Donald Trump He Was Never Vulgar with Me ... Says Ex-Beauty Queen


Former Miss Teen USA Katie Blair says Donald Trump is far from the sleazy guy he's being made out to be ... based on her experiences with him on TV shows and pageants.

Katie was Miss Teen USA '06 and Miss CA USA '11 ... and Trump owned both pageants at the time. We talked to her about her interactions with the boss, and while she admits there were plenty of situations for him to leer ... she insists it NEVER happened.

Katie says anyone who's had any experience with live TV would know there's an obvious reason why Trump couldn't have done many of the things some other pageant contestants have accused him of doing.

Check out her take on Trump -- who stood by her during her scandal with former Miss USA Tara Conner. Katie's clearly got his back when it comes to his ethics.

As for whether he's got her vote? Katie's made her decision, though it's hardly a ringing endorsement.

UFC's Sage Northcutt Mickey Gall Wants to Break My Bones??? ... 'That's Funny'


UFC rising star Sage Northcutt doesn't seem fazed by Mickey Gall's violent smack talk -- laughing off his bone-breaking threats as pure comedy ... while training with UFC champ Tyron Woodley.

As we previously reported, Gall threatened to "hurt [Sage] bad" when they face off at UFC on FOX 22 in December .. adding, "I'm gonna break his bones."

Since Tyron and Sage are friends, we hit up the champ to find out how Northcutt's preparing for the fight -- when Super Sage made a surprise appearance and reacted to Gall's comments personally.

Check out the clip ... it's clear Tyron thinks Mickey may have bitten off a little more than he can chew.


Adrien Broner's Baby Mama HE'S OKAY ... After Suicide Scare

2:05 PM PT -- Law enforcement sources in Cincinnati tell us they've also made contact with Broner and confirmed he's ok.

Good news on the Adrien Broner front ... his fiancee says the boxer is okay ... despite some disturbing posts in which he hinted that he was going to take his own life.

Arie Nicole -- aka Miss Louiebags -- went to Snapchat and posted a message moments ago that simply read, "Adrien is okay."

We also spoke with some of Broner's friends who say the boxer has been taking their calls and they're confident he's safe and in a better place now.

As we previously reported, Broner went to social media and posted a photo of a gun and suggested he was going to commit suicide.

We're told Broner's friends are concerned for his long-term health and want him to get help.

Future My Ciara Tweets Aren't THAT Bad ... Catches Break in Lawsuit

Ciara's $15 million lawsuit against Future is going to be more of an uphill battle for her ... after the judge just ruled the rapper's angry tweets alone aren't enough to prove Ciara's been damaged.

The exes are locked in a nasty suit -- with Ciara claiming Future ruined her image as a mother and a singer. However, a judge ruled Wednesday the tweets ... including gems like, "this bitch got control problems" ... aren't libelous on their face.

It means, Ciara will have to offer up more evidence as to how her career has been damaged since Future's Twitter rant.

The issue still for Future, there's still a count of libel and distortion left in the case ... which could hang him out to dry.

Bottom line -- Future won a battle, but it's still anybody's war to win in court.

Alberto Del Rio & Paige Knife Attacker Was Drunk Idiot ... Who Dissed My Girl


Ex-WWE superstar Alberto Del Rio says he REALLY WAS attacked by a man with a knife last week -- saying things got violent with the "drunk" assailant when he talked smack to his GF, Paige.

Donald Trump NBC Staff & 'Access' Brass Knew About Outtakes Months Ago

People at NBC knew about Donald Trump's crude convo with Billy Bush for at least 2 months ... because Billy was bragging about it back then.

TMZ has confirmed ... Billy was telling NBC staffers in Rio about the tape back in early August, when he was still working for "Access Hollywood." We're told word circulated because Billy made it clear Trump was trash-talking Nancy O'Dell.

NBC News says it didn't know about the outtakes until a week ago Monday, but the word around the network is people knew, including executives at 'Access,' which is an NBC property. We're told those executives had full knowledge of Billy's comments on the tape ... which creates a potential problem if NBC is serious about firing him.

We're told Bush's camp will argue they can't 86 him based on a "morality clause" because execs knew what he had said, and didn't discipline him at the time ... 11 years ago.

As for whether the big NBC News honchos knew -- our sources don't know whether the info circulated to the top levels of the company, but Billy was "very open" about it.

UFC's Stipe Miocic Rooting for Greg Hardy ... But I'd Whoop That Ass


UFC heavyweight champ Stipe Miocic has a warning for Greg Hardy -- MMA is tougher than you think ... "it's not just something you pick up off the street."

With the ex-NFL star announcing he's pursuing a career as a heavyweight MMA fighter, we went right to the top guy to get his take.

Long story short ... Miocic says he'd beat Hardy down if they ever faced off in the Octagon -- but says he's not counting Hardy out as a fighter.

"Stranger things have happened," Stipe said when asked if he thinks Hardy could be a contender.

"I wish nothing but the best for him. I hope he trains hard and gets better. And uh ... we'll see."

Russell Peters Billy Bush Got Screwed Over Trump Video


Comedian Russell Peters thinks Billy Bush is getting a raw deal over the "Access Hollywood" fiasco.

Peters was leaving Catch in WeHo Monday night when he made his case for Billy, who has all but been fired from "Today."

Peters thinks Bush was just doing his job.

UFC's Mickey Gall I Love Sage Northcutt ... But I'm Gonna Break His Bones!


UFC star Mickey Gall says he's gonna destroy Sage Northcutt WORSE THAN CM PUNK -- vowing to break the guy's bones and hurt him real bad.

Gall and Northcutt are fighting at UFC Fight Night on Dec. 17th -- and the smack talk is already in full swing.

Gall says he actually likes Sage -- but says he's corny, a "silly boy" and "kind of a dork."

The clip is great -- Gall is a huge star in the making -- and he also reflects on his famous beatdown of CM Punk and whether he should get another shot in the UFC.

'Bachelor' Nick Viall Hometown Date was a Deli-ght!!


Nick Viall's got puppy love written all over his face, arm in arm with a cutie brunette ... and TMZ has the video.

The 'Bachelor' was spotted in his hometown of Waukesha, WI where he was presumably on a hometown date ... meaning the chick on his arm reached at least one of the final stages on season 21 of "The Bachelor."

Check out the vid ... Nick and the brunette get handsy as they make their way to Rochester Deli where they scarfed down a couple sandwiches, coleslaw and cookies.

Gotta love a girl who can eat!

UFC's Dominick Cruz Not Everyone Hates McGregor ... Fighters Are Jealous of His Money!


Not all UFC fighters hate Conor McGregor -- despite what Cowboy Cerrone said this week -- but there ARE a bunch of guys jealous of Conor's huge paychecks ... so says Dominick Cruz.

Cerrone told SI Now that "all" of the UFC fighters hate McGregor -- "He's not one of the fellas. He's not a good dude."

So, we reached to Cruz -- who knows just about everyone in the UFC -- and asked for his take.

"I think what they're upset at is the fact of how much money he's made, how quickly and on his own," Cruz said.

"But that doesn't make ME hate him. That makes me try to understand the situation and make a better situation for myself."

"And to me, hating somebody, being bitter at them for making more money than me, that's only going to hold me back from doing what I want to do personally."

Smart dude -- watch the clip.

Paul Pierce John Wall Doesn't Hate Bradley Beal ... Feud Reports Are B.S.


There's no inner war between Washington Wizards teammates Bradley Beal and John Wall -- so says NBA superstar Paul Pierce, who says reports of a feud between the two are straight-up wrong.

Wall has said in the past that "we have a tendency to dislike each other on the court" -- but said their issues are resolvable as long as they come together and talk things out.

But Pierce -- who played for the Wizards during the '14/'15 season -- says straight-up, "They definitely get along. I was there."

Anything to the contrary, according to Pierce -- "False reports."

By the way, Pierce was leaving new L.A. hot spot, Catch -- and it's clear he's a V.I.P. because during the clip, the owner, Mark Birnbaum, promised to put his picture on the wall in the restaurant.


Kanye West Get in Line For His Line

Kanye West has just crushed his own record in the fashion department.

Kanye rolled out Season 4 of his line last month, which includes coats, shirts, pants, shoes, hats and lots of other stuff.

In the first month sales surged 35% over the same period in Season 3. And get this ... Kanye's kicks have been flying off the shelves ... his Boosts sold out in 4 minutes.

The trajectory is promising ... 'Ye was just getting his feet wet with Seasons 1 and 2. Things picked up during 3, but by all rights Season 4 is Kanye's first big out-of-the-park home run.

People are also noticing. We're told Vogue and other fashion mags and blogs have contacted Kanye's org in the last few weeks, asking permission to display his collection.

Wale Nightclub Fight Some 'Fat Guy' Cost Us Our Food ... Says Chick in Neon Jacket


One of the girls who squared off with Wale on the Sunset Strip now says the whole mess wasn't the rapper's fault ... instead, it was a random chunky dude who ended up costing her a late-night meal.

Bana Bongolan is the GF of the blonde chick who blew smoke in Wale's face outside Bootsy Bellows Tuesday night -- and she says the trouble started inside the club when a guy dissed her neon jacket, and she called him fat.

We all remember high school, right?

Anyway, Wale tried to break things up, got caught up in the drama -- and you saw what happened next in our video. A pissed off Wale slapped down the girls' leftovers. Bana told us what they lost on the sidewalk, and it's a tough L after a night of drinking.


Bana's story lines up with what Wale told us on "TMZ Live." She wants to make it clear though -- there was nothing racist about what went down ... and she loves her jacket.


Ric Flair Halle Berry Damage Control 'She's a Nice Person'


He's not backing off ... but Ric Flair is certainly trying to make nice with Halle Berry after pissing the actress off by claiming he banged her back in the '90s.

Kim Kardashian's Bodyguard Wipes Kim From Social Media But NOT Fired

Kim Kardashian's bodyguard just deleted every mention of her from his social media ... including photos and all references to him working for her.

It raises the obvious question -- did Kim and/or Kanye West fire Pascal Duvier? The answer is a resounding ... NO.

Sources close to Kim and Kanye tell us they don't blame Pascal for Kim's robbery. As we've reported, he was guarding Kourtney and Kendall that night. But we're told they don't view that as slacking off ... plus, they just like the guy and trust him implicitly. Pascal's had Kim's back since 2012.

We're told the social media change is a safety measure to block future crooks from connecting him or his whereabouts to Kimye.

Before the scrub, Pascal had a bunch of pics with Kim ... including a reference to the ass kisser takedown. You'll recall, Kim was so impressed with Pascal's swift reaction, she called him a "G."
