Kim Richards Harry Hamlin Dirt All Made Up ... To Piss Off Lisa Rinna

Kim Richards is great at creating drama on "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" -- and even better at creating stories ... TMZ has learned.

If you missed it ... Richards accused fellow cast member Lisa Rinna of hiding a family secret involving her husband Harry Hamlin -- prompting Lisa to do the whole shout, threaten, and shatter a glass thing the 'Housewives' do so well.

Fans have been speculating wildly about what dirt Kim has on Hamlin -- but we've learned she made the whole thing up just to get under Rinna's skin.

Production sources tell us the issue will be brought up again on the reunion episode -- and Kim will admit she created the whole story.

Fake or not ... it made for great TV.

Hillary Clinton Finally, We Can Talk Emails! ... And Generation Gaps

Nothing like a second chance -- Hillary Clinton ran into our intrepid D.C. photog on Wednesday ... giving him a shot at redemption on that whole email mess.

If you missed it ... Colin shot Hillary on Tuesday, and chose to tackle a topic other than her private emails.

Lo and behold, he ran into her again at Reagan National, and this time he got right to it -- firing off the question everyone wants her to address. Well ... he got closer anyway.

Generation gaps, generalization gaps -- tomato, tomahto ... check out the interaction.

Anderson Silva I'm Not a Cheater [Video]

Anderson Silva tells TMZ Sports ... he did NOT use performance enhancing drugs to give him an edge in the octagon ... saying he's genuinely SHOCKED he failed his drug tests.

The UFC legend was out in L.A. when we asked straight up -- how do you explain the failed drug tests surrounding the January 31st fight at UFC 183 with Nick Diaz???

His answer -- "I don't know what happened."

Silva says he was completely blindsided by the results -- but does NOT believe anything in his system affected his performance in the fight.

Anderson sorta acknowledges taking something to help his body heal after badly breaking his leg -- but says he's convinced he didn't violate any rules.

Still, Silva understands how bad the failed tests make him look -- "I think this is bad for [the] sport. This is so bad for me and my life."

Anderson says he wants a REMATCH with Nick Diaz to prove his victory is legit -- and even has a message for 50 Cent -- save that $1.6 MILLION he was planning to bet on Mayweather ... and put it on him!

Hillary Clinton Emails, Schmeemails ... Tell TMZ You're Running!

Our D. C. photog had a choice ... ask Hillary Clinton about the whole email thing, or try to get a declaration she's running for Prez ... sadly, he picked door number 2.

Fact is ... Hillary would have probably been mum on the email controversy, so at least Colin had some fun.

We got a second run at Hillary ... and got out the email question! Check out the results.

Kevin Hart & Ellen DeGeneres Oscars' Past Meets Its Future ... Possibly, We Hope

If there's one thing Kevin Hart knows ... it's how to build anticipation -- well, that and comedy -- and he fueled up the Oscars hosting hype train with his dinner date Monday night.

Kevin hit up Craig's with Ellen DeGeneres -- making us think he might be looking for tips on how to land the 2016 Oscars gig ... for which he's been rumored to be a candidate.

The buzz has been building since the second NPH wrapped up this year's debacle, and this video will certainly add to it.

Ellen didn't say much about the meeting, but all 5'4" of Kevin did play bodyguard for her as she walked to her car -- which is funny enough to see.

Leo DiCaprio & Rihanna First Photo!! Banging But It's a Little One-Sided

Rihanna and Leo DiCaprio should be a perfect match -- neither's into settling down with one person for too long -- but now that they're banging ... one of them is way more committed than the other.

We got pics of RiRi and Leo getting cozy recently at her birthday party -- which he helped organize -- and sources at the bash tell us one thing was clear ... Rihanna's the clingy one.

We're told Leo is affectionate enough -- they engaged in plenty of PDA -- but he could barely get a moment to himself. As one source put it, "she's the baddest bitch in the party, but she's following him everywhere."

We're told they've been hooking up for about 3 months, but it's still not exclusive -- more like they're each other's first choice. Not that anyone's crying for either of them.


Khloe Kardashian Saving Her Voice To Talk Fashion?

Kelly Osbourne is out and Khloe Kardashian is in at "Fashion Police" ... maybe ... depending on how you view this clip.

It didn't take long for rumors to start flying that Khloe -- who covered Oscars red carpet fashions for E! --might fill Kelly's shoes over at 'FP.' So, Sunday at LAX a photog asked her straight up about joining Kathy Griffin and Melissa River's team.

Watch ... Khloe's definitely playing it close to the vest, but y'know -- sometimes people say less when there's more on the line.

Dez Bryant NFL Coach Calls BS on Tape 'It Doesn't Exist'


Dez Bryant is getting some major support from one of his former Dallas Cowboys coaches ... who tells TMZ Sports the rumors of an alleged Ray Rice-style tape are complete B.S.

We spoke with Rob Ryan -- the defensive coordinator for the Cowboys in 2011 and 2012 -- who's adamant there's NO tape. Period.

"That's a bunch of bull," Ryan told us ... "Dez is an awesome guy. He's a great competitor and probably the best receiver in football."

Ryan is currently working for the New Orleans Saints -- but he's still very plugged in with the Cowboys.

As for Dez, his family believes someone is trying to sabotage his NFL future by going pubic with rumors of an alleged tape.

So far, no one has publicly acknowledged they've actually seen the supposed tape.

Kardashians E! Isn't Paying $100 Mil, But It's Close

Reports the Kardashians have scored $100 million from E! for 4 more seasons are NOT true ... they're only getting a measly $80 mil ... TMZ has learned.

NBCUniversal called the $100 mil story "grossly inaccurate." But our sources connected with the network say the word "grossly" may be grossly inaccurate, because we're told best case scenario they could earn in the $80 million range (with ratings bonuses) for 3 seasons with an option for a 4th.

We're also told the deal is all-encompassing and includes all of the work the family and individuals do for the network.

And get this ... Y chromosomes are personae non gratea for the new deal. We're told Scott Disick has his own deal outside the Kardashians and Rob will only get paid per episode if he ends up on the show at all. As for Bruce -- he'll only look like a double X -- but we're told his X and Y chromosomes are not part of the deal either.

As for why NBCUniversal put out such an unusual statement ... our sources say they don't want it out there that the cash register drawer opened in a big way, although we're told the original report definitely had over-inflated numbers.

Dez Bryant Questioned, Not Arrested in 2011 Wal-Mart Incident

Dez Bryant was questioned by Texas police in 2011 regarding an alleged incident in a Wal-Mart parking lot where a woman was allegedly pulled out of a vehicle by a black male ... but cops determined Dez did not commit a crime ... this according to the police report.

The police report just surfaced ... in the wake of rumors of an alleged video featuring Dez doing something terrible. So far, there is still no video, but Thursday morning a never-before-seen police report finally became public.

The report, from July 11, 2011, shows someone went to Wal-Mart security and said they witnessed a black man drag a woman out of a car around 6 AM. The victim is listed as Ilyne Nash -- Dez Bryant's long-time girlfriend and mother of two of his children.

In the report, first published by's Ian Rapoport, cops say a car registered to Bryant was at the scene in the parking lot ... and Dez later arrived to the scene in another car WITH the alleged victim.

In the report, cops say they interviewed several people at the scene, including Bryant, but determined no crime had been committed.

According to the report, Nash did say she got into an argument with another man ... a guy named Alex Penson ... but was adamant she was not assaulted or injured in any way.

The report does not make note of any visible injuries to Nash.

Nash says after the argument, she went to a friend's house ... and contacted Dez to pick her up ... and that's why they were ultimately together when they returned to the Wal-Mart.

In the report cops say, "After speaking with all parties involved, it was determined that there was no offense. All parties were advised they were free to go."

The police report makes NO mention of the video.

Dez Bryant I've Been Betrayed

Dez Bryant says he's been betrayed ... but he's not saying by whom ... or how.

In the wake of rumblings that a tape exists showing Bryant doing something terrible ... a tape everyone's talking about but no one says they've seen ... Bryant went to Twitter to express his frustration.

"I need to get me a real raw uncut tv show or something ... I can't continue to get betrayed like this."

It's the second time Bryant has addressed the rumors.

Last week, he posted another cryptic statement that reads ... "Just quit with the b.s. … It’s clear as day what's going on… I might need to do a exclusive interview about my life these past 5 years since the world is destined to know."

"I use to let people take advantage of my life now that I’m no longer allowing that to happen it seems to be a problem… I’m not ashamed of none of my past incidents because that’s what made me who I am today."

Jay Z Sued I'm Your Son, Just Admit It ... Says Wannabe Rapper

Jay Z had a love child 21 years ago and is now blocking the guy's efforts to prove he's the son of the rap mogul ... according to legal docs.

The guy's name is Rymir Satterthwaite and he claims his mother hooked up with Jay back in the early '90s -- before he was world famous, and long before Beyonce was in the picture.

Rymir and Lillie Coley -- who calls herself his legal guardian -- say in a civil suit ... Jay Z submitted fraudulent information to the court ... to intentionally torpedo Rymir's paternity claim.

It's unclear what that fraudulent info is -- but there are reports that Jay is refusing to take a paternity test.

Rymir happens to be an aspiring rapper ... who's posted vids of himself rhyming.

The civil lawsuit was handwritten by Coley ... who claims Jay's actions have caused Rymir financial and emotional damage. We've reached out to Jay Z's attorney, but so far no word back.

Golden Tate Russell Wilson Shoulda Stopped Wife-Bangin' Rumors 'It's a Bunch of Bulls**t'

Golden Tate is pissed that Russell Wilson didn't IMMEDIATELY put a stop to the rumors that he banged his former QB's wife -- telling TMZ Sports, "It's sad that he's letting it go on."

The ex-Seattle Seahawks WR (who now plays for the Lions) was out in Bev Hills Wednesday night with some friends -- and made it clear the wife-bangin' rumors are "a bunch of bulls**t."

But it's obvious Tate holds Wilson partly responsible for letting the rumors spiral out of control in the first place.

Of course, after the rumors began last year, the Seahawks got rid of Tate ... and Wilson and his wife announced they were breaking up.

We asked Golden if he thinks Russell actually believes the rumors -- to which Golden replied, "I don't know what he believes."

Tate says the two still talk -- "we're still alright" -- and adds that he wishes the best for Wilson.

But get this ... we also asked Golden, who had one helluva year in Detroit, if HE would've made the catch that Ricardo Lockett couldn't at the end of the Super Bowl ... guess what Tate says.

Tyga I'm Not Banging Kylie Jenner


Amber Rose and Khloe Kardashian can shut down their Twitter beef -- because Tyga is not sleeping with 17-year-old Kylie Jenner ... according to Tyga.

Tyga hit up "The Breakfast Club" -- the same radio show where Amber blasted Kylie -- to clear up the rumors he's banging the youngest Jenner sis. He explained, "No, I'm not dating Kylie. I wanna be clear to everybody, I didn't leave my family to be with Kylie. That's ridiculous."

Responding to a report someone called child services -- Tyga claims law enforcement has NOT reached out to him about the possibility he has committed statutory rape. He added ... although he hangs out with Kylie, Kendall is usually there too. Although ... we've seen them out alone on multiple occasions.

Tyga also talked about his feud with Drake, and took a stand on the Lil Wayne/Birdman war … claiming he hasn't received a single dollar in royalties from Cash Money.

More beef than a butcher shop.


Paris Hilton OK, My Giant Boobs Are an Illusion

Paris Hilton's ENORMOUS boobs are fake, but not surgically fake.

Paris will not speak out publicly about her breasts, but we know the deal. Paris says privately she's had no surgery, no stem cell treatment, no artificial enhancements whatsoever, and she's annoyed people think she'd mess with her breasts.

So what is it? The new "Paris Hilton Push-Up Bra" ... and after meticulous research, our photo dept. analyzed Paris' boob pics -- and it appears she's a truth teller.

Nothing to see here folks ... except boobs.

Khloe Kardashian I Want Nothing to Do with Lamar, But ...

Khloe Kardashian is NOT back with Lamar Odom ... she hasn't seen him or even spoken with him in months ... but she still will NOT get off the dime and make her divorce official.

Our Kardashian sources say stories that she's back with Lamar are bogus. She wants nothing to do with Lamar anymore and she's been steadfast about it.

That said ... there has been no activity in her divorce. As we reported, she filed in December, 2013, but we've reviewed the docket and nothing has been filed ... there's no movement. Sources tell us Khloe doesn't want to deal with it, but until there's a property settlement it will be hard to move on.

If she waits too long, the judge will have the power to throw the divorce petition out because of the lack of activity, but so far that hasn't happened.