GLAAD -- The NBA Must PUNISH Kobe Bryant

The NBA "must take action" against Kobe Bryant for dropping a homophobic slur during last night's Lakers game ... so says the head of the most influential gay rights group on the planet.

TMZ spoke with Jarrett Barrios -- President of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation -- who tells us, "[Kobe's] statement is a start, but the NBA must now take action."

Barrios continues, "No matter the intent, slurs like this fuel intolerance. The NBA has a chance to show leadership by taking disciplinary measures and sending a message that words like this have no place in sports."

The GLAAD honcho adds, "All sports leagues have a responsibility to create a safe environment for fans, employees and players.“

Kobe released a statement saying he didn't mean to offend anyone when he used the words "f**king f**got" last night ... but he never really apologized for using the slur.

Universal Pulls 'Gay' Movie Trailer

Bowing to growing outrage from the likes of Anderson Cooper, Universal Pictures has decided to pull the trailer for the movie "The Dilemma" -- and replace it with a new one some time today ... Universal tells TMZ.

The trailer in question begins with Vince Vaughn telling a room full of people, "Ladies and gentlemen, electric cars ... are gay." Sources at Universal Pictures told Deadline Hollywood's Nikki Finke they showed the trailer to gay rights groups beforehand, including GLAAD, and didn't get any negative feedback.

But after Anderson complained on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," we're told the studio folded like a cheap suit.

A rep for Universal Pictures tells TMZ, "The teaser trailer for 'The Dilemma' was not intended to cause anyone discomfort. In light of growing claims that the introduction to the trailer is insensitive, it is being replaced. A full trailer, which has been in the works for some time, will post online later today."

Now if only they can make the movie seem funny.

UPDATE: GLAAD tells TMZ they called on Universal to remove the clip from the trailer last month. A rep tells TMZ, "The use of the word ‘gay’ in this trailer as a slur is unnecessary and does nothing more than send a message of intolerance about our community to viewers."

Adam Lambert & ABC Kiss and Make Up

ABC has lifted the ban on Adam Lambert -- and officially booked him to perform on an upcoming episode of "The View" ... in the hopes that he sticks to the script this time.

ABC had previously dropped Lambert from two of the network's shows, in response to catching the network "off-guard" when he improvised his act at the American Music Awards -- and made out with a dude ... something ABC claims he didn't do in rehearsal.

But after taking sharp criticism for their decision, ABC is extending the olive branch -- with an invitation to perform on a December 10 episode of "The View."

Wonder how Elisabeth Hasselbeck will take the news...

See Also

GLAAD Backs ABC's Decision to Can Lambert

Adam Lambert's sexual orientation had nothing to do with ABC's decision to can him from two upcoming gigs on their network ... it was all because he can't stick to a script -- at least that's what ABC and GLAAD would like you to believe.

The nation's most outspoken gay rights group just released a statement in support of ABC's decision to boot Lambert from "Jimmy Kimmel Live" and an upcoming New Year's Eve special in the wake of his AMA performance -- the one with the man-on-man kiss.

ABC sent a statement to GLAAD, explaining how Adam's removal was "not a question of Lambert's sexual orientation" but was instead because his live performance at the AMAs differed "greatly" from rehearsals and "caught the network off guard" -- which is justification for dropping him from other live shows.

Today, GLAAD backed ABC's explanation saying, "It would appear that the kiss between Adam Lambert and his keyboardist did not factor into ABC's decision ... ABC has a history of positive gay and transgender inclusion that includes featuring kisses between gay and lesbian couples on-air."

For the record, neither Adrien Brody nor Halle Berry were banned from appearing on any ABC shows after their "unscripted" make-out session at the 2003 Academy Awards.

UPDATE: GLAAD tells us they have "asked ABC and calls on them for clarification on 'caught off guard' so that the community knows why Lambert is being denied the opportunity to perform on the network."

More Adam Lambert

GLAAD to CBS: Treat Us Like Equals!

CBS' explanation for why they blurred Adam Lambert's man-on-man kiss ain't cuttin' it with the folks at GLAAD -- who claim the network is treating openly gay performers as second class citizens.

Jarrett Barrios, president of GLAAD -- the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation -- tells TMZ, "The Early Show's decision this morning to blur Adam Lambert's kiss from the American Music Awards reinforces an unfortunate double standard that is applied to openly gay performers."

Barrios adds, "I would have hoped CBS would provide the same treatment for images of gay and lesbian people and not create an unfair double standard that treats our community differently."

See Also

GLAAD to Jericho: Thanks for 'Hollow' Apology

GLAAD isn't buyin' Chris Jericho's apology for using anti-gay and racist slurs at a recent event -- in fact, the gay rights group is going after the wrestler for being "insincere and worn."

Jarrett Barrios -- president of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation -- tells TMZ:

"Just three months ago Chris Jericho's boss and WWE Chairman Vince McMahon acknowledged to GLAAD that words matter.

There is no time, context or occasion in which it is acceptable to utter racist and anti-gay slurs. Jericho's hollow apology 'if (he) offended anyone' is a template used by many and is insincere and worn."

More Chris Jericho

GLAAD to Johnson: 'There Is No Excuse'

GLAAD has responded to Larry Johnson's apology for hurling a gay slur at reporters yesterday -- and they're hoping the ordeal can be used as an example to other players in the NFL.

President of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Jarrett Barrios tells TMZ: "Larry Johnson's apology sends an important message that there is no excuse for using anti-gay epithets.

GLAAD is continuing to call on the NFL and the Kansas City Chiefs to use this unfortunate incident as a way to educate and start a dialogue with players and fans regarding the dangers of homophobia in sports."

As we previously reported, the Kansas City Chiefs have already sidelined Johnson from team activities.

See Also

GLAAD to NFL: Punish Larry Johnson

Kansas City Chiefs running back Larry Johnson is in hot water with GLAAD -- after the former NFL Pro-Bowler reportedly dropped the homophobic f-bomb twice in the last 24 hours.

President of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Jarrett Barrio is calling for the NFL to take action against Johnson, saying "All too often this is the word that is used to ridicule and harass young gay and transgender athletes on local sports fields across America.

Professional athletes who use this word need to be held accountable for feeding a climate of intolerance toward our community. NFL officials need to take action and condemn this and future uses of this anti-gay epithet."

Earlier today, it was reported Johnson hurled the slur at a group of reporters after he had already used the same f-word to attack someone on Twitter.

GLAAD: Mickey Rourke Is 'Painfully Ignorant'

The president of The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) just personally issued the following statement, condemning Mickey Rourke for defending the use of the homophobic f-word:

"This is a slur that, regardless of what Mickey Rourke has convinced himself that it means, is often the last word that gay people, and gay youth in particular, hear before they're bullied, harassed or assaulted.

Rourke is showing himself to be painfully ignorant of how this vulgar, abusive slur feeds a climate of anti-gay hatred, intolerance and violence.

Rourke either needs to figure this out, or media needs to stop giving him a platform for promoting these kinds of slurs."

-Jarrett Barrios -

More Mickey Rourke

Perez to GLAAD -- Now I'm Mad!

GLAAD was furious when they heard Perez Hilton used a gay slur to attack Will.I.Am on Sunday night -- and even asked for an apology -- but now Perez is ticked off at the organization for being ticked at him. Follow that?

Hilton, a former GLAAD employee, tells TMZ:

"I am saddened GLAAD chose to victimize me further by criticizing me for how I non-violently dealt with a very scary situation that, unfortunately, turned violent. While I doubt I will get an apology from GLAAD, nor do I expect one, I would just hope people know how difficult it is to intellectualize a situation and think rationally when a thug disguised as a musician is screaming at your face and intimidating you. I am just very fortunate and grateful that nothing more serious happened to me."

See Also

GLAAD Ain't Happy with Black Eyed P. Hilton

Perez Hilton said he used the word "f**got" to tick off Will.I.Am -- and it worked -- but turns out the Black Eyed Pea wasn't the only one who got offended.

GLAAD -- the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation -- says they've asked P-nasty to apologize for using the highly offensive gay slur ... but have yet to hear a peep from his foul mouth.

GLAAD sent us the following statement:

"We have reached out to Hilton and asked him to apologize for promoting this anti-gay slur, and we would ask media outlets to avoid repetition of the slur in their coverage of this story.

For someone in our own community to use it to attack another person by saying that it is, quote, 'The worst possible thing that thug would ever want to hear,' is incredibly dangerous.

It legitimizes use of a slur that is often linked to violence against our community. And it sends a message that it is OK to attempt to dehumanize people by exploiting anti-gay attitudes."

See Also

GLAAD Bravo to Bono

TMZ just got this statement from Neil G. Giuliano, President of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD):

"Chaz Bono's decision to live his life authentically represents an important step forward, both for him personally and for all who are committed to advancing discussions about fairness and equality for transgender people," said Neil G. Giuliano, president of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). "Coming out as transgender is an extremely personal decision and one that is never made lightly. We look forward to hearing Chaz's story in his own words in the future."

"GLAAD encourages media outlets to cover this story accurately, and to avoid speculation about the details of Chaz's story before he is ready to tell it in his own words."

"The GLAAD Media Reference Guide and the Associated Press Stylebook call on media to use the name and pronoun preferred by the transgender person - in this case, referring to him as Chaz and using male pronouns."

Shaq Won't "Fist Kiss" Another Man

Shaquille O'Neal -- the same guy who wanted Kobe to "taste his ass" -- is under fire for his role in an ESPN commercial after some gay rights groups slammed it for being homophobic.


The spot, which was just pulled by the network, features Shaq rejecting a "fist kiss" -- a spin on the term "fist pound" -- from sports commentator Mike Breen. After the offer, Shaq responds, "No fist kiss, no fist love, no fist hump. None of that. You're a weirdo man. Stay over there ... fist kiss ... disgusting."

Long story short: GLAAD (the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) blasted the ad. ESPN apologized and has since pulled the spot.

No word from Shaq yet, but several articles have made sure to point out O'Neal's history of gay rights advocacy -- including the time he stated he would "protect a gay teammate" and the time he chased down a pack of gay bashers in Miami.

See Also

Hottest Videos -- Week of 01/14

From the looks of this video, Angelina Jolie would rather be getting a root canal then talking to Ryan Seacrest. Answering inane questions can really wear on a girl.

Sometimes you need something to take the edge off. Which begs the question: What's Paula using to take the edge off?

Dude, if you get in trouble for saying a bad word, the last thing you want to do is go on an internationally televised awards show and say it again. Is GLAAD mad at Isaiah for being homophobic or dumb? Answer: both.

GLAAD Honors Oscar Winner

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation presented its Vanguard Award to Theron at the 17th annual GLAAD Media Awards over the weekend. GLAAD commended for Theron for increasing "visibility and understanding in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gender community."

Charlize, Jessica Alba and Jennifer Tilly all stopped on the red carpet to talk about their views on gay marriage and having gay fans.

Civil Rights and Plus-Sized Groups Weigh In

More civil rights groups are jumping into the fray over allegations that 'American Idol' is not only cruel to gays, but overweight people as well.

TMZ has learned that 'American Idol' judge Simon Cowell's snipes at overweight contestants have drawn the ire of the National Assn. to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA).

"Discrimination against fat people seems to be one of the last acceptable prejudices," says Peggy Howell, NAAFA'S public-relations chairperson. "I have mixed feelings about 'American Idol.' We saw how far Ruben Studdard has gone because of the show. However, Simon Cowell continues to make rude remarks about overweight and obese contestants."

In tonight's episode, Cowell stokes the coals with this comment to a male contestant dressed in green: "You look like the Incredible Hulk's wife."

TMZ first reported last week that the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) had concerns over how FOX's 'American Idol' ridiculed certain contestants on the show based on their gender appearance and presumed sexuality. GLAAD spokesperson Damon Romine says, "The real offense here was in the producer's decision to add insult to injury by turning a contestant's gender expression into the butt of a joke."

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