Jake Paul Destroys Andre August In Boxing Bout ... Knocks Him Right On His Ass

Jake Paul made short work of Andre August in a professional boxing match Friday night ... knocking him out in the first round!!

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Paul went toe-to-toe with August in the ring at Caribe Royale Resort in Orlando, Florida, but the cruiserweight bout was over just minutes after it began.

Check out the video ...  the boxers dance around the ring trading blows for a bit, yet nothing wildly exciting happens.

That all changes at the 2:32 mark of the first round when Paul throws a powerful right uppercut, clocking August right in the kisser.

August hits the canvas like a sack of potatoes and struggles to get back up to his feet as the referee stops the fight.

Paul celebrates by raising his arm and waving goodbye to August with his gloved hand.

With Friday's victory, Paul has now improved his boxing record to 8-1 with 5 KOs. His only defeat came in February when he fought Tommy Fury, the brother of heavyweight champion Tyson Fury, losing in a split decision.

'Botched' Dr. Terry Dubrow Praises Oprah For Weight-Loss Meds Honesty ... No More Ozempic Shaming!

"Botched" star Dr. Terry Dubrow is over the moon about Oprah opening up about using weight-loss medication ... 'cause, in his eyes, it's a move that could save lives.

Dr. Dubrow joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live," singing Oprah's praises for admitting she's used meds as part of her weight loss journey ... and telling us the trend of shaming folks for using medication like Ozempic needs to stop.


He says celebs have been hesitant to be as honest as Oprah was ... often attributing their weight loss to working out or hormones, but in the doc's eyes, it's time they felt comfortable to speak candidly.

Dr. Dubrow thinks a really popular celeb, like O, opening up the discussion could start a trend -- or at least a discussion -- that leads to the general public warming to the use of these meds to combat obesity.

As he points out, we wouldn't shame people who take insulin for diabetes ... so doing so for someone who needs it to lose weight is equally ridiculous.

As we reported, Oprah lost 40 lbs this year and told PEOPLE the medicine she was prescribed was a healthier alternative for her -- this after she realized her struggles with weight loss were less about willpower and more about the brain.

Sounds like Oprah's got another doc in her corner ... one who's hoping she changes public attitudes on these kinds of meds.

Dr. Terry Dubrow Elogia a Oprah por su honestidad con los remedios para adelgazar

La estrella de "Botched", el Dr. Terry Dubrow, está encantado con la honestidad de Oprah al decir que usa medicamentos para bajar de peso, ya que desde su perspectiva, se trata de una medida que podría salvar vidas.

El Dr. Dubrow se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live", para elogiar a Oprah por admitir que ha usado medicamentos como parte de su viaje para perder peso y nos dice que la tendencia de avergonzar a la gente por usar remedios como Ozempic tiene que parar.

Es cuestión de tiempo!!!

Él dice que las celebridades han sido reacias a ser tan sinceras como Oprah y a menudo atribuyen su pérdida de peso a las hormonas o al ejercicio, pero en los ojos del doctor, es hora de que se sientan cómodas de hablar con franqueza.

El Dr. Dubrow cree que una celebridad tan popular como Oprah Winfrey podría iniciar una tendencia -o al menos un debate- que lleve al público en general a abrirse al uso de estos medicamentos para combatir la obesidad.

Como señala, no avergonzaríamos a las personas que toman insulina para la diabetes, por lo que hacerlo para alguien que lo necesita para perder peso es igual de ridículo.

Como informamos, Oprah perdió 40 libras este año (unos 18 kilos) y le dijo a la gente que el medicamento que le habían recetado era una alternativa más saludable para ella. Esto, después de que se diera cuenta de que sus luchas con la pérdida de peso tenían menos que ver con la fuerza de voluntad y más con el cerebro.

Parece que Oprah tiene a otro médico de su lado, uno que espera que ella ayude a cambiar la actitud del público sobre este tipo de fármacos.

Oprah admite que toma medicamentos para adelgazar

Oprah Winfrey está superando décadas de vergüenza ligada a su cuerpo y está admitiendo que toma medicamentos para bajar de peso, a pesar de que previamente dijo que nunca lo había hecho.

Después de deshacerse de 40 libras este año, la multimillonaria magnate de la televisión ha terminado con las conversaciones crueles e insensibles acerca de su apariencia, respecto a si usa o no farmacéuticos para adelgazar.

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Oprah le dice a PEOPLE que un médico le recetó los medicamentos después de su serie "La vida que quieres", "El estado de peso" grabando en julio, donde se dio cuenta de que ella no tenía la culpa de tener sobrepeso, señalando que era más sobre el cerebro que la fuerza de voluntad.

Con una nueva mentalidad, Oprah dice que los medicamentos para bajar de peso son una alternativa más saludable para ella en lugar de seguir intentando de la "manera convencional", y agrega que toma la droga bajo supervisión médica y solo cuando es necesario.

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Los medicamentos aparecieron justo antes de Acción de Gracias, porque sabía que se aproximaban "dos semanas de alimentación sólida", y como resultado, dice que solo ganó media libra en lugar de ocho.

Recordamos que Oprah dijo a principios de este año durante una charla con el CEO de WeightWatchers Sima Sistani, que algunos medicamentos para bajar de peso como el Ozempic y Mounjaro eran una "salida fácil"

Ella no ha especificado los medicamentos exactos que toma, aunque muchos profesionales de la salud han advertido y hablado en contra de la mayoría de ellos debido a los efectos secundarios significativos, pero para Oprah parece una solución a sus problemas de peso.

OPRAH Done Being 'Shamed' ... Yes, I Used Meds to Drop 40 lbs.!!!

Oprah Winfrey is overcoming decades of shame attached to her body, and she's admitting taking weight-loss medication ... even though she previously said she'd never do that to slim down.

After shedding 40 lbs this year, the billionaire TV mogul is done with cruel and insensitive conversations about her appearance -- gushing that pharmaceutical assistance has changed her relationship with her figure.

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Oprah tells PEOPLE a doctor prescribed the meds to her following her "Life You Want" series' "The State Of Weight" taping back in July, where she realized she wasn't to blame for being overweight ... noting it was more about the brain than willpower.

With a new mindset, Oprah says weight-loss meds are a healthier alternative for her rather than yo-yo-ing, and she takes the medically-approved drug as, and when, needed.

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Case in point, she took them just before Thanksgiving cause she knew she had "two weeks of solid eating" ... and, as a result, says she only gained half a pound rather than eight.

This comes in stark contrast to Oprah labeling weight loss drugs such as Ozempic and Mounjaro an "easy way out" earlier this year during a chat with WeightWatchers CEO Sima Sistani.

She hasn't specified the exact meds she takes -- though many health professionals have warned against most of them due to significant side effects -- but for O, it looks like a much-welcomed solution to her weight woes.

Zion Williamson Shrugs Off Fitness Criticism ... Thanks Fans For Support

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Zion Williamson is taking the high road amid the growing concern about his weight and conditioning ... telling reporters he appreciates the criticism if it's in good faith -- and thanking his fans for sticking by his side.

The New Orleans Pelicans star spoke to the media after his 121-107 win over the Timberwolves on Monday ... and he was asked specifically about guys like Shaquille O'Neal sharing their thoughts on his struggles so far in his career.

Of course, Shaq dropped knowledge in hopes of helping Williamson last week ... saying there are several parts of his game that have to improve if he wants to be great.

Zion said he hadn't heard Diesel's comments ... but explained he respects the words if they were meant to lift him up instead of bring him down.

"If it comes from a great place and a place where they just wanna see me do better, thank you," Zion said. "But if it comes from anywhere else, everyone entitled to their own opinion. Can’t control that."

Zion's fitness has been a major focus this season ... with reports claiming the Pels are trying to get him to focus on his diet and conditioning, but he "doesn't listen."

Despite the report, Zion was met with applause from the home crowd prior to the matchup against the Wolves ... and he didn't take it lightly.

"If you love the city, which I very much do, it will love you back," Zion said. "So, to the city, to the fans, thank you. I'm gonna do my best not to let y'all down."

The supporters had a lot to cheer about -- Zion had 36 points, five rebounds and two assists on the night.

Report: Zion Williamson Pels Want Him To Get In Shape ... He 'Doesn't Listen'

The New Orleans Pelicans are trying like hell to get Zion Williamson to work on his fitness, but the franchise player is tuning them out -- this according to a new report.

The 2019 No. 1 overall pick appeared gassed throughout the Pels' In-Season Tournament semifinal game against the Los Angeles Lakers on Thursday ... something many analysts pointed out as a reason why it was a 133-89 blowout in favor of LeBron James and Co.

Of course, Zion's size has always been a hot topic since he entered the league ... and the team even reportedly implemented a weight clause in the five-year extension he signed last season that would penalize him if the sum of his weight and body percentage surpassed 295.

FYI -- Zion reportedly weighs in at 284.

According to Christian Clark of NOLA.com, the Pelicans have continuously told Williamson he has to work on his diet and conditioning ... but simply put -- he "doesn't listen."

Zion admitted after the Pels' loss that he needs to be more aggressive on the court ... but it certainly sounds like the team is expecting improvement off it, too.

Shaun Davis Ex Mr. Universo muere a los 57 años

La tragedia ha golpeado al mundo del fisicoculturismo nuevamente. El ex Mr. Universo, Shaun 'Dinosaurio' Davis, acaba de fallecer a la edad de 57 años.

La causa de muerte es desconocida por el momento.

El amigo de Davis, Kuldeep Bhardwaj, confirmó los informes sobre su muerte en Facebook, tras compartir una foto del culturista británico.

"Estoy absolutamente devastado", dijo Bhardwaj en su post.

"Descansa en paz, amigo mío, fuiste una verdadera inspiración desde el día en que te conocí en la escuela, a través de tus increíbles años de culturismo y después. Vamos a extrañar tu sonrisa y tu risa".

Davis, que pesaba 334 libras, tuvo una gran carrera. Ganó varias competencias, incluyendo el prestigioso título de Mr. Universo en 1996.

También ganó Mr. Reino Unido, Mr. Europa, Mr. Pro Universo y Mr. Gran Bretaña, entre otros.

Davis se vio obligado a retirarse después de luchar contra problemas renales. Incluso recibió un trasplante en 2009 después de tres años de diálisis.

Los aficionados están inundando las redes sociales con homenajes hacia el fisicoculturista. Uno de ellos lo describió como una "persona maravillosa e inspiradora".

Lamentablemente, varios culturistas han fallecido este año, entre ellos la pionera Lisa Lyon, Neil Currey, Gustavo 'The Freakin Rican' Badell y Bill Graham.

A Davis le sobreviven su pareja, Helen Burrows, y su hija, Harley.

Shaun Davis Former Mr. Universe Dead At 57

Tragedy has again struck the bodybuilding world ... former Mr. Universe, Shaun 'Dinosaur' Davis, has passed away at the age of 57.

The cause of death is unknown at this time.

Davis's friend, Kuldeep Bhardwaj, confirmed the reports of Davis' death on Facebook, sharing a photo of the British bodybuilder.

"I’m absolutely devastated," Bhardwaj said in the FB post.

"Rest in Peace my friend you was a true inspiration right from the day I met you at school, through your amazing bodybuilding years and after. Your smile and laughter will be missed."

Davis, a massive man at 334 lbs., had a great career, winning several competitions including the prestigious Mr. Universe title in 1996.

He also won Mr. UK, Mr. Europe, Mr. Pro Universe and Mr. Britain, among others.

Davis was forced to retire after battling kidney issues ... and even received a transplant in 2009 after three years of dialysis.

Tributes from fans are flooding social media, with fans sharing stories about the larger-than-life man who someone described as a "wonderful, inspirational person."

Sadly, several bodybuilders have passed away this year including pioneer Lisa Lyon, Neil Currey, Gustavo 'The Freakin Rican' Badell, and Bill Graham.

Davis is survived by his partner, Helen Burrows, and their daughter, Harley.

Jeremy Allen White Efron Inspired Me To Get Shredded ... For 'Iron Claw' Flick


Jeremy Allen White is revealing one major influence on his buff transformation for the upcoming "Iron Claw" movie ... telling TMZ Sports his co-star Zac Efron helped whip him into wrestling shape!!

JAW is playing Kerry Von Erich in the project about the famous Von Erich family ... and while he was never in bad shape by any means, the dude really bulked TF up for the role.

In fact, he didn't shy from putting his swole figure on display ... dropping the top for a workout back in July.

Naturally, we had to ask JAW all about his new bod outside "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" this week ... and whether Efron -- who's always been chiseled -- motivated him in the gym.

"He definitely did!!" White said.

As for actually wrestling in the future, JAW ain't too sure he can hang with the big boys ... especially considering he was so fresh to the industry when he got the gig.


White added he has a ton of respect for professional wrestlers ... pointing out it's a super athletic sport, so all the haters who trash it due to it being "fake" should listen up!!

Jeremy Allen White dice que Zac Efron lo motivó a hacerse trizas para "Iron Claw"


Jeremy Allen White está revelando una gran influencia que le sirvió al momento de llevar a cabo su transformación para la próxima película "Iron Claw". Nos informa que su coestrella, Zac Efron, lo ayudó a dar forma al personaje.

Jeremy interpreta a Kerry Von Erich en el proyecto sobre la famosa familia Von Erich, y mientras que él nunca estuvo en mala forma de ninguna manera, el tipo que tiene que interpretar está a otro nivel.

De hecho, no se privó de mostrar su esbelta figura, dejando caer la parte superior para un entrenamiento en julio.

Naturalmente, tuvimos que preguntarle a Jeremy todo sobre su nuevo cuerpo durante "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" esta semana y si Efron -que siempre ha sido esbelto- lo motivó en el gimnasio.

"¡Definitivamente lo hizo!" dijo White.

En cuanto a la lucha libre en el futuro, el actor no está muy seguro de que pueda estar con los grandes, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que era tan nuevo en la industria cuando consiguió el trabajo.

¡feliz navidad!

White añadió que tiene mucho respeto por los luchadores profesionales, señalando que es un deporte super atlético, por lo que todos los haters deberían darse el tiempo de entender o irse por su camino.


Bam Margera está celebrando un hito en su sobriedad, y le está dando las gracias a su novia, el gimnasio y el skate por ayudarlo a mantenerse sano... además recibe el apoyo de Mark Wahlberg.

La ex estrella de "Jackass" le dice a TMZ que lleva 120 días sobrio y contando.

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Bam nos dice que está en San Antonio, Texas, donde está trabajando en una película y algunas nuevas obras de arte para una empresa de ropa. Él todavía está trabajando a diario con su novia Dannii y ha vuelto con todo al patinaje, tres cosas que atribuye a su sobriedad.

Esta semana estuvo haciendo ejercicio dentro de un gimnasio propiedad de Jarred Taylor, que es uno de los fundadores de la compañía de café Rifle Negro, y una vez trabajó con Mark en la película de guerra 2013 "Lone Survivor".

Como se puede ver, Bam está haciendo ejercicio en un gimnasio cubierto de imágenes de las películas de Mark, lo que lleva al actor a darle a Bam un saludo realmente genial.

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TMZ obtuvo el video de un mensaje que Bam le envió a Mark, diciéndole que lleva 120 días sobrio y también obtuvimos la respuesta en video de Mark.

Mark felicita a Bam por su hito y espera juntarse con él pronto en Las Vegas.

Bam nos dice que se reunió con Mark un par de veces el día de la entrega de premios.

Bam dice que recientemente obtuvo la autorización para poder ver a su hijo, Phoenix, por lo que está planeando conducir a California para ver a su hijo. Probablemente haga una parada en Las Vegas para relajarse con Mark.

Buenas noticias.

Bam Margera I'm Over 100 Days Sober ... Wahlberg's Saluting Me!!!

Bam Margera is crossing a milestone in his sobriety, and thanking his girlfriend, the gym and skateboarding for helping him stay on the straight and narrow ... all while getting support from Mark Wahlberg.

The former 'Jackass' star tells TMZ … he's over 100 days sober and plenty busy with work and his fitness.

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Right now he's in San Antonio working on a movie and developing new artwork for a clothing company. He is still working out daily with his GF Dannii and skating again ... aka the 3 key factors to his sobriety, according to Bam himself.

This week he was working out at a gym owned by Jarred Taylor, one of the founders of the Black Rifle Coffee Company ... who also once worked closely with Wahlberg on the 2013 war movie "Lone Survivor."

As you can see, Bam's working out in a gym covered in images from Mark's movies ... leading to the actor giving Bam a really cool shout-out.

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TMZ obtained video of a message Bam sent to Mark, letting him know he was approaching 120 days sober ... and we also got Mark's video response.

Mark's congratulating Bam for his milestone and hoping to connect with him soon in Las Vegas. BTW, Mark's also talked about getting sober this year for health reasons, so they have that in common.

Bam tells us he met Mark a few times back in the day at awards shows and parties, and he's planning to take Wahlberg up on the offer.

BM says he recently got cleared to see his son, Phoenix, so he's planning to drive to California to see his kid, with a stop in Vegas on the way to chill with Mark.

Good stuff.


Quick Results!

Luke Evans treated his IG fans to a thirst trap ... after shedding 17 lbs in just 10 weeks.

The actor showed off his rippling abs in a scorchin' hot IG clip Monday ... rocking nothing but a pair of light wash torso-enhancing jeans.

Luke spilled the tea on his weight loss journey ... attributing it to the high-energy hustle of his West End role as the late Queen Mother's steward, William Tallon, in "Backstairs Billy" at London's Duke Of York theatre.

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"Wanna burn body fat fast? DO A WEST END SHOW!!! Dropped 8kg in 10 weeks!! Only down side… it's BLOODY WINTER 🥶," the 44-year-old wrote in the caption ... crediting his fountain of youth to his cooling eye patches -- though no one really looking at those ...

The clip achieved what it set out to ... eliciting comments such as: "Damn!! Such a hottie!! 🔥🔥🔥" and "What a way to start the day. This is pure perfection 😍."

While Luke has clearly been leaving his all on the West End stage -- straight after tackling the physically demanding role in the action thriller "Echo 3" -- he's said that fitness plays a massive part in his life even when not working.

"Even if I’m absolutely shattered and I don’t want to go, I never regret training," he told TRAIN magazine. Hey, if it means more shirtless selfies ... we're not complaining.

Kanye West Ex entrenador llama a seguridad Después de encontrarse en resort de Dubai

Kanye West cree que su ex-entrenador, Harley Pasternak, lo está acosando en Dubai, aunque TMZ ha indagado que fue Harley quien se sintió lo suficientemente amenazado como para pedir refuerzos, luego de toparse con él en un hotel.

Visto hablando con seguridad

Harley y Ye estaban en el Atlantis Royal Dubai el lunes por la noche, y de acuerdo con el equipo de Ye, el rapero se sintió incómodo y pensó que Harley lo estaba siguiendo. Tanto es así, que sacó su teléfono y comenzó a grabarlo mientras hablaba con el personal del hotel.

Sin embargo, fuentes con conocimiento directo en el complejo le dicen a TMZ que Harley estaba en la conserjería haciendo una reserva para cenar cuando se encontró cara a cara con Ye. Recuerden, estos dos tienen una historia tumultuosa.

Harley fue quien llamó a la policía y a los paramédicos en 2016, cuando percibió que Ye se estaba comportando erráticamente en una sesión de entrenamiento. Esa llamada llevó a que Kanye fuera internado en el Centro Médico de UCLA para una evaluación mental.

En esta oportunidad, nos cuentan que eran las 9 pm aproximadamente en Dubai, cuando Ye se acercó a Harley e intentó abrazarlo, pero Harley lo rechazó. Nos dicen que el conserje le preguntó a Harley si necesitaba seguridad del hotel y él dijo que sí.

Nos dicen que la seguridad llegó, pero que Ye y su equipo ya habían abandonado la zona en ese momento, por lo que no hubo más contacto entre ellos.

La gente de Ye dice que está en Dubai para celebrar Acción de Gracias con sus hijos. En cuanto a por qué Harley está allí, nuestras fuentes dicen que es dueño de más de una docena de gimnasios en el Medio Oriente y está con frecuencia en Dubai con sus clientes.

Kanye West Ex-Trainer Calls Security on Him After Dubai Resort Run-In

Kanye West believes his ex-trainer, Harley Pasternak, is stalking him around Dubai -- they did run into each other there -- but TMZ has learned it's Harley who felt threatened enough to call for backup.


Harley and Ye were both at Atlantis the Royal Dubai resort on Monday evening, and according to Ye's camp ... the rapper felt uncomfortable and believed Harley was tailing him around Dubai. So much so, he whipped out his phone and started recording Harley as he spoke to hotel staff.

However, sources with direct knowledge at the resort tell TMZ ... Harley was at the concierge desk making a dinner reservation when he came face-to-face with Ye. Remember, these 2 have a tumultuous history.

Harley's the one who called police and paramedics back in 2016 when he said Ye started behaving erratically during a training session. That call led to Kanye being committed to UCLA Medical Center for mental evaluation.

Cut to Monday in Dubai, around 9 PM we're told, when our sources say Ye approached Harley and attempted to embrace him -- perhaps trying to hug it out -- but Harley rebuffed him. We're told the concierge asked Harley if he needed hotel security, and he said yes.

We're told security arrived, but Ye and his team had left the area by that point -- and there was no further contact between them.


e's camp says he's in Dubai to celebrate Thanksgiving with his children. As for why Harley's there ... our sources say he owns more than a dozen gyms in the Middle East, and is frequently in Dubai with clients.

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