BEN AFFLECK DUNKIN Y MARLBORO las Claves para ser un padre sano y esbelto.

La dieta de Ben Affleck parece consistir en Dunkin Donuts y cigarrillos y (sin embargo), está en plena forma, con un cuerpo de padre que la mayoría de nosotros mataría por tener.

El actor fue a recoger a sus hijos en Los Ángeles el lunes. En concreto a su hija de 14 años de edad, Seraphina y a su hijo de 11 años de edad, Samuel.

Échale un vistazo... mientras esperaba con Seraphina en el estacionamiento, comenzó a hurgar en una mochila y sacó un cartón gigante de cigarros Marlboro, que ya estaba abierto.

Una vez que Sam apareció y los 3 comenzaron a salir, Ben tenía una taza de café Dunkin con él que parecía estar vacía. Sabemos que Ben es un fan de la marca de café y donuts, por lo que no es tan loco verlo con uno de estos.

Lo interesante es el hecho de que Ben tiende a picar la comida rápida con bastante frecuencia. La semana pasada pudimos verlo en McDonalds, sosteniendo una bolsa de comida y una sabrosa bebida.

Súmale el hecho de que es un fumador habitual y es un poco sorprendente que Ben sea capaz de mantenerse en tan buena forma como lo hace. Sabemos que el chico está hecho polvo gracias a una foto que su mujer, J Lo, compartió el Día del Padre, así que debe ir al gimnasio con regularidad para mantener el equilibrio.

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Ojalá todos tuviéramos tanta suerte.

Ben Affleck Dunkin' & Marlboro ... Keys to Healthy, Ripped Dad Bod???

Ben Affleck's diet appears to consist of Dunkin' Donuts and cigarettes -- and yet ... he's in tip-top shape, with a dad bod most of us would kill to have.

The actor was picking up his kids in L.A. Monday -- specifically, his 14-year-old daughter Seraphina and 11-year-old son Samuel -- and he was in complete Papa Bear mode ... of the big-rig variety, though, it seems.

Check it out ... while waiting with Seraphina in the parking lot, he started rummaging through a backpack and pulled out a giant carton of Marlboro cigs, which was already torn open.

Once Sam showed up and the 3 of them started heading out ... Ben had a Dunkin' coffee cup with him, and it looked pretty empty. We know Ben's a fan of the coffee/donut brand ... so it's not all that crazy to see him with one of these.

What is interesting ... the fact Ben tends to snag fast food pretty often -- including a McDonald's run he made last week, where he had a bag of grub and a tasty drink to boot.

Lop on the fact he's a regular smoker ... and it's a little surprising Ben's able to stay in as good of shape as he does. We know the guy's shredded thanks to a snap his wife, J Lo, shared on Father's Day -- so he must hit the gym regularly to keep things balanced.

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If only we were all so lucky.

Samuel Haskell Jr. Le dijo a su entrenador Que ver cuerpos troceados en una película eran demasiado para él

Sam Haskell Jr. aparentemente no pudo soportar el horror representado en una película de terror, algo que le dijo a un amigo a principios de este año, a pesar de estar acusado exactamente por el mismo motivo.

TMZ obtuvo mensajes privados de Instagram, de mayo de 2023, en los que Samuel, el hijo del agente de Hollywood Samuel Haskell Sr., le dice a su ex entrenador personal Troy Piedade que la película "The Forever Purge", le dio náuseas a "causa de los cuerpos desmembrados".

Echa un vistazo a la conversación por ti mismo. Es bastante reveladora.

Como se puede ver, Sam trae a colación el filme de terror y escribe: "Forever Purge fue un poco diferente, personas realmente siendo descuartizadas en México, de verdad, es difícil para mí disfrutar de una película sobre eso, prefiero Purge 2 Anarchy". Luego continúa diciendo que quiere hacer una película con Troy.

Hablamos con Troy, que nos dice que en el transcurso de los 14 años en los que conoció a Sam sintió algo un poco raro cuando empezó a entrenarlo en 2009 en Bally's en Encino.

Dice que siente que Sam era muy problemático y que el tipo se metía con la gente del gimnasio porque sabía que él lo protegería.

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¿La prueba irrefutable?

A pesar de su extraño comportamiento, Troy dice que nunca pensó que su ex cliente llegaría tan lejos, al punto de cometer un asesinato, algo que las autoridades del condado de Los Ángeles han alegado contra Sam.

Troy dice que él y Sam se mantuvieron en contacto a través de Instagram después de que dejara el gimnasio, en donde regularmente discutían sobre películas de terror y fitness, incluyendo esta breve charla sobre cuerpos descuartizados. Lo que es importante aquí es que las fuentes policiales de Los Ángeles nos dicen que eran conscientes del interés de Sam en las películas de terror y que están revisando eso para este caso.

El lunes, el fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles, George Gascón, anunció que Haskell Jr. fue imputado con tres cargos de asesinato por la muerte de su esposa de 37 años, Mei, y sus padres Gaoshan Li, de 72, y Yanxiang Wang, de 64.

Esto se produjo después de que publicáramos un video que parece mostrar a Sam tirando lo que bien podría ser un cuerpo. Una persona viviendo en la calle encontró un torso humano en el mismo contenedor de basura al día siguiente.

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Captado en Cámara

Hay más videos que parecen mostrar a Sam dando y/o recibiendo otras bolsas, que los jornaleros alegaron contenían restos humanos.

Parece que la policía les creyó. Si es condenado, Haskell Jr. podría enfrentarse a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional.

Samuel Haskell Jr. Told Personal Trainer ... Chopped Up Bodies in Horror Movie Too Much for Me

Sam Haskell Jr. apparently couldn't stomach the gore depicted in a horror movie -- something he told a pal earlier this year ... even though he's accused of being a butcher.

TMZ has obtained IG DMs from May 2023 that Samuel -- the son of Hollywood super-agent Samuel Haskell Sr. -- sent to his ex-personal trainer Troy Piedade ... which touched "The Forever Purge," a flick that SHJ said made him queasy 'cause of the dismembered bodies.

Take a look at the back-and-forth between them yourself ... it's pretty eye-opening.

As you see, Sam brings up 'The Purge' and writes ... "Forever purge was a little different fools really be getting chopped up in Mexico for real it's hard for me to enjoy a movie about it, I'm down with purge 2 anarchy." He then goes on to say that he wants to make a movie with Troy.

We talked to Troy, who now tells us that over the course of the 14 years that he knew Sam ... he sensed something a bit off when he started actually training him in 2009 at Bally's in Encino.

Troy says that he feels Sam was very troubled, claiming that the guy would go out of his way to mess with people at the gym ... because he knew he (Troy) would protect him.

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Despite his odd behavior, though, Troy tells us he never thought his former client would go as far as murder ... something the authorities in L.A. County have alleged against Sam.

Troy says he and Sam kept in touch over IG after he left the gym, where they regularly discussed topics such as horror movies and fitness ... including this brief chat about chopped-up bodies, which Sam said were too much for him. FWIW, law enforcement sources tell us the LAPD is aware of Sam's interest in horror movies and they're looking into it.

On Monday, L.A. County District Attorney George Gascón announced that Haskell Jr. was hit with 3 counts of murder in the death of his 37-year-old wife, Mei, and her parents ... 72-year-old Gaoshan Li and 64-year-old Yanxiang Wang.

Of course, this came after we published video that appears to show Sam dumping what very well may have been a body. A homeless person found a human torso at the same dumpster the very next day.

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There's more video that appears to show Sam giving/receiving other bags ... which day laborers alleged contained human remains. Seems like the cops believed them.

If convicted, Haskell Jr. could face life in prison without the possibility of parole.

David Corenswet Poniéndose en forma para "Superman: Legacy"

El chico que ha sido elegido para interpretar a Superman en una nueva entrega ha parecido un poco desgarbado y torpe para algunos desde que se anunció su casting ... Pero ya no.

David Corenswet, quien va a interpretar al Hombre de Acero en la próxima película de James Gunn "Superman: Legacy" fue fotografiado en un gimnasio por el entrenador Paolo Mascitti, quien ha estado trabajando con David para que se vea más guapo y más guapo en el papel.

Si nos basamos en lo que vemos aquí, su régimen parece estar funcionando porque Dave se ve espectacular.

En estas fotos no se ve su cara, pero definitivamente nos podemos hacer una idea de cómo se está formando su cuerpo, y ciertamente se ve un poco más como Superman que antes.

Por cierto, no había nada malo con cómo estaba antes, especialmente debajo del ombligo, pero digamos que no estaba ni de lejos lo musculoso que está ahora.

Ahora que Dave parece tener el físico de Clark Kent... parece que está marcando todas las casillas que los fans de la franquicia quieren ver en su Superman. Definitivamente tiene la cara y el pelo en su sitio, por no hablar de la altura, y ahora también está musculoso.

El tiempo dirá qué aspecto tendrá finalmente con el traje azul y rojo, pero esta es una señal de que las cosas van por buen camino. Está previsto que el rodaje de "Superman: Legacy" comience en la primavera de 2024 y la película se estrenará en el verano de 2025.

Henry Cavill, ¡come tu corazón!

David Corenswet Getting Jacked for 'Superman: Legacy' Gym'n It Up for the Tights!!!

The guy who's been tapped to play Superman in the new installment has looked a bit gangly and awkward to some since his casting was announced ... but not anymore.

David Corenswet -- who's playing the Man of Steel in James Gunn's forthcoming 'Superman: Legacy' -- got snapped in a gym pic by fitness trainer Paolo Mascitti ... who's apparently working with DC to get him nice and hunky for the titular role.

Based on what we can see here ... their regimen is working, 'cause Dave's looking swoll!

You don't see the guy's face here -- but you can definitely get a sense of how his body's shaping up ... and he certainly looks a bit more Superman-ly now. It's a bit of a 180 from what we saw earlier this summer, when Dave hit the beach and bared his hot dad bod.

There was certainly nothing wrong with what he was working with then -- especially below the equator -- but let's just say ... he wasn't nearly as muscled out as he is right now.

Now that Dave seems to have the Clark Kent physique down ... it would appear he's checking all the boxes fans of the franchise want to see in their Superman. He definitely has the face and hair department on lock -- not to mention height -- and now ... he's ripped too.

Time will tell what he ultimately looks like in the blue and red suit ... but this is a sign things are headed in the right direction. Filming for 'Superman: Legacy' is set to get underway in Spring 2024 ... and the flick's being released in Summer 2025.

Henry Cavill ... eat your heart out!

Estrella de "Extreme Weight Loss" Brandi Mallory muere a los 40

Brandi Mallory, ex participante del programa de televisión "Extreme Weight Loss" ha muerto en Georgia.

Mallory falleció en Atlanta el 9 de noviembre, según la Oficina del Médico Forense del Condado de Fulton.  No se ha revelado la causa de su muerte.

La ex estrella de realities hizo su aparición en 2014 en la cuarta temporada de la serie de ABC. En una entrevista de 2018 reveló por qué se unió a "Extreme Weight Loss".

Mallory le dijo al periodista que estaba motivada por perder kilos después de que su compañera de hermandad, que también tenía sobrepeso, muriera a los 29 años.

Dijo que también se le pasó por la mente que podía morir si no hacía algo con sus 329 libras.

La maquilladora dijo que fue a un casting para "The Biggest Loser", pero fue rechazada, sin embargo, los productores la ayudaron a ganar un lugar en "Extreme Weight Loss".

El programa mostraba el viaje que atravesaban diversas personas con obesidad por perder peso, siguiendo una dieta saludable y una rutina de ejercicios.

Mallory tenía 40 años.

Que en paz descanse.

'Extreme Weight Loss' Star Brandi Mallory Dead At 40

Brandi Mallory -- a former cast member on the TV show "Extreme Weight Loss" -- has died in Georgia.

Mallory passed away in Atlanta on November 9, according to the Fulton County Medical Examiner's Office.  Her cause of death has not been disclosed.

The ex-reality star made her 2014 appearance on season 4 of the ABC series. She revealed why she joined "Extreme Weight Loss" during a 2018 interview uploaded to YouTube.

Mallory told a journalist she was motivated to shed pounds after her overweight sorority sister died at age 29.

She said it played on her mind that she could die too if she didn't do something about her 329-pound frame.

The makeup artist said she went on a casting call for "The Biggest Loser," but was rejected, yet the producers helped her win a spot on "Extreme Weight Loss."

That show featured obese people on their journey to shed weight with a healthy diet and workout routine.

Mallory was 40.


GLEN POWELL Top Gun Goes Bottoms Up!!! Grinning & Baring It in Pics

Glen Powell's got a treat for ya ... some clothing-optional shots that provide more than a glimpse of what Sydney Sweeney had to work with while they filmed down under. Poor girl, right?!?

Armed with a wide-brimmed hat to keep things PG-13, the "Top Gun: Maverick" actor bares his ass in a scorching-hot photo shoot for "Men's Health" magazine.

Some of the mag's other sexy snaps showcase his fine-tuned abs while jumping rope, trampolining and doing dumbbell push-ups.

Yup, it's just about fitness -- that's the ONLY reason anyone's looking at these pics. 😉

Alongside Glen's butt-baring shenanigans, he also talked to the fitness bible about his dating life ... specifically referring to the rumors about Sydney and himself when he said, "When all that stuff happened, you know, publicly, it felt disorienting and unfair. But what I'm realizing is that's just a part of this gig now."

Remember, there was a lot of buzz earlier this year about an alleged fling with Sydney as they filmed their R-rated rom-com "Anyone But You" in Australia.

The speculation intensified when Glen and his GF, Gigi Paris, called it quits at the same time.

However, sources with direct knowledge told TMZ the pair were not together IRL ... and any flirting between Glen and Syd was professional, for the sake of promoting their movie.

Also, Sydney is still very loved up with her fiancé Jonathan Davino.

The costars are back together in Oz for some reshoots, and looked as cozy as ever on set -- but, before the rumors start up again ... Jonathan's down there, too, with Sydney.

Glen Powell Top Gun se desnuda hasta el culo!!! En atrevida sesión de fotos

Glen Powell tiene un regalo para ti ... Algunas fotos sin ropa que nos dan una idea del material con el que tuvo que lidiar Sydney Sweeney mientras filmaban en el set. Pobre chica, ¿verdad?

Armado con un sombrero de ala ancha para mantener las cosas PG-13, el actor de "Top Gun: Maverick" descubrió sus nalgas en una sesión de fotos para la revista "Men's Health".

Algunas de las otras fotos de la revista muestran sus abdominales afinados mientras salta la cuerda, hace trampolín y flexiones con mancuernas.

Sabemos que todo es por el fitness, la única razón por la que alguien querría ver estas fotos 😉.

Además de las travesuras de Glen, también habló con la biblia del fitness sobre su vida amorosa, refiriéndose específicamente a los rumores amorosos con Sydney cuando dijo: "Cuando todo eso sucedió públicamente, estaba desorientado y sentí que fue injusto. Pero de lo que me he dado cuenta ahora es que es solo una parte de este trabajo".

Recuerden, hubo un montón de rumores a principios de este año acerca de una supuesta aventura con Sydney mientras filmaban la película "Anyone But You" en Australia.

Las especulaciones se intensificaron cuando Glen y su novia Gigi Paris terminaron al mismo tiempo.

Sin embargo, fuentes con conocimiento directo le dijeron a TMZ que no estaban juntos en la vida real y que cualquier coqueteo entre Glen y Syd era solo por el bien de la promoción de su película.

Además, Sydney sigue muy enamorada de su prometido Jonathan Davino.

Los coprotagonistas están de vuelta en Oz para algunas regrabaciones y se ven tan cariñosos como siempre en el set. Pero, antes de que los rumores comiencen de nuevo, Jonathan también está ahí con Sydney.

UFC Star Tom Aspinall Cardio Won't Be 100% For UFC 295 ... But It's Good Enough To Win The Belt!


Tom Aspinall admits he won't be at his cardiovascular peak for his upcoming title fight -- he wasn't planning on being in an Octagon Saturday night -- but the UFC star says he's healthy enough to leave The World's Most Famous Arena as interim heavyweight champ!

TMZ Sports talked to 30-year-old Aspinall, the #4 ranked UFC heavyweight, days before his scrap with 31-year-old Sergei Pavlovich, ranked the #2 contender, during UFC 295's co-main event at Madison Square Garden ... and we asked the fighter from the UK how close he'd be to 100 percent.

"I can't lie and say I'm at my fittest ever because I'm not. But also there's been times when I haven't had a fight that I've been way further away than what I am now. I've still been training. I've been training every day," Aspinall told us.

Tom added ... "Two and a half weeks is enough time to switch on your mind. To get in the mode of fighting, to mentally prepare yourself. I'd say I'm around 80 to 90%. I feel good."

Of course, Aspinall got a phone call from the UFC on October 24 ... with news that Jon Jones wouldn't be able to fight Stipe Miocic after suffering a serious injury to his pec. Tom was offered an interim title fight against Pavlovich, who had already been contracted to serve as the backup for the original Jon and Stipe fight.

Despite Sergei having been in camp already, and Tom not ... he said yes, and here we are!

We asked Aspinall how difficult a decision it was.

"It wasn't really a tough decision to be honest. I don't know why. I think for anybody else it maybe was. That's the fight that I wanted. That's the fight I've been asking for. I wouldn't be asking for it if I felt like I didn't want it.

"Obviously, in an ideal world, I would've liked longer to train. I would've liked longer than the short amount of time, but I believe everything happens for a reason, and I believe it's gonna help me somehow, whatever that is I'll find out Saturday. And I'm very much looking forward to it!"

Pavlovich is one of the scariest fighters in the promotion. He's only lost once as a professional and has won 6 UFC fights in a row. His last loss was to now-retired MMA legend Alistair Overeem in 2018.

Segei's known for his incredible knockout power ... finishing 83% of his fights by knockout.

Aspinall's no slouch, either. He's 13-3, and an incredible athlete ... especially considering his massive frame (he's 6'5", 262 lbs.). Tom's beaten the likes of Marcin Tybura, Alexander Volkov, and Andrei Arlovski since joining Dana White's promotion in 2020.

Adding to the massive moment ... the fight's going down at MSG, where legends like Muhammad Ali have fought over the decades. Aspinall's from Manchester, but we asked him if he cared about UFC 295's distinguished location.

"I personally know that Madison Square Garden is the most prestigious arena in the world for a combat athlete. I think that's globally known. There are two places that I wanted to fight being a UK guy, I always wanted to fight in the O2 Arena. I've headlined the O2 three times now," Aspinall said.

"There's nowhere else in the world that I would rather be on Saturday night, honestly, truly, hand on heart, so I can't wait for it."

Fitness Trainer 'Proud' To Tear Down Poster Of Kidnapped Israeli Kids


A fitness instructor is being accused of tearing down a poster of kidnapped Israeli kids outside a popular Los Angeles gym  ... and he says he's "proud" to be doing it.

The incident went down Wednesday outside the iconic Gold's Gym in Venice -- the man crumpled up the poster and chucked it in the trash. He's asked about why he ripped it down, telling the man filming he's proud of himself, before adding "Get the f*** away."

The man in question has been identified as model and fitness trainer Zaid Shaat -- his social media profiles say he's a "Lifetime Natural Athlete," and that he loves to "motivate people to live a healthy lifestyle. I am passionate about helping people achieve their goals and dreams."

Worth mentioning that Joe Gold, the founder of Gold's Gym, was Jewish ... and folks online have been letting Shaat have it over what he did outside the L.A. hot spot.

As you know, Hamas first attacked Israel on Oct. 7 killing thousands and taking more than 200 civilians hostage -- all of which sparked war as Israel retaliates.

The problem, and growing controversy, involves the deaths of civilian Palestinians killed as Israel launches airstrikes into Gaza aiming of snuffing out Hamas.

Entrenador físico Orgulloso de arrancar un cartel de niños israelíes secuestrados

Atrapado en el acto

Un instructor de fitness está siendo acusado por arrancar un póster de  niños israelíes secuestrados afuera de un popular gimnasio de Los Ángeles y dice que está "orgulloso" de haberlo hecho.

El incidente ocurrió el miércoles fuera del icónico Gold's Gym en Venice, cuando el hombre arrugó el cartel y lo tiró a la basura. En el video le preguntan por qué lo hizo, y les dice que está orgulloso de haberlo hecho, antes de añadir "váyanse todos a la mier***".

El hombre en cuestión ha sido identificado como Zaid Shaat, modelo y entrenador físico. Sus perfiles en las redes sociales dicen que es un "atleta natural de toda la vida" y que le encanta motivar a la gente a vivir un estilo de vida saludable. "Me apasiona ayudar a la gente a alcanzar sus metas y sueños".

Vale la pena mencionar que Joe Gold, el fundador de Gold's Gym, era judío y los usuarios en las redes están pidiendo que lo castiguen por lo que hizo.

Como ustedes saben, Hamas atacó por primera vez a Israel el 7 de octubre, causando la muerte de miles de personas y tomando como rehenes a más de 200 civiles, lo cual ha desatado una guerra mientras Israel toma represalias.

El problema, y la creciente controversia, tiene que ver con las muertes de civiles palestinos mientras Israel lanza ataques aéreos contra Gaza con el objetivo de acabar con Hamás.

Kelly Clarkson Lookin' Incredible After Divorce ... Fans Go Nuts with Theories

Kelly Clarkson sent fans into a frenzy after looking incredible, appearing to have recently shed some weight ... this after last year's rough divorce from Brandon Blackstock.

The singer stunned her followers online after she showed off her slim physique with a snap last weekend getting ready to appear on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" -- rocking a black lace top and a huge smile on her face.

Fans were praising Kelly left and right in the comments, with loads of folks shouting out how fantastic she looks ... but some pointed to the potential for meds contributing -- at least, in part -- to the slimmed look.

There are a handful of comments talking about Ozempic -- one wrote, "Ozempic to the rescue!!!" and another said, "looks like you've been hitting the ozempic."

For the record, Kelly hasn't spoken out about her recent weight loss, so it's unclear if meds were at play ... but safe to say, fans love the way she looks.

Some have also called it a "revenge bod" after settling her tumultuous divorce in March 2022 -- one commenter even wrote, "Brandon Blackstock eat your heart out."

TMZ broke the story, Kelly walked away with loads of assets at the end of their divorce, and she won primary custody of their 2 kids.

Brandon is currently getting $115k a month in spousal support, but that deal ends in January. He's also getting $45,600 monthly in child support ... and Kelly had to cough up another $1.3 mil as part of the settlement.

KELLY CLARKSON LUCE INCREíBLE TRAS SU DIVORCIO Los fans se vuelven locos con las teorías

Kelly Clarkson dejó a sus fans muy felices luego de aparecer luciendo increíble. Esto luego de haber ganado algo de peso extra después del difícil divorcio con Brandon Blackstock.

La cantante sorprendió a sus seguidores en línea cuando mostró su degada figura el fin de semana pasado cuando se preparaba para aparecer en "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon", luciendo un top de encaje negro y una enorme sonrisa en su rostro.

Los fans elogiaron a Kelly a diestra y siniestra en los comentarios, con un montón de gente gritando lo fantástica que se veía. Algunos apuntaron a la posibilidad de que las medicinas ayudaron, al menos en parte.

Hay un puñado de comentarios hablando de Ozempic. Alguien escribió, "¡Ozempic al rescate!", y otro dijo, "parece que has estado dándole al ozempic".

Para que conste, Kelly no ha hablado acerca de su reciente pérdida de peso, así que no está claro si los medicamentos tuvieron algo que ver realmente. Lo que sí es seguro, es que a los fans les encanta como se ve.

Algunos también lo han llamado un "acto venganza" después de resolver su divorcio tumultuoso en marzo de 2022, un comentarista incluso escribió: "Brandon Blackstock se está comiendo su propio corazón".

TMZ publicó la historia, Kelly se fue con un montón de activos al final de su divorcio y ganó la custodia primaria de sus 2 hijos.

Brandon está recibiendo actualmente $115k al mes en manutención conyugal, pero ese acuerdo termina en enero. También está recibiendo $45.600 mensuales en manutención y Kelly tuvo que soltar otros $1.3 millones como parte del acuerdo.

Suzanne Somers Husband Wrote Love-Filled Poem ... Read It Night Before She Passed

Suzanne Somers' husband, Alan Hamel, penned a heartfelt poem to his ailing wife in her final hours ... and she was able to read all about his love for her the night before she died.

Alan gave Suzanne the touching words Saturday night -- Suzanne's publicist R. Couri Hay told People she read the poem and went to bed, later dying peacefully in her sleep.

Hay says Alan gave it to her "a day early," so it likely was a present for her birthday, which would've been Monday.

Alan, a film producer, lists in all caps, the many ways he uses the word "love" in his daily life -- from emails to his family, to shows on Netflix, and even about "A GREAT MEAL."

However, Alan says nothing comes close to the love he has for his wife of 46 years ... adding, "THERE IS NO VERSION OF THE WORD THAT IS APPLICABLE TO SUZANNE AND I EVEN USE THE WORD APPLICABLE ADVISEDLY.”

He goes on, saying there is hardly anything in the world that can fully encapsulate his feelings for her -- writing, "I’LL TAKE A BULLET FOR YOU DOESN’T DO IT. I WEEP WHEN I THINK ABOUT MY FEELINGS FOR YOU."

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He says they've been together for 55 years, being married for 46 and they haven't spent, "EVEN ONE HOUR APART FOR 42 OF THOSE YEARS."

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Alan ends his touching note, saying the best way to describe the fire between them is simply, ‘US’, UNIQUELY, MAGICALLY, INDESCRIBABLY WONDERFUL ‘US.’”

As we reported, the "Three's Company" star passed away in her sleep Sunday after her battle with cancer -- her rep told us her family was gathered to celebrate her 77th birthday, but instead will be using the time together to celebrate her life.

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