Lauryn Hill's Ex BF Wyclef is LYING! He Knew I Was the Daddy

Wyclef Jean's claim that Lauryn Hill duped him into thinking he knocked her up ... is "bulls**t" and a money-making ploy -- at least according to Lauryn's real baby daddy ... Rohan Marley.

Wyclef dropped the bomb about his ex Fugees bandmate in his new autobiography ... claiming they had an affair in 1996 -- while he was married -- and Lauryn made him believe he fathered her first child, Zion David.

That was news to Rohan, who dated Lauryn from '96 to 2004, and tells TMZ ... Wyclef "knew from jump that was my son from the day [Lauryn] was pregnant."

Rohan -- one of Bob Marley's sons, and a former football stud at U. of Miami -- does admit Lauryn and Wyclef screwed around before he came on the scene, but says he's confident it ended because Wyclef actually played matchmaker ... "They were definitely not messing around, or he would never have given me the okay."

He also says he and Lauryn were together in studio sessions night and day back then so there wouldn't even be time for her to have the alleged affair.

Rohan added he thinks Wyclef is "just saying false things to get book headlines" -- and he has no plans to talk it out with 'Clef because "he knows he is fronting himself.

For his part, Wyclef tells TMZ, "There is no way that I would have shown up in the hospital in that circumstance to wait for a baby to be born if it was not mine. The idea of a memoir is to tell the truth. I know that often the truth hurts, but a lie hurts even more."

Dina Lohan Fidgety, Sweaty, Mumbling During Dr. Phil Interview


Despite insisting she was completely sober for her big Dr. Phil interview, Dina Lohan appears completely out of it during the hour-long sit-down ... sweating, slurring, and fumbling her words through the entire thing.

You'll recall, Dr. Phil's people released a teaser for the interview last week -- in which Dina appears seriously dazed and confused -- but Dina insisted she had not been drinking beforehand, telling TMZ, "I don’t care what it looks like. I’m fine and I don’t care what anyone says."

Dina blamed the editing for making her look messed up -- but after the interview aired today, it seems editing wasn't to blame ... something just wasn't right with Lindsay's mom. She was overly emotional, anxious, panicked, and disheveled.

As the interview began, a jittery Dina repeatedly asks "Are we rolling? Are we rolling?"

Dina appears extremely uncomfortable throughout the interview. At one point, when Dr. Phil asks about Michael Lohan's alleged abuse, Dina abruptly asks to put a stop to the interview, claiming she doesn't want to be on camera.

She adds, "God, it's so quiet in here."

Dina later laughs nervously, and asks to go home. And this is all in the first fifteen minutes.

As we previously reported, Michael Lohan -- who participated in the interview -- says he's positive Dina was "wasted" during the interview ... which was taped at 10 AM.

Calls to Dina were not returned.

Stacy Keibler Ring of Death

Stacy Keibler doused herself in George Clooney repellent yesterday, trying on a giant yellow diamond ring designed by Jacob Arabo ... aka Jacob the Jeweler, jeweler of the stars.

Clooney, the world's most infamous bachelor, has long maintained he will never get married again (he was married for a few years to actress Talia Balsam).

His last girlfriend, Elisabetta Canalis, told an Italian magazine in 2009 that she hoped to be a bride someday. Less than two weeks later, they broke up.

A source close to Stacy says don't read too much into the pics -- it was just an event, and Stacy was asked by Jacob to wear the ring.

But on her left hand?

Hmm ... we should know pretty quickly if Cloons buys the excuse.

Al Roker The Babbling Audio You Weren't Supposed to Hear

Al Roker seems to be a happy camper on the "Today" show ... despite the alleged tension between himself and Matt Lauer ... and the proof lies in an audio clip the public wasn't supposed to hear.

Roker was doing his usual weather thing this morning ... when he tossed to the local anchors for the local weather report. For some reason, WNBC in New York didn't cut away from the "Today" feed ... and continued to air footage that Al, Matt and the rest of the unsuspecting gang didn't think was being broadcasted.

During the rare behind-the-scenes moment, Al was pretty funny ... happily babbling to himself while Matt and Natalie Morales had a friendly exchange over how to pronounce the name of Amanda Knox's former boyfriend.

Al chimed in during the debate ... with a song. It's pretty funny ...check it out.

Matt Lauer There is NO BEEF With Al Roker


Matt Lauer does NOT believe Al Roker is trying to sabotage the "Today" show ... despite his crazy antics ... telling TMZ that any talk of a riff between Al and the show is nothing more than a "rumor."

Matt was on his way home from the gym in NYC yesterday when we asked about all of the drama with the "Today" show ... including the fact that rival "Good Morning America" has TAKEN OVER as ratings leader in the morning news war.

"We feel the heat every day," Lauer says ... "but we have for the last 20 years that I've been there."

"We're just trying to do the best show we can do every single day ... and I think we're doing a good job right now ... and I think the cycle will reverse."

As for Al Roker's pattern of bizarre behavior on the air since his good friend Ann Curry was fired from the show ... it's clear Lauer doesn't seem too concerned about the situation.

Rachel Bilson Sells L.A. Home, Darth Vader Moves Out

Hayden Christensen is hauling his stuff out of his fiancee Rachel Bilson's L.A. house -- and he's bringing her crap with him -- because the "OC" actress just sold the place for big money.

Sources close to Bilson tell us, Rachel recently attempted to sell the house, but took it off the market when she didn't get the offer she was looking for.

We're told that changed very recently -- when a prospective buyer re-approached Bilson with a heftier offer on the home ... an offer that was so good, Bilson just couldn't turn it down .. so she and Hayden are moving out.

We're told Bilson is currently looking for a replacement.

FYI -- rumors Rachel and Hayden are breaking up are bogus.

Beyonce There's NO BEEF With Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian and Beyonce don't hate each other's guts -- despite reports -- in fact, they're BFFs.

There was lots of speculation this week following a story in which Bey allegedly confronted Kim at Jay-Z's recent Made in America event in Philadelphia -- asking Kim to stop posing for the cameras because she was stealing Jay-Z's spotlight.

Director Ron Howard was at the event too -- and according to reports, Kim approached Ron to cast her in one of his films ... another detail that allegedly pissed off Beyonce.

But sources close to Beyonce's camp tell us, there was no confrontation whatsoever -- in fact, when Kanye performed with Jay-Z at the event ... we're told Beyonce and Kim watched their men together backstage, laughing and hugging the whole time.

As one source put it, "They love each other -- they talk fashion, family, Beyonce's baby all the time."

As for the Ron Howard thing -- we're told Kim never uttered a word to him the entire day.

Kelly Rutherford My Ex Is EXPLOITING Our Kids

Kelly Rutherford's ex-husband set up a photo op at a French airport on Sunday where the actress arrived to visit her children ... violating a court order in the process -- or so Kelly is telling friends.

One of Kelly's close friends -- who recently spoke to the actress in France -- tells TMZ, the "Gossip Girl" star was shocked when she saw photos of her arrival at the airport in Nice this weekend surfacing on the Internet, and believes her ex is to blame for leaking her location.

The friend says Kelly believes ... if her ex Daniel Giersch really did set up the shot -- it would be a violation of a court order against exposing the couple's kids to the media.

In the photos, Kelly looks happy -- hugging her kids while they wave a sign reading "Welcome Super Mama" -- but now, she's super pissed.

As you know, Kelly and her ex are embroiled in a bitter custody war. A judge recently named Giersch the "residential parent," meaning the kids have to live in France because he's banished from the U.S. Kelly still lives in the States, and has to fly to France to see her kids for her half of the custody share.

Kelly plans to fight the ruling. Reps for both Kelly and Giersch had no comment.

Heidi Klum's Bodyguard Protecting Heidi's Body ... Just Last Week


Heidi Klum and her bodyguard returned from Spain together just last week ... looking more like a couple than a boss and her employee.

The footage of Heidi and Martin Kristen was taken at LAX on August 28 ... after coming back from a trip to Sardinia ... where the two were seen looking pretty affectionate on the beach.

We broke the story ... Seal claimed Klum was bangin' Kristen while she was still with the singer, though Heidi insists there was no such fornicating while they were together.

Seal used Kristen to guard HIS body as recently as last month ... though we're guessing those days are over ... 'cause it's probably really awkward now.

Seal We Share the Bodyguard Who's Nailing My Wife

Seal and Heidi Klum may be headed for divorce, but they're still sharing things ... for example, the bodyguard she's shagging.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... Seal hired the bodyguard -- Martin Kristen -- several years ago, and since then he has worked for both Seal and Heidi. In fact, we're told he actually has spent more time with Seal.

Now here's where it gets just plain weird. Our sources say ... Seal has known that something was going on between Heidi and Martin for months, yet he continued to use his services -- as recently as last month.

TMZ broke the story ... Seal believed Heidi was "fornicating with the help" before they separated. He tried backtracking, but his new story (that he meant to say "divorced" rather than separated) doesn't make any sense.


For her part, Heidi claims she never cheated on Seal while they were together.

For Martin's part, he gets a salary and a hot chick. He wins.

Heidi Klum Jetting Out of Town ... Without the Bodyguard

Heidi Klum was seen at the crack of dawn this morning at LAX catching a flight out of town ... and with all the attention surrounding her new bodyguard beau ... he was nowhere to be found.

TMZ posted a video over the weekend of Seal calling out Heidi for "fornicating with the help" while they were still married. A rep fo the singer backed off those remarks, saying, "he was not implying his wife was cheating while they were together."

Our sources say Heidi and the bodyguard have gotten "very close" since her split with Seal, but their relationship remains "undefined."

Heidi landed in JFK this afternoon ... looking refreshed.

Seal I Wasn't Saying Heidi Klum Cheated!


When Seal said he wished Heidi Klum "at least waited until we separated first before deciding to fornicate with the help" ... he didn't mean to say he thought she cheated on him while they were together ... this according to Seal's rep. You confused? Keep reading, but you may not buy it.

TMZ posted the video yesterday (see above) of Seal talking about Heidi's relationship with her bodyguard. He said Heidi lacked class and pretty plainly claimed Heidi's cheating broke up the marriage.

But Seal's rep now says that's not what he meant, telling TMZ, "Seal would like to clarify that he was not implying his wife was cheating while they were together, but he was merely pointing out that their separation and divorce are not yet final and they are indeed still legally married."

Yes, we're perplexed too. The words "waited until we separated" are pretty straightforward.

Heidi Klum I Didn't Cheat on Seal with My Bodyguard

Seal’s accusation that Heidi Klum cheated on him during their marriage is absolutely false ... at least that’s what Heidi is telling close friends.

TMZ posted a video this morning in which Seal said straight out said Heidi was screwing the bodyguard while they were together --- and that is why their marriage fell apart.

Heidi told one close friend today her relationship with the bodyguard was "strictly professional" while she was with Seal.

The friends tell us that since the split, Heidi says she has gotten "very close" to the bodyguard ... who has helped her through the difficulties of ending a marriage

As for the nature of their relationship now ... all the friend would say is it's "undefined." So that's what the kids are calling it these days.

Heidi's friend adds, "It’s sad but not surprising that he would resort to making excuses for their divorce when the real reason is looking him in the mirror."

Heidi Klum He Guards My Body Good

Heidi Klum did not seemed fazed by Seal's claim she cheated on him "with the help" during their marriage ... because she seemed carefree as she had breakfast with the help/bodyguard in Beverly Hills today.

Seal told TMZ last night at LAX ... she was "fornicating" with the bodyguard during the marriage and that's what broke it up. Seal added that Heidi lacked class.

Heidi -- who was joined by her kids for the Bev Hills meal -- claims Seal explosive temper torpedoed the marriage.

Sheryl Crow Questioned By Federal Agents

If federal agents were looking for a smoking gun in the Lance Armstrong doping scandal ... they were hoping it might be Sheryl Crow -- this according to a new report.

The country-singer was called in by federal agents in late 2011 and questioned about any knowledge she might have regarding accusations that Armstrong was using illegal substances ... this according to The New York Daily News.

The move to question Crow makes sense ... she dated Armstrong from 2003 to 2006 (he won 2 Tour de France titles in that time span) -- and spent lots of time with him in Europe, traveling on private jets and in other locations where, according to the report, Armstrong allegedly participated in doping programs.

It's unclear what information Crow gave during her interview ... both the Feds and her attorney declined to comment.

As you know -- the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency recently stripped Armstrong of his 7 Tour de France Titles in late August and banned him from the sport of cycling ... after he dropped his case to fight back against doping allegations.

Clint Eastwood Reality Show Did NOT Set Up Obama Schtick

Clint Eastwood was NOT put up to his painful Barack Obama schtick last night by the producers of his family's reality show -- in fact, sources close to the legend tell TMZ, Clint "acts that way all the time at home."

There's been a lot of speculation -- Clint's bit was so awful ... there's no way it wasn't a setup for reality TV ... but we're told it really wasn't. The whole thing was Clint's idea, and even his family had no clue what he planned to do on stage.

According to sources, Clint's family's reality show "Mrs. Eastwood & Company" has not officially been picked up for a 2nd season and they're not currently in production -- so there's no way producers could have had a hand in last night's trainwreck.

We’re told Clint's family believes his speech was widely misunderstood -- Clint just has a dry sense of humor that people don't understand.
