'Ghost Adventures' Aaron Goodwin Thankful For Fan Support ... After Wife's Alleged Murder For Hire Plot


"Ghost Adventures" star Aaron Goodwin is showing thanks for all the love and support he's getting after cops arrested his estranged wife for an alleged murder-for-hire plot.

Aaron posted about the arrest Friday for the first time since we broke news of her bust, telling his followers ... "Thank you everyone for all the love and support through this emotionally trying time. It has really helped a lot and I appreciate you all."


We broke the story ... Victoria Goodwin was arrested earlier this month and booked on solicitation to commit murder and conspiracy to commit murder charges. Cops say she was messaging a Florida inmate about getting out of her marriage with Aaron when she allegedly sent the message "Am I a bad person? Because I chose to end his existence. Not divorce."

Police say Victoria and the inmate -- convicted killer Grant Amato -- earmarked a little more than $11,000 to pay for the hit ... and the alleged plot was only discovered when cops found the inmate's contraband phone, which allegedly contained messages with Victoria.

Aaron was actually filming "Ghost Adventures" with Zak Bagans when cops informed him about Victoria's alleged plan to kill him ... and he's since filed for divorce.

Aaron Goodwin Files For Divorce ... After Wife Allegedly Tried to Hire Hitman to Kill Him

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Aaron Goodwin's officially filed to divorce his wife ... not exactly a shock since cops arrested her for allegedly trying to hire someone to kill him.

The "Ghost Adventures" star filed the document Wednesday in Nevada ... asking the court not to award anyone alimony in the case while also requesting to be paid back for attorney's fees.

In light of what's going on, there's really no mystery about the divorce filing ... though it does say Aaron and his estranged wife Victoria's "views, tastes, likes and dislikes" have "become incompatible to the extent that it has become impossible for them to live together as husband and wife."

'Ghost Adventures' Aaron Goodwin Wife Enlisted Convicted Killer ... In Murder-for-Hire Plot, Cops Say

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The Florida inmate who cops say was communicating with the wife of "Ghost Adventures" star Aaron Goodwin as part of her alleged murder-for-hire plot is a convicted killer himself ... TMZ has learned.

Police say Aaron's wife, Victoria Goodwin, hatched a plan to off her husband to get out of her marriage ... and she allegedly enlisted a prisoner named Grant Amato to help her see the diabolical plan through.

Well, we did some digging and discovered Amato is serving a life sentence for a triple murder involving his family. A former nurse, Amato was found guilty in 2019 of fatally shooting his father, mother and brother in their Florida home.


Zak Bagans Saddam's Clothes Are In My Museum ... Bagged 'Em From Baghdad


Zak Bagans just bagged some historical artifacts for his famous museum ... a couple of Saddam Hussein's belongings, courtesy of "The Sheriff of Baghdad."

The "Ghost Adventures" star tells TMZ ... retired U.S. Army Special Operations Sergeant Major John "Shrek" McPhee brought him Saddam's hat and sweater all the way from Iraq.


John obtained Saddam's clothing directly from Hussein's tailor in Baghdad, before U.S. forces captured Saddam in 2003.

Zak Bagans 'Poltergeist' House Will Be My Next Investigation!!!

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Zak Bagans is planning to take his "Ghost Adventures" team to the famous "Poltergeist" house for his next in-person investigation ... TMZ has learned.

The paranormal expert tells TMZ ... his team will be heading to the Simi Valley, California home -- which was featured heavily in the horror classic -- in mid-November, with plans to investigate some of the spookier aspects of the abode.

Zak says their preliminary research shows the new owner got badly affected by something from inside the house ... and that the homeowner specifically reached out to them in the hope of getting answers.


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Zak Bagans
Ghost Adventures / Discovery Channel

Zak Bagans is turning up the heat with some paranormal passion, 'cause he's been busy conjuring up the spirit of a haunted brothel's former madam, and he says he captured proof she's still plenty saucy!

TMZ's got a sneak peek of the upcoming "Ghost Adventures" episode where Zak goes to an Ogden, UT brothel and tries to lure its long-deceased madam, named Rose, with a little cold, hard cash -- but what happens next is a historic, and hilarious, first for the series.

As you can see, Zak gets comfy on the bed waiting for Rose's spirit ... but when she quite literally ghosts him, he calls in his fellow paranormal investigator Aaron Goodwin to take his place.

Stormy Daniels Trump's Ghost Shaming Her Ex-Spooky Partner Vouches for Her


Stormy Daniels is getting trashed by Donald Trump's attorneys for claiming, under oath, she sees dead people, but a veteran ghost hunter says they're barking up the wrong haunted tree ... 'cause he's seen her skills, firsthand.

Here's the deal ... one of the porn star's side hustles is as a paranormal investigator, which came up in court last week as team Trump tried to use it to mock her and discredit her testimony.


David Childers has been in the paranormal field for nearly 30 years, and had a much different take as he watched the trial play out, because he's gone ghost hunting with Stormy on her show, "Spooky Babes" ... and he tells TMZ she's the real deal!

Zak Bagans Un visitante se desmaya con una muñeca embrujada ... Video del escalofriante encuentro en el museo


Olvídense de Chucky, Annabelle e incluso M3GAN ... El Museo Embrujado de Zak Bagans tiene una muñeca aparentemente tan poseída que un hombre se desmayó después de encontrarse cara a cara con ella.

La estrella de "Ghost Adventures" le dice a TMZ que al mirar a los ojos de la muñeca Lilly, durante una reciente visita al museo, el hombre se desmayó y se golpeó la cabeza contra el mostrador, y tenemos el escalofriante momento en video.

Cosas espeluznantes

Zak dice que el hombre recibió atención médica después de recuperar la conciencia y estaba bien, aunque inquietantemente no quiso hablar con nadie después ni mucho menos mirar a ninguno de los empleados del museo.

El hombre rápidamente huyó del lugar y no ha regresado desde entonces.

Un comerciante de antigüedades con sede en Oregón encontró por primera vez a Lilly bajo un viejo baúl de vapor y se la llevó a su casa, donde inmediatamente comenzó a tener pesadillas sobre una niña que moría de forma violenta.

Más tarde, cuando una niña visitó la tienda, le dijo a su madre que tuvo una conversación con "la niña dentro de Lilly, que le dijo que murió de una forma aterradora".

Zak viajó a la tienda para investigar y cuando la mujer que trabajaba detrás del mostrador sacó a Lilly del estante, inmediatamente se retorció de dolor abdominal, diciendo: "Debo lavarme las manos", repetidamente.

Eso fue suficiente para que Zak la pusiera en exhibición en su museo en Las Vegas, donde está claro que continuará su reinado de muñecas de terror.

ZAK BAGANS Haunted Doll Makes Guest Faint ... Video of Chilling Museum Encounter


Forget Chucky, Annabelle and even M3GAN ... Zak Bagans' Haunted Museum is home to a doll apparently so possessed, a man passed out cold after coming face to face with it.

The "Ghost Adventures" star tells TMZ that upon looking into the eyes of Lilly the doll -- during a recent visit to the museum -- the man fainted and bashed his head on the display stand -- and we've got the chilling moment on camera.


Zak says the man received medical attention after regaining consciousness and was OK -- although, disturbingly, he wouldn't speak to anyone afterward, let alone even look at any of the museum staff.

The man promptly fled the museum and has not returned since.

An Oregon-based antiques dealer first found Lilly under an old steamer trunk -- and took it back to his store where he immediately began having nightmares about a little girl dying a violent death.

Later, when a young girl visited the store, she told her mother she had a convo with "the girl inside of Lilly, who said she died in a scary way."

Zak traveled to the shop to investigate ... and when the woman working behind the counter took Lilly down from the shelf, she immediately doubled over with abdominal pain ... chanting, "I must wash my hands" repeatedly.

That was enough for Zak to put her up on display at his infamous Las Vegas museum ... where she's clearly continuing her doll-ightful reign of terror.

Zak Bagans exhibe el disfraz del Papá Noel asesino en serie


Una nueva pesadilla de navidad ha llegado al Museo Embrujado de Zak Bagans en Sin City, donde acaba de inaugurar un traje de Santa que una vez usó un infame asesino en serie.

La estrella de "Ghost Adventures" le dice a TMZ que el traje usado por John Edward Robinson -un asesino en serie convicto, estafador, malversador, secuestrador y falsificador- estará en exhibición durante las fiestas en su museo.

El traje de Papá Noel era el que Robinson llevaba a las fiestas infantiles, a los actos de los scouts y a otras funciones similares. Zak compró el disfraz hace unos años y procedía de la herencia de John.

Pero incluso Zak está asustado por su nueva posesión ... mostrando su traje asesinos en serie dentro de su museo "Jail Room" - construido a partir de barras reales disembled de una prisión de Iowa. Él dice que cualquier cosa que pertenezca a estos monstruos malvados debe estar detrás de las rejas donde pertenecen.

Robinson era de hecho pura maldad ... después de haber sido declarado culpable en 2003 de 3 asesinatos en Kansas City y recibir la pena de muerte por 2 de ellos. También admitió la responsabilidad de 5 homicidios adicionales ... con los investigadores temiendo que podría haber otras víctimas por descubrir.

Sus crímenes fueron particularmente escalofriantes, ya que contactó a la mayoría de sus víctimas a través de chats en línea de temática BDSM (sexo alternativo), a menudo con el nombre de "Slavemaster".

Se le atribuyó la etiqueta de "primer asesino en serie de Internet".

Zak Bagans Exorcism Box, Journal Are Mine ... Terrifying Backstories!!!


Zak Bagans is exercising his right to scare the crap out of folks at his Haunted Museum ... by bringing in some creepy-ass artifacts from famous exorcisms!!!

The "Ghost Adventures" star tells TMZ ... he recently got his hands on the fabled "Exorcism Box," which was used during the 1970s real-life exorcisms of Anneliese Michel ... whose story is the inspiration behind 2005's "The Exorcism of Emily Rose."

Zak tells us he got the box from filmmaker Christopher Saint Booth, who wanted to get rid of it after a disturbing experience, to put it mildly. While he had the box, Booth says he felt something growing inside him, and a doctor determined the growth contained teeth and stem cells.

Booth says he had an archbishop exorcise the box ... and while doing so, he saw a dark figure dart past him. Booth believes it was Anneliese, who died way back in 1976 following 67 catholic exorcism rites.

Zak says Booth told him the archbishop saw the figure too, which appeared to have Anneliese's face, and it was shaking uncontrollably as if being pushed away from the box by a dark energy. Booth believes the "Exorcism Box" absorbed all the energy from Anneliese's exorcisms.

If that doesn't give you enough chills ... Zak also obtained a copy of the infamous Exorcist Diary, which inspired the 1974 movie "The Exorcist."

There are only 6 copies of the diary, 2 of which remain in a vault at the Vatican. The diary documents a 3-month period of exorcisms on a 13-year-old boy in St. Louis way back in 1949 and includes a map of Hell.

Zak says Booth had the diary while working on a documentary called "The Exorcist File" ... and Booth says he felt very oppressed and suicidal whenever the diary was nearby.

And, get this ... Zak says Booth told him he had the diary with him in a hotel room when he saw a horned, shadowy figure appear just before something scratched his ankle and pulled him out of bed. 😱

Since bringing the items to his Haunted Museum in Las Vegas, Zak says countless guests are refusing to enter the new Exorcism Room Exhibit before they even know what's inside ... with some saying they felt light-headed.

Zak is not new to the exorcism world -- he filmed the 100th episode of "Ghost Adventures" in the house where the notorious St. Louis exorcism was performed.

It's a timely acquisition for Zak with Halloween lurking, and "The Exorcist: Believer" just hitting theaters.

No thanks. Nope. No way. But, that's just us.

ZAK BAGANS La caja de exorcismo es mía... ¡¡Espeluznantes historias!!


Zak Bagans está ejerciendo su derecho a asustar a la gente en su Museo Embrujado, ¡¡¡trayendo algunos famosos artefactos para practicar exorcismos a su colección!!!

La estrella de "Ghost Adventures" le dice a TMZ que recientemente adquirió una "caja de exorcismo" que se utilizó en los exorcismos de Annalise Michel en los infames años 70, y cuya historia inspiró la película "El exorcismo de Emily Rose".

Zak nos dijo que consiguió la caja del cineasta Christopher Saint Booth, quien quería deshacerse de ella después de una experiencia perturbadora.

Booth dice que mientras tenía la caja consigo sintió que algo raro crecía dentro de él y un médico determinó que ese crecimiento contenía dientes y células madre. Luego le pidió a un arzobispo que la exorcizara, y al hacerlo, vio pasar a una figura oscura que cree era de Annalise, quien murió en 1976 después de 67 ritos de exorcismo católico.

Booth le dijo a Zak que el arzobispo también vio a la figura sacudiéndose incontrolablemente, como si una energía oscura la empujara fuera de la caja. Booth cree que la "caja del exorcismo" absorbió toda la energía de los exorcismos de Annalise.

Zak también nos cuenta que obtuvo una copia del infame Diario del Exorcista, que inspiró la película de 1974, "El Exorcista."

Solo hay seis copias de los diarios, dos de los cuales permanecen en una bóveda en el Vaticano y documenta un período de 3 meses de exorcismos a un niño de 13 años en St. Louis allá por 1949, que también incluye un mapa del infierno.

Zak dice que Booth tuvo el diario mientras trabajaba en un documental llamado "The Exorcist File", y que se sentía muy oprimido y suicida cuando estaba cerca de él.

Y escuchen esto... Booth le dijo que tenía el diario consigo en un hotel cuando vio aparecer una sombra con cuernos, justo antes de ser arañado en el tobillo y sacado de la cama.

Desde que trajo los objetos a su Museo Embrujado de Las Vegas, Zak dice que innumerables visitantes se niegan a entrar en la nueva exposición de la Sala de Exorcismos, antes incluso de saber lo que hay dentro. Algunos dicen haber sido tocados o haberse sentido mareados.

Zak no es nuevo en el mundo del exorcismo. Él fue quien filmó el episodio 100 de "Ghost Adventures" en la casa donde se realizó el famoso exorcismo de St. Louis.

Es una adquisición oportuna para Zak, con Hallowen acercándose y "El Exorcista: Believer" en los cines. En lo que respecta a nosotros, no gracias, de ninguna manera...

ZAK BAGANS INVITA A ADELE AL MUSEO EMBRUJADO ¡Susto gratuito y sesión de espiritismo!


Adele expresó su curiosidad este fin de semana sobre el museo embrujado de Zak Bagans en el desierto y el tipo la escuchó alto y claro y !la está invitando!

La estrella de "Ghost Adventures"  —famoso por estar obsesionado con todo lo paranormal— se enteró de que Adele estuvo hablando con los miembros de la audiencia acerca de su Museo Embrujado en Las Vegas durante uno de sus recientes espectáculos y él está encantado con su aparente curiosidad.

Adele estaba charlando con un invitado en su concierto y este le preguntó por cosas interesante que hacer en la Ciudad del Pecado. Sonaba muy interesada cuando mencionaron la atracción turística y espeluznante de Zak.

El museo ha estado en posesión de Zak durante bastante tiempo y tiene una gran colección de artefactos que supuestamente están embrujados. También hay un montón de historia sombría en el edificio en sí. El museo ha sido el tema principal de un capitulo de su show.

Zak nos comentó que está invitando personalmente a Adele a ir a su establecimiento para una visita VIP gratuita, y no sólo eso, también puede ser parte de una sesión de espiritismo personal si así lo desea.

Él dice que estaría dispuesto a conseguir a la conocida psíquica y medium Patti Negri para la ocasión.

Ahora, tan loco como suena, Adele ha lidiado con la tragedia personal en los últimos años, incluyendo la muerte de su padre en 2021 y el reciente fallecimiento de la madre de su mejor amiga. Es de suponer que podría intentar ponerse en contacto con estas personas.

Quiera o no, la oferta de Zak está ahí y ella está prácticamente al lado así que ¿por qué no?

El mes del terror se avecina y como Adele cantó una vez, "es el momento de amar en la oscuridad".

Zak Bagans Invites Adele to Haunted Museum ... Free Scare & Séance!!!


Adele expressed curiosity this weekend about Zak Bagans' haunted museum in the desert -- and the guy heard her loud and clear, 'cause he wants her to swing by for a scream or two ... on the house!

The "Ghost Adventures" star, who's famously obsessed with all things paranormal, caught wind of Adele talking to audience members about his Vegas-area Haunted Museum during one of her recent residency shows ... and he's thrilled about her curiosity.

ICYMI ... Adele was chatting up a guest at her concert, asking what they like to do in Sin City, and sounded awfully interested when they mentioned ZB's spooky tourist attraction.

Zak's museum features a crazy big collection of artifacts that are purported to be haunted. There's also a lot of grim history with the building itself, and the museum's been the subject of one of his shows.

Anyway, Zak tells TMZ he's personally inviting Adele to come to his establishment for a free VIP tour -- and, not just that, she can take him up on a personal séance too if she's so inclined.

He says he'd be willing to get well-known psychic/medium Patti Negri to lead it -- as PN is well-versed in this field.

Now, as kooky as that sounds ... Adele has actually dealt with personal tragedy in recent years -- including the death of her estranged father in 2021 and the recent passing of her BFF's mother. Presumably, she could try to contact these individuals ... if not others.

Whether she wants that or not, Zak's offer is out there now. And, she's practically right next door -- so why not take him up on it?

Spooky season is upon us ... and as Adele once sang, it's time to love in the dark.

Sharon Osbourne Released from Hospital, Now Home ... After Health Scare

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5:40 PM PT -- Jack Osbourne has provided an encouraging update on the status of his mom's health, saying she's been released from the hospital and is now back home after getting the all-clear.


He also says she was with him filming a new episode of "Night of Terror," going on to thank everyone who sent their well-wishes and prayers. JO also says he's going to let Sharon share what exactly happened to her in her own time and on her own terms.

Sharon Osbourne suffered a terrifying medical emergency while shooting a TV show in California ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us it all went down Friday night ... Sharon fell ill on the set of the unnamed show at the Glen Tavern Inn in Santa Paula, California. It was not clear if the cameras were rolling. The hotel was once featured on an episode of the Travel Channel's "Ghost Adventurers."

A rep for the Ventura County Fire Department tells TMZ ... EMS workers responded to a "medical call" at Tavern around 6:30 PM Friday and transported one patient to Santa Paula Hospital. Santa Paula Police Chief Don Aguilar confirmed Sharon was the patient.

We reached out to Glen Tavern and a manager said there was an "emergency," but he declined to provide details. We do not know Sharon's current condition.

Sharon has hit a rough patch lately. As you know, she's been taking care of her husband -- rock 'n roll legend Ozzy Osbourne -- who is suffering from Parkinson's disease and other health issues.

Originally Published -- 7:46 AM PT

Zak Bagans I Captured a Ghost Chair ... On Camera in the Murder House!!!

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101922-ghost-adventures-chair-kal OCTOBER 2022

The folks at "Ghost Adventures" are kicking things up a notch for spooky season -- we've got an exclusive clip of the moment a "ghost chair" seemingly appears and then disappears.

The apparent finding comes in a two-part episode about the abandoned and infamous Los Feliz Murder House, where Dr. Harold Perelson murdered his wife in 1959 with a ball-peen hammer and severely beat his daughter before killing himself.

The equipment the 'GA' crew used in the creepy mansion makes it all the more fascinating.

Zak Bagans tells TMZ the ghost chair was captured during a moment where chairs were the focus of an experiment -- "Everybody had a chair that was set on different floors of the house, and we connected everybody’s energy together using these chairs in a summoning experiment."

His take on what you're seeing here is, "It’s as if Dr. Perelson, who we called upon, literally pulled up a chair himself to join our experiment."

They used a method called LiDAR which uses a laser to scan objects or surfaces, by measuring the time it takes for the reflected light to bounce back ... basically, 3-D laser scanning.

The chair seemed to appear and then disappear on the laser scan, despite there being no seat in the actual scanned room.

The hunters stress the fact that the equipment is down to the "millimeter in accuracy" of scanning actual objects ... which makes said ghost chair like nothing they've ever seen before.

Zak says "This is one of the most astounding pieces of scientific evidence we have ever captured in the history of 'Ghost Adventures,' made even stronger due to the fact that it was captured by an accredited third-party LiDAR scanning company."

If you want to get to the bottom of this haunted mystery, you can catch the full episode of the investigation Oct 27 on Discovery+.