Adrian Peterson My Stuff's Being Sold Without My Consent ... I'm Not Broke!!!

Instagram / @adrianpeterson

Ex-NFL star Adrian Peterson claims his most prized possessions are being sold without his consent ... and now, he's planning to sue over the matter.

Numerous items belonging to the All-Pro running back -- including his 2012 Most Valuable Player and 2007 Rookie of the Year trophies -- hit the auction block this week ... which led many to wonder if Peterson had fallen on hard times and was looking to make a quick buck after earning more than $100 million on the field throughout his career.

The former first-round pick cleared the air on Wednesday ... saying he was just as shocked as everyone else when news of the auction made rounds on social media.

"I want to clarify recent rumors and media reports," Peterson said in a video. "An estate sale company without my authorization included some of my trophies in a sale, despite clear instructions to leave personal items untouched."

Peterson's rep, Denise White, further explained to TMZ Sports he had a storage unit full of old stuff ... so he hired the Texmax Auctions company to get rid of whatever he didn't want anymore -- but he had no intent to include anything of personal value.

Worth noting -- Peterson made his way around the league during his lengthy career ... so we're told he had several storage units throughout the country and had no clue these specific items would be included.

White tells us they've made several attempts to make contact with the company to fix the issue ... but have not heard back as of this post.

Peterson continued ... "I did not authorize the sale of my trophies and am taking legal action. Trusting the company without supervision was my mistake. We allowed them to go into several of our storage units with clear instructions. They clearly did something unlawful."

"I want to emphasize that I am financially stable and would never sell off my hard-earned trophies or personal sports items."

Travis Kelce Aterriza en Sydney para ver a Taylor Vuelo largo, cara larga!!!


6:30 PM PT -- Ha salido a la superficie la primera señal de Travis Kelce en Australia y el tipo se ve ... Bueno, exhausto.

Aquí tenemos una foto del jugador llegando a Sydney el miércoles (o el jueves en Australia), y sí el hombre estaba bastante serio al bajar de su jet privado. Podemos imaginar que está emocionado de estar allí para Taylor Swift, pero sí, el viaje es larguísimo.

2:58 PM PT -- Travis Kelce ha aterrizado oficialmente en Australia. El jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs se bajó de su jet privado hace apenas unos minutos.

Travis Kelce está en camino para ver a su novia Taylor Swift en Australia. De hecho, está actualmente en ruta y va a aterrizar temprano en el día, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Travis está, de hecho, a bordo de un jet privado en este momento y de camino a Sydney. Parece que es una ruta similar a la que hizo Taylor cuando salió de Las Vegas tras el Super Bowl para dirigirse a Melbourne.

Sabemos que Travis viajó de Los Ángeles a Hawái durante la noche. Hizo una parada y continuó su viaje muy temprano esta mañana. Ahora está volando mientras hablamos.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Travis cenó en Los Ángeles el martes por la noche antes de subirse al avión alrededor de las 9 PM y volar a las islas. Nos han dicho que cenó en Nobu Malibu y parece haber pasado relativamente desapercibido, porque no hay muchos testigos.

Por supuesto, ahora se unirá a Tay Tay, quien tiene una serie de espectáculos programados hasta el fin de semana. Esto, después de perderse su parada en Melbourne. Aquí lo está compensando con la última mitad de sus shows en Australia: 4 hasta el lunes.

No está claro si Travis va a quedarse o si viajará a Singapur con ella después, donde está programado que siga su gira. Aunque por ahora tendrá a Travis Kelce a su lado en Sydney.

Travis ha estado viajando bastante en las últimas 48 horas, como informamos, estuvo en Las Vegas el lunes para jugar golf y pasar tiempo con sus amigos, pero se fue rápido.

Ha habido mucha especulación sobre cuándo (o si) se uniría a Taylor y ahora sabemos que va en camino. La razón de la duda tenía que ver con el tiroteo de Kansas City, que al parecer echó sus planes un poco para atrás.

El jugador estuvo en Kansas City este fin de semana, pero desde entonces ha estado en diferentes lugares.

El padre de Travis, Ed, hizo una entrevista a principios de esta semana donde dijo que creía que su hijo quería viajar y disfrutar del paisaje australiano. Parece que tenía razón.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Prepárate, Taylor... ¡¡¡ahí viene, Travis!!!

Lyndell Mays Alleged Parade Shooter ... Appears In Court In Shackles

Lyndell Mays -- the man who cops say fired the first gunshots at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade last week -- appeared in a Missouri courtroom on Wednesday for the first time since he was hit with a murder charge over the shooting during the K.C. celebration.

Reporters inside of the courtroom say the 23-year-old showed up to the proceedings in an orange jumpsuit ... with shackles around his waist and feet. They added he also had a piece of white gauze taped to his face -- presumably covering wounds he suffered amid the chaos on Feb. 14 at Union Station.

Cameras were not allowed in the courtroom.

According to KHSB 41, Mays walked in front of the judge with his head dropped slightly ... although he did make eye contact with some who were present.

Mays did not enter a plea at the hearing ... and he's now due back in court for a bond review next Thursday. He remains in police custody on $1 million bail.

As we previously reported, Mays is facing one count of murder in the second degree, two counts of armed criminal action, and one count of unlawful use of a weapon ... after police say he admitted to firing his gun multiple times following a dispute with other people at the K.C. party.

Cops say Mays told them his actions were "stupid."

"Just pulled a gun out and started shooting," police said he told them. "I shouldn't have done that. Just being stupid."

One other adult, Dominic Miller, and two juveniles have also been hit with criminal charges related to the shooting. It's unclear when their first court appearances will take place.

More than 20 people in total were shot after gunfire erupted at the rally ... and one -- 43-year-old Lisa Lopez-Galvan -- lost her life.

Justin Fields Yeah, I Unfollowed Bears ... I Gotta Escape Caleb Williams Debate!!!

Chicago Bears quarterback Justin Fields is attempting to clear the air on his decision to unfollow his employer on Instagram ... claiming part of it had to do with escaping the Caleb Williams debate.

The NFL star caused a stir when he removed the Bears from his feed last week ... with some folks speculating it was foreshadowing his future with the organization and what Chicago will do with the top pick in next month's draft.

Of course, many expect the USC standout to have his name called first ... which would almost certainly end Fields' time in the Windy City.

Fields was asked all about it on the "St. Brown Bros." podcast episode that dropped on Wednesday ... and he wants everyone to relax.

"Why do people take social media so serious?" Fields asked. "I still mess with the Bears, this and that. I'm just trying to take a little break. I unfollowed the Bears AND the NFL, bro. I'm not just trying to have football on my timeline."

Fields compared his social media activity to talking to a girl -- just because they may not follow each other doesn't mean something isn't going on behind the scenes.

The former No. 11-overall pick did point out one thing that bothers him in particular -- the comment section turning into a massive back-and-forth over what the Bears should do.

"It's either, 'Keep Fields, we want Fields,'" he added. "It's either 'Draft Caleb.' So it's like, bruh, man, I'm tired of hearing the talk. I just want it to be over."

Marshawn Lynch Cuts Deal In Las Vegas DUI Case

Marshawn Lynch just cut a deal with prosecutors in his DUI case ... avoiding a trial that was slated to begin in Las Vegas later Wednesday.

Court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, show that as part of the agreement, the former NFL star's misdemeanor DUI charge will be reduced down to a reckless driving one if he completes several conditions.

Some of those, the docs show, include 200 hours of community service, DUI school, a $1,140 fine and keeping his nose clean for the next 12 months.

As an additional part of the deal, prosecutors agreed to drop the other charges Lynch had been facing.

Court records show Lynch is now due back in court for a hearing in the case in May.

Lynch's attorneys, Richard Schonfeld and David Chesnoff, said in a statement to 8 News Now following the agreement, "Mr. Lynch has not been convicted of any offense at this time. He has agreed to complete certain requirements which will result in this case being closed as a reckless driving traffic offense."

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The ex-Seattle Seahawks running back was initially charged with the DUI -- as well as, among other things, one count of failure to drive in a travel lane -- back in August 2022 ... after officials accused him of getting behind the wheel of a 2020 Shelby GT500 while drunk.

Officials claimed Lynch tore up his car on the roadway ... before he parked it and fell asleep.

Police video shows when officers confronted Lynch ... he seemed uncooperative. And, after cops said he was "obstructing" their investigation, they pulled him from the car.

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"Roll over," the cops could be heard telling him as they wrestled him to the ground. "Hands behind your back. No more games today."

Lynch's attorneys argued at the time "the vehicle was safely parked and not in operation" -- and therefore the DUI charge shouldn't stick.

TMZ Studios

Lynch, 37, last played in the NFL in 2019. He's done various TV work, including assisting in this year's coverage of "Thursday Night Football," in retirement.

Tom Brady Cercanos dicen que es mentira la cronología de Gisele y Joaquim

Gisele Bündchen no comenzó a salir con Joaquim Valente hasta junio de 2023, pero al parecer Tom Brady no está comprando lo que ella está diciendo.

Múltiples fuentes relacionadas con Tom le dicen a TMZ que el ex jugador de la NFL cree que G & J comenzaron a salir juntos mucho antes de eso. Como dijo una fuente: "Deberían añadir después de junio de 2021. Ahí sería exacto el titular".

Fuentes relacionadas con Gisele le dijeron a People: "Han estado saliendo desde junio. Se lo están tomando con calma. Primero empezaron como grandes amigos".

Como ya informamos, Gisele y Tom conocen a Joaquim desde hace años. Sus 2 hijos tomaron clases de jiu-jitsu con él y la propia Gisele entrenó con Joaquim.

Después de que Tom y Gisele se separaron, ella viajó varias veces a Costa Rica con Joaquim, junto con sus hijos, y han sido vistos juntos en Miami también.

Una fuente de Tom dijo: "Cuando anunciaron su divorcio en octubre de 2022, Gisele huyó a Costa Rica durante dos meses. Joaquim voló con ella durante 2 meses. Ella se toma en serio su entrenamiento de jiu-jitsu. LOL".

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Tom ha estado saliendo con la supermodelo Irina Shayk de forma intermitente desde el verano pasado, por lo que ha seguido adelante. La pareja comparte la custodia compartida de sus hijos.

Tom Brady Sources Call BS On Gisele/Joaquim Dating Timeline New BF Leaves Her Place!!!


9:54 AM PT -- Whether Tom Brady believes the relationship timeline between Gisele Bündchen and Joaquim Valente or not -- they're continuing to see each other as they explore their romance ... proven by the fact that Joaquim just left Gisele's place earlier this morning.

Here's a shot of the jiu-jitsu instructor making a clean getaway from Gisele's home in Miami Wednesday morning -- right on the heels of reports that they're together as a couple now. Tom himself might be incredulous as to when it all began ... but they clearly don't care.

Gisele Bündchen didn't start dating Joaquim Valente until June 2023, but apparently Tom Brady isn't buying what she's selling.

Multiple sources connected to Tom tell TMZ ... the former QB believes G&J started dating long before that. As one source put it, "They should add 2021 after June. Then the headline would be accurate."

Gisele sources told People, "They have been dating since June. They're taking it slow. They started out as great friends first."

As we reported, Gisele and Tom have known Joaquim for years. Their 2 kids took jiu-jitsu lessons with him and Gisele herself trained with Joaquim.

After Tom and Gisele split, she traveled several times to Costa Rica with Joaquim, along with her kids and have been seen together in Miami as well.


One source said, "When they announced divorce in October 2022, Gisele fled to Costa Rica for 2 months. Joaquim flew there with her for 2 months. She takes her jiu-jitsu training seriously. LOL."

TMZ Studios

Tom has been dating supermodel Irina Shayk on and off since last summer, so he's moved on. The couple shares joint custody of their kids.

Originally Published -- 8:25 AM PT

Tim McKyer Three-Time SB Champ Arrested ... After Alleged Hit And Run

Former San Francisco 49ers defensive back Tim McKyer -- who won three Super Bowls in his NFL career -- was arrested in Florida this week ... after he was accused of crashing into multiple parked cars before fleeing the scene.

According to police documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, McKyer allegedly slammed his Tesla into five vehicles on Sunday in a Riviera Beach parking garage.

Cops wrote in the docs all five rides -- which were parked at the time -- had visible damage, with some left totally "inoperable."

Police say their investigation revealed that after wrecking the cars ... McKyer backed his Tesla into an open space on a different floor of the garage -- before he left without making anyone aware of the damage he had caused.

According to the docs, Riviera Beach Police Dept. officers made contact with McKyer a short time later ... and they claim he showed signs of inebriation -- namely, cops say he reeked of alcohol and struggled with his balance.

McKyer was taken into custody for leaving the scene of an accident with property damage ... and transported to a nearby hospital. While there, cops say he admitted he was the only one who had driven his Tesla that evening.

McKyer was ultimately arrested and booked on five total charges of hit and run.

Records show he's due in court for a hearing on the matter on March 4.

McKyer played in the NFL for 12 years ... helping Joe Montana and John Elway win Super Bowls in '89, '90 and '98. He logged snaps in 170 total games ... piling up 470 combined tackles and 33 interceptions.

Garth Brooks To Travis Kelce Sing 'Friends In Low Places' At My Bar ... I'll Send A Plane!!!

Travis Kelce's got a chance to sing where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases ... 'cause Garth Brooks is personally inviting the Kansas City Chiefs superstar and his buddies to perform "Friends in Low Places" at his bar grand opening!!

The country music legend extended the offer on his "Inside Studio G" show Tuesday night ... after he praised the Super Bowl champ's attempt to cover his classic 1990 anthem at last week's festivities in Kansas City.


GB said he thought TK's rendition at the Chiefs' Super Bowl rally was "fantastic" ... adding it blew him away 'cause he was watching the whole moment unfold live.

Brooks was so moved by the gesture, he revealed he wants to send a private plane to Kelce, his brother, Jason, and all his boys to give the song another shot when his new watering hole -- fittingly named Friends in Low Places Bar and Honky Tonk -- officially opens its doors in Nashville in a couple weeks.

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Fox 4 Kansas City

"Big man, I'm just telling you this," Garth said on his show. "I will be at grand opening if you're there. I'll send a plane if you want another shot at the title. If you want to come sing that, I'll send a plane."

"So, yes, I'll be happy to send this invite out to you if you want to try a little 'Friends in Low Places' in Friends in Low Places."

TMZ Studios

Unclear if Travis will take Garth up on the offer -- he might be busy checking out Taylor Swift's "Eras" tour dates across the globe ... and also recently expressed his desire to help out his community following the tragic parade shooting.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Lyndell Mays admite haber hecho los primeros disparos ... dice la policía


2/21 5:51 AM -- Lyndell Mays fue dado de alta del hospital el martes por la noche y puesto bajo custodia, donde le tomaron una foto policial. Se puede ver que aún parecía tener un gran vendaje en la cara mientras pasaba por el proceso de registro.

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Caos total

Los oficiales de Kansas City aseguran que Lyndell Mays admitió haber disparado los primeros tiros en el desfile de los Chiefs tras su victoria en el Super Bowl la semana pasada, antes de supuestamente decir que "no debería haberlo hecho".

Según documentos judiciales, Mays hizo las sorprendentes declaraciones al Departamento de Policía de Kansas City el 16 de febrero, dos días después de que más de 20 personas fueran alcanzadas por los disparos mientras celebraban el último campeonato de Patrick Mahomes y Travis Kelce en Union Station.

En los documentos, un detective de KCPD escribió que Mays fue entrevistado en un hospital local después de sufrir una aparente herida de bala. Los documentos dicen que inicialmente le dijo a la policía que no le había disparado a nadie después de haber discutido con un grupo de individuos en el desfile. Aunque cuando fue confrontado por los oficiales con que tenían "videos de vigilancia del incidente", cambió su historia.

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Caóticas consecuencias
Jeremy Scherle

Según los policías, May les dijo que un grupo con el que estaba discutiendo le habría dicho: "Voy por ti", algo que aparentemente interpretó como: "Voy a matarte".

Mays les dijo entonces que disparó primero: "quizá dos veces". Sin embargo, según los documentos, dijo que inicialmente dudó en apretar el gatillo "porque sabía que había niños allí". Los docs también afirman que Mays no estaba apuntando específicamente a nadie cuando finalmente decidió disparar, porque "todos podrían haber tenido armas".

"Así que simplemente eligió al azar a qué individuo apuntar", escribieron los policías en los documentos. También señalaron que la persona a la que Mays finalmente le terminó disparando estaba huyendo de él.

"Cuando se le preguntó por qué Lyndell Mays avanzó sobre ellos para empezar, respondió: 'Stupid, man", escribieron los policías en los documentos. "'Saqué un arma y empecé a disparar. No debería haberlo hecho. Solo estaba siendo estúpido".

Los fiscales anunciaron el martes que después de las conversaciones con Mays, lo golpearon con cargos de asesinato en segundo grado, acción criminal armada y uso ilegal de un arma.

Cargos presentados

Los fiscales también revelaron que un hombre llamado Dominic Miller había sido acusado con los mismos cargos.

De acuerdo con los documentos judiciales, las autoridades hablaron con Miller sobre su presunto papel en el tiroteo del 16 de febrero, después de que lo identificaran a través de declaraciones de video y declaraciones de testigos presenciales que estuvieron involucrados en la discusión que precedió a los disparos.

Los policías dicen que Miller, que también estaba en un hospital local recuperándose de aparentes heridas de bala, inicialmente les dijo que corrió tras escuchar los disparos y fue golpeado en el abdomen mientras trataba de irse lejos. Sin embargo, los documentos afirman que cuando las autoridades les dijeron que sus acciones habían sido grabadas en video, admitió haber disparado su pistola Taurus G3 de 9 mm durante el altercado.

Según los documentos, Miller les dijo que después de escuchar los disparos, "observó a un hombre negro con rastas armado con un arma de fuego negro disparando contra él".

"Miller declaró que devolvió el fuego con su propia arma de fuego", escribieron los policías en los documentos. "Miller estimó que disparó 4-5 tiros y no estaba seguro de si golpeó al individuo al que estaba disparando".

Según los documentos, se recuperó una bala de calibre 38 del cuerpo de Lisa López-Galván, quien murió en medio del tiroteo. Los policías dicen que los detectives descubrieron que la bala fue disparada por la pistola Taurus G3 de 9 mm en posesión de Miller.

Tanto Miller como Mays, que tienen 23 años o menos, están actualmente detenidos bajo una fianza de un millón de dólares.

Anteriormente, los fiscales acusaron a dos menores de edad con otros cargos por su conexión con el tiroteo.

Tanto Kelce y Mahomes, por su parte, han ofrecido sus oraciones por las víctimas del incidente. Ambos han donado miles de dólares para ayudar en sus esfuerzos de recuperación.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Connects With K.C. Shooting Victim's Family ... Gives Jersey For Burial

The woman who lost her life in the Super Bowl parade shooting last week will be laid to rest in a Harrison Butker jersey that the Chiefs star personally gave to her family himself.

Lisa Lopez-Galvan had considered the kicker her favorite player ... and when she was tragically shot and killed while celebrating his most recent championship at Kansas City's title parade on Feb. 14, she was actually wearing his white No. 7 uniform.

Her family said on social media they wanted to bury her in a new Butker jersey to pay homage to her fandom ... although they were apparently having some trouble finding the item ahead of her funeral services on Feb. 23 and Feb. 24.

Turns out, though, as soon as Butker was made aware of their request ... he jumped into action and got a fresh uniform delivered their way.

In a statement following his kind gesture, he said he was heartbroken over the situation ... and praying for her grieving family.

"Murder is a sin that cries out to God for vengeance and I pray the men involved in this tragedy will be brought to justice," said Butker, who made four key field goals in the Chiefs' Super Bowl win over the 49ers on Feb. 11.

"Hearing that she was a fan of my outspokenness for our shared Catholic Faith makes this even more personal. I am honored to provide a jersey to the family for her to wear. While the family is mourning their loss and grappling with their numerous injuries, I will continue to pray for their healing and the repose of Lisa's soul."

According to officials, Galvan was struck by stray gunfire after a violent argument between several groups of people broke out near where she was celebrating. Prosecutors have charged two adult males with murder in connection with her death.

She was just 43 years old.

Super Bowl Parade Shooting Lyndell Mays Admitted To Firing First Shots ... Cops Say


2/21 -- 5:51 AM PT -- Lyndell Mays was released from the hospital Tuesday evening and taken into custody ... where he took a mug shot. You can see he appeared to still have a large bandage on his face as he went through the booking process.

Police officers in Kansas City claim Lyndell Mays admitted he fired the first shots at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade last week ... before he allegedly said he "shouldn't have done that."

According to court documents, Mays made the stunning admissions to the Kansas City Police Department on Feb. 16 -- two days after more than 20 people were struck by gunfire while celebrating Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce's latest championship at Union Station.

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In the docs, a KCPD detective wrote that Mays was interviewed at a local hospital after suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. Initially, the docs state Mays told police he didn't shoot at anyone following a dispute with a group of individuals at the parade -- although when "Mays was confronted that we had surveillance video of the incident, he then changed his story."

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Jeremy Scherle

Mays, according to cops, said a group he was quarreling with had told him, "I'm going to get you" ... something that Mays apparently believed meant, "I'm going to kill you."

Cops say Mays then told them he shot first -- "maybe two times." However, according to the docs, Mays said he initially hesitated to pull the trigger "because he knew there were kids there." The docs also state Mays wasn't specifically targeting anyone when he ultimately decided to fire, because "they all could have had guns."

"So he just randomly picked one of the individuals to target," cops wrote in the documents.

Cops also noted in the docs that the person Mays ended up shooting at was actually running away from him.

"When asked why Lyndell Mays advanced on them to begin with, he replied, 'Stupid, man,'" cops wrote in the documents. "'Just pulled a gun out and started shooting. I shouldn't have done that. Just being stupid.'"

Prosecutors announced Tuesday that following officers' talks with Mays, they hit him with charges of murder in the second degree, armed criminal action, and unlawful use of a weapon.


Prosecutors also revealed Tuesday a man named Dominic Miller had been hit with the same charges as well.

According to court documents, authorities spoke with Miller over his alleged role in the shooting on Feb. 16 after they say they identified through video and eyewitness statements that he was involved in the argument that preceded the gunfire.

Cops say Miller -- who was also at a local hospital recovering from apparent gunshot wounds -- initially told them he ran after hearing gunshots, and was struck in the abdomen as he was trying to hightail it away from the area. However, the docs state when authorities told them his actions were filmed on video -- he admitted to firing his Taurus G3 9mm handgun during the altercation.

According to the docs, Miller told them that after he heard gunshots, "he observed a black male with dreads armed with a black handgun shooting at him."

"Miller stated he returned fire with his own firearm," cops wrote in the docs. "Miller estimated he fired 4-5 shots and was uncertain if he struck the individual he was shooting at."

According to the docs, a .38 caliber class bullet was recovered from the body of Lisa Lopez-Galvan, who died amid the shooting. Cops say detectives later discovered the bullet was fired from the Taurus G3 9mm gun that Miller had acknowledged that he possessed and shot.

Both Miller and Mays -- who are 23 years old or younger -- are now currently being held on a $1 million bond.

Previously, prosecutors hit two juveniles with charges over their connection to the shooting as well.

Both Kelce and Mahomes, meanwhile, have offered their prayers for the victims of the shooting ... with each donating thousands to help in recovery efforts.

Originally Published -- 2/20 -- 2:29 PM PT

Tiroteo en Kansas City Los fiscales presentan cargos por asesinato... Contra dos nuevos adultos

Presentan cargos

Dos adultos que han sido vinculados al tiroteo de Kansas City ahora se enfrentan a cargos de asesinato y otros delitos graves, algo que acaban de anunciar los fiscales de la ciudad.

Lyndell Mays y Dominic Miller fueron golpeados con cargos de asesinato en segundo grado el martes y también se enfrentan a otros de acción criminal armada y uso ilegal de un arma. Estos chicos son diferentes de los dos adolescentes que fueron acusados la semana pasada.

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La terrible escena

Es un desarrollo sorprendente, ya que recién nos estamos enterando de que los policías incluso tenían a estos dos hombres bajo custodia. Lo último que habíamos escuchado es que solo tenían 3 personas detenidas, entre ellas dos menores de edad.

Ahora, sin embargo, sabemos que hay al menos 4 personas en total implicadas en el crimen. Los fiscales dicen que todavía no están liberando fotos de los acusados porque estos 2 hombres todavía se están recuperando en el hospital.

Los fiscales llegaron a decir que podría haber otras personas detenidas y acusadas en el caso, pero por ahora están empezando aquí. Señalaron que los dos menores están siendo procesados por un tribunal diferente y sus identidades no se darán a conocer, ya que son justamente menores de edad.

No está claro cuántos años tienen los dos hombres adultos ni cuándo entraron en el radar de la policía. Pero algo interesante que mencionaron es que estas dos facciones en duelo - recuerden, habían dicho todo comenzó por una discusión- no se conocían entre ellos.

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El momento de la discusión

Los fiscales señalan que las pruebas sugieren que este acalorado intercambio llevó a que Mays desenfundara su arma de fuego, lo que motivó a que los demás hicieran lo mismo casi inmediatamente después, incluyendo Miller. Después de que estallaron los disparos, los fiscales dicen que el arma de Miller fue la que terminó golpeando a Lisa López-Galván, a pesar de que están atribuyendo su asesinato a ambos chicos.

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia, un registro audiovisual demostraba que había adolescentes capturados en la escena del miércoles, justo antes de que sonaran los disparos y testigos presenciales nos habían dicho que creían que estaban involucrados.

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Estallan disparos

Aunque nuestros testigos no vieron a los adolescentes abriendo fuego, afirman que la persona o personas con las que estaban discutiendo fuera de cámara, fueron los que hicieron los primeros disparos.

Las autoridades de Kansas City dicen que la investigación sigue en curso y que tienen la intención de exigir responsabilidades a todos los que participaron en la tragedia. De momento, esto es lo que tienen.

Además de la muerte de Lisa, al menos otras 22 personas sufrieron heridas de bala.

Kansas City Shooting Prosecutors File Murder Charges ... Against Two New Adults

new charges announced

Two adults who've been linked to the Kansas City mass shooting are now facing murder charges and other serious counts ... something just announced by KC prosecutors.

Lyndell Mays and Dominic Miller were both hit with 2nd-degree murder charges Tuesday ... and they're also up against armed criminal action and unlawful use of a weapon charges on top of that. These guys are different than the two teens who were charged last week.

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It's a stunning development, as we're just now learning about the fact that cops even had these two men in their custody. Last we heard ... they only had 3 people detained, including two juveniles.

Now, however ... we know there are at least 4 people total at this point being implicated in this crime. Prosecutors say they're not releasing mug shots yet 'cause these 2 men are still recovering in the hospital.

Prosecutors went on to say that there might be other people arrested and charged in the case -- but for now, they're starting here. They note that the 2 juveniles are being prosecuted by a different court ... and their identities will not be released since they're underage.

It's unclear how old the two adult men are -- and it's also unclear when these two guys came onto the cops' radar. But something interesting officials noted is that these two dueling factions -- remember, they say this all started with an argument -- did not know each other.

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Prosecutors note evidence suggests this heated exchange led to a firearm being drawn by Mays ... which then led to others pulling their firearms almost immediately afterward, including one by Miller. After the shots rang out -- prosecutors say Miller's weapon ended up being the one that hit Lisa Lopez-Galvan ... although they're pinning her murder on both guys.

TMZ broke the story ... there were teenagers caught on camera on the scene Wednesday just before shots rang out -- and eyewitnesses tell us they believe they were involved.

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While our eyewitnesses say they never saw any of the teens open fire ... they claim the person or persons they were facing off with, off-camera, did unload the first shots.

Kansas City officials say the investigation is still ongoing, and that they intend to hold everyone who participated in the tragedy responsible. At the moment, this is where they're at.

In addition to Lisa's death ... at least 22 others suffered gunshot wounds that day.

Super Bowl LVIII Game-Used OT Flip Coin Hits Auction!!!

The coin that helped determine the fate of Super Bowl LVIII can now be all yours ... 'cause the NFL has just put the one-of-a-kind piece up for auction!!

There are currently 19 bids for the relic ... with the highest being for $10,000 -- but given how historic the item is, it's expected it will go for far more when the gavel finally comes down in March.

It, of course, was used by Fred Warner and Patrick Mahomes to figure out which team would start overtime with the ball during the 49ers game against the Chiefs at Allegiant Stadium back on Feb. 11.

San Francisco ultimately won the toss with a tails call ... and went on to kick a field goal on the ensuing possession. When the Chiefs got the ball back, they subsequently scored a touchdown -- locking up their third title in the last five years.

The extra period marked the first time the NFL's new postseason overtime rules were put into play ... and also given how controversial it was that Warner and the Niners chose to receive instead of kick, the coin certainly has a ton of value.

It's also got a sleek look to it -- on one side it has the two teams' names and logos ... and on the other, it has the Super Bowl LVIII emblem with Roger Goodell's signature etched into it. The piece is marked "00002."

The league said profits from the auction will go toward Luna Strong's Maui Relief Efforts.

Bidding formally ends on March 4 ... good luck!!!

Travis And Jason Kelce Address Kansas City Parade Shooting ... Urge Fans To Donate

We Love You Chiefs Kingdom
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis and Jason Kelce took a break from their usual lighthearted banter to weigh in on the tragic Kansas City shooting this week ... thanking the first responders for springing into action and vowing to help those affected.

The two NFL brothers dropped a surprise video ahead of Wednesday's "New Heights" podcast episode ... with Travis explaining it "didn't feel right" to move forward with the pre-taped show without first addressing the incident after the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade on Feb. 14 that left one dead and more than 20 others injured.

Jason said their thoughts go out to all the victims, their families and Chiefs Kingdom ... also sharing his gratitude for local law enforcement officials and all those willing to step up during the unfortunate event.

The Eagles center spoke from the heart ... saying, "One of the things that's evident is how much Kansas City is coming together and rallying around the people that have been affected by this."

He added the Kelces are currently figuring out what they can do to get involved in the recovery process ... but in the meantime, he's hoping their fans will do what they can by donating to the Chiefs' fund for victims.

Travis ended the clip ... saying, "92%ers, we appreciate you. Kansas City and Chiefs Kingdom, we love you guys. We're with you guys and we'll see you guys soon."

As we previously reported, two juveniles are going to be charged as a result of the shooting ... including gun-related charges and resisting arrest.

Travis -- as well as his girlfriend, Taylor Swift -- each donated $100k to victims of the shooting ... and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes also contributed $50k to the team's campaign.