
Mia Khalifa found herself in a heated showdown with a Jewish mother ... over her controversial pro-Hamas thoughts.

The porn star-turned-influencer recorded the tense exchange outside Miami International Airport, showing the woman repeating the words "Am Yisrael Chai" -- a Hebrew term meaning "the people of Israel live," and a clear show of solidarity among Jewish people.

Mia opted not to debate the Middle East conflict with the woman, and instead tried to get under her skin by sarcastically asking if she was waiting for a bus ... while Mia bragged she was waiting for her valet.

But, the woman relentlessly chanted the phrase while her son looked visibly embarrassed -- and Mia retorted with a savage crack about the woman having bad breath.

Mia proudly posted the video, claiming Zionists were losing the plot and the woman was calling her slurs inside the airport ... which was not captured on camera.

She's clearly sticking by her pro-Hamas thoughts, which got her fired from Playboy in October ... as the outlet said it has "a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech."


Despite the blowback, Mia doubled down ... writing at the time, "I'd say supporting Palestine has lost me business opportunities, but I'm more angry at myself for not checking whether or not I was entering into business with Zionists."

Even face-to-face confrontations aren't swaying her view.

Mia Khalifa se enfrenta a una madre judía por sus opiniones a favor de Hamás


Mia Khalifa se vio envuelta en un acalorado enfrentamiento con una madre judía por sus controvertidos pensamientos a favor de Hamás.

La estrella del porno convertida en influencer grabó el tenso intercambio fuera del Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami, mostrando a la mujer repitiendo las palabras "Am Yisrael Chai" —un término hebreo que significa "el pueblo de Israel vive"— y una clara muestra de solidaridad entre el pueblo judío.

Mia optó por no debatir el conflicto de Oriente Medio con la mujer y en su lugar trató de meterse en su piel con sarcasmo, preguntando si estaba esperando un autobús, mientras que Mia se jactó de que estaba esperando a su equipo de cámara.

Sin embargo, la mujer coreó sin cesar la frase mientras su hijo parecía visiblemente avergonzado... luego Mia se refirió al mal aliento de la mujer.

Mia publicó con orgullo el video, alegando que los sionistas estaban perdiendo el norte mientras la mujer seguía gritando en el aeropuerto, lo cual no pudo ser capturado en video.

Está claro que si sus pensamientos pro-Hamás fue lo que hizo que la despidieran de Playboy en octubre, ya que dijeron tener: "una política de tolerancia cero para el discurso de odio".

la despidieron

A pesar de la reacción, Mia se retractó, escribiendo: "Yo diría que apoyar a Palestina me ha hecho perder oportunidades de negocio, pero estoy más enojada conmigo misma por no comprobar si estaba o no entrando en negocios con sionistas."

Ni siquiera los enfrentamientos cara a cara le hacen cambiar de opinión.

LeBron James empuja a un fan demasiado entusiasta

mucha intensidad

LeBron James puso en jaque a un aficionado demasiado entusiasta el lunes por la noche, empujando a un hombre que se abalanzó sobre la superestrella de la NBA mientras estaba sentado en el banquillo de los Lakers.

El extraño incidente tuvo lugar durante el partido entre los Lakers y los Oklahoma City Thunder en el Crypto.com Arena en el centro de Los Ángeles anoche, y fue capturado en video gracias a un seguidor de Lake Show que estaba filmando a la leyenda de la NBA de 39 años.

Bron se ocupaba de sus asuntos cuando de la nada un fan apareció y le agarró el brazo, mientras decía cosas sobre King James.

Como se puede ver, James fue sorprendido con la guardia baja, pero reaccionó rapidamente empujando al tipo.

Más o menos al mismo tiempo, la seguridad finalmente se dio cuenta de lo que estaba pasando y escoltaron al tipo fuera del lugar.

El partido continuó sin interrupciones y los Lakers acabaron ganando 112-105. LeBron terminó con 25 puntos, 7 rebotes, 6 asistencias y 1 empujón.

James no se refirió al incidente después del partido.

En cuanto al hincha, (esperemos) que aprenda la lección... ¡Mantén las manos quietas y no molestes a los demás!

LeBron James Shoves Overzealous Fan ... After Rushing Bench


LeBron James checked an overzealous fans Monday night ... pushing a man who rushed the NBA superstar as he sat on the Lakers bench!

The bizarre incident went down during the Lakers vs. Oklahoma City Thunder game at Crypto.com Arena in downtown L.A. last night ... and was all captured on video thanks to a Lake show supporter who happened to be filming the 39-year-old NBA legend.

Bron was minding his business when out of nowhere a random fan rolled up on the 6-foot-9 forward and grabbed his arm, as he appeared to say something to King James.

But, as you can see ... James was caught off guard by the random stranger touching him, and to be safe, LBJ shoved the guy off him.

At about the same time, security finally noticed what was happening, and they escorted the guy away.

The game ultimately went on without interruption, and the Lakers ended up winning 112-105. LeBron finished with 25 points, 7 rebounds, 6 assists, and 1 push.

James didn't address the incident after the game.

As for the fan, (hopefully) it's a lesson learned ... keep your hands to yourself and don't run up on strangers!


Ariana DeBose's former "Hamilton" costar is leaping to her defense ... after a Critics Choice Awards joke at her expense left her visibly insulted.

Christopher Jackson, who played George Washington alongside Ariana in the musical back in 2015, gushes over the "world-class artist" ... telling TMZ she represents every facet of tremendous skill and talent to the highest level.

He's imploring folks to find another artist out there who has delivered performances with Ariana's sheer skill -- basically, he's yet to see her do anything but shine.

Christopher's also reminding us the job of a Broadway star ain't easy, so much so they have to always consider the safe route -- but Ariana's got it all locked down cause she's a triple threat in every sense of the word.

He blasts the "lazy hack-ass" writers for the joke, but Victoria Theodore -- musical director for 'The Donna Summer Musical' in which Ariana starred -- is taking a direct shot at Bella Ramsey for delivering the quip.

She says Bella's scripted line was rude, and lumping Ariana in with "actors who think they can sing" was completely uncalled for.

Victoria also noted how challenging it is to sing live on Broadway while dancing and acting, but despite that ... she says it's no sweat for Ariana, because she can perform all aspects of musical theatre brilliantly.

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The CW

Ariana's immediate facial reaction to the joke has gone viral ... and she later admitted on social media, she genuinely didn't find it funny.

Maximizing the awkwardness was the fact Bella was standing next to Anthony Ramos ... another one of Ariana's "Hamilton" costars.

She clearly has loads of people in her corner, though, so it's safe to say the crack doesn't reflect how most of Hollywood feels.

John Oliver le responde a Elon Musk llamándolo "progre"

John Oliver
definitivamente es un tipo sensible

John Oliver y Elon Musk han tenido sus desencuentros últimamente, y John nos ha dado algunas declaraciones.

Nos encontramos con el comediante el lunes en LAX y le preguntamos acerca de esta nueva disputa en la que parece encontrarse con el jefe de Tesla, quien recientemente lo etiquetó de "progre", además de "débil". Por supuesto, Elon parecía estar respondiéndole a John en su programa el mes pasado.

Esto es lo que Elon tenía que decir en respuesta a un artículo que básicamente destrozó el segmento "Last Week Tonight", Elon escribió: "Es bastante trágico ver a un comediante tan capaz como @iamjohnoliver convertirse en alguien débil".

Y añadió: "La razón por la que no es muy divertido estos días, es porque está demasiado dispuesto a complacer a los progres, lo cual es fundamentalmente una mentira, mientras que el gran humor se trata de revelar la verdad".

Bueno, ahora John le está respondiendo a Elon, acusándolo de ir por la vida como un "progre"... básicamente la palabra favorita de Musk estos días. En nuestro paseo y charla con John, básicamente se encogió de hombros sobre lo que cree que Elon piensa de él.

La única cosa que John sabe con certeza acerca de Elon es que es bastante sensible, pero en cuanto a lo que Elon argumenta ... John dice que no puede hacer de psicólogo para un tipo como el Sr. Musk. ¡De hecho, dice que no está seguro de que Elon sepa lo que quiere decir!

Nuestro fotógrafo le hizo una gran pregunta: ¿crees que la disputa continuará? A lo que John tuvo una respuesta hilarante. Esto demuestra que Elon está equivocado respecto al sentiudo del humor de John.

Échale un vistazo y opina por ti mismo.

John Oliver Responds to Elon Trashing Him ... WTF's He Talking About?!?

John Oliver
He's Definitely Sensitive

John Oliver and Elon Musk have been in a little back and forth lately -- and with the ball technically in JO's court ... he's now picking it up and giving his response to us.

We got the comedian Monday at LAX and asked about this new feud he seems to find himself in with the Tesla chief -- who recently labeled him "woke" ... not to mention calling him "weak sauce." Of course, Elon appeared to be responding to John highlighting him on his show last month.

Here's what Elon had to say in response to an article that basically trashed John's 'Last Week Tonight' segment -- which picked Elon apart in great detail. EM wrote, "It is rather tragic to see an otherwise capable comedian like @iamjohnoliver become weak sauce."

He added, "The reason he is not very funny these days is because he is too keen to pander to wokeness, which is fundamentally a lie, whereas great humor requires revealed truth."

Welp, now John's weighing in on Elon's gripe with him -- namely, accusing him of going "woke" ... which is basically EM's favorite word these days. In our walk-and-chat with JO ... he basically shrugged his shoulders on what it is he thinks Elon thinks of him.

The one thing John knows for sure about Elon is that he's thin-skinned as hell -- but as far as what Elon's getting at with his "woke" argument ... John says he can't play psychologist for a dude like Mr. Musk. In fact, he says he's not sure Elon knows what he means!

Our photog asked one big question -- do you think your feud will continue on??? John has a hilarious response ... and to us, it kinda proves Elon wrong in his assessment of humor.

Check it out and weigh in for yourself.

La madre del bebé de Soulja Boy acude al médico y le recetan ansiolíticos tras demandar a Blueface

La madre del bebé de Soulja Boy, dice que su demanda por difamación contra Blueface está haciendo mella en su salud mental. Sus abogados dicen que está viendo a los médicos y tomando nuevos medicamentos para la ansiedad y el insomnio.

Los abogados de Jackilyn Martínez, Vadim Yeremenko y Tara Licata, le dicen a TMZ que su clienta se siente angustiada por las declaraciones de Blueface sobre su hijo y las amenazas que ella dice que ha recibido de sus fans. Nos dicen que ha estado viendo a un terapeuta y un psiquiatra y que le han prescrito algunos medicamentos.

TMZ publicó la historia, Jackilyn demandó a Blueface después de que él dijo que tuvieron relaciones sexuales el 2022 e insinuó que el hijo que comparte con Soulja podría ser de él.

Blueface hizo más daño más en una serie de mensajes... y como resultado, toda esta situación ha sembrado la discordia entre Soulja y el niño.


También nos informan que Jackilyn y Soulja Boy ahora se comunican muy poco.

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Instagram / @souljaboy

Jackilyn parece estar pasando por mucho, su demanda afirmó que recibió amenazas de muerte de los fans de Blueface, y ahora su equipo legal nos dice que desde entonces ha desactivado los mensajes en las redes sociales.

La demanda fue presentada en diciembre y los abogados nos dicen que sirvieron Blueface mientras hacía un meet and greet en Fountain LA en Koreatown, la misma noche que nuestro fotógrafo lo encontró allí con Jaidyn Alexis.

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CONsiguiendo ESe DINERO

Todo un drama.

Soulja Boy's Baby Mama Fallout From Blueface Defamation Suit ... Doctor Visits, Anxiety Meds

Soulja Boy's baby mama says her defamation lawsuit against Blueface is taking an extreme emotional toll -- her lawyers say she's seeing doctors and taking new medications for anxiety and insomnia.

Jackilyn Martinez's attorneys, Vadim Yeremenko and Tara Licata, tell TMZ ... their client is feeling distressed over Blueface's statements about her child and threats she says she's getting from his fans. We're told she's been seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist, who have prescribed her meds.

TMZ broke the story ... Jackilyn sued Blueface after he said they had sex the day before her and Soulja Boy's baby shower back in 2022 ... and insinuated the son she shares with SB could actually be his.

Blueface took more jabs at Soulja and Jackilyn in a series of social media posts ... and as a result, we're told this whole situation has sowed discord between Soulja and the baby boy.


We're also told Jackilyn and Soulja Boy now have minimal communications themselves.

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Instagram / @souljaboy

Jackilyn seems to be going through a lot ... her lawsuit claimed she received death threats from Blueface fans, and now her legal team tells us she's since disabled messages on social media.

The lawsuit was filed in December and lawyers tell us they served Blueface while doing a meet and greet at Fountain LA in Koreatown ... the same night our photog got him there with Jaidyn Alexis.

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Drama on top of drama.

Darnell 'SuperChef' Ferguson Estranged Wife Files TRO ... After Alleged Attack

Darnell 'SuperChef' Ferguson's estranged wife is looking to protect herself after he allegedly attacked her ... because we've learned she filed a TRO against him.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, Tatahda Ferguson filed in Lousiville, Kentucky Monday -- the day before Darnell was arrested -- seeking protection for her and their 3 kids.

She's also asking for Darnell to stay away from her work, home, and their kids' school ... and Tatahda is seeking temporary custody and child support.

In the docs, Tatahda claims Darnell came into her home without her permission on January 2 while she "had a guy friend sleeping with me." She says the guy took off when Darnell arrived.

She claims Darnell was upset that she wasn't responding to his calls, as well as the man sleeping with her, and got irate ... allegedly breaking her door and punching a hole in her wall before choking her out.

Tatahda says Darnell ripped her shorts off and demanded to see her private parts, "because I was his and no one else's."

As we reported, Darnell pleaded not guilty in court to the criminal charges related to this alleged incident, and his bond was set at $10k. Records show he posted bail Wednesday and was released.

BTW, it appears Tatahda filed a separate restraining order request back in July, claiming he went ballistic when she told him she wanted a divorce ... allegedly putting a tracker on her car, taking her phone, and hiring a private investigator to follow her. Looks like the case was subsequently dismissed per an agreed order.

2024 Republican Presidential Debate Ron DeSantis Trades Blows With Nikki Haley


Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley came out swinging during Wednesday's fifth 2024 Republican Primary Debate with each trading barbs as the two emerged as Donald Trump's biggest challengers in the upcoming Iowa Caucus.

With just 3 days to go before the polls open in Iowa, DeSantis duked it out with Haley onstage at Drake University in Des Moines, while the former President stayed on the sidelines as he did for the other four debates.

DeSantis got things rolling as he stood at a lectern next to Haley, slamming her and Trump in response to questions by CNN moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper.

The Florida governor said, “Donald Trump’s running to pursue his issues. Nikki Haley’s running to pursue her donors’ issues. I’m running to pursue your issues and your family’s issues.”

DeSantis then isolated his attack to Haley, saying, “We don’t need another mealy-mouthed politician who just tells you what she thinks you want to hear.”

The ex-South Carolina governor landed some jabs of her own, calling DeSantis a liar at one point and needling him for losing his donors to her.

“He’s only mad about the donors because the donors used to be with him, but they’re no longer with him,” Haley said, adding, “His campaign is exploding.”

The insults didn't stop there. DeSantis mocked Haley for having a "problem with ballistic podiatry, shooting herself in the foot every other day."

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Haley, as you know, stumbled over her Civil War comments, failing to name slavery as the trigger for the conflict and was roasted by the media as she had to clarify what she meant.

When they weren't at each other's throats, the two candidates discussed a range of issues, such as abortion, immigration, foreign affairs and the January 6th Capitol riots.

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All of this came on the heels of fellow Republican Chris Christie dropping out of the race Wednesday, as he was caught on a hot mic explaining that Haley was going to get "smoked" by Trump in the primary race.

Sean Paul Message to Jada & Stefflon ... No WOMAN, No Beef!!!

Jada Kingdom and Stefflon Don are ready to spill each other's blood across dance hall floors, but Sean Paul is calling for an end to their feud ... because he doesn't feel femme fatales should be fighting!!!

Stefflon recently released her fiery track "Dat A Dat" with snubs aimed at Jada, who came back even harder with her diss chune, "London Bed" -- highlighted by obituary artwork to symbolize Steflon's career death. 💀

Fans were eating up the back-and-forth like jerk chicken when SP swooped in Wednesday with an IG post telling them to simma down because, as he sees it, they're both masquerading as ragamuffins.

Sean says women can't get upset because they need to stay level-headed for when the men get heated! His words, not ours.

The "Gimmie the Light" legend got mixed reactions to his commentary -- many deemed his comments sexist and said his peer mediation skills could probably use some work.

Jada and Asian Doll also have a dutty beef brewing ... and we do mean dutty!!!

Pardi, WYA???

Raptors Coach Darko Rajakovic Rips Referees In Postgame Rant ... 'This Is Shame'

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Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors head coach Darko Rajakovic reached his boiling point after his team lost to the Lakers on Tuesday ... teeing off on referees for giving L.A. 23 free throws in the fourth quarter.

Rajakovic -- who's in his first season with the Dinos -- didn't hold back in his rant to media members after the 132-131 loss ... calling it "outrageous" the Purple and Gold continued to get calls in their favor ... and suggesting officials were helping LeBron James and Co. win the contest.

"What happened tonight, this is completely B.S.," Rajakovic told reporters. "This is shame. Shame for the referees, shame for the league to allow this. Twenty-three free throws for them, and we get two free throws in the fourth quarter. Like, how to play the game? I understand -- respect for All-Stars and all that, but we have star players on our team as well."

Rajakovic points out his star player Scottie Barnes was worthy of getting calls as he drove to the rim throughout the game ... but finished with just two attempts from the charity stripe.

"How is that possible? How are you going to explain that to me?"

Lakers star Anthony Davis had 41 points in the matchup ... with 11 coming from free throws in the final period. Toronto only had 13 free-throw attempts throughout the game.

"They had to win tonight?" Rajakovic added. "If that's the case, just let us know, so we don't show up for the game. Just give them a win. But, that was not fair tonight. And this is not happening first time for us. Scottie Barnes is going to be All-Star. He's going to be the face of this league, and what's happening over here during whole season, I've been holding it back, it's complete crap."

LeBron got wind of Rajakovic's comments ... and his response was simple -- "I feel like they fouled and we didn't."

Ex-NBAer Evan Turner also weighed in on the Serbian coach's gripe ... with many calling him out for what is being considered a xenophobic take on the matter.

"You gotta let your assistant coaches do the rant when 'you have accent,'" Turner said on Instagram.

German hooper Dennis Schroder was quick to check him ... replying, "Bro chill."

Rajakovic's tirade is certainly going to cost him ... as the Association has a strict policy against publicly bashing refs, and any violations result in a fine.

Kevin Hart Hope Katt's Tour w/ My Ex Kills ... No Hate in My Heart!!!

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Kevin Hart is wishing his ex-wife and Katt Williams well as they prepare to hit the road together -- which is about the nicest thing he could say ... considering the team-up here.

We got the comedian out and about Tuesday in NYC, where we asked how he felt about the fact that Torrei Hart -- whom Kevin divorced in 2011 -- just announced the fact that she and Katt are going on a comedy tour together ... albeit, a really mini one.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

ICYMI ... TH broke the news Monday on her IG, posting a pic with Katt and writing -- "#Charlotte #Orlando #Tampa, come see me live with my good friend @kattwilliams on the Dark Matters tour." The 3 dates they have lined up are January 27, Feb. 2 and Feb. 3.

It could certainly be taken as an icy move on Torrei's part ... y'know, 'cause of everything that Katt recently said about Kev on Shannon Sharpe's podcast -- including calling him a "plant" in the industry.

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Club Shay Shay

Kevin had already responded to what Katt said about a week ago -- suggesting KW get that hate out of his heart, while also indicating he wasn't sweating Katt's negative energy.


Ditto here in this interview with us ... Kev says he loves everyone, and wants all comedians to succeed -- even if it's his and his (maybe?) new foe. He also says he hopes this tour of theirs, specifically, goes great ... which, again, is pretty freaking surprising.

Then again, Kevin has proven himself a pretty sweet guy over time -- so perhaps not.

Jason Momoa y Lisa Bonet resuelven su divorcio un día después de presentarlo

Jason Momoa y Lisa Bonet parecen haber tenido su divorcio resuelto antes de ir a la corte, porque solo un día después, ¡todo el asunto está oficialmente resuelto!

Ya se ha dictado sentencia en el caso de divorcio de la ex pareja - que, de nuevo, acaba de comenzar oficialmente cuando Lisa presentó ayer una demanda de disolución del matrimonio. De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, todo está envuelto en un bonito y limpio lazo.

Según el acuerdo, todo, desde la custodia de sus 2 hijos, manutención de los hijos, manutención del cónyuge y casi todo lo demás fue negociado en privado.

El papeleo señala que JM y LB compartirán la custodia física y compartida de sus hijos, Lola y Nakoa, y compartirán los gastos de manutención de los niños sin ningún pago formal de manutención infantil.

Lisa y Jason también han renunciado a sus derechos a recibir manutención conyugal. Ambos están cargados - así que tal vez esto no es tan sorprendente tampoco.

Lo interesante acerca de esto es que Lisa y Jason no estarían técnicamente solteros —al menos ante los ojos de la ley— hasta julio de este año, cuando los documentos dicen que su estado de soltero será oficialmente restaurado.

El anuncio de su separación hace dos años fue impactante, pero enterarse de que habían estado separados desde 2020 fue aún más sorprendente. Suena como si hubieran estado tramando un plan de salida entre ellos desde hace un tiempo, porque este es uno de los divorcios más rápidos de la historia.

Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonet Settle Divorce ... Just a Day After Filing!!!

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet appear to have had their divorce all figured out before they went to court -- 'cause just one day later ... the whole matter is officially settled!

A judgment has already been entered in the former couple's divorce case -- which, again, just officially started when Lisa filed for a dissolution of marriage yesterday. According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, everything's wrapped up in a nice and neat little bow.

Per the settlement, everything from custody of their 2 kids, child support, spousal support and just about everything else was hashed out privately.

The paperwork notes that JM and LB will share joint and physical custody of their children, Lola and Nakoa, and they'll share the living expenses of the kids without any formal child support payments.

Lisa and Jason have also waived their rights to receive spousal support. They're both loaded -- so maybe this isn't all that surprising either.


The one thing that's somewhat interesting about this is that Lisa and Jason won't technically be single -- at least in the eyes of the law -- until July of this year when the docs say their single status will officially be restored.

Their split announcement 2 years ago was shocking -- but learning they'd been separated since 2022 was even more surprising. Sounds like they've been hatching an exit plan among themselves for a little while now ... 'cause this is one of the fastest divorces ever.