Jon & Kate Plus ... A Mistress?

He's got it bad, so bad -- is Jon from "Jon & Kate Plus 8" hot for teacher?


The reality television father of eight has allegedly been having an affair with a third grade teacher, Us Weekly is reporting. The two reportedly met at a bar back in mid-January.

The alleged other woman's brother tells the mag his sister is not a homewrecker, but adds this TMI detail -- "A lot of the time, it was pretty, um, gross listening to her, you know, um -- how do I say this? The walls are thin. Let's just say that. I mean, no one wants to hear his sister having sex, let alone with a married dude who's, like, almost twice her age and who has eight kids and a maybe-crazy wife. Ick. Nast."

We got Kate Gosselin yesterday in New York -- where she kept quiet about the alleged "nast" hookup.

Though a rep, Jon told us, "These allegations are false and just plain hurtful. As I adjust to the the attention that comes from being in the public eye, I need to be more careful and aware of who I am associating with and where I am spending my time. But the bottom line is, I did not cheat on Kate. I am sorry for putting my family in this awkward position, given some poor decisions and bad judgements I've made recently. I am working through this difficult time with my family. My family is my top priority."

See Also

Van Gogh's Severed Ear -- Bloody Cover-Up?

Question: What do you call a snail who cut off his own ear?

The answer used to be Escar Van Gogh -- (get it?) -- but according to a new report on the painter's legendary ear, the joke may no longer be accurate (still funny though)!

Some art historians claim Van Gogh may not have cut off his own ear with a razor -- as the stories go -- but instead his ear was sliced off by another man ... another famous painter!

Two German historians claim there is enough evidence to support their claim that Paul Gauguin, a post-impressionist painter who happened to be a fencing badass, most likely cut off V.G.'s ear during a sword fight. Ze Germans also claim the two men decided it would be in their best interest to cover up the truth.

According to reports, the curators at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam are still backing the legendary self-mutilation story -- but one fact remains ... a snail that has to pee will still be known as Escar Gotta Go.

'Jon & Kate Plus' ... Each Other

Jon Gosselin from "Jon & Kate Plus 8" was spotted with another woman this weekend ... his wife, Kate.

While pics surfaced of Jon leaving a nightclub with a lady friend last week, the not-so-happy couple appeared together at something called the Pennsylvania Women's Show this weekend.

Although Jon claims the woman was just a friend, he did admit his actions "showed poor judgement" ... much like Kate's choice in hairstyles.

See Also

Tupac Is Alive ... And Alive ... And Alive ...

Every other city we go, every other video, no matter where we go ... we see Tupac.


Last night we got another Tupac-alike, this one claiming to be the world's "first Tupac impersonator."

You be the judge ...

See Also

Tupac Alive -- The Plot Thickens

We just got new pictures of a guy (left) people think is the same guy we plastered all over our site yesterday -- a guy we think could actually be Tupac Shakur. People from all over the world went nuts yesterday after we posted the pics (right). Frankly, we don't think the new guy is the same as the one we put up yesterday -- we still think yesterday's dude -- who was in a bar in New Orleans over the weekend -- is 2Pac.

See Also

Tupac Is Alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TMZ has obtained photographic evidence that Tupac Shakur is alive and well and drinking Hand Grenades in New Orleans -- unless we're terribly mistaken.

13 years after he was shot and "killed" in Las Vegas ... a man appearing to be 2pac was spotted in a bar on Bourbon Street last weekend.

We were unable to get any sort of DNA evidence -- but this photo is good enough for us.

Thug life, bitches.

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Kat Von D & Benji Motley Screwin' Around?

Benji Madden and Kat Von D looked pretty chummy when we caught 'em snuggling on a Hollywood park bench the other night. Sure, Benji's single -- but as far as we know, Kat's still with Nikki Sixx.


Jay-Z's Posse Has Shallow Pockets

You know the music industry is hurting when two major record execs can't pay a $1,500 bill.

Atlantic Records executive Michael Kyser and Shawn Costner, of the Universal Music Group, recently treated Jay-Z to drinks at an NYC nightclub, but according to the New York Post, the high-powered duo had some trouble footing the bill.

A manager for the club alleges that Kyser and Costner agreed to split the tab, when Costner's corporate credit card was declined -- leaving Kyser with the $1,500 check. Kyser gave the club his credit card, but then left without signing a receipt. The exec still hasn't paid the bill and is now supposedly contesting the charge -- even though the club still has his card.

Apparently, Jay-Z did leave a $500 tip for the waitress, but left the table before the bill arrived.

Too bad all of Jay-Z's fans are too busy illegally downloading his songs to care.

See Also

Mel's Rumored Russian -- All Knocked Up! her own husband.

Both Mel Gibson and Russian singer Oksana Kolesnikova have already blasted affair rumors -- yesterday in L.A., a very upset Oksana insisted she's "happily married" -- and 4-months pregnant with her hubby's child.

Mazel tov!

See Also

Russian Singer on Mel -- 'Nyet' to Affair Rumors

There have been reports that Mel Gibson was having an affair with a Russian singer and that it played a part in the break up of his marriage -- Mel has denied it, and now the singer is sounding off too.

TMZ spoke with a rep for Oksana Kolesnikova, who gave us the following statement: "Sorry to hear about Mel Gibson's divorce. Somehow Oksana is being linked to Mr. Gibson, but there are no emotional ties between the two that I am aware of.

Oksana has in the past entertained Mr. Gibson with her piano music as he dined at the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Yes, I definitely welcome the opportunity to set the record straight, our Oksana is not romantically involved with Mr. Gibson."

There it is -- you buyin' it?

Snoop's Wife Neither Dead, Nor in a Basement

Not only is Snoop Dogg's wife alive and well -- but she's pretty pissed off over the "tip" posted on a California Highway Patrol website which said her dead body was in Snoop's basement.

TMZ obtained the following statement from Snoop Dogg's management: "Of course, the CHP rumors are absolutely not true, totally ridiculous, and most of all hurtful to Snoop Dogg and his family.

Snoop, Shante and their family are all alive and well – we appreciate the fans concerns for their safety. Anything said or reported on regarding the death of Shante Broadus is totally false."

Snoop Dogg's Wife Deady Dead?

If this frightening incident report on the California Highway Patrol's website is correct -- which we hope it's not -- Snoop Doggy Dogg "has the dead body of his wife in his basement." Murder was the case!

At 3:19 yesterday afternoon -- while Snoop was getting high live on the internet -- an anonymous tipper called the CHP to alert them of the alleged heinous situation... but apparently it was so ridiculous that no one at the CHP bothered to forward it to the L.A. County Sheriff's Department.

So this is either really funny ... or really, really, really messed up.

Brody Jenner Clears Up the Painfully Obvious

Photog: "What's up with this little rumor I'm hearing that Rihanna's hooking up with Frankie Delgado?"


See Also

Eddie Cibrian's Wife: Thank God for Bliss

Eddie Cibrian: So, honey, we canceled the subscriptions to those magazines a few weeks ago, didn't we?
Brandi: I'm pretty sure we did. I haven't seen one of those in a month.
Eddie: Okay, wanna go to dinner?

Julianne Hough Is Chuck-ing Her Brother

"Dancing with the Stars" chick Julianne Hough said boyfriend Chuck Wicks is "the same person" as her brother Derek ... with darker hair.


Well, she is into country music ...

Eddie Cibrian and Wife Physically Connected

Eddie Cibrian continued the LeAnn Rimes damage control yesterday, holding hands with his legally bound wife at Miami International Airport after returning from Bruce Willis' wedding.

Dark shades not only hide the sun...
