"Yellowstone" stars Hassie Harrison and Ryan Bingham have sparked widespread speculation they've tied the knot ... less than a year after they confirmed they were together.

Fans were beside themselves as Ryan posted an IG clip over the weekend promoting his bourbon and upcoming show with a wedding band clearly on display ... with one commenting: "Ummmm, is that a wedding ring?! How did I not hear this?" and the rest of his comments echoing similar sentiments.

One source tells TMZ they married in Dallas -- Hassie's hometown -- in early October ... though we're unable to confirm this information.
We reached out to reps for the pair ... so far, no word back.
The costars confirmed their romance in April ... with Ryan sharing a smitten IG snap of them kissing in front of a bonfire, captioning it: "More than a spark🔥."
Their romance went from strength to strength as they reportedly purchased a 10-acre $4.6M horse ranch in California's Topanga Canyon over the summer.
Hassie, who made her "Yellowstone" debut in S3, previously dated "One Tree Hill" star Austin Nichols before they split in 2020. Ryan had been married to film producer Anna Axster for 12 years, and shares three children with her.
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Hassie Harrison y Ryan Bingham disparan rumores de matrimonio
Las estrellas de "Yellowstone" Hassie Harrison y Ryan Bingham han desatado la especulación generalizada de que van a ser padres, todo esto a menos de un año después de que confirmaran estar juntos.
Los fans estaban fuera de sí cuando Ryan publicó un clip de Insta durante el fin de semana donde se le vio promocionando su bourbon y su próximo show con un anillo de bodas claramente en la pantalla, con un comentario: "Ummmm, ¿eso es un anillo de boda? ¿Cómo no me enteré de esto?" y el resto de sus comentarios haciéndose eco de sentimientos similares.

Una fuente le dice a TMZ que se casaron en Dallas - ciudad natal de Hassie - a principios de octubre, aunque no podemos confirmar esta información.
Nos pusimos en contacto con los representantes de la pareja ... hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.
Los coprotagonistas confirmaron su romance en abril, con Ryan compartiendo una cariñosa de ellos besándose delante de una hoguera escribiendo: "Más que una chispa🔥".
Su romance fue viento en popa, según los informes, compraron un rancho de caballos de 4.6 millones de dólares y 10 acres en el Cañón Topanga de California durante el verano.
Hassie, que hizo su debut en "Yellowstone" en la temporada 3, salió previamente con la estrella de "One Tree Hill" Austin Nichols, antes de separarse en 2020. Ryan llevaba 12 años casado con la productora de cine Anna Axster, con la que comparte tres hijos.
Lupita Nyong'o se deja ver con Joshua Jackson tras anunciar su ruptura
Joshua Jackson y Lupita Nyong'o claramente no quieren que nadie sepa que están pasando mucho tiempo juntos y haciendo todo lo posible para evitar ser fotografiados durante una salida por comestibles.
La ganadora del Oscar hizo un valiente intento (aunque sin éxito) para eludir la vista al llegar con la estrella de "Dawson's Creek" a Erewhon en Los Ángeles el lunes. Lupita se agachó en el asiento del pasajero, pero aun así no se pudo ocultar.
A pesar de su plan frustrado, Joshua siguió manteniendo la ilusión de una salida en solitario cuando se dirigió a la tienda con Lupita siguiendo su ejemplo minutos más tarde.

Mientras que la pareja aún no ha confirmado su relación, sus travesuras sugieren que su relación va más allá de la amistad.
Joshua y Lupita se conocen desde hace años, con su conexión aparentemente fortaleciéndose en octubre en el concierto de Janelle Monáe.
Aunque no hubo demostraciones de afecto en el show, la salida levantó sospechas, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que Lupita terminó con su novio, Selema Masekela, el mismo día y rápidamente borró todo rastro de él de su Insta.
En cuanto a Joshua, TMZ ya había dado la noticia una semana antes de la noche con Lupita que la actriz y modelo Jodie Turner-Smith había puesto fin a su matrimonio después de 4 años.
LUPITA NYONG'O Grocery Run with Joshua Jackson Weeks After Split with BF
Joshua Jackson and Lupita Nyong'o clearly don't want anyone to know they're spending a whole lotta time together -- going to great lengths to avoid being snapped together during a joint grocery run.
The Oscar winner made a valiant attempt -- albeit unsuccessfully -- to duck out of view when arriving with the "Dawson's Creek" star to Erewhon in L.A. Monday. Lupita ducked in the passenger's seat, but was still spotted.
Despite their foiled plan, Joshua continued to maintain the illusion of a solo outing as he headed into the store first ... with Lupita following suit minutes later.

While the pair have yet to confirm their relationship, their shenanigans suggest their relationship is beyond friendship.
Joshua and Lupita have known each other for years ... with their connection seemingly heating up in October at Janelle Monáe's concert.
While there was no PDA at the show, the outing raised eyebrows ... especially considering Lupita called it quits with her BF, Sal Masekela, the same day ... and swiftly deleted all traces of him from her IG.
As for Joshua, TMZ had already broke the news a week prior to the night out with Lupita that actress/model Jodie Turner-Smith pulled the plug on their marriage after 4 years.
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Ashanti supuestamente embarazada de Nelly
Noticias de Último Minuto

11:28 AM PT -- Ashanti aparentemente está embarazada después de todo - al menos según Us Weekly, que está citando una fuente que dice: "Nelly y Ashanti están dando la bienvenida a su primer bebé juntos".
De ser cierto, sería el primer hijo de Ashanti y el tercero de Nelly. Él ya tiene otros dos hijos de una relación anterior y ambos son adultos.
Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el campamento de Ashanti para hacer comentarios pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.
La última aparición pública de Nelly y Ashanti ha dado lugar a ¡especulaciones de embarazo!
Durante el fin de semana, Nelly, Ashanti y muchos más se pusieron los trajes y las botas para el rapero de "Country Grammar" en el 11º Black and White Ball en el Hotel Four Seasons, que trajo el evento de nuevo a St. Louis luego de un paréntesis de siete años.
La pareja de superestrella compartió una broma interna en el escenario cuando Ashanti puso sus manos sobre su estómago, a lo que Nelly respondió haciendo lo mismo, haciendo que ambos estallaran en carcajadas. 👀
Los fans se han alegrado de ver a Nelly y Ashanti al acecho después de romper hace 8 años.
El evento de Nelly fue por a una buena causa, los ingresos fueron a la Fundación Make-A-Wish y también se otorgaron becas para Harris Stowe State University.

Sabremos a su debido tiempo si crearon un niño o simplemente estaban troleando ... en cualquier caso, la gente está viviendo por esta relación y como dijo el MC, ¡hazlo oficial!
El Señor sabe que ha sido un largo tiempo de espera.
Publicado originalmente -- 8:45 AM PT
Nelly & Ashanti Baby On Board??? Reports Say It's True!!!
Breaking News

11:28 AM PT -- Ashanti apparently is pregnant after all -- at least according to Us Weekly, which is citing a source that says, "Nelly and Ashanti are welcoming their first baby together."
If true, it'd be Ashanti's first child ever ... and it would be Nelly's 3rd -- he already has two other kids from a previous relationship, and both of them are adults.
We've reached out to Ashanti's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.
Nelly and Ashanti's latest barrage of PDA has led to pregnancy speculation -- and it's all because they created it!!!
Over the weekend, Nelly, Ashanti and many more got suited and booted for the "Country Grammar" rapper's 11th Black and White Ball at the Four Seasons Hotel ... which brought the event back to St. Louis after a seven-year hiatus.
The superstar couple appeared to share an inside joke on stage when Ashanti placed her hands on her stomach, to which Nelly did the same ... making them both burst out laughing. 👀
Could be a bun in the oven ... or they were planning to bake one that night. Either way, fans have been happy to see Nelly and Ashanti on the prowl after breaking up 8 years ago.
Nelly's event also benefitted a good cause ... proceeds went to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and scholarships for Harris Stowe State University were also awarded.

We'll know in due time if they created a toddler or were just trolling ... in any case, people are living for this relationship -- and as the MC said, make it official!!!
Lord knows it's been a long time coming and then some.
Originally Published -- 8:45 AM PT
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Connor Bedard Corey Perry Didn't Sleep With My Mom ... 'Bunch Of BS'
Connor Bedard is now weighing in on the unfounded rumors that his former teammate, Corey Perry, slept with his mom ... and he was adamant on Friday they're straight up "BS."
The Blackhawks superstar didn't mince words when a reporter asked him about the crass gossip that's surrounded Chicago's hockey team for the past few days ahead of their Saturday game against the Jets in Winnipeg.
"It's just a bunch of BS on the internet," Bedard said, before admitting, "It's of course been an effect on myself and my family."
"And that's not fair," he continued, according to Blackhawks beat reporter Ben Pope. "But it's out of our control. It's all just fake, made-up stuff."

Blackhawks GM Says Corey Perry Cut Unrelated To Sleeping with Connor Bedard's Mom
Bedard is now the third person to deny the baseless allegations that first formulated on X late last month ... joining Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson and Perry himself.
It seems he'll likely be the last, too, because according to hockey reporter Jacob Stoller, Bedard "became annoyed as the questions" about the Perry rumors continued during his Friday meeting with the media.
"I don't need to answer anymore questions about this stuff," Bedard said.
Perry was cut by the Blackhawks on Tuesday -- and while a specific reason for his departure was never given by the team ... it reportedly all had to do with an "alcohol-infused incident" with team staffers and corporate sponsors.
In a statement Perry released on Thursday, the 38-year-old apologized for his "inappropriate and wrong" behavior.
"I have started working with experts in the mental health and substance abuse fields to discuss my struggles with alcohol and I will take whatever steps necessary to ensure this never happens again," Perry said. "I hope to regain the trust and respect of everyone who has believed in me throughout my career."
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Jeannie Mai Fires Back at Jeezy's Divorce Claims ... Insinuates He's a Cheater and Prenup Says It'll Cost Him!!!
Jeannie Mai has responded to Jeezy's divorce petition, and she is more than insinuating he cheated on her and claims that will have a HUGE effect on their prenup and division of assets.
According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Jeannie more than insinuates her estranged husband is guilty of infidelity. Her lawyer writes, "Wife reserves the right to amend this counterclaim to add other grounds for divorce, but which Wife does not wish to specify herein at this time in the hope this matter can be resolved without having to disclose such conduct publicly."
But, it gets even more pointed ... "Wife further shows that the Court should enforce Paragraph 8 of the Prenuptial Agreement regarding infidelity which provides, in pertinent part, that in the event that either party engages in sexual relations, an emotional relationship, or is emotionally or sexually suggestive in communication with a third party via all forms of electronic communications, including but not limited to texting, sexting, Facetiming, social media and/or Direct Messages, shall result in a significant financial penalty upon the adulterous party ..."

In other words, she's accusing Jeezy of being unfaithful and claiming he's gotta cough up a bunch of dough as a result. The docs do not say who exactly Jeezy was allegedly banging, talking to, or seeing.
Jeannie coming out with cheating allegations is super interesting ... as we first told you, Jeannie was being accused of cheating on Jeezy with "Access Hollywood" host Mario Lopez, but a source close to her told us it was BS.
Jeezy, who filed for divorce in August down in Georgia, also released a 29-track double album, "I Might Forgive ... But I Don't Forget," in the wake of the split ... and it's highlighted by the song "Don't Cheat."
Cheating was also a theme Jeezy kept referencing during his recent interview with Nia Long.
Now, Jeannie is turning the tables ... and calling out Jeezy for allegedly being unfaithful.
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Jeannie Mai Responde a la petición de divorcio de Jeezy... ¡¡Es un infiel y le va a costar!!
Jeannie Mai respondió a la petición de divorcio de Jeezy, y está más que insinuando que este la engañó, lo que según afirma, tendrá un efecto enorme en su acuerdo prenupcial y la división de los activos.
Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Jeannie más que sugiere que su marido es culpable de infidelidad. Su abogado escribe: "La esposa se reserva el derecho de modificar esta demanda reconvencional para añadir otros motivos de divorcio, los cuales la esposa no desea especificar en este momento con la esperanza de que este asunto pueda resolverse sin tener que revelarse públicamente tal conducta".
Pero se pone aún más puntiagudo: "La esposa muestra además que el Tribunal debe hacer cumplir el párrafo 8 del Acuerdo Prenupcial con respecto a la infidelidad que establece, en la parte pertinente, que en el caso de que cualquiera de las partes participe en relaciones sexuales, una relación emocional, o emocional o sexualmente sugerente en la comunicación con un tercero a través de todas las formas de comunicación electrónica, incluyendo, pero no limitado a los mensajes de texto, sexting, Facetiming, medios de comunicación social y/o mensajes directos, dará lugar a una sanción económica significativa sobre la parte adúltera".
En otras palabras, ella está acusando a Jeezy de serle infiel y está reclamando que tiene que soltar un montón de dinero como consecuencia de ello. Los documentos no dicen qué fue lo que Jeezy supuestamente hizo, vio o con quién habló.
Que Jeannie salga con acusaciones de engaño es súper interesante, como les contamos por primera vez, Jeannie estaba siendo acusada de engañar a Jeezy con el anfitrión de "Access Hollywood", Mario López, pero una fuente cercana a ella nos dijo que era mentira.
Jeezy, que pidió el divorcio en agosto en Georgia, también lanzó un álbum doble de 29 canciones, "I Might Forgive ... But I Don't Forget," a raíz de la separación y se destaca por la canción "Don't Cheat".
El engaño también fue un tema al que Jeezy siguió haciendo referencia durante su reciente entrevista con Nia Long.
Ahora, Jeannie está dando vuelta a la tortilla y llamando a Jeezy infiel, supuestamente.
Taylor Swift Publicist Slams Marriage To Joe Alwyn Rumors ... It's All "Fabricated Lies"!!!
Taylor Swift's publicist came out swinging against a celebrity gossip site, blasting rumors the pop superstar had secretly married her ex Joe Alwyn years ago.
Tree Paine, Taylor's longtime rep, posted a message on X Thursday night, slamming the shadowy Deuxmoi Instagram page, which often publishes unconfirmed reports about Hollywood's elite.
Enough is enough with these fabricated lies about Taylor from Deuxmoi. There was NEVER a marriage or ceremony of ANY kind. This is an insane thing to post. It’s time for you to be held accountable for the pain and trauma you cause with posts like these. pic.twitter.com/cFi0wQc9cp
— Tree Paine (@treepaine) December 1, 2023 @treepaine
Paine wrote, "Enough is enough with these fabricated lies about Taylor from Deuxmoi. There was NEVER a marriage or ceremony of ANY kind."
She continued, "This is an insane thing to post. It’s time for you to be held accountable for the pain and trauma you cause with posts like these."
In a lengthy IG post, Deuxmoi claimed Taylor and Joe tied the knot in the UK in 2020 or 2021, but the marriage "was never made legal," citing multiple anonymous sources.
Deuxmoi rambled on, trying to convince readers the story was true while insisting, "I have no reason to lie."
As you know, Taylor called it quits with Joe in April after six years of dating. During their relationship, Joe was repeatedly asked if he was engaged to Taylor -- and the actor always sidestepped the question.
He once told WSJ magazine, "If I had a pound for every time I think I've been told I've been engaged, then I'd have a lot of pound coins."
Getting engaged could be on the horizon for Taylor. As anyone with a pulse knows, Taylor has been romantically linked to Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce -- and the two seem to be in love.
Will Travis put a ring on Taylor's finger? Stay tuned.
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Taylor Swift Publicista desmiente rumores de matrimonio con Joe Alwyn... Son todas mentiras fabricadas!!!
El publicista de Taylor Swift salió al paso de un sitio de chismes de celebridades, desmintiendo los rumores de que la superestrella del pop se habría casado en secreto con su ex Joe Alwyn hace años.
Tree Paine, representante de Taylor por largo tiempo, publicó un mensaje en X el jueves por la noche, en donde critica a la enigmática página de Instagram Deuxmoi, que a menudo publica artículos no confirmados sobre la élite de Hollywood.
Enough is enough with these fabricated lies about Taylor from Deuxmoi. There was NEVER a marriage or ceremony of ANY kind. This is an insane thing to post. It’s time for you to be held accountable for the pain and trauma you cause with posts like these. pic.twitter.com/cFi0wQc9cp
— Tree Paine (@treepaine) December 1, 2023 @treepaine
Paine escribió: "Ya es suficiente con estas mentiras inventadas sobre Taylor de Deuxmoi. NUNCA hubo un matrimonio o ceremonia de NINGÚN tipo".
Ella continuó: "Es una locura publicar esto. Es hora de que sean responsable por el dolor y el trauma que causan con posts como estos".
En un largo post de Instagram, Deuxmoi afirmó que Taylor y Joe ataron el nudo en el Reino Unido en 2020 o 2021, aunque el matrimonio "nunca se hizo legal". Citan múltiples fuentes anónimas en su reporte.
Deuxmoi divagó, tratando de convencer a los lectores de que la historia era cierta mientras insistía: "No tengo ninguna razón para mentir".
Como saben, Taylor puso fin a su relación con Joe en abril después de seis años de noviazgo. Durante su relación, Joe fue consultado en repetidas ocasiones si estaba comprometido con Taylor y el actor siempre eludió la pregunta.
Una vez dijo a la revista WSJ: "Si tuviera una libra por cada vez que creo que me han dicho que he estado comprometido, entonces tendría un montón de monedas".
Comprometerse podría estar en el horizonte de Taylor. Como cualquier persona a estas alturas sabe, Taylor ha sido vinculada románticamente con el jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce, y los dos parecen estar enamorados.
¿Pondrá Travis un anillo en el dedo de Taylor? Estén atentos.
NHL's Corey Perry I Didn't Sleep With Bedard's Mom Getting Treatment For Mental, Alcohol Issues
Ex-Chicago Blackhawks player Corey Perry is breaking his silence ... apologizing for his actions and adamantly denying the reason he got kicked off the team had anything to do with Connor Bedard's mother.
The 38-year-old Canadian had his contract terminated earlier this week ... after the team said he violated the Blackhawks' internal policies over "conduct that is unacceptable."
The move came days after folks on social media spread a rumor that Perry hooked up with Bedard's mom, Melanie ... and the chatter got so loud, Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson had to address the "wildly inaccurate" and "disgusting" claims.
Now, Perry is also speaking out on the situation ... and he, too, is confronting the false narrative head-on.
"As a result of my actions, there has been speculation and rumors," Perry said in a statement. "I am sickened by the impact this has had on others, and I want to make it clear that in no way did this situation involve any of my teammates or their families."
"Most importantly, I want to directly apologize to those who have been negatively affected and I am sorry for the additional impact to others it has created. My behavior was inappropriate and wrong."
While details surrounding the specific incident have not been disclosed, Perry was reportedly involved in an "alcohol-infused incident" with team staffers and corporate sponsors prior to getting cut.
Perry said he is now seeking mental health and alcohol treatment ... in hopes he doesn't repeat his actions moving forward.
"I hope to regain the trust and respect of everyone who has believed in me throughout my career," he added.
"Once again, I am deeply sorry."
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Lynne Spears Shops At Dollar General ... After Claims She Sells Britney's Belongings
Lynne Spears appears to be doing her shopping on a budget ... buying from Dollar General after claims she's been selling Britney's belongings to stay afloat financially.
Lynne was spotted wheeling a shopping cart filled with items out of the discount store in Britney's hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana earlier this week.
There's a lot being made about Lynne's finances these days, though she's strongly denied claims she's been hawking Britney's clothes, hats and shoes in a Kentwood consignment shop.
It's interesting to see Lynne doing some shopping at Dollar General, but it's worth noting she's also got a designer purse in the store's bright yellow shopping cart ... and eventually unloads her goods into a white Mercedes.

Earlier this month, the Daily Mail published an article with a family source claiming Lynne has spent the last 5 years selling Britney's clothes and accessories from tour performances, her personal wardrobe and appearances on TV and award shows.
Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.
Lynne vehemently denied the report on social media ... posting a picture with some of Britney's clothes and the caption, "I would never sell my daughter's things. Get your facts straight @dailymail."
As we reported ... in her new memoir, Britney accuses Lynne of trashing her collection of antique dolls and personal journals, with Lynne denying the allegations.
Lynne's got receipts for Britney's claims too ... again defending herself on social media and telling Britney she would never do what she's being accused of here.
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LYNNE SPEARS DE COMPRAS en dollar general tras las acusaciones de que vendió objetos de Britney
Lynne Spears parece estar haciendo sus compras con cuidado de no gastar mucho en Dollar General, todo esto luego de las afirmaciones de que ha estado vendiendo las pertenencias de Britney para mantenerse a flote financieramente.
Lynne fue vista con un carrito de supermercado lleno de artículos fuera de la tienda de descuento en la ciudad natal de Britney de Kentwood, Louisiana, a principios de esta semana.
Se está hablando mucho de las finanzas de Lynne estos días, aunque ella ha negado rotundamente las afirmaciones de que ha estado vendiendo ropa, sombreros y zapatos de Britney en una tienda de consignación de Kentwood.
Es interesante ver a Lynne haciendo las compras en Dollar General, pero vale la pena señalar que tiene un bolso de diseñador en el carrito de la tienda de color amarillo brillante. finalmente, descarga sus mercancías en un Mercedes blanco.

A principios de este mes, el Daily Mail publicó un artículo con una fuente de la familia afirmando que Lynne ha pasado los últimos 5 años vendiendo ropa y accesorios de las actuaciones de la gira de su hija, incluyendo su vestuario personal y apariciones en programas de televisión y premios.
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Lynne negó vehementemente el informe en redes sociales, publicando una foto con algunas de las prendas de Britney y la leyenda: "Nunca vendería las cosas de mi hija". "@dailymail debería dejar de mentir".
Como informamos, en su nuevo libro de memorias Britney acusa a Lynne de destrozar su colección de muñecas antiguas y diarios personales. Cosa que Lynne niega.
Lynne también tiene recibos de las afirmaciones de Britney, defendiéndose nuevamente en redes sociales y diciendole a Britney que ella nunca haría lo que se le acusa.
Jeremy Allen White Smoke Break w/ Rosalía in L.A. ... Still Going Strong, Eh???
Jeremy Allen White and Rosalía aren't putting dating rumors to rest -- in fact, they're adding fuel to the fire and lighting a match ... to spark up cigs, and more rumors, no doubt.
TMZ got these photos of "The Bear" actor and the Spanish singer hanging out Wednesday in WeHo ... where they were chopping it up in a parking lot, and enjoying a smoke break in each other's company.
It's kinda funny ... you could argue this scene here is life imitating art a bit -- namely, on Jeremy's end. His character from the TV show is constantly stepping out to inhale a cigarette amid the restaurant chaos ... and while this moment isn't nearly as dramatic, it does feel familiar.
Anyway, JAW and Rosalía ended up talking a bit more -- sans cancer sticks -- and ultimately departed with a nice big hug ... but no kiss, something we know Jeremy ain't shy to do when he's into a new boo.
Still, it's interesting to see them continue to hang amid last month's public farmer's market outing -- where Jeremy was walking around with a huge bouquet of flowers ... which may or may not have been for his new would-be significant other.
Folks thought there was something going on between them then ... and they're sure to keep on believing that after this latest rendezvous.
What adds an extra layer of intrigue here is the fact that Jeremy is still navigating a divorce from his wife, Addison Timlin ... with whom he shares 2 children.
The exes seem to be on good terms, 'cause they're constantly stepping out as a family ... so it would appear they're going about their uncoupling amicably.
Anyway, Jeremy certainly isn't scared to put his personal life on the front street, and with his growing success in the biz, he's only going to get more and more attention the bigger he gets.
The dude's IDGAF vibes are pretty palpable ... he's as down-to-earth as they come.
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La situación financiera de Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann es tan grave que la familia está recurriendo a anuncios de embarazo falsos relacionados con Brielle Biermann como una manera de hacer dinero.
Así es la cosa; en un post en redes sociales, Kim sugirió fuertemente que su hija Brielle estaba embarazada, compartiendo un sonograma y diciendo que estaba "TAN EXCITADA DE SER ABUELA".
Kim desactivó los comentarios en el post y compartió un artículo de noticias clickbait que dice: "¡Oh bebé! Brielle Biermann nos habló acerca de tener hijos y de cómo se siente acerca de que su mamá, Kim Zolciak, se convierta en abuela".

Kroy Biermann es demandado por Chase Bank por un saldo impago de 5 cifras en su tarjeta de crédito
Resulta que todo es falso y es solo una idea de Kim para hacer dinero rápido.
Fuentes familiarizadas con la situación le dicen a TMZ que Brielle no está realmente embarazada, a pesar de la postura de Kim sugiriendo lo contrario. Esta es la razón por la que Kim está recibiendo un soborno financiero del artículo clickbait.
Las luchas financieras de Kim y Kroy han sido bien documentadas a partir del supuesto millón que le deben al IRS y varias demandas en su contra por facturas pendientes de pago.
Como te contamos por primera vez; a principios de este mes, Kim fue demandada por Bank of America por más de $50K en deudas de tarjetas de crédito. Kim también fue demandada en agosto por SAKS/CAPITAL ONE por no pagar una factura de tarjeta de crédito de $156K.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los representantes de Kim y Brielle, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.