Miley -- Miles from Reality on VF Shoot

Miley Cyrus might be boo-hooing about this Vanity Fair shoot, but we're told that her parents were with her "the entire time" and that they knew everything that was going on. So any suggestion that Annie Leibovitz tricked Miley into taking racy shots are absurd: "There was no subterfuge," we're told.

Well-placed sources at Vanity Fair say that the mag is "happy for all the press -- we're selling magazines, after all," and when it comes to Miley's suggestion that the legendary Leibovitz got her to take a topless shot, "Are you going to believe Annie Leibovitz or Miley Cyrus?"

For her part, Leibovitz said in a statement, "I'm sorry that my portrait of Miley has been misinterpreted."

Jordin Sparks Not Going Away for Good ... Yet

Whether you really choose to listen to her or not, one thing's for sure: Jordin Sparks' singing career is not over. Not even close.

The alarm was sounded when Jordin had to ditch gigs this weekend because of what was described as a scary-sounding "acute vocal chord hemorrhage," which led to speculation that her career might be ovah! Sparks' rep tells us that while Jordin's condition is in fact "serious," it's manageable and she'll be back on tour in May. All her dates through the end of April have been scrapped.

The main thing is, we're told, that young Jordin needs to learn that vocal rest is vocal rest! Bettah keep that trap shut -- or else she'll be opening housing developments!

Ashlee and Pete: They're No BeJay

Ashlee Simpson and her fiance Pete Wentz played coy at LAX yesterday, where the youngest of the Simpson clan tried to dodge baby questions.

Ashlee and Pete: They're No BeJay

Ashlee has recently been avoiding all things baby by playing the sly role. She better comment soon -- the 15 interested fans are starting to get restless.

See Also

Is Dr. Jan Tucking Himself Into More Trouble?

That shady Dr. Jan Adams just can't stay away from the danger zone, like the socialite he's rumored to be dating who could link him -- and not in a good way -- to that carb nemesis Dr. Robert Atkins.

We hear that he's cutting up with socialite Ildiko Varga. Don't know her? This chicky used to hook up with an alleged gigolo named Alexis Mersentes, who married Veronica Atkins after her hubby -- yes, THE Dr. Atkins -- died.

And here's where it gets real juicy ...

Miley's Autobiography? It's Called a Diary

After years of anticipation, Miley Cyrus ... aka Hannah Montana ... may finally be writing her autobiography! It would have been announced sooner, but the project was held up until she finished her first high school English class.

Besides the 200 pages of "Miley Timberlake," "Miley Loves Zac" and "I Heart the Jonas Brothers" -- all doodled with hearts and stars -- it probably won't be any longer than this post.

Ashlee Rattled by Baby Rumors

Ashlee Simpson tried to power walk away from pregnancy questions in NY -- but the only thing she ditched was her mom.

Ashlee Rattled by Baby Rumors

Someone get Tina some cross trainers.

See Also

Simpsons Tight-Lipped Over Fall Out Baby

Is Ashlee knocked up with a little emo baby? Neither she nor Jess would spill the goods to us at LAX.

Simpsons Tight Lipped Over Existence Fall Out Baby

Where's Papa Joe when you need him?

See Also

BeJay Lords of the Missing Rings

People are dying to solve one of the greatest wedding mysteries of the year! Beyonce and Jay-Z attended the Houston Rockets b-ball game yesterday, where Bey hid her left hand from cameras, while Jay exposed his ring-less finger.

Just stop it and confirm already. People's lives are at stake!

Artie Lange to Howard: I Know How to Quit You?

Artie Lange stormed off the "Howard Stern Show" today, causing pangs of anxiety throughout Howard's loyal legions of fans that the bloated comic indeed put a fork in himself and would not be coming back.

The drama started when Artie and his assistant, Teddy, were heard fighting in the hallway. Howard later brought it up on air, causing Artie to lose his damn mind and at one point lunge at the assistant.

Sources close to the show tell TMZ that both the fight and the situation are definitely real. As for Artie never coming back -- we're not so sure.

Seacrest Out, Queen to the Rescue

The paps were in overdrive yesterday, grilling Sophie Monk over the whole Ryan Seacrest dating rumor -- but in the nick of time, Queen on the Scene came to her rescue!

Forget Ryan -- Sophie Is With the Queen!

Though we're not sure if having a homeless woman put her hand over your face, almost walking you into a parked car and then getting into an elevator with you qualifies as a serious rescue.

As for Ryan, let this pic of the pair out to dinner last night put that issue to rest.

BeJay Honeymoons in Exotic Greensboro, N.C.

The newly married (or not) couple spent their first full day of (alleged) wedding bliss in romantic North Carolina.

Mr. Z chartered a private jet to take him and his wife, girlfriend, lady friend to Greensboro where he performed at a concert. The hooded rapper was sporting what maybe, sort of, looks like it might be a wedding ring.

The camera-shy couple did show off a matching pair of ... laptops.

See Also

X17's Apology -- Greatest Understatement Ever

Hmmm ... let's get this straight, you falsely accuse someone of having an affair and then apologize -- calling it an inconvenience. Oh, that little thing.

That's exactly what X17 just did to Tony Parker and Eva Longoria. Last December the photo agency posted the scandalicious claims of model Alexandra Paressant, who said she had an affair with Tony after he married his little Eva. Problem was -- Parker had never even met Paressant! We know -- details, details.

X17 posted an apology Friday, saying, in part, " and X7 [sic], Inc. regret having been misled by Ms. Paressant and her representatives and apologize to Mr. Parker for any damage or inconvenience this may have caused him or his wife."

In a related story, X17 apologized to Sharon Tate's family on behalf of Charles Manson for that little thing a while back.

See Also

Why We're Not Buying It Let Us Count the Ways

1. Jay-Z and Beyonce allegedly applied for a marriage license in Scarsdale, NY on April 1st - uh, April Fool's Day! And in Scarsdale??

2. Jay-Z is playing a concert in North Carolina on Saturday - that doesn't leave very much time for a honeymoon.

3. Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams (those other two from Destiny's Child) posted a silly YouTube video, giggling and declaring, "we're...out of an undisclosed location." Hee hee. How very subtle.

4. Details of the grand wedding have emerged onto the Internet and include tidbits such as:
Beyonce's dressing room is set up in a gym. A gym!? Every bride's dream!

A fridge has been stocked with Jay-Z's favorite champagne. Did the housekeeper leak this? What about those non-disclosure agreements those people sign?

5. They picked Jay-Z's Manhattan apartment for their wedding locale. Why not just set up in the middle of Times Square?

6. People magazine posted photos of cheapy looking flowers and candelabras being delivered to Jay-Z's pad. There's no way Beyonce would allow cheap flowers at her wedding. Not to mention what her mom and dad would do.

7. Jay-Z just signed a $150 million deal with Live Nation. That sounds like a great reason to throw a party. And probably the real reason all this commotion is going down today.

8. The entire gossip blogosphere has gone crazy with wedding fever - everyone but E! that is. They haven't written anything about the wedding fiasco. Interesting, being that E! airs Ashton Kutcher's lame punking the paps show. We're just sayin'...

JC Sets the Record Straight, Pun Intended

According to JC Chasez, the only Crawford he'd ever be interested in is Cindy -- boy is a 100% hetero.

JC Sets the Record Straight, Pun Intended

Ain't no lie, he's not bi, bi, bi.