MJ's Ex-Housekeeper Key Witness in Wade's Molestation Lawsuit

The Neverland housekeeper who graphically described seeing Wade Robson naked in a shower with Michael Jackson ... will play a huge role in whether Robson wins a cent from MJ's Estate in his new civil lawsuit, TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the case tell us Wade's lawyers are dissecting Blanca Francia's testimony during Jackson's 2005 molestation trial.

During the trial, Francia -- who worked at Neverland in the late '80s -- testified she witnessed Jackson showering naked with a 7 or 8-year-old Wade.

We obtained a transcript of the testimony in which Francia describes seeing Michael's underwear on the floor outside the shower, as well as Wade's child-sized neon green underwear.

She said she couldn't see what Michael was doing exactly because the shower door was fogged up, but said she heard him laughing.

Ultimately, Francia's testimony wasn't enough to sway the jury -- MJ was acquitted -- partly because Wade himself also testified, but insisted Michael never touched him.

TMZ broke the story ... Wade is planning to argue that MJ's companies -- MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures -- had a duty to protect him because they were involved in recruiting him from Australia to work with Michael.

According to sources, Wade wants to use Blanca's testimony to show Michael abused him as a child. We're told Wade's lawyers are also trying to contact her to see if she will cooperate in the new case.

MIchael Jackson/Wade Robson You Be the Judge

Wade Robson now insists Michael Jackson molested him, although lots of people think he's lying through his teeth. So we gotta ask ...

Wade Robson

Michael Jackson -- pedophile?

Wade should have his day in court

Repressed memory


Beyonce Slams Pregnancy Rumors ... But Doesn't Deny Them

Beyonce posted (and quickly deleted from Instagram) a harsh response to the rumors she's carrying baby #2 ... bashing the media as "low life people who have nothing better to do than talk about me."

It's an odd response to a pregnancy rumor -- it's not like reports are saying she's hooked on drugs or splitting from hubby Jay-Z. A simple "Yes it's true" or "No it isn't" would solve the problem ... but she opted for neither.

So we gotta ask ...

Justin & Selena BACK TOGETHER!!!!!!! (At the Billboard Awards)

It's official ... Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are officially a pair once again!!!!!!!!! At least in their seats at the Billboard Music Awards this weekend.

Photos of the seating arrangements have surfaced on the Internet -- and you can plainly see, Justin and Selena will be seated next to each other at the award show on Sunday.

And for anyone thinking it's an accident -- celebs can easily request to sit apart from people if they really want to ... so it's obvious, neither Justin nor Selena had a problem being so close to one another.

Justin and Selena split last year, but ever since then they've been on-and-off-again more than Lindsay Lohan's movie career -- so this could finally be a sign they're back together.


Wade Robson Life's a Beach

Wade Robson surfaced in Hawaii with his wife and son on Friday ... sportin' an Aloha shirt and some flip flops following his "Michael Jackson molested me as a kid" media blitz.

We broke the story ... Wade recently sold his Santa Monica condo and skipped town to live with his wife and kid in her hometown on the island.

Wade shouldn't get too comfortable though ... he's gonna have to fly back to L.A. at some point to follow up on his claim against the Michael Jackson Estate.

In the meantime, it's 80 degrees in Hawaii right now ... with a slight chance of awesome.


Beyonce PREGNANT (Reportedly)

Seems the Beyonce preggo rumors are true-mors ... at least according to E!, which is now reporting the singer is knocked up with her second child.

The rumor mill had been in overdrive over the past week -- especially with Beyonce bailing on a concert in Belgium at the last minute due to "dehydration and exhaustion."

Everyone on the planet knows ... when a celeb drops the ol' "D&E" excuse, it's code for -- we're hiding something.

31-year-old Beyonce gave birth to her first child -- daughter Blue Ivy -- back in January 2012.

No word on when B and Jay-Z are dropping kid #2.

We called B's reps for comment -- so far, no word back ... however, Russell Simmons tweeted a congratulatory message to the couple ... and that guy's connected ... so, yeah.

Wade Robson I Hope to Inspire OTHER Molestation Victims to Come Forward


Wade Robson says he feels LIBERATED after opening up about the alleged sex abuse at the hands of Michael Jackson on national TV ... and says he hopes he inspires other people to "speak their truth."

Robson had just landed at LAX yesterday after his big tell-all interview with Matt Lauer on the "Today" show -- and said he has no regrets about going public with his MJ accusations.

While Wade's story is under fire -- considering he so vehemently DEFENDED Michael during the 2005 molestation trial -- the dance choreographer says he hopes his decision to come forward will be viewed as inspirational.

"If my coming forward and speaking the truth can help, honestly, one [person] to gain courage to speak their truth and begin the healing process then that would really be more than I could ask."

TMZ broke the story ... Wade is going after the Michael Jackson Estate in court, claiming MJ sexually abused him as a child. Wade said he waited so long to take action because he didn't realize he was being abused until recently.

Jermaine Jackson SHOCKED Over Nephew's Molestation Claims


Jermaine Jackson couldn't BELIEVE it when he heard his nephew Taj's claims that a family member had molested him as a child -- telling TMZ, "I've never heard that. I've never ever heard that."

As we reported, Taj Jackson -- one of Tito's sons -- made the announcement on Twitter today, claiming an uncle on his mother's side of the family sexually abused him as a child ... and Michael Jackson counseled him through the trauma.

Taj says he made the announcement in an attempt to discredit Wade Robson's abuse allegations against MJ, claiming, "That is how I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor."

Taj added, MJ "was a support system for me and my mom" during the abuse ordeal.

Taj believes Wade is making up stories about MJ in order to score a payday from the Jackson estate.

Debbie Rowe Wade Robson's a Publicity-Seeking Opportunist


Debbie Rowe doesn't believe for one minute that her ex-husband, Michael Jackson, molested Wade Robson, telling TMZ the latest accuser will not blemish the memory of MJ.

Rowe -- reacting to Robson's appearance on "Today" and the 2 legal claims he's filed in court, tells TMZ:

"I was angered that Wade Robson reversed his sworn testimony from court in 2005, and now claims to be a victim of sexual abuse."

Rowe goes on ... "His publicity-seeking attempt is opportunistic and just oozes falseness."

Robson claims Jackson molested him for 7 years -- between the ages of 7 and 14, although he squarely denied it when he took the stand as Jackson's star witness in the 2005 molestation trial.

Rowe tells us, "It will be quickly forgotten, and will do nothing, nothing to tarnish Michael's extraordinary legacy."

MJ's Nephew I Was Molested As a Child And Michael Helped Me Cope

Michael Jackson's nephew Taj Jackson -- Tito's son -- just revealed he was molested by a family member on his mom's side when he was a kid ... and says Michael personally consoled him after the incident.

Taj dropped the bombshell on Twitter this morning during a tirade aimed at MJ accuser Wade Robson.

During the tweet session, Taj claimed he's in a unique position to judge Robson's sexual abuse allegations because he knows what it's like to have gone through such a traumatic experience.

"That is how I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor," Taj tweeted. Followed by: "I was sexually abuse (sic). By [a family member] on my mom's side of the family when I was a kid."

As for Michael, Taj says MJ "was a support system for me and my mom" during his abuse ordeal ... he even tweeted a picture of a note he says MJ wrote to his mother. The scrawl reads:

"Dee Dee please read this article about child molestation and please read it to Taj (and his siblings) ... it brings out how even your own relatives can be molesters of children, even uncles or aunts molesting nephews or nieces. Please Read. Love MJ."

And Taj makes it clear -- he thinks Robson is LYING for CASH.

"What people will $ay and do for money and to $tay relevant is $ickening. De$perate times call for De$perate mea$ures. #Money."

Wade Robson Says He Never Forgot ... But Denied Specifics at Trial


Wade Robson just said on TV ... he never forgot what Michael Jackson did to him -- he just didn't know it was wrong until recently ... but Wade's testimony in 2005 suggests if he didn't forget, he might have been lying.

Robson said on "Today" Michael performed sexual acts on him and vice versa when he was a child.

Wade told Matt Lauer on "Today," "I've never forgot one moment of what Michael did to me but I was psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse."

But we've looked at the trial transcript from the 2005 molestation case, and Wade was asked very specific questions about the physical contact he had with MJ.

Prosecutor Ron Zonen grilled Robson on cross examination and asked very specific questions:

-- Zonen: Mr. Jackson would periodically kiss you.
-- Robson: No
-- Zonen: Periodically hug you?
-- Robson: Yes
-- Zonen: Touch you?
-- Robson: Hug me.
-- Zonen: Did he ever kiss your lips
-- Robson: No
-- Zonen: On occasions you stayed in bed with Mr. Jackson would you ever cuddle in bed?
-- Robson: No
-- Zonen: Would you lie next to one another?
-- Robson: No
-- Zonen: Would you touch?
-- Robson: No

Short story ... Robson says he "never forgot" anything Michael did to him ... he just didn't know it was wrong. So if he never forgot, did he lie on the stand or is he making it up now? Fair question.

MJ's Lawyer Wade Robson is a Money-Grubbing Liar

The lawyer who repped Michael Jackson in the 2005 molestation case is scoffing at Wade Robson's interview on "Today," telling TMZ, "This is a pathetic and an obvious grab for publicity and an attempt to put pressure on the [Michael Jackson] Estate to pay him money."

Tom Mesereau tells us Robson is flat-out lying when he says this is not about money, saying, "Why call yourself a creditor if it's not about money." TMZ broke the story ... Robson has filed a belated creditor's claim with the MJ Estate.

Mesereau says Robson was grilled by the prosecutor in the 2005 criminal case and was unwavering. He says it's simply unbelievable that the truth didn't surface when Robson was on the stand. Mesereau says Robson is an intelligent guy who has volunteered statements in and out of court, defending Michael.

As for the money ... Mesereau tells us, "Everyone knows this Estate is well over a billion dollars and growing."

For the record, it's not at a billion bucks yet, but the Estate has made hundreds of millions of dollars and it will probably hit the billion dollar mark.

Wade Robson Michael Forced Me to Have Sex And to Keep Quiet About It


9:00 AM PT -- Howard Weitzman, the attorney for MJ's estate, tells TMZ, “Mr. Robson has adamantly denied under oath and in numerous interviews over the past 20 years that Michael Jackson ever did anything inappropriate to him. He now wants us to believe that he committed perjury at least twice and has been lying to anyone and everyone about Mr. Jackson since the early ‘90s so he can file a claim for money. Mr. Robson’s transparent lawsuit comes nearly 4 years after Michael passed. His claim is outrageous and sad.”

Wade Robson says the only reason he's now changing his story ... accusing Michael Jackson of sexually abusing him for 7 years is because Michael engaged in a campaign of manipulation to keep him silent, especially during MJ's 2005 child molestation trial.

Robson went on NBC Today and said, Michael "performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him" from the age of 7 ... until Robson was 14.

Robson claimed he testified in 2005 that Michael did NOT sexually abuse him because Michael told him what they were doing was "an expression of love" ... and added, "if you ever tell anyone what we're doing both of our lives and our careers will be over."

TMZ broke the story ... Robson filed a creditor's claim against Michael Jackson's estate last week, insisting MJ sexually abused him during his childhood for years, but according to sources he didn't take action until he saw a therapist following a nervous breakdown.

Robson referenced the breakdown on Today, saying ... "For the first time in my life I began to realize that my completely numb and unexplored feelings in relation to what Michael did to me might be a problem and maybe I need to speak to someone about it."

Interestingly, Robson denied repressing memories of the alleged abuse ... instead saying he was merely "psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse."

Robson added he doesn't excuse the alleged abuse, but he believed Michael was a "troubled man" who was an amazing talent, but "also a pedophile."

Michael Jackson's estate has told TMZ Robson's allegations are an "outrageous and pathetic" money grab.

Beyonce Pregnancy (Rumors) Never Looked This Good

With no signs of morning sickness dehydration or exhaustion, a healthier Beyonce once again took to the stage in Belgium on Wednesday.

One day after postponing the Belgium concert -- and further fueling the pregnancy rumors -- Bey didn't disappoint her legions of fans and brought her Mrs. Carter Show World Tour to Antwerp.

While she was decked out in a form fitting Ralph & Russo body suit, there's still no official word if Blue Ivy's mom is performing for two -- but she doesn't look it ... yet.

Turns out Beyonce is really pregnant by the way. So there you go.

Wade Robson I Don't Need MJ Estate to Prove Molestation in Court

Wade Robson WILL have his day in court in his attempt to prove he was molested by Michael Jackson ... even if he's shut down by the Michael Jackson Estate.

TMZ has learned ... Robson has filed a civil lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court ... and it has nothing to do with his creditor's claim against the Estate. We broke the story ... Robson belatedly filed his creditor's claim, alleging MJ molested him between the ages of 7 and 14.

Robson may get shut down by the probate judge because he waited too long to file his claim. But the civil lawsuit we found will NOT go away that easily.

The allegations in the civil lawsuit are sealed, but TMZ has obtained the face page of the complaint, which shows Robson is suing DOE 1, an individual, DOE 2, a California corporation, and DOE 3, a California corporation. As for who these anonymous DOES are ... TMZ has done some digging, and it's clear. Robson is targeting MJJ Productions -- Michael's record label (owned by Sony) which hired Wade when he was 11 -- and MJJ Ventures ... which produced Michael's music videos.

The two corporations may have been involved in bringing Wade to the U.S. from his home in Australia, and it's clear Wade will argue they had some responsibility for protecting him -- kind of like the relationship between priests who molest and the Catholic Church.

As for the individual DOES (Wade names 50 DOES) ... it's very clear from our research that Robson is targeting the two executors of the MJ Estate -- John Branca and John McClain.

Short story -- even if Wade loses in probate court, he can probably have his day in civil court and put Michael Jackson and allegations of molestation before a jury.

Wade Robson I'm Ready to TALK About MJ Sex Abuse Allegations


Wade Robson is breaking his silence on the Michael Jackson sex abuse allegations ... and it sounds like he's about to drop a bombshell.

Robson surfaced at JFK this morning -- unsuccessfully trying to stay low-key in a hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses.

But when the paps recognized Robson, they immediately blasted the guy with questions about his accusation -- that MJ molested him when he was a kid.

TMZ broke the story ... Robson claims MJ was a monster who sexually abused him for years ... but he didn't take action sooner because he repressed the memories. The MJ estate says Robson's allegations are completely bogus.

Robson says he'll open up about the situation tomorrow.

Stay tuned ...