Taylor Swift Promo en el cartel de Hollywood es cancelada... Falsa alarma!!!


12:22 PM PT -- Philip Sokoloski de FilmLA, la empresa que maneja los permisos para este rodaje, le dice a TMZ que acaba de ser informado por un colega que se ha cancelado oficialmente todo el rodaje que estaba previsto para el miércoles.

No se sabe exactamente por qué, pero nos dicen que la producción no seguirá adelante. Es probable que el equipamiento que estaba montado allí sea retirado pronto.

11:37 AM PT -- Disney+ dice que Taylor Swift no asistirá ni actuará el miércoles durante el rodaje.

Taylor Swift estaría preparando un espectáculo en el cartel de Hollywood en el marco de su gran debut en Disney + y los vecinos están enojados al respecto, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Los residentes que viven cerca del famoso punto de referencia cerca de Griffith Park en Los Ángeles están en pie de guerra por una producción que ha tenido lugar toda la semana y donde está programado que se filme algo grande el miércoles. Esto, de acuerdo con un permiso para grabar que han recibido los vecinos de la zona.

TMZ obtuvo una copia de uno de esos avisos que, por cierto, confirmamos que también está en manos de las autoridades, pues los policías fueron avisados de que la filmación se realizará mañana en el emblemático cartel y explica con bastante claridad lo que ocurre.

Echa un vistazo al aviso, este dice que van a rodar para "Disney + TS" y que tendrá lugar a lo largo de Mulholland Highway, justo debajo del propio cartel de Hollywood. La preparación para el rodaje se realizará durante todo el día martes y está programado que las cámaras empiecen a filmar durante todo el miércoles.

La producción trabajará para desarmar todo y limpiar el jueves, que es por eso que los vecinos de los alrededores están tan furiosos, nos dicen.

Nos comentan que los residentes de los alrededores sienten que esto es una monstruosidad enorme y no solo eso, que también está creando un montón de tráfico peatonal y alboroto que está alterando su paz y vida cotidiana. Nos dicen que ha habido una gran cantidad de comunicación interna entre las diferentes asociaciones de viviendas y otras organizaciones y digamos que la gente de allí no está feliz con la presencia de Taylor Swift.

Desafortunadamente para ellos, el espectáculo continuará y como se puede ver, habrá un poco de fotografía aérea también. Nos han dicho que se espera la presencia de drones... posiblemente muchos de ellos. Por cierto, antes de que los Swifties empiecen a subir a la colina no hay nada en el permiso que diga explícitamente que Taylor va a realizar todo esto.

Por supuesto, esta actuación tendría lugar un día antes de que la película del concierto de Taylor "Eras" Tour se estrene en Disney +, aunque será una "versión de Taylor", con 4 canciones adicionales.

Disney ha estado promocionando con bombos y platillos este lanzamiento y pueden imaginarse que están encantados de ser la compañía que eligió Taylor para lanzar su película porque fue un gran éxito en los cines.

Tiene sentido que estén preparando algo grande para promoverlo aún más.

Nada como ver a Taylor cantando en una de las atracciones más icónicas de Estados Unidos, y posiblemente de toda la historia. No podemos esperar a ver lo que va a hacer. Queda solo un día para que empiece el show.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Film L.A. y con el equipo de Taylor, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Taylor Swift H'Wood Sign Disney Shoot Nixed ... False Alarm, Everyone!!!


12:22 PM PT -- Philip Sokoloski of FilmLA -- the company handling the permitting for this shoot -- tells TMZ ... he was just informed by a colleague that they've gotten word the whole shoot that was scheduled for Wednesday is now officially off.

No word on exactly why, but we're told the production will not move forward. Any equipment that was out there between yesterday and today is likely to be packed up and removed soon.

11:37 AM PT -- Disney+ says Taylor Swift will not be in attendance or be performing on Wednesday during the shoot.

Taylor Swift and the Hollywood sign are going to be one and the same this week ahead of her big debut on Disney+ -- and neighbors there are pissed about it ... TMZ has learned.

Residents who live by the famed landmark near Griffith Park in Los Angeles are up in arms over a production that's been ramping up all week -- which is scheduled to shoot something big on Wednesday ... this according to the film permit notice neighbors have received.

TMZ has obtained a copy of one of those permit notices -- which, BTW, we've confirmed law enforcement is in possession of as well, with cops being put on notice that filming's going down the H'wood sign tomorrow -- and it spells out pretty clearly what's going down.

Check out the notice yourself ... it says they'll be filming for "Disney + TS" and it'll be taking place along Mulholland Highway -- right below the Hollywood sign itself. Prep for the shoot is taking place all day Tuesday, and cameras are scheduled to be rolling all day Wednesday.

Come Thursday ... that's when the production will work on breaking everything down and clearing out -- which is why we're told neighbors around there are furious over all this.

We're told residents in the vicinity feel like this is a massive eyesore, and not just that -- but it's creating a bunch of foot traffic and ruckus that's disturbing their peace and way of life. We're told there's been a lot of internal communication among different home associations and other orgs ... and let's just say, folks there aren't happy with the production.

Unfortunately for them, the show will go on ... and as you can see, there'll be some aerial photography happening as well. We're told drones are expected to be in the mix ... possibly a lot of them. BTW, before Swifties start hiking up the hill ... there's nothing in the permit to explicitly suggest Taylor is going to perform at this thing.

Of course, this performance would be happening one day before Taylor's "Eras" Tour concert movie drops on Disney+ -- although, it'll be a "Taylor's Version" drop, with 4 extra songs.

Disney's been plugging the hell out of this release -- and you gotta imagine they're stoked to be the company Taylor decided to release her film on ... 'cause it was a huge hit in theaters.

Makes sense they'd be doing something big and splashy to promote it even further.

We've reached out to Film L.A. and Taylor's camp ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:07 AM PT

Nicki Minaj Appears to Yell at Her Hair Girl ... During 'PF2' Tour Stop

Super Freakout Girl

Nicki Minaj appears to have chewed out a stagehand during her most recent tour date -- and it was all caught on video.

The rapper is in the middle of her "Pink Friday 2" tour, and on Sunday ... she was out in Seattle for a concert -- where some behind-the-scenes drama unfolded between Nicki and someone on her team, or at least someone on production.

Check it out ... Nicki and this woman -- who seems to be trying to work on NM's hair -- get into a little argument ... and it's mostly Nicki looking exacerbated/frustrated with this lady.

Before the woman can do anything for Nicki's 'do -- her boss side-steps her and shoos her away as she's getting ready to go back onstage ... getting back to business and carrying on with the show.

Some are calling Nicki's reaction a bit dramatic ... but others are actually defending her.

There are reports of her Seattle show experiencing other hiccups -- including apparent missed cues and delayed wardrobe changes. On its face, it would appear there were some hair issues as well. Nicki hasn't addressed this yet ... and hasn't gotten back to us either.

The TMZ Podcast: Kimmel and Trump Trade Jabs Over Oscars Gig ... & Kate Middleton's Mother's Day Photo Disaster 😬

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

The 96th Academy Awards went down on Sunday night and there were many memorable moments! One of those moments was when host Jimmy Kimmel traded insults with former President Donald Trump, reading one of his Truth Social posts to the audience!


Sadly, Greta Gerwig's "Barbie" lost out on all their possible awards except for one -- Billie Eilish and Finneas' "What Was I Made For?" took home Best Original Song!

Barbie's own Ryan Gosling brought the house down when he belted out and fully committed to performing "I'm Just Ken" with the help of Slash, who came out for a surprise appearance.


John Cena surprised everyone when he went nude during the presentation of Best Costume Design ... but we eventually learned he was actually covered up the whole time.

Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, admitted to editing a Mother's Day photo of her with her kids after the internet quickly spotted some confusing mistakes. Some people were accusing the photo of being AI-generated, but we think it looks more like a Photoshop fail.

Ariana Grande is urging fans to back off from attacking her ex-husband Dalton Gomez following her new cryptic song lyrics for "Eternal Sunshine."

Plus, 'Harry Potter' star Miriam Margoyles thinks adult fans of the franchise need to "grow up".

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Roger Corral

The TMZ Podcast: Jake Paul & Mike Tyson to Face Off in Boxing Match! & Andy Cohen Threatens Leah McSweeney Over Cocaine Claims 😳

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Andy Cohen is firing back at Leah McSweeney after she claimed in a lawsuit that he encouraged cocaine use and created a toxic work environment on the "Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip" set.

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the armorer for the movie "Rust," was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in connection to the death of Halyna Hutchins.

Paula Abdul fired back at "American Idol" executive producer Nigel Lythgoe, bringing up receipts of text messages showing sexual harassment. This comes after Lythgoe's legal response included emails from Paula in which Nigel says gave off a friendly and loving vibe between the two.

Plus ... Jake Paul is set to fight boxing legend Mike Tyson in a match that will air on Netflix in July! Paul, 27, says the boxing match with Tyson, 57, will be the "biggest fight in history."

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!  

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Derek Kaufman


Los héroes locales que aparecen en "Queer Eye" de Netflix están saliendo en defensa de Jonathan Van Ness, quien ha sido definido recientemente como un "monstruo" en el set de la serie.

Varios participantes que colaboraron con JVN le dicen a TMZ que Jonathan nunca fue poco profesional o grosero durante el rodaje, al menos por lo que vieron. Cory Waldrop, que apareció en la primera temporada, no estaba al tanto de las recientes acusaciones, pero recuerda Jonathan siendo el mismo dentro y fuera de la cámara.

Cory dice que recuerda a Jonathan salir de su manera de tratarlo como la estrella del espectáculo, lo que le permite cortar la línea de camiones de alimentos de producción durante la grabación.

William Mahnken -que apareció en el segundo episodio de la temporada 2- ha expresado un sentimiento similar. Él le dice a TMZ ... que no tenía problemas con Jonathan durante la producción de su episodio, y añade que nunca vio el estilista hacer nada negativo en el set.

De hecho, William recuerda haber tenido varios buenos recuerdos con la estrella de la telerrealidad.

Al parecer, Jonathan incluso prometió llevar a William a los Emmy si su madre no podía ir.

Michael Richard II, famoso por la séptima temporada, dice que Jonathan "siempre fue brillante y simpático" mientras hacía "Queer Eye". En cuanto a la supuesta tensión entre JVN y sus compañeros de reparto -Karamo Brown, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, y Bobby Berk- Michael dice que no fue testigo de ninguna mala sangre entre los Fab Five.

Nos dice... "Parecía muy querido por todos".

Ryan Dyer -que apareció en un episodio de la temporada 5- solo filmó con Jonathan por un día, pero dice que tuvo una gran experiencia.

Ahora, Ryan dice que recuerda que Jonathan quería "toda la atención", pero no recuerda que fuera un problema con el elenco y el equipo.

Por supuesto, varios empleados anónimos de "Queer Eye" describieron una experiencia muy diferente, ya que le dijeron a Rolling Stone que Jonathan era un compañero de trabajo lleno de ira con poca empatía por los que le rodeaban.

Cada historia tiene, al menos, dos caras.

Jonathan Van Ness 'Queer Eye' Heroes Defend Him ... He's Actually Very Nice!!!

Hometown heroes featured on Netflix's "Queer Eye" are coming to the defense of Jonathan Van Ness, who's been slammed in a recent exposé as a "monster" on the set of the show.

Several participants who collaborated with JVN tell TMZ ... Jonathan was never unprofessional or rude while shooting, at least from what they saw. Cory Waldrop, who appeared in 'QE's first season, wasn't aware of the recent allegations -- but recalls Jonathan being the same on- and off-camera.

Cory says he remembers Jonathan going out of his way to treat him like the star of the show ... letting him cut production's food truck line during taping.

William Mahnken -- who appeared in season 2's second episode -- has expressed a similar sentiment. He tells TMZ ...he had no issues with Jonathan during production for his episode, and adds he never saw the hair stylist do anything negative on set.

In fact, William remembers having several fond memories with the reality TV star.

Apparently, Jonathan even promised to take William to the Emmys if his mother couldn't make it.

Michael Richard II, of season 7 fame, says Jonathan was "always bright and nice" while making "Queer Eye." As for the alleged tension between JVN and his costars -- Karamo Brown, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, and Bobby Berk -- Michael says he didn't witness any bad blood between the Fab Five.

He tells us ... "He seemed well-liked by everybody."

Ryan Dyer -- who appeared in a season 5 episode -- only filmed with Jonathan for one day, but says he had a great experience with the 36-year-old.

Now, Ryan does say he recalls Jonathan wanting "all the attention" ... but he doesn't remember it being an issue with the cast and crew.

Of course, multiple anonymous 'Queer Eye' staffers described a much different experience, as they told Rolling Stone Jonathan was a rage-filled co-worker with little empathy for those around him.

There are, at least, 2 sides to every story.

Rick Ross Defends Filming Tyreek's House Fire ... 'Wasn't Picking On You!!!'

Wasn't Picking On You
Instagram / @richforever

Rick Ross says he had no ill intent when he documented Tyreek Hill's house fire earlier this year ... claiming he was actually a good guy in the situation.

Cheetah unloaded on the rapper this week ... saying it was pretty messed up of him to post footage of the emergency for his 19.4 million followers to see.

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The Pivot Podcast

Rozay got wind of Hill's gripe ... and he thinks it's all a misunderstanding.

"Tyreek Hill, I wasn't picking on you homie," Ross said on Instagram. "I wasn't picking on you at all."

RR pointed out he did not share any footage of Hill's loved ones at the scene ... and news coverage of the incident was already underway by the time he started recording -- so what's it matter if he makes his own content??

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Instagram / @richforever

"And, let's not act like I'm the one that premiered the fire to the world," he said. "It was five helicopters circling over your crib and my crib. We stay across the street from each other."

"I didn't post you and your girl outside, I didn't post mom, none of that. But the s*** was everywhere, homie."

On a side note, Rozay also knocked the fire department ... saying he thought they did a bad job at attacking the flames on Jan. 3.

Race Against The Flames

As for his conversation with a fireman that Hill mentioned, RR also had a defense for that ... claiming he was only interacting with the responder to see if he could help Hill's mom take a seat.

Ross also extended an olive branch to Hill ... welcoming him to his podcast and car show to squash the beef.

The TMZ Podcast: Drake Bell Comes Forward to Allege Child Molestation in Nickelodeon Doc ... Abused by Dialogue Coach

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Former Nickelodeon star Drake Bell is speaking out for the first time about being sexually abused by a dialogue coach when he was 15 years old.

Dakota Johnson is swearing off any films similar to her box office bomb ,'Madame Web'.

Kanye West's wife Bianca Censori's family took happy and wholesome photos together prior to the recent feud drama over her wardrobe.

Plus, Travis and Jason Kelce were honored at a Cleveland Cavaliers game with their very own bobbleheads!

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Eric Colley

"VANDERPUMP RULES" LALA ACUSA A TOM De seducir a Rachel Leviss

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terribles acusaciones

Lala Kent acusó a Tom Sandoval de seducir a su ex compañera Rachel Leviss en medio de su romance.

El choque se produjo durante el episodio del martes de "Vanderpump Rules, donde Lala y Sandoval se enfrentaron respecto a como manejaron el hecho de engañar a su novia de mucho tiempo, Ariana Madix. Por no hablar de la participación de Rachel.

Las dos estrellas de telerrealidad se encontraron en una explosiva discusión, Sandoval acusó a Lala de ser menos comunicativa acerca de su propio posible romance con Randall Emmett de lo que él fue en su triángulo amoroso... esto enfureció a Lala.

Ella le devolvió el golpe a Sandoval llamándolo "aterrador" y "loco" por encasillarla después de todos estos años. Después, Lala salió en defensa de Rachel y alegó que Sandoval había manipulado a la ex reina de la belleza.

Al parecer, el comentario de Rachel sobre la necesidad de "alinearse" con Sandoval en la reunión de la temporada 10 dejó a Lala desencadenada, quien dijo: "Tú aíslas. Tú seduces. Mientes".

Ella añadió: "No quiero conocerte. Das miedo". Sandoval, comprensiblemente, rechazó la acusación y acusó a Lala de no conocerlo realmente.

A propósito, "VPR" fue noticia el año pasado después de que se reveló que Sandoval había engañado a Ariana, su novia de nueve años, con su buena amiga Raquel (AKA Raquel).

Mientras que el dueño del bar trató de disculparse por las molestias, fue condenado al silencio por muchos de sus compañeros de reparto por su aparente falta de empatía.

El drama solo ha crecido fuera de pantalla. Rachel golpeó a Sandoval y Ariana con una demanda a finales de febrero, alegando una serie de cosas, incluyendo la venganza porno.

'Vanderpump Rules' Lala Hits Tom w/ 'Grooming' Allegations ... You Are Scary!!!

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Lala Kent accused Tom Sandoval of "grooming" ex-castmate Rachel Leviss amid their months-long affair ... and she went off on him too in dramatic fashion.

The major clash went down during Tuesday's episode of "Vanderpump Rules" ... where Lala and Sandoval butted heads over his handling of cheating on longtime girlfriend Ariana Madix ... not to mention the involvement of Rachel.

As the two reality stars found themselves in an explosive argument -- Sandoval accused Lala of being less forthcoming about her own possible affair with Randall Emmett than he was with his love triangle ... and that set Lala off.

She hit back at Sandoval by calling him "terrifying" and "insane" for pigeonholing her after all these years. Then, surprisingly, Lala came to Rachel's defense and alleged Sandoval had manipulated the former beauty queen.

Apparently, Rachel's comment about needing to "fall in line" with Sandoval at the season 10 reunion left Lala triggered ... who snapped, "You isolate. You groom. You lie.”

She added ... "I do not want to know you. You are scary." Sandoval -- understandably -- rejected the allegation and accused Lala of not really knowing him. It made for good TV.


ICYMI ... 'VPR' made headlines last year after it was revealed that Sandoval had cheated on Ariana, his girlfriend of nine years, with her good friend, Rachel (AKA Raquel).

While the bar owner attempted to apologize as the Scandoval made waves ... he was ostracized by many of his costars for his apparent lack of empathy.

The drama has only grown off-screen ... Rachel hit Sandoval and Ariana with a lawsuit at the end of February -- alleging a number of things, including revenge porn.

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Chrisean Rock Refuses to Turn Herself In ... Over Oklahoma Warrant

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It's Working Out For Me

Chrisean Rock has no plans to turn herself in over a warrant out for her arrest in Oklahoma -- saying she's got no time for jail ... as she has a son to raise.

In a new IG Live session with her fans, Chrisean addressed the open bench warrant from the Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections ... which says she's wanted in connection to an incident from 2022 there, including drug and traffic charges.

It's been known for a while that Chrisean has this little situation outstanding there halfway across the country -- remember, she's living in L.A. right now while Blueface is in jail -- and now ... she's addressing it on camera ... saying she's working on getting it resolved.

In terms of why she says she doesn't wanna just surrender and do her time ... well, Chrisean says she's got a baby now -- and she simply doesn't wanna be away from him/behind bars.

Sounds like she's not really sweating it either ... Chrisean says it's worked out for her so far.

BTW ... this isn't the only legal woe of Chrisean's -- remember, she's being sued for allegedly assaulting a dancer for Tamar Braxton here in L.A. ... who claim she battered him backstage.

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She doesn't seem worried about that either ... that's her demeanor here in this clip anyway.

Jamie Lynn Spears No Mention of Xtina in Vegas Recap ... Appeasing Sister Britney???

Jamie Lynn Spears may have realized she'd be pissing off her sister, Britney Spears, by showing off her Christina Aguilera residency drop-in ... so, she made sure not to in a recap.

Brit's famous younger sibling shared a series of sweet memories from her Sin City getaway over the weekend -- where she was enjoying a bachelorette party with a solid group of ladies. Lots of highlights in her IG post ... but interestingly, none capturing Xtina onstage.

Take a look at some of Jamie Lynn's standout snaps from the getaway -- she made sure to point out they hit up a 'Magic Mike Live' show .. and just hitting the town in general.

Yet, Brit's kid sis noticeably didn't post a single pic/vid from Christina's performance at the Voltaire at the Venetian in Vegas. In fact ... Jamie Lynn said her friend -- who is set to get married soon -- and the male stripper show were the only things worth leaving her kids for.


Of course ... there are a lot of complicated dynamics at play here -- which could have a role in Jamie Lynn's social media choices. BS and CA may go all the way back to the Mickey Mouse Club -- but fans have pitted the pop princesses against each other for decades.

It's not just fans though ... Britney and Christina have had rumored beef as well, for realsies. Whether any of that animosity has carried over into the 2020s is anyone's guess -- but it would appear Jamie Lynn was mindful of their history in going through her Vegas vacay.

On its face, you could argue JLS was just trying to keep the peace and not ruffle feathers.

In any case, here's hoping she had a good time ... sure looked like she did from our POV.

The TMZ Podcast: Bhad Bhabie Sparks Brawl at L.A. Restaurant & Barry Keoghan Spotted at Eras Tour Concert in Singapore!

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Danielle Bregoli, AKA Bhad Bhabie, sparked a fight at a West Hollywood restaurant after a heated argument with her baby daddy, Le Vaughn. Danielle announced back in December that she and Le Vaughn were expecting, and seeing how she opted out of the all-out brawl  ... you'd have to say pending motherhood has mellowed her!


Rhianna received criticism online following footage of her $6.3 million performance in India at a pre-wedding party, with many calling the concert "boring" and "lackluster."

Lisa Vanderpump addressed the recent lawsuit from Leah McSweeney as well as Rachel Leviss taking Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix to court.

Plus, Barry Keoghan sat front and center to watch his newly rumored girlfriend Sabrina Carpenter perform at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour in Singapore.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Deven Rall

Miley Cyrus Reacts Tish, Noah & Dom Love Triangle ... This Is Strange!!!

Miley Cyrus was kept in the dark regarding sister Noah Cyrus' alleged prior relationship with Dominic Purcell -- who went on to marry Cyrus matriarch, Tish Cyrus, just last year.

The "Flowers" singer "had no idea" about the "Prison Break" actor's alleged fling with her sister ... and the wrecking ball it would bring to the family dynamic, according to People.

Since she found out, though, Miley reportedly confronted Tish about the drama ... and told her she finds the whole situation strange -- and we agree, FWIW.

Still, at the end of the day, Miley just wants her mom to be happy, and right now Tish's happiness comes from Dominic. According to the report, Miley has no plans to ice out her mom and stepdad.

ICYMI ... a recent report claimed 56-year-old Tish stole Dominic from her 24-year-old daughter, Noah, who is said to have had an on-and-off relationship with the 54-year-old actor.

While the love triangle timeline remains unclear ... Tish and Dominic have stayed noticeably silent on the matter, and things have been tense in the Cyrus fam for some time.

Noah and brother Braison infamously skipped Tish and Dom's Malibu nuptials in August. Miley's little sister even wore an eyebrow-raising Billy Ray Cyrus t-shirt at the time of the snub -- which kinda screams, "Dad's my favorite."

Miley on the other hand ... she walked Tish down the aisle and planned the whole thing -- but, apparently, without any knowledge of the alleged love triangle.

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Miley Cyrus no sabía nada sobre la supuesta relación entre su hermana Noah Cyrus con Dominic Purcell, quien se casó con la matriarca de los Cyrus -Tish Cyrus- el año pasado.

La cantante de "Flowers" no tenía idea de la supuesta aventura del actor de "Prison Break" con su hermana. Esto va a generar chispas en la dinámica familiar, según People.

Desde que Miley se enteró, al parecer se enfrentó a Tish, y le dijo que encuentra toda la situación extraña... Francamente estamos de acuerdo.

Sin embargo, al final del día, Miley solo quiere que su madre sea feliz, y en este momento la felicidad de Tish viene de Dominic. Según el informe, Miley no tiene planes de alejarse de su mamá.

Por si no lo sabías, un informe reciente afirmó que la mujer de 56 años de edad -Tish- le quitó a Dominic a su hija de 24 años de edad- Noah-, quien ha tenido una relación intermitente con el actor de 54 años de edad.

Mientras que la línea de tiempo de este triángulo amoroso sigue siendo poco clara, Tish y Dominic se han mantenido notablemente en silencio sobre el asunto y las cosas han estado tensas en la familia Cyrus últimamente.

Noah y su hermano Braison faltaron a la boda de Tish y Dom en Malibú en agosto. La hermana pequeña de Miley incluso llevaba una llamativa camiseta de Billy Ray Cyrus en el momento del desaire, como gritando: "Papá es mi favorito".

Miley, por otro lado, acompañó a Tish al altar y planeó todo el asunto, pero al parecer, sin ningún conocimiento del supuesto triángulo amoroso.