Naya Rivera Search Will Include Cabins on Lake Piru ... Intensity to Lessen


12:32 PM PT -- According to reports, Ventura County's search for Naya will continue on a day-to-day basis, but not at the same intensity it's been at these past few days. Sonar scans of the lake are said to be completed by end of day Sunday.

Authorities will search cabins that line Lake Piru ... not because they believe Naya Rivera is there, but because there has been so much social media activity about the cabins that law enforcement wants to put the theory to bed.

An official from the Ventura County Sheriff's Dept. tells TMZ ... they have been seeing a ton of Twitter users imploring cops to search the cabins in the area ... presumably, because they think Naya may have made her way to one.

The official tells us ... they do NOT believe Naya is in a cabin. They're confident she's still in the water, but nevertheless, a search team will walk the area where the cabins are located.  Deputies will knock on doors and ask if they know anything about Naya's whereabouts.

If a cabin is not occupied, deputies will peer inside for any signs.

That said, the focus of the search is still Lake Piru, where Naya went missing Wednesday while swimming with her 4-year-old son. Because of extremely poor visibility due to debris in the water, searchers will be primarily relying on sonar.

Originally Published -- 9:19 AM PT

Naya Rivera Ex Ryan Dorsey's Emotional Trip to Lake Piru

Naya Rivera's ex-husband, Ryan Dorsey, made his way to Lake Piru Saturday, and the emotion was palpable.

Ryan, whose son was on the boating trip when Naya disappeared last Wednesday, ventured out into the water -- just like Naya's dad -- as if to gain a connection to her. He then sat by himself as authorities continued their search for Naya's body.

Naya Rivera Dad

Naya's father, George, and her brother also went into the water and stood, as if to pray.

As we reported, Naya and her 4-year-old son, Josey, were on a boating outing when they jumped in for a swim and she disappeared ... this according to what he told authorities.

The lake is littered with trees and debris and visibility is almost non-existent. So far, there are no signs of Naya's body. She would be the 9th person to drown in the lake since the mid-'90s, and locals are demanding better warnings for swimmers, alerting them to the dangers.

Naya Rivera Dad Joins Mom & Brother in Search ... Very Emotional Visit


3:11 PM PT -- Naya Rivera's father, George Rivera, just recently arrived at Lake Piru with the rest of the family -- and it's clear he was yearning to connect with his daughter any way he could.

Naya Rivera Dad

As soon as George was withing an eyeball's distance from the lake, he beelined it for the water and went in to around knee-level. He then doused his face with the water in what looked like a very emotional moment for him.

Naya Rivera's mother and brother visited the place their loved one disappeared to help find her -- and the image of them looking out at Lake Piru beforehand is devastating.

Sometime over the last day or so ... Naya's mom, Yolanda, and her younger brother, Mychal, were at the dock where Naya's boat departed Wednesday -- only Yolanda was on her knees with her arms stretched out toward the water, and her pain is palpable.

Mychal stood by, stoically staring out as well. The "Glee" actress and singer has one other younger sibling, Nickayla, who didn't appear to be present. On Saturday, the two of them boarded a boat and put on life vests to help with the search.

It goes without saying ... the Rivera family is incredibly close.

As of Saturday afternoon, Naya's body had not been found. Ventura County authorities say she is presumed dead -- this after she took the boat out Wednesday with her 4-year-old son, Josey, but never returned. Josey was later found in the boat by himself.

Josey told officials that his mother had gone into the water but never came out.

Naya Rivera
Ventura County Sheriff's Office

Remotely operated vehicles are now being used to search the lake in the recovery mission ... but the task is extremely difficult given the debris, vegetation and trees that litter the water.

The lake itself is 1,200 acres and can reach depths of up to 130 feet.

Originally Published -- 12:56 PM PT

Naya Rivera Underwater Robots Used to Recover Body

Naya Rivera Search

The search for Naya Rivera continues as authorities are now using a mechanical robot to locate her body.

Ventura County Sheriff's deputies employed the ROV -- remotely operated vehicle -- after spotting a dark shape in the water, which they thought might be a body. After lowering the ROV, deputies discovered the object was a tree branch.

It's apparent how difficult the search is from the images ... divers can only see inches in front of them. Making matters even more difficult ... they don't know where Naya was when she disappeared.

The recovery effort was called off Friday night but will resume at first light Saturday.

As we reported, Naya and her 4-year-old son were swimming in Lake Piru Wednesday when she disappeared. Her son climbed back in the boat and told authorities he was swimming with his mom but she never got back on the boat.

In addition to the ROV, authorities are using side-scan sonar, dogs and divers to locate Naya's body.

Naya Rivera
Ventura County Sheriff's Office

The Ventura County Sheriff released security camera footage Thursday from the boat launch where Naya and her son rented a pontoon boat on the lake.

As we reported, more than 20,000 people have now signed a petition demanding that the dangers of Lake Piru -- with all the debris in the water -- be made clear to anyone who wants to boat or swim in the lake. Naya would be the 9th drowning victim at the Lake since the mid-'90s.


Naya Rivera Heartbreaking Surveillance Video Presumed Dead in Drowning

Naya Rivera
Ventura County Sheriff's Office

6:37 PM PT -- The Ventura County Sheriff just released security camera footage from the boat launch where Naya and her son rented a pontoon boat on the lake.


In the video, you see Naya pull up in her G-Wagon, and she gets out with a bunch of gear and walks with her son over to the boat launch. The two of them get in the pontoon and head off into the lake.


11:12 AM PT -- More than 80 people are currently involved in the search, which is utilizing helicopters, boats, ATV vehicles and ground personnel to try to locate Naya ... according to the Ventura County Sheriff.


Specialized dive teams from surrounding counties are also en route to help.


8:32 AM PT -- Authorities have just made it clear -- Naya is presumed dead and the search has now shifted from a rescue to a recovery mission. She went missing in water with only 5 to 9 inches of visibility, and authorities say the lake is filled with trees and debris on the bottom. Law enforcement says it typically takes 7 to 10 days for a body to rise to the surface.


5:29 AM PT -- Authorities are now saying they're treating the case as a possible drowning and they suspended the search overnight. The search continues at first light, but the Ventura County Sheriff says they now believe Naya may have lost her life in the lake.

RMG News

Naya Rivera is missing on a Southern California lake after her toddler son was found alive, but alone on a boat ... TMZ has confirmed.

Ventura County Sheriff's deputies found the 4-year-old boy on the boat -- presumably rented by Naya -- shortly before 5 PM on Lake Piru, but Naya was not there. Law enforcement sources tell us her son, Josey Hollis Dorsey, told deputies his mom had jumped in the water ... but didn't come back up.

Divers immediately started searching the lake, but so far there's no sign of the "Glee" star. The search was suspended due to nightfall, but it's expected to resume Thursday, shortly after sunrise.

We're told Rivera's life jacket was still in the boat and Josey was asleep when the boat was first found. Josey is okay and is now with family members. Naya and the boy's father, Ryan Dorsey, divorced in 2018 and share custody of Josey.

On Tuesday Naya tweeted a pic of her kissing Josey with the caption, "just the two of us."

FOX11 in L.A. says Naya's G-Wagon was found in the parking lot near the boat rental company.

Originally Published -- 7/7 10:08 PM PT

Naya Rivera Angry Locals Demand Protection for Swimmers After Presumed Drowning

Naya Rivera's presumed death has angered locals who know the hidden perils of Lake Piru, and now they're demanding more protection for swimmers whose lives are at risk.

More than TWELVE THOUSAND PEOPLE and counting have signed a petition ... demanding more effective warnings for swimmers who are clueless that the waters below are perilous.

The locals have reason for concern ... Naya would mark the 9th drowning death at Lake Piru since 1994.

As we reported ... when Naya jumped in the water, the visibility was 5 to 9 inches. Piru is not a natural lake, and its bottom is covered by trees and other debris, in which a swimmer can easily get entangled. The lake also has strong currents, making swimming difficult.

RMG News

The petition reads, " ... people have been asking for years for the city to put up warning signs for swimmers. Locals of Ventura County don’t go to Lake Piru for this reason! Tourists have no idea what they’re getting into. Lake Piru needs signs. We’re tired of waiting. We need justice for all those who got lost at Lake Piru. Put up the signs."

There are some marked swimming areas for those who jump in from the shore, but people on boats don't seem to get the proper warnings. It's perilous because just about anyone on a boat in the middle of a hot summer day is going to want to jump in the water to cool off.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... they don't know where Naya and her 4-year-old son, Josey Hollis Dorsey, were when they both jumped in the water. Josey got back in the boat and fell asleep. When authorities arrived, he told them Naya never returned.

Lake Piru does not have many lifeguards, and swimmers "are engaging in a hazardous recreational activity and do so at their own risk" ... according to its policy. Locals want to make it less risky ... thus the petition.

'Glee' Star Dot Jones Recovering After Emergency Heart Surgery

"Glee" star Dot Jones is lucky to be alive ... thanks to her quick-thinking wife, Bridgett, who rushed her to the same doctor who also once saved her life.

Dot tells TMZ ... she recently underwent emergency heart surgery after experiencing a severe burning sensation in her chest area that proved to be a much more serious condition than doctors initially figured.

We're told Dot saw multiple doctors in December after experiencing the burning feeling. She was ultimately diagnosed with bronchial spasms and asthma. But, not long after New Year's, Dot's experience grew exponentially worse while taking down her Christmas decorations.

We're told Bridgett rushed Dot to the hospital, where the same cardiologist who treated and saved Bridgett's life in 2017 following a stroke discovered Dot had what's called a widowmaker heart attack. The name says it all -- they're typically fatal. Dot's condition was pretty severe, with one of her arteries being 99% blocked.

Doctors immediately went to work and surgically placed a stent in Dot's heart and we're told she's now home, resting and recovering. Here's to a speedy recovery!!

'Glee' Actor Jesse Luken Charged with DUI

"Glee" actor Jesse Luken has officially been charged with DUI ... nearly 3 months after he was arrested.

The L.A. County D.A.'s Office charged Jesse with 1 misdemeanor count of DUI and 1 misdemeanor count of driving with a .08 blood alcohol content. His arraignment's been set for next month in Glendale.

TMZ broke the story ... Jesse was busted last December after cops said his Toyota was found on a curb with the airbag deployed. His right front tire was mangled but no other cars were involved. We were told Jesse was in the driver's seat and he reeked of booze. Cops say he bombed the field sobriety test.

If convicted, Jesse -- who played the dirty blonde jock, Bobby 'Boom Boom' Surette, on the hit show -- will almost certainly get the usual punishment ... probation and a mandatory alcohol ed program.

"Glee" cast members have had more than their share of woes. Mark Salling committed suicide while awaiting sentencing in his child porn case. Cory Monteith died of a drug overdose. And, Naya Rivera was busted for domestic violence.

'Glee' Actor Jesse Luken Busted for DUI After Car Crash

"Glee" actor Jesse Luken allegedly put his car through hell before getting busted for DUI.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Glendale cops got a call about a car crash. When they arrived on scene, they found Luken's Toyota up on the curb with the airbag deployed. There were no other cars involved. The right front tire was mangled.

We're told Luken -- who played the dirty blonde jock Bobby 'Boom Boom' Surette on the hit show and has tons of other TV credits to his name -- was in the driver's seat and reeked of booze. He took a field sobriety test ... which cops say he bombed.

Luken was arrested for DUI. He was booked and later released.

"Glee" cast members have had their share of problems. Mark Salling committed suicide while awaiting sentencing in his child porn case. Cory Monteith died of a drug overdose. Naya Rivera was busted for domestic violence.

We've reached out to Luken ... so far, no word back.

Lea Michele This Rock Make Me Look Engaged?

Lea Michele knows NOTHING sweetens up your cup of coffee like a massive diamond ring on the hand that's holding it.

The "Glee" grad was strolling around NYC Tuesday with her new treasure -- as in her fiance, Zandy Reich ... the guy who gave her the OTHER treasure.

We know you're wondering, so ... it's a 4-carat elongated radiant cut diamond. Lea and Zandy announced their engagement last weekend. They've been dating since last summer, when Zandy managed to bust out of the friendzone ... they were pals before the hookup.

The groom-to-be is president of the clothing company AYR -- and his bride-to-be is obviously very proud ... of his taste in jewelry.

We're sure she's proud of Zandy, too. He just doesn't fit as easily on her finger.

Mark Salling Autopsy Reveals Booze, No Drugs At Time of Suicide

Mark Salling had alcohol in his system when he hanged himself, and apparently took steps to evade authorities just prior to the suicide ... TMZ has learned.

According to the results of Salling's autopsy ... he had at least a 0.08% BAC -- which means he was just at the point of legal intoxication. The toxicology report also shows he was not on any other drugs.

The report describes the death scene -- Salling was hanging by a nylon rope which was tied to a branch a little over 6 feet above the ground. The coroner says it was wrapped around his neck five times.

The autopsy also notes Salling had attempted to kill himself months prior by cutting his wrists. His wrist incisions were about 2.5 centimeters and 6.5 centimeters on each hand, according to the coroner.

The last time the former "Glee" star was seen alive was with his father watching television at their family home at around 11:30 PM. His mother discovered he was missing right after midnight. Salling had ditched his ankle monitor and left it down the street from his house.

He was scheduled to meet with the probation officer in his child porn case the day he died.

Mark Salling Death Certificate Confirms Hanging

Mark Salling's death certificate confirms all the details we know about his suicide.

The Coroner's Office just released the certificate, filed in L.A. County ... and it lists cause of death as asphyxia by hanging. It also says he was found dead in a riverbed in Sunland, CA.

TMZ broke the story ... Salling was found hanging from a tree ... not far from where he lived. The Coroner had already determined it was death by suicide, as we reported.

We still do not have toxicology results from Salling's autopsy ... which will show if he had been drinking or boozing prior to hanging himself.

Prior to killing himself, the "Glee" star has pled guilty to possession of child pornography involving prepubescent minors and was awaiting sentencing.

Mark Salling Prosecutors Move to Dismiss Case After Suicide

Mark Salling's child pornography case will come to an abrupt halt after his suicide, because prosecutors just filed legal docs asking the judge to dismiss the case.

The documents are short and to the point ... they are asking the federal judge who was hearing the case to dismiss the indictment.

TMZ broke the story ... Salling hanged himself last week as he faced the prospect of years in prison. He had struck a plea deal with prosecutors, but it hadn't been ratified by the judge.

One interesting point ... prosecutors want the indictment dismissed "without prejudice" ... meaning they could theoretically refile. That, however, will not happen. Once a defendant dies, the case is over.

Mark Salling Cause of Death Asphyxia by Hanging

Mark Salling died from asphyxia by hanging and it was death by suicide ... this according to the L.A. County Coroner.

The Coroner just determined the cause of death, which is what TMZ reported early Wednesday morning.

TMZ broke the story, the former "Glee" star was found by law enforcement hanging from a tree near his home in Sunland in the L.A. area.

Salling, who was facing 4 to 7 years in prison for child pornography, had been suicidal in the months preceding his death.

Mark Salling Attempted Suicide Several Times Before Hanging

Mark Salling tried to kill himself multiple times before he finally took his own life ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Sources involved in the investigation tell us their interviews with witnesses paint a dark picture of the actor, who was facing years in prison after pleading guilty to child porn charges.

There were "several suicide attempts," according to our sources.

TMZ broke the story .. Salling cut his wrists back in August. We got this pic 2 months after the attempt and he was wearing long sleeves in the middle of a heat wave ... presumably to hide the scars.

As we first reported, Salling hanged himself on a tree near his home.

Mark Salling No Suicide Note ... Body Discovered by Dumb Luck

Mark Salling did not leave a suicide note and cops have already combed his home, his car and the area where he hanged himself and nothing has turned up ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

The question we've been asking for hours ... how did police find Salling's body in a remote area by a riverbed? We thought cops may have tracked the body through his cellphone or GPS on his car, but that wasn't the case.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... LAPD officers were in the area on an unrelated matter when they spotted Salling's car. As we first reported, a missing persons report had already been filed, so cops ran the plates, determined it was Salling's car, searched the area and found the body hanging from a tree.

TMZ broke the story, Salling committed suicide by hanging ... he had been suicidal for months awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to child porn offenses.

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