Taylor Swift Publicista desmiente rumores de matrimonio con Joe Alwyn... Son todas mentiras fabricadas!!!

El publicista de Taylor Swift salió al paso de un sitio de chismes de celebridades, desmintiendo los rumores de que la superestrella del pop se habría casado en secreto con su ex Joe Alwyn hace años.

Tree Paine, representante de Taylor por largo tiempo, publicó un mensaje en X el jueves por la noche, en donde critica a la enigmática página de Instagram Deuxmoi, que a menudo publica artículos no confirmados sobre la élite de Hollywood.

Paine escribió: "Ya es suficiente con estas mentiras inventadas sobre Taylor de Deuxmoi. NUNCA hubo un matrimonio o ceremonia de NINGÚN tipo".

Ella continuó: "Es una locura publicar esto. Es hora de que sean responsable por el dolor y el trauma que causan con posts como estos".

En un largo post de Instagram, Deuxmoi afirmó que Taylor y Joe ataron el nudo en el Reino Unido en 2020 o 2021, aunque el matrimonio "nunca se hizo legal". Citan múltiples fuentes anónimas en su reporte.

Deuxmoi divagó, tratando de convencer a los lectores de que la historia era cierta mientras insistía: "No tengo ninguna razón para mentir".

Como saben, Taylor puso fin a su relación con Joe en abril después de seis años de noviazgo. Durante su relación, Joe fue consultado en repetidas ocasiones si estaba comprometido con Taylor y el actor siempre eludió la pregunta.

Una vez dijo a la revista WSJ: "Si tuviera una libra por cada vez que creo que me han dicho que he estado comprometido, entonces tendría un montón de monedas".

Comprometerse podría estar en el horizonte de Taylor. Como cualquier persona a estas alturas sabe, Taylor ha sido vinculada románticamente con el jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce, y los dos parecen estar enamorados.

¿Pondrá Travis un anillo en el dedo de Taylor? Estén atentos.

NHL's Corey Perry I Didn't Sleep With Bedard's Mom Getting Treatment For Mental, Alcohol Issues

Ex-Chicago Blackhawks player Corey Perry is breaking his silence ... apologizing for his actions and adamantly denying the reason he got kicked off the team had anything to do with Connor Bedard's mother.

The 38-year-old Canadian had his contract terminated earlier this week ... after the team said he violated the Blackhawks' internal policies over "conduct that is unacceptable."

The move came days after folks on social media spread a rumor that Perry hooked up with Bedard's mom, Melanie ... and the chatter got so loud, Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson had to address the "wildly inaccurate" and "disgusting" claims.

Now, Perry is also speaking out on the situation ... and he, too, is confronting the false narrative head-on.

"As a result of my actions, there has been speculation and rumors," Perry said in a statement. "I am sickened by the impact this has had on others, and I want to make it clear that in no way did this situation involve any of my teammates or their families."

"Most importantly, I want to directly apologize to those who have been negatively affected and I am sorry for the additional impact to others it has created. My behavior was inappropriate and wrong."

While details surrounding the specific incident have not been disclosed, Perry was reportedly involved in an "alcohol-infused incident" with team staffers and corporate sponsors prior to getting cut.

Perry said he is now seeking mental health and alcohol treatment ... in hopes he doesn't repeat his actions moving forward.

"I hope to regain the trust and respect of everyone who has believed in me throughout my career," he added.

"Once again, I am deeply sorry."

Lynne Spears Shops At Dollar General ... After Claims She Sells Britney's Belongings

Lynne Spears appears to be doing her shopping on a budget ... buying from Dollar General after claims she's been selling Britney's belongings to stay afloat financially.

Lynne was spotted wheeling a shopping cart filled with items out of the discount store in Britney's hometown of Kentwood, Louisiana earlier this week.

There's a lot being made about Lynne's finances these days, though she's strongly denied claims she's been hawking Britney's clothes, hats and shoes in a Kentwood consignment shop.

It's interesting to see Lynne doing some shopping at Dollar General, but it's worth noting she's also got a designer purse in the store's bright yellow shopping cart ... and eventually unloads her goods into a white Mercedes.


Earlier this month, the Daily Mail published an article with a family source claiming Lynne has spent the last 5 years selling Britney's clothes and accessories from tour performances, her personal wardrobe and appearances on TV and award shows.

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Lynne vehemently denied the report on social media ... posting a picture with some of Britney's clothes and the caption, "I would never sell my daughter's things. Get your facts straight @dailymail."

As we reported ... in her new memoir, Britney accuses Lynne of trashing her collection of antique dolls and personal journals, with Lynne denying the allegations.

Lynne's got receipts for Britney's claims too ... again defending herself on social media and telling Britney she would never do what she's being accused of here.

LYNNE SPEARS DE COMPRAS en dollar general tras las acusaciones de que vendió objetos de Britney

Lynne Spears parece estar haciendo sus compras con cuidado de no gastar mucho en Dollar General, todo esto luego de las afirmaciones de que ha estado vendiendo las pertenencias de Britney para mantenerse a flote financieramente.

Lynne fue vista con un carrito de supermercado lleno de artículos fuera de la tienda de descuento en la ciudad natal de Britney de Kentwood, Louisiana, a principios de esta semana.

Se está hablando mucho de las finanzas de Lynne estos días, aunque ella ha negado rotundamente las afirmaciones de que ha estado vendiendo ropa, sombreros y zapatos de Britney en una tienda de consignación de Kentwood.

Es interesante ver a Lynne haciendo las compras en Dollar General, pero vale la pena señalar que tiene un bolso de diseñador en el carrito de la tienda de color amarillo brillante. finalmente, descarga sus mercancías en un Mercedes blanco.


A principios de este mes, el Daily Mail publicó un artículo con una fuente de la familia afirmando que Lynne ha pasado los últimos 5 años vendiendo ropa y accesorios de las actuaciones de la gira de su hija, incluyendo su vestuario personal y apariciones en programas de televisión y premios.

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Lynne negó vehementemente el informe en redes sociales, publicando una foto con algunas de las prendas de Britney y la leyenda: "Nunca vendería las cosas de mi hija". "@dailymail debería dejar de mentir".

Como informamos, en su nuevo libro de memorias Britney acusa a Lynne de destrozar su colección de muñecas antiguas y diarios personales. Cosa que Lynne niega.

Lynne también tiene recibos de las afirmaciones de Britney, defendiéndose nuevamente en redes sociales y diciendole a Britney que ella nunca haría lo que se le acusa.

Jeremy Allen White Smoke Break w/ Rosalía in L.A. ... Still Going Strong, Eh???

Jeremy Allen White and Rosalía aren't putting dating rumors to rest -- in fact, they're adding fuel to the fire and lighting a match ... to spark up cigs, and more rumors, no doubt.

TMZ got these photos of "The Bear" actor and the Spanish singer hanging out Wednesday in WeHo ... where they were chopping it up in a parking lot, and enjoying a smoke break in each other's company.

It's kinda funny ... you could argue this scene here is life imitating art a bit -- namely, on Jeremy's end. His character from the TV show is constantly stepping out to inhale a cigarette amid the restaurant chaos ... and while this moment isn't nearly as dramatic, it does feel familiar.

Anyway, JAW and Rosalía ended up talking a bit more -- sans cancer sticks -- and ultimately departed with a nice big hug ... but no kiss, something we know Jeremy ain't shy to do when he's into a new boo.

Still, it's interesting to see them continue to hang amid last month's public farmer's market outing -- where Jeremy was walking around with a huge bouquet of flowers ... which may or may not have been for his new would-be significant other.

Folks thought there was something going on between them then ... and they're sure to keep on believing that after this latest rendezvous.

What adds an extra layer of intrigue here is the fact that Jeremy is still navigating a divorce from his wife, Addison Timlin ... with whom he shares 2 children.

The exes seem to be on good terms, 'cause they're constantly stepping out as a family ... so it would appear they're going about their uncoupling amicably.

Anyway, Jeremy certainly isn't scared to put his personal life on the front street, and with his growing success in the biz, he's only going to get more and more attention the bigger he gets.

The dude's IDGAF vibes are pretty palpable ... he's as down-to-earth as they come.


La situación financiera de Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann es tan grave que la familia está recurriendo a anuncios de embarazo falsos relacionados con Brielle Biermann como una manera de hacer dinero.

Así es la cosa; en un post en redes sociales, Kim sugirió fuertemente que su hija Brielle estaba embarazada, compartiendo un sonograma y diciendo que estaba "TAN EXCITADA DE SER ABUELA".

Kim desactivó los comentarios en el post y compartió un artículo de noticias clickbait que dice: "¡Oh bebé! Brielle Biermann nos habló acerca de tener hijos y de cómo se siente acerca de que su mamá, Kim Zolciak, se convierta en abuela".

Resulta que todo es falso y es solo una idea de Kim para hacer dinero rápido.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la situación le dicen a TMZ que Brielle no está realmente embarazada, a pesar de la postura de Kim sugiriendo lo contrario. Esta es la razón por la que Kim está recibiendo un soborno financiero del artículo clickbait.

Las luchas financieras de Kim y Kroy han sido bien documentadas a partir del supuesto millón que le deben al IRS y varias demandas en su contra por facturas pendientes de pago.

Como te contamos por primera vez; a principios de este mes, Kim fue demandada por Bank of America por más de $50K en deudas de tarjetas de crédito. Kim también fue demandada en agosto por SAKS/CAPITAL ONE por no pagar una factura de tarjeta de crédito de $156K.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con los representantes de Kim y Brielle, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Brielle Biermann Not Pregnant, Despite Mom's Post ... Kim Zolciak Posts Clickbait For $$$

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann's financial situation is so dire the family is turning to trick pregnancy announcements involving Brielle Biermann as a way to make money.

Here's the deal ... in a social media post, Kim strongly suggested daughter Brielle was pregnant, sharing a sonogram and saying she was "SO EXCITED TO BE A GRANDMA."

Kim turned comments off on the post and it links back to a clickbait news article reading, "Oh baby! Brielle Biermann spilled to us about having kids and how she feels about her mom Kim Zolciak becoming a grandma."

Turns out, it's all bogus and just a way for Kim to make a quick buck.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Brielle isn't actually pregnant despite Kim's post suggesting otherwise, and Kim is getting a financial kickback from the clickbait article.

Kim and Kroy's financial struggles have been well documented ... starting with the alleged $1 million they owe the IRS and various lawsuits against them for unpaid bills.

As we first told you ... earlier this month Kim was sued by Bank of America for over $50K in credit card debt. Kim was also sued in August by SAKS/CAPITAL ONE for failing to pay a $156K credit card bill.


We reached out to reps for Kim and Brielle ... so far no word back.

Will y Jada Posan juntos para foto de Acción de Gracias

Will Smith y Jada Pinkett Smith estuvieron juntos de nuevo y sonriendo a la cámara para este Día de Acción de Gracias, aunque el modo en que lo compartieron difiere en una manera que puede ser significativa.

La pareja, que ha dejado claro recientemente que no tienen una relación o matrimonio tradicional, reunió a toda la familia, incluyendo sus hijos y sus padres, todos bajo un mismo techo para una sesión de fotos profesional.

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Will y Jada subieron diferentes fotos en sus respectivas cuentas de Instagram, pero parece que Will expresó mucho más que Jada, particularmente por unas fotos bastante cariñosas entre ellos.

Como pueden ver, la foto en donde salen solos posando, él aparece dándole un beso en la cabeza a Jada. La versión de Jada de esa foto es un poco diferente... Ella publicó una imagen le acaricia su cabeza, pero la lanzó como parte de un collage más grande.

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Obviamente, esto es leer entre líneas, pero bueno, teniendo en cuenta todo lo que ha circulado sobre estos dos en los últimos años, vale la pena analizar estas cosas.

A primera vista, parece que Will quiso presentar más a una pareja feliz y unida en sus fotos. Jada, en cambio, se centró más en la familia, lo que coincide con la forma en que ha hablado de Will, sobre todo últimamente.

¿El nombre de tu esposa?

Recordemos que Jada reveló hace algunas semanas que llevaban viviendo vidas separadas con Will hace años y que ya no estaban involucrados románticamente. También dijo que se sorprendió cuando Will se refirió a ella como su "esposa", tras abofetear a Chris Rock en los Oscar.

Las revelaciones de su libro de memorias ponen un nuevo foco en su dinámica, que ya había estado bajo el microscopio mucho antes de su libro y que se multiplicó más en los últimos días con la última afirmación.

A pesar de todo el drama, e independiente de si están en la misma página en las fotos que subieron de su familia, los Smith parecen estar disfrutando juntos estas vacaciones.

Eso es todo lo que realmente se puede esperar en esta época del año.

Will & Jada Pose Together for T'Giving Shoot ... Slightly Different Uploads

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith were back together and smiling for the camera this Thanksgiving -- although their public evidence differs in what may be a significant way.

The couple -- who've recently made clear they don't have a traditional relationship/marriage -- got the whole fam together for the holiday ... which included themselves, their kids and their parents, with everyone coming together under one roof for a neat pro photo shoot.

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WS and JPS uploaded different shots on their respective Instagram pages, but it appears Will threw up way more than Jada did ... notably, some pretty loving shots between him and her.

As you can see, the pic where it's just him and Jada posing together features him planting a kiss on her head. Her version of that photo is a tad bit different, though ... she posted one where he's nuzzling/cradling her head and threw it up as part of a larger collage.

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Obviously, this is reading into the tea leaves a bit ... but hey, considering everything that's been circulating about these two over the years -- it's worth analyzing this stuff.

On its face, it would appear Will wanted to present more of a happy couple/united front vibe with his photos, and Jada seemed content with keeping her IG upload focused more on the family at large ... which kinda jibes with how she's spoken about Will, especially lately.


Remember, Jada revealed last month that she and Will had been living separate lives for years and weren't romantically involved anymore -- while also going on to say she was shocked when Will referred to her as his "wife" when he slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars.

Her memoir revelations put renewed focus on their dynamic, which had already been under a microscope well before her book -- and that was multiplied with the latest salacious claim.

Despite all that drama -- and regardless of whether they're on the same page with their family photo uploads or not -- the Smiths appear to be enjoying each other for the holidays.

That's all you can really hope for this time of the year.

Kanye West De fiesta en Dubai con Bianca ... Tras reportes de que ella lo dejó

Kanye West no parece estar distanciado de su esposa Bianca Censori porque ambos fueron vistos saliendo de fiesta en Dubai.

Mira el video de los dos disfrutando de la juerga en Atlantis. Bianca está allí con Ye, aparentemente pasando un buen rato.

Algunos reportes dicen que los amigos y la familia de Bianca le han dicho que Kanye le está lavando el cerebro para convertirla en una esposa robot, pero ella parece optimista con ello.

Bailando en Dubai

Chris Brown, Ty Dolla $ign y otros raperos también estuvieron en la fiesta.

El Atlantis es el mismo hotel donde Kanye y su ex entrenador, Harley Pasternak, tuvieron un encontronazo a principios de esta semana. Kanye dijo que Harley lo estaba acosando en Dubai, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que es mentira.

Visto en el hotel

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que Harley se estaba alojando en el mismo hotel que Kanye, y que cuando el rapero se fijó en él trató de darle un abrazo que Harley rechazó. Fue ahí que Kanye se enfadó y empezó a grabarlo. Luego, un gerente del hotel le preguntó a Harley si quería seguridad.

Pasternak ha cortado relaciones con Kanye por diversas razones, entre ellas los comentarios antisemitas de Ye.

Kanye West Parties in Dubai with Wife Bianca ... After Reports She Left Him

Kanye West does not appear estranged from wife Bianca Censori because they were partying in Dubai.

Check out the video of the two enjoying the shindig at Atlantis. Bianca is right there with Ye, seemingly having a good time.

There have been reports, Bianca's friends and family have convinced her Kanye had brainwashed her into becoming a wife robot, but she seems sanguine with the sitch.


Chris Brown, Ty Dolla $ign and other rappers were also at the party.

The Atlantis is the same hotel where Kanye's trainer, Harley Pasternak, had a run-in with him earlier this week. Kanye had said Harley was stalking him in Dubai, but our sources say that's BS.


Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Harley was staying at the hotel and Kanye noticed him and tried to give him a hug. Harley rebuffed the gesture, and Kanye got pissed and began recording him. A hotel manager asked Harley if he wanted security.

Pasternak has cut Kanye off for a variety of reasons, including Ye's antisemitic comments.

Adele More Evidence of Matrimony ... Check Out the Ginormous Ring!!!

Adele is engaging in matrimonial shenanigans ... flashing an ENORMOUS rock Wednesday night at the Lakers/Mavericks game.

Adele and Rich Paul were sitting courtside, of course, at L.A.'s Crypto.com Arena, as she clearly leaned into rumors she and Rich are already hitched.

There have been rumors for sure ... as you probably know she's been referring to herself as RP's wife during her residency in Vegas. Once she said she wasn't "the greatest wife when it comes to football."

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And just this week there were folks at the Alan Carr comedy show in L.A. who say Adele was there and confirmed the rumored nuptials.

We haven't been able to confirm, but the rock is pretty solid evidence, don't you think?

As you know ... Adele bought a massive estate from Sylvester Stallone for $58 mil and she and Rich have gutted it, so it seems they're putting down stakes.


Wale Diddy Didn't Assault Me, I Never Met Cassie!!! Story Giving Fake 'Five Heartbeats'

Wale finds himself inserted in a rumor about Diddy dangling him over a balcony for working with Cassie against Diddy's wishes -- but Wale says it's a fairy tale derived from Robert Townsend's film, "The Five Heartbeats!!!

Wale's management tells TMZ Hip Hop the story, first started by DMV rapper-turned-YouTuber Ant Glizzy, is pure fakery and goes on to say, "It’s a shame that a complete fabrication has gotten this far and that we have to dignify it with a response."

They continue ... "It is a fantasy written by an outsider to exploit a viral story for clicks … the author must have watched "The Five Heartbeats" on basic cable and got inspired. They have never been in the same room as the people mentioned. Wale has never met Cassie or the author and was never involved in any type of altercation. He wishes peace for everyone involved in the settlement."

Wale's team is also warning any media outlets that continue posting the story would be spreading fake news, "and we appreciate any outlet dedicated to factual reporting.”

The 1991 film is loosely based on the Motown Hits era and features a crazed record label boss named Big Red hanging one of his artists over a balcony after they disrespected his office hours with an inquiry about his royalties.

Ant Glizzy has repeatedly made it clear in his videos that he has a bone to pick with Wale but also lingering beef with Shy Glizzy, who he also mentioned in the story.

Diddy looked gutted over the weekend after settling the explosive lawsuit Cassie filed, alleging rape, physical abuse and human trafficking.

Ant didn't take kindly to Wale's rebuttals and is now vowing to lay hands on the new Def Jam signee. Good luck with that!!!

Donald Trump Again Denies 'Golden Showers' ... Melania Believes Me!!!


Donald Trump was once infamously alleged to have watched prostitutes pee on a bed in a "golden showers" show -- and even all these years later ... he continues to insist it ain't true.

The ex-Prez was at a campaign event in Fort Dodge, Iowa Saturday night -- and while he was hyping up his crowd ... he waded back into this very old news, just to reiterate his denial and to once again explain why it couldn't possibly be true.

Take a listen ... DT retells the story as it was alleged in a secret dossier -- which claimed he and some "hookers" were at a hotel in Russia back in 2013, and that DT watched these ladies urinate on a mattress that Barack and Michelle Obama had apparently once slept in.

Trump denied this way back in 2017 when the story first started to surface -- and he's doing the same here in 2023 ... this time roping Melania into it, and saying she totally believes him.

As he noted way back when ... he's a total germaphobe, so there's no way this can be true -- something he says the former First Lady also apparently agreed with when he tried to reassure her it was bunk.

Like we said ... nothing really new here. It's just nuts that the dude's still talking about it a whole 6 years later, well after it'd been put to bed. Goes to show what's on his mind!

BRITNEY SPEARS VISTA EN PÚBLICO POR PRIMERA VEZ desde la publicación de su libro

Britney Spears ha estado pasando desapercibida desde la publicación de sus memorias el mes pasado, pero ahora está saliendo en público de nuevo y hay que decir que se ve muy feliz.

La estrella del pop (y ahora autora) fue fotografiada el sábado por la tarde en West Hollywood, donde fue a cenar al Chateau Marmont con su manager, Cade Hudson. Ella también tenía un amigo peludo de etiqueta que incluso se subió en el asiento del conductor cuando se fueron.

Como dijimos, Brit se ve radiante, mostrando una enorme sonrisa mientras los paparazzi disparaban. Se le vio caminando con mucha confianza mientras lucía un traje de color naranja brillante, botas y gafas de sol.

Se podría decir que está bastante satisfecha por los resultados de "The Woman in Me", que salió hace un mes, entregando toneladas de datos polémicos.

No vamos a repetir todo de nuevo, pero digamos que ella ganó un montón de simpatía y apoyo adicional de parte de la gente gracias sus historias personales. Esto le viene muy bien, ya que había perdido algo de popularidad después de la tutela.

Ahora, sin embargo, Brit tiene al público de vuelta de su lado y ella parece saberlo. Por supuesto, también está el hecho de que ella está recibiendo una buena parte de las ventas netas del libro, el cual ha sido un artículo muy vendido con más de 1.1 millones de copias vendidas en la primera semana.

Así que sí, Britney ha sacado algo bueno entre todo su drama.

En cuanto a la conducción, bueno, aquí está la esperanza de que ella frena su rollo y puede permanecer entre las líneas en la carretera. Ya le han puesto un par de multas de tráfico en el último año.

Aparte de eso, es genial verla fuera y de buen humor. It's Britney bitch!

Britney Spears Seen Out in Public for First Time ... Since Her 'TWIM' Memoir

Britney Spears has been laying low since releasing her bombshell memoir last month -- but now, she's stepping out in public again ... and gotta say, she looks pretty damn happy.

The pop star (and now author) was snapped out and about Saturday afternoon in West Hollywood, where she hit dinner at the Chateau Marmont with her manager, Cade Hudson. She also had a furry friend tagging along ... and even got in the driver's seat as they left.

Like we said ... Brit's radiating here, flashing a huge grin as paps fired away -- and walking along with a lot of confidence, this while rocking a bright orange outfit, boots and shades.

From the looks of it, you could say she might be quite pleased over the fallout of "The Woman in Me," which came out about a month ago now ... with tons of juicy nuggets.

We're not gonna rehash all of it here again, but let's just say ... she gained a lot of extra sympathy and support as people processed her stories and claims -- which is interesting, 'cause you could argue she'd, perhaps, been losing a little steam post-conservatorship.

Now, however ... Brit has the public back in her corner -- and she seems to know that. Of course, there's also the fact she's getting a nice cut of the net sales of the book -- and so far, it's been a hot-ticket item ... with over 1.1 million copies sold in the first week!

So yeah, she's cleaned up nice and then some in the aftermath of all this.

As far as the driving, well -- here's hoping she slows her roll and can stay between the lines on the road. She's already gotten hit with a couple traffic tickets over the past year or so.

Aside from that though, cool to see her out and owning the moment. It's Britney, bitch.

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