Tom Brady Re-Runs 40-Yard Dash ... Faster At 46 Than At 22!!!

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Father Time is still clearly losing his battle with Tom Brady ... 'cause the NFL legend just revealed he's actually faster now at 46 years old than when he was at 22!!

The former quarterback decided to re-run a 40-yard dash following a shoot with his new "NoBull" company recently ... just to see if after all these years, he could move a bit quicker than when he was trying to get noticed by NFL teams at the 2000 Combine.

Brady wasn't sure if he could beat his now-infamous mark of 5.28 seconds ... saying prior to the run to his buds, "Let's see if we can level up."

Turns out, though, he does, indeed, have better wheels these days!

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Check out the footage of the sprint ... the two who timed Brady's jaunt had him at 5.18 seconds and 5.12 -- both clear improvements from when he was a little-known signal-caller who had just wrapped up his Michigan career.

Brady's "NoBull" business partner, Mike Repole, could hardly believe the times ... joking with TB12, "If you do that 25 years ago, you get drafted in the third round!"

Of course, being better with age is nothing new for Brady. Four of his seven Super Bowl wins came AFTER he turned 37 years old -- with his final title coming following his 43rd birthday.

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Seems Brady's got his eyes on being even better in 2025 -- saying, "Next year, it's going to be faster!"


Arnold Schwarzenegger dice que ha tenido problemas de rodilla toda su vida por levantar pesas, esquiar, correr y escalar, y ahora está compartiendo consejos y trucos para controlar el dolor.

Arnold se ha asociado con su novia fisioterapeuta, Heather Milligan, para un divertido e informativo video que acaba de salir, y tocan una pregunta que le hacen a menudo al querido Arnie: "¿Qué haces con tus rodillas?".

Heather es una experta en el campo. Además de ser la novia de Arnold, ha tratado a un gran número de atletas profesionales, tales como jugadores de fútbol, jugadores de baloncesto, luchadores de UFC, boxeadores y atletas, y Arnold la respalda.

Échale un vistazo al video, la pareja lleva a la gente a través de una serie de ejercicios y estiramientos para fortalecer las rodillas y las articulaciones y hay consejos útiles para las personas que van al gimnasio o simplemente tienen problema en las rodillas. ¡En serio, dan muy buenos consejos!

Arnold y Heather han estado juntos durante más de una década -se conocieron por primera vez en 2012 cuando ella lo ayudó a rehabilitar una lesión en el hombro antes de filmar "Escape Plan" con Sylvester Stallone- y se puede ver que son una pareja muy linda y cariñosa en el video.

Hay algunas partes divertidas también, como cuando Arnold se sube los pantalones cortos para mostrar sus músculos de las piernas mientras muestra un ejercicio de sentarse en la pared, diseñado para ayudar a los cuádriceps, isquiotibiales, glúteos y rodillas. Como dice Heather, "Ohhh, mostrándonos tus piernas... eso es impresionante" 😆.

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El video de Arnold parece que será un nuevo clásico, y este fin de semana en Columbus está garantizado que habrá algunas rodillas doloridas en la famosa competición de culturismo. Echa un vistazo para más consejos en el Pump Club de Arnold.

¡Tomen nota, amigos!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Here's How I Manage Knee Pain ... My Girlfriend's An Expert!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger says he's been having knee problems all his life from weightlifting, skiing, running and climbing ... and now he's sharing tips and tricks for managing the pain.

Arnold's teaming up with his physical therapist girlfriend, Heather Milligan, for a fun and informative video that just recently dropped -- and it's all about a topic he's often asked about in his Arnold's Pump Club daily newsletter ... namely, "What do I do about my knees?"

Heather's an expert in the field ... in addition to being Arnold's PT and GF, she's treated a number of pro athletes -- football players, basketball players, UFC fighters, boxers, track & field peeps and all sorts of Average Joes ... and Arnold gives her a ringing endorsement.

Check out the video ... the couple takes folks through a range of exercises and stretches to strengthen knees and joints ... and there's helpful stuff in here for people who hit the gym, slopes or just have bad knees from walking. Seriously ... really good insights here!

Arnold and Heather have been together for over a decade -- they first met in 2012 when she helped him rehab a shoulder injury before filming "Escape Plan" with Sylvester Stallone -- and they come off as a super cute and loving couple in the video.

There's some funny parts too ... like when Arnold hikes up his shorts to show off his leg muscles as he demonstrates a wall sitting exercise designed to help quads, hamstrings, glutes and knees. As Heather says, "Ohhh, showing us your legs ... that's impressive." 😆

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Arnold's video advances his upcoming Arnold Classic this weekend in Columbus, Ohio ... where there's guaranteed to be some sore knees at the famous bodybuilding competition. Check out more tips on Arnold's Pump Club.

Take notes, folks!!!

Cristiano Ronaldo y su hijo Miren nuestros abdominales ... Igualito al padre!!!

De tal palo tal astilla, suelen decir, y ese es justamente el caso de Cristiano Ronaldo y su hijo de 13 años, CR Jr. pues los dos se parecen, ¡incluso en sus abdominales!

La prueba está en las fotos que Ronaldo, de 39 años, publicó el jueves en Instagram con Cristiano Jr., dándole a sus más de 622 millones de seguidores una probadita de su impresionante físico durante su sesión de ejercicios.

"Hoy con mi compañero ❤️", dijo Ronaldo en el pie de foto.

La foto de la dupla consiguió más de 9 millones de likes en cinco horas y más de 76K comentarios. Uno escribió: "El rey y el heredero del trono🔥"

Por supuesto, este entrenamiento padre e hijo se da un día después de que Ronaldo anotara el gol n° 876 de su carrera en la Liga de Campeones de la AFC, ayudando a llevar al Al-Nassr a los cuartos de final con una victoria sobre el Al Feiha en los octavos de final.

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Al igual que su padre, Cristiano Jr. también juega al fútbol. Pasó dos temporadas en el equipo juvenil de la Juventus antes de fichar por el Al-Nassr U13 el pasado octubre.

Y, como una oda a su padre ... También lleva el número 7.

De tal palo, tal astilla.

Cristiano Ronaldo & Son Check Out Our Shredded Abs ... Like Father, Like Son!!!

The apple ain't fall too far from the tree with Cristiano Ronaldo and his 13-year-old son, CR Jr. ... 'cause the two look just alike -- even down to their shredded abs!

The proof's in the photos that 39-year-old Ronaldo dropped Thursday on Instagram featuring Cristiano Jr. ... giving his 622+ million followers a view of their physique during their workout sesh.

"Today with my partner ❤️," Ronaldo said in the caption.

The father-and-son snap got over 9 million likes within five hours ... and more than 76K comments, with one writing, "The king and heir to the throne🔥"

Of course, this father-and-son training session comes just a day after Ronaldo scored his 876th career goal in the AFC Champions League, helping lead Al-Nassr to the quarter-finals with a win over Al Feiha in the round of 16.

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Like pops, Cristiano Jr. also plays soccer. He spent two seasons with the Juventus youth team before signing with Al-Nassr U13 last October.

And, as an ode to his superstar dad ... he also wears No. 7.

Like father, like son!

Richard Simmons Posts New Message About Bullies But Still Not a 'Comeback'

Richard Simmons seems to be showing signs of a potential comeback, 'cause he's getting back to putting out positive messages ... and his latest offering is about tuning out the bullies.

The reclusive fitness guru posted an uplifting message on his Facebook page Tuesday, saying ... "For as long as I can remember, people have made fun of me. And people still to this day make fun of me. But you know what? I am glad to be me! And you should be glad that you are you."

Richard says music helps boost his confidence and ignore the naysayers ... and he's recommending three songs from back in the day. Seems Richard is a big Gloria Gaynor fan ... because he says two songs he often listens to are her classic hits "I Will Survive" and "I Am What I Am."

Another tune Richard recommends comes from the soundtrack for "The Greatest Showman" ... with the full cast singing, "This Is Me."

Richard's always been about helping people, and it got to the point back in the day where he basically could not turn anyone down. That seems to be what he's alluding to in these recent posts of his.

RS ultimately disappeared from the spotlight and has been laying low for years, but his recent FB activity seems to be a sign he's getting closer to being back in the public eye.

Richard's been way more active on FB recently, which lines up with Pauly Shore portraying him in a new short film, "The Court Jester," and developing an upcoming biopic ... which Richard may finally be coming around on.

Before Pauly's projects, Richard only had one FB post in all of 2023 ... and he didn't post a lot in 2022 either until our TMZ documentary on his life and his disappearance.

Richard's still got a lot of fans out there ... and while it might feel like we might be hearing (or even seeing) more from him going forward -- we've learned that's not the case. A source directly connected to Richard tells TMZ ... "after all the Pauly news, Richard wanted his fans to know he's doing well and that he appreciates their support."

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In other words ... this isn't the start of a public reemergence by any stretch, he's just letting people know he's still around and willing to put good vibes out into the universe.

Christian Bale Presumiendo en su cumpleaños... ¡¿Qué saben de tener 50?!

Christian Bale es conocido por sus extremas transformaciones corporales en la gran pantalla, pero para su cumpleaños número 50 el tipo ha llegado a un buen punto medio, luciendo súper en forma y tonificado.

El actor ganador del Oscar fue fotografiado el lunes celebrando sus grandes 50 en Cabo, México, para ser específicos, y como hemos dicho, estaba definitivamente listo para mostrar sus enormes atributos a las cámaras, pues apareció en el balcón sin su camiseta.

También llevaba una toalla alrededor de su cintura en un momento también...

Finalmente, Christian Bale se puso un top, un sombrero y unas gafas de sol para protegerse de los rayos y se dirigió a la playa con su mujer Sibi Blažić y su hijo de nueve años, Joseph. Vamos a decir esto.... incluso vestido, Christian deja en vergüenza a otros padres.

Christian y Sibi también son padres de Emmeline, de 18 años, aunque parece que ella no estuvo presente en esta escapada familiar.

El actor de Hollywood está claramente disfrutando su tiempo libre después de tomarse un respiro en su carrera. Su único crédito en 2023 fue la voz en off para la película animada "El niño y la garza", y actualmente no tiene nada en carpeta para este año.

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Por supuesto, él sigue siendo uno de los actores más prolíficos hoy en día y aún está en un punto alto de su carrera. Sin duda, puede permitirse un descanso ante las cámaras.

Por suerte para nosotros (y todos los demás), aquí está ofreciendo otro tipo de espectáculo. Tampoco se exigen entradas de admisión general para verlo.

Feliz cumpleaños, Christian, ¡eres una joya, señor!

CHRISTIAN BALE Birthday Boy Flexin' ... Whatchu Know 'Bout 50?!?

Christian Bale is known for his extreme on-screen body transformations -- but for his 50th birthday, the dude's reached a great middle-ground ... looking super ripped and toned.

The Oscar-winning actor was photographed Monday ringing in the big 5-0 down in Mexico -- Cabo, to be specific -- and like we said ... the guy was definitely ready to show off his huge guns for the cameras, 'cause he was hanging out on the balcony without a shirt on.

He was also wearing a towel around his waist at one point too ... big-time thirst trap vibes.

Eventually, CB popped on a top, hat, and shades to shield himself from the rays ... making his way down to a beach with his wife, Sibi Blažić, and their nine-year-old son Joseph. We'll say this about him ... even when clothed, Christian puts other dad bods to shame.

Christian and Sibi are also parents to daughter Emmeline, 18 ... although, she didn't appear to be on the family getaway here.

The Hollywood actor is clearly making the most of his downtime after taking a bit of a breather on the career front -- his only 2023 credit was voiceover work for "The Boy and the Heron" ... and he currently has nothing in the pipeline this year.

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Granted, he's still one of the most prolific actors working today -- and he's still killing it at this point in his career. He can most certainly afford to take a break from on-camera work.

Lucky for us (and everyone else) ... he's right here putting on another type of show, no general admission tickets needed either.

Happy bday, Christian ... you're a gem, sir!

Kevin Von Erich Zac y Jeremy interpretan a grandes luchadores... Pero son demasiado pequeños para el ring real!!!

Perfectamente elegidos

La leyenda de la lucha libre Kevin Von Erich está alabando la forma en que Zac Efron y Jeremy Allen White lo están retratando a él y a su famoso hermano en una nueva película sobre su vida, pero dice que no hay manera de que puedan estar en un ring real.

Kevin, el protagonista de "The Iron Claw", le dice a TMZ que Zac, Jeremy y Harris Dickinson hicieron un gran trabajo interpretándolo a él y a sus hermanos Kerry y David Von Erich, aunque cree los actores son demasiado pequeños para ser luchadores profesionales.

No lo malinterpretes, Kevin no está criticando aquí, solo está siendo realista.

Esto es Hollywood...

De hecho, Kevin no tiene más que amor por "The Iron Claw", que cuenta la historia de su famosa familia en la lucha libre.

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Kevin dice que la película hace un trabajo bastante bueno en comprimir tantas historias en 2 horas, y que es bastante exacta en cuanto a los hechos, al menos para los estándares de Hollywood.

Una cosa en la que "The Iron Claw" se tomó algunas libertades fue en la relación con su padre, el luchador profesional Fritz Von Erich. Kevin dice que su papá nunca quiso que se metiera en la lucha libre, a diferencia de cómo se muestra en la película.

También entiende por qué el director dejó a su hermano Chris Von Erich fuera del filme y quiere que la gente sepa que nunca habría llegado a tales alturas sin el cristianismo, algo que la película omite.

Pero bueno, es Hollywood y Kevin conoce el juego.

Practicando para ser un luchador

En general, parece que está bastante satisfecho con el proyecto final, pero dice que no hay que dejarse engañar por la cámara, Zac y Jeremy no son tan grandes.

Kevin Von Erich Zac, Jeremy Play Great Wrestlers In 'The Iron Claw'... But Too Small For Real Ring!!!


Wrestling legend Kevin Von Erich is praising the way Zac Efron and Jeremy Allen White portray him and his famous brother in a new movie about their life ... but he says there is no way they would make it in a real ring.

Kevin, the subject of "The Iron Claw," tells TMZ ... Zac, Jeremy and Harris Dickinson did a great job bringing him and his brothers Kerry and David Von Erich to life ... though the actors are way too small to cut it as pro wrestlers.

Don't get it twisted, Kevin's not hating here ... he's just keeping it real.


In fact, Kevin has nothing but love for 'Iron Claw,' which tells the story of his famous wrestling family.

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Kevin says the film does a pretty good job boiling down so many stories into a 2-hour movie ... and it's pretty much historically accurate, at least by Hollywood standards.

One thing Kevin says 'Iron Claw' took some liberties with is his relationship with his father ... pro wrestler Fritz Von Erich. Kevin says his pops never wanted him to get into wrestling, unlike the way it's portrayed in the flick.

Kevin also understands why the director left his brother Chris Von Erich out of the movie ... and he wants folks to know he never would have risen to such heights without Christianity ... something the movie omits.

But hey, it's Hollywood ... and Kevin knows the name of the game.


Overall, it sounds like Kevin's pretty pleased with the final project ... but he says don't let the camera fool you, Zac and Jeremy aren't that big.

Ellen DeGeneres Sweatin' 66th Birthday with Intense Workout


Ellen DeGeneres hit the gym hard for her 66th birthday, impressing her wife, Portia De Rossi, who pulled out a camera phone and started recording the intense workout.

The former talk show host celebrated another year on the planet Friday by pumping iron and doing other strenuous exercises at the gym, proving that she's as fit as an Olympian.

Portia was right there by Ellen's side, shooting it all on video, which was later posted on Instagram.

Check it out ... Ellen started off lifting dumbbells while asking Portia who was filming her, "Are you saying this is what 66 looks like?'

Portia sweetly replied, "what your 66 looks like."

Ellen then did one-arm overhead presses using a single dumbbell before pushing a large piece of exercise equipment across the gym floor and ending her routine with a series of pullups. Pretty Impressive, Ellen!

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Portia thought so too, writing in the IG caption, "My darling wife! You continue to amaze me and inspire me. Happy Birthday to the strongest, sweetest, most brilliant person I know."

She added, "I'm so lucky to be standing next to you as we share this incredible life together. I love you."

TMZ TV Recap Michaels v. Dubrow: Ozempic Beef ... Biel Shower Eating, Clipper Darrell

It's the weekend, and best believe we finished strong at TMZ -- especially on the TV front ... where we covered everything from the ongoing Ozempic wars ... to shower eating. 😅

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'TMZ Live' was yet another slug fest between Dr. Terry Dubrow and Jillian Michaels -- who seem to be at war with one another over the hotly-debated issue of Ozempic ... and whether it's actually healthy for people who wanna lose weight.

The latest shot was fired by Dubrow, who told Michaels she oughta get her M.D. before weighing in on medication -- but Jillian's been holding her own, and isn't backing down.



On 'TMZ on TV,' we ended the week on a bit of a lighter note -- namely, diving in on whether Jessica Biel's self-confessed "shower snacking" was efficient ... or downright gross.

Lotsa people in our newsroom had different opinions on this one ... just watch for yourself!

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Finally, we get to 'TMZ Sports' ... where Mojo and Mike entertained the possibility of the famed L.A. Clippers fan, Darrell Bailey, of changing his allegiance to the Lakers.

The reason they're even talking about it ... Snoop Dogg is encouraging him to jump ship!

Check your local listings for when TMZ is on in your area or catch up on past episodes!

Dr. Terry Dubrow Jillian Knows Fitness ... But Ozempic Take Not Medically Valid


Jillian Michaels and Dr. Terry Dubrow have been trading shots over Ozempic lately -- and the good doc is the latest to fire back ... telling us she should stay in her lane cause she has no proper medical credentials.

We got the "Botched" star outside Craig's Thursday ... and he doubles down on his initial claims against her ... practically shouting from the rooftops this time that her career as a personal trainer doesn't permit her to dish out medical advice.

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Despite publicly discrediting her PT career yet again, he appears to extend an olive branch ... saying she's actually great at her job -- but it's a back-handed compliment ... 'cause he says she still doesn't have medical validation to influence others against weight loss drugs.

Now, Terry does offer her a solution if she feels an absolute need to continue doing so -- Take her MCAT and go to med school. Savage!

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He also says the article Jillian cited in which he appeared to agree with her anti-Ozempic stance was taken out of context and doesn't hold up her argument -- explaining he was only being interviewed about the dangers of Ozempic ... hence why he was discussing it's side effects.


That's not all ... TD also ain't here for Jillian's claims she's the utmost authority on weight loss ... suggesting if that was the case, then she'd already be aware that diet and exercise alone doesn't cut it when tackling the obesity problem.

He says bottom line, any medication can be dangerous, but drugs like Ozempic are saving lives -- so Jillian needs to mind her own business and leave the advice to those with qualifications.

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For good measure, the doc's wife, Heather Dubrow, jumps in ... saying she's known him for 30 years and he never changes his mind on anything -- an apparent shot at JM to back down and accept defeat.

Though, Jillian's known for being outspoken ... and it's probably a matter of time before she retaliates ... so looks like Ozempic battle between the two will rage on for a while.

Pauly Shore Envía nuevo mensaje a Richard Simmons... Mira el corto con el corazón abierto

Míralo con el Corazón abierto

Pauly Shore todavía espera obtener la bendición de Richard Simmons antes de rodar una película sobre su vida y piensa que su cortometraje es clave.

El actor y comediante estaba en el aeropuerto de Hollywood Burbank este miércoles cuando un fotógrafo le preguntó si tenía algún mensaje para el recluso gurú del fitness. En pocas palabras, Pauly le está suplicando a Richard que vea "The Court Jester" en YouTube y que mantenga el corazón abierto mientras lo hace.

Pauly dice que cree que tiene una oportunidad de convencer a Richard si ve el corto, que se estrenó en Sundance el viernes por la noche. Pero no quiere que lo descarte de antemano.

Ahora, tampoco va a rechazar la crítica constructiva. Pauly dice que quiere la retroalimentación honesta de Richard y que estaría dispuesto a hacer cambios.

Curiosamente, Pauly dice que quiere a Richard a bordo como un colaborador a tiempo completo para la película biográfica. Él incluso se los imagina sentados en el set con sillas de director a juego con la palabra "Richard".

En resumen, dice que está avanzando con el proyecto, pero hay un montón de espacio para Simmons si está interesado en salir a la superficie, lo que dudamos mucho.

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Él cambiará de opinión... creo

Esta saga ha estado haciendo sudar a los fans durante un par de semanas. La semana pasada, Richard dejó claro que no estaba de ninguna manera involucrado con el proyecto de Pauly y para hacer su punto incluso rompió su silencio público a través de Facebook, lo que ha hecho solo dos veces en una década.

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Pauly claramente no se desanima por la condena de Richard. Ha insistido en que Richard podría cambiar de opinión, y la semana pasada, antes del estreno de "The Court Jester", sugirió que el icono de 75 años se estaba ablandando.

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Richard nos desea buena suerte

Afirma que Richard le envió un mensaje de texto a primera hora del día para desearle "buena suerte" en Sundance.

Por cierto, "The Court Jester" está ganando audiencia en línea. Ya acumula 886k visitas en YouTube en menos de una semana y Pauly está instando a todos, pero especialmente a Richard, a que hagan clic y lo vean por sí mismos.

Pauly Shore New Message to Richard Simmons ... Watch Short Film with Open Heart


Pauly Shore's still hoping he'll get Richard Simmons' blessing before shooting a feature film about his life ... and he thinks his short film's the key to securing it.

The actor/comedian was at the Hollywood Burbank Airport Wednesday when a photog asked if he had a message for the reclusive fitness guru. In a nutshell, Pauly's pleading with Richard to watch "The Court Jester" on YouTube and keep an open heart while he does it.

PS says he thinks he's got a shot at convincing Richard if he sees the flick -- which premiered at Sundance on Friday night -- but he just doesn't want him to flat-out dismiss it beforehand.

Now, he's not going to turn down constructive criticism ... Pauly says he wants Richard's honest feedback, and he's willing to make changes.

Interestingly, Pauly says he wants Richard on board as a full-time collaborator for the feature-length biopic -- he even envisions them with matching "Richard" director chairs on the set.

Bottom line ... Pauly says he's moving forward with the project -- but there's a whole lotta room for Simmons' touch if he's interested in surfacing ... which we highly doubt.

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This saga's been making fans sweat for a couple weeks -- last week, Richard made it clear he was in no way involved with Pauly's project ... and to get his point across he even broke his public silence via Facebook, which he's only done twice in about a decade.

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Pauly's clearly not deterred by Richard's condemnation ... he's insisted Richard might just change his mind -- and last week, before the 'Court Jester' premiere, he suggested the 75-year-old icon was softening.

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He claims Richard texted him earlier in the day to wish him "good luck" at Sundance.

BTW 'Court Jester' is gaining an audience online, racking up 886k views on YouTube in less than a week -- and Pauly's urging everyone, but especially Richard, to click and see for themselves.

Richard Simmons Dramatic Turnaround Over Pauly Shore Biopic Wishes Pauly 'Good Luck!'

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Well, this is crazy ... just days after Richard Simmons seemed pissed Pauly Shore was doing an unauthorized biopic on his life, RS now seems to be giving the thumbs up to the project.

TMZ obtained this video from the Sundance Film Festival Friday night, where Pauly got onstage to introduce the short film that will eventually become the full movie version of Richard's life.

He began by telling the crowd Richard texted him earlier in the day, wishing him "good luck" with the screening. The audience gave its rousing approval.

It's a total about-face ... just a few days ago, Richard wrote on Facebook, "You may have heard they may be doing a movie about me with Pauly Shore. I have never given my permission for this movie. So don't believe everything you read."

To say he never gave his permission is as much as saying DON'T DO THIS!

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If Pauly is putting yesterday's text in full context, maybe Richard had a change of heart.

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The Wolper Organization, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. that's developing the film, told us -- "While we would love to have him involved, we respect his desire to privacy and plan to produce a movie that honors him, celebrates him and tells a dramatic story."

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Pauly was at the Salt Lake City Int'l Airport Thursday and made it clear ... his intentions are good and thinks RS will like the film.