NYPD to Amanda Bynes: No One Slapped Your Vagina

Amanda Bynes straight up LIED when she accused an NYPD officer of "slapping" her vagina during last week's bong arrest ... this according to cops.

After Bynes made the allegation on Twitter this weekend, the NYPD says it launched an internal investigation to see if there was any truth to Amanda's claim.

But NYPD Deputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne tells TMZ ... "Investigators have found no evidence to corroborate Ms. Bynes's allegations."

"To the contrary," Browne says ... "a credible civilian witness who was with the officers throughout told investigators that none touched Ms. Bynes inappropriately or otherwise engaged in misconduct at any time."

Bynes has vowed to sue the NYPD over the arrest -- claiming they lied about finding drugs and illegally entered her apartment.

Wade Robson Demands Joe Jackson Shut His Trap ... OR ELSE

Wade Robson is going after another Jackson family member -- this time threatening legal action against Joe Jackson if he continues to spread vicious lies ... this according to legal docs.

Wade's lawyers fired off a cease and desist letter to Papa Jackson on May 25, accusing him of slander and warning JJ to stop dragging Wade's name through the mud.

The letter cites a video TMZ posted​ ... in which Joe tells our photog Wade is being PAID to lie about the whole "Michael Jackson molested me" thing ... as part of some giant conspiracy.


Wade's lawyers unload on Joe for the accusation, writing, "Your statement is particularly reprehensible in light of the fact that [Wade] has only recently been able to come forward which is so typically characteristic and tragic for so many survivors of sexual abuse."

It continues, "Any trier of fact would conclude your statement was malicious, intended to further injure our client."

Then come the threats ... Wade's lawyers say they will not hesitate to "take any and all appropriate legal measures to vehemently protect the truth and commence legal action."

Translation -- giant lawsuit.

Kris Humphries to Ex-Asst My Mom Didn't Steal Your Blender

Kris Humphries says claims made by his bitter ex-assistant in a recently filed lawsuit are about as real as he says his marriage to Kim Kardashian was ... i.e. bogus.

Kris is firing back in legal docs against a woman named Tracy Paradise who sued KH back in April. Tracy claimed she and Kris entered into a one-year contract, in which Kris agreed to pay her $75,000 (plus housing costs) in exchange for personal assistant services.

Problem is, Tracy says she worked for KH from February to September 2012, but was abruptly fired and never saw the rest of her cash.

She also says Kris' mom stole a bunch of items from her including a mountain bike, a Whistler's mug and a Magic Bullet blender. Random.

But Kris says Tracy got her facts wrong, claiming in docs, she was NEVER a contract employee and should ONLY get paid for hours clocked.

Second, he says he had a good reason for giving her the axe ... claiming she refused to relocate with him to New York. A pretty big deal breaker for a personal assistant.

As for the blender et al ... Kris says Tracy left the items behind in his Miami pad and there was a delay in returning them due to his busy travel schedule.

A judge has yet to rule -- but hopefully for Kris' sake this one goes better than the last.

Amanda Bynes Rihanna-Bashing Tweets Were Fake!

Amanda Bynes is now claiming the tweets bashing Rihanna (pardon the pun) did not come from her and were actually mocked up by someone else ... then she went on to say some other crazy stuff.

Bynes went on another rambling Twitter run this afternoon, in which she says, "I saw a bunch of mocked up tweets about me bashing Rihanna in my mentions. I'm followed by so many people that someone is always mocking up fake tweets so I feel the need to address them!"

From there she goes on to say ... well, your guess is as good as ours:

"That's one of the mocked up images, they took photos of me from outside and morphed them onto someone else's body. I am allergic to marijuana and alcohol but I smoke tobacco. Why does Rihanna smoke weed and not get in trouble for it but I smoke tobacco and people think I'm on drugs? I refuse to be treated like someone I'm not, which is why I fought for myself and am suing everyone involved. I don't need to go to rehab. There is never a drug or alcohol in my system! I'm sick of all the lies! What would you do if someone accused you of things you didn't do and yet you still had to be in jail at all over it! I'm so offended but I am so educated that I know cops cannot illegally enter my apartment, sexually harass me, arrest me, take me to a MENTAL HOSPITAL, then lock me up for a crime I didn't commit. I'm suing them all for this upsetting nightmare. My lawyer knows I'm a model citizen who doesn't partake in drugs. He's going to court this week to set the record straight again on my behalf. Thankfully I'm an educated multi-millionaire who knows better than to speak to perverted unjust cops without my lawyer."

Rumored Kim K/Reggie B Mistress I'm No Dirty Check Forger!!!

The woman who allegedly broke up Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush is a lot of things ... but a check-forging con artist isn't one of them ... at least that's what she told the judge.

TMZ broke the story ... January Gessert -- who rose to fame in 2010 by allegedly banging Reggie while he was still dating Kim -- was arrested in March after allegedly trying to cash bogus checks.

January was subsequently charged with three felonies relating to check forgery -- but she has since pled not guilty to all of them.

She's due back in court in June.

Jose Canseco I Passed the Polygraph!


Jose Canseco took a polygraph test this afternoon in Texas and claims he passed with flying colors ... which he feels proves he is innocent of the rape charges against him.

The baseball legend was accused of rape earlier this week in Las Vegas by a woman who claims she was sexually assaulted by the 48-year-old former slugger back on May 10.

Canseco underwent the polygraph exam today in an effort to clear his name and did admit to TMZ that he had sex with the woman, but claims it was consensual.

As TMZ first reported, a Canseco fan snapped a pic of Jose with the accuser on the same night she accused of him rape. In the photo, the two appear very friendly.

Larry Hagman Estate Accuses Granddaughter Of Jewelry Heist

The drama in Larry Hagman's life lives on ... months after his death, because the actor's estate now claims Larry's granddaughter has committed familial treason by holding ridiculously valuable jewelry hostage.

The lawyer for Hagman's Estate has filed legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- which claim Noel Hagman is in possession of a Raj necklace and matching earring set with encrusted diamonds and emeralds. The Estate claims the jewels were once owned by Larry's mom, actress Mary Martin, and given to Larry.

The Estate lawyer says somehow Noel got her hands on the jewels and won't give them back. The legal docs say Noel claims someone in the Hagman family gave her the necklace and earrings, but according to the Estate no one in the family cops to it.

The Estate wants the jewels back, and if she refuses, they want her to pay double the value -- the law provides double the value if someone wrongfully holds on to property. The legal docs don't place a specific value on the items.

Sounds like a good episode of "Dallas."

Amanda Bynes Cops Return To Scene of the Bong


New York's finest returned to the scene of the alleged crime just a few minutes ago -- combing Amanda Bynes' apartment building for information and witness statements.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... NYPD cops got statements from the night doorman as well as 2 other employees, who were there when Amanda was allegedly smoking marijuana in the lobby and acting crazy.

We're told cops also went upstairs to Amanda's floor for more witness statements.

As we reported ... cops arrested Amanda after finding weed in her apartment. They also say she threw a bong out the window, allegedly to 86 evidence of a crime.

Amanda was charged with weed possession, attempted evidence tampering and reckless endangerment.

Tom Cruise Ridin' with REBOUND CHICK ... Or Is He??


Tom Cruise fired up his Ducati and barreled out of a fancy Hollywood hotel late last night with a BRAND NEW CHICK ridin' on the back ... at least we think it was Tom Cruise ... LET'S INVESTIGATE!!!

Here are the facts ...

We know ... a mystery man sporting a motorcycle helmet left the Chateau Marmont hotel around 11:00 pm with a woman on the backseat.

We could see the man's brow line and nose ... and they bear a striking resemblance to Mr. Cruise.

We also know ... Tom was in town Thursday night, because he was photographed at the L.A. Kings playoff game at Staples Center earlier in the evening.

Plus ... it's no secret that Tom has a penchant for riding Ducatis ... and owns a Ducati superbike ... though the bike he's usually photographed on does NOT have a backseat.

As for the chick ... we don't know squat about her.

We called Tom's rep who insists it's NOT Tom -- Still, we gotta ask ...

Jose Canseco Flirty Pic with Rape Accuser Hours Before Alleged Incident

Just hours before Jose Canseco allegedly committed rape ... the alleged victim posed for a very flirty pic with J.C. in a Vegas casino and joked that they had just gotten married, TMZ has learned.

The pic was taken on the floor of the MGM Casino at 2:51 AM on May 10 -- with the woman cozying up for a couply shot with Jose ... with her open right hand placed on the center of his exposed chest.

The person who took the photo says he's a huge Canseco fan (apparently those still exist) ... and had recognized Jose strolling around the casino with a female companion.

The fan asked Jose if he could snap a shot -- and Jose obliged, striking a pose with the woman while she giggled and told the photog she and Jose had just tied the knot.

For the record -- we've done some digging, but couldn't find any proof of a Canseco marriage.

The photog told us the two seemed happy ... no signs of distress.

Of course, things changed -- 'cause the woman reportedly told police Jose drugged and raped her later that day.

Jose has denied the allegations -- claiming his accuser is making up the story for publicity.

Jose Canseco's Ex-GF Calls BS on Rape Accuser


Jose Canseco's ex-GF tells TMZ ... she believes J.C. is COMPLETELY INNOCENT ... and claims the woman accusing the former MLB star of rape is nothing more than a lying publicity whore.

We spoke to Leila Knight -- who dated Canseco for more than 4 years -- and she tells us she's spoken with Canseco at length about the sexual assault accusations that have been made against him in Las Vegas.

"I've been talking to him all day ... it's obvious that it's a publicity stunt, I mean -- the girl's an aspiring actress," Knight says.

Knight also says Canseco is a "gentle person" who always tells the truth -- "If anything, he's too honest."

For his part, Canseco has denied any wrongdoing ... despite the fact he's named as a suspect in a sexual assault investigation stemming from an alleged incident on May 10.

Foxy Brown I Never Said Jay-Z Was a 'Tranny Chaser'

Foxy Brown is FURIOUS over reports she trashed Jay-Z ... telling TMZ she NEVER referred to Hova as a gonorrhea-infected "tranny chaser" ... and now she's threatening to sue.

Brown is referencing reports which say Foxy recently went to a baby shower and started dishing about Jay-Z's sex life to one of the guests -- saying he secretly engages in gay sex ... and that she lost her virginity to him when she was 15 and he was 27.

There's more ... including allegations of a robbery, sex tape and STDs.

But Foxy says the report is complete BS, telling TMZ ... "The atrociousness of this story sickened me to my stomach. Any and everyone involved will be contacted by my attorney."

Foxy says, "In all my years in the music industry, these are the most disgusting and disrespectful allegations I've ever experienced. This fictitious story ... with NO audio, visual or written interview, clearly was concocted with malicious intent."

"Jay has only been wonderful to me and my family, a great friend throughout all the years I've known him and we had nothing but great success as a team."

She continues, "Beyonce, his wife, has always been gracious and sweet to me ... I will NOT let any undercover hater create discord and disrespect my name and reputation."

"This disrespect will NOT be tolerated."

Joe Jackson Wade Robson's Getting PAID TO LIE


Wade Robson is getting paid big money to destroy Michael Jackson's reputation with child abuse allegations ... so says MJ's dad Joe Jackson.

Joe was at the airport in L.A. Wednesday when we asked about Wade's claims against the MJ estate -- that the singer sexually abused him as a child for years -- but Joe doesn't buy Wade's story for a second ... and he's not placing the blame entirely on Wade's shoulders either.

Joe's got his own conspiracy theory about who's REALLY behind Wade's allegations ... and whoever it is has a massive wallet.

Robert Pattinson Moving Out? Upon Further Review ...

Robert Pattinson shoved a bunch of crap into his truck -- making lots of people think he's ditching Kristen Stewart ... which sparked a battle between two detectives. Self-deputized, but still ... detectives. Sorta.

Check out TMZ on TV -- click here to see your local listings!

Kardashian Diary Lawsuit Ex-Stepmom Claims Suit Is B.S.

Ellen Pearson -- the woman who was married to Robert Kardashian when he died -- claims the Kardashian kids don't have a leg to stand on in their lawsuit against her for selling portions of their father's diary to the tabloids ... TMZ has learned.

Kim, Khloe, Kourtney and Rob Jr. all banded together last month to sue Pearson for profiting off the diary ... a diary that contained a slew of juicy personal information.

The Kardashian kids claimed in their suit that the diary was left to them in Robert's will, but in her response filed earlier this week ... Pearson claims that just isn't the case and the diary is rightfully hers.

Pearson also shoots down the idea that she hid the diary from the Kardashians, but she does fully admit to selling it to the tabloids and owns up to the fact that she got paid for it.

In the end, Pearson claims the Kardashians have no case and is asking a judge to toss it out completely.

A judge has yet to rule.

Beyonce Who You Callin' Pregnant?

Pregnancy rumors be damned, Beyonce wore a slew of form-fitting outfits during her tour stop in Milan last night.

Bey has thus far neither confirmed nor denied the rumors, only attacking the press with an Instagram post she quickly deleted. Multiple outlets say they have confirmed Mrs. Carter is pregnant with baby #2, and many point to the fact she canceled a show last week ... citing good ol' "dehydration and exhaustion."

When we asked yesterday, 81% of you said you thought Beyonce was preggers. After looking at these pics, we ask again ...