CHRISTIAN BALE Birthday Boy Flexin' ... Whatchu Know 'Bout 50?!?

Christian Bale is known for his extreme on-screen body transformations -- but for his 50th birthday, the dude's reached a great middle-ground ... looking super ripped and toned.

The Oscar-winning actor was photographed Monday ringing in the big 5-0 down in Mexico -- Cabo, to be specific -- and like we said ... the guy was definitely ready to show off his huge guns for the cameras, 'cause he was hanging out on the balcony without a shirt on.

He was also wearing a towel around his waist at one point too ... big-time thirst trap vibes.

Eventually, CB popped on a top, hat, and shades to shield himself from the rays ... making his way down to a beach with his wife, Sibi Blažić, and their nine-year-old son Joseph. We'll say this about him ... even when clothed, Christian puts other dad bods to shame.

Christian and Sibi are also parents to daughter Emmeline, 18 ... although, she didn't appear to be on the family getaway here.

The Hollywood actor is clearly making the most of his downtime after taking a bit of a breather on the career front -- his only 2023 credit was voiceover work for "The Boy and the Heron" ... and he currently has nothing in the pipeline this year.

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Granted, he's still one of the most prolific actors working today -- and he's still killing it at this point in his career. He can most certainly afford to take a break from on-camera work.

Lucky for us (and everyone else) ... he's right here putting on another type of show, no general admission tickets needed either.

Happy bday, Christian ... you're a gem, sir!

Kevin Von Erich Zac y Jeremy interpretan a grandes luchadores... Pero son demasiado pequeños para el ring real!!!

Perfectamente elegidos

La leyenda de la lucha libre Kevin Von Erich está alabando la forma en que Zac Efron y Jeremy Allen White lo están retratando a él y a su famoso hermano en una nueva película sobre su vida, pero dice que no hay manera de que puedan estar en un ring real.

Kevin, el protagonista de "The Iron Claw", le dice a TMZ que Zac, Jeremy y Harris Dickinson hicieron un gran trabajo interpretándolo a él y a sus hermanos Kerry y David Von Erich, aunque cree los actores son demasiado pequeños para ser luchadores profesionales.

No lo malinterpretes, Kevin no está criticando aquí, solo está siendo realista.

Esto es Hollywood...

De hecho, Kevin no tiene más que amor por "The Iron Claw", que cuenta la historia de su famosa familia en la lucha libre.

TMZ investiga
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Kevin dice que la película hace un trabajo bastante bueno en comprimir tantas historias en 2 horas, y que es bastante exacta en cuanto a los hechos, al menos para los estándares de Hollywood.

Una cosa en la que "The Iron Claw" se tomó algunas libertades fue en la relación con su padre, el luchador profesional Fritz Von Erich. Kevin dice que su papá nunca quiso que se metiera en la lucha libre, a diferencia de cómo se muestra en la película.

También entiende por qué el director dejó a su hermano Chris Von Erich fuera del filme y quiere que la gente sepa que nunca habría llegado a tales alturas sin el cristianismo, algo que la película omite.

Pero bueno, es Hollywood y Kevin conoce el juego.

Practicando para ser un luchador

En general, parece que está bastante satisfecho con el proyecto final, pero dice que no hay que dejarse engañar por la cámara, Zac y Jeremy no son tan grandes.

Kevin Von Erich Zac, Jeremy Play Great Wrestlers In 'The Iron Claw'... But Too Small For Real Ring!!!


Wrestling legend Kevin Von Erich is praising the way Zac Efron and Jeremy Allen White portray him and his famous brother in a new movie about their life ... but he says there is no way they would make it in a real ring.

Kevin, the subject of "The Iron Claw," tells TMZ ... Zac, Jeremy and Harris Dickinson did a great job bringing him and his brothers Kerry and David Von Erich to life ... though the actors are way too small to cut it as pro wrestlers.

Don't get it twisted, Kevin's not hating here ... he's just keeping it real.


In fact, Kevin has nothing but love for 'Iron Claw,' which tells the story of his famous wrestling family.

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Kevin says the film does a pretty good job boiling down so many stories into a 2-hour movie ... and it's pretty much historically accurate, at least by Hollywood standards.

One thing Kevin says 'Iron Claw' took some liberties with is his relationship with his father ... pro wrestler Fritz Von Erich. Kevin says his pops never wanted him to get into wrestling, unlike the way it's portrayed in the flick.

Kevin also understands why the director left his brother Chris Von Erich out of the movie ... and he wants folks to know he never would have risen to such heights without Christianity ... something the movie omits.

But hey, it's Hollywood ... and Kevin knows the name of the game.


Overall, it sounds like Kevin's pretty pleased with the final project ... but he says don't let the camera fool you, Zac and Jeremy aren't that big.

Ellen DeGeneres Sweatin' 66th Birthday with Intense Workout


Ellen DeGeneres hit the gym hard for her 66th birthday, impressing her wife, Portia De Rossi, who pulled out a camera phone and started recording the intense workout.

The former talk show host celebrated another year on the planet Friday by pumping iron and doing other strenuous exercises at the gym, proving that she's as fit as an Olympian.

Portia was right there by Ellen's side, shooting it all on video, which was later posted on Instagram.

Check it out ... Ellen started off lifting dumbbells while asking Portia who was filming her, "Are you saying this is what 66 looks like?'

Portia sweetly replied, "what your 66 looks like."

Ellen then did one-arm overhead presses using a single dumbbell before pushing a large piece of exercise equipment across the gym floor and ending her routine with a series of pullups. Pretty Impressive, Ellen!

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Portia thought so too, writing in the IG caption, "My darling wife! You continue to amaze me and inspire me. Happy Birthday to the strongest, sweetest, most brilliant person I know."

She added, "I'm so lucky to be standing next to you as we share this incredible life together. I love you."

TMZ TV Recap Michaels v. Dubrow: Ozempic Beef ... Biel Shower Eating, Clipper Darrell

It's the weekend, and best believe we finished strong at TMZ -- especially on the TV front ... where we covered everything from the ongoing Ozempic wars ... to shower eating. 😅

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'TMZ Live' was yet another slug fest between Dr. Terry Dubrow and Jillian Michaels -- who seem to be at war with one another over the hotly-debated issue of Ozempic ... and whether it's actually healthy for people who wanna lose weight.

The latest shot was fired by Dubrow, who told Michaels she oughta get her M.D. before weighing in on medication -- but Jillian's been holding her own, and isn't backing down.



On 'TMZ on TV,' we ended the week on a bit of a lighter note -- namely, diving in on whether Jessica Biel's self-confessed "shower snacking" was efficient ... or downright gross.

Lotsa people in our newsroom had different opinions on this one ... just watch for yourself!

TMZ Sports


Finally, we get to 'TMZ Sports' ... where Mojo and Mike entertained the possibility of the famed L.A. Clippers fan, Darrell Bailey, of changing his allegiance to the Lakers.

The reason they're even talking about it ... Snoop Dogg is encouraging him to jump ship!

Check your local listings for when TMZ is on in your area or catch up on past episodes!

Dr. Terry Dubrow Jillian Knows Fitness ... But Ozempic Take Not Medically Valid


Jillian Michaels and Dr. Terry Dubrow have been trading shots over Ozempic lately -- and the good doc is the latest to fire back ... telling us she should stay in her lane cause she has no proper medical credentials.

We got the "Botched" star outside Craig's Thursday ... and he doubles down on his initial claims against her ... practically shouting from the rooftops this time that her career as a personal trainer doesn't permit her to dish out medical advice.

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Despite publicly discrediting her PT career yet again, he appears to extend an olive branch ... saying she's actually great at her job -- but it's a back-handed compliment ... 'cause he says she still doesn't have medical validation to influence others against weight loss drugs.

Now, Terry does offer her a solution if she feels an absolute need to continue doing so -- Take her MCAT and go to med school. Savage!

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He also says the article Jillian cited in which he appeared to agree with her anti-Ozempic stance was taken out of context and doesn't hold up her argument -- explaining he was only being interviewed about the dangers of Ozempic ... hence why he was discussing it's side effects.


That's not all ... TD also ain't here for Jillian's claims she's the utmost authority on weight loss ... suggesting if that was the case, then she'd already be aware that diet and exercise alone doesn't cut it when tackling the obesity problem.

He says bottom line, any medication can be dangerous, but drugs like Ozempic are saving lives -- so Jillian needs to mind her own business and leave the advice to those with qualifications.

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For good measure, the doc's wife, Heather Dubrow, jumps in ... saying she's known him for 30 years and he never changes his mind on anything -- an apparent shot at JM to back down and accept defeat.

Though, Jillian's known for being outspoken ... and it's probably a matter of time before she retaliates ... so looks like Ozempic battle between the two will rage on for a while.

Pauly Shore Envía nuevo mensaje a Richard Simmons... Mira el corto con el corazón abierto

Míralo con el Corazón abierto

Pauly Shore todavía espera obtener la bendición de Richard Simmons antes de rodar una película sobre su vida y piensa que su cortometraje es clave.

El actor y comediante estaba en el aeropuerto de Hollywood Burbank este miércoles cuando un fotógrafo le preguntó si tenía algún mensaje para el recluso gurú del fitness. En pocas palabras, Pauly le está suplicando a Richard que vea "The Court Jester" en YouTube y que mantenga el corazón abierto mientras lo hace.

Pauly dice que cree que tiene una oportunidad de convencer a Richard si ve el corto, que se estrenó en Sundance el viernes por la noche. Pero no quiere que lo descarte de antemano.

Ahora, tampoco va a rechazar la crítica constructiva. Pauly dice que quiere la retroalimentación honesta de Richard y que estaría dispuesto a hacer cambios.

Curiosamente, Pauly dice que quiere a Richard a bordo como un colaborador a tiempo completo para la película biográfica. Él incluso se los imagina sentados en el set con sillas de director a juego con la palabra "Richard".

En resumen, dice que está avanzando con el proyecto, pero hay un montón de espacio para Simmons si está interesado en salir a la superficie, lo que dudamos mucho.

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Él cambiará de opinión... creo

Esta saga ha estado haciendo sudar a los fans durante un par de semanas. La semana pasada, Richard dejó claro que no estaba de ninguna manera involucrado con el proyecto de Pauly y para hacer su punto incluso rompió su silencio público a través de Facebook, lo que ha hecho solo dos veces en una década.

TMZ investiga
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Pauly claramente no se desanima por la condena de Richard. Ha insistido en que Richard podría cambiar de opinión, y la semana pasada, antes del estreno de "The Court Jester", sugirió que el icono de 75 años se estaba ablandando.

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Richard nos desea buena suerte

Afirma que Richard le envió un mensaje de texto a primera hora del día para desearle "buena suerte" en Sundance.

Por cierto, "The Court Jester" está ganando audiencia en línea. Ya acumula 886k visitas en YouTube en menos de una semana y Pauly está instando a todos, pero especialmente a Richard, a que hagan clic y lo vean por sí mismos.

Pauly Shore New Message to Richard Simmons ... Watch Short Film with Open Heart


Pauly Shore's still hoping he'll get Richard Simmons' blessing before shooting a feature film about his life ... and he thinks his short film's the key to securing it.

The actor/comedian was at the Hollywood Burbank Airport Wednesday when a photog asked if he had a message for the reclusive fitness guru. In a nutshell, Pauly's pleading with Richard to watch "The Court Jester" on YouTube and keep an open heart while he does it.

PS says he thinks he's got a shot at convincing Richard if he sees the flick -- which premiered at Sundance on Friday night -- but he just doesn't want him to flat-out dismiss it beforehand.

Now, he's not going to turn down constructive criticism ... Pauly says he wants Richard's honest feedback, and he's willing to make changes.

Interestingly, Pauly says he wants Richard on board as a full-time collaborator for the feature-length biopic -- he even envisions them with matching "Richard" director chairs on the set.

Bottom line ... Pauly says he's moving forward with the project -- but there's a whole lotta room for Simmons' touch if he's interested in surfacing ... which we highly doubt.

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This saga's been making fans sweat for a couple weeks -- last week, Richard made it clear he was in no way involved with Pauly's project ... and to get his point across he even broke his public silence via Facebook, which he's only done twice in about a decade.

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Pauly's clearly not deterred by Richard's condemnation ... he's insisted Richard might just change his mind -- and last week, before the 'Court Jester' premiere, he suggested the 75-year-old icon was softening.

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He claims Richard texted him earlier in the day to wish him "good luck" at Sundance.

BTW 'Court Jester' is gaining an audience online, racking up 886k views on YouTube in less than a week -- and Pauly's urging everyone, but especially Richard, to click and see for themselves.

Richard Simmons Dramatic Turnaround Over Pauly Shore Biopic Wishes Pauly 'Good Luck!'

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Well, this is crazy ... just days after Richard Simmons seemed pissed Pauly Shore was doing an unauthorized biopic on his life, RS now seems to be giving the thumbs up to the project.

TMZ obtained this video from the Sundance Film Festival Friday night, where Pauly got onstage to introduce the short film that will eventually become the full movie version of Richard's life.

He began by telling the crowd Richard texted him earlier in the day, wishing him "good luck" with the screening. The audience gave its rousing approval.

It's a total about-face ... just a few days ago, Richard wrote on Facebook, "You may have heard they may be doing a movie about me with Pauly Shore. I have never given my permission for this movie. So don't believe everything you read."

To say he never gave his permission is as much as saying DON'T DO THIS!

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If Pauly is putting yesterday's text in full context, maybe Richard had a change of heart.

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The Wolper Organization, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. that's developing the film, told us -- "While we would love to have him involved, we respect his desire to privacy and plan to produce a movie that honors him, celebrates him and tells a dramatic story."

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Pauly was at the Salt Lake City Int'l Airport Thursday and made it clear ... his intentions are good and thinks RS will like the film.

Richard Simmons Dramático giro sobre la bioepic de Pauly Shore Le desea buena suerte!!!

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Richard le desea lo mejor

Bueno, esto es una locura ... pocos días después de que Richard Simmons parecía enojado con Pauly Shore porque estaba haciendo una película biográfica de su vida, ahora parece estar dando su visto bueno al proyecto.

TMZ obtuvo este video del Festival de Cine de Sundance el viernes por la noche, donde Pauly se subió al escenario para presentar el cortometraje que con el tiempo se convertirá en la versión cinematográfica completa de la vida de Richard.

Comenzó diciéndole a la multitud que Richard le había enviado un mensaje de texto temprano en el día, deseándole "buena suerte" con la proyección. El público reaccionó con una entusiasta aprobación.

Hace solo unos días, Richard había escrito en Facebook: "Puede que hayan oído que van a hacer una película sobre mí con Pauly Shore. Nunca he dado mi permiso para esta película. Así que no se crean todo lo que leen".

Decir que nunca dio su permiso es igual que decir ¡NO HAGAS ESTO!

Si Pauly está compartiendo el mensaje de ayer en todo su contexto, puede ser que Richard tuvo un cambio de corazón.

TMZ investiga
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La Organización Wolper, una filial de Warner Bros. que está desarrollando la película, nos dijo: "Aunque nos encantaría tenerlo involucrado, respetamos su deseo de privacidad y planeamos producir una película que lo honre, lo celebre y cuente una historia dramática".

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Él entrará en razón... yo creo

Pauly estuvo el jueves en el aeropuerto internacional de Salt Lake City y dejó claro que sus intenciones son buenas y que cree que a Richard le gustará la película.

Pauly Shore Richard Simmons Short Premieres ... Viral 'Ellen' Appearance

Pauly Shore's Richard Simmons short dropped last night ... and Simmons stans will recognize the moment it's based on -- plus get an idea of what the feature film's gonna be like.

PS premiered "The Court Jester" at Sundance, and he went full Simmons for the role -- he looks a ton like him with the hair, tank top and thigh-high shorts ... and on top of that, Shore picked a viral moment from Richard's life. While the screening took place during the festival it was not an official Sundance selection.

The short -- not the full-scale biopic he's making -- opens with a production assistant backstage of a show hosted by a woman who looks and sounds like Ellen DeGeneres ... when Richard is called onto the stage.

Pauly's Richard comes out with a ton of energy, running around in front of the audience, sweat dripping down his forehead ... a clear reenactment of Richard's appearance on "Ellen" more than a decade ago.

Check it out ... Richard jumps around so fast cameras can barely keep up, pushes the same DVD and even pretends to be a workout machine Ellen can use -- art imitating life taken to the extreme!!!

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Pauly's also showing off his acting chops in the more low-key moments too -- having a heart-to-heart with the PA from the beginning of the short while chowing down on a sprinkle donut.

Shore's clearly trying to be pretty respectful of Richard ... backing him with an angelic light while he drops knowledge on the young "Ellen" crew member -- though at this point, Richard's probably not coming around to Pauly's upcoming biopic

As we reported ... Richard -- who doesn't speak publicly much anymore -- came out and blasted Pauly's movie ... basically saying he didn't give his permission or blessing to Shore's project.

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When we talked to Pauly about it ... he said he's holding out hope Richard comes around, but he's going forward with the project whether he gets the fitness guru's thumbs up or not.

You never know ... maybe Richard's a big fan of short films?!?

Pauly Shore Se estrena el corto de Richard Simmons

El corto de Pauly Shore sobre Richard Simmons se estrenó anoche, y los fans de Simmons reconocerán el momento de su vida en el que está basado y podrán también hacerse una idea de cómo será el largometraje.

Pauly Shore estrenó "The Court Jester" en Sundance, y se sumergió completamente en el papel de Simmons, con el pelo, la camiseta sin mangas y los pantalones cortos hasta los muslos, y más encima, eligió un momento viral de la vida de Richard.

El corto, que no es la película completa que está realizando, comienza con un asistente de producción entre bastidores, de un show que es presentado por una mujer que se parece a Ellen DeGeneres. Luego, Richard es llamado al escenario.

El Richard de Pauly sale con un montón de energía. Corre delante del público, con el sudor goteándole por la frente... una clara recreación de la aparición de Richard en "Ellen" hace más de una década.

Compruébalo tú mismo, Richard salta tan rápido que las cámaras apenas pueden seguirle el ritmo, empuja el mismo DVD e incluso pretende ser una máquina de ejercicios que Ellen puede usar, ¡¡¡el arte imitando la vida al extremo!!!

TMZ investiga
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Pauly también está mostrando sus dotes de actuación en los momentos más discretos, como por ejemplo, cuando tiene una conversación con el asistente de producción al principio del corto, mientras se come una dona.

Shore está claramente tratando de ser muy respetuoso con Richard, aunque a estas alturas, Richard probablemente no será parte de la próxima película biográfica de Pauly.

Como hemos informado, Richard, que no habla mucho públicamente, salió a criticar la película de Pauly diciendo que no dio su permiso o bendición para el proyecto.

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Él entrará en razón... yo creo

Cuando hablamos con Pauly al respecto dijo que tenía la esperanza de que Richard se terminara sumando, pero que va a seguir adelante con el proyecto, ya sea con el pulgar hacia arriba del gurú o no.

Nunca se sabe, ¡¿tal vez Richard es un gran fan de los cortometrajes?!

Richard Simmons Está molesto por el biopic con Pauly Shore como protagonista

Richard Simmons está aparentemente lo suficientemente cabreado con la película no autorizada sobre su vida, que ha decidido hablar por segunda vez en 10 años.

Richard publicó el miércoles: "Puede que hayan escuchado que pueden estar haciendo una película sobre mí con Pauly Shore. Nunca he dado mi permiso para esta película. Así que no crean todo lo que leen".

Tuvimos a Pauly Shore en "TMZ Live" recientemente y nos dijo que estaba entusiasmado con la posibilidad de hacer un documental sobre Richard y esperaba que el gurú del fitness estuviera a bordo. Claramente no lo está.

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Siento respeto por Richard

Como saben, Richard desapareció de la vista pública hace más de una década y, aparte de algunos vistazos fugaces, no se lo ha vuelto a ver desde entonces.

TMZ produjo un documental en 2022 llamado "Lo que realmente le pasó a Richard Simmons" y nuestra conclusión fue que este dejó el ojo público, en parte, porque estaba experimentando problemas físicos, en particular con sus rodillas, y también estaba agotado de su implacable falta de ayudar a casi cualquier persona con quien entraba en contacto.

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¿Qué pasó con él?

En la declaración del miércoles dijo: "Solo trato de vivir una vida tranquila y estar en paz".

The Wolper Org, que está produciendo la película biográfica con Warner Bros, dijo a TMZ: "Aunque nos encantaría tenerlo involucrado, respetamos su deseo de privacidad y planeamos producir una película que lo honre, lo celebre y cuente una historia dramática".

Richard realmente no puede hacer nada para detener la producción de la película, pero lo ha dejado claro... no está contento con ello.

Richard Simmons Breaks Silence and Displeased Over Biopic Starring Pauly Shore

Richard Simmons is apparently pissed off enough at the unauthorized movie about his life that he's broken his silence for only the second time in 10 years.

Richard posted Wednesday, "You may have heard they may be doing a movie about me with Pauly Shore. I have never given my permission for this movie. So don't believe everything you read."

We had Pauly Shore on "TMZ Live" recently and he said he was pumped about the possibility of a doc on Richard and hoped the fitness guru would be on board. Clearly he is not.

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As you know, Richard disappeared from public view more than a decade ago, and aside from a few fleeting glimpses, he hasn't been seen since.

TMZ produced a documentary in 2022, "What Really Happened to Richard Simmons," and our conclusion was this -- Richard left the public eye in part because he was experiencing physical problems -- particularly with his knees -- and he was also just exhausted from his unrelenting missing to help just about anyone he came in contact with.

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Richard said in Wednesday's statement, "I just try to live a quiet life and be peaceful."

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The Wolper Org, which is producing the biopic with Warner Bros., told TMZ, "While we would love to have him involved, we respect his desire to privacy and plan to produce a movie that honors him, celebrates him, and tells a dramatic story."

Richard really can't do anything to stop production of the movie, but he's made it clear -- he's not happy about it.

Chad McCrary Champion Bodybuilder Dead At 49

Champion bodybuilder Chad McCrary -- who continued competing even after a horrific motocross accident decades ago left him paralyzed from the waist down and in a wheelchair -- has died.

He was 49 years old.

McCrary's brother, Lance, confirmed his brother died earlier this month, and sent thanks to everyone who sent love "during this difficult time."

The Texas native started his bodybuilding career in 2000, weighing just 160 pounds before bulking up to 240 by 2003.

Unfortunately, Chad was involved in a serious accident while riding his dirt bike during a cross-country motorcycle race in 2005.

McCrary was attempting a 100-foot triple jump, when he landed hard, and it wreaked havoc on his body, damaging his spinal cord, which left him a paraplegic.

Despite the misfortune, McCrary didn't stop living, and doing what he loved -- including competing in bodybuilding. Chad became an inspiration to people in similar situations.

"I was already involved in bodybuilding," McCrary said, "and just carried it over to the wheelchair."

Over the years, McCrary competed in several IFBB PRO Contests ... including the Arnold Classic in 2022, where he placed 4th. He also finished in the top 10 in the 2022 Wheelchair Olympia.

Chad also won several NPC Wheelchair Nationals (2020, 2016) and other Amateur Contests.


Chad McCrary Muere a los 49 años Era un reconocido campeón de culturismo

El campeón de culturismo, Chad McCrary, que siguió compitiendo después de que un terrible accidente de motocross lo dejara paralizado de la cintura para abajo, ha muerto.

Tenía 49 años.

El hermano de McCrary, Lance, confirmó la muerte de su hermano a principios de este mes y le dio las gracias a todos los que le enviaron cariño "durante este difícil momento".

El tejano comenzó su carrera en el culturismo el año 2000, pesando solo 160 libras, antes de llegar a las 240 en 2003.

Por desgracia, Chad sufrió un grave accidente mientras conducía su moto de cross durante una carrera de motociclismo a campo traviesa en 2005.

McCrary estaba intentando un triple salto de 30 metros cuando aterrizó con fuerza y causó estragos en su cuerpo, dañando su médula espinal, lo que le dejó parapléjico.

A pesar de la desgracia, McCrary no dejó de vivir y hacer lo que le gustaba, incluyendo competir en culturismo. Chad se convirtió en una inspiración para personas en situaciones similares.

"Ya estaba involucrado en el culturismo", dijo McCrary, "y simplemente lo trasladé a la silla de ruedas".

A lo largo de los años, McCrary compitió en varios concursos de IFBB PRO, incluido el Arnold Classic de 2022, donde quedó 4 cuarto. También terminó entre los 10 primeros en el Wheelchair Olympia de 2022.

Chad también ganó varios NPC Wheelchair Nationals (2020, 2016) y otros Concursos Amateur.


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