Adele More Wifey Talk in Vegas ... Are You Married or What???

092423_adele_kal September 2023

Adele sure does love a good tease -- 'cause she keeps on suggesting she's a married woman again ... this time, the latest example includes her using a very special title.

The singer was doing her usual thing in Vegas Saturday ... chatting it up with guests during her residency show, and going on a random tangent. Here, she's talking sports -- American football, specifically, and how she just doesn't understand the game.

In video obtained by TMZ, she says her "partner" Rich Paul loves the NFL ... which is why she's now trying to get into the sport more -- despite her admitted ignorance of it.

At one point as she's talking here, Adele says she's "not the greatest wife when it comes to football" and it gets a laugh from the crowd. On its face, it sounds like she's indicating she and RP and happily hitched couple.

TikTok / @adeleslittleloveee

Remember, just a couple weeks ago ... Adele was referring to Rich as her "husband" -- this after she'd already sparked marriage rumors over a year ago when people noticed a book at her house titled "The Pauls."

Adele has yet to address any of this speculation, but it sounds like she's happy with the guy.

*NSYNC, BACKSTREET BOYS, DESTINY'S CHILD No cantarían en el Super Bowl ... A pesar de las especulaciones de los fans

Los fans han estado pensando si ex grupos como *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys o Destiny's Child se subirán el escenario del Super Bowl este año, pero resulta que eso no va a suceder.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo dicen a TMZ que, a pesar de los rumores de que las tres icónicas bandas del pasado unirían fuerzas para el Super Bowl LVIII en Las Vegas, ese simplemente no es el caso.

Nos dicen que los grupos no han sido contactados y que tampoco hay conversaciones para hacerlo realidad.

Internet se volvió loco después de que se difundieran rumores de una posible actuación de *NSYNC y Destiny's Child en el gran partido del próximo año, y la ilusión se extendió un poco más para incluir a Backstreet Boys.

La nostalgia se disparó desde que *NSYNC se reuniera para los MTV VMAs y volviera a los estudios a grabar su primera canción en décadas para la nueva película 'Trolls'.

TMZ dio la noticia, *NSYNC no tiene planes de iniciar una gira, residencia o álbum a pesar de las especulaciones, pero eso no significa que el Super Bowl esté fuera de la mesa, ¿verdad? Error.

*NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Destiny's Child We're Not Singing at Super Bowl LVIII ... Despite Fan Speculation

Fans have been thinking former groups *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, and Destiny's Child will all take the stage at this year's Super Bowl ... turns out, it's not gonna happen.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... despite rumors that the 3 iconic musical bands of the past will join forces for Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas, it's just not the case.

We're told the groups haven't been approached to perform, and no conversations are going down to turn it into reality.

The internet's been going nuts after rumors spread about *NSYNC and Destiny's Child being slated to perform at next year's big game ... and the dream expanded to include the Backstreet Boys.

The nostalgia train has really taken off since *NSYNC reunited at the MTV VMAs and got back in the booth to record the first song in decades for the new 'Trolls' flick.

TMZ broke the story, *NSYNC has no plans to start a tour, residency, or album despite speculation, but that doesn't mean the Super Bowl is off the table, right? Wrong.

George Clooney Vende su villa italiana frente al lago Como

George Clooney estaría haciendo las maletas y dejando el Lago Como, ya que se dice que se estaría deshaciendo de su villa frente al mar, luego de más de dos décadas allí.

El actor habría puesto a la venta su enorme casa italiana, según el medio italiano Oggi, que dice haber confirmado con un agente inmobiliario local que supuestamente está involucrado en la venta.

Yasemin Baysal, es citada en la nota diciendo: "Los rumores también habían circulado años atrás, pero esta vez son verdad", y continúa diciendo que una agencia de Milán se encargará de la mayor parte de la transacción, pero se niega a decir cuál exactamente.

Lo que sí ha revelado es que un cliente potencial está muy interesado en el piso de George. En cuanto a su precio, no parece haber una cifra exacta. Se estima que la villa de Clooney fue valorada en hasta 100 millones de dólares el año pasado, pero el agente de bienes raíces le dice a Oggi que una cifra más realista está en algún lugar entre los $75 y $85 millones.

De cualquier manera, es un buen margen de beneficio para George y su esposa, Amal. Clooney compró el lugar en 2002 por 10 millones de dólares a la famosa familia Heinz y lo ha tenido en su poder desde entonces. En cuanto a por qué se van, Oggi informa que a Amal no le gusta la zona, y supuestamente prefiere Provenza, que está en el sur de Francia.

Compraron otra finca allí hace no mucho tiempo y se mudaron también. No está en el agua como su mansión de Como, es más privada y está en el campo, en un viñedo. Durante años, la presencia de Clooney en Como ha atraído a un montón de prensa y ojos curiosos.

A primera vista, parece que los Clooneys quieren algo un poco más discreto y escondido, y sin duda lo han conseguido con su nueva compra.

En cuanto a la antigua casa de Como, el nuevo propietario vivirá como un rey. Tiene todas las comodidades: un gimnasio privado, un teatro privado, una cancha de baloncesto, un huerto, muelles privados, por no hablar de sus más de 25 habitaciones. ¡Mamma Mia!

George Clooney Nice Knowing Ya, Como ... Reportedly Selling Italian Villa!!!

George Clooney is apparently packing up his bags and leaving Lake Como in the dust -- the dude is said to be unloading his waterfront villa ... this after more than 2 decades there.

The actor is reportedly putting his massive Italian home on the market -- this according to Italian outlet Oggi ... which says it's confirmed with a local real estate agent purported to be involved in the sale.

This woman, Yasemin Baysal, is quoted as saying ... "The rumors were also going around in previous years, but this time it's true." She goes on to say that an agency in Milan will be handling the bulk of the transaction -- but refuses to say which one exactly.

What she does reveal, though, is that one potential client is very interested in GC's pad. As for how much it's going for -- there doesn't seem to be an exact price listed. Clooney's villa was estimated to be valued at as much as $100 million last year ... but the real estate agent tells Oggi that a more realistic ask is somewhere in the ballpark of $75-$85 mil.

Either way, it's a helluva profit margin for George and his wife, Amal. He bought the place way back in 2002 for a reported $10 million from the famed Heinz family ... and he's had it in his possession ever since. As for why they're bailing ... Oggi reports Amal doesn't like the area, and supposedly prefers Provence -- which is in the South of France.

They bought another estate there not too long ago and moved in as well. It's not on the water like their Como mansion is ... this one is super private, in the countryside, and sits on a vineyard. For years, Clooney's presence in Como has drawn a lot of press and eyeballs.

On its face, it would seem the Clooneys want something a little more low-key and tucked away, and they certainly got that with their new buy.

As for the old Como crib ... whoever ends up being the new owner is gonna be living like a king. It's got all the bells and whistles -- a private gym, a private theater, a basketball court, a vegetable garden, private docks ... not to mention upwards of 25 rooms total. Mamma Mia!

Jeannie Mai No estuvo con Mario Lopez... Cero infidelidades en medio del divorcio con Jeezy

Desde que Jeezy solicitó el divorcio a Jeannie Mai, un rumor en particular, y bastante infundado, ha cobrado fuerza en redes sociales y es la idea de que ella lo engañó con Mario López, pero nos dicen que todo sería pura mentira.

Fuentes cercanas a Jeannie dicen a TMZ que no hay absolutamente ninguna verdad en los rumores asociados a una posible infidelidad entre ella y el anfitrión de "Access Hollywood", o con cualquier otra persona, vale decir.

Parece que el falso rumor se deriva del hecho de que Jeannie fue co-presentadora invitada con Mario el mes pasado en su programa, pero nos dicen que cualquier química percibida entre ellos es solo profesional. En simple: es el mundo del espectáculo, amigos.

En cuanto a su divorcio, las fuentes nos dicen que está devastada y con el corazón roto y que se está centrando en hacer lo mejor para su hija de 1 año de edad, Monaco.

Para los que no lo saben, Jeannie compartió el mes pasado algunos clips de su semana como copresentadora del programa de entretenimiento con Mario, que nadie consideró significativos en ese momento particular.

Pero como informamos, Jeezy solicitó el divorcio en Georgia el mes pasado, alegando que no había "ninguna esperanza de reconciliación."

Desde entonces, los fans de Jeannie y Mario han mirado su trabajo juntos con otros ojos, pero, de nuevo, la gente de su mundo dice que los fans están interpretando de manera injusta e incorrecta su relación de trabajo.

Jeannie Mai No Hookup with Mario Lopez ... Zero Infidelity Amid Jeezy Divorce

Ever since Jeezy filed to divorce Jeannie Mai, one particular unfounded rumor's gathered steam online -- that she cheated on him with Mario Lopez -- but we're told all that rank speculation is a load of BS.

Sources close to Jeannie tell TMZ ... there's absolutely no truth to any rumblings of infidelity between her and the "Access Hollywood" host, or with anyone else, for that matter.

It seems the false buzz stems from the fact Jeannie was a guest cohost with Mario last month on his show, but we're told any perceived chemistry between them is simply professional. Translation: It's showbiz, folks.

As for her divorce, our sources say Jeannie's devastated, and heartbroken and is focusing on doing whatever's best for their daughter, 1-year-old Monaco.

For those unaware, Jeannie shared some clips last month from her week cohosting the entertainment news show with Mario, which no one saw as significant at the time.

But, as we reported, Jeezy filed for divorce in Georgia earlier this month, and in his docs said there's "no hope for reconciliation."

Since then, fans online have been looking at Jeannie and Mario's work together through a different lens -- but, again, people in her world say fans are unfairly, and incorrectly, interpreting their working relationship.

Travis Kelce I Invited Taylor Swift To My Game 'We'll See What Happens In The Near Future'


Travis Kelce just confirmed he has at least made contact with Taylor Swift amid rumors the two have been hanging out recently ... revealing he invited the pop superstar to an upcoming Chiefs game.

Pat McAfee got the tight end to open up about rumors he's been quietly seeing Swift the last few weeks on Thursday's episode of the "The Pat McAfee Show" ... and while Kelce didn't exactly address any details head on -- he did admit he's been talking to the "Cruel Summer" singer.

"It's hilarious how much traction this has actually got," the 33-year-old said. "I think it's, right now, it's like that old game in school called 'Telephone,' where everybody is just whispering in each other's ear, just hearing some random stuff."

Kelce said his brother, Jason, has been one of the main reasons the gossip has exploded recently ... and he playfully scolded the Eagles star for it.

"The guy is absolutely ridiculous," Kelce said of his older bro, who's commented a few times on the potential relationship since last Thursday. "He can't stay out of the frickin' headlines."

"Please," Travis added, "everybody stop asking my brother about my love life."

SportsRadio 94 WIP

Kelce previously said he wanted to shoot his shot in the form of a friendship bracelet with his phone number on it when she performed at Arrowhead Stadium in July, but had no luck connecting with her.

It certainly sounds like it eventually worked ... 'cause Kelce said he has, in fact, been in communication with Swift.

"I threw the ball in her court and, you know, I told her, 'I've seen you rock the stage at Arrowhead,'" he told McAfee. "'You might have to come see me rock the stage at Arrowhead and see which one's a little more lit.'"

"So we'll see what happens in the near future."


yo fui a verte ¡ahora ven tú!

Travis Kelce acaba de confirmar que se ha puesto en contacto con Taylor Swift en medio de rumores de que los dos han estado saliendo recientemente, revelando que invitó a la superestrella del pop al próximo partido de los Chiefs.

Pat McAfee consiguió que el tight end se abriera sobre los rumores de que ha estado viendo a Swift las últimas semanas en el episodio del jueves del "The Pat McAfee Show", y aunque Kelce no abordó exactamente ningún detalle sí admitió que ha estado hablando con la cantante de "Cruel Summer".

"Es hilarante la cantidad de tracción que esto realmente ha conseguido", dijo el jugador de 33 años de edad. "Creo que en este momento es como ese viejo juego de la escuela llamado 'Teléfono' donde todo el mundo está susurrando en el oído del otro y se pasan el mensaje".

Kelce dijo que su hermano, Jason, ha sido una de las principales razones por las que los chismes han explotado recientemente y regañó juguetonamente a la estrella de los Eagles por ello.

"El tipo es absolutamente ridículo" dijo Kelce sobre su hermano mayor, quien ha comentado varias veces sobre la posible relación desde el jueves pasado. "No puede mantenerse fuera de los malditos titulares".

"Por favor", añadió Travis, "que todo el mundo deje de preguntarle a mi hermano sobre mi vida amorosa".

¿historia de amor?
SportsRadio 94 WIP

Kelce dijo anteriormente que quiso hacer un intento de acercarse a Taylor y no se le ocurrió una mejor idea que hacerle una pulsera de la amistad con su número de telefónico en él para dársela cuando ella actuó en el estadio Arrowhead en julio, pero no tuvo suerte de conectar con ella.

Ciertamente suena como que finalmente trabajó ... 'causa Kelce dijo que, de hecho, ha estado en comunicación con Swift.

"Lancé la pelota en su campo y, ya sabes, le dije: 'Te he visto rockear en el escenario de Arrowhead'", le dijo a McAfee. "'Tendrías que venir a verme a mí rockear el escenario en Arrowhead y ver cuál está un poco más iluminado'".

"Así que ya veremos qué pasa en un futuro próximo".

Jason Kelce Travis, T. Swift Dating??? I Believe It!!! 😂

SportsRadio 94 WIP

Jason Kelce is revisiting the rumors surrounding his brother's potential love story ... saying he fully believes Travis and Taylor Swift are, in fact, dating.

But, you need to calm down, Swifties -- it was clearly a joke.

The Eagles star was asked once again about recent reports of Travis and Taylor "quietly hanging out" during his appearance on Audacy's SportsRadio 94 WIP Wednesday morning ... and while he claimed he doesn't keep up with the Chiefs tight end's relationship status, he then threw fuel into the speculation fire.

"It's hard to answer because I don't really know a lot about Travis' love life," Jason said. "I try to keep his business kind of his business, stay out of that world. But, having said that, I think he's doing great and I think it's all 100% percent true."

Jason quickly followed up by couching the whole thing ... admitting he had no idea what was going on between the two, if anything at all.

Jason's comments ARE pretty interesting, though -- one would think if Travis and Taylor were really dating, he'd probably tell his bro he should've said no to talking about it, right??

Another theory -- Traylor (that's what we'd call them if they were indeed a couple) are just casual and don't really care who knows ... so Jason addressing it wouldn't really matter.

Interesting note -- Jason said he was "blindsided" by Tony Gonzalez's question on Thursday Night Football last week ... which was the first time anyone near Travis ever addressed the rumors.

Call it what you want, Jason is havin' a blast with the whole storyline regardless.

JASON KELCE ¿Travis y Swift Saliendo? ¡¡¡absolutamente!!! 😂

¿historia de amor?
SportsRadio 94 WIP

Jason Kelce está revisando los rumores que rodean la historia de amor potencial de su hermano, diciendo que cree plenamente que Travis y Taylor Swift están saliendo.

Pero tranquilos Swifties... claramente era una broma.

Le preguntamos a la estrella de los Eagles una vez más acerca de los recientes informes de que Travis y Taylor estaban saliendo durante su aparición en SportsRadio 94 WIP de Audacy el miércoles por la mañana ... y mientras afirmaba que no se mantiene al día con el estado de la relación del ala cerrada de los Chiefs, luego echó leña al fuego de la especulación.

"Es difícil responder porque realmente no sé mucho sobre la vida amorosa de Travis", dijo Jason. "Intento mantener sus asuntos más o menos en su terreno, mantenerme al margen de ese mundo. Pero, dicho esto, creo que lo está haciendo muy bien y creo que todo es 100% verdad".

Jason rápidamente le dio vuelta al asunto admitiendo que no tenía ni idea de lo que estaba pasando entre los dos. Nada en absoluto.

Los comentarios de Jason son bastante interesantes, sin embargo uno pensaría que si Travis y Taylor estaban realmente saliendo probablemente le diría a su hermano que no debería hablar de ello ¿verdad?

Aquí va otra teoría: Traylor (así es como los llamaríamos si realmente fueran pareja) son sólo casuales y realmente no les importa quién lo sepa, por lo que Jason hablando de ello realmente no sería importante.

Nota interesante: Jason dijo que estaba "sorprendido" por la pregunta de Tony González en Thursday Night Football la semana pasada ya que fue la primera vez que alguien cercano a Travis se refirió a los rumores.

Es seguro que Jason se lo está pasando en grande con toda esta historia.

Kim Kardashian 'Hanging Out' with Odell Beckham Jr

Kim Kardashian has started up a new friendship with NFL superstar Odell Beckham Jr. ... hanging out thanks to a group of mutual friends, TMZ has confirmed.

Sources connected to the pair tell us while Kim's not seriously dating anyone at the moment, she's absolutely open to finding love again if she finds the right person. However, the source insists OBJ is strictly a friend, and they've got a few mutual friends in common.

People was first to report the pair was "hanging out" ... noting OBJ and his longtime girlfriend Lauren Wood split. Our sources say the two actually broke up at the beginning of this year. Beckham and Wood welcomed their son, Zydn, in February 2022.

Unclear who the group of mutual friends consists of or how Kim and OBJ linked -- Beckham is currently a wide receiver for the Baltimore Ravens. He played for the L.A. Rams in 2021 -- Kim went to a couple of the team's games -- at one point taking her son, Saint, to celebrate his birthday.

Kim's been publicly single since she and Pete split in August 2022 after about 9 months together ... and of course, she's been super busy as of late, balancing her life as a mom, and owner of a multi-billion-dollar brand in SKIMS.

That's a damn good looking friendship.

Tom Brady Not Going To Be A Jet ... 'Next Question!!!'

Let’s Go! with Tom Brady, Larry Fitzgerald and Jim Gray

No, Tom Brady will not be replacing Aaron Rodgers in New York this season ... the G.O.A.T. just made it absolutely clear he has no intentions whatsoever of being a Jet.

The former Buccaneers star shut down the possibility of a second unretirement while on his "Let's Go!" podcast this week ... after his cohost, Jim Gray, asked if Gang Green had hit him up following Rodgers' season-ending Achilles tear.

"No, no, no -- next question!" Brady responded. "You already know. I love being with you guys on Mondays and I love what we got goin'."

Brady then smoothly changed the subject to the 3-0 Colorado Buffaloes and Deion Sanders, who was a guest on their show.

Of course, rumors of Brady playing for NYJ started almost immediately after Rodgers went down on Monday Night Football against the Buffalo Bills.

Many Jets fans had hoped the org. would sign a Rodgers-like vet ASAP ... and a guy like seven-time Super Bowl champ Brady was the obvious No. 1 choice.

The Jets, though, made it clear following Rodgers' injury that while they were looking into a potential veteran backup ... they were putting their faith in 2021 first-round pick Zach Wilson -- not a guy like Brady.

Unclear if that plan has changed since Wilson struggled against the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday ... but if you were hoping for Brady to swoop in and save the day in Gotham -- better not hold your breath.

Adele Marriage Rumors Again Calls Rich Paul 'My Husband'

TikTok / @adeleslittleloveee

Adele may be a married woman again -- at least that's what the Internet thinks, yet again, after she gave her boyfriend, Rich Paul, a very significant promotion in the title department.

The singer was doing her Vegas residency show Saturday, and per usual ... she was going around chopping it up with her audience, weaving in and out of rows of seats and interviewing folks on the spot Oprah-style. What else is new, right?

However, this time around -- a slip of the tongue appears to have befallen Adele ... 'cause when a female fan asked if she could marry her, Adele said she was already hitched.

Check it out -- Adele turns this woman's marriage proposal down in hilarious fashion ... saying she's straight, and not just that, but that her "husband" was in the crowd and probably wouldn't appreciate it. She didn't say Rich's name -- but he's the only dude she's seeing.

It's unclear if Adele simply misspoke here, or if she did actually say "I do" the famous basketball agent -- who reps the likes of LeBron James and tons of other NBA stars.

We do know that Adele has spoken glowingly of Rich Paul since they first got together a couple years ago. She's even gone so far as to say she's the happiest she's ever been in a relationship with him ... so, it's easy to see her walking down the aisle with him.

This is far from the first time people have speculated on where things are between Rich and Adele. There's already been a first wave of marriage rumors dating back to last September ... when eagle-eyed fans noticed a book at her house that a title of "The Pauls."

Adele didn't address all the attention back then, and she seems primed to do the same again now. FWIW, we've reached out to Adele's team for clarification, no word back yet.

Travis Kelce Announcer Sneaks Swift Reference ... On First TD of Season!!!

Travis Kelce is said to be "hanging out" with Taylor Swift -- something the NFL world just can't get enough of ... and which bled into Sunday's broadcast of his big game.

NFL announcer Ian Eagle -- who called the Chiefs game Sunday -- snuck in a Swift reference after TK scored his first touchdown of the season against the Jags. It was a simple toss from Mahomes into the end zone ... but a big deal since Trav missed last week's opener.

As Travis and his teammates were celebrating ... Eagle said, "Kelce finds a blank space for the score!" His broadcasting partner didn't say anything, but everyone picked up on it.

Even right after this, Eagle kept it going ... saying Kelce was able to shake it off considering he didn't play last week following an injury. So, yeah, everyone's still giddy about the news.

Amazon Prime

ICYMI ... word of Travis and Taylor possibly dating first started to percolate earlier this week after The Messenger reported they've been seeing each other lately. Other outlets confirmed they're spending time together ... but stopped short of saying they're full-blown dating.

Based on what Travis's bro had to say about it on TNF ... sounds like they're just banging.

kelce swift 7/26/23
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Remember, back in July ... Travis revealed he tried shooting his shot with Taylor during one of her concerts -- but apparently got denied at the time. Since sharing this story, however, it sounds like TS got in touch and then some -- which just goes to show, manifesting is real!

If Taylor and Trav are, in fact, keeping it casual ... that lines up with how she handled the Matty Healy fling earlier this year. TayTay's obviously doing her thing post-Joe Alwyn.

Anyway, the Chiefs are on the verge of a win ... and you gotta imagine TK's feeling good. For a number of reasons, really. 😅


"Dancing With The Stars" siempre está dispuesto a aprovechar los rumores más grandes de Hollywood y casi tuvo un ménage à trois para las edades.

Como sabemos, Mauricio Umansky se pondrá los zapatos de baile en la próxima temporada. Las nuevas noticias son que los productores también se pusieron en contacto con su esposa, Kyle Richards, y su buena amiga Morgan Wade.

Bueno, las damas le dieron al programa un 1 sobre 10 para esa propuesta, pero ¿no habría sido increíble? Suponemos que los 3 habrían tenido bailarines profesionales como compañeros pero tal vez habrían intentado algo nuevo si el trío estuviera totalmente a bordo.

Nos han dicho que los 3 fueron abordados al mismo tiempo, pero Kyle y Morgan pasaron. Ambas mujeres están ahora en París rodando el documental de Morgan.

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sintiendo el amor

La cosa es que no habría tensión si hubiera sucedido. Sabemos que Mauricio y Kyle todavía se llevan muy bien, e incluso Mauricio y Morgan se ven cercanos.

Kyle y Mauricio siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo, aunque su estado sigue siendo "separados".

En cuanto a Kyle y Morgan, no hay Trofeo Bola de Espejos en su futuro.

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