Nicki Minaj Megan Wanted 'Rihanna Moment' ... Played Up Drama On CBS!!!

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A “Rihanna Moment”
X Spaces

Nicki Minaj isn't done sniping at Megan Thee Stallion -- now she's accusing her of desperately seeking sympathy when she sat down with Gayle King to discuss the Tory Lanez shooting.

The rapper, who's been on the warpath since MTS released "Hiss" last week, hopped on an X Spaces hosted by Joe Budden ... and compared Meg's 2022 CBS interview to a Rihanna interview in 2009, after Chris Brown assaulted her.

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Remember, Megan couldn't hold back tears as she talked about the terrifying shooting -- and while it tugged at most viewers' heartstrings, Nicki wasn't one of those people.

NM accused Megan of making artists like Tory and DaBaby out to be attention-seeking bad guys ... before hamming it up to get a "Rihanna moment."

Minaj elaborated ... saying RiRi received a ton of support once her interview came out because she's all about being herself, and would never "milk anything." She pointed out Rihanna tried to move past Brown's assault quickly in her interview, chalking it up to youth.

But, Nicki said it's not the same with Meg ... claiming she needs "constant f***ing sympathy."

It's the latest in a long string of attacks Nicki's shot off ... including a joke she made about Meg's dead mom and releasing "Big Foot" -- a diss track aimed at MTS.

Meg's stayed silent since dropping "Hiss" with its controversial "Megan's Law" line last week ... perhaps this will finally convince her to hit back. That's clearly what Nicki wants.

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Or, maybe she will take it all in stride ... it's always nice to be compared to freakin' Rihanna!!!

Stay tuned ...

Juvenile I'm A Paper Chaser And Lovers & Friends Hasn't Paid Me 1 Cent!!!


Juvenile is taking a page out of the Mary J. Blige playbook with Lovers & Friends ... and putting the super star-studded festival on notice over his lack of payment!!!

The New Orleans rap legend's gripe stems from L&F slapping his name on the flyer to help entice ticket sales but not forking over the dough for the promo!!!

Juve accused L&F of straight-up doing bad business ... claiming the organizers are stalling on paying him his deposit.

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The "Back Dat Azz Up" rapper simply deems this type of treatment is unacceptable for an artist of his stature ... pretty much the sentiment that MJB gave off when she stonewalled the fest for a higher placement value.

Mary publicly canceled her appearance -- only to turn around a day later and posted a moneybag emoji with a newfound energy for the fest.

Perhaps Juve can also be persuaded in a similar way. Right now, it sounds like he ain't gonna be a happy camper until some funds come his way.

La estrella de "The Boys" Erin Moriarty aparece por primera vez Desde la polémica con Megyn Kelly

Erin Moriarty está volviendo al ojo público después de dejar Instagram por algunas duras críticas de Megyn Kelly.

La actriz famosa por "The Boys" apareció el martes mientras paseaba a sus dos perros en West Hollywood. Aparentemente envió un mensaje después de que Megyn la acusara de abusar de las cirugías estéticas. Esta es la primera vez que la vemos desde que dejó las redes sociales.

paseando a las mascotas

Erin respondió por primera vez al acoso de Megyn anunciando que se alejaba de las redes, diciendo: "He estado en un agujero y he sido consumida por esto". Ahora parece estar de vuelta y pegada al teléfono.

Ahora, aquí está saliendo de ese "agujero" y tenía a sus amigos de cuatro patas acompañándola. Como se puede apreciar, Erin estaba haciendo malabares para controlar a los perros y el celular al mismo tiempo.

The Megyn Kelly Show / SiriusXM

Parece que los perros estaban tratando de alejarse y la reacción de Erin es básicamente la de una madre tratando de dominar a sus mascotas alborotadas en público.

Es interesante verla resurgir desde que llamó a Megyn. Recordemos que todo el drama comenzó la semana pasada cuando Megyn comenzó a lanzar opiniones contra la apariencia de Erin y los procedimientos cosméticos en general.

Megyn dijo: "No se trata de una objeción a la cirugía plástica, se trata de una obsesión por convertirte en esta versión falsa de ti mismo. Me parece un signo de enfermedad mental. Es extremadamente perturbador".

Erin respondió en una larga declaración, donde detalló que no solo no ha tenido la cirugía plástica -como Megyn sugirió- además a sufrido constantes ataques debido a esta falsa noticia.

Erin atacó a Megyn acusandola de practicar "feminismo exhibicionista" y dijo que iba a salir de los medios de comunicación social como resultado a estado mucho más discreta en línea a partir de entonces. Dicho esto, ella se ve muy segura, aunque igualmente preocupada.

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Esperemos que encuentre consuelo en sus perritos, ¡saben que nos hacen sonreír!

'The Boys' Star Erin Moriarty Lots on Her Mind Since Kelly Spat ... Has Her Hands Full Too!!!

Erin Moriarty is getting back out there after quitting Instagram over some harsh criticism from Megyn Kelly ... surfacing for the first time since their nasty back and forth.

The actress -- famous from "The Boys" -- went makeup-free Tuesday as she walked her two dogs in West Hollywood ... seemingly sending a message after Megyn savagely accused her of botched plastic surgeries. This is the first time we're seeing her since she left social media.

Lettin' The Dogs Out

Erin first responded to Megyn's bullying by announcing she was stepping away from being online, saying in part ... "I've been in a hole and I've been consumed by this" ... and now she's back in public, though it looks like she's still glued to her phone.

Now, here she is emerging from that "hole" ... and she had some 4-legged friends tagging along. As you can see, Erin kinda had her hands full here -- trying to juggle her pups, as well as her phone.

The Megyn Kelly Show / SiriusXM

Looks like the pooches were trying to get away from her at one point ... and Erin's reaction is basically every dog mom trying to wrangle their rambunctious pets in public.

It's interesting to see her reemerge since calling out Megyn. Remember ... the whole drama started last week when Megyn went on a rant against Erin's appearance and cosmetic procedures in general, going after her on her radio show.

Megyn said ... "It's not about an objection to plastic surgery, it’s about an obsession with turning yourself into this fake version of yourself. I find it, like, a sign of mental illness. It's extremely upsetting."

Erin fired back in a lengthy statement ... where she detailed that not only has she not had plastic surgery -- as Megyn suggested -- but that she'd been getting bullied because of the unfounded claim.

EM ripped Megyn for "exhibitionist feminism" and said she would be leaving social media as a result ... going dark online thereafter. With that said, she is looking quite confident here ... albeit, very preoccupied.

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Here's hoping she's finding solace in her doggos -- lord knows they're making us smile!

Travis Kelce Hey Justin Tucker... ¡¡No seas un maldito pu**!!

Mala sangre
New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis Kelce se burló de Justin Tucker por su altercado antes del partido del Campeonato de la AFC, criticando al pateador de los Baltimore Ravens por actuar como un "m***ito i***" y meterse a propósito en el camino de Patrick Mahomes durante el calentamiento.

Ambas partes han seguido reviviendo el viral episodio esta semana, con Tucker, Mahomes y ahora Kelce hablando sobre ella.

Travis no se contuvo al discutir la disputa en su podcast "New Heights" con su hermano Jason el miércoles, diciendo que podía decir que Tucker estaba bromeando, pero los Chiefs no estaban de humor para payasadas.

Kelce explicó que hay una regla no escrita cuando se trata de especialistas: se aseguran de mantenerse fuera del camino de sus oponentes cuando se preparan para un enfrentamiento. Pero Tucker no lo hizo y causó molestia.

"Si quieres ser un jodido imbécil al respecto, toma tu casco, tu balón y tu jodida camiseta de pateador justo donde los quarterbacks calientan", dijo Kelce.

"Si no vas a recoger eso, con gusto lo moveré por ti".

Por supuesto, Kelce demostró ser un hombre de palabra, pues tomó el casco de Tucker y lo lanzó lejos de Mahomes el domingo.

Kelce se disculpó por sus acciones y admitió que Tucker le guiñó un ojo durante el altercado para indicar que solo estaba jugando, pero reiteró que no estaba de humor para bromear.

"Si vas a ser un d*** te prometo que puedo superarte cada vez".

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A pesar de las idas y venidas, Kelce elogió a Tucker como uno de los mejores, pero dejó claro que más le vale no volver a dirigirse así a sus compañeros de equipo.

Candace Owens Ice Spice's 'Fart' Is Aiding America's Downfall

Candace Owens is blaming Ice Spice for inducing stupidity in the United States ... a reaction made after her ears got crop-dusted by the superstar rapper's new "Fart" song!!!

On the latest episode of her podcast, Candace moonlighted as a music journalist tackling Ice's new single and rated the track with a proverbial p-u ... nothing but stink!!!

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Candace Owens Podcast

Ice keeps it simple on the new track produced by her longtime producer RIOTUSA, rapping on the chorus ... "Think you the sh**, bitch? You not even the fart/I be goin' hard/I'm breakin' they hearts...Grrah!!!" -- a little too simple for Candace's intellect.

Candace didn't miss the window to throw more shade at Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion for making "WAP" back in 2020 ... still an all-time low in her book.

The political pundit also hammered HotNewHipHop's recap of Ice's "Think U The Sh**" -- for its glossy review, where they describe the song as a "bold declaration" to "establish dominance" and something about her "personal prowess."

Plenty of heavy-handed huff ... but one could say the same for CO's declaration Ice's lyrics are ripping apart society's fabric.

It's a fun song for TikTok ... at least for the time being.

Now that Candace is in the business of music reviews, we're looking forward to her recap of Nicki Minaj's "Big Foot" versus Meg's "Hiss." Gonna be a doozy!!!

Travis Kelce Hey Justin Tucker ... Don't Be a 'F***ing D***!!!'

New Heights / Wave Sports + Entertainment

Travis Kelce just teed off on Justin Tucker over their pregame altercation at the AFC Championship ... calling out the Baltimore Ravens kicker for acting like a "f***ing d***" and purposely getting in Patrick Mahomes' way during warmups.

Both sides of the tiff have continued to breathe life into the viral moment this week ... with Tucker, Mahomes and now Kelce weighing in on it.

Travis didn't hold back when discussing the spat on his "New Heights" podcast with his brother, Jason, on Wednesday ... saying he could tell Tucker was playing around, but the Chiefs weren't in the mood for tomfoolery.

Kelce explained there's an unwritten rule when it comes to specialists -- they make sure to stay out of their opponents' way when prepping for a matchup. But, Tucker didn't do that ... which rubbed him the wrong way.

"If you want to be a f***ing d*** about it, you keep your helmet and your football and your f***ing kicking tee right where the quarterbacks are warming up and they’re dropping, eyes are looking left and they’ve got a helmet down by their feet," Kelce said.

"If you’re not going to pick that up, I’ll happily move that for you."

Of course, Kelce proved to be a man of his word ... taking Tucker's helmet and tossing it away from Mahomes on Sunday.

Kelce apologized for his actions ... admitting Tucker winked at him during the altercation to indicate he was just messing around, but reiterated he was not in a joking mood.

"If you're gonna be a d*** I promise you, I can one-up you every time."

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Despite the back-and-forth, Kelce praised Tucker as one of the best to ever do it ... but made it clear he better not come at his teammates like that again.

TikTok a Universal Son unos codiciosos... ¡¡Por eso están retirando nuestra música!!

TikTok y Universal Music Group (UMG) están en las últimas horas de un enfrentamiento épico, que implicará que toda la música del sello será eliminada de la aplicación más grande del mundo, y ninguna de las partes está cediendo.

UMG emitió un largo comunicado el martes defendiendo su postura en el contrato, el que está a punto de expirar esta medianoche, en donde acusa a TikTok de relajarse y hacerse "asquerosamente" rico sin pagar lo que consideran "justo".

Es por eso que están tomando la posición de sacar la música de sus artistas de la plataforma, pues sienten que TikTok debe pagar más para licenciar sus canciones.

Universal también argumentó que han aplicado todas las contramedidas que hay para asegurar que sus artistas estén protegidos de suplantación de identidad por IA y ciberseguridad, algo que TikTok no ha hecho por la industria de la música ni por sus fans.

El sello Big 3 tiene una enorme lista de artistas, incluyendo Taylor Swift, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Bad Bunny, Ice Spice, Rosalía y docenas de otros nombres que pronto se verán afectados, pero UMG dice que tienen una mayor responsabilidad que atender.

TikTok contraatacó señalando que el problema es la clásica codicia de las corporaciones y acusaron a Universal de fomentar una "narrativa falsa". Además, señalaron que tienen acuerdos saludables con los artistas con cada sello y editor.

UMG ha estado revisando sus cuentas de cerca. A principios de enero, Variety informó de que el sello se estaba preparando para despedir a cientos de empleados, principalmente en la división de música grabada. Así que, a primera vista, parece que se están apretando el cinturón en todos los frentes.

Russ, el rapero, ha estado hablando sobre la política de la industria desde que se hizo totalmente independiente hace un par de años y también está haciendo sus críticas diciendo que ambas partes tienen demasiado en juego para dejar caer la pelota a medianoche. Él piensa que la cruzada de Universal para proteger a los artistas es simplemente el lenguaje que están usando para apaciguar sus propios asuntos.

Ambas partes deben actuar con rapidez, si no quieren correr el riesgo de que los Swifties y los Munchkins pronto utilicen TikTok por una razón diferente, para publicar sus rabietas por falta de música de Tay Tay.

TikTok UMG Is Greedy AF ... That's Why They're Pulling Our Music!!!

TikTok and Universal Music Group are in the final hours of an epic standoff that will see all the label’s music removed from the world’s biggest app … and neither side is budging.

UMG let off a lengthy statement on Tuesday defending their stance on their waning contract -- which is set to expire at midnight -- accusing TikTok of sitting back and getting filthy rich off their product without "paying its fair share."

That's why they're now taking the position of yanking their artists' music off the platform ... basically, they feel TikTok needs to pay more cash to license their tunes.

Universal also argued they’ve applied every potential countermeasure available to ensure their artists are protected from AI impersonation and online security … something they say TikTok has failed to do for the music industry and its fans overall.

The Big 3 label has a huge roster ... Taylor Swift, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Bad Bunny, Ice Spice, Rosalía -- and dozens of other superstar names will soon be affected, but UMG says they have a greater responsibility to uphold.

TikTok snapped back at UMG, pinpointing the issue on classic corporate GREED … they accused UMG of spinning a “false narrative” and noted they have healthy 'artist-first' agreements with every other label and publisher.

UMG has been monitoring its books closely ... earlier in January, Variety reported that UMG was preparing to fire hundreds of employees -- primarily targeting the recorded music division. So, on its face, it appears they're tightening their belt on all fronts.

Russ, the rapper, has been speaking out on industry politics since going fully independent a couple of years ago and he's weighing in here as well ... saying both parties have too much stake in the game to drop the ball at midnight. He thinks UMG's crusade to protect the artists is simply code language to appease their own bottom line.

Both sides should act fast, or risk Swifties and Munchkins soon using TikTok for a different reason ... to post their meltdowns and tantrums for lack of Tay Tay's music.

UFC's Jamahal Hill Offered Plea Deal In Domestic Violence Case

Former UFC champion Jamahal Hill was offered a plea deal in his domestic violence case, TMZ Sports has learned.

Prosecutors extended the deal to Hill earlier this month, according to court documents. As part of the proposed agreement, Hill would plead guilty to one charge of domestic violence ... in exchange for the dismissal of the aggravated domestic violence charge they had initially hit him with following his arrest in November.

Hill is expected to make a decision on the offer by a court hearing in March.

We reached out to Hill's attorney for comment ... though so far, no word back yet.

We broke the story ... Hill was arrested back on Nov. 27 after his brother, James Hill Jr., told police the MMA fighter roughed him up at his Kent, Michigan home following a series of arguments the two had gotten into over Thanksgiving weekend.

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Cops say James told them Jamahal "sucker punched" him with a closed fist -- before hitting him a second time. Police said in court documents James sustained a swollen face during the altercation -- adding that he was also "missing a front tooth that he stated got broke when Jamahal assaulted him."

YouTube / Jamahall Hill

For Jamahal's part, he said in a video days after the arrest, "I just can't wait for the truth to be told in court and I will wait for that day and I look forward to that day."

MEGAN THEE STALLION 'MEGAN'S LAW' Line Blasted BY Kanka FAMILY ... Disrespectful & Offensive!!

Megan Thee Stallion's beef with Nicki Minaj has invoked a famous law aimed to protect people from sex predators -- and the father of the girl it's named after isn't happy about it.

Richard Kanka -- whose daughter, Megan Kanka, was murdered in the '90s by a sex predator who, at the time, wasn't legally required to identify himself in his neighborhood, and who Megan's Law is inspired by -- is fuming over MTS casually dropping his daughter's name in "Hiss" ... the diss track that kicked off this new feud between her and NM.

He tells TMZ that Megan dragging his late daughter's name into the expletive-riddled song aimed at Nicki is as disrespectful as it gets, from his POV -- and he notes that MTS actually appearing to shed light on the law, which she does, doesn't change his sour feeling.

Kanka tells us that using his daughter's name in such a graphic/offensive manner was highly offensive to the pain his daughter and family felt ... and while he says he hasn't heard the track with his own two ears just yet, he has read the lyrics -- and it's still a no-go for him.

For the record, the lyrics in question are: "These hoes don't be mad at Megan [referring to herself], these hoes mad at Megan's Law" -- a reference Meg was using to take a shot at Nicki's husband, Kenneth Petty, who is a registered sex offender in New York.

A bit of a morbid history lesson ... the bill that turned into Megan's Law came into effect a month after the brutal murder and rape of Richard's 7-year-old daughter -- devastation Richard still lives with to this day ... so, understandably, it's a deeply sensitive subject.


He does admit Megan's music (rap) isn't his cup of tea ... so the only way he found out about it was when one of his kids told him. RK says he still chose not to listen though -- and instead read the "Hiss" lyrics to see what exactly was said about his daughter. Like we said, the guy still takes offense over it ... even though some see MTS's use of it positively.

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There's also this ... Richard tells TMZ that the song left such a bad taste in his mouth that he's actually considering looking into his legal options to see if Meg's track went too far.

Unfortunately for Richard ... there's probably not much he can do on that front. Artists have liberties when it comes to wordplay/referencing big moments historically -- which is exactly what Megan did here ... so even though he's mad, a threat of legal action feels empty.

Anyway, this beef has only escalated since Meg threw the first shot -- Nicki's fired back with her own diss track, "Big Foot," and people have mixed reactions to it ... good and bad.

Now, there's a new angry party in the mix ... Megan Kanka's father and he sounds pissed.

Caitlyn Jenner Angry With Son For Putting Her On New Reality Show ... Scrubbed After Legal Threat

Caitlyn Jenner has a good thing going in her TV career, and didn't want a little cameo on her son's own show ruin that for her ... which is why she took steps to make sure it won't!

Sources close to Caitlyn tell TMZ ... Brandon Jenner has a new series on UnchainedTV called "At Home With the Jenners" and he's been kinda using her name to promote the project, without her blessing.

The show is 3 episodes in, and Brandon gave an interview to The U.S. Sun where he promised Caitlyn will appear on the show ... which isn't totally inaccurate, 'cause she was featured in a family dinner scene with David Foster and did, indeed, show up on camera.

The problem ... our sources say Caitlyn had no idea she was going to be part of Brandon's show whatsoever, and she wasn't happy when she found out he was using her for promotions, let alone when she found out she was actually *in* a scene.

We're told Caitlyn's attorneys reached out to the show's production company, threatening legal action if she wasn’t quickly removed from the show ... and our sources say she's since been scrubbed from all future appearances and has even been edited out of the episodes she was already shown in. If that sounds like kinda harsh, well ... there's big money at play here.

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We're told Caitlyn's in the middle of contract renewals with FOX right now and she wants to keep working for the network as a Fox News contributor, especially with the upcoming Olympics and presidential election.

Our sources say Caitlyn wishes Brandon's show nothing but the best, but she's furious over how recklessly everything's been handled just to sell it. We're told CJ has no plans to join a reality show on a different network ... because doing so would potentially put her in a serious breach of her FOX contract, and she doesn't wanna jeopardize that.

Caitlyn called Brandon, we're told, when she found out what was going on, expressing her anger -- and it sounds like her son gets it, 'cause she's been scrubbed.

Gotta run things by your parent, especially when it comes to this ... that's the lesson here.

Kevin Gates Hell Yeah, Drake Being Lightskinned Matters ... People Single Us Out!!!

I'm Battle Worn

Lil Wayne's controversial comment about Drake getting unfair treatment as a light-skinned lad isn't all that controversial ... at least, from Kevin Gates' viewpoint.

As a fellow delegate of the fairer-skin nation, KG says Wayne's observation is not only valid, but folks like himself and Drizzy have it harder getting people to take them seriously!!!

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with the Louisiana rap star out in NYC, where he was feeling the love from the Empire State, but said the light-skin hate isn't limited to just being rich and famous.

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Wayne recently told Richard Sherman he has direct experience in the colorism debate -- he admitted he used to hate on lighter-shaded kids during his youth, but Kevin says he's made a habit outta laughing in the face of adversity ... so hate away!!!

KG's feeling mighty ceremonious these days -- he just released his 4th studio album "The Ceremony," but also addressed his promo photo shoot ... which folks called a little "zesty."

Kevin assures us (and his haters) that random IG comments don't bother him one bit, and he adds his package is even better in person!!!

Benzino to Eminem You Love Making Gay Jokes, Where's Your GF??? Also, Scolds Coi Leray

Benzino has some new insults for Eminem following Slim Shady's "Doomsday Pt. 2" snipes ... and just like she was on Em's track, Coi Leray's caught in the crossfire again.

Taking over Jay-Z's "Where I From Beat," Benzino released a new record titled "Vulturius" -- a play on his notion that Eminem is a supreme culture vulture -- and he didn't hold back one bit.

The song blasts Em for his past drug use and beef too soft for hip hop ... naming the times he dissed Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Michael Jackson and Britney Spears.

Benzino turned the temperature up even more -- advising Em's ex-wife Kim Scott to sue Marshall in the same manner Cassie hit Diddy with a damaging lawsuit!!!

Plenty more potshots where that came from ... Benzino also teased the Detroit rapper for not "spinning the block" after his best friend Proof was shot and killed in 2006.

Even his own flesh and blood caught strays, as Benzino painted Coi as a closet rich kid with the line ... "And the truth, my daughter had a life that I never had ... Now you let the industry Willie Lynch, keep us divided."

Em made several gay jokes on his "Doomsday Pt. 2" track last week but Benzino turned the tables around and questioned Em's sexuality all the same.

Slim Shady's not known to be publicly on the scene with women like many rappers, and Benzino reminded everyone that Em and Joyner Lucas once attempted a stunt years ago -- with a track titled "What If I Was Gay?"

Benzino and Eminem have kept their rap beef alive for decades ... their feud is older than some of today's biggest rappers!!!

Nicki Minaj le dedica "Big Foot" a Megan Thee Stallion Y los fans la rechazan

Nicki Minaj dispara de nuevo contra Megan Thee Stallion, con un track siniestramente titulado "Big Foot", una respuesta directa a Meg, que recientemente lanzó "Hiss"... aunque no ha recibido buenas críticas.

Sobre un animado ritmo de piano, Nicki se descarga contra Meg con referencias a su difunta madre y a su ex novio -Pardison Fontaine- pero se aseguró de abrir el tema devolviendole el fuego a Meg por la indirecta de "Megan's Law" al marido de Nicki, Kenneth Petty.

Nicki rapea,: "This lil' beggin' whore talkin' 'bout Megan's Law/For a free beat, you could hit Megan raw (Ooh) If you a ghostwriter, party [Pardi] in Megan jaw ... Shots thrown, but I still ain't let Megan score!!!

Claramente, "Hiss" de Meg lastimó a Nicki y Kenneth con la línea: "These hoes don't be mad at Megan, these hoes mad at Megan's Law."


Desde entonces, Nicki ha estado tuiteando muchísimo, añadiendo varios mensajes dirigidos a la mamá de Meg, que también son mencionados en "Big Foot", donde introduce una sesión de espiritismo para rapear, "Acostada sobre su mamá muerta" varias veces.

Nicki también parece tener la impresión de que la presidenta del sello Roc Nation de Meg, Desiree Perez, está llevando a cabo una campaña para borrar su lugar en la historia y se jactó del hecho que su canción triunfó en iTunes sin "ninguna promoción".

Los fans determinaron que era una mentira, sus 72 horas atacando en redes sociales es la promoción más GRANDE de la historia, e incluso las fans más leales de Nicki han estado admitiendo que su Reina se perjudicó a sí misma.

Varios trending topics como "Stupid Hoe" y "Ahora Nicki" también han estado ardiendo en los medios de comunicación social.

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Básicamente, la reacción de Internet está en contra de Nicki.

Cubrimos el drama en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Nicki Minaj Drops 'Big Foot' Diss On Meg, Roc Nation ... Even Barbz Call It a Dud

Nicki Minaj is firing back at Megan Thee Stallion in the form of a diss track of her own, the sinisterly titled "Big Foot" ... a direct response to Meg's recently released "Hiss" track, but it's not exactly getting rave reviews.

Over a bouncy piano beat, Nicki digs deep into her gossip bag and unloads on Meg with references to her late mother and ex-boyfriend Pardison Fontaine -- but was sure to open the track firing back at Meg for the "Megan's Law" dig at Nicki's husband Kenneth Petty.

Nicki raps, "This lil' beggin' whore talkin' 'bout Megan's Law/For a free beat, you could hit Megan raw (Ooh) If you a ghostwriter, party [Pardi] in Megan jaw ... Shots thrown, but I still ain't let Megan score!!!

Of course, Meg's "Hiss" ripped Nicki and her Kenneth with the line ... "These hoes don't be mad at Megan, these hoes mad at Megan's Law."


Since then, Nicki's been tweeting up a firestorm, adding several posts targeting Meg's mom, which was also brought up on "Big Foot" ... where she introduces a psychobabble séance to rap, "Lyin' on your dead mama" multiple times.

Nicki also seems to be under the impression that Meg’s Roc Nation label prez Desiree Perez is running a campaign to erase her place in history .... and heartily bragged about her song climbing iTunes with “no promo.”

Fans determined that was a lie ... her 72-hour social media spree is like the BIGGEST promo ever and even Nicki's most loyal Barbz have been admitting their Queen didn't gag anyone ... 'cept herself!!!

Several more trending topics such as "Stupid Hoe" and "Now Nicki" have also been blazing social media.

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Basically, the Internet reaction is ... back to the drawing board, Nicki.

We covered the drama on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.