Cher's Son Elijah Look, I Don't Need Conservatorship ... Plenty Reasons Why!!!

Cher's son Elijah Blue Allman is doubling down against the conservatorship his famous mom is seeking to control his estate ... he says he's cleaning up his act.

In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Elijah and his wife, Marieangela King, lay out the reasons why he doesn't need his mom to step in as conservator of his estate ... and he’s taking shots at Cher and leveling some pretty serious accusations in the process.

Elijah claims he's now sober, paying his bills and is committed to managing the quarterly payments he gets from the trust set up by his late father, legendary musician Greg Allman.

As we reported ... Cher claims she's concerned her son has substance abuse and mental health problems and can't manage the money he gets from the trust ... but here he says that's just not true.

Elijah's wife goes a step further in the docs ... alleging Cher essentially orchestrated a kidnapping of Elijah and had him held at a Mexican rehab facility against his will.

In the docs, Marieangela claims Elijah was brought to Mexico in October and told by a doctor Cher hired that he would be doing holistic alternative therapy ... but she claims it was actually a "makeshift prison-type facility known as the 'Baja Rehab' where he was being held against his will."

Marieangela claims she traveled daily from L.A. County to Rosarito "to rescue Elijah from the captivity his mother arranged." She says Elijah "was held captive" there for 2 months until Mexican federal agents escorted him out and dropped him off at the border.

For her part, Cher has vehemently denied the kidnapping allegations.

Elijah's wife also takes some shots at Cher in the docs ... she says she's known Cher for 11 years and says the singer is "categorically unfit to serve" as Elijah's conservator.

TMZ Studios

Marieangela claims Cher doesn't drive, doesn't make her own food or dress herself, and has told Marieangela she's "manic depressive."

While Elijah's giving his reasons why he doesn't need a conservatorship, there's a court hearing set for March 6 to determine whether Cher will be appointed conservator anyway.

Stay tuned.

Demandan a Kim Delaney por atropellar a un motorista

Kim Delaney está siendo llevada a tribunales en dos frentes diferentes sobre un accidente que se alega que ha causado hace casi dos años... y está acusada de huir TMZ ha indagado.

La actriz de "NYPD Blue" está siendo demandada por un hombre llamado Dzhamal Badalov, quien acaba de presentar documentos legales -obtenidos por TMZ- alegando que Kim chocó contra su motocicleta mientras estaba parado en un semáforo en rojo en noviembre de 2022, esto después de que él dijera que ella estaba conduciendo erráticamente por Venice Boulevard en Los Ángeles.

Badalov afirma que los testigos vieron a Kim desviarse dentro y fuera de los carriles y manejando de forma errática antes de chocar contra él, lo cual terminó sacándolo de la carretera. Afirma que Kim trató de conducir lejos después del accidente, pero fue detenida por los transeúntes.

Finalmente, Badalov afirma que Kim salió del carro y llamó a alguien con su teléfono. Él alega que ella parecía completamente desorientada, lo que sugiere que estaba intoxicada. Badalov alega que la persona con la que ella estaba hablando al otro lado intentó pagarle para que lo dejara las cosas así y no llamara a la policía... pero Badalov dice que se negó a hacerlo.

En la demanda, se pasa a alegar Kim fue instruida por la persona en el teléfono para huir. Ahora, él la está demandando por el accidente y quiere daños y perjuicios.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Hicimos algunas investigaciones por nuestra cuenta y encontramos un caso criminal en Los Ángeles, de hecho, se ha abierto contra Kim y ella ha sido acusada de atropello y fuga. Las reclamaciones formuladas contra Kim en un informe de la policía de esa noche -obtenido por TMZ- esencialmente se hacen eco de lo que se alega en la demanda. Ella debe presentarse en la corte la próxima semana.

Hemos llegado a Kim para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Kim Delaney Sued Over Alleged Hit & Run ... Accused of Fleeing Scene

Kim Delaney is being taken to court on two different fronts over an accident she's alleged to have caused almost two years ago -- one she's being accused of fleeing ... TMZ has learned.

The 'NYPD Blue' actress is being sued by a man named Dzhamal Badalov, who just filed legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- alleging Kim rammed into his motorcycle while he was stopped at a red light back in Nov. 2022 ... this after he says she was driving erratically down Venice Boulevard in L.A.

Badalov claims witnesses saw Kim swerving in and out and lanes and driving erratically before she crashed into him -- which he alleges sent him flying into the road. He claims Kim tried driving away after the accident, but was initially stopped by bystanders.

Eventually, Badalov claims Kim got out of the car and called someone on her phone. He alleges she appeared completely out of and disoriented -- suggesting she was intoxicated. Badalov alleges that the person she was talking to on the other end attempted to pay him off to just let it go and not call the cops ... but Badalov says he refused to do so.

In the suit, he goes on to allege Kim was then instructed by the person on the phone to flee -- which he claims she then did. Now, he's suing her over the accident ... and wants damages.

TMZ Studios

Here's the other element to this ... we did some digging and found that a criminal case in L.A. has, in fact, been opened against Kim -- and she's been charged with hit and run. The claims made against Kim in a police report from that night -- obtained by TMZ -- essentially echo what's alleged in the lawsuit. She's due in court next week.

We've reached out to Kim for comment ... so far, no word back.

Chris Brown Quavo Feud Still Alive ... I Didn't Choose Paris Seating!!!

Chris Brown and Quavo have been at odds for years over their mutual connection to Karrueche Tran ... which is why Chris is so pissed about an awkward moment at Paris Fashion Week.

Here's the deal ... CB and Quavo were plopped right next to one another Sunday at the Rhude Menswear Fall/Winter '24 showcase -- and yes, they were definitely uncomfortable with the situation, evidenced by their body language.

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The clip of them sitting there and squirming went viral, but then Chris chimed in as everyone cracked jokes about it -- he commented, "Can't pick who u sit by. F*** all that growth s***."

He added, "N**** not finna fumble my bag for little n*****." In other words, he wasn't gonna make a big stink, or start a fight, over getting placed -- seemingly by coincidence -- next to Quavo.

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As he notes, there are bigger issues to worry about -- y'know, like getting paid!

In case you're unfamiliar, Quavo dated Karrueche in 2017 -- not long after CB broke things off with her, following a tumultuous relationship -- and Chris certainly didn't like it back then.

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In fact, we'd been told at the time that he was fuming over this ... and felt like the Migos rapper had outright betrayed him. They've traded jabs back and forth since then -- almost coming to blows after the 2017 BET Awards.

Anyway, Chris is making a couple things clear -- yes, he still doesn't like Quavo, but also ... he's a grown-up who's able to control his emotions.

TMZ Studios

Quavo's been quiet about their Paris run-in.

Ron DeSantis abandona la carrera presidencial Y apoya a Donald Trump

Ron DeSantis está oficialmente fuera de la carrera presidencial, pero no lo va a hacerlo así nada más.

El gobernador de Florida publicó un video de cuatro minutos en X diciéndole a sus seguidores que está suspendiendo su campaña, esto a solo dos días de las primarias de New Hampshire, y en última instancia, le está brindando su apoyo al expresidente Donald Trump.

Ron comenzó su clip repitiendo muchas posturas conservadoras sobre temas de seguridad fronteriza, decadencia social en las ciudades y adoctrinamiento de los niños por la ideología "progre".

DeSantis dijo que su equipo rezó después de la derrota en Iowa -donde Trump lo aplastó en las cabinas de votación, con más del doble de votos que Ron- y su equipo finalmente se dio cuenta de que no hay nada que incline la carrera a su favor.

En cuanto a la aprobación, reconoció que ha estado en desacuerdo con Tump en el pasado, pero se está poniendo de su lado por el bien del partido, básicamente diciendo que cuatro años más de Joe Biden en la Casa Blanca no es aceptable.

Engancharse al carro del favorito no es nada nuevo en política, forma parte del juego. Y Ron se ha mantenido alejado de Trump durante el período previo a las primarias, a diferencia de Nikki Haley, la última gran oposición a la Donald.


Hablando de Nikki, no es de extrañar que ella no esté recibiendo el apoyo de Ron, no solo terminó tercera en Iowa, muy por detrás de Trump en las encuestas, además se enfrentaron en el último debate republicano y se puso intenso.

Ron dijo que Nikki solo está en esto por lo que sus patrocinadores financieros quieren. Nikki directamente llamó a Ron un mentiroso. Sí, se puso bastante intenso.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Con otro candidato derribado y las encuestas oscilando salvajemente a favor de Trump te tienes que preguntar, ¿cuánto tiempo más va a pasar hasta que las primarias se conviertan simplemente en formalidades?

Ron DeSantis I Will NOT Be Your Next Prez ... But Trump Should Be

Ron DeSantis is officially out of the presidential race ... and he's not exactly going out on a limb with his endorsement.

The Florida governor posted a four-minute vid to X telling his supporters he's suspending his campaign -- this, just two days before the New Hampshire primary -- and ultimately he's putting his support behind former President Donald Trump.

RD started his clip by repeating many conservative stances on issues -- more border security, social decay in cities, indoctrination of children by woke ideology ... basically the boilerplate message.

DeSantis said his team prayed after the loss in Iowa -- where Trump crushed him at the voting booths, with more than double Ron's vote count -- and his team ultimately realized there's nothing that'll swing the race in their favor.

As for the endorsement ... the 45-year-old acknowledged he's disagreed with DT on policy in the past, but he's putting that aside for the good of the party -- basically saying four more years of Joe Biden in the White House isn't acceptable.

Hitching your wagon to the frontrunner ain't anything new in politics -- it's all part of the game. And RD's stayed away from roasting Trump during the run-up to the primaries ... unlike Nikki Haley, the last major opposition to the Donald.


Speaking of NH, it's not surprising she's not getting Ron's support ... not only did she finish third in Iowa and fall way behind Trump in the polls, but they faced off at the last Republican debate -- and it got a little nasty.

Ron said Nikki's only in it for what her financial backers want ... Nikki straight up called Ron a liar -- yeah, it got pretty intense.

TMZ Studios

With another candidate down and the polls swung wildly in Trump's favor ya gotta wonder ... how much longer until the primaries simply become formalities?

Lupe Fiasco Can't Wait to Beat Cudi's Ass!!! 👊🏾 Lil Bitch Don't Live Like Me

Kid Cudi's latest interview might have cemented his reunion with Kanye West -- but it also opened up a new can of worms with Lupe Fiasco, who's spiraling with thoughts of beating up Cudi!!!

Cudi recently poked the Lupe bear while talking to Apple's Zane Lowe -- he was revisiting his pre-fame days when he was just a lowly employee working at the Bape store.

The Zane Lowe Interview Series

One day, Lupe came in to shop and Cudi admits he hid in the stockroom until the "Kick, Push" rapper skedaddled. He was banking on becoming a bigtime rapper, and never wanted Lupe to hold that encounter over his head.

Cudi also acknowledged Lupe had a deep hatred for him, so he doesn't regret ducking him.

Lupe wasn't feeling story time with Cudi, and angrily hopped on X to call Cudi all types of bitches and other names, most of which Oprah would disapprove.

According to Lupe, the two used to be chummy, but when Cudi questioned his motives for offering fans featured verses for a discounted rate, Lupe felt Cudi exposed his true colors. Ever since then, Lupe's been looking to serve him a fade.

The Zane Lowe Interview Series

It's crazy how the same interview also pushed peace ... Cudi explained that Ye's apology to him was enough to soften his heart, and kids very well might see ghosts once again.

We're sure Celebrity Boxing would make Cudi and Lupe a generous offer to settle their differences. They could also battle rap for a big bag like Jim Jones is doing.

Jay Gruden Eviscerates RGIII ... No One Wanted You!!!

Jay Gruden just took his beef with Robert Griffin III to a whole 'nother level ... firing off a shot at his former quarterback that was so petty, he actually felt the need to delete it.

If you haven't been following on X this week ... the former Washington head coach and his ex-QB have been at each other's necks ever since Gruden sent off a comment during the Eagles vs. Buccaneers playoff game Monday night.

Jay wrote on his X page, "If I ever put a QB through what Philly is putting Jalen [Hurts] through, I apologize." RGIII -- who played for Gruden in 2014 -- quickly clapped back, writing, "Say WHATTTT???" ... and the two then proceeded to go at it.

The guys threw a few barbs back and forth ... and just when it looked like the squabble had ended -- Griffin III revived it on his podcast Thursday evening.

During his show, the 33-year-old accused Gruden of asking him to call out his teammates following a game in '14 -- before he claims the coach turned his back on him.

That's when Gruden went nuclear ... and shot out a tweet where he insinuated no one in the NFL liked RGIII.

"You weren't good enough," Jay wrote. "Kirk [Cousins] was better."

"Cleveland didn't want you." he continued. "Baltimore [didn't] either. Quit blaming me."

Jay deleted the post a short time later ... and replaced it with a video of RGIII running alongside the Seahawks' live mascot during pregame festivities in Seattle earlier this season.

"Go race a pigeon," he said.

RGIII has since responded with yet another dig at Gruden -- writing, "The Pigeon name is more respected than your last name."

The tiff has now hit a pause ... but given the way everything's gone so far this week -- it seems safe to assume it'll be reignited sooner than later.

Pauly Shore I Know Richard's Mad About My Movie But I Honestly Mean Well!!!

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he'll come around ... i think

Richard Simmons made very clear this week that he doesn't approve of Pauly Shore making a movie about him/his life -- but Pauly thinks he'll win the guy over ... eventually.

The actor touched down at the Salt Lake City Int'l Airport Thursday, where he's in town for the Sundance Film Festival that's going down this weekend in neighboring Park City. Right off the bat, photogs on hand were ready to pepper him with questions about this film of his.

Of course, the big one being ... do you think it's right to proceed with this Richard Simmons biopic -- even though the man himself hasn't given his blessing ... explicitly so.

Check out Pauly's take here, 'cause he touches on a few different things. For starters, he thinks RS might be singing this tune today ... but could well be feeling completely different about it by tomorrow. More importantly, though, he thinks intention is everything with this.

From Pauly's view, he's not coming from a vindictive place -- and he vows to do Richard justice in his portrayal of him. He also says straight up ... build it, and they'll come!

Pauly goes on to explain that he genuinely believes once Richard can see this new short film of his -- on which the forthcoming biopic will be based -- RS will come around to seeing his things his way, basically suggesting the work will be good ... and it'll be done right by Rich.

Bottom line for Pauly here ... people love Richard, and they also love him -- and he says folks are itching to see both of them make a comeback in a big way.

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His question is ... what's wrong with giving the people what they want?!?

Time will tell if Richard does, in fact, warm up to the idea. For now, he's very much anti-this.

TMZ TV Recap Arnold's Customs Nightmare ... ATL Brawl, Irsay's Health

Things are rolling at TMZ this week -- and on Wednesday, there was no shortage of hot-button topics that made our shows ... and which made for some great convos.

TMZ Live

Starting with "TMZ Live," Harvey and Charles broke down this wild customs run-in that Arnold Schwarzenegger went through this past week -- where he got stopped in Germany after officials found this super expensive watch that he was trying to auction off over there.

arnold's customs nightmare

Check out the clip ... the guy got put through the wringer just to pay taxes on this thing!!!


Jumping over to "TMZ on TV" ... more airport drama, only this time it ended in someone throwing hands and getting into an all-out brawl at a coffee shop she worked at. Supposedly this all began over a heated conversation about espresso shots ... and it got ugly fast.


TMZ Sports

In the "TMZ Sports" world ... the boys broke a story Wednesday -- and it was all about Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay -- who suffered a medical episode last month.

It's a pretty crazy story ... especially since cops say they found him unresponsive in what they believe was a suspected OD. The Colts ended up saying he's still recovering right now.


Lots of stories, lots of opinions ... and a lot of laughs, too. Make sure to check out TMZ's shows through your local listings for the full thing!!!

TMZ TV Recuento detienen a Arnold en la aduana, problemas en el aeropuerto, Irsay sospechoso de sobredosis

Hubo mucha acción en TMZ esta semana, y el miércoles no fue la excepción.

TMZ Live

Comenzando con "TMZ Live", Harvey y Charles indagaron en el pequeño pero molesto drama de Arnold Schwarzenegger en la aduana la semana pasada, donde fue detenido en Alemania después de que los funcionarios encontraron un reloj de alta gama que estaba tratando de subastar por esas tierras.

¡pesadilla en el aeropuerto!

No te pierdas el video... ¡finalmente Arnie tuvo que pagar una gran suma en impuestos!


Hubo más drama en el aeropuerto, solo que esta vez terminó con alguien lanzando golpes y participando en una pelea sin cuartel en una cafetería en la que trabajaba. Supuestamente todo esto comenzó por una acalorada conversación sobre café... y de alguna manera las cosas se puso feas rápido.

un vuelo complicado


En el mundo de "TMZ Sports", los chicos lanzaron una historia el miércoles, y fue todo acerca del propietario de Indianapolis Colts propietario —Jim Irsayque sufrió un episodio médico el mes pasado.

Es una historia bastante loca, sobre todo porque los policías dicen que lo encontraron sin responder en lo que ellos creen que era una sospecha de sobredosis. Los Colts terminaron diciendo que todavía se está recuperando en este momento.

un incidente preocupante

Muchas historias, muchas opiniones y un montón de risas, también. ¡Asegúrese de revisar los programas de TMZ a través de sus listados locales para la cosa completa!

'LIZZIE MCGUIRE' Reboot Writer Dishes on Adult Themes ... Here's What Got It Canceled

The "Lizzie McGuire" reboot definitely wasn't made for kids -- something we're learning about in much greater detail ... now that one of its writers is spilling the beans.

Jonathan Hurwitz -- who was working on the show for Disney at the time -- hit TikTok to explain what they were penning, and what pissed the Mouse House off in terms of plot points. Basically, he says they were writing about a 30-year-old woman doing grown-folk things ... which weren't always G-rated.

TikTok / @jonathanhurwitz

Check out his highlights of things they were having Lizzie do in their comeback season -- he says Hilary Duff would've been in the full swing of NYC living ... working as an interior designer while shacking up with her handsome chef BF -- who'd cheat on her with her BFF.

In their nixed script, they had it where Lizzie then moved in with her parents in Cali ... where she'd find herself back in contact with Gordo ... who's got some major bombshells for her -- he's engaged with a baby on the way!

According to Jon, Lizzie would've received a text from her old high school crush, Ethan ... later checking him off her "to-do" list after waking up in his bed -- something he says that particularly pissed off the family-friendly folks over at Disney. No sex, dammit!

Two episodes had already been filmed before Disney+ pulled the plug following creative differences between the streamer and Hilary ... which was pretty dramatic when it happened.

Hilary announced the decision on IG in Jan 2020 ... saying she wanted the reboot to be an authentic portrayal of who Lizzie would've been today -- anything else would've been a disservice to her. Sounds like Jon here is cosigning that ... noting, Disney wasn't down.

Of course, it's devastating that adult Lizzie never got the reboot she deserved ... but nothing's more upsetting, perhaps, than learning Gordo never got with her himself after all those years.

What could've been ...

El padre de Lindsay Lohan critica la nueva película de "Chicas Pesadas" por su guiño a la "entrepierna de fuego"

Michael Lohan está criticando la nueva película "Mean Girls" por revivir un golpe bajo del pasado de su hija, Lindsay Lohan, diciendo que Tina Fey y Megan Thee Stallion fueron muy bajas, igual que sus números en taquilla.

El padre de Lindsay le dice a TMZ que está enjado por el "comentario repugnante" en el reboot, pero que encuentra algo de consuelo en los números de apertura de la película, que fueron mucho más bajos que el fin de semana del debut de la original en aquel entonces.

el pasado vuelve

Michael está hablando de la frase de Megan "la entrepierna de fuego está de vuelta" en la nueva película, que hace referencia a un famoso clip de TMZ de 2006, cuando el amigo heredero de Paris Hilton, Brandon Davis llamó a LiLo "entrepierna de fuego" varias veces en cámara.

El padre de Lindsay también está señalando el hecho de que el nuevo musical "Mean Girls" haga 28 millones de dólares en taquilla el fin de semana de estreno es simplemente karma.

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el infame video

La versión original hizo 24.4 millones de dólares durante su fin de semana de apertura en 2004, no está mal cuando pensamos en la inflación. Para los estándares de hoy en día, estaría más cerca de los $40 millones, por no hablar de los $86 millones que recaudó a nivel nacional a través de su carrera teatral.

Básicamente, el padre está apostando a que la nueva "Mean Girls" no se comparará con la versión original de su hija en tereminos de recaudación. Michael también nos dice que nunca vería la nueva "Mean Girls", y mientras él dice que le encantaría aplaudir a Megan, Brandon y Tina, nos dice que está tomando el camino correcto al no involucrarse.

El padre de Lindsay añade: "Voy a decir esto, NADIE puede reemplazar a Lindsay o al elenco original en esa película. Megan tampoco puede reemplazar a Lindsay en el nuevo anuncio de Planet Fitness vestida como una stripper en un anuncio".

Por supuesto, se refiere al hecho de que Lindsay hizo algunos anuncios hace unos años, y ahora, Megan los está haciendo también. El asunto es que parece estar  dando los mismos pasos de Lindsay, pero sin el mismo talento.

En pocas palabras para Michael... alejarse de su hijo, porque él está listo para atacar en su defensa.

Papá Oso está gruñendo, para bien o para mal.

Lindsay Lohan Papa Bear Pounces on 'MG' 'Fire Crotch' Joke Is 'Disgusting'!!!

Michael Lohan is ripping the new 'Mean Girls' movie for taking a cheap shot at his daughter, Lindsay Lohan ... saying Tina Fey and Megan Thee Stallion went low, just like their box office numbers.

Lindsay's dad tells TMZ ... he's straight-up "pissed" over the "disgusting comment" in the reboot ... but he's finding some solace in the flick's opening numbers, which were far lower than the OG's debut weekend way back when.


Michael's talking about Megan's "fire crotch is back" line in the new movie ... which references a famous TMZ clip from way back in 2006, when Paris Hilton's oil heir buddy Brandon Davis called LiLo a "fire crotch" multiple times on camera.

Lindsay's dad is also pointing at the fact the new 'Mean Girls' musical made $28 million at the box office opening weekend as a bit of karma.

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infamous 'fire crotch' video

The original version made $24.4 million on its opening weekend in 2004 -- and while that's lower ... it's actually not bad when adjusted for inflation. By today's standards, it'd be closer to $40 million ... not to mention the $86 mil it grossed domestically through its theatrical run.

Basically, ML is betting the new 'Mean Girls' won't hold a candle to his daughter's initial take on it when it's all said and done. Michael also tells us he would never see the new 'Mean Girls' ... and while he says he'd love to clap back at Megan, Brandon and Tina, specifically ... he tells us he's taking the high road and not getting in the gutter with them.

Lindsay's father adds ... "I will say this however, NOBODY can replace Lindsay or the original cast in that film. Nor can Megan replace Lindsay in the new Planet Fitness commercial dressed like a stripper in a fitness commercial."

Of course, what he's referring to there is the fact that Lindsay did some PF commercials a few years ago ... and now, MTS is doing them as well -- the implication being, she's kinda riding Lindsay's coattails, and not doing it nearly as well as she did.

Bottom line for Michael ... back off from his kid, 'cause he's ready to pounce in her defense.

Papa Bear's growling here ... for better or worse.

Rick Ross New GF Posts His New Infant Daughter... 'Stranger Danger' Screams the BM!!!

Rick Ross' new two-month-old daughter subtlely made her IG debut this week -- only to have the spot blown up by the rap kingpin's new GF ... who might have overstepped her boundaries a bit.

Model Cierra Nichole made a post introducing their daughter Au’mei Moon Roberts ... with Rozay sharing in the congratulations for the bundle of joy by liking the news on Hollywood Unlocked.

All appeared to be well until Cristina Mackey -- Rozay's current gf -- reposted the pic, gushing over how beautiful the baby was.

Cierra didn't approve and let Cristina have it ... "stranger danger" never sounds good when it's hurled in your direction! BTW, Cristina seems to have gotten the message loud and clear, 'cause she deleted the baby post.

Now, Cristina's been spotted on RR's arm for weeks, and has quickly grown familiar to fans ... for rubbing them the wrong way with frequent posts of her lavish lifestyle, and she's even discussed their relationship in interviews.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

She's been catching a little heat for flaunting her lifestyle with Rick -- but her response to the haters is they'd be stupid not to post all the jet-setting and sightseeing they do.

Looks like she got checked, though on the baby boundaries.

Meanwhile, Rozay was just honored with the keys to his Miami hometown ... so he doesn't seem to be stressin' about any of it.

Odell Beckham Jr. Giants Wanted To 'F*** Me Over' ... With Browns Trade

giants left me to die
Punch Line Podcast

Odell Beckham Jr. believes the New York Giants were trying to sabotage his career by shipping him to the Cleveland Browns in 2019 ... revealing he felt his old team made the trade just to "f*** me over."

OBJ spoke his mind on his Ravens teammate Marlon Humphrey’s "Punch Line Podcast" earlier this week ... when he opened up on his eventual departure from the organization that drafted him in 2014.

"There’s a semi bit of me that feels like the Giants sent me off, I’ve said it before, sent me off to Cleveland to die," Odell said ... adding he felt there were better deals on the table with contenders, but NY chose the less favorable destination.

"You can't tell me this was the best trade package we could have got for you ... no, your desire was to kind of f*** me over a little bit."

Beckham and defensive end Olivier Vernon were traded to The Land in exchange for safety Jabrill Peppers, guard Kevin Zeitler and a first and third-round pick ... the former eventually becoming Giants defensive tackle Dexter Lawrence, a staple for the franchise.

Beckham Jr. started off hot in the Big Apple ... but things quickly turned sour. He became just as famous for his on-field success as his antics off it, including sideline outbursts.

The current Ravens receiver believes the team didn't like the way he handled himself in the latter part of his Giants tenure ... which is why he thinks they screwed him over when he asked to be traded.

"You feel like I made a fool of you or the organization and that was never truly my intention ... I'm just that competitive," OBJ added. "I wanted to win, I always wanted to win. I’m tired of being 6-10, we haven’t done anything to make changes."

Odell said his urgency to win also had to do with his quarterback at the time, Eli Manning ... who was on the backend of his career.

"Eli's going out, I'm texting Eli like, 'You're 7th on the list for the greatest of all time.' I want to see Eli go out with another Super Bowl. We're not putting the pieces around him ... I feel like I was being wasted as well."

Odell also revealed how he found out he was traded ... saying he was overseas at the time, and the whole situation was "a lot" for him.

"To me, whether that's right, wrong or indifferent, it felt like a move that had a bit of spite a bit of like ... you're not finna go somewhere else and shine and make us look bad."

Odell was later cut by the Browns after three seasons -- he went on to win a Super Bowl with the Rams before joining the Ravens in 2023, where he is currently pursuing another championship ring.