Nicki Minaj Bromea sobre la madre ya fallecida de Megan Thee Stallion...

Eso es asqueroso!!!

Nicki Minaj no está bromeando con su bronca hacia Megan Thee Stallion, lanzando una broma sobre la madre de Megan que falleció hace unos años.

Esta es la cuestión, la rapera de 41 años, utilizó la plataforma de streaming Stationhead el viernes para lanzar unos dardos más en contra de Meg, la guinda de la torta de un día lleno de ida y vueltas entre las dos iconos del rap.

Despreciando "hiss"

El despotrique comenzó bastante estándar, diciendo que abandonó a DaBaby y Tory Lanez en su propio interés e incluyó a su madre en esa categoría también.

Minaj luego amplió, añadiendo: "Será mejor que vayas a conjurar a tu madre y pedir disculpas. Eso es asqueroso".

La elección de las palabras es importante aquí, porque la mamá de Megan Thee Stallion falleció de cáncer cerebral en marzo de 2019, y Megan ha hablado un montón sobre cómo su madre la influenció.

Si volvemos al 2021, cuando aceptó el premio Glamour Woman of the Year con lágrimas en los ojos, dijo: "Quiero agradecer a mi mamá porque ella me enseñó a ser la mujer que soy", así que, este insulto de Nicki estaba destinado a pegarle a Megan más profundamente.

En cuanto a por qué lo dijo, Nicki pareció responder a esa pregunta en cierta medida, recordándole a los fans de Megan que su familia es constantemente un "foco" de la crítica, y ella está claramente harta de eso.

Como informamos, este round estalló cuando Megan, al parecer, hizo referencia al marido de Nicki, Kenneth Petty, en su nueva canción "Hiss", al mencionar la "Ley de Megan" que muchos interpretaron como una crítica a los problemas legales de Petty.

Nicki respondió sacando un rap que consiguió que "#Bigfoot" fuera tendencia en las redes, pero claramente quería hacer más que eso. Por cierto, los fans están un poco divididos sobre el comentario de Nicki sobre la madre de Meg. Aunque muchos parecen sentir que fue demasiado lejos.

En pocas palabras, esta bronca está empezando a ser muy fea y la pelota está en el campo de Megan.

Estén atentos ...

Nicki Minaj Cracks Joke About MTS’ Dead Mom ... Don’t Come After My Fam!!!


Nicki Minaj’s not messing around in her beef with Megan Thee Stallion ... cracking a joke about MTS’ mother who passed away a few years ago.

Here's the deal ... the 41-year-old hopped on the streaming platform Stationhead Friday to take a few more shots at MTS -- the culmination of a day full of back-and-forth between the two rap icons.


The rant started off pretty standard -- saying Megan threw people under the bus like DaBaby and Tory Lanez ... and she included Thee Stallion's mother in that category as well.

Minaj then expanded, adding, "You better go conjure up your mother and apologize. That's disgusting."

The choice of words is important here ... cause MTS' mom passed away from brain cancer back in March 2019, and Megan's talked a ton about how her mother influenced her.

Back in 2021 -- while accepting the Glamour Woman of the Year award with tears streaming down her face -- she said, "I want to thank my mom because she taught me how to be the woman that I am" ... so, this Nicki diss was meant to cut Megan deep.

As for why she said it, Nicki seemed to answer that question to some extent ... reminding Megan fans that her family's constantly a "focal point" of criticism -- and she's clearly getting sick of it.

As we reported ... this round of beef popped off when Megan seemed to reference Nicki's husband, Kenneth Petty, in her new track "Hiss" -- making a "Megan's Law" reference that many interpreted as shade toward Petty's legal trouble.

Nicki responded by putting out a rap that got "#Bigfoot" trending ... but clearly wanted to make more of a statement than that. BTW, fans are kinda split on Nickin's comment about Meg's mom -- though a lot seem to feel she went too far.

Bottom line ... this beef's starting to get real nasty -- and the ball's in Megan's court.

Stay tuned ...

Richard Marx Se molesta con una fan... ¡¡¡Señora aprenda a tener modales!!!

¿Quién te crió?

Aquí vemos a Richard Marx despotricando contra una mujer en la audiencia que gritó cuando estaba tocando una canción, y él no se pudo aguantar y fue tras sus padres.

El cantante, que es conocido en Hollywood por ser un tipo bastante agradable, estaba interpretando su éxito "Angelia" cuando alguien en la multitud comenzó a hablar por encima de la música.

En el video obtenido por TMZ, se escucha a la mujer hablando lo suficientemente fuerte como para ser escuchada por encima de la voz y la guitarra de Rick. Tanto, que otras personas del público intentaron hacerla callar.

Rick parece imperturbable y termina su canción, pero luego aborda el asunto.

Es bastante épico, y dice: "Tengo una genuina curiosidad por saber quién te educó para pensar que cualquier cosa que pudieras gritar es más importante que lo que estábamos haciendo".

Entonces Rick dejó caer el martillo: "¡¡¡Aprenda a tener algunos jodidos modales, señora!!!".

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Rick está de gira con Rick Springfield y estaban actuando en Port Chester, Nueva York cuando se produjo el abucheo, y Springfield estaba del lado de Marx.

TMZ investiga
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Suena como que Rick Springfield ya ha lidiado con su cuota de gritones en los últimos años, y dio esta hilarante advertencia: "Voy a ir a tu trabajo y voy a orinar sobre tu escritorio".

Bravo.  👏🏽

Richard Marx Goes Off On Noisy Fan ... 'Learn Some F***ing Manners, Lady!!!'

who raised you???

Here's Richard Marx tearing into a woman in the audience who screamed out when he was performing a song ... he's not cutting her any slack, and going after her parents.

The singer, who is known around Hollywood as a pretty nice guy, was in the middle of performing his hit "Angelia" when someone in the crowd started talking over the music.

In the video, obtained by TMZ, you hear the woman talking loudly enough to be heard over Rick's vocals and guitar ... and other folks in the audience try to hush her up.

Rick seems unfazed and finishes his song ... then addresses the elephant in the room.

It's pretty epic, Rick says ... "I'm genuinely curious who raised you to think that anything you could yell out was more important than what we were doing."

Then Rick drops the hammer ... "Learn some f***ing manners, lady!!!"

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Rick's on tour with Rick Springfield and they were performing in Port Chester, NY when the heckling went down ... and Springfield had Marx's back.

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Sounds like RS has dealt with his fair share of hecklers over the years ... and he offers up this hilarious warning ... "I'm going to come to your work and I'm going to pee on your desk!!!"

Bravo.  👏🏽

Rance de 1500 Or Nothin' Timberlake se viene bueno Su nuevo álbum va a cambiar la música


El regreso musical de Justin Timberlake lo pondrá de nuevo en la contienda de la lista A, al menos, esa es la predicción que anhela su productor Larrance Dopson.

TMZ Hip Hop habló con el maestro de "1500 Or Nothing" el miércoles en LAX, en donde se refirió al nuevo álbum de Justin, un proyecto que ha escuchado de primera mano, ¡¡¡porque trabajó en él con Timbaland!!!

El año pasado, Justin bendijo a 1500 or Nothin' con dinero para una beca y su asociación condujo a la creación del álbum.

¿Nuevas canciones en camino?

Les dimos la primicia la semana pasada, Justin Timberlake está listo para lanzar su próximo LP "Everything I Thought I Was", después de recoger todas las marcas registradas, y Rance promete que va a volver al juego con el álbum.


Justin le dio oficialmente el vamos al proyecto el viernes con el single "Selfish", que fue recibido con críticas mixtas en Internet, pero los fans estaban encantados con la interpretación en vivo que hizo en Memphis la semana pasada.

Hablándole a todo el mundo

Rance también tuvo tiempo para defender a Drake después de que Yasiin Bey (alias Mos Def) lo echara de la sección del rap, declarando que su música era demasiado happy-go-lucky para ser clasificada como auténtico hip hop.

Es una estrella pop
The Cutting Room Floor

De acuerdo con Rance, Drake utiliza menos palabras que incluso el anfitrión más hábil y todavía atrae a una audiencia de tamaño pop.

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Él dice que es una habilidad especial porque la fórmula es intocable, y, desde su perspectiva... ¡¡¡Drake es un millón de veces hip hop!!!

Rance Of 1500 Or Nothin' Timberlake's Coming In Hot New Album Gonna Change Music!!!


Justin Timberlake's musical comeback will put him back in A-list contention ... at least, that's the prediction his producer Larrance Dopson wants fans to stamp!!!

TMZ Hip Hop spoke with the "1500 Or Nothing" maestro Wednesday at LAX, where he gushed about JT's new album, a project he's heard first-hand -- because he worked on it with Timbaland!!!

Last year, JT blessed 1500 or Nothin's music academy with scholarship money and their partnership was dipped in bronze ... leading up to the album's creation.


We gave you the scoop last week ... JT is set to release his upcoming 6th LP "Everything I Thought I Was" after scooping up all the trademarks -- and Rance promises he's going to blow up the game, again, with the album.


JT officially jumpstarted the project Friday with the lead single "Selfish" -- which was met with fairly mixed reviews online ... but fans were loving the live rendition during his Memphis homecoming concert last week. It just may be a grower, not an instant shower.


Rance also had time to stick up for Drake after Yasiin Bey (a.k.a. Mos Def) kicked him out of rap's b-boy section, declaring his music was too happy-go-lucky to be classified as authentic hip hop.

The Cutting Room Floor

Later for all the rappity rap talk, according to Rance, who says Drake uses fewer words than even the most skilled MC and still nets a pop-sized audience.

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He says it's a special skill to possess because the formula is untouchable, and, in his book ... Drake is a million times hip hop!!!

Snoop Dogg Time for Some Rap Unity!!! Drops 💎 On Benny, Game & Big Hit

Snoop Dogg is rallying the hip hop troops this year ... the Boss Dogg is embracing his role as Def Jam's executive consultant to unite rappers on the East and West Coasts.

On Friday, Snoop helped Benny The Butcher usher in his new "Everybody Can't Go" album with their "Back Again" collab and dropped gems on his posse of The Game, Hit-Boy, Big Hit and Death Row Records co-owner Harry O at the opening of the ThirdEyeRaz-directed music video.

Snoop offers the group one of his trusted catchphrases -- you can't spell the West without "the ES," -- a nod to the East and West Coast unity.

He's also urging the hip hop community not to wait for something tragedies -- like Nipsey Hussle or Pop Smoke's murders -- for them to connect and work together ... a synergy this group has employed for years.

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Benny's not waiting ... he recruited Lil Wayne, Jadakiss, and several more for his new record.

Ditto for Game and Big Hit, who just released their "Paisley Dreams" collab album and Hit-Boy produced it all, including Benny's "Back Again" track.

Collaboration & Unity

Snoop's fellow legend and one of Def Jam's architects, LL Cool J, told us not too long ago that unity is much needed in hip hop ... but beef is still to be expected all the same.

Everybody can go ... when they work together.

Mary J. Blige Back On Lovers & Friends Fest!!! Bumped Up On Lineup 👀

Mary J. Blige shocked Lovers and Friends festival fans just by announcing yesterday she would NOT be performing, and her name was put on the flyer by accident -- but lo and behold, she's back!

On Friday, MJB was re-added to the lineup, and it appears the "error" was really about where she'd been placed on the promotional flyer -- because she's been bumped up several slots to reflect her headliner status ... and she's now happily posting about the event.

Shortly after the changes, Mary posted a smirking emoji and money bag on her IG -- so, basically, she's chuckling all the way to the bank.

Lovers and Friends had originally squashed MJB's name in between the likes of Snoop Dogg, Alicia Keys, Ashanti and several other recognizable music legends.

The updated artwork moves her billing up to the top of the third column, now dwarfing Gwen Stefani, Nelly Furtado, Ciara and more.

Essentially, on the day Lovers and Friends tickets went on sale, the event's promoter had to bow to the Queen of Hip Hop Soul.

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Soooo .... let's get crunk, 'cause Mary's back!!!

MJB had also claimed her annual Strength of a Woman Summit conflicted with her scheduled performance ... but fans weren't really buying she couldn't do both as they're happening a week apart!!!

Yasiel Puig Lanza puñetazos en una salvaje pelea en un partido de béisbol en Venezuela

Trifulca en un partido de Beisbol


9:56 AM PT -- Yasiel Puig y su agente están abordando la pelea e insisten en que estaba tratando de pacificar las cosas y que solo se defendió cuando fue golpeado en la cara.

La ex estrella de la MLB Yasiel Puig se encontró en medio de una pelea en la banca durante un partido de béisbol profesional en Venezuela, lanzando puñetazos y recibiendo golpes de vuelta mientras ambas partes se enfrentaban.

El caos estalló durante el Juego 2 del campeonato de la Liga Profesional de Béisbol Venezolana en la Universidad de Caracas el miércoles, cuando el compañero de equipo de Puig en Tiburones de La Guaira, Maikel García, anotó un jonrón de dos carreras en la parte inferior de la octava entrada para poner a su equipo 10-8 sobre los Cardenales de Lara.

Mientras García daba vuelta a las bases, apareció de frente a la banca del equipo contrario y se puso a hablar de más hasta que llegó lentamente a su sector de la cancha.

Naturalmente, los jugadores de los Cardenales se molestaron con la ostentación y un jugador comenzó a aplaudir a García.

La odiosa confrontación llevó a ambos equipos a dejar sus banquillos y ponerse a pelear.

Puig, que jugó en la MLB para los Dodgers de Los Ángeles, los Rojos de Cincinnati y los Cleveland de 2013 a 19, terminó justo en medio del violento altercado, lanzando puñetes y recibiendo golpes en el proceso.

Después de unos minutos, la acción se calmó y ambos equipos regresaron a sus lugares.

Sorprendentemente, nadie fue expulsado por la improvisada pelea y el equipo de Puig se aferró a ganar el partido, 12-10.

Dato curioso, se suponía que otra estrella de la MLB iba a estar en el campo, Ronald Acuña Jr., quien estaba jugando para La Guaira antes del torneo, pero ha estado parado recientemente para prepararse para la temporada 2024.

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Puig no ha jugado en las Grandes Ligas desde hace unos años y en noviembre de 2022, fue acusado de mentirle a los funcionarios sobre sus apuestas en un caso de juego ilegal, pero negó cualquier delito.

Yasiel Puig Throws Punches In Wild Brawl In Venezuelan Baseball Game



9:56 AM PT -- Yasiel Puig and his agent are addressing the brawl ... insisting he was trying to play peacemaker in the scuffle, and only defended himself when he was hit in the face.

Ex-MLB star Yasiel Puig found himself in the middle of a bench-clearing brawl during a professional baseball game in Venezuela this week ... throwing punches and getting hit as both sides duked it out.

The chaos broke out during Game 2 of the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League's championship series at University of Caracas Stadium on Wednesday ... when Puig's Tiburones de La Guaira teammate Maikel Garcia knocked a two-run dinger in the bottom of the 8th inning to put their team up 10-8 over Cardenales de Lara.

As Garcia rounded the bases, he appeared to hot dog in front of the opposing team's bench ... running his mouth and slowly trotting before reaching home.

Naturally, the Cardenales players took issue with the showboating ... and one player started clapping back at Garcia.

The heated confrontation led both squads to leave their dugouts ... and a scrap broke out.

Puig -- who played in the MLB for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Cincinnati Reds and Cleveland from 2013-19 -- ended up right in the middle of the violent altercation ... throwing hands and getting hit in the process.

After a few minutes, the action died down ... and both teams made it back to their dugouts.

Surprisingly, no one was ejected for the impromptu fight ... and Puig's team held on to win the contest, 12-10.

Fun fact -- another MLB star was supposed to be on the field ... as Braves outfielder Ronald Acuna Jr. was playing for La Guaira prior to the tournament, but has been sitting out recently to prepare for the 2024 season.

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Puig hasn't played in the Majors for a few years ... and in November 2022, was accused of lying to officials about betting in an illegal gambling case, but denied any wrongdoing.

Hasan Minhaj Reportedly Lost 'Daily Show' Gig ... After Fabricating Stories

Hasan Minhaj almost ended "The Daily Show" producers' search for a permanent host months ago ... only for his embellishing scandal to blow the deal -- according to reports.

Here's the deal ... The Hollywood Reporter gave fans of 'TDS' an inside look at how Jon Stewart's return to Comedy Central's flagship satirical news show came to fruition -- and Minhaj got name-dropped in the piece.

Basically, THR says the deal was right at the finish line, just needing to cross the t's and dot the i's over the summer to bring HM on as Trevor Noah's replacement ... until the New Yorker published their exposé on Hasan embellishing stories in his stand-up special.

Remember, the magazine alleged Hasan hammed up stories for the shock value ... including one about taking his daughter to the hospital because of an anthrax scare and another where he said he was turned down by a girl he asked out because of his race -- something the woman in question flat-out denied BTW.

Minhaj -- who appeared as a guest host in the year-plus since Noah went off the air -- has defended himself, denying some of the New Yorker's assertions ... but THR says the scandal was "suddenly seen as a liability" so higher-ups backed off hiring him.

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The backlash to Hasan's scandal was swift ... with some comedians frustrated over Minhaj saying they all embellish with their stand-ups. Bill Maher straight-up called the guy a liar on an episode of his show back in October.

As we previously reported ... producers recently announced a tried and true part-time option -- bringing back Jon Stewart to host the show on Mondays through election season and executive produce the show through at least 2025. Hosting duties from Tuesday to Thursday will be handled by correspondents on a rotating basis.

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Definitely a bummer for Hasan ... but hey, Roy Wood Jr. will probably be happy to know the the big-wigs have been looking!

JILLIAN MICHAELS FIRES BACK AT DR. TERRY DUBROW ... 'He Also Believes Ozempic is Dangerous!'

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Jillian Michaels gave Dr. Terry Dubrow a taste of his own medicine ... this after he implored people to ignore her anti-Ozempic stance cause she was merely a personal trainer.

We got JM on "TMZ Live" Thursday ... who says, contrary to what Dubrow believes, she's actually the foremost expert when it comes to helping people lose weight -- and says he shared her same views on the drug not too long ago ... pulling out receipts for evidence.

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Jillian cites a July 2023 NY Post interview with the "Botched" star ... where, sure enough, he urged the weight loss community to raise awareness of the dangers of Ozempic ... saying it could cost people their lives.

The article also claims that 3 of TD's patients were hospitalized at the time ... over intestinal problems and pancreatitis linked with Ozempic use.

So, yeah ... Jillian doubles down here on her OG assertion that Ozempic isn't the silver bullet solution for weight loss ... adding if it were the easy way out, she too would be using it.

In fact, she tells us if she believed the drug could healthily cure obesity... she'd also sell it through her weight loss platform/app -- profiting from it both personally and professionally.

The bottom line is she's merely trying to educate people on the side effects of Ozempic -- and clearly thinks Dubrow's attack on her was unwarranted.

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As for TD ... looks like he still needs to make up his mind on where he stands with weight loss drugs. On its face, it seems like he felt one way a while ago ... and changed his tune.

Common En desacuerdo con Mos Def... Drake es hip hop!!!

Drake proviene del hip hop
Hot 97

Que Common y Mos Def estén juntos en el Lyricist Lounge no significa que tengan la misma opinión sobre el lugar de Drake en la cultura, ¡¡¡pues Common está de su lado!!!

Estrella del Pop para mí
The Cutting Room Floor

Ebro, Laura Stylez y Peter Rosenberg de Hot 97 discutieron el comentario ahora viral de Yasiin Bey de que la música de Drake está hecha para los grandes almacenes y centros comerciales, una opinión que el rapero de Chicago no comparte.

Common señaló que este atacó la comercialización del rap con su clásico de 1994 "I Used to Love H.E.R.", pero él no ve que la popularidad de Drake sea algo necesariamente malo y piensa que la longevidad de Champagne Papi dice mucho de su talento.

El punto de Common, ¡¡¡Drake no puede ser tan malo si siempre está en la cima!!!

¿La música de Drake es hip hop?

Common pasó a destacar cómo el rap ha expandido sus límites y los aficionados pueden absorber lo que les gusta y deshacerse del resto.

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¡¡¡El tendrá la oportunidad de hablar por sí mismo pronto, ya que él y Pete Rock están lanzando un álbum en colaboración, estrictamente para los puristas del rap!!!

Common Disagrees with Mos Def ... Drake Is Hip Hop, Incredible Writer!!!

Hot 97

Common and Mos Def coming up together in the Lyricist Lounge doesn't mean they have the same take on Drake's place in the culture -- 'cause Common's got his back!!!

The Cutting Room Floor

Hot 97's Ebro, Laura Stylez and Peter Rosenberg discussed Yasiin Bey's now-viral commentary that Drake's radio-friendly music was tailor-made for department stores and shopping malls ... an opinion the Chicago rap staple doesn't actually vibe with.

Common noted he attacked rap's commercialization with his 1994 classic cut "I Used to Love H.E.R.," but didn't necessarily see Drake's popularity as a bad thing, and he thinks Champagne Papi's longevity speaks volumes for his talent.

Common's point -- Drake can't be that bad if he's always on top!!!

Is Drake's Music Hip Hop?

Common went on to highlight how rap has expanded on many boundaries and fans can soak up what they like and ditch the rest.

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He'll have a chance to put his money where his mouth is soon ... he and Pete Rock are releasing a collab album -- strictly for the rap purists!!!

Ezekiel Elliott presente en una pelea en un bar de Texas La policía investiga la implicación de sus amigos


Ezekiel Elliott estaba en un bar de Texas el fin de semana cuando una violenta pelea estalló y ahora, los policías le dicen TMZ Sports que están investigando si los miembros de la tripulación de la estrella de la NFL estuvieron involucrados.

De acuerdo con documentos del Departamento de Policía de Frisco que obtuvimos, el disturbio ocurrió alrededor de la 1 AM en Concrete Cowboy, un club nocturno situado a pocos metros de las instalaciones de práctica de los Dallas Cowboys en Frisco.

El video grabado por un cliente del establecimiento muestra como Elliott estaba hablando con una mujer mientras varias personas se vieron envueltas en una pelea a pocos metros.

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Se puede ver en las imágenes a un hombre que parece lanzar un puñetazo que aterriza de lleno en la espalda de otro hombre.

Los oficiales escribieron en un informe que el incidente que "un hombre y una mujer fueron agredidos físicamente por un gran grupo de hombres" en la pelea. Un portavoz del FPD añadió en un comunicado que los testigos alegaron que "miembros del grupo de Elliott pueden haber estado involucrados".

La Policía, sin embargo, dijo que una investigación sobre las denuncias sigue en curso y los detectives están "todavía trabajando para confirmar los detalles del incidente".

Elliott está, por supuesto, muy familiarizado con el área de Frisco. Jugó para los Cowboys durante las primeras siete temporadas de su carrera, antes de unirse a los New England Patriots en 2023.

El tailback de 28 años tuvo éxito en su primera temporada con el uniforme de otro equipo, acumulando 955 yardas totales desde el scrimmage y cinco TD totales.

Ezekiel Elliott Present At Texas Bar Fight ... Cops Investigating Friends' Involvement


Ezekiel Elliott was at a Texas bar over the weekend when a violent fight broke out ... and now, cops tell TMZ Sports they're investigating if members of the NFL star's crew were involved.

According to Frisco Police Dept. documents we obtained, the disturbance happened at around 1 AM at Concrete Cowboy -- a nightclub located a few yards from the Dallas Cowboys' practice facility in Frisco.

Video shot by a patron at the establishment shows as Elliott was talking with a woman, several people got into a brawl just feet away.

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You can see in the footage, at one point during the squabble, a man appears to throw a punch that lands squarely on another man's back.

Officers wrote in an incident report that "a male and a female were physically assaulted by a large group of males" in the fracas. An FPD spokesperson added in a statement that witnesses alleged "members of Elliott's group may have been involved."

Cops, however, said a probe into the allegations is still ongoing ... and detectives are "still working to confirm the details of the incident."

Elliott is, of course, very familiar with the Frisco area ... he played for the Cowboys for the first seven seasons of his career, before he joined the New England Patriots in 2023.

The 28-year-old tailback found success in his first season in another team's uniform, piling up 955 total yards from scrimmage and five total TDs.