Patrick & Brittany Mahomes Visit Children's Hospital After Shooting ... Sit With Victims

Patrick Mahomes and his wife, Brittany, are helping put a smile on some faces following Wednesday's tragic parade shooting ... the two were seen paying a visit to a local hospital on Thursday, lifting some wounded kids' spirits.

The duo of Mahomeses specifically went to rooms belonging to an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old, who were both shot after gunfire erupted following the Chiefs' Super Bowl celebration at Union Station.

The girls, part of the Reyes family, were hit in the legs ... and needed surgery a short time later to fix their ailments.

But, when Patrick and Brittany pulled up -- it wasn't hard to see the little ones were overjoyed ... as they both had big grins on their faces while they posed for pics.

It seems the Kansas City star and his wife brought gifts too, as two girls were holding miniature Chiefs helmets.

The Reyes family -- who's reportedly related to the woman who tragically lost her life in Wednesday's shooting -- were grateful the two stopped by ... writing in a statement, "We want to give a personal thank you to the staff of Children’s Mercy Hospital and Patrick & Brittany Mahomes for their outpouring care, love, and support."

A GoFundMe set up to help the girls and their family in their recovery, meanwhile, has already raised $54,000.

In total, 23 people were struck by bullets just after Mahomes had delivered a speech at the rally. Authorities said at least half of the victims were under the age of 16 years old.

Two juveniles have been hit with criminal charges in connection with the shooting ... but officials say more charges could be forthcoming.

Jimmy Garoppolo Suspended 2 Games ... Violated NFL's PED Policy

Bad news for Jimmy Garoppolo ... the quarterback is going to have to sit out two games next season after the NFL said he violated its Performance Enhancing Substances Policy.

The league handed down the suspension on Friday morning, according to Adam Schefter, and Garoppolo is not expected to appeal ... meaning he now won't be allowed to suit up for game action until Week 3 of the 2024 season.

Schefter reported the punishment stems from Garoppolo "using a prescribed medication without having a valid Therapeutic Use Exemption."

In even worse news for the 32-year-old signal-caller, Schefter also reported Garoppolo is likely to be cut by the Las Vegas Raiders next month following the league's ban.

If it is ultimately the end of the road for Jimmy G in Sin City -- it wasn't exactly the prettiest journey. He signed a big deal in free agency with the team in March -- but he only went on to play in seven games.

And, in those contests, he wasn't exactly effective ... throwing for just 1,205 yards, seven touchdowns and nine interceptions.

It's unclear where he'll head next ... but there's a lot of QB-needy teams in the league, so it's probable he'll land on his feet -- even if now it'll only be for 15 games in '24.

Taylor Swift Dona $100K a la familia de la mujer que falleció... En el tiroteo de Kansas City

Taylor Swift abrió su billetera para ayudar a la familia de la mujer que fue asesinada durante el tiroteo en Kansas City, desembolsando seis cifras para ella justo antes de comenzar sus shows en Australia.

El jueves se había creado un GoFundMe para Elizabeth "Lisa" López-Galván, en concreto, para ayudar a sus seres queridos a crear un monumento para ella, así como asistencia financiera en general. Ella dejó a su marido y dos hijos y el objetivo fue fijado en $75.000.

Taylor aportó un total de $100.000 solo de su bolsillo, que llegó en forma de dos contribuciones diferentes de $50k cada una, que ella puso a su nombre.

También dejó una dulce nota junto a sus donaciones que decía: "Mi más sentido pésame por su devastadora pérdida. Con amor, Taylor Swift".

Las ofrendas en efectivo se realizaron en la noche, justo antes del primer concierto de Taylor en Melbourne. Ella ha pasado un par de días allá para prepararse para una serie de conciertos como parte de su gira "Eras". Taylor no se refirió al tiroteo durante su actuación.

Pero esta donación dice mucho y deja claro que está muy consciente de lo que pasó.

Taylor ha demostrado ser muy sensible a las tragedias, incluidas las que han ocurrido en sus propios espectáculos. Recuerden, una fan murió en una de sus actuaciones en Brasil en noviembre y Taylor terminó cancelando el siguiente concierto para reconocer su pérdida.

Taylor Swift $100k to Family of Woman Killed ... In Kansas City Shooting

Taylor Swift opened up her wallet to help the family of the woman who was killed during the Kansas City parade shooting -- forking out six figures as she started her Australia shows.

A GoFundMe had been set up Thursday for Elizabeth "Lisa" Lopez-Galvan -- specifically, to assist her loved ones in setting up a proper memorial for her, as well as general financial assistance. She left behind a husband and two kids ... and the goal set was $75,000.

Taylor gave an assist and then some -- chipping in a total of $100,000 just from herself alone -- which came in the form of two different $50k contributions, which she put in her name.

She also left a sweet note along with her donations, writing ... "Sending my deepest sympathies and condolences in the wake of your devastating loss. With love, Taylor Swift."

The cash offerings generated overnight, just ahead of Taylor's first concert in Melbourne -- where she's been the past couple days to prepare for a string of shows there as her "Eras" tour ramps up again. Taylor did not address the shooting during her performance.

Still, this donation speaks volumes ... and makes clear, she's well aware of what happened.

Taylor has proven to be incredibly sensitive to tragedies -- including ones that have happened at her own shows. Remember, a young fan died at one of her performances in Brazil back in November -- and TS ended up canceling the very next concert, recognizing the loss.

Travis Kelce, Brittany Mahomes Pictured at Private Dinner ... After Kansas City Shooting

Travis Kelce and Brittany Mahomes showed up in the same photograph that shows exactly who was in attendance for the private dinner after the Kansas City shooting this week.

Chiefs tight end Matt Bushman's wife, Emily, proudly posted the pic Thursday on her social media account -- owning the fact that she and her hubby were among the people there ... which, as it turns out, was a lot smaller than anyone previously thought.

Emily included the snap as part of a collage of photos she uploaded -- which showed her and Matt enjoying the parade earlier in the day ... and eventually landing at the Granfalloon.

She wrote in her caption, "Yesterday was tough. Not going to allow evil to take away all the happiness and memories of the day. The team and city deserved to celebrate and what a fun parade we had!"

Emily goes on to say ... "I’ll never forget the chaos and fear that followed the parade. Our family will be continuing to pray for the victims of the shooting. We love KC!"

In her picture, you can see Matt, Travis, Brittany, fellow Chiefs teammates Creed Humphrey, Tommy Townsend and some others were in the mix as well. All in all, about 14 people.

No sign of Patrick in this photo -- although we know he was among the people there -- and presumably ... he's the one handling camera duties here. Neither he nor Travis have addressed the fact they were at the restaurant and continued on with their plan to celebrate.

Just about all the Chiefs players, however, expressed their condolences in the wake of the shooting.

It's interesting ... Emily seems to be telegraphing how the group at large might feel about the backlash they're getting right now. On its face, you could argue she's totally owning it.

Kansas City Shooting New Video Shows Injured Kids Flee ... 40 Shots Fired, AR-Style Pistol

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New video of the Kansas City shooting shows some of the injured children trying to escape the horrific scene -- and we've learned new info about what sort of weapon police believe the shooter used.

TMZ obtained this never-before-seen footage ... a new angle of Wednesday's shooting as the Chiefs Super Bowl celebration wrapped, and now you can see exactly where the shooting started ... and how the injured -- including a handful of kids -- reacted.

Police have said 9 minors were among the 23 victims who suffered gunshot wounds yesterday, and here you can see a few of them hobbling away -- but heroically, also helping each other -- immediately after the barrage of gunfire outside Union Station.

You can also hear someone yelling, "It's fireworks!" -- a mistake several witnesses have said people were making amid the chaos and confusion immediately following the shots.

Remember, cops have come out and said this didn't appear to be a terroristic act, but rather, a possible dispute between parties ... which killed at least one person.

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As for the investigation ... cops have only said they have 3 persons of interest in custody, and 2 of them are juveniles -- but our sources, with direct knowledge of the investigation, say cops also know there were an estimated 40 shots discharged on the scene.

We're also told cops recovered at least 3 weapons -- one of them is an AR-style pistol, and 2 others are handguns with extended magazines. It's unclear if all those weapons were fired during the shooting.

Our sources say cops believe the violence was set off by a confrontation between 2 males and one female -- and it's possible there was more than one person who opened fire in the dense crowd.

As of now, no one's been charged in the mass shooting ... and we're told the 3 persons of interest are being held in separate jails while police question them and gather more information.

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Time will tell if/when more info comes to light ... but for now, we have this intel.

BTW, vigils are going on in Kansas City Thursday night to honor the victims of the shooting -- and a lot of public officials are out there ... as are citizens to pay their respects, as well as to send their prayers.

Tough time in the city, no doubt.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Nuevo video muestra a niños heridos huyendo...

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La terrible escena

Un nuevo video del tiroteo en Kansas City muestra a algunos de los niños heridos tratando de escapar del lugar y junto con eso hemos averiguado nueva información sobre el tipo de arma que la policía cree que utilizó el tirador.

TMZ obtuvo este material, que es un nuevo ángulo del tiroteo ocurrido el miércoles en medio de la celebración del Super Bowl de los Chiefs, y ahora se sabe exactamente dónde comenzó el tiroteo y cómo reaccionaron los heridos, incluyendo un puñado de niños.

La policía ha dicho que 9 menores estaban entre las 23 víctimas que sufrieron heridas de bala, y en este video se puede ver incluso a algunos de ellos cojeando, pero heroicamente y ayudándose unos con otros. Esto ocurrió inmediatamente después de que estallaran los disparos afuera de Union Station.

También se puede escuchar a alguien gritando: "¡Son fuegos artificiales!", un error que varios testigos escucharon a la gente decir en medio del caos y la confusión después del tiroteo.

Recuerden, los policías han dicho que esto no parece ser un acto terrorista, sino más bien una posible disputa entre las partes que terminó cobrando la vida de una persona.

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Estallan los disparos

En cuanto a la investigación, los policías solo han dicho que tienen a tres personas de interés en custodia. Dos de ellas son menores de edad, pero nuestras fuentes, quienes tienen conocimiento directo de la investigación, dicen que los policías también saben que se efectuaron alrededor de 40 disparos en la escena.

También nos han dicho que la policía recuperó al menos tres armas: una de ellas era una pistola AR y otras dos contaban con cargadores de gran capacidad. No está claro si todas esas armas fueron disparadas durante el tiroteo.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la policía cree que la violencia fue provocada por un enfrentamiento entre dos hombres y una mujer, y es posible que hubiera más de una persona abriendo el fuego entre la densa multitud.

Por ahora, nadie ha sido acusado y nos dicen que las 3 personas de interés están detenidas en cárceles separadas, mientras la policía los interroga y reúne más información.

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Caos total

El tiempo dirá si sale más información a la luz, por ahora, contamos con esto.

Por cierto, se realizaron varias vigilias en Kansas City el jueves por la noche para honrar a las víctimas del tiroteo. Un montón de funcionarios públicos estuvieron ahí, al igual que los ciudadanos quienes quisieron presentar sus respetos y enviar sus oraciones.

Es un momento duro para la ciudad, sin duda.

Darren Waller Sorry, Swifties ... Taylor Shouldn't Get Chiefs' SB Ring

Exactly What I Expect From Mahomes

If Darren Waller were running the Chiefs, he would not give Taylor Swift a Super Bowl ring ... telling TMZ Sports he thinks the championship jewelry should be strictly for actual members of K.C.'s squad.

The New York Giants star explained his thoughts on the matter after Swift's boyfriend, Travis Kelce, locked up his third Super Bowl title at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas.

Waller said while he'd be totally in favor of Swift scoring a replica ring ... the real-deal ice should go to "people in meetings, on the field -- like, really in the trenches, you know?"

Of course, there are plenty in Chiefs Kingdown who would disagree ... Swift, after all, seemed to be quite the good luck charm for Kelce and his teammates throughout their title run this season.

She attended 13 games in total ... including the four playoff contests the Chiefs had to win in order to get the SB LVIII crown.

But, clearly, Waller thinks that's just not enough to reward her with some big diamonds.

The NY tight end also spoke to us about Patrick Mahomes and the incredible run he's been on since he became the Chiefs' starter in 2018 ... and he said he can certainly see the quarterback catching Tom Brady's mark of seven Super Bowl titles one day.

TMZ Studios

"He's got the trajectory, for sure," Waller said. "He's got the GOAT trajectory, for sure."

KANSAS CITY Parade SHOOTING Chiefs Fan Tackled Armed Suspect ... I Saw Big Gun Fall Out

The KC Chiefs fan who tackled an armed suspect at the parade shooting says he didn't think twice about going after him ... and the guy apparently had a big gun on him.

Paul Contreras is the person on video tackling one of the people who got detained Wednesday -- and he joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to tell us how he ended up being hailed a hero.


It all happened super fast ... Paul says folks were yelling at the crowd to tackle an individual who was running the opposite direction of everyone else. He had an angle on the guy and he says his instincts kicked in and he went out and pounced.

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Paul tells us he was wrestling the man to the ground when he noticed a large firearm hit the deck. As others fled for their lives, Paul says he fought for his ... wrestling with the guy and trying like hell to keep him pinned until police came and eventually handled the rest.

Cops say there are at least 3 people in custody in connection with the deadly mass shooting -- but none of them have been arrested or booked on any charges as far as we know.

Paul, a Chiefs fan from Nebraska, was at the Super Bowl victory parade with his 3 daughters ... one of whom tells us she helped keep the gun away from the shooter once the weapon was on the ground. That seems to be who we see pick up the gun in the now-viral clip.

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Fox 49 Ozarks

Cops say the shooting does not appear to have been an act of terrorism ... instead, authorities believe it was a dispute between multiple parties that escalated.

Police say 23 people were shot and one person died.

TMZ Studios

For now, it's unclear if there was one shooter or several ... but Paul says, this guy was strapped.

LSU RB Trey Holly Arrested ... Booked On Attempted Murder Charge

LSU running back Trey Holly -- who played in three games for the Tigers last season -- was arrested on Thursday in Louisiana and booked on several felony charges ... including attempted second-degree murder, TMZ Sports has confirmed.

Union Parish Sheriff Dusty Gates tells us ... Holly turned himself in to authorities with his attorney at around noon -- and in addition to the attempted murder charge, he was also booked for felony aggravated criminal damage to property and felony illegal use of a weapon.

Gates said the arrest was related to a shooting that Holly was allegedly involved in back on Feb. 9. The sheriff said the incident took place at an apartment complex following "a disturbance" at a previous location ... and left two people -- one male and one female -- hospitalized.

Gates said investigators identified Holly and three others as the shooting suspects after interviewing eyewitnesses. We're told Holly is now being held on a $512,000 bond.

LSU said in a statement shortly after Holly was thrown behind bars that it was "aware that a student-athlete has been arrested in relation to a shooting in Union Parish. This student-athlete has been suspended indefinitely from all team activities, in accordance with departmental policies. Out of respect for the judicial process, we will have no further comment.”

TMZ Studios

Holly -- regarded as one of the best high school running backs in the nation -- was used sparingly in his true freshman season with the Tigers in '23 ... although he did record 11 carries for 110 yards and a touchdown in his limited snaps.

Patrick Mahomes Attended Private Party with Travis Kelce at Restaurant Other Teammates Also Attend Post-Shooting

Travis Kelce was only playing follow-the-leader when he walked into a restaurant to keep on celebrating after the Kansas City shooting -- 'cause we've now learned Patrick Mahomes planned the whole thing, and was there as well.

Multiple sources with direct knowledge tell us the get-together at the Granfalloon Restaurant And Bar in K.C. Wednesday evening was actually spearheaded by the Chiefs QB -- and, according to our sources, he had the idea shortly after the Super Bowl win.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

We're told Pat was the one who rented the place out. Cops were on hand for crowd control. Travis obliged when several cops asked him for selfies.

While we only got pics of Travis rolling into the establishment hours after the shooting ... our sources tell us Patrick was also in attendance, as were other Chiefs players.

Unclear who else was there at the Granfalloon -- but we spoke to the restaurant owner ... and he said a few other players had rolled in, and that it was a private event. Unclear exactly what the guys were doing inside -- presumably, eating, drinking, etc.

The question, of course ... why would Pat, Travis and other teammates go out in public and keep their good time rolling after a massive tragedy?

It's something many have been wondering since we broke the story of Travis attending this gathering ... with a beer in hand.

As we reported ... the shooting left one person dead, and 22 others injured with gunshot wounds. Cops have said this didn't appear to be a terror attack -- but rather a dispute between parties.

Now that we're learning Patrick was in the mix for this party -- it makes ya wonder what sort of thought process went into their decision to go through with the party ... especially since they were all well aware of the shooting.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Patrick's team, as well as the Chiefs themselves ... so far, no word back.

Taylor Swift Celebra a Travis Kelce después del Super Bowl ... "Eres tan mágico"

"Eres tan mágico"
The CW / Inside The NFL

Taylor Swift fue absolutamente efusiva con Travis Kelce en el campo después de que ganaran el Super Bowl el domingo. En un momento hasta le dijo: "¡¡¡Eres tan mágico!!!"

El adorable comentario fue captado por un micrófono mientras ambos se abrazaban en el estadio Allegiant de Las Vegas tras la victoria de los Chiefs por 25-22 sobre los 49ers.

También se pudo escuchar a Swift en el audio, que acaba de ser publicado por la NFL, diciéndole a Kelce: "Nunca he estado tan orgullosa en mi vida."

"No puedo creerlo", añadió. "¿Cómo lo lograste? ¿Cómo lo hiciste?".

Kelce le devolvió los cumplidos a Swift, elogiándola por aparecer totalmente normal a pesar de haber tomado un largo vuelo de Tokio a Los Ángeles para llegar al Gran Juego.

"¿Cómo no tienes jet lag en este momento?", le dijo, antes de que ella respondiera: "El jet lag es una elección".

Los dos, por supuesto, se fueron de fiesta toda la noche por varios clubes de Las Vegas.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

De hecho, fueron vistos acurrucándose tan fuerte el uno contra el otro que el hermano mayor de Travis, Jason Kelce, los llamó "dos enamorados".

Swift ahora está en Australia preparándose para su próxima tanda de conciertos de la gira "Eras", pero algo nos dice que Kelce no estará muy lejos.

Taylor Swift Gushed Over Kelce After Super Bowl ... 'You Are So Magical!!!'

Kansas City Magic
The CW / Inside The NFL

Taylor Swift absolutely gushed over Travis Kelce down on the field after the Super Bowl on Sunday ... at one point telling him, "You are so magical!!"

The adorable comment was picked up on a hot mic as the two embraced at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas following the Chiefs' 25-22 win over the 49ers.

Swift also could be heard in the audio -- which was just released by the NFL -- telling Kelce, "I've never been so proud in my life."

"I can't believe you," she added. "How did you do that? How did you do it?"

Kelce then returned the compliments Swift's way ... praising her for somehow appearing totally normal despite taking a lengthy flight from Tokyo to Los Angeles in order to make it to the Big Game.

"How do you not have jet lag right now?" he said ... before she responded, "Jet lag is a choice."


The two, of course, then partied the night away ... hitting multiple clubs in Vegas throughout the night.

TMZ Studios

In fact, they were seen nuzzling up against each other so tightly at one of the postgame events ... Travis' big bro, Jason Kelce, called them "two people in love."

Swift is now in Australia gearing up for her next batch of "Eras" tour shows ... but something tells us Kelce won't be too far behind.

Jackson Mahomes Caught Up in K.C. Shooting ... Helped Out Child, Says Eyewitness

Jackson Mahomes was caught up in the chaos during the Kansas City parade shooting -- at least according to one eyewitness ... who says she saw him going above and beyond.

A woman named Jess revealed on X Wednesday that Patrick Mahomes' little brother had actually stuck around in the aftermath of the Chiefs parade -- and was apparently on the scene when shots rang out and people started panicking.

She writes, "I don’t care what anyone says but I have found a new found respect for Jackson Mahomes, Ana and I were stuck hiding with him at union station by the trains and he was taking care of a child who lost his parents and helping him calm down."

Her tweet has since gone viral ... and while she didn't elaborate beyond that, the story about Jackson is being praised and shared -- with many expressing shock Jackson was there.

The Chiefs players/staff had already left by the time gunfire erupted ... so it's shocking to hear JM may have still been around. According to Jess ... not only was he on the scene, but he was helping others -- including the most vulnerable people who were scared/distressed.

What Jess goes on to describe about the moment is absolutely horrifying -- and if she's saying Jackson was right there with her ... then he was experiencing the exact same thing.

She says, "We heard pops and then we saw everyone rushing running crying headed towards where I was standing in panic and we had to jump over the gates by the stage and entrance of union station running for our lives in union station hearing gunshots seeing people HIDING IN OVENS!"

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The Chiefs org itself said afterward that all players, coaches and staff members were safe and accounted for -- but on its face, it doesn't sound like that applied to Jackson ... that is, if what this eyewitness is describing is accurate ... though, she seems quite sure.

As we reported ... at least one person was left dead from the shooting, and 22 other suffered gunshot wounds of varying degrees. A few people were detained, but no arrests have been announced just yet ... and police say they're still investigating what exactly happened.

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Video of a man being tackled by bystanders appears to show someone picking up a rifle of some sort and tossing it aside -- although, it's unclear what the motive for the shooting was.

The most tragic part about this is that several of the victims are children, nearly a dozen.

We've reached out to Jackson's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Kansas City Chiefs Eleven SB Parade Victims Aged 6 To 15 ... Officials Say

Eleven kids between the ages of 6 years old and 15 years old suffered wounds during Wednesday afternoon's shooting at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade, officials say.

Lisa Augustine, a spokesperson for Children’s Mercy Kansas City, said in a statement to TMZ Sports the hospital treated 12 patients after at least one gunman opened fire at Union Station following the championship festivities in K.C. -- and of those dozen, 11 were children.

Augustine added that nine of the 12 sustained gunshot wounds.

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Thankfully, the hospital rep said, "All are expected to recover."

So far, law enforcement says 22 people in total were struck by gunfire just minutes after Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce had addressed the massive crowd that had gathered to celebrate their recent victory over the San Francisco 49ers.

At least one person, authorities said, died in the shooting.

Cops say three people have been detained in connection with the attack ... although no motive has been revealed. An investigation remains ongoing.

The Chiefs said in a statement they're "truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally."

"Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and all of Kansas City," they added.

Mahomes and Kelce, meanwhile, also sent out prayers to the victims on their X pages following the tragedy.

Chiefs Rally Fatal Shooting New Video Reveals Rapid-Fire Shots AR-Style Rifle Seized, 22 Gunshot Victims

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4:45 PM PT -- A bit of good news ... an official at the local children's hospital tells us the 11 minor patients they are treating, ages between 6 and 15, are expected to survive. 9 of the victims were treated for gunshot wounds.

3:26 PM PT -- Kansas City officials just held a press conference and the scale of this mass shooting ... and it was much larger than anyone thought.

For starters, there are a total of 22 gunshot wound victims at this point ... and 7 of them have suffered life-threatening injuries -- way more than what was initially reported.

Fox 4 Kansas City

3 individuals have been detained at this point ... but it's unclear if they've been arrested and charged with anything just yet. The cops say that one of people detained stemmed the viral tackling that went around on social media -- where an apparent AR-style rifle was seized.

At least one person was killed in the shooting.

3:11 PM PT -- We're now learning more about the victims from this shooting -- a majority whom are apparently children.

Multiple reports are pouring in that say of the 12 patients at a local hospital -- 11 of them are children ... and 9 of those 11 have gunshot wounds.

2:37 PM PT -- As it turns out ... an AR-style rifle may well have been used during this shooting -- something you can now see clearly in zoomed-in footage of a man getting tackled.

In the clip below -- where bystanders take a man down and pin him until cops arrive -- you see a woman in white pick up what appears to be a clear firearm ... and from the looks of it, it's a long rifle. The gun itself seems to be black -- but it's unclear if it belonged to the person who was tackled.

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A lot of questions still need to be answered ... and cops are looking into it. On the face of it though -- this could've been a lot worse than it already was.

The Chiefs also addressed the tragedy ... saying, "We are truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally."

"Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and all of Kansas City."

The team added it will continue to stay in contact with law enforcement and local officials ... and shared their appreciation to all the first responders who took action.

New video, obtained by TMZ, shows the moment a flurry of shots rang out at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl victory rally.

You hear someone in the crowd scream out, "Patrick f**king Mahomes," seemingly in celebration of the Chiefs' victory. Then, in the distance, you hear a series of gunshots ... appearing to come from either an automatic or semiautomatic weapon, based on the rapid fire.

People then scramble for safety and victims fall to the ground.

At least one person was killed and authorities say 10 to 15 people were injured. None of the players, coaches or staffers were injured in the shooting.

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Two people are in custody in connection with the shooting.

Several people in the crowd had eyes on someone who they believed was one of the shooters. You see them run and then tackle that person to the ground ... while another bystander seems to grab what looks like a rifle, moving it away from the scrum until police arrived on the scene.

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The shooting occurred just after the parade ended.

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The Scary Scene
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

Police do not know the motive.

Originally Published -- 2:01 PM PT