Richard Simmons No está interesado en una bioepic con Pauly Shore... La privacidad es su prioridad

A Richard Simmons le gusta mucho Pauly Shore, pero no está pensando en la idea de Pauly, o de cualquier otra persona, de hacer una película biográfica, a pesar del clamor de la gente en redes sociales por una historia de su vida.

Fuentes cercanas a Richard le dicen a TMZ que es consciente de los esfuerzos que hay por hacer una película, sobre todo encabezada por Pauly, pero él no quiere estar involucrado.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que no es nada en contra de Pauly. Richard conoce al actor y su difunta madre Mitzi, desde hace décadas. Simplemente quiere vivir una vida privada fuera de los focos.

Nos han dicho también que Richard y compañía reciben ofertas y propuestas casi semanalmente, y que él las rechaza todas. Simplemente no quiere estar en la palestra y mucho menos detrás de una gran producción sobre su vida

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En cuanto al lanzamiento de Pauly, nuestras fuentes dicen que alguien del equipo de Pauly se contactó con Richard, pero su representante cortésmente rechazó la oferta.

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¿Qué pasó con Richard Simmons?

Fue el verano pasado cuando TMZ lanzó "TMZ Investiga: What Really Happened to Richard Simmons", en FOX y Hulu. La respuesta fue tremenda, con miles de personas enviando una tonelada de amor hacia Richard por Internet. Él incluso publicó un mensaje raro agradeciendo a todos por su apoyo.

Escribió en Facebook: "¡Gracias a todos por su amabilidad y amor! ❤️ Con amor, Richard". No hemos sabido nada del gurú del fitness desde entonces. Pero todavía hay mucho amor por el tipo que cambió la vida de tanta gente.

Richard Simmons No Interest in Biopic with Pauly Shore ... Privacy is the Priority

Richard Simmons likes Pauly Shore a lot, but he's not biting on the idea of Pauly -- or anyone else for that matter -- playing him in a biopic, despite a clamoring from folks on social media for a life story.

Sources close to Richard tell TMZ ... he's aware of the effort behind a biopic, mostly spear-headed by Pauly, but Richard just doesn't want to be involved.

Our sources say it's nothing against Pauly -- Richard's known the actor and his late mom Mitzi, for decades -- he simply wants to live a private life out of the spotlight.

We're told Richard & Co. get offers and pitches almost weekly and he turns all of them down. He's just not interested in going public, much less getting behind some big production about his life.

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As for the Pauly pitch, our sources say someone from Pauly's team did connect with Richard's ... but Richard's rep politely turned a thumbs down.

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It was last summer when TMZ released "TMZ Investigates: What Really Happened to Richard Simmons" on FOX and Hulu. The response was huge, with the internet sending a ton of love Richard's way. He even posted a rare message thanking everyone for their support.

Richard took to Facebook to write, "Thank you, everyone, for your kindness and love! ❤️ Love, Richard." We haven't heard from the fitness guru since ... but there's still so much love for the guy who changed the lives of so many people.

Kevin Gates Got Brolic With 🏀 Training ... Thx For the Tips, KD!!!

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Kevin Gates is pumped for his upcoming "Only the Generals" Tour, and he's crediting his new hoops skills ... and the advice of a future Hall of Famer for getting him stage-ready!!!

We linked with Kevin out in Hollywood this week and he gushed about how incorporating basketball into his workout routine has boosted his fitness.

He's been participating in the TCL Crew League and admittedly is more Jason Kidd than Jason Tatum when he's on the court. Even though his shot might not be NBA-ready, Kev says he's loving his time on the hardwood

He counts Kevin Durant, DeMar DeRozan and Chris "Lethal Shooter" Matthews as his favorite pros to shoot around with during his training.

KG says KD told him to always focus on the shot he's taking above everything else, and you gotta see how he's applying that advice to his everyday life.

The additional inspo and energy will come in handy come October 6 when the tour kicks off ... 31 cities in 4 months is quite the cross-country trek!!!

Last time Kevin was on the road, he went viral for jumping high like he could duplicate a KD dunk.

This time, with his newfound skills, he just might 360° windmill!!!

Blueface 911 Call 'He Stabbed My Client' ... Get Here Pronto!!!

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911 audio

Moments after Blueface got stabbed in a boxing gym, his trainer dialed 911 and the call got pretty intense ... with the operator trying to get details of the attack, as the trainer tried to get medics to save Blue.

TMZ Hip Hop obtained audio of the 911 call that launched paramedics to the bloody scene on August 23 at the Kaminsky Boxing Gym in L.A.'s San Fernando Valley.

On the call, the trainer -- who also owns the gym -- tells the operator a random guy came in and "stabbed my client" ... and then the miscommunication begins.

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Instagram / @bluefasebabyy

Seems the gym owner couldn't really hear the operator's questions about whether the assailant was still there -- and the gym owner quickly grew frustrated as he urged the operator to send help right away for Blueface ... who was bleeding from his leg wound.

As we previously reported, the alleged assailant didn't get very far, before eventually surrendered, and LAPD arrested Brandon Henry Snell. We're told the L.A. County D.A. is now reviewing the case to determine charges.

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Blue had to cancel an upcoming October fight and hasn't posted in the gym since ... but appears to have healed up fine.

llamada al 911 para blue face "apuñalaron a mi cliente" ¡Vengan pronto!

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audio al 911

Momentos después de que apuñalaran Blueface en un gimnacio de boxeo, su entrenador llamó al 911 y la llamada se puso bastante intensa. El operador trataba de obtener detalles mientras el entrenador intentaba conseguir médicos para salvar a Blue.

TMZ obtuvo el audio de la llamada al 911 que apresuró a los médicos al Kaminsky Boxing Gym a las afueras de Los Ángeles el 23 de agosto.

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el incidente
Instagram / @bluefasebabyy

Como te dijimos anteriormente, el presunto agresor no llegó muy lejos, porque se entregó.

La policía de Los Ángeles detuvo poco después a un hombre llamado Brandon Henry Snell... y los agentes creen que es el tipo al que se ve en las imágenes enfrentándose a Blue con un Rottweiler a remolque como posible refuerzo.

Snell ha pagado la fianza, mientras que los familiares aseguraron al perro ... y se nos dice que el caso está siendo revisado por la oficina del Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles.

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Blue tuvo que cancelar un combate que iba a celebrar en octubre y no ha vuelto al gimnasio desde entonces, pero parece que se ha recuperado bien.

Joe Manganiello Casually Dating New Actress Boo ... After Divorce from Sofia

Joe Manganiello has a new bae -- a casual one, but still ... we're told he and actress Caitlin O'Connor have been getting to know each other on the heels of his divorce from Sofia Vergara.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Joe and Caitlin aren't official, but they're casually dating after meeting last month at the screening party for the second season of the HBO show, "Winning Time," in which Caitlin plays a young Dyan Cannon.

Joe and Caitlin even jumped in the jacuzzi together at the bash, albeit with other folks taking a dip too -- no solo swims here.

The party went down at the home of the show's executive producer, Jim Hecht ... and his wife, reporter Courtney Friel, shared the group snap.

Joe and Caitlin were spotted leaving Gold's Gym in Venice together Wednesday, so they obviously get along well enough to get their pump on as a duo.

We're told Joe and Caitlin bonded over the fact they're both from the greater Pittsburgh area -- he's from Mt. Lebanon and she's from Uniontown, and it all kinda snowballed from there.

As you know, Joe's new fling comes after he filed for divorce from Sofia in July, saying they've been growing apart.

While he cited the standard "irreconcilable differences" in the docs, we were told a big reason for the split was because he wanted kids and she didn't.


Joe Manganiello tiene un nuevo romance. Nos dicen que él y la actriz Caitlin O'Connor se han estado conociendo últimamente y no a pasado mucho tiempo de su divorcio de Sofía Vergara.

Fuentes directas nos dicen que Joe y Caitlin no son oficiales, pero están saliendo casualmente después de conocerse el mes pasado en la fiesta de presentación de la segunda temporada de la serie de HBO "Winning Time", en la que Caitlin interpreta a una joven Dyan Cannon.

Joe y Caitlin incluso se metieron juntos en el jacuzzi de la fiesta (aunque con otras personas) todos lo estaban pasando de maravilla.

La fiesta se celebró en casa del productor ejecutivo de la serie —Jim Hecht— y su mujer, la reportera Courtney Friel quien compartió la instantánea del grupo.

Joe y Caitlin fueron vistos saliendo de Gold's Gym en Venecia juntos el miércoles, por lo que obviamente se llevan lo suficientemente bien como para compartir algunos momentos juntos.

Nos dicen que Joe y Caitlin se unieron por el hecho de que ambos son de la zona metropolitana de Pittsburgh, él es de Mt. Lebanon y ella es de Uniontown y todo como una bola de nieve a partir de ahí.

Como ya sabemos, la nueva aventura de Joe llega después de que pidiera el divorcio a Sofia en julio diciendo que se habían distanciado.

Mientras que él citó el clásico "diferencias irreconciliables" en los documentos, nos dijeron que una razón importante para la separación fue porque él quería hijos y ella no.

Fisicoculturista Neil Currey Muere a los 34 Compitió en Mr. Olympia 22'

Neil Currey, el fisicoculturista que había concursado en una de las competencias de fitness más prestigiosas del mundo, ha fallecido a los 34 años.

"Una noticia absolutamente impactante y desgarradora: mi antiguo atleta [Neil Currey] ha fallecido hoy 😔 Mi último/mejor recuerdo de él era esta cara sonriente después de que ganara el New York Pro y cumpliera el sueño de toda su vida de clasificar para el Mr. Olympia", anunció el antiguo entrenador de Currey, Milo Sarcev, en las redes sociales.

"No tengo palabras y estoy lleno de dolor y tristeza. Mis más sinceras condolencias a su familia, amigos y seres queridos. Que descanses en paz Neil y que Dios bendiga tu alma. 🙏🏻❤️"

Los detalles que rodean su muerte aún no están claros.

Currey nació y creció en el Reino Unido y siempre tuvo interés por el fitness. Comenzó a competir en 2017, y en 2019 hizo su debut en la IFBB, en la competencia Classic Physique, de acuerdo a Generation Iron, donde terminó séptimo.

A lo largo de los años, Currey compitió contra algunos de los hombres más en forma del mundo, y en todas partes, desde Kuwait hasta Puerto Rico y Nueva York.

Hablando de la Gran Manzana, Neil terminó primero en el Pro de Nueva York en 2022, y selló su billete para la prestigiosa competición Mr. Olympia.

Más tarde ese mismo año, Neil subió al escenario del Mr. Olympia (donde en su momento dominaron figuras de la talla de Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jay Cutler y Ronnie Coleman), ¡y cumplió el sueño de su vida!

Al final, Currey terminó en la posición número 16ª, pero el simple hecho de llegar haber llegado al Olympia ya significa que estás en la élite.

La pérdida de Currey se produce pocos días después de la muerte de Lisa Lyon, pionera del culturismo femenino profesional.

Que en paz descanses.

Bodybuilder Neil Currey Dead At 34 '22 Mr. Olympia Competitor

Neil Currey, a bodybuilder who competed in one of the world's most prestigious fitness competitions, has died at the age of 34.

"Absolutely shocking, heartbreaking news - that my former athlete [Neil Currey] died today 😔 My last/best memory of him was this smiling face after he won New York Pro and fulfilled his lifetime dream of qualifying for the Mr. Olympia," Currey's former coach, Milo Sarcev announced on social media.

"I am lost for words and filled with pain and sadness. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and loved ones. RIP Neil and God bless your soul. 🙏🏻❤️"

Details surrounding the death are still unclear.

Currey was born and raised in the United Kingdom and always had an interest in fitness. He began competing in 2017. In 2019, he made his IFBB debut in the Classic Physique competition, according to Generation Iron, where he finished 7th.

Over the years, Currey competed against some of the fittest men in the world, across the world ... everywhere from Kuwait to Puerto Rico and New York.

Speaking of the Big Apple, Neil finished first at the New York Pro in 2022, and stamped his ticket to the prestigious Mr. Olympia competition.

Later in the year, Neil walked on the Mr. Olympia stage (where the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman once dominated), and fulfilled his lifelong dream!

Currey ultimately finished 16th ... but simply making the Olympia means you're elite.

The loss of Currey comes just days after the death of Lisa Lyon, a pioneer in pro women's bodybuilding.


Harry Styles THIS is what makes You Beautiful!!!

Harry Styles is not giving up on summer, and who would with a body like that?!?

The 29-year-old was topless, tatted and remarkably ripped as he dove into a duck pond in England ... yes, apparently that's a thing over there.

Although Harry's never had trouble gettin' dates, he's clearly stepped up his game in the physique dept. We're told he's lately been into pilates, but judging from the pics, he's also lifting ... a lot.

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Someone who wasn't in the water with HS was his rumored new girlfriend, actress Taylor Russell. You'll recall, she was getting the VIP treatment at his Vienna concert earlier this year, chilling in an exclusive spot while he performed.

The 2 were spotted getting handsy weeks later at press night for her London play, "The Effect" ... and we were told ended up in the back of the same car, driving off together later in the night.

You still have a week of summer left, Harry, and there are plenty of duck ponds.

Harry Styles ¡Esto es lo que te hace guapo!

Harry Styles no quiere soltar el verano y, ¿quién lo haría con un cuerpo así?

Al joven de 29 años se lo vio sin polera, tatuado y notablemente tonificado mientras se zambullía en un estanque de patos en Inglaterra. Sí, al parecer eso es posible por allá.

Aunque Harry nunca ha tenido problemas para conseguir citas, está claro que ha mejorado en su aspecto físico. Nos han dicho que ha estado practicando pilates últimamente, pero a juzgar por las fotos, también ha estado levantando... mucho peso.

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Taylor en primera línea

Alguien que no estaba en el agua con Harry es su rumoreada nueva novia, la actriz Taylor Russell. Como recordarán, Taylor fue tratada como asistente VIP en su concierto de Viena a principios de este año, poniéndose cómoda en un lugar exclusivo mientras él actuaba.

Semanas después, los dos fueron vistos muy acaramelados en la noche de prensa de la obra de teatro "The Effect" en Londres, y nos dijeron que ambos terminaron juntos en la parte trasera del mismo coche, conduciendo en la noche horas más tarde.

Aún te queda una semana de verano, Harry, y hay muchos otros estanques de patos.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Here's My Latest Cast!!! After Undergoing Elbow Surgery


Arnold Schwarzenegger has been temporarily sidelined from working out, after going under the knife.

Sources connected to the 76-year-old bodybuilder/actor/politician tell TMZ ... Arnold had nerve damage in his elbow that required surgery last Thursday. Doctors put a protective cast on his entire right arm, so Gold's Gym is without its leader ... but probably only for a week.

He got in his last workout just hours before the operation, and now he's getting his exercise by strolling in the SoCal sun.

Arnold released a never-before-seen video last week, revealing his 2018 heart surgery was way more serious than anyone knew. It was supposed to be a routine, non-invasive procedure to replace a heart valve, but something went wrong and doctors quickly decided to do full-blown open-heart surgery.

Dude's like a Timex watch ... takes a lickin' but keeps on ticken!

Bodybuilding Star Lisa Lyon Dead at 70

Lisa Lyon -- a game changer in professional women's bodybuilding -- has died, TMZ has learned.

A close friend who has been helping Lisa and her family tells us, Lisa died Friday at her home in the San Fernando Valley, where she was in hospice care. We're told the cause of death was stomach cancer.

Lisa famously posed for Playboy back in 1980, and the year before she won the first International Federation of Bodybuilders Woman's World Pro Bodybuilding Championship. It was a huge achievement that really put women's bodybuilding on the map.

She became a staple on the TV talk show circuit, also appearing in a slew of health and fitness magazines. She even wrote a book -- "Lisa Lyon's Body Magic" -- which was published in 1981.

She also modeled for iconic photog Robert Mapplethorpe.

Lisa was inducted into the International Fitness and Bodybuilding Federal Hall of Fame back in 2000 ... for helping to elevate bodybuilding into an art form.

And speaking of elevating bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger told TMZ, "She is the best. I love her."

Lisa was 70.


KSI Clowns IShowSpeed Over Wardrobe Malfunction ... 'I Show Meat!!!'


IShowSpeed might never live down his infamous wardrobe malfunction ... 'cause even KSI got in on the jokes when they met up on Thursday -- calling him "IShowMeat" right to his face.

The popular internet personality made headlines after accidentally exposing himself while playing Five Nights at Freddy's last month ... and despite his constant pleas, thousands of people -- including his followers, haters and even his own family -- have called him the cruel nickname ever since.

The trolling didn't stop when the two YouTube stars linked up for a training sesh earlier in the day ... 'cause when Speed started talking to his stream audience after the workout, KSI dropped a savage line.

"All right, chat ... he always calls me IShowSlow," Speed said ... before KSI interrupted.

"IShowSlow, IShowMeat, what else you showing?" Logan Paul's Prime business partner joked.

"What did you just call me, bro?" Speed responded ... staring into the camera in disbelief.

When KSI doubled down -- even taking it a step further with a super NSFW iteration -- Speed did his signature dog bark right in his face before dissing his beard.

YouTube / IShowSpeed

It's been a difficult few weeks for Speed ... after taking a few days off from streaming, he opened up on the mental challenges he faced as a result of the viral malfunction.

As for the workout, KSI showed he's been training hard for his October fight against Tommy Fury ... but it was Speed who lived up to his name when it came to sprints.

Hopefully, the crowd refrains from chanting Speed's new nickname when he takes the soccer pitch for KSI's Sidemen Charity Match this weekend ... after all, it's for a good cause.

LaVar Ball Gelo Just Bench Pressed 420 LBs ... I Swear!!!


LaVar Ball is back to making eyebrow-raising claims about one of his boys ... this time, he insisted Gelo bench pressed over 400 pounds on Wednesday -- but a whole lot of people on the internet aren't buying it at all.

LaVar shared video on Instagram of he and his 24-year-old brother in the workout room this week ... showing Gelo pushing some big weight off his chest -- all while Dad proudly looked on.

Gelo's form wasn't exactly ideal -- he used plenty of his lower back to get the bar down and up -- but, nonetheless, he was able to lift it.

Where social media users got skeptical of the situation, though, was when LaVar made the claim that it all weighed 420 pounds.

The elder Ball swore that despite the size of the weights on the bar, they totaled up at least 200 LBs on each side. He added in a caption on the flick, "400 is 400."

For what it's worth, Gelo cosigned on it all ... re-sharing the clip on his own IG page -- while captioning it, "Biggest APE."

Gelo is still trying to join his brothers, Lonzo and LaMelo, in the NBA ... getting in plenty of runs in the G League the past couple years with the hopes of being elevated into the big show soon.

Perhaps some newfound strength in the gym will finally get him on a team with his bros?? Stay tuned.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Details 2018 Comeback Story ... After Open Heart Surgery

Arnold Schwarzenegger is chronicling his comeback after open heart surgery in his own words -- while also giving folks a peek at how he did it ... with never-before-seen footage.

The movie star and former bodybuilder blasted out a new newsletter item to members of his health and fitness group, Arnold's Pump Club ... which has some Monday Motivation to get them active and on their feet. For today's catalyst, he shared a very personal story.

He gets into the 2018 medical scare that almost claimed his life. You'll recall, AS was supposed to go into a routine, non-invasive procedure at the time ... but quickly turned much more serious after something went wrong and required full-blown open heart surgery.

Somehow, Arnold was able to recuperate from that procedure in record time -- as he describes in this new video of his, he had a movie to shoot -- and we're getting a chance to see how he went about doing it for the very first time on camera. It's quite something.

As Arnold himself explains ... there were a few things he needed to ensure he left the hospital -- and it all started with a clear vision and a plan of action, which started with him showing he could walk on his own two feet. With the help of friends, Arnold did just that.

We'll let him explain the rest, but essentially ... Arnold's trying to spark some inspiration into anyone who needs motivation to turn their life around and to bring about new lifestyle.

It's pretty inspirational -- as is just about everything the guy does -- and it's also vulnerable.

BTW, feel free to check out Arnold's newsletter here ... it's got great tidbits and exercise recommendations. Indeed, Mr. Olympia is still pumping away -- helping others do the same.