and gush about her newborn baby boy Halo, whom she shares with boyfriend DDG ... who was enjoying fatherhood as we spoke with Mama Bear.

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Just check out the video DDG threw up recently ... showing him goofing around with the kid.

Anyway, back to Halle -- our photog asked if Halle's musical talents have transferred over to the baby just yet ... and based on her reaction, it sounds like it might be too early to tell.

So, instead ... we lobbed her a softball, asking how motherhood was going -- and HB told us it was great. Chloe, however, gave us a little more insight into her sister's pregnancy ... which sorta flew under the radar (although, not really).

Nonetheless, we asked Chloe if was difficult keeping everything under wraps for Halle -- and she told us it was actually a breeze. Halle herself addressed this as well during her remarks at the event ... and said she had no obligation to share her pregnancy with the world.

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DDG echoed her sentiments to us recently -- saying he didn't cave to social media pressure nor did he feel the need to. Good on them.

Natalie Portman Se divorcia discretamente de Benjamin Millepied ... Ya está finiquitado

Natalie Portman no solo ya solicitó el divorcio de su marido de más de una década, sino que el caso ya está resuelto, según ha confirmado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que un informe de People Mag, que dice que Natalie y Benjamin Millepied pusieron fin a su divorcio en Francia, es correcto ... Así que sí, ya no están casados y oficialmente solteros a los ojos de la ley en Europa.

Todavía no hay detalles sobre lo que implica este acuerdo de divorcio, esto es, la custodia y manutención de sus dos hijos, la manutención del cónyuge, la división de bienes, etc.

Todo lo que sabemos con certeza es que Natalie es una mujer soltera, lo que es un desarrollo sorprendente teniendo en cuenta que ella y Ben han estado en el centro de los chismes desde hace más de un año, en medio de las acusaciones de infidelidad por parte de él, que todavía no han sido abordadas.

Sin embargo, el hecho de que Natalie se divorciara del chico parece dar cierta credibilidad a las conjeturas. La actriz también ha estado paseando sola por Estados en medio de la temporada de premios de los últimos meses.

Por si no están familiarizados, se ha rumoreado que Ben habría tenido una aventura con la activista climática Camille Etienne en 2023.

Varios medios de comunicación informaron que Natalie y Ben se separaron debido a esa supuesta infidelidad, pero la pareja nunca lo ha confirmado o negado oficialmente.

Ella recientemente dijo que se había mudado a París con sus hijos mientras se desarrollaba todo este lío y el divorcio se tramitó en los tribunales franceses. También hemos confirmado que Natalie y Ben, de hecho, se separaron el año pasado y, claramente, terminaron su matrimonio tras bambalinas.

La pareja fue bastante privada con su relación desde que se casaron en 2012 en Big Sur, California. Se conocieron en 2009 durante el rodaje del "Cisne Negro" y Benjamin dejó a su novia del momento para estar con Natalie. Él también es bailarín y coreógrafo.

Natalie Portman y Benjamin Millepied estuvieron casados 11 años. Ellos comparten dos hijos: Aleph, de 12 años, y Amalia, de 6 años.

No se sabe si había un acuerdo prenupcial o no, pero podemos imaginar que puede haber sido el caso.

Natalie Portman Quietly Divorced Benjamin Millepied ... Already Finalized

Natalie Portman has not only already filed to divorce her husband of over a decade -- but the whole case is already settled in the books ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us a report from People Mag -- which says Natalie and Benjamin Millepied have finalized their divorce in France -- is accurate ... so yes, they're no longer married and officially single in the eyes of the law there in Europe.

There are no details just yet about what the divorce settlement entails -- including custody and child support of their two children ... ditto for spousal support, division of assets, etc.

All we know for sure is that Natalie is unattached -- which is a stunning development considering she and Ben have been at the center of gossip and speculation for well over a year now ... this amid allegations of infidelity on his part, which has gone unaddressed.

The fact Natalie divorced the guy, however, seems to lend some credence to the conjecture. She was also rolling solo here in the States for award shows of late.

If you're unfamiliar ... Ben is reported to have had a fling with climate activist Camille Etienne in 2023.

Several media outlets reported Natalie and Ben separated as a result of the alleged cheating -- but the couple never confirmed or denied on the record.

She recently said she'd relocated to Paris with their children as this whole mess unfolded -- and the divorce was handled in French courts. We've also confirmed that Natalie and Ben did, in fact, separate last year ... and clearly, they ended their marriage behind the scenes.

They were pretty private about their relationship since tying the knot in 2012 in Big Sur, CA -- although the 2 met in 2009 during the filming of "Black Swan," and Benjamin left his girlfriend at the time to be with Natalie instead. He's a dancer/choreographer himself, BTW.

NP and BM were married for 11 years. They share 12-year-old Aleph and 6-year-old Amalia.

No word on whether there was a prenup or not ... but ya gotta figure there might've been.

MATT RIFE Exploring Legal Action ... After Fellatio Allegation

Matt Rife seems ready to take a "comedian" to court who accused him of performing a sex act to gain success -- as Matt feels his rep's been harmed ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Matt and his team have been reaching out to various litigators to see what his best option might be to deal with the salacious claim made by entrepreneur Nima Yamini this week -- including potentially filing a lawsuit against him.


ICYMI ... Nima -- a self-described comedian -- alleged he and Matt were once both brought into a room with two Hollywood execs and promised fame and fortune if they'd perform fellatio on them ... which Nima said he refused, but alleged Matt stayed behind and did the deed.

Matt's name started to trend as a result of this allegation -- and now, we're hearing he feels he's been defamed ... and appears inclined on taking some form of legal action here.

We're told Matt's sick of people using his name to gain clout -- which is obviously how he feels about Nima here, who appears to have no serious track record in comedy -- and our sources say Matt wants to stand up for himself ... especially against something as outlandish as this. BTW, this isn't the first time someone's name-dropped him to spark controversy.

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Remember, TikToker Bunny Hedaya had her 6-year-old son blast Rife, saying he was "mean to girls" in response to his standup special ... and Rife clapped back with, "your mom buys you presents with the money she makes on OnlyFans."

He caught some flak for that ... and in the end, dropped the back and forth. Here, though, our sources say he wants to regain control of the narrative -- because this claim of Nima's is categorically false ... and he doesn't wanna let this guy get away with floating it unchecked.

Nima, FWIW, did not name the two supposed execs that were allegedly in the mix of the scenario he describes -- which is why a lot of people have been calling BS on his story.

Matt thinks it's horse crap too ... but in this case, he doesn't seem inclined to let it slide.

Tish Cyrus Parenting Hindsight is 20/20 ... But Weed Woulda Made Me Super-Mom!!!

Tish Cyrus is looking back at her parenting and seeing ways she could've improved ... chief among them, rolling up a joint and mellowing out a bit!

The mother of Miley and Noah Cyrus opened up about her parenting skills on a recent episode of her "Sorry We're Stoned" podcast ... telling guest Wiz Khalifa she regrets not doing some toking back when her kids were growing up.

The way Tish puts it ... she didn't pick up the Mary Jane until she was in her mid-40s, years after her kids were in their teens -- so she feels she wasn't as much fun as she could've been with a little pot.

Tish's daughter Brandi -- seated right alongside her mom -- said she probably woulda chilled out about a few things too ... a jab Tish couldn't have agreed with more.

BTW ... Wiz also has a song about smoking weed with Miley Cyrus titled "23" which came out in 2013 -- a song that made a then-anti-marijuana Tish really upset!

It's a bit ironic Tish is looking back on her parenting ... since a lot of people online are currently gossiping about her relationship with her daughter Noah.

Remember ... reports surfaced earlier this week that Noah was actually dating Tish's new husband Dominic Purcell first -- before Mama Tish swooped in and stole him away.

The Cyrus family's dealing with a ton of issues ... with Miley not thanking Billy Ray Cyrus in her Grammys acceptance speech and Noah reportedly estranged from TIsh.the

Hard to say if Tish smoking weed way back when woulda helped fix some of cracks between the fam now -- TC might need to light up and ruminate on it.


Tish Cyrus and Dominic Purcell are battening down the hatches -- refusing to respond to man-stealing rumors involving Noah Cyrus -- but they're also not hiding from cameras.

The married couple was out for a stroll Friday in Toluca Lake, CA, keeping the vibe very casual ... Tish wore a grey hoodie, joggers and a trucker cap -- while the former "Prison Break" star opted for a navy tracksuit.

Tish and Dominic took in some fresh air with a pal ... perhaps attempting to clear their heads from the swirling drama that's come after a wild report this week.

If you missed it ... the story claims Tish swooped in and stole Dominic from her 24-year-old daughter Noah, following her split from Billy Ray Cyrus.

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Tish reportedly began connecting with DP in his DMs while he was dating Noah -- and there was also a suggestion of possible overlap ... a period when he was dating both mom and daughter.

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Noah hasn't addressed the whole saga ... and ditto for her mother and, dare we say it, stepdad. In the wake of the report, the rumor is this is why Noah skipped Tish and Dominic's wedding last August.

We've known that Tish is estranged from Noah, but now it also appears her other daughter, Miley Cyrus, is feuding with dad Billy Ray.

Family drama ... no lack of it in the Cyrus fam, these days.

Taylor Swift's Dad Pap He Allegedly Attacked Willing to Forgive & Forget, But ...

The photographer that Taylor Swift's father, Scott Swift, allegedly attacked in Australia this week says he's willing to put this whole thing behind them ... on one condition.

Ben McDonald -- the paparazzo who claimed Scott roughed him up Tuesday as he and Taylor's security team were trying to escort her to a waiting SUV in Sydney -- tells TMZ that all would be forgiven if Papa Swiftie just issued an apology.

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Bad Blood With Dad

If Scott did that ... Ben says he'd accept it and drop all this, letting bygones be bygones.

Of course, Scott doesn't seem inclined to admit he did anything wrong -- remember, a rep for Taylor told us the paps that night were being very aggressive and claimed they were the ones in the wrong ... something Ben here tells us is BS.

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He insists the visuals speak for themselves -- and says he suspects the reason Taylor and her team (including her security detail) got so pissy is because they realized paps had figured out where they were after a ride on a yacht. Ben tells us he was just doing his job.

While Ben says the events of that night are well-documented, he does admit that he doesn't have any further proof that Scott punched him -- as he claims -- beyond the videos that are already out there ... including the one he shot himself, and another that has since surfaced.

In both videos, you cannot clearly see what Scott's doing ... but Ben's sticking to his claim that the guy got physical with -- as did Taylor's security guards, whom he alleges used their umbrellas on him. As we reported ... cops are investigating Ben's claims at the moment.

One last point of clarification we got from Ben. It's been reported he was involved in another high-profile pap run-in with none other than Nicole Kidman back in 2005 -- when she was reportedly granted a restraining order against him and another photog over alleged surveillance via a listening device -- but Ben tells us that story is old and sensationalized.

He denies planting any listening device near Nicole at the time ... and also notes that while she might've been granted a temporary protective order, a judge didn't find enough evidence to grant her a permanent one once they took a closer look at her claims.

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Bottom line ... Ben doesn't think he crossed any lines here, and claims Scott totally did.

Natalie Portman Se sincera sobre sus problemas matrimoniales ... No alimenta los rumores de engaño

Natalie Portman finalmente se refirió a las especulaciones sobre sus supuestos problemas matrimoniales y los rumores de infidelidad que involucran a su marido Benjamin Millepied, aunque la artista no ofreció ninguna pista al respecto.

La actriz ganadora del Oscar se sentó con el escritor de Vanity Fair Keziah Weir para hablar sobre su última película "May December" y una serie de otros temas, incluyendo su vida personal.

En un momento dado, Weir abordó el elefante en la habitación, diciendo que en el período previo al estreno de "May December" en 2023, el matrimonio de Portman estuvo en el centro del debate "de una manera muy pública." A continuación le preguntó cómo era eso.

Portman no dudó en responder y afirmó: "Es terrible. No tengo ningún deseo de contribuir a ello". Y eso fue todo.

Por supuesto, la actriz se estaba refiriendo a las acusaciones de infidelidad por parte de Millepied, quien supuestamente tuvo una aventura con la activista climática Camille Etienne el año pasado, pero pronto terminó. Otros medios han informado que los dos se han separado debido a los rumores de engaño, algo que ellos aún tienen que confirmar o negar.

Millepied, bailarín y coreógrafo francés, ha estado casado 11 años con Portman. La pareja tiene dos hijos: Aleph, de 12 años, y Amalia, de 6.

En la entrevista con Vanity Fair, Portman también habló de su pasión por vivir en París y Los Ángeles, yendo y viniendo de ambas ciudades. Disfruta especialmente su tiempo en Los Ángeles, donde lleva una vida muy distinta a la de Hollywood.

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Dice que sale con muchos amigos que no están en la industria de la televisión o el cine, cambiando las fiestas de famosos por cenas en el patio trasero. Pero admite que todavía tiene algunos amigos en la industria con los que se divierte de vez en cuando.

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Como todos saben, Portman ha tenido una larga y exitosa carrera en Hollywood. En 2011 ganó el Oscar a la Mejor Actriz por su papel en "El cisne Negro."

Natalie Portman Opens Up About Marital Issues ... Not Feeding Into Cheating Rumors

Natalie Portman finally addressed all the speculation about her alleged marital issues and cheating rumors involving husband Benjamin Millepied -- but she didn't offer any real insight.

The Academy Award winning actress sat down for a recent interview with Vanity Fair writer Keziah Weir to talk about her latest film, "May December," and a range of other topics, including her personal life.

At one point, Weir addressed the elephant in the room, saying in the lead up to the 2023 release of "May December," Portman's marriage was in the spotlight "in a very public way." She then asked her what that was like.

Portman didn't miss a beat, stating, "It's terrible. I have no desire to contribute to it." And that was that.

Of course, Portman was referring to allegations of infidelity by Millepied, who supposedly had a fling with climate activist Camille Etienne last year, but it soon ended. Other media outlets have reported rumors the two have separated over the cheating claims -- which the pair has yet to confirm or deny.

Millepied, a French dancer and choreographer, has been married to Portman for 11 years. The couple share two kids, Aleph, 12,  and Amalia, 6.

In the VF interview, Portman also discussed her love of living in Paris and L.A., going back and forth between both cities. She particularly enjoys her time in L.A., where she leads a very non-Hollywood life.

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She said she hangs out with many friends who are not in the TV or film industry, trading in celebrity parties for backyard dinners. But she admits she still has some industry pals with whom she spends time.

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As everyone knows, Portman has had a long, successful career in Hollywood, winning the 2011 Oscar for Best Actress for her role in "Black Swan."

El divorcio de Kevin Costner está plagado de acusaciones De infidelidad

TMZ Studios

El divorcio de Kevin Costner fue bastante feo y gran parte tuvo que ver con las denuncias de infidelidad desde ambos frentes. Por supuesto lo negaron y todo aparece en un nuevo "TMZ Investiga".

La separación del actor de su esposa, Christine Baumgartner, comenzó con rumores infundados de que Kevin había embarazado a alguien en el set de "Yellowstone", rumor en el que nos sumergimos en detalle en un nuevo documental que se emitirá el lunes en FOX, "Kevin Costner's Divorce War".

Ahora -respecto a Christine- también hubo rumores de engaño, y por partida doble. Resulta que hubo un tipo que se alojaba en su casa de huéspedes y con el cual ella habría dormido... Christine dijo que eso nunca sucedió.

También estaba Josh Connor, un amigo de Kevin y Christine que, tan pronto como comenzaron a divorciarse, comenzó a salir mucho con Christine en vacaciones. Una vez más, las fuentes conectadas a ambos dicen que no había absolutamente nada romántico pasando antes o durante el divorcio.

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"TMZ Investiga: Kevin Costner's Divorce War" se emite el lunes a las 9/8c en Fox y comienza a transmitirse al día siguiente en Hulu.

Kevin Costner Divorce Rife w/ Claims of Infidelity ... On 'Yellowstone' & Montecito

TMZ Studios

Kevin Costner's divorce was as ugly as they come -- and much of it had to do with claims of infidelity on both sides ... something denied by all sides and featured in a new 'TMZ Investigates.'

The A-lister's split from his wife, Christine Baumgartner, kickstarted with unfounded rumors of KC impregnating someone on the set of "Yellowstone"  -- something we dive into in detail in a new documentary airing Monday on FOX, 'Kevin Costner's Divorce War.'

Now, when it comes to CB herself -- there were rumblings of alleged cheating as well ... on two different fronts, actually. There was a guy who was staying in their guest house -- whom she was alleged to have slept with -- he shut that down, saying it never happened.

There was also Josh Connor ... a friend of Kevin and Christine who -- as soon as they were in the midst of divorce -- started to hang out a lot with Christine on vacations. Again, sources connected to both of them say there was absolutely nothing romantic going on before or during the divorce.

"TMZ Investigates: Kevin Costner's Divorce War" airs Monday at 9/8c on Fox and starts streaming the next day on Hulu.

Zendaya y Tom Holland Tomados de la mano mientras dejan el estreno de "Dune" Fin a los rumores...

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Muy en serio

Zendaya y Tom Holland siguen siendo una pareja y lo demostraron esta semana cuando salieron de la mano del estreno de su película en Londres, aplastando todos los rumores de ruptura.

Tom estaba tomando firmemente la mano de Zendaya el jueves por la noche mientras salían del estreno de "Dune: Part Two" y dejaban atrás a los paparazzi y a los cazadores de autógrafos. Él tomó la iniciativa aquí, ayudándola a entrar en un carro que los estaba esperando y jugando sin duda un buen papel de novio.

Esta es la primera vez que Zendaya y Tom son vistos juntos en público desde que comenzaron los rumores de su ruptura incesante. Hasta ahora, habían estado un poco separados, incluso estando en la misma ciudad en el último tiempo.

Recuerden, los rumores comenzaron en diciembre cuando Z dejó de seguir a todo el mundo en IG, incluido Tom y sin ninguna explicación.

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"Definitivamente no"

A principios de enero, Tom le dijo explícitamente a un fotógrafo que no habían terminado y hace un par de semanas redobló su defensa con algunos mensajes que alababan a Z en sus redes sociales. A pesar de eso, no los habíamos visto juntos en el mismo lugar hasta el gran momento de Zendaya en el estreno.

Ahora está más claro que el agua, la relación de Z y T va viento en popa y no hay problemas en el paraíso.

Históricamente, se han distinguido por ser bastante privados, así que este es un mensaje fuerte de su parte. Parece que Tom quería enviar un mensaje de una vez por todas.

Zendaya y Tom llevaban trajes negros a juego la noche del jueves y ella parecía mucho más cómoda de lo que estaba en el estreno.

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Respiren tranquilos, amigos, la pareja favorita de todo el mundo sigue junta.

Zendaya and Tom Holland Hold Hands Leaving 'Dune' Premiere ... Put End To Breakup Rumors

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Zendaya and Tom Holland are very much still a couple -- something they proved this week by holding hands after her big movie premiere in London ... squashing all the rumors.

Tom was firmly holding Zendaya's hand Thursday night as he led her away from the "Dune: Part Two" afterparty ... leaving paps and autograph hounds in the dust as he helped her into a waiting car. Indeed, he's taking the lead here ... and certainly playing the BF role.

This is the first time Zendaya and Tom have been spotted together in public since the incessant breakup rumors first started -- until now, they've kinda been apart ... even when they've been in the same city of late.

Remember, the rumblings began in December when Z unfollowed everyone on IG ... even purging Tom from her social media with no explanation.

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"absolutely not"

Tom told a photog, explicitly, they were not dunzo earlier in January -- and a couple weeks ago, he doubled down with some social media posts doting on Z. But, we still hadn't seen them at the same place at the same time until Zendaya's big moment at the premiere.

Now it's clear as day, Z and TH are going strong ... and there's no trouble in paradise.

They're historically a pretty private couple too, so this is a strong message as far as these two are concerned. Seems like Tom wanted to send a message once and for all.

Zendaya and Tom were wearing matching black outfits Thursday night ... and Zendaya looked a helluva lot more comfortable than what she showed up to the premiere wearing.

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Breathe easy, folks, everyone's favorite class couple's still together.

Kim Kardashian Quiero estas características en mi próximo hombre ¿Estás escuchando, Odell?

Mi hombre ideal
This Life of Mine with James Corden / SiriusXM

El matrimonio de Kim Kardashian con su ex marido Kanye West no funcionó, pero ella está abierta a encontrar el amor de nuevo ... Solo que esta vez tiene una lista muy estricta de requisitos que desea en su próximo hombre.

La estrella de los reality shows, que se rumorea está saliendo con Odell Beckham Jr., compartió lo que busca en su próxima pareja en el podcast de James Corden el jueves y dice que hay algunos rasgos que quiere en cualquier chico con el que vuelva a salir.

Solo una muestra de lo que ella espera en su próximo compañero: que sea responsable de sus acciones, que asuma sus responsabilidades, que la contenga, que no tenga que cuidar de él y, por último ... que tenga buenos dientes.

Kim le dijo a James Corden que no es tan ilusa como para pensar que alguien va a tener todos y cada uno de esos requisitos, pero asegura que es una lista bastante seria, ¡así que parece que Odell tiene mucho trabajo por delante!

En cuanto a si va a pasar por el altar de nuevo, Kim le dijo a James que no está segura. Sabe que se necesita a alguien muy "especial e único" para hacer frente a su épica y enorme vida. Sabe que es un gran compromiso y no lo toma a la ligera. Pero no hace falta decir que quienquiera que sea se divertirá mucho, o así es como Kim lo describe.

Ahora, Kim dice que no está desesperada por encontrar el amor, señalando que no se siente sola con sus 4 hijos, su trabajo y su familia. Por supuesto, también explica que sería bueno compartir su vida con alguien.

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Kim añade que aunque es una romántica empedernida, sabe lo que es una relación real, sobre todo porque se ha casado tres veces ya, por lo que está siendo cautelosa respecto a los rumores de que está saliendo con Odell Beckham Jr.

Dicho esto, ambos fueron vistos por última vez en la fiesta Fanatics en el Marquee Dayclub en el Cosmopolitan el pasado fin de semana. Aunque intentaron pasar desapercibidos, los pillamos en una fiesta donde Kim y OBJ se estaban dando un abrazo, aunque leve.

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Cada vez más cercanos

Supongo que Odell tiene trabajo que hacer para asegurarse su confianza en el largo plazo, suponiendo que eso es algo que él quiera.


This Life of Mine with James Corden / SiriusXM

Kim Kardashian's marriage with ex-husband Kanye West didn't work out -- but she's open to finding love again ... only, now, she's got a super strict list of qualifications for the next one.

The reality star -- who's rumored to be dating Odell Beckham Jr. right now -- shared what she's looking for in her next man on James Corden's podcast Thursday ... and she says there are a few traits she wants in any new guy she starts dating seriously.

Just a taste of what she wants in her next fella ... being accountable for actions, taking accountability, holding her down, not having to babysit him and finally ... good teeth.

Kim tells JC she's not delusional enough to think that someone will check every single box ... but nonetheless, that's a pretty serious list, so it looks like Odell's got his work cut out for him!

As for whether she'll walk down the aisle again, Kim tells James she ain't sure ... and knows it'll take a  very "special, unique person" to deal with her huge, epic life -- 'cause she realizes it's a massive commitment and doesn't take it lightly. But, it goes without saying .. whoever comes along will have whole lotta fun, that's how KK puts it here anyway.

Now, Kim says she's not desperate for love -- noting she isn't lonely with her 4 kids, her work, and family. Of course, she explains it'd be nice to share her life with someone.

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Kim adds that while she's the biggest hopeless romantic out there, she knows what a real relationship is, especially since she's done the marriage thing three times now -- so as for the rumors she's dating OBJ, it looks like she's being cautious and taking it slow.


With that said ... they were last seen out together at the Fanatics Party at the Marquee Dayclub in the Cosmopolitan the past weekend. Even though they were tying to stay on the DL, we peeped them at a bash ... where Kim and OBJ went in for a hug, albeit a slight one.

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Guess he's got his work cut out for him to try and secure her long-term trust -- assuming that's something he even wants.