George Santos Va a tomar acciones legales contra la película de HBO ¡¡Que se jodan p*** de mier**!!

George Santos le está diciendo un gran "váyanse a la m***" a todos en HBO, prometiendo que irá tras el canal y la plataforma de streaming luego de que anunciaran el desarrollo de una nueva película sobre su controvertida carrera política.

El recientemente destituido congresista habló con TMZ después de que HBO adquiriera los derechos del nuevo libro de Mark Chiusano "The Fabulist: The Lying, Hustling, Grifting, Stealing, and Very American Legend of George Santos", tachándolo de difamatorio y de apropiación indebida de su nombre y de su imagen.

Santos dice que no tiene ninguna participación en la "ficticia historia" que la película planea venderle al pueblo estadounidense y está molesto con los cineastas y el autor del libro por no haber hablado con él ni haberle pedido autorización para escribir sobre su vida.

Sin embargo, dice que no le preocupa cómo será representado en el documental porque está trabajando en un proyecto que se ajusta mejor a su narrativa. En cuanto a HBO, Santos se desahogó: "Que se jod*** por no contar con la realidad de los hechos".

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

No estamos seguros cómo Santos navegará cualquier camino de regreso posible después de su expulsión del Congreso la semana pasada, pero hay que aplaudir el ajetreo.

La decisión se produjo después de un controvertido tiempo en el cargo, que incluyó múltiples cargos por delitos graves.

Directo con la gente

Por ahora, ha estado ocupado aconsejándole a sus fans que "dejen a los haters odiar" en un video de Cameo por $200.

GEORGE SANTOS Cashing In on Cameo ... After Congress Expulsion

George Santos says getting fired from a job is no big deal -- because it's all down to what you make of the experience ... something he's now telling his Cameo legion.

That's just one questionable piece of advice he's already dished out after joining the personalized video message platform ... less than a week after he was booted from Congress.


The disgraced politician proudly introduces himself as the "Expelled member of Congress from New York City" and "Former congressional "Icon"!💅🏼" on the site ... where for $200, you can nab yourself a customized message from the man himself.

Santos has already been hard at work doling out responses to some requests ... leveraging his recent experiences to inspire and motivate one person in his new career.

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This comes hot on the heels of the House's vote to expel him earlier this month -- a decision spurred by a controversial time in office, which includes multiple felony charges.

Back in May, Santos was arrested on a variety of felony charges, including lying, wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, and making false statements to the House of Representatives.


As for now, Santos appears to be earning easy money on Cameo -- but given his rap sheet of bad decisions, we're not sure how qualified Santos is with playin' Agony Aunt.

Antonio Gates Los Chargers no deberían despedir a Brandon Staley ... Esta es la razón!!!

El hombre indicado

Los Chargers están en último lugar de la tabla y prácticamente todo el mundo cree que es inevitable que el entrenador Brandon Staley pierda su trabajo y de acuerdo con Antonio Gates, uno de los mejores jugadores en la historia de la franquicia, eso sería un error.

TMZ Sports se encontró con el jugador a principios de esta semana en Los Ángeles, quien pasó sus 16 temporadas en los Bolts, y le preguntamos si era hora de que Staley de un paso al costado después de otra temporada decepcionante en el sur de California.

"Yo personalmente no creo que [el entrenador deba ser despedido]", nos dijo Antonio Gates.

El candidato al Salón de la Fama explicó su razonamiento: "Solo por la relación que tiene con los jugadores. ¿Puedes conseguir que los chicos jueguen para ti? Siento que Staley tiene una buena relación con los jugadores, y creo eso porque he estado en ese vestuario".

Staley ha sido el entrenador desde la temporada 2021 y aunque el equipo está lleno de talentos, incluyendo la estrella Justin Herbert, el equipo ha tenido dificultades para conseguir éxitos en la post temporada. La temporada pasada, los Chargers, con 10 victorias, perdieron ante los Jaguares de Jacksonville en la ronda de Wild Card, y este año ha sido un desastre.

Las cosas han ido tan mal para el equipo 4-7, que la conversación sobre quién podría sustituir a Staley es casi constante después de su casi garantizada desaparición y Bill Belichick está a menudo en la parte superior de la lista.

Las cosas no van precisamente bien para el entrenador ganador de 6 Super Bowl (8 en total) en la otra costa. Según los informes, Bill y el propietario Robert Kraft han tenido tensiones y no es una locura pensar que Belichick se alejará o incluso será despedido después de la temporada 2023.

Le preguntamos a Gates si cree que Belichick encajaría bien en Los Ángeles.

"Creo que Belichick es un ganador histórico y probado. ¿Por qué no sería bueno para cualquier equipo? No sé cómo sería ahora la transición de los entrenadores de la vieja escuela. Yo vengo de esa mentalidad de la vieja escuela, pero no sé si estos chicos pueden comprometerse con ese estilo de juego. No estoy seguro. No lo sé".

"Pero lo que sí sabemos es que es un ganador probado. Simplemente, no sé si su estilo de juego todavía se considera valioso en la Liga Nacional de Fútbol".

A los Chargers les quedan 6 partidos, incluyendo un enfrentamiento con los Pats este domingo.

Salvo que ocurra algo milagroso, es difícil imaginar que el equipo siga con Staley, incluso con el respaldo del gran Antonio Gates.

Antonio Gates Chargers Shouldn't Fire Brandon Staley ... Here's Why!


The Chargers are in last place and virtually everyone believes it's a foregone conclusion head coach Brandon Staley will lose his job ... and that'd be a mistake, according to Antonio Gates, one of the greatest players in franchise history.

TMZ Sports ran into the 8x Pro Bowler earlier this week in L.A., who spent all of his 16 seasons as a pro with the Bolts, and asked him whether it was time Staley got the ol' heave-ho after another disappointing season in SoCal.

"Ya know, I don't personally think [the coach should be fired]," AG told us.

The Hall of Fame candidate explained his reasoning ... "Just because of the relationship he has with the players. I'm big on, 'Can you get the guys to play for you?' I feel like Staley has a rapport with the players, and I believe in that particularly because I've been in that locker room."

Staley's been the HC since the 2021 season ... and while the squad is chock full of talent, including star QB Justin Herbert, the team has struggled to find any postseason success. Last season the 10-win Chargers lost to the upstart Jacksonville Jaguars in the Wild Card round, and this year has been a disaster.

Things have been so bad for the 4-7 squad, there's near-constant talk about who could replace Staley after his all-but-guaranteed demise ... and Bill Belichick is often at the top of the list.

Things aren't exactly going smoothly for the 6x Super Bowl-winning head coach (8 total) on the other coast, either. Bill and owner Robert Kraft have reportedly had tension, and it's not crazy to think Belichick walks away or even gets fired after the 2023 season.

We asked Gates if he believed Belichick would be a good fit in Los Angeles.

"I think Belichick is a proven, historical winner. Why wouldn't he be good for any team? I don't know how the old-school coaching would transition now. I come from that old-school mentality, but I don't know if these guys can commit to that style of play. I'm not sure. I don't know.

"But we do know what we know is that he's a proven winner. I just don't know if his style of play is still considered valuable in the National Football League."

The Chargers have 6 games remaining … including a matchup with the Pats this Sunday.

Barring something miraculous, it's hard to imagine the team sticking with Staley ... even with the backing of the great Antonio Gates.

REP. GEORGE SANTOS Expelled From Congress

Rep. George Santos just got booted from Congress ... after the House voted to expel him following a controversial time in office, which includes multiple felony charges.

Santos is the first member of Congress not convicted of a felony to be expelled since the Civil War. Only 6 members have been expelled in U.S. history.

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The vote to expel Santos was 311 - 114. Among those voting to expel ... 105 Republicans.

A defiant Santos refused to resign Thursday before Friday's vote ... but he's out of Congress now nonetheless.

Remember ... Santos was arrested back in May on a variety of felony charges, including lying, wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and making false statements to the House of Representatives.

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Santos had escaped two previous votes to expel him from Congress, but the third time was not a charm for him.

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Fox News

The difference this time ... a recent House Ethics Committee report claiming evidence of Santos' alleged federal law violations. Among the report's juicy claims -- Santos allegedly used campaign funds for OnlyFans and Botox.

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NBC News / Fox News

During his time in office, Santos was surrounded by controversy and accusations of lying his way to Congress ... he made a few friends, but even more enemies ... often sparring with media and, most recently, some anti-Israel protestors.

So long, George, we hardly knew ya. 👋🏽

Representante George Santos Es expulsado del Congreso

El representante George Santos acaba de ser expulsado del Congreso. Esto, después de que la Cámara votara a favor de su expulsión tras un controvertido tiempo en el cargo, el que incluye múltiples cargos por graves delitos.

Santos es el primer miembro del Congreso no condenado por un delito grave en ser expulsado desde la Guerra Civil. Solo seis miembros han sido expulsados en la historia de Estados Unidos.

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La votación ha concluido

La votación fue 311 a 114 y entre los votos a favor hubo 105 de republicanos.

Un desafiante Santos se negó a dimitir el jueves antes de la votación del viernes, pero ahora está fuera del Congreso.

Recuerden, Santos fue detenido en mayo por una variedad de cargos por delitos graves, incluyendo la mentira, fraude electrónico, lavado de dinero, robo de fondos públicos y hacer declaraciones falsas a la Cámara de Representantes.

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Santos se retira

Santos había escapado de dos votaciones anteriores para ser expulsado del Congreso.

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Es una caza de brujas!!!
Fox News

La diferencia, esta vez, la hizo un reciente informe del Comité de Ética de la Cámara de Representantes que afirma tener pruebas de las supuestas violaciones de las leyes federales por parte de Santos. Entre las jugosas afirmaciones del informe está que supuestamente este utilizó fondos de campaña para OnlyFans y Botox.

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Haciendo una escena
NBC News / Fox News

Durante su tiempo en el cargo, Santos estuvo rodeado de controversias y acusaciones de mentir para llegar al Congreso. Hizo algunos amigos, pero aún más enemigos y a menudo estuvo en conflicto con los medios de comunicación y, más recientemente, con algunos manifestantes anti-Israel.

Hasta la vista, George, apenas te conocíamos. 👋🏽

Blackhawks GM Corey Perry Getting Cut ... Unrelated To Bedard's Mom

Chicago Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson addressed the wild rumors surrounding Corey Perry shortly after he was kicked off the team ... saying the winger's contract termination had nothing to do with superstar Connor Bedard's mother.

Perry was placed on unconditional waivers following an internal investigation on Tuesday ... in which the team determined he "engaged in conduct that is unacceptable" and violated the terms of his contract and the Blackhawks' internal policies.

The move came on the heels of speculation Perry was involved in a personal relationship with Bedard's mom, Melanie ... and while the talk didn't hold much weight, many ran with it on social media.

Davidson cleared the air after the team washed its hands of Perry ... and even though he did not mention Bedard by name, it's clear that's what he was addressing.

"This does not involve any players or their families and anything that suggests otherwise or anyone that suggests otherwise is wildly inaccurate and, frankly, it's disgusting," Davidson said.

"This has been a tough situation and I understand you wanted answers. It was important that we took all the necessary steps before sharing more. I hope you understand that I may not be able to answer everything today, but I am going to be as open and honest as I can be given the situation and out of respect for those involved."

Davidson referred to the nature of Perry's violation as a "workplace matter."

As the Blackhawks statement said, Perry's contract will be terminated ASAP if he clears waivers.

Frank Reich Panthers Head Coach Fired ... After 1-10 Start

David lost his Tepper ... and now Frank Reich is out of a job.

The Panthers head coach, who was just hired by the billionaire hedge fund manager in January, has been relieved of his coaching duties after another loss ... this time to the Titans in Tennessee.

The team, which has lost 4 straight, has the worst record in football at 1-10.

"I met with Coach Reich this morning and informed him that he will not continue as head coach of the Carolina Panthers. I want to thank Frank for his dedication and service, and we wish him well," a statement released by Tepper said.

Adding to the bleak outlook in Carolina is the quarterback situation. The team selected Bryce Young with the first overall pick in this year's NFL Draft, opting to pass up other signal callers, including C.J. Stroud.

Stroud, who has the Texans in playoff contention, has played out of his mind ... and is even in the MVP conversation.

Meanwhile, Young hasn't been good.

Reich, regarded as a solid coach around the league, was fired mid-season last year by the Colts before being hired by Tepper.

Special teams coordinator Chris Tabor will act as the interim head coach ... when the Panthers play the Bucs on Sunday.

MELISSA BARRERA responde al despido de "Scream" "el silencio no es una opción"

Melissa Barrera dice que su despido de la franquicia 'Scream' no la silenciará y dice que no es antisemita.

La actriz respondió a su expulsión de "Scream 7" con una declaración en su historia de Instagram, explicando por qué ha dado demasiadas opiniones sobre la guerra en el Oriente Medio.

Por supuesto, fueron las historias de Instagram de Melissa las que la echaron de la película en primer lugar, después de que la productora detrás de "Scream 7" considerara sus comentarios incitadores al odio y antisemitas.

En respuesta, Melissa dice ... "El silencio no es una opción para mí".

Ella comienza condenando el antisemitismo y la islamofobia y habla en contra del odio y los prejuicios contra todas las personas.

Melissa dice que su herencia mexicana le hace sentir la responsabilidad de utilizar su plataforma para "concienciar sobre temas que me preocupan y prestar mi voz a los necesitados".

Y añade: "Creo que un grupo de personas NO son su liderazgo, y que ningún órgano de gobierno debe estar por encima de la crítica".

Recordemos que Melissa fue despedida de "Scream 7" por sus posts sobre Israel y Palestina, incluyendo uno en el que aparentemente aludía a un viejo texto sobre la gente judía que controla los medios de comunicación. En otro post, Melissa comparó Gaza con un campo de concentración.

Spyglass Media Group, la productora detrás de su despido, dice que le mostró la puerta porque: "Tenemos tolerancia cero con el antisemitismo o la incitación al odio en cualquiera de sus formas, incluidas las referencias falsas al genocidio, la limpieza étnica, la distorsión del Holocausto o cualquier cosa que cruce flagrantemente la línea de la incitación al odio".

Melissa dice que no estaba siendo antisemita y parece que no va a sentarse y callarse ahora que ha perdido un lucrativo papel en una película por sus opiniones.

Melissa Barrera 'Scream' Firing Response ... I Won't Be Silent On Israel-Hamas War!!!

Melissa Barrera says her firing from the 'Scream' franchise won't silence her ... and she says she's not antisemitic.

The actress responded to her "Scream 7" ouster with a statement on her Instagram story, explaining why she's been so vocal about the war in the Middle East.

Of course, it was Melissa's IG stories that got her booted from the movie in the first place ... after the production company behind "Scream 7" deemed her comments hate-inciting and antisemitic.

In response, Melissa says ... "Silence is not an option for me."

She starts out by condemning antisemitism and Islamaphobia ... and speaks out against hate and prejudice against all people.

Melissa says her Mexican heritage makes her feel a responsibility to use her platform to "raise awareness about issues I care about and to lend my voice to those in need."

She adds ... "I believe a group of people are NOT their leadership, and that no governing body should be above criticism."

Remember ... Melissa got fired from "Scream 7" for her posts about Israel and Palestine, including one where she seemingly alluded to a long-standing trope about Jewish people controlling the media. In another post, Melissa compared Gaza to a concentration camp.

Spyglass Media Group, the production company behind her firing, says it showed her the door because ... "We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech."

Melissa says she wasn't being antisemitic ... and it sounds like she won't sit back and shut up now that she's lost a lucrative movie role over her views.


Melissa Barrera está fuera de su papel protagónico en la franquicia "Scream", y la productora que la despidió dice que se debe a sus publicaciones en redes sociales que considera incitadoras al odio y antisemitas.

La actriz iba a asumir de nuevo el papel protagónico en "Scream VII" después de protagonizar "Scream" y "Scream VI", pero al parecer ha sido despedida debido a publicaciones sobre Israel y Palestina.

Las declaraciones más polémicas de Melissa incluyeron una historia de Instagram donde aparentemente alude a un comentario de larga data sobre personas judías que controlan los medios de comunicación.

Ella escribió:  "He estado buscando activamente videos e información sobre el lado palestino durante las últimas 2 semanas más o menos, siguiendo cuentas, etc. ¿Por qué? Porque los medios de comunicación occidentales solo muestran el otro lado. Por qué lo hacen, dejaré que lo deduzcas por ti mismo".

En otros posts, Melissa habría comparado Gaza con un campo de concentración, calificando la guerra en Oriente Medio de "genocidio" y "limpieza étnica" y refiriéndose a Israel como una tierra "colonizada".

Variety fue el primero en informar sobre el despido de Melissa y ella parecía estar abordando el martes con un post declarando que prefiere ser excluida por quien incluye que incluida por quien excluye.

Christopher Landon, que va a dirigir "Scream VII", reaccionó en las redes sociales, diciendo: "Todo apesta. Dejen de gritar. No fue mi decisión".

Spyglass Media Group, la productora que sí tomó la decisión, dice que lo hizo, porque: "Tenemos tolerancia cero con el antisemitismo o la incitación al odio en cualquiera de sus formas, incluidas las referencias falsas al genocidio, la limpieza étnica, la distorsión del Holocausto o cualquier cosa que cruce flagrantemente la línea de la incitación al odio".

Melissa interpreta a Sam Carpenter en "Scream" y "Scream VI", pero ahora algunos grandes cambios están en el horizonte para "Scream VII".

Otras actrices están recibiendo golpes por declaraciones sobre la guerra, como informamos, Susan Sarandon fue despedida de su agencia de talentos de Hollywood por un polémico discurso en una manifestación pro Palestina en Nueva York.

Sarandon dijo que los judíos de Estados Unidos, que viven con miedo al antisemitismo desde los atentados terroristas de Hamás del 7 de octubre, estaban descubriendo lo que se siente al ser musulmán en Estados Unidos.

Melissa Barrera Fired From 'Scream' Over Israel-Hamas War Posts

Melissa Barrera is out of her starring role in the 'Scream' franchise, and the production company that fired her says it's due to her social media posts it deems hate-inciting and antisemitic.

The actress was set to once again assume the leading role in "Scream VII" after starring in "Scream" and "Scream VI" ... but she's reportedly been let go because of posts about Israel and Palestine.

Melissa's more controversial statements included an Instagram story where she seemingly alludes to a longstanding trope about Jewish people controlling the media.

She wrote ...  "I have been actively looking for videos and information about the Palestinian side for the last 2 weeks or so, following accounts etc. Why? Because Western media only shows the other side. Why they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself."

In other posts, Melissa reportedly compared Gaza to a concentration camp, calling the war in the Middle East "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing" ... and referring to Israel as a "colonized" land.

Variety was first to report on Melissa's firing ... and she seemed to be addressing it Tuesday with a post declaring she would rather be excluded for who she includes than included for who she excludes.

Christopher Landon, who is set to direct 'Scream VII,' reacted on social media, saying ... "Everything sucks. Stop yelling. This was not my decision to make."

Spyglass Media Group, the production company that did make the decision, says it did so, because ... "We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech."

Melissa plays Sam Carpenter in "Scream" and "Scream VI" ... but now some big changes are on the horizon for "Scream VII."

Other actresses are taking hits for statements on the war -- as we reported, Susan Sarandon was dropped from her Hollywood talent agency for a controversial speech at a pro-Palestine rally in NYC.

Sarandon said Jewish people in America living in fear of antisemitism since the Hamas terror attacks on Oct 7, were finding out what it feels like to be Muslim in America.

Susan Sarandon Anti-Jewish Rant Fallout ... Talent Agency Drops Her

Susan Sarandon is facing swift backlash over her pro-Palestinian and anti-Jewish rant ... because a famous Hollywood talent agency just showed her the door.

The Oscar-winning actress is no longer being represented by United Talent Agency, where scores of staffers were upset by her strong views on the Israel-Hamas war ... according to Page Six.

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Susan railed against Israel during a pro-Palestine protest Friday in New York City, and said this about Jewish people in America, specifically ... "There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country."

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Grabbing a microphone at the rally, Susan also told the crowd being anti-Palestinian is the end result of American brainwashing that starts at a young age.

The controversial comments are making the rounds online, and drawing tons of criticism over social media ... and now Susan's facing consequences in real life.

Susan reportedly signed with UTA back in 2014 ... and this year she's had roles in two movies, "Blue Beetle" and "Maybe I Do," plus gigs on a few TV shows.

It will be interesting to see which talent agency brings in Susan as a client ... if any at all.

Susan Sarandon Discurso anti judío le cuesta caro... Agencia de talentos decide abandonarla

Susan Sarandon está enfrentando fuertes reacciones por su discurso pro-palestino y anti-judío: una famosa agencia de talentos de Hollywood decidió abandonarla.

La actriz ganadora del Oscar ya no está representada por United Talent Agency, donde decenas de empleados se molestaron por sus fuertes opiniones sobre la guerra entre Israel y Hamás, según cuenta Page Six.

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Susan arremetió contra Israel durante una protesta pro-Palestina el viernes en la ciudad de Nueva York, donde dijo esto particularmente sobre los judíos en Estados Unidos: "Hay un montón de gente con miedo de ser judío en este momento, y están recibiendo una muestra de lo que se siente ser musulmán en este país".

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Agarrando un micrófono, Susan también le dijo a la multitud que ser anti-palestino es el resultado del lavado de cerebro de Estados Unidos que comienza a temprana edad.

Los polémicos comentarios se están viralizando en línea y atrayendo toneladas de críticas en redes sociales, y ahora Susan se enfrenta a las consecuencias en la vida real.

Según los informes, Susan firmó con United Talent Agency en 2014 y este año ha tenido papeles en dos películas, "Blue Beetle" y "Maybe I Do", además de actuaciones en algunos programas de televisión.

Será interesante ver qué agencia decide traerla como cliente si es que alguna lo hace.

Ken Dorsey Bills Fire O.C. After Bad Loss To Broncos

The Buffalo Bills are shaking up the organization after their embarrassing loss to the Denver Broncos on Monday Night Football -- offensive coordinator Ken Dorsey just got kicked to the curb.

The Bills kept tripping over themselves in their 24-22 loss to the Broncos ... turning the ball over four times and struggling to put up points yet again.

The team decided it was time for a change on Tuesday ... sacking the former quarterback amid his second season as the leader of the offense.

Joe Brady -- who famously had success with Joe Burrow and the LSU Tigers in their 2019 national championship season -- will take over for Dorsey.

The Bills were considered Super Bowl contenders at the start of the 2023 season ... but after starting 3-1 and putting up strong numbers on offense, the wheels started to fall off.

Buffalo has since gone 2-4 and now sit several spots out of the last Wild Card spot in the AFC.

The move comes on the heels of quarterback Josh Allen's confidence the offense could turn things around and get back to ballin' ... but it's safe to say the team felt it wasn't gonna happen with Dorsey in charge.

Pope Francis Fires TX's Bishop Strickland ... Over Constant Criticism

A conservative Texas-based bishop got the boot by Catholicism's top dog after constantly criticizing him as too liberal ... and after refusing to resign when asked.

Pope Francis announced Saturday that Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, TX had been relieved of his pastoral governance over his area -- which effectively means he's fired. For now, PF is appointing a bishop from Austin to oversee Tyler's diocese until they find a permanent replacement.

The ousting comes a few months after Pope Francis sent some holy types to investigate Bishop Strickland and see how he was running things out there deep in the heart of Texas ... this after accusations of him teaching "doctrinally unorthodox claims" in his sermons.

Of course, the real impetus of this probably lies in the fact that Strickland has been bashing Frank for a long time now -- very vocally accusing him of twisting up the Catholic faith with his fairly progressive views on a number of social issues ... LGBTQ+ inclusion, abortion, etc.

In fact, just the other day ... Pope Francis said he was cool with transgender people getting baptized into the Catholic faith, and even signed off on them serving as godparents to Catholic kids, assuming it wouldn't lead to any "scandal" as he put it in his remarks.

Strickland, who's very old school, said the pontiff was "undermining the deposit of faith" with all these moves ... and it sounds like his Holiness had had enough. You're out, Strick.

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