Michael Block Raves Over Jalen Ramsey's Golf Game ... 'Looked Like Tiger!!!'

Michael Block

If Jalen Ramsey's football career somehow flames out ... he's got a bright future in golf -- at least, that's according to Michael Block, who tells TMZ Sports the Miami Dolphins star is good with a club in his hands.

Block -- who gained national fame for his fairytale performance at the 2023 PGA Championship in New York -- hit the course with Ramsey and Tua Tagovailoa earlier this week as a part of a promo for Raising Cane's ... and he said he was blown away by Ramsey's skills.

It was only the defensive back's third round ever -- and based on some of his shots that were filmed at Shell Bay out in South Florida, there were some down moments. But, Block said when the former NFL first-round pick made contact, it was pretty special.

Calvin Johnson I Could Be A Pro Golfer ... For Real!!!


Did you know Megatron could transform into a PGA Tour golfer in retirement?

It's true ... at least that's according to Calvin Johnson himself, who tells TMZ Sports he's that good with a club in his hands!!!

The former Detroit Lions superstar is adamant he could make a real run at earning cash full-time at hitting fairways and greens in regulation ... if only he had just a little bit more free time on his hands.

Tiger Woods My Daughter's Not Into Golf ... Sport 'Took Daddy Away From Her'


Don't expect Tiger Woods' daughter to be twirling a club on a fairway anytime soon ... the golfing legend just revealed his 16-year-old offspring isn't the world's biggest fan of the sport -- because it "took Daddy away from her."

The Big Cat shared with Carson Daly on Wednesday's "Today" show that he believes Sam Woods straight up has "a negative connotation to the game" ... due to all of the traveling it required him to do when she was a little tyke.

"I had to pack and I had to leave," he said. "I had to be gone for weeks. And there's a negative connotation to it."

Tiger Woods No Sex During Masters Prep ... Friend Says

No sex is being had at Tiger Woods' house -- at least, not recently -- 'cause a friend says the golfing legend has given up intercourse in order to make sure he's completely focused on getting ready for the Masters.

One of the golfing legend's buddies made the revelation to the New York Post this week ... telling the outlet The Big Cat is training for Augusta National this year like a madman.

"He's working really hard in the gym," the unidentified friend said, according to the Post. "He's eating right. He's even eliminated sex."

Joe Flaherty "Freaks and Geeks" y "Happy Gilmore" Muere a los 82 años

Joe Flaherty -famoso por "Happy Gilmore" y "Freaks and Greeks"- ha muerto... su familia ha confirmado.

La hija del actor -Gudrun- dio la triste noticia, diciendo que su padre falleció el lunes después de una breve enfermedad. Ella no reveló qué enfermedad padecía ni dónde exactamente murió... no se compartieron más detalles.

Los amigos famosos del actor se habían unido recientemente para recaudar dinero para proporcionarle atención las 24 horas del día a la leyenda de la comedia, y su hija sirvió como su única cuidadora.

Joe Flaherty 'Happy Gilmore,' 'Freaks and Geeks' Star Dead at 82 ... After a Brief Illness

Joe Flaherty -- famous from "Happy Gilmore" and "Freaks and Greeks" -- has died ... so says his own flesh and blood.

The actor's daughter, Gudrun, dropped the sad news, saying her father passed away Monday after a brief illness. She didn't disclose what ailment he was battling, or where exactly he died ... no further details were shared.

JF's famous friends had recently rallied to raise money to provide round-the-clock care for the comedic legend ... with his daughter serving as his sole caregiver at the time.

Diddy Relajado en Miami en medio de la investigación federal...

Diddy parecía estar interpretando el papel de "¿preocupado, yo?", el jueves por la noche mientras llevaba a sus 2 gemelas hasta el Top Golf en Miami, la misma ciudad en donde los federales allanaron una de sus casas a principios de esta semana.

Diddy hizo una señal de paz con los dedos cuando iba saliendo con sus hijas de 17 años, Jessie y D'Lila. Las chicas iban sonriendo mientras Diddy caminaba detrás levantando sus 2 dedos. Definitivamente, no se podría estar más relajado...

Nos dicen que todo el mundo estaba de buen humor, y que jugaron por 2 horas, aunque tras bambalinas es todo menos tranquilo en el mundo de Diddy.

Diddy Swingin' in Miami Amid Federal Probe

Diddy created the image, "What me worry?" Thursday night as he took his twins to hit up Topgolf in Miami ... the same town where feds raided one of his homes earlier this week.

Diddy flashed a peace sign as he left with 17-year-old daughters Jessie and D'Lila. The girls smiled as Diddy walked behind raising his 2 fingers. You can't look more chill than the Sergio Tacchini velour tracksuit he was rocking.

We're told everyone was in good spirits as they played for 2 hours, although behind the scenes it's anything but calm in the Diddy camp.

Travis Kelce Rocks Out To Swift's 'Bad Blood' On Golf Course ... Plays Air Guitar!!!


Taylor Swift's apparently a good luck charm for Travis Kelce on the golf course too!

The Chiefs star hit the links with Chandler Parsons on Thursday -- and in an effort to get the tight end to screw up a shot, CP threw on some "Bad Blood."

But, check out the video the former NBA player posted to his Instagram page, Kelce actually thrived with the tunes on in the background!!

Joe Biden Trolls Trump Over Golf Awards ... 'Quite The Accomplishment'

Joe Biden took time out of his Sunday night to throw a jab at Donald Trump ... trolling the former president for receiving golf awards at his own course.

No. 45 got the honors at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida ... earning the titles of Club Champion and Senior Club Champion -- and afterward, he gloated about it on Truth Social.

In his post, Trump said he got the trophies over a talented field ... writing, "The qualifying and match play was amazing."

Rory McIlroy Chip Shot Interrupted By Leaping Frog ... Ribbiting Scene!!!

Rory McIlroy's chase for birdies and eagles on Friday was interrupted by ... a frog?!?

Yup, it just hoppened minutes ago as the golf superstar was looking to get things going during his second round out at The Players Championship at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.

McIlroy was on hole No. 3 ... when he accidentally hit his tee shot right of the green -- into a thick patch of grass.

As he went to knock his ensuing chip onto the dance floor ... something jumped up -- scaring the hell out of him.

It turns out it was a frog ... and McIlroy and his caddie then had to spend the next few moments calming down -- while making sure the little guy steered clear of his golf club.

Eventually, they got the creature to move ... but McIlroy didn't finish out the hole well. His chip went long -- and he had to scramble to make bogey.

Despite the wild scene, McIlroy still looks poised to do well at the event -- he's currently in the top 10 with a score of -7 -- that is, of course, assuming more animals don't get in his way.

Florida Alligator Charges Golf Cart, Tries Biting Man Tooth Close For Comfort!🐊


File this under ... ONLY IN FLORIDA!

A couple cruising in a golf cart was nearly bitten by an angry alligator earlier this month ... when the fearsome reptile charged them, and it was all captured on video.

The 'hell naw' moment occurred on February 16 in Ave Maria, FL ... about 35 miles northeast of Naples.

A woman named Denise Prues was hangin' around her pool when she spotted a gator slowly walking between her and her neighbor's property, toward a pond ... which was separated by an active golf cart path.

While the camera was rolling, a cart came by without issue. Then, a second came rolling through ... and the gator charged, attempting to take a bite out of the driver, who was clearly startled, as Prues freaked out.

"Oh my god!" she yelled.

TMZ Studios

FYI, it goes without saying, you don't want to get bitten by an alligator ... no matter how small. They can apply upwards of 2,000 PSI when they bite. Compare that to a lion ... with 600 lbs. of bite force. Humans output a measly 120-ish lbs.

Luckily, everybody, gator included, was okay.

See ya later, alligator!

terror en florida CAIMÁN INTENTA DARLE UN BOCADO A un carrito de golf

¡abran paso!


Una pareja que paseaba en un carrito de golf estuvo a punto de ser mordida por un caimán furioso a principios de este mes, cuando el terrible reptil los atacó, y todo fue capturado en video.

El momento ocurrió el 16 de febrero en Ave Maria, Florida, a unas 35 millas al noreste de Naples.

Una mujer llamada Denise Prues disfrutaba en su piscina cuando vio a un caimán caminando lentamente entre ella y la propiedad de su vecino. El reptil se dirigía a un estanque y tenía que pasar por un camino por el que pasaban carritos de golf

Un carro pasó sin problemas, pero un segundo vehículo apareció y el caimán trató de darle un bocado al conductor, el cual estaba claramente asustado.

"¡Oh, Dios mío!", Gritó.

tmz investiga
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No hace falta decir que una mordedura de caimán es algo bastante impresionnte, no importa lo pequeño que sea. Pueden aplicar más de 2.000 PSI cuando muerden. Compara eso con un león... con 600 libras de fuerza de mordida. Los humanos producen unas míseras 120 libras.

Por suerte, todos -caimán incluido- estan bien.

¡Adios amigo!

Travis Kelce Reaparece en Las Vegas de nuevo... Tras una abrumadora semana en Kansas City

Han circulado rumores en las últimas 24 horas de que Travis Kelce está en Las Vegas, y sí, parece que el tipo estaba allí y lo ha probado con una foto disfrutando de algunos R&R.

Un montón de testigos habían dicho que habían visto al jugador ofensivo de los Chiefs en la ciudad del pecado a principios de esta semana, quienes terminaron dando en el clavo, con una foto suya circulando por las redes sociales el martes donde aparece en un campo de golf en el Wynn Golf & County Club. Efectivamente, ahí estaba el homeboy.

Un par de buenos amigos de Travis, quienes constantemente están publicando y pasando el rato con él, también documentaron su tiempo en Las Vegas el lunes y parece que Travis estaba definitivamente disfrutando con sus amigos.

Fueron al restaurante Toca Madera y el DJ que estaba tocando en el lugar también mencionó que Trav había estado en casa en sus redes sociales.

El DJ Adam Daudier escribió: "Al parecer Travis Kelce estaba interesado en mi música en su sala privada anoche y me pidió que tocara en un evento privado de los Kansas City Chiefs este viernes".

Y añade: "*mi cerebro aún lo está procesando, esa frase ni siquiera se siente real".

Suponiendo que lo que el tipo dice es exacto, parece que los Chiefs podrían volver a Las Vegas para divertirse a finales de esta semana, lo que parece razonable después de todo lo que han pasado últimamente. Han sido unos días muy agitados.

Por supuesto, nos referimos al tiroteo de Kansas City que ocurrió el pasado miércoles durante la celebración por la victoria de los Chiefs en el Super Bowl. El fatal incidente cobró la vida de una mujer y dejó casi dos docenas de heridos.

Los queremos, reino de los Chiefs
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

La tragedia sacudió a la ciudad y al equipo. Travis y otros han donado mucho dinero a los afectados y justo el otro día él y su hermano Jason instaron a otros a ayudar aún más si podían, ya que todavía hay un montón de víctimas que están en plena recuperación.

Es seguro decir que es un momento estresante, y por su cara, puede ser que Travis estuviera en Las Vegas intentando botar un poco de estrés y, presumiblemente, tratando de mantener su mente fuera del caos de todo últimamente.

En cuanto a su novia Taylor Swift, ahora está en Sydney para continuar con su gira "Eras".

Sabemos que tiene a su telonera Sabrina Carpenter para hacerle compañía, pero sí, los Chiefs siguen siendo la mayor prioridad de Tay Tay, lo que quedó en evidencia cuando la vimos usando la ropa del equipo mientras volaba a la siguiente ciudad en Australia.

No está claro si Trav va a unirse a ella en algún momento. Sabemos que expresó su interés, pero por el momento no hay señales de ningún plan de viaje sólido.

TMZ investiga
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No se sabe si Travis está todavía en Las Vegas, pero suena como que puede estar de vuelta pronto.

Travis Kelce Surfaces in Vegas Again ... After Whirlwind Week in K.C.

Rumblings of Travis Kelce in Las Vegas have circulated for the past 24 hours -- and yeah, it looks like the dude was there ... now proven with a photo of him enjoying some R&R.

A bunch of eyewitness sightings claiming to have seen the Chiefs tight end in Sin City early this week ended up being spot on -- 'cause a shot of him on a golf course at the Wynn Golf & County Club popped up on social media Tuesday ... sure enough, there's the homeboy.

A couple good friends of Travis' -- who are constantly posting and hanging around him -- also documented their time in Vegas Monday ... and it appears TK was rolling with his buds.

They hit up this restaurant called Toca Madera -- and the DJ who plays there also name-dropped Trav on his social media ... saying he'd heard the guy was recently in the house.

The DJ, Adam Daudier, wrote ... "apparently Travis Kelce was getting down to my music in the private room last night & management asked me to play a private event for the Kansas City Chiefs this Friday."

He adds, "*brain is still processing, that sentence doesn't even feel real."

Assuming what this guy's saying is accurate ... it appears the Chiefs at large might be coming back to Vegas to enjoy themselves later this week -- which, after everything they've gone through of late, is probably well-deserved. It's been a hectic past several days.

Of course, we're referring to the Kansas City shooting that happened last Wednesday during the Chiefs victory rally ... which left one woman dead and nearly two dozen others injured.

We Love You Chiefs Kingdom
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

The tragedy rocked the city, and the team as well ... Travis and others have donated a lot of money in the aftermath, and just the other day -- he and his brother, Jason, urged others to chip in even more if they could ... as there's still a lot of victims recovering at this time.

Safe to say, it's a stressful time ... and on its face, Travis was out there in Vegas blowing off some steam -- and presumably trying to keep his mind off the chaos of everything lately.

As for his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, she's now in Sydney to continue on with her 'Eras' tour.

We know she's got her show opener, Sabrina Carpenter, there to keep her company currently -- but yes, the Chiefs are still very much so top of mind for Tay Tay too ... evidenced in the fact she was rockin' their gear the other day as she flew into the next Australian city.

Unclear if Trav is gonna join her out there at some point -- we know he expressed an interest ahead of his Super Bowl ... but at the moment, no sign of any solid travel plans.

TMZ Studios

No word on whether Travis is still in Vegas ... but it sounds like he may be back soon.

Donald Trump I'm No Fatso ... Those Golf Images Are A.I.!!!

Donald Trump is taking a swing at social media users with his nine iron for posting "fake" A.I. pics of him with a massive beer gut on the golf course.

On Friday, the 45th U.S. President posted a message on Truth Social, blasting everyone who uploaded to their accounts what he claims are Artificial Intelligence-generated photos portraying him as a fatso as he hits a golf ball on the links.

The pic, BTW, appears to be a photoshopped version of golfer John Daly.

Regardless, an infuriated DT wrote, "The Fake News used Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to create the picture. These are despicable people, but everyone knows that."

He continued, "The other pictures are me hitting Golf balls today to show the difference. Sadly, in our Country, Fake News is all you get!"

Alongside his bloated "A.I." image, DT posted three snaps of a skinnier version of himself supposedly playing golf Friday afternoon.

As you know, the insult could not have come on a worse day for Trump as a New York judge ordered him to pay $355 million in fines after he was found liable in his civil business fraud trial.

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Tough day for DT. No doubt about that.

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