Kyle Richards Foto de Mauricio de la mano con Emma Slater... Súper irrespetuoso con Kyle

Que Kyle Richards borrara la foto de Mauricio Umansky y su pareja de baile en "Dancing With the Stars" fue algo intencional y se conecta directamente con la imagen de Mauricio saliendo de un restaurante de Los Ángeles de la mano con Emma Slater.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja distanciada dicen a TMZ que Kyle no se cree lo que Mauricio está diciendo sobre las fotos, esto es, que estaba de la mano con Emma porque estaba sobrepasado por la emoción de rememorar los buenos recuerdos con Kyle, mientras comían sushi. La historia y su motivación simplemente no se sostienen.

Como sabrán, Kyle eliminó la foto de Mauricio y Emma apoyándolos en "Dancing With The Stars" de su feed de Instagram, y no por accidente.

La cuestión es... todo el mundo está hablando de una posible relación entre Kyle y Morgan Wade, aunque las dos nunca han confirmado o negado nada. No ha habido fotos de demostración de afecto en público, por lo que la foto de Mauricio y Emma es un nuevo giro  y algunos cercanos a la pareja lo están considerando "súper irrespetuoso" con Kyle.

Dicho esto, los dos siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo y su relación es "en general amigable", dicen las fuentes.

En términos de una posible reconciliación, nos dicen que esta foto podría ser un aguafiestas. Como dijo una fuente: "Es obvio lo que pasa".

Kyle and Mauricio Photo of Mo Holding Hands with Emma Slater ... 'Super Disrespectful' to Kyle

Kyle Richards deleting the photo of Mauricio Umansky and his dance partner on "Dancing With the Stars" was intentional ... it directly connects to the photo of Mauricio walking out of an L.A. restaurant holding hands with Emma Slater.

Sources close to the estranged couple tell TMZ ... Kyle isn't buying what Mauricio is selling over the pics ... he says he was holding hands with Emma because he was overtaken with emotion ... when he talked to Emma over sushi about fond memories of getting married to Kyle. The story and the motivation just don't hold water.

As you may know, Kyle removed the pic of Mauricio and Emma supporting them on 'DWTS' from her Instagram feed, and not by accident.

Fact is ... everyone's talking about a rumored relationship between Kyle and Morgan Wade, although the 2 have never confirmed or denied it. There have been no PDA pics of Kyle and Morgan, so the photo of Mauricio and Emma is a new twist .... some folks close to the couple call it " super disrespectful" to Kyle.


Mauricio and Emma's performance on "Dancing with the Stars" Tuesday night came off as pretty sexy, too ... and people online have been sure to point that out.

That said ... the 2 are still living under the same roof and their relationship is "generally amicable," sources say.

In terms of any possible reconciliation, we're told this photo could be a buzzkill. As one source put it, "It's obvious what's up."


John Stamos Ex Denies Cheating On Him With Danza ... We Were Broken Up!!!

John Stamos claims he once caught a girlfriend of his in the '80s cheating on him with Tony Danza ... but the woman says John's got it all wrong.

Teri Copley, the ex-gf John's accused of an alleged affair, denies cheating on him ... she says they were already broken up when Stamos found her in bed with Danza.

The model/actress confirms part of John's story ... that he came over to her place to find her naked in bed next to a passed-out Tony ... but she told People she and John had already ended their relationship.

Teri told the outlet, "I wondered, 'What was John doing there?' because we had broken up. He just looked at me and shook his head, and walked away."

As we reported ... John reveals the alleged affair in his upcoming memoir, "If You Would Have Told Me," claiming he also peeked into Tony's Porsche, which was parked at Teri's place, and saw an autographed poster of her half-naked with a note that read ... "My Dear Tony, I'll love you forever. XO, Teri."

John said he was madly in love with Teri at the time ... but it sounds like she didn't feel the same way.

For his part, Tony has yet to respond to John's claims.

Britney Spears 'Everytime' Lyrics Not About Unborn Baby With Justin Timberlake ... Writer Denies Fan Theory

Britney Spears is NOT singing about her pregnancy with Justin Timberlake or her abortion in the hit song "Everytime" ... so says the woman who wrote the song with Britney.

Songwriter Annet Artani tells TMZ … she worked with Britney on the song back in the day, and while Britney contributed, it was about their respective breakups ... and mostly Annet's.

Annet says when she was writing the lyrics she was coming off a fresh split from Britney's musical director ... and the song is mostly about Annet's relationship ... not Britney's unborn child, as some fans now suspect in the wake of Britney's recent bombshell.

Britney had been broken up with Justin for about 9 months at the time, and the song came out after he released "Cry Me a River" ... but Annet says Britney never mentioned a baby or an abortion during the writing process, and neither topic served as inspiration for the track.

Annet tells us she and Britney would sit at the piano together working on the song ... they were friends and were sharing pain, and they were both sad and would play piano together.

As we reported ... the famous lyric that has fans thinking Britney was secretly referencing her abortion is "I guess I need you, baby."

But, Annet says the tagline was just something she wrote about her own experiences with her relationship. To be even clearer, she says it's NOT a reference to an unborn baby.

As for the song's chorus ... "And every time I see you in my dreams I see your face, you're haunting me. I guess I need you, baby" ... Annet says Britney came up with "haunting," though she says they were simply trying to find words with rhymes.

Annet's kind of leaving the door open to the new Britney fan theory though ... she says she was not involved in the music video or the imagery of a woman giving birth, and that was all Britney, so it's possible that visual correlates to the decision she and Justin made to terminate her pregnancy.


Stay tuned ... more conspiracy theories are sure to come.

BRITNEY SPEARS "EVERYTIME" El escritor niega la teoría de los fans

Britney Spears NO está cantando sobre su embarazo con Justin Timberlake o su aborto en la exitosa canción "Everytime", así lo dice la mujer que escribió la canción con Britney.

La compositora Annet Artani le dice a TMZ que trabajó con Britney en la canción y nos puede afirmar que se trataba de sus respectivas rupturas... sobre todo la de Annet.

Annet dice que cuando estaba escribiendo la letra que estaba terminando una relación con el director musical de Britney, y la canción es acerca de la relación de Annet y no sobre el hijo por nacer de Britney, como algunos fans sospechaban a raíz de la reciente polémica de Britney.

Britney había roto con Justin por cerca de nueve meses en ese momento, y la canción salió después de que él lanzó "Cry Me a River", pero Annet dice que Britney nunca mencionó un bebé o un aborto durante el proceso de escritura y ninguno de los temas sirvió de inspiración para la pista.

Annet nos dice que ella y Britney se sentaban al piano juntas a trabajar en la canción. Eran amigas y estaban compartiendo el mismo tipo de dolor. Estaban tristes y tocaban el piano juntas.

Como informamos, la famosa letra que tiene a los fans pensando que Britney se refería en secreto a su aborto es "I guess I need you, baby".

Annet dice que el lema era algo que escribió sobre sus propias experiencias con su relación. Para ser aún más clara, dice que NO es una referencia a un bebé no nacido.

En cuanto al estribillo de la canción: "Y cada vez que te veo en mis sueños veo tu cara, me persigues. I guess I need you, baby"... Annet dice que a Britney se le ocurrió "haunting", aunque ella dice que simplemente estaban tratando de encontrar palabras que rimaran.

Annet es una especie de dejar la puerta abierta a la nueva teoría fan de Britney sin embargo ella dice que no estaba involucrado en el video musical o las imágenes de una mujer dando a luz, y que era todo Britney, por lo que es posible que visual se correlaciona con la decisión que ella y Justin hizo para interrumpir su embarazo.

contestando los rumores

Manténgase en sintonía, hay más teorías conspirativas por venir.


Travis Kelce vive su vida a lo grande y parte de la razón tiene que ver con Taylor Swift... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la situación nos dicen que el Chiefs tight end acaba de comprar una nueva casa en Kansas City con la venta de cierre el martes. Nos han dicho que la compró por poco menos de seis millones de dólares. Al parecer la compró porque es mucho más grande y más aislada que su antigua casa.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la propiedad se encuentra en una comunidad cerrada y es una mansión que cuenta con 6 dormitorios, 6 baños y más de 16.000 pies cuadrados de espacio habitable.

Además es muy lujosa, nos dicen que hay una piscina con una cascada adjunta, además, una cancha de tenis y pickleball, por no hablar de un mini campo de golf. Ahora, en cuanto al porqué de la mudanza, nuestras fuentes dicen que había un par de cosas que le molestaban, principalmente la necesidad de más privacidad.

Nos dicen que en la antigua casa de Travis era demasiado accesible al público y estaba empezando a convertirse en una atracción turística y Travis estaba empezando a sentirse incómodo.

Estor resultó ser un problema el fin de semana pasado, cuando TayTay vino a visitar Trav en Kansas City - sólo para tener paparazzi parque fuera y husmear en 'em.

En pocas palabras, quería estar en un lugar más seguro y sí, nuestras fuentes dicen que salir con Taylor en este momento sin duda un factor en su decisión. Dicho esto, nos dicen que compró esta casa con su propio dinero en efectivo y que es solo suya.

Avanzando, de hecho.

Travis Kelce Buys New Mansion for Privacy While Dating Taylor Swift

Travis Kelce is leveling up his living situation big time -- and part of the reason has to do with Taylor Swift ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us the Chiefs tight end just bought a new home in Kansas City, with the sale closing Tuesday. We're told he snapped it up for just under $6 million ... and, yes, for that kinda dough in KC, he's getting a place that's way bigger and more secluded than his old house.

Our sources say this pad is in a gated community, and it's a straight-up mansion ... 6 bedrooms, 6 baths and over 16,000 square feet of living space!!!

It also screams luxury ... we're told there's a pool with a waterfall attached -- plus, a tennis and pickleball court, not to mention a mini golf course. Now, as far as why he upgraded ... our sources say there were a few things nagging him, including needing more privacy.

We're told at Travis's old house, it was simply far too accessible, and was starting to become a tourist attraction ... with people swinging by and staking out the place -- Travis was getting uncomfortable with the situation.

That actually proved to be an issue as recently as this past weekend ... when TayTay came to visit Trav in Kansas City, only to have paparazzi park outside waiting for any shots of the couple.

Bottom line, he wanted to be in a more secure spot -- and yes, our sources say him dating Taylor right now certainly factored into his decision.

And, we know what some Swifties might be thinking, but, no ... we're told he bought it with his own cash, and it's his alone.

Moving on up, indeed.

ddg "llámenme VAGO RICO"

DDG puede o no ser un futuro padre —él y Halle Bailey todavía no lo dicen— pero mientras tanto, no va a perder su tiempo con trolls sin rostro en Internet.

Después de todo, ¡esa es su especialidad!

Después de las especulaciones de que él y su novia Halle están esperando su primer hijo (su salida pública el pasado fin de semana lo hizo casi una certeza), el rapero de "Moonwalking in Calabasas" dio la impresión de que fue bombardeado con burlas acerca de no ser lo suficientemente bueno para la estrella de "La Sirenita".

En lugar de planificar el baby shower, el maestro de las redes sociales decidió apoyarse en los haters etiquetándolo como un vago, actualizando su biografía de Tuiter a "Vago Rico".

El hip hop está repleto de talentos estos días, así que es bastante impresionante que DDG haya sido galardonado por Forbes tanto en 2022 como en 2021, y también lanzó su álbum "Maybe It's Me" en julio.

Sí, Halle sí que sabe elegirlos.

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En cualquier caso, DDG debe mirar a sus amigos, no a sus enemigos, y parece que es muy cercano a Nick Cannon, que está ansioso por darle la bienvenida a la "baby daddy gang" con los brazos abiertos.

Por lo visto, solo hace falta un niño para ser miembro.

DDG Call Me a 'Rich Bum' If You're Making Halle Pregnancy Jokes!!!

DDG may or may not be a father-to-be -- he and Halle Bailey still aren't saying -- but in the meantime, he's not gonna be sonned by faceless trolls on the internet.

After all, that's literally his specialty!!!

After speculation he and his GF Halle are expecting their first child (their public outing last weekend made it a near lock), the "Moonwalking in Calabasas" rapper gave off the impression he was bombarded with taunts about not being good enough for "The Little Mermaid" star.

Instead of planning the baby shower, the savvy social media maestro decided to lean into the haters labeling him a bum by adjusting his Twitter bio to "Rich Bum."

Hip hop is full of pocket-watching these days so it's anyone's guess how DDG was honored by Forbes in both 2022 and '21, and also released his "Maybe It's Me" album back in July.

Yeah, Halle sure knows how to pick 'em!

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At any rate, DDG should look to his friends -- not his haters, and it appears he has a good ol' pal in Nick Cannon, who's eagerly welcoming him to the "baby daddy gang" with any available arms.

Apparently, it only takes 1 kid to earn membership.

Bella Hadid Howdy, Partner ... Spotted Making Out with Cowboy in Texas

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Bella Hadid looks like she's got a new man in her life because she was all over a cowboy in Texas ... stopping to pack on some PDA before crossing the street.

Check out the video, obtained by TMZ, and shot at the famous Fort Worth stockyards this week. You can see the supermodel kissing, hugging and holding hands with Adan Banuelos ... a big star in the horse riding industry.

Folks who were there Tuesday say Bella and Adan seemed happy on their afternoon outing -- poking their heads into a few shops -- when they weren't making out ... of course.

BTW ... Adan's not just some poser in boots and a cowboy hat, he was inducted into the National Cutting Horse Association Riders Hall of Fame in 2017 as one of the youngest inductees of all time.

As for their connection ... Bella's got a love for horses too. She grew up riding but had to take a break because of Lyme disease, and in March she returned to competitive equestrian.



Halle Bailey (Baby) Bumpin' in That Hoodie??? New Pics Fuel Pregnancy Buzz

Halle Bailey is doing little to dispel persistent rumors she's pregnant with her first child ... because if that bump is what everyone thinks it is, she's no longer trying to hide it.

The 'Little Mermaid' star was out in Santa Monica, rocking very casual and very baggy clothing -- sweatpants and a hoodie -- and yet all eyes were focused on her midsection.

Halle was joined by rapper boyfriend, DDG, during the Sunday outing, and the couple looked pretty happy about something -- and most of their fans think they know what that something is.

HB did have a bandage on her arm near her elbow, indicating a possible blood draw. If she's preggo, giving blood is something that's done regularly for all sorts of tests.

It looks like DDG also gave blood too, for some reason, because he had a bandage on his left arm.

Halle first sparked pregnancy rumors last month at the MTV Video Music Awards ... when she wore a large, flowing orange dress onstage to present an award.

She also reportedly remained cautious backstage, greeting celebs with handshakes instead of hugs.

Add it all up and it seems like Halle and DDG are starting a family -- but, to be fair, they haven't confirmed anything. Not yet.

Stay tuned ...

Bigfoot Sightings Scientists Should Be On the Case ... Not Cops, So Say Cops

The multiple alleged bigfoot sightings should have scientists and anthropologists digging for answers ... so say Colorado cops, after the now-viral vid shot in one of their National Forests.

San Juan County Undersheriff Steve Lowrance tells TMZ ... scientists and anthropologists should have all eyes on what was recently seen in Colorado, so they can determine once and for all if the creature is legit, or just some dude in a fursuit.

For the record, Lowrance doesn't really buy into the bigfoot legend -- adding he's lived in the area for 35 years, and has never seen the thing with his own eyes.

Regardless, he says law enforcement shouldn't be using its resources on unraveling the hairy mystery ... mainly because the elusive sasquatch isn't on any police watchlist due to its clean record and all.

We're told San Juan County has had about 3 bigfoot sightings over the years, but no crime has been committed -- no missing person reports connected to the alleged beast, and no one eaten alive by it ... that they know of, at least.

The undersheriff knows there might be folks out there who would dress up as bigfoot to commit crimes, but he's not too concerned about that scenario, either.

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Instagram / @bt92.travels

As we reported, video shows what believers claim is the creature walking through the San Juan National Forest -- the clip was captured by a passenger on a train, who saw the alleged sasquatch try to blend in with the environment.


The U.S. Forest Service told us it can't say if the new footage is real or fake ... but it sounds like scientists will have to enter the chat to put the furry topic to bed!


Los múltiples avistamientos de Bigfoot deberían ser investigados por científicos y antropólogos, eso dicen los policías de Colorado, después del video viral grabado en uno de sus bosques nacionales.

El sheriff Steve Lowrance le dijo a TMZ que los científicos y antropólogos deben tener los ojos puestos sobre lo que se ha visto recientemente en Colorado para que puedan determinar de una vez por todas si la criatura es real o simplemente es un tipo en un traje.

Para que conste, Lowrance no cree en la leyenda de Bigfoot, añadiendo que ha vivido en la zona durante 35 años y nunca ha visto nada.

A pesar de todo, dice que las fuerzas del orden no deberían utilizar sus recursos en desentrañar el misterio peludo, sobre todo porque el escurridizo sasquatch no está en ninguna lista de vigilancia policial debido a su impecable historial.

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capturado en video
Instagram / @bt92.travels

Se nos dice que el condado de San Juan ha tenido alrededor de 3 avistamientos de Bigfoot en los últimos años, pero no se ha cometido ningún delito y no hay informes de personas desaparecidas relacionadas con la supuesta bestia.

El subcomisario sabe que podría haber gente por ahí disfrazada de Pie Grande para cometer crímenes, pero no está demasiado preocupado por ese escenario tampoco.

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las pruebas
Instagram / @bt92.travels

Como informamos, el vídeo muestra lo que los creyentes afirman que es la criatura caminando por el Bosque Nacional de San Juan. El video fue capturado por un pasajero de un tren que vio al presunto sasquatch tratando de mezclarse con el medio ambiente.

¡todos a bordo!

El Servicio Forestal de EE.UU. nos dijo que no puede decir si las nuevas imágenes son reales o falsas, pero parece que los científicos tendrán que entrar en la conversación para darle claridad al asunto.

Piper Laurie Mother from 'Carrie' Dead at 91

Piper Laurie -- the Oscar-nominated actress -- has died ... this according to her team.

Her manager, Marion Rosenberg, confirmed her passing Saturday to some outlets -- with him telling Variety, "A beautiful human being and one of the great talents of our time." He further shared with THR that she'd been ill now for quite some time ... although an exact cause of death wasn't revealed.

Laurie was one of the last few stars from Hollywood's golden era -- having gotten her start in showbiz back in the '50s ... starring in movies alongside some very famous names, including Donald O'Connor, Tony Curtis, Rock Hudson, Tyrone Power and even Ronald Reagan.

Speaking of the late President -- with whom she acted in her breakout film, "Louisa" -- PL once claimed she'd lost her virginity to him ... and they even dated for a while pre-Nancy. Throughout that decade, she was on a tear ... but took a break until 1961, when she starred opposite Paul Newman in "The Hustler" -- for which she won a Best Supporting Actress nom.

After another long hiatus, Laurie came back to the big screen for her memorable role as Margaret White ... Sissy Spacek's mother in the horror classic, 'Carrie,' for which she won another Best Supporting Actress nomination. Ditto for 1986's 'Children of a Lesser God.'

One of her other very famous parts was in the show "Twin Peaks" ... where she played Catherine Martell AND Mr. Tojamura. The latter performance was iconic. She actually won a Golden Globe for her work on 'TP' ... not to mention an Emmy for a TV movie as well.

Laurie's career was long and prosperous ... having starred in other huge films such as "The Bunker," "Return to Oz" and more. Her TV appearance might've been even more prolific -- she acted in series like 'ER,' 'Skag,' 'The Twilight Zone,' 'Traps,' "Touched By an Angel," "Frasier," "Will & Grace," "Law & Order," "MacGyver" ... and so many others.

She was 91.


Chris Evans Confirms He's Married ... Flashes Wedding Band

just call me hubby

Chris Evans just broke a lot of hearts, confirming he's married ... and trotting out the hardware to prove it.

The 'Avengers' actor hit the stage Saturday during New York Comic Con -- where he sat for a Q&A and talked about a lot of stuff ... but most notably, he explicitly said he was hitched and enjoying the husband life. In the same breath, he also flashed his wedding band.

Dude wasn't hiding it whatsoever ... and during his remarks, he elaborated a bit on the ceremonies he and his wife, Alba Baptista, shared. Indeed, there was more than one.

He says they had one wedding on the East Coast -- which, per reports, went down at his Boston-area home -- and they had a separate one in Alba's native Portugal. CE goes on to explain that planning those was a lot of work, but that they're happy and settled now.

Chris didn't go into much further detail beyond that ... including the prospect of kids, of which he has none. Considering his wife is only 26, though, it's presumably not off the table.

Anyway ... this finally puts all the rumors to rest. Chris is off the market, and finally took the big plunge. His relationship with Alba has been incredibly low-key -- which jibes with his celebrity profile in general, dude is very private and tends to stay out of the spotlight.

That's one less famous bachelor to swoon over ... sorry, ladies. And congrats, Chris!

Ese es un soltero menos por el que desmayarse ... lo sentimos, señoritas. ¡Y felicidades, Chris!

CHRIS EVANS CONFIRMA QUE ESTÁ CASADO ... Muestra su anillo de matrimonio


Chris Evans acaba de romper muchos corazones, confirmando que está casado ... y saca a relucir el soporte físico para demostrarlo.

El actor de 'Los Vengadores' subió al escenario el sábado durante la Comic Con de Nueva York -- en el que se sentó para una sesión de preguntas y respuestas y habló de muchas cosas ... pero más notablemente, explícitamente dijo que estaba comprometido y disfrutando de la vida de casado. Al mismo tiempo, también mostró su anillo de matrimonio.

El tipo no lo estaba ocultando de cualquier forma ... y durante sus declaraciones, profundizó un poco sobre las ceremonias que él y su esposa, Alba Baptista, compartieron. De hecho, fue en más de una ocasión.

Dijo que habían tenido una boda en la Costa Este -- la que, según los informes, se celebró en su casa en el área de Boston -- y también celebraron una por separado en Portugal, el país natal de Alba. CE explicó que planificarlas fue mucho trabajo, pero que están felices y asentados.

Chris no entró en más detalles más allá de eso ... incluida la posibilidad de tener hijos, de los que no tiene ninguno. Considerando que su esposa solo tiene 26 años, posiblemente no está descartado.

De cualquier forma ... esto finalmente pone un fin a todos los rumores. Chris ha salido del mercado y finalmente dio el gran paso. Su relación con Alba ha sido discreta -- lo que concuerda con su perfil de celebridad en general, el tipo es muy reservado y tiende a mantenerse fuera de los reflectores.

Ese es un soltero menos por el que desmayarse ... lo sentimos, señoritas. ¡Y felicidades, Chris!

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