Richard Simmons Dramático giro sobre la bioepic de Pauly Shore Le desea buena suerte!!!

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Richard le desea lo mejor

Bueno, esto es una locura ... pocos días después de que Richard Simmons parecía enojado con Pauly Shore porque estaba haciendo una película biográfica de su vida, ahora parece estar dando su visto bueno al proyecto.

TMZ obtuvo este video del Festival de Cine de Sundance el viernes por la noche, donde Pauly se subió al escenario para presentar el cortometraje que con el tiempo se convertirá en la versión cinematográfica completa de la vida de Richard.

Comenzó diciéndole a la multitud que Richard le había enviado un mensaje de texto temprano en el día, deseándole "buena suerte" con la proyección. El público reaccionó con una entusiasta aprobación.

Hace solo unos días, Richard había escrito en Facebook: "Puede que hayan oído que van a hacer una película sobre mí con Pauly Shore. Nunca he dado mi permiso para esta película. Así que no se crean todo lo que leen".

Decir que nunca dio su permiso es igual que decir ¡NO HAGAS ESTO!

Si Pauly está compartiendo el mensaje de ayer en todo su contexto, puede ser que Richard tuvo un cambio de corazón.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

La Organización Wolper, una filial de Warner Bros. que está desarrollando la película, nos dijo: "Aunque nos encantaría tenerlo involucrado, respetamos su deseo de privacidad y planeamos producir una película que lo honre, lo celebre y cuente una historia dramática".

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Él entrará en razón... yo creo

Pauly estuvo el jueves en el aeropuerto internacional de Salt Lake City y dejó claro que sus intenciones son buenas y que cree que a Richard le gustará la película.

Pauly Shore Richard Simmons Short Premieres ... Viral 'Ellen' Appearance

Pauly Shore's Richard Simmons short dropped last night ... and Simmons stans will recognize the moment it's based on -- plus get an idea of what the feature film's gonna be like.

PS premiered "The Court Jester" at Sundance, and he went full Simmons for the role -- he looks a ton like him with the hair, tank top and thigh-high shorts ... and on top of that, Shore picked a viral moment from Richard's life. While the screening took place during the festival it was not an official Sundance selection.

The short -- not the full-scale biopic he's making -- opens with a production assistant backstage of a show hosted by a woman who looks and sounds like Ellen DeGeneres ... when Richard is called onto the stage.

Pauly's Richard comes out with a ton of energy, running around in front of the audience, sweat dripping down his forehead ... a clear reenactment of Richard's appearance on "Ellen" more than a decade ago.

Check it out ... Richard jumps around so fast cameras can barely keep up, pushes the same DVD and even pretends to be a workout machine Ellen can use -- art imitating life taken to the extreme!!!

TMZ Studios

Pauly's also showing off his acting chops in the more low-key moments too -- having a heart-to-heart with the PA from the beginning of the short while chowing down on a sprinkle donut.

Shore's clearly trying to be pretty respectful of Richard ... backing him with an angelic light while he drops knowledge on the young "Ellen" crew member -- though at this point, Richard's probably not coming around to Pauly's upcoming biopic

As we reported ... Richard -- who doesn't speak publicly much anymore -- came out and blasted Pauly's movie ... basically saying he didn't give his permission or blessing to Shore's project.

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When we talked to Pauly about it ... he said he's holding out hope Richard comes around, but he's going forward with the project whether he gets the fitness guru's thumbs up or not.

You never know ... maybe Richard's a big fan of short films?!?

Pauly Shore Se estrena el corto de Richard Simmons

El corto de Pauly Shore sobre Richard Simmons se estrenó anoche, y los fans de Simmons reconocerán el momento de su vida en el que está basado y podrán también hacerse una idea de cómo será el largometraje.

Pauly Shore estrenó "The Court Jester" en Sundance, y se sumergió completamente en el papel de Simmons, con el pelo, la camiseta sin mangas y los pantalones cortos hasta los muslos, y más encima, eligió un momento viral de la vida de Richard.

El corto, que no es la película completa que está realizando, comienza con un asistente de producción entre bastidores, de un show que es presentado por una mujer que se parece a Ellen DeGeneres. Luego, Richard es llamado al escenario.

El Richard de Pauly sale con un montón de energía. Corre delante del público, con el sudor goteándole por la frente... una clara recreación de la aparición de Richard en "Ellen" hace más de una década.

Compruébalo tú mismo, Richard salta tan rápido que las cámaras apenas pueden seguirle el ritmo, empuja el mismo DVD e incluso pretende ser una máquina de ejercicios que Ellen puede usar, ¡¡¡el arte imitando la vida al extremo!!!

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Pauly también está mostrando sus dotes de actuación en los momentos más discretos, como por ejemplo, cuando tiene una conversación con el asistente de producción al principio del corto, mientras se come una dona.

Shore está claramente tratando de ser muy respetuoso con Richard, aunque a estas alturas, Richard probablemente no será parte de la próxima película biográfica de Pauly.

Como hemos informado, Richard, que no habla mucho públicamente, salió a criticar la película de Pauly diciendo que no dio su permiso o bendición para el proyecto.

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Él entrará en razón... yo creo

Cuando hablamos con Pauly al respecto dijo que tenía la esperanza de que Richard se terminara sumando, pero que va a seguir adelante con el proyecto, ya sea con el pulgar hacia arriba del gurú o no.

Nunca se sabe, ¡¿tal vez Richard es un gran fan de los cortometrajes?!

Richard Simmons Está molesto por el biopic con Pauly Shore como protagonista

Richard Simmons está aparentemente lo suficientemente cabreado con la película no autorizada sobre su vida, que ha decidido hablar por segunda vez en 10 años.

Richard publicó el miércoles: "Puede que hayan escuchado que pueden estar haciendo una película sobre mí con Pauly Shore. Nunca he dado mi permiso para esta película. Así que no crean todo lo que leen".

Tuvimos a Pauly Shore en "TMZ Live" recientemente y nos dijo que estaba entusiasmado con la posibilidad de hacer un documental sobre Richard y esperaba que el gurú del fitness estuviera a bordo. Claramente no lo está.

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Siento respeto por Richard

Como saben, Richard desapareció de la vista pública hace más de una década y, aparte de algunos vistazos fugaces, no se lo ha vuelto a ver desde entonces.

TMZ produjo un documental en 2022 llamado "Lo que realmente le pasó a Richard Simmons" y nuestra conclusión fue que este dejó el ojo público, en parte, porque estaba experimentando problemas físicos, en particular con sus rodillas, y también estaba agotado de su implacable falta de ayudar a casi cualquier persona con quien entraba en contacto.

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¿Qué pasó con él?

En la declaración del miércoles dijo: "Solo trato de vivir una vida tranquila y estar en paz".

The Wolper Org, que está produciendo la película biográfica con Warner Bros, dijo a TMZ: "Aunque nos encantaría tenerlo involucrado, respetamos su deseo de privacidad y planeamos producir una película que lo honre, lo celebre y cuente una historia dramática".

Richard realmente no puede hacer nada para detener la producción de la película, pero lo ha dejado claro... no está contento con ello.

Richard Simmons Breaks Silence and Displeased Over Biopic Starring Pauly Shore

Richard Simmons is apparently pissed off enough at the unauthorized movie about his life that he's broken his silence for only the second time in 10 years.

Richard posted Wednesday, "You may have heard they may be doing a movie about me with Pauly Shore. I have never given my permission for this movie. So don't believe everything you read."

We had Pauly Shore on "TMZ Live" recently and he said he was pumped about the possibility of a doc on Richard and hoped the fitness guru would be on board. Clearly he is not.

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As you know, Richard disappeared from public view more than a decade ago, and aside from a few fleeting glimpses, he hasn't been seen since.

TMZ produced a documentary in 2022, "What Really Happened to Richard Simmons," and our conclusion was this -- Richard left the public eye in part because he was experiencing physical problems -- particularly with his knees -- and he was also just exhausted from his unrelenting missing to help just about anyone he came in contact with.

richard simmons new promo video art

Richard said in Wednesday's statement, "I just try to live a quiet life and be peaceful."

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The Wolper Org, which is producing the biopic with Warner Bros., told TMZ, "While we would love to have him involved, we respect his desire to privacy and plan to produce a movie that honors him, celebrates him, and tells a dramatic story."

Richard really can't do anything to stop production of the movie, but he's made it clear -- he's not happy about it.

Chad McCrary Champion Bodybuilder Dead At 49

Champion bodybuilder Chad McCrary -- who continued competing even after a horrific motocross accident decades ago left him paralyzed from the waist down and in a wheelchair -- has died.

He was 49 years old.

McCrary's brother, Lance, confirmed his brother died earlier this month, and sent thanks to everyone who sent love "during this difficult time."

The Texas native started his bodybuilding career in 2000, weighing just 160 pounds before bulking up to 240 by 2003.

Unfortunately, Chad was involved in a serious accident while riding his dirt bike during a cross-country motorcycle race in 2005.

McCrary was attempting a 100-foot triple jump, when he landed hard, and it wreaked havoc on his body, damaging his spinal cord, which left him a paraplegic.

Despite the misfortune, McCrary didn't stop living, and doing what he loved -- including competing in bodybuilding. Chad became an inspiration to people in similar situations.

"I was already involved in bodybuilding," McCrary said, "and just carried it over to the wheelchair."

Over the years, McCrary competed in several IFBB PRO Contests ... including the Arnold Classic in 2022, where he placed 4th. He also finished in the top 10 in the 2022 Wheelchair Olympia.

Chad also won several NPC Wheelchair Nationals (2020, 2016) and other Amateur Contests.


Chad McCrary Muere a los 49 años Era un reconocido campeón de culturismo

El campeón de culturismo, Chad McCrary, que siguió compitiendo después de que un terrible accidente de motocross lo dejara paralizado de la cintura para abajo, ha muerto.

Tenía 49 años.

El hermano de McCrary, Lance, confirmó la muerte de su hermano a principios de este mes y le dio las gracias a todos los que le enviaron cariño "durante este difícil momento".

El tejano comenzó su carrera en el culturismo el año 2000, pesando solo 160 libras, antes de llegar a las 240 en 2003.

Por desgracia, Chad sufrió un grave accidente mientras conducía su moto de cross durante una carrera de motociclismo a campo traviesa en 2005.

McCrary estaba intentando un triple salto de 30 metros cuando aterrizó con fuerza y causó estragos en su cuerpo, dañando su médula espinal, lo que le dejó parapléjico.

A pesar de la desgracia, McCrary no dejó de vivir y hacer lo que le gustaba, incluyendo competir en culturismo. Chad se convirtió en una inspiración para personas en situaciones similares.

"Ya estaba involucrado en el culturismo", dijo McCrary, "y simplemente lo trasladé a la silla de ruedas".

A lo largo de los años, McCrary compitió en varios concursos de IFBB PRO, incluido el Arnold Classic de 2022, donde quedó 4 cuarto. También terminó entre los 10 primeros en el Wheelchair Olympia de 2022.

Chad también ganó varios NPC Wheelchair Nationals (2020, 2016) y otros Concursos Amateur.


Richard Simmons reitera que no está vinculado al biopic sobre él de Pauly Shore

Richard Simmons quiere dejar muy claro que no tiene absolutamente NINGUNA participación en una próxima película biográfica protagonizada por Pauly Shore, la cual está oficialmente en desarrollo y estará en el cine cerca de usted muy pronto, TMZ ha indagado.

El representante de Richard nos reiteró el miércoles que el proyecto de Pauly, que acaba de obtener la luz verde, no está autorizado, y Richard señala que ni siquiera podría ser consciente de si la película está en proceso en Hollywood en este punto.

Nos dicen que Pauly y el equipo de Richard hablaron el año pasado sobre invitar a Pauly a participar en la película, pero la gente de Richard le dijo al comediante que el momento no era el adecuado para que Richard se subiera a bordo.

Ya sabíamos que Pauly no tenía la bendición de Richards para este proyecto —algo que Pauly realmente buscaba— y ahora, sabemos que la posición de Richard no ha cambiado, aunque su representante dice que llegará un momento en que Richard quiera contar su historia. Lo de Pauly simplemente no va a ocurrir.

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mis respetos a richard

Recordemos que Pauly nos dijo en septiembre que estaba preparando una propuesta para Richard, y ahora Deadline informa que una película biográfica se está desarrollando en la Organización Wolper, una filial de Warner Bros. El resto de los detalles sobre quién más podría venir a bordo para ayudar a hacer de esto una realidad no están claros por ahora, pero Pauly dice que está "emocionado".

Pauly también interpreta a Richard en un cortometraje llamado "The Court Jester", que se estrenará esta semana en el Festival de Cine de Sundance en Utah.

¿donde fue richard?

Richard no ha sido visto en público durante años, pero en 2022, TMZ lanzó "TMZ Investiga: Lo que realmente le pasó a Richard Simmons" en FOX y Hulu, esto atrajo una gran respuesta y dio pie a que Richard publicara un mensaje raro a sus fans.

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¿qué pasó con él?

Pauly y Richard tienen algunas conexiones que se conocen desde hace décadas, y Richard también conocía a la difunta madre de Pauly — La dueña del Comedy Store Mitzi Shore— pero, hasta ahora, no están conectados para esta película.

Veremos lo que sale de ella en el final, y si Richard cambia de opinión una vez que es en realidad fuera. Teniendo en cuenta su increíble historia, también suena como un Óscar a punto de llegar.

Richard Simmons Reiterates No Ties to Pauly Biopic ... As It Heads to Development


1:13 PM PT -- The Wolper Organization tells TMZ ... "While we would love to have him involved, we respect his desire to privacy and plan to produce a movie that honors him, celebrates him and tells a dramatic story."

They add, "We know he is deeply private and we would never want to invade that, how ever he is an amazing person, that changed millions of peoples lives and the effect he has had on the world needs to be recognized."

Richard Simmons wants to make it crystal clear he has absolutely NO involvement in an upcoming biopic starring Pauly Shore -- which is now officially in development and coming to a theater near you soon ... TMZ has learned.

Richard's rep reiterated to us Wednesday that Pauly's project -- which just recently got the green light -- isn't authorized, and notes Richard might not even be aware the movie's on the Hollywood conveyor belt at this point.

We're told Pauly and Richard's team spoke last year about PS portraying him in a film, but Richard's people told the comedian the timing wasn't right for Richard to get on board.

We already knew Pauly didn't have RS' blessing for this project -- something Pauly really sought -- and now ... we know Richard's position hasn't changed, though his rep says there will come a time when Richard wants to tell his story. Pauly's thing just ain't it, though.

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Remember ... Pauly told us in September he was getting a pitch ready for Richard, and now Deadline is reporting a biopic is being developed over at The Wolper Organization, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. The rest of the deets on who else might be coming aboard to help make this thing a reality are unclear for now -- but Pauly says he's "excited."

Pauly is also portraying Richard in a short film called "The Court Jester," which is premiering this week at The Sundance Film Festival in Utah.


Richard has not been seen in public for years -- but, in 2022, TMZ released "TMZ Investigates: What Really Happened to Richard Simmons" on FOX and Hulu ... which drew a huge response and resulted in Richard posting a rare message to his fans.

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Pauly and Richard have some connections ... they've known each other for decades, and Richard also knew Pauly's late mother, Comedy Store owner Mitzi Shore ... but, so far, they're not connecting for this flick.

We'll see what comes of it in the end, and whether Richard changes his tune once it's actually out. Considering his incredible story, it also sounds like an Oscar waiting to happen.

Originally Published -- 1:13 PM PT

El padre de Lindsay Lohan critica la nueva película de "Chicas Pesadas" por su guiño a la "entrepierna de fuego"

Michael Lohan está criticando la nueva película "Mean Girls" por revivir un golpe bajo del pasado de su hija, Lindsay Lohan, diciendo que Tina Fey y Megan Thee Stallion fueron muy bajas, igual que sus números en taquilla.

El padre de Lindsay le dice a TMZ que está enjado por el "comentario repugnante" en el reboot, pero que encuentra algo de consuelo en los números de apertura de la película, que fueron mucho más bajos que el fin de semana del debut de la original en aquel entonces.

el pasado vuelve

Michael está hablando de la frase de Megan "la entrepierna de fuego está de vuelta" en la nueva película, que hace referencia a un famoso clip de TMZ de 2006, cuando el amigo heredero de Paris Hilton, Brandon Davis llamó a LiLo "entrepierna de fuego" varias veces en cámara.

El padre de Lindsay también está señalando el hecho de que el nuevo musical "Mean Girls" haga 28 millones de dólares en taquilla el fin de semana de estreno es simplemente karma.

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el infame video

La versión original hizo 24.4 millones de dólares durante su fin de semana de apertura en 2004, no está mal cuando pensamos en la inflación. Para los estándares de hoy en día, estaría más cerca de los $40 millones, por no hablar de los $86 millones que recaudó a nivel nacional a través de su carrera teatral.

Básicamente, el padre está apostando a que la nueva "Mean Girls" no se comparará con la versión original de su hija en tereminos de recaudación. Michael también nos dice que nunca vería la nueva "Mean Girls", y mientras él dice que le encantaría aplaudir a Megan, Brandon y Tina, nos dice que está tomando el camino correcto al no involucrarse.

El padre de Lindsay añade: "Voy a decir esto, NADIE puede reemplazar a Lindsay o al elenco original en esa película. Megan tampoco puede reemplazar a Lindsay en el nuevo anuncio de Planet Fitness vestida como una stripper en un anuncio".

Por supuesto, se refiere al hecho de que Lindsay hizo algunos anuncios hace unos años, y ahora, Megan los está haciendo también. El asunto es que parece estar  dando los mismos pasos de Lindsay, pero sin el mismo talento.

En pocas palabras para Michael... alejarse de su hijo, porque él está listo para atacar en su defensa.

Papá Oso está gruñendo, para bien o para mal.

Lindsay Lohan Papa Bear Pounces on 'MG' 'Fire Crotch' Joke Is 'Disgusting'!!!

Michael Lohan is ripping the new 'Mean Girls' movie for taking a cheap shot at his daughter, Lindsay Lohan ... saying Tina Fey and Megan Thee Stallion went low, just like their box office numbers.

Lindsay's dad tells TMZ ... he's straight-up "pissed" over the "disgusting comment" in the reboot ... but he's finding some solace in the flick's opening numbers, which were far lower than the OG's debut weekend way back when.


Michael's talking about Megan's "fire crotch is back" line in the new movie ... which references a famous TMZ clip from way back in 2006, when Paris Hilton's oil heir buddy Brandon Davis called LiLo a "fire crotch" multiple times on camera.

Lindsay's dad is also pointing at the fact the new 'Mean Girls' musical made $28 million at the box office opening weekend as a bit of karma.

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infamous 'fire crotch' video

The original version made $24.4 million on its opening weekend in 2004 -- and while that's lower ... it's actually not bad when adjusted for inflation. By today's standards, it'd be closer to $40 million ... not to mention the $86 mil it grossed domestically through its theatrical run.

Basically, ML is betting the new 'Mean Girls' won't hold a candle to his daughter's initial take on it when it's all said and done. Michael also tells us he would never see the new 'Mean Girls' ... and while he says he'd love to clap back at Megan, Brandon and Tina, specifically ... he tells us he's taking the high road and not getting in the gutter with them.

Lindsay's father adds ... "I will say this however, NOBODY can replace Lindsay or the original cast in that film. Nor can Megan replace Lindsay in the new Planet Fitness commercial dressed like a stripper in a fitness commercial."

Of course, what he's referring to there is the fact that Lindsay did some PF commercials a few years ago ... and now, MTS is doing them as well -- the implication being, she's kinda riding Lindsay's coattails, and not doing it nearly as well as she did.

Bottom line for Michael ... back off from his kid, 'cause he's ready to pounce in her defense.

Papa Bear's growling here ... for better or worse.

Soap Star Alec Musser Dead at 50 ... Starred in 'All My Children'

Alec Musser -- famous from 'All My Children' -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

The actor's fiancée, Paige Press, tells us Musser passed away Friday night at his home in Del Mar, CA. His uncle, Robert, confirmed his nephew's death to us as well ... but neither he nor Press would elaborate on the circumstances or exact cause.

Musser will best be remembered for playing Del Henry on the beloved, long-running soap opera between 2005 and 2007 ... during which he appeared in a total of 43 episodes.

Other films/TV shows he starred in include ... 'Grown Ups,' 'Rita Rocks,' 'Desperate Housewives' and 'Road to the Altar.' He only had 6 acting credits -- but Musser was known in showbiz outside of his on-camera work ... namely, through is fitness modeling career.

He had graced the covers of several magazines -- including Men's Health, Men's Workout, Exercise Health and others. The guy was a bodybuilder, and had a great physique.

AM might not have acted in H'wood lately, but he was still a big presence on social media -- highlighting his continued health/fitness journey, his active lifestyle and even pics with loved ones. On its face, nothing seemed to be amiss ... making his passing all the more shocking.

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Musser was only 50 years old.


Michael Chandler Talks Conor McGregor Fight ... No Issues w/ 185 Lbs!

IT'S ON!!!

The contract isn't yet signed, but Michael Chandler says he's fighting Conor McGregor on June 29 in Las Vegas ... and he's totally cool with the scrap going down at 185 lbs!

37-year-old Chandler joined Babcock on the "TMZ Sports" TV show (airs weekdays on FS1) ... where he broke his silence on the highly anticipated fight, days after The Notorious broke the news on social media.

"The last year has been a nice little hiatus and it looks like we're finally gonna be getting this fight moving forward," Chandler said.

"Now it looks like we got ourselves a date, we got ourselves an opponent, and seemingly a weight class a little bit above what we thought it was gonna be!" ... Mike added with a big smile.


Of course, Chandler's referring to the fight going down at 185 pounds -- technically a middleweight fight -- a full 30 pounds over the lightweight limit where both men have been two of the best in the world.

FYI, Sean Strickland (6'1"), Israel Adesanya (6'4"), and Alex Pereira (6'4") are the last three MW champs ... and those guys are huge.

We asked him about fighting at a much heavier weight.

"I'm cool with whatever weight. The way I see it, Conor and I are within a couple of pounds of each other. So it doesn't matter if we cut weight all the way down to 155, we fight at 170, or we fight at 185."

"We're the same size guys. I don't need to bulk up to 200-something fans to get down to 185, it's just not how I would operate in this training camp. So I'm excited about it if it is 185."

Fans are excited, too.

After all, it's a fight that's been in the works forever ... since Mike and Conor served as coaches on "The Ultimate Fighter."

There's a bunch more with Chandler ... including whether he'll return to the lightweight division after the Conor fight.

We also asked him if he was concerned Conor was clean ... as many people have speculated 35-year-old McGregor might be taking something to bulk up (the former champ-champ has never failed a drug test).

Check out the clip!

Alex Rodriguez Lookin' Ripped On Vacay!!! ... An Ab-Bomb From A-Rod

Alex Rodriguez isn't a pro athlete anymore, but don't tell his abs ... the legendary slugger shared a shredded shirtless photo, posing with his equally jacked girlfriend, and they look incredible!

48-year-old A-Rod and his fitness trainer boo Jaclyn Cordeiro are on vacation in the Dominican Republic ... and the couple shared some snaps from the trip. Alex's daughter Ella is also on the vacay.


Rodriguez last played baseball in 2016 as third baseman for the New York Yankees, before hanging up his glove and leaving the sport as one of the most feared hitters ever.

Despite being an immortal player, A-Rod admittedly let himself go a bit in retirement, so much so his family expressed concern for him in late 2021, saying he "looked unhealthy."

Rodriguez decided to make some changes to his life (more plants, less red meat, intermittent fasting, and walking) ... and he says it made all the difference.

In 2023, Alex revealed, with help and support from Jac, he'd lost 32 pounds!

Rodriguez didn't spend the whole trip posing without a shirt (though could you blame him?) ... he also spent some quality time with his fam, from some fun in the sun to a chess game with his daughter.

A-Rod isn't the first athlete we've seen who actually looks fitter in retirement ... 46-year-old Tom Brady has avoided shirts like the plague since he retired, and he looks amazing! 🔥

Alex Rodríguez Luce muy musculoso en sus vacaciones!!!

¡Alex Rodríguez ya no es un atleta profesional, pero no se lo digan a sus abdominales! El legendario bateador compartió una foto sin camiseta con su novia y se ven increíbles.

A-Rod, de 48 años, y novia y entrenadora de fitness Jaclyn Cordeiro están de vacaciones en República Dominicana y compartieron algunas fotos de su viaje. La hija de Alex, Ella, también está de vacaciones con ellos.

Disfrutando del sol

El atleta jugó al béisbol por última vez en 2016, como tercera base de los Yankees de Nueva York, antes de colgar el guante y dejar el deporte como uno de los bateadores más temidos de la historia.

A pesar de ser un jugador inmortal, A-Rod admitió que se dejó llevar un poco más de la cuenta durante su retiro, tanto que su familia expresó preocupación por él a finales de 2021, diciendo que "parecía poco saludable".

Rodríguez decidió hacer algunos cambios en su vida (más vegetales, menos carne roja, ayuno intermitente y caminar) y dice que hizo toda la diferencia.

En 2023, Alex reveló que, con la ayuda y el apoyo de Jac, ¡había perdido 32 libras!

Rodriguez no se pasó todo el viaje posando sin camiseta (¿podrían culparlo?), también pasó un buen rato con su familia, desde tomar un poco de sol hasta jugar ajedrez con su hija.

A-Rod no es el primer atleta que vemos en forma durante su retiro. Tom Brady, de 46 años, ha evitado las camisas como la peste desde que se jubiló, ¡y se ve increíble! 🔥

Big Boy My Weight Helped Me Hide Guns Once During Police Search!!!

Hip hop radio legend Big Boy is revisiting a time being overweight came in real handy -- he says all that extra cushion helped him duck gun charges that might've ended his career before it got started!!!

BB made the eye-popping revelation on "All the Smoke" after Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson asked him about the urban legend that he hid a gun from the police in his body fat.

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BB once weighed over 500 lbs -- back before Will Smith convinced him to get surgery -- and he confirmed the legend as fact, but explained there was a perfectly good reason for his actions.

Before earning his stripes on radio, BB bodyguarded for The Pharcyde. and recalled the day of June 17, 1994 -- the same day O.J. Simpson famously led LAPD on the low-speed chase.

The iconic moment caused BB to be separated from the group as they stayed in the Bay Area and he flew back to L.A. -- but left them his gun to drive back to the city.

After BB retrieved his gun the next day, he got pulled over while he also had another gun on him ... so, really bad timing.

Luckily, the officer failed to pat him down properly, and he was able to skate any charges. God knows a strip search at county jail would've gotten interesting!!!

As fate would have it, he got a call from Power 106 the very next day, starting his on-air gig ... and eventually got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame presented to him by Dr. Dre!!!

Oh, and he's slimmed way down -- so, no more conceal and carry.