Tiger Woods Withdraws From Big Tournament ... Suffering From Illness


4:02 PM PT -- Tiger Woods' manager just told reporters at the event that the golfer began suffering from flu-like symptoms Thursday night, but decided to try to push through it all on Friday.

However, he became dizzy on the course ... and withdrew from the event.

Woods' manager, though, said that after an IV, the 48-year-old is now feeling "much, much better."

Tiger Woods' return to the PGA Tour was shortlived ... he just withdrew from The Genesis Invitational after suffering from an illness.

The Big Cat -- who shot a 1-over 73 at the tourney on Thursday in his first action since last April -- made it through six holes on Friday afternoon ... before he decided he just couldn't go anymore.

The golfing legend hit his tee shot on hole No. 7, then hopped in a cart and headed back to the clubhouse.

It's unclear the severity of his ailment ... although fans in attendance at the Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles have grown concerned for the 48-year-old after an ambulance showed up at the venue a short time after he officially called it quits.

It seems, however, a bug is going around the course ... as fellow PGA Tour star Jordan Spieth is reportedly dealing with some uneasy symptoms too.

This weekend's rounds were the first PGA Tour ones Woods has logged since he underwent surgery on his ankle following the 2023 Masters. He looked solid throughout Thursday -- although he did have one shank on the 18th hole that went viral.

Following the round, he seemed normal ... though he did tell Golf Channel he had "some treatment ahead of" him to get ready for Friday's 18.

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Originally Published -- 2:50 PM PT

DJ Khaled es detenido por la policía Mientras conducía un carrito de golf

DJ Khaled fue detenido por la policía mientras conducía por su barrio en Miami, donde se encontró con problemas relacionados a un carrito de golf.

El magnate de "We The Best" estaba dando vueltas en su carrito de golf el jueves por la mañana cuando un policía en una motocicleta lo iluminó en la carretera.

Como se puede ver, Khaled se apartó a un lado de la carretera y parece que el policía de la motocicleta puede haber terminado escribiéndole una multa, aunque no está claro qué pasó exactamente.

El hecho es que no sabemos con certeza si Khaled rompió alguna ley realmente, en todo parece que no lleva el cinturón de seguridad en ninguna de las fotos y en algunas capturas se le puede ver con una mano en el volante y un teléfono en la otra mano.

Además, Khaled está descalzo, así que hay un par de faltas menores que podría tener que explicar. La buena noticia es que al no haber daño, no hay falta en realidad.

tmz investiga
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Nos pusimos en contacto con la policía de Miami para averiguar qué pasó exactamente con Khaled, hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

DJ Khaled Cops Pull Him Over In Golf Cart ... Yabba Dabba Doo!!!

Major key alert ... DJ Khaled got pulled over by police while driving around his Miami neighborhood ... where he came across a little Fred Flinstone-y in a golf cart.

The "We The Best" mogul was tooling around in his golf cart Thursday morning when a cop on a motorcycle lit him up on the road.

As you can see, Khaled pulled off to the side of the road and it looks like the motorcycle cop may have ended up writing him a ticket -- although it's unclear what exactly happened.

Fact is, we don't know for certain if Khaled got dinged here or for what, if anything ... but it does appear he isn't wearing a seatbelt in any of the photos ... and in one shot he's got one hand on the steering wheel and a phone in the other hand.

Oh, and Khaled's barefoot here BTW ... so, that's an interesting tidbit. The good news for Khaled, whatever this was seems to be pretty minor -- so no harm, no foul really.

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We reached out to cops in Miami to find out what exactly happened with Khaled ... so far no word back.

Glen Powell and Johnny Manziel We're Amigos!!! Party Together In Scottsdale

in the club

New Hollywood bromance alert ... Glen Powell and Johnny Manziel are apparently buddies, because they partied their faces off together in the desert.

TMZ obtained video of Glen and Johnny hanging out last night at Casa Amigos Tacos and Tequila in Scottsdale, where Johnny Football had a VIP section.

Folks who were there say Johnny was already in the club when Glen showed up and joined the group.

We're told this wasn't a coincidence ... Johnny and Glen clearly planned to hang out, and their group of about a dozen were mostly hot chicks.

As you can see, Glen is chatting up a woman in one of the videos ... and we're told they stayed close throughout the night.

Johnny meanwhile, was talking to several different ladies ... and we're told there was no drama and everyone seemed to be in good spirits, with JM and GP partying for at least a few hours.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Glen was in town to play golf in Wednesday's Pro-Am at the WM Phoenix Open ... Johnny wasn't golfing, but he's never turned down a good time.

It's an interesting pairing ... Johnny won the Heisman Trophy at Texas A&M and Glen studied at the University of Texas at Austin before heading to Hollywood. The schools are big rivals, but it's more of a big brother-little brother type deal.

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No word who picked up the tab.

Jamie Dornan fue hospitalizado con síntomas de infarto Debido a una oruga

una oruga muy tóxica
The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected/BBC

Jamie Dornan aparentemente pensó que estaba teniendo un ataque al corazón el año pasado luego de experimentar síntomas preocupantes, sin embargo, fue una falsa alarma.

El susto fue revelado a través de un amigo suyo -el locutor escocés Gordon Smart- durante una aparición en la BBC en "The Good, The Bad and The Unexpected", donde contó esta historia que involucra a Jamie y algunos otros amigos con los que visitaron Portugal el año pasado.

Después de una noche de fiesta, Smart dice que algunos en su grupo comenzaron a sentirse muy enfermos al día siguiente, y terminaron enviando a con Gordon al hospital. Ya que sentía un hormigueo en la mano y en el brazo, Smart pensó que estaba teniendo un ataque al corazón, pero más tarde le dijeron que había sido infectado por una oruga local.

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En concreto, Smart dice que le dijeron que debía haber entrado en contacto con orugas de la procesionaria del pino, las cuales tienen pelos venenosos por todo el cuerpo y que pueden infectar a los seres humanos. No suelen ser mortales para las personas, pero pueden matar a los animales.

De todos modos, dice que cuando regresó al hotel donde se alojaba Jamie, vio que Jamie también estaba conectado a un equipo médico y notó que había sufrido los mismos síntomas.

Con el tiempo, los síntomas de ambos se aclararon y en términos de cómo podrían haber entrado en contacto con estos pequeños bichos, Smart dice que parecen estar en todos los campos de golf, que es donde los chicos estaban vagando justo antes de caer enfermos.

Jamie no se ha referido a la historia. El mundo es salvaje... tomen precauciones.

Jamie Dornan Hospitalized Last Year w/ Heart Attack Symptoms ... After Run-In w/ Caterpillar

the very toxic caterpillar
The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected/BBC

Jamie Dornan apparently thought he was having a heart attack and might die last year after he started experiencing tell-tale symptoms for a heart attack ... but he was just buggin' out.

The actor's health scare was revealed through a friend of his -- Scottish broadcaster Gordon Smart -- during an appearance on the BBC's 'The Good, The Bad and The Unexpected'  ... where he told this wild story about him, Jamie and some other pals hitting Portugal last year.

After a night out, Smart says some in their group started to feel really sick the next day -- with GS getting sent to the hospital ... as he felt tingling in his hand and arm. Smart thought he was having a heart attack ... but was later told he'd been infected by a local caterpillar.

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Specifically, Smart says he was told he must've come into contact with pine processionary moth caterpillars -- which have poisonous hairs all over their bodies, and which can infect humans. They're not usually deadly for people -- but they can, in fact, kill animals.

Anyway, he says when he got back to the hotel where Jamie was staying -- he saw JD, too, was hooked up to medical equipment ... and noted he'd suffered from the same symptoms.

Eventually, both of their symptoms cleared up -- and in terms of how they might've come into contact with these little buggers ... Smart says they seem to be all over golf courses there, which is where the boys were roaming just before coming down with their illnesses.

Jamie hasn't addressed the story himself. It's a wild world out there ... take precautions, y'all.

Tiger Woods Wins Long-Drive Contest ... From His Knees!!!

Fore Play Golf / Barstool

Tiger Woods is proving yet again why he's the greatest golfer ever ... recently winning a long-drive competition -- from his knees!!

The Big Cat performed the wild feat while messing around on a course with the guys from Barstool Sports' Fore Play Podcast.

Woods was helping the trio with some of the worst aspects of their games -- when he suddenly challenged Riggs to a contest to see who could hit a golf ball farther.

Riggs -- who had just received some pointers from Woods -- went first ... and he striped one right down the middle of the fairway that appeared to easily pass 200-plus yards.

Woods then teed up his ball ... but instead of taking his normal stance, he dropped to his knees -- and then swung his driver.

Of course, the golf legend piped one well past Riggs' despite no real use of his legs ... which left everyone on the course in disbelief.

"You're a sicko," Riggs said. "That was awesome!"

Woods insinuated he had been practicing the shot plenty recently -- obviously due to all the ailments he's suffered in his lower body since his 2021 car crash.

While the swing was incredible, it won't be long before fans can see him really rip it in tournament action ... as he hinted in his breakup post with Nike earlier this week that he'll be in the field for the Genesis Invitational at the Riviera Country Club in February.

'CADDYSHACK' & 'TRON' STAR 911 Call Before Cindy Morgan Found Dead ... Roomie Smells 'Bad Stench'


Cindy Morgan's roommate noticed a bad odor and stench coming from the actress' room before growing so concerned, she called 911 ... leading to the discovery of Cindy's body.

TMZ obtained dispatch audio related to Cindy's death last month in Florida, and you hear her roommate listing all the reasons something seemed off with the "Caddyshack" actress.

The roommate told dispatchers she hadn't seen or heard from Cindy in days, there were foul smells coming from the room and the only responses to repeated knocks on the locked door were from Cindy's pets.


TMZ broke the story ... Cindy was found dead inside her room in a Lake Worth Beach house on Dec. 30 after her concerned roommate called police.

An investigation is underway, and while foul play is NOT suspected ... the cause of death remains unclear.

Cindy's best remembered for playing Lacey Underall in the famous 1980 comedy "Caddyshack" alongside Chevy Chase, Bill Murray and Rodney Dangerfield ... portraying the country club owner's hot niece who captures the attention of pretty much every male character.

Morgan also starred in "Tron" among her 37 acting credits. She was 69.

La llamada al 911 de la compañera de piso de Cindy Morgan antes de ser encontrada muerta

la compañera de habitación preocupada

El compañero de cuarto de Cindy Morgan notó un mal olor y el hedor procedente de su habitación antes de preocuparse y llamar al 911... quienes encontraron su cuerpo muerto en el interior.

TMZ obtuvo el audio del despacho de la muerte de Cindy en Florida, y se escucha a su compañera de cuarto enumerando todas las razones por las que algo parecía estar mal con la actriz de "Caddyshack".

La compañera de habitación de Cindy le dijo a los despachadores que no había visto ni oído hablar de ella en días, había malos olores procedentes de la habitación y las únicas respuestas a los repetidos golpes en la puerta cerrada eran de las mascotas de Cindy.

TMZ publicó la historia... Cindy fue encontrada muerta dentro de su habitación en una casa de Lake Worth Beach el 30 de diciembre después de que su compañera de piso preocupada llamara a la policía.

Una investigación está en curso... aunque la causa de muerte sigue siendo poco clara.

Cindy es más recordada por interpretar a Lacey Underall en la famosa comedia de 1980 "Caddyshack" junto a Chevy Chase, Bill Murray y Rodney Dangerfield, interpretando a la atractiva sobrina del dueño del club de campo que capta la atención de casi todos los personajes masculinos.

Morgan también actuó en "Tron", además de otros 37 trabajos como actriz. Tenía 69 años.

Kobe Bryant, Tiger Woods Joining Orange County's New Hall of Fame ... First Class Ever!!!

The accolades for Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods continue to pour in ... it was just revealed the two sports legends will now be inducted into the newly created Orange County Hall of Fame in California later this week!!

The late NBA superstar and the golfing icon will join eight others -- including Gwen Stefani and Walt Disney -- as part of the new HOF's first-ever class.

The ceremony will kick off on Friday at the County Administration North (CAN) Building in Santa Ana -- about an hour southeast of Los Angeles.

The HOF was launched early last year to recognize those who "shaped Orange County through their remarkable contributions" ... and officials deemed the Black Mamba and the Big Cat as two people who it just had to recognize first.

Bryant, of course, played in Southern California for 20 seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers ... spending most of those years living in Newport Beach with his family before his tragic death in 2020.

Woods, meanwhile, grew up in Orange County ... learning how to strike balls in Cypress before his golfing career really took off.

Both athletes have previously gotten honors in the county -- officials declared Aug. 24 as Kobe Bryant Day following his passing ... while Woods has his own Tiger Woods Learning Center in Anaheim that's helped over two million students through its programs.

In addition to Woods, Bryant, Stefani and Disney ... American diver Greg Louganis -- who won gold medals at the 1984 and 1988 Summer Games -- and seven-time Olympic swimming medalist Amanda Beard will also be inducted Friday.

Bill Medley, Frank Jao, General William Lyon of the United States Air Force, and Henry Segerstrom, who was the founding chairman of the Segerstrom Centers for the Arts in Orange County, round out the class.


TIGER WOODS ROMPE CON NIKE … Da Fin A Una Asociación De 27 Años


Nike acaba de emitir un comunicado sobre la ruptura... agradeciendo a Tiger Woods por todos sus años como socio.

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“Tiger,” escribió la marca en un post de Instagram, “desafiaste a tu competencia, estereotipos, convenciones, la forma antigua de pensar. Desafiaste a toda la institución del golf. Nos desafiaste. Y, sobre todo, a ti mismo. Y por ese desafío estamos agradecidos.”

La histórica asociación de Tiger Woods con Nike llegó a su fin… el legendario golfista acaba de revelar que se ha separado de la marca después de 27 años.

Con 48 años, anunció en su página de X hace solo unos minutos, agradeciendo a Phil Knight… mientras rememoraba los “increíbles momentos y recuerdos” que ha tenido con el gigante de la ropa deportiva.

“Si empezara a enumerarlos,” comentó sobre sus momentos más memorables con la marca, “podría seguir para siempre”.

Woods firmó su primer acuerdo con Nike cuando todavía era un golfista amateur… y llegó a convertirse en sinónimo de la marca, luciendo el logo en su equipo en cada una de sus victorias en torneos importantes.

Sin embargo, Woods dejó indicios recientemente sobre una posible ruptura… sobre todo cuando se le vio usando FootJoys en el Masters de 2022, un año después de que sufriera una grave lesión en la pierna en un accidente automovilístico.

Woods tampoco confirmó su futuro con Nike cuando los periodistas le preguntaron al respecto en el PNC Championship el mes pasado… diciendo solo: “Sigo usando su producto.”

No está claro hacia dónde se dirigirá Woods a futuro en lo que respecta a asociaciones de marca… solo comenta en su comunicado del lunes por la mañana: “La gente se preguntará si hay otro capítulo. Sí, ciertamente habrá otro capítulo.”

“¡Nos vemos en LA!”

Publicado originalmente - 8:33 AM PT

Tiger Woods Breaks Up With Nike ... Ends 27-Year Partnership


Nike just released a statement on the breakup ... thanking Tiger Woods for all his years as a partner.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

"Tiger," the Swoosh wrote in an Instagram post, "you challenged your competition, stereotypes, conventions, the old school way of thinking. You challenged the entire institution of golf. You challenged us. And most of all, yourself. And for that challenge we’re grateful."

Tiger Woods' historic partnership with Nike is no more ... the golfing legend just revealed he's split with the Swoosh after 27 years.

The 48-year-old made the announcement on his X page just minutes ago, thanking Phil Knight ... while reminiscing on the "amazing moments and memories" he's had with the athletic apparel giant.

"If I started naming them," he said of his most memorable times with the brand, "I could go on forever."

Woods first inked a deal with Nike back when he was still an amateur golfer ... and he went on to become synonymous with the brand -- wearing swooshes on his gear for every one of his major tournament wins.

However, Woods dropped breadcrumbs recently that a breakup could be coming ... most notably when he was seen wearing FootJoys at the 2022 Masters -- a year after he seriously injured his leg in a car crash.

Woods also wouldn't confirm his future with Nike when reporters asked him about it at the PNC Championship last month ... saying only, "I'm still wearing their product."

Unclear where Woods will go next when it comes to brand partnerships ... he said only in his statement Monday morning, "People will ask if there is another chapter. Yes, there will certainly be another chapter."

"See you in LA!"

Originally Published -- 8:33 AM PT

Barstool's Jersey Jerry Finally Hits Hole-In-One!!! After Tom Brady Support


Thirty-seven hours and 2,627 strokes later, Barstool Sports personality Jersey Jerry finally did it -- he hit a hole-in-one on a golf simulator ... after huge names like Tom Brady rallied behind the guy on his grueling journey.

For those who haven't been keeping up, the beloved Barstool employee does weekly challenges on his "Jerry After Dark" show ... and this time around, he tasked himself with playing virtual golf until he carded an ace.

As it turns out, Jerry's self-imposed quest was a LOT harder than expected ... and he quickly lost hope in achieving the feat.

Some big stars in the sports world voiced their support for Jerry -- golfers Brooks Koepka and Max Homa ... and even TB12 himself, who sent an encouraging X post to stay the course.

"It's darkest before dawn," the 7-time Super Bowl champ said Thursday morning.

Just minutes later, the moment of glory happened -- Jerry hit his perfect shot, and the entire room erupted in celebration.

Even the PGA Tour chimed in on the accomplishment ... congratulating JJ on the "LegenJerry" performance.

Jerry gave a speech shortly after reaching glory ... and naturally, the diehard Pittsburgh Steelers fan used it as an opportunity to ask T.J. Watt out to dinner.

"T.J. Watt, listen," an emotional and fatigued Jerry said. "I love you so much, bro. We couldn't make dinner happen last year, my dream is to have dinner with T.J. It could be one-on-one, it could be multiple people. I don't care. I just want to have a nice steak, mashed potatoes, asparagus, mac and cheese with T.J. Watt."

After all this, Jerry certainly earned that dinner.

ScHoolboy Q I'm Dropping In '24 ... Gonna Be Special!!!

Something Special for 2024

ScHoolboy Q hasn't released a new album in over 4 years ... a quiet streak the rapper says he plans on ending next year!!!

While attending Top Dawg Entertainment's 10th annual Christmas toy drive on Wednesday, Q gave props to his team -- he says they actively help the community even when it's not a holiday but still loved seeing everyone come together.


Q also performed classic cuts, like his 2016 platinum Kanye West collab "THat Part" ... but did promise he'll return in 2024 with "something special."

L.A. rapper EastSide K-Boy suggested Q should get his comedy show -- an idea Q didn't reject -- but his fans wouldn't be surprised if his homecoming somehow incorporated golf ... a sport he's gotten into much more, and not just for fun.

Q's been playing in big, legit tournaments -- he competed in the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am in 2022 and even appears in the "PGA Tour 2K23" video game.

Well, the Tiger Woods of rap is yelling, "Fore!!!"

Tiger Woods Praises Son's Golf Shot ... 'F***ing Nasty!!!'

"That was nasty!"

Tiger Woods was so fired up to watch his son hit an insane golf shot on Friday morning -- he just had to let an f-bomb fly right on the course!!

The hilarious moment happened as The Big Cat and his 14-year-old boy, Charlie, were getting set to compete in the PNC Championship's Pro-Am event at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Club in Orlando.

Charlie was hitting some shots around a practice green with Dad -- when he attempted a flop shot that most amateur golfers would blade straight into nearby parking lots.

Charlie, though, apparently hit the stroke beautifully -- which wowed Tiger.

"We're ending on that right there," the golfing legend yelled. "That was nasty. F***ing nasty!"

Charlie appeared super pleased -- and then the two walked off together to prep some more for their upcoming round.

Of course, at this point, Charlie's golf game shouldn't surprise many ... after all, he just helped his high school team win a Florida state championship last month.

And, check out some other footage from Friday's range sesh with Tiger -- Charlie's got a swing that sure looks a whole lot like the one that helped Dad win 15 major championships!!

Tom Brady To Morgan Wallen ... Let's F***Ing Go Golfing!!!

Producers of The Match might want to get a load of this ... Tom Brady says he's super down to get a round of golf in with country music superstar Morgan Wallen!!!

The "Last Night" crooner first initiated the offer to the NFL's G.O.A.T. on Wednesday morning ... after Brady had posted a highlight reel of golf shots to his Instagram page with some of Wallen's most popular songs playing in the background.

And, following Morgan's comment ... it only took a matter of minutes for Brady to accept the musician's challenge.

"LFG [let's f***ing go] @morganwallen," Brady wrote.

Wallen hasn't been spotted golfing publicly often -- so it's unclear how good his game is -- but odds are, Brady would be the overwhelming favorite if the two got in 18.

Brady, widely believed to be a scratch golfer, has put on a bit of a show each time he's participated in The Match -- and you've gotta think he'd do the same against Wallen.

Only one way to officially find out, though ... see y'all on the first tee!!

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