Matthew Stafford Lions Fan Proposes Jersey Ban ... Kelly Stafford Blasts Movement As 'Sad'

Matthew Stafford's wife, Kelly, is clapping back at a Lions fan who's trying to stop people from wearing her hubby's jersey at their upcoming playoff game ... calling the proposed plan "sad."

Detroit is hosting its first playoff game in 30 years against the Rams on Sunday ... which means Stafford will make his return to the Motor City with the intention of knocking his ex-team out of the postseason.

Normally, Stafford's Detroit jersey is one of the most popular ones at Ford Field -- even after he was traded to L.A. for Jared Goff before the 2021 season began.

But, one fan is trying to prevent that from happening this weekend ... appearing to say in a social media post this week that the blue and silver No. 9 threads could bring some bad juju to the home team.

"ANNOUNCEMENT," the fan wrote in the Instagram post. "Please don't wear a Lions-Stafford jersey to the game. This is not a time to be cute or funny."

"This is about business and putting the final nail in the SOL coffin. It ain't personal. Just business!"

It didn't take long for word of the planned ban to get around to Kelly Stafford, who slammed the idea in the comment section of the post.

“Well this is sad because it's the completely opposite of how we feel about this city," she wrote, "but Matthew has always been the bigger person and will continue to be that. Praying for an incredible game with zero injuries. ♥️"

The fan ended up responding ... writing back that the hate is only temporary.

"We love Matthew," the Detroit supporter said, "just not this week.😂"

The game is slated to start at 5:15 PM on Sunday ... leaving Lions fans plenty of time to pick their side of the line in the sand before kickoff.




9:16 AM PT -- We got some new information that might explain why Joe Gorga got as riled up as he did. An eyewitness at the wrestling match tells TMZ ... Gino's opponent that day excessively slammed him on the mat not once, but twice -- and not just that, but he shot a dirty look at Joe upon being declared the winner.

We're told the kid stuck his tongue out right at Joe at this moment, and it was essentially fired off as a F-U -- that's how Joe took it anyway. Joe's rep, BTW, confirms this account.

Joe Gorga is officially one of those parents after losing it on the referee of his son's wrestling match -- a nose-to-nose showdown that ended with Joe getting booted outta the gym.

In video, obtained by TMZ, Joe can be seen losing his cool Saturday at Parsippany Hills High School in NJ -- where his son Gino was in the middle of a match that ended with him getting pinned by his opponent.

That made Dad leap from the stands and charge at the ref, but not before staff members and other parents jumped in to make sure it didn't turn into a brawl.

Par Hills TV

As Joe's led away, the ref blows his whistle in disgust and repeatedly orders him to leave the gym altogether for the remainder of the wrestling action.

Days later, Joe's still heated -- a rep for the 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' star tells TMZ Joe felt the ref made some bad and unfair calls during the match, and Gino's opponent was mistreating him ... at least in Dad's eyes.


The rep says Joe never had any intentions of hurting anyone or getting physical. He just let his emotions get the best of him.

In the end, the rep says Joe believes his son's opponent was conducting himself in an unsportsmanlike manner throughout the match, and the ref let it slide.

We're told Joe's proud of how his son handled everything ... labeling him a class act despite his own emotions getting the best of him.

Eyewitnesses at the event tell TMZ Joe was immediately ejected from the gym, and he left without any further duress, while the competition continued.

Hard to say cooler heads prevailed, though, based on the video.

Originally Published -- 1:00 AM PT


enrollándose en ref

Joe Gorga es oficialmente uno de esos padres tras perder los estribos con el árbitro de la lucha de su hijo, un cara a cara que terminó con Joe siendo expulsado del gimnasio.

En el video obtenido por TMZ, se puede ver a Joe perdiendo los estribos el sábado en Parsippany Hills High School en Nueva Jersey, donde su hijo Gino estaba en medio de una lucha que terminó con él siendo derrotado por su oponente.

Eso llevó al papá a saltar desde las gradas y dirigirse hacia el árbitro, pero no antes de que miembros del personal y otros padres intervinieran para asegurarse de que no se convirtiera en una pelea.

pillado en el acto
Par Hills TV

Mientras se llevaban a Joe, el árbitro sopla su silbato disgustado y le ordena repetidamente que abandone por completo el gimnasio durante el resto de la acción de lucha.

Días después, Joe sigue enfadado. Un representante de la estrella de ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ declaró para TMZ que Joe sintió que el árbitro hizo algunos llamados malos e injustos durante la lucha, y que el oponente de Gino lo estaba tratando mal… al menos a los ojos de un papá.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

El representante comentó que Joe nunca tuvo la intención de lastimar a nadie ni de ponerse físico. Simplemente, sus emociones lo dominaron.

Al final, el representante comentó que Joe cree que el oponente de su hijo se comportó de manera antideportiva durante toda la lucha y que el árbitro lo permitió.

Nos comentan que Joe está orgulloso de cómo su hijo manejó la situación… considerándolo un verdadero caballero a pesar de que sus propias emociones se salieron de control.

Testigos presenciales en el evento comentaron a TMZ que Joe fue expulsado inmediatamente del gimnasio y se fue sin más problemas, mientras la competencia continuaba.

Sin embargo, es difícil decir si las aguas se calmaron, según el video.

Ari Lennox Rod Wave Tour Had Dark Energy 😈 ... Bottle Throwin' Fans


Ari Lennox is painting Rod Wave's Nostalgia Tour as the concert series from Hell -- this after she says she survived attacks from unruly fans, who she labels as pretty evil.

Ari broke her silence, going live on social about her time opening up for the "Heart on Ice" singer -- which went down last year -- including the November concert in L.A., where she walked off stage after being pelted with a water bottle.


Ari claims Rod's fans fed her nothing but dark energy from certain corners of the venue and she was terrified. She also openly wonders why Rod's base was so aggressive -- and defended her lashing out at times while onstage.

It's pretty disheartening to hear ... Ari clearly had a bad time on tour, and it sounds like she went through a lot. But, she was professional and powered through it regardless.

Tik Tok / @twistdcreole

As for the bottle, the culprit was eventually caught, but Ari spoke of an uneasiness during her time on stage ... she specializes in RNB X vibes and the crowd RW brings out didn't embrace what she brought to the stage.

Now, Rod hasn't addressed Ari's grievances like he did when Boosie Badazz called him out about uncleared samples ... for now, he's been mum on the whole thing.


Ari isn't necessarily hatin' on him, per se ... but it doesn't sound like she'll be hitting the road with him and his camp again anytime soon. Different fan bases, different vibes.

Ian Ziering La policía se centra cargos de vandalismo todavía no hay cargos de agresión

Los policías que investigan la loca pelea de motociclistas de Ian Ziering se están centrando en los cargos de vandalismo que podrían enfrentar los motociclistas, aunque Ian no está del todo libre de culpa todavía.

Los oficiales le dicen a TMZ que el foco principal del caso en este momento es un potencial cargo de vandalismo y delito grave contra los ciclistas por dañar el carro de Ian, pero no se han hecho detenciones hasta el momento.

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¿Nuevo ángulo, nueva verdad?

Nos dicen que los nuevos videos que han surgido en los que se ve a Ian empujando a uno de los motoristas, muestran que este incidente podría ser considerado un caso de combate mutuo, en cuyo caso no se presentarían cargos por agresión.

La policía dice que ninguno de los ciclistas se ha presentado ninguna queja contra Ian y por una buena razón -nos dicen que las mini motos del grupo son ilegales para montar en la calle y en el tráfico, por no decir que uno fue visto rompiendo el parabrisas de Ian.

El Fiscal de Distrito de Los Ángeles puede añadir cargos de agresión si sienten que tienen la evidencia correcta.

Ninguna provocación previa

Hablamos con dos miembros de la pandilla involucrada y nos dijeron que fue Ian quien comenzó la gran pelea, no ellos.

Ian Ziering Cops Focused On Vandalism Case But Fight Charges Still Loom

Cops investigating Ian Ziering's crazy biker brawl are zeroing in on at least one of the bikers for vandalism charges ... and, as of now, they're not as concerned about the fight side of things.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... the main focus of the case is a potential felony vandalism charge against the bikers for damaging Ian's car, but no arrests have been made yet.

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New Angle, New Truth?

We're told the new videos that emerged, in which Ian is seen initiating the violence by pushing one of the bikers, show this fight could be considered mutual combat. If that's the case, battery charges are unlikely, especially since none of the bikers have filed a police report.

Let's face it ... that wouldn't be a very biker gang thing to do.

Another reason they're not running to cops ... we're told the mini motorbikes they were riding are illegal to ride on public streets or freeways.

As for the vandalism -- one of the bikers is seen clearly on video using a helmet to smash Ian's windshield. When the case gets submitted, however, the L.A. District Attorney can add battery charges if they feel the evidence is there.


ICYMI, we spoke with 2 men who ride with the 605 Minibike Gang, which was spotted in the infamous New Year's Eve vid ... and they told us it was Ian who started the big brawl, not their crew.

Donald Trump le dice a MAGA que "esten atentos a los idiotas" el día de votación

¡hay que hacer algo!

Donald Trump está alentando a sus seguidores a estar atentos el día de votación.

El ex presidente estaba haciendo campaña en Iowa el viernes -lugar que está a punto de iniciar su votación el 15 de enero- y dijo que quiere que sus leales de MAGA le pongan fin a tanta "mierda".

Échale un vistazo al clip, Trump le dice ominosamente a la multitud que deambulen por los centros electorales y estén atentos a las "bolsas de mierda" que podrían tratar de infiltrarse.

Si los votantes de MAGA ven algo de eso, él les anima a ponerle fin a la misma allí en las cabinas, casi como incitando a algunos enfrentamientos físicos.

Bromas escatológicas aparte, esto es bastante serio y es como una advertencia de los conflictos por venir a medida que nos acercamos al día de la votación. Trump está avivando hablando sobre la manipulación de las elecciones e irritando a su base de seguidores en este momento.

Por supuesto, hemos visto esa historia antes... el 6 de enero de 2021.

Es, tal vez, no es coincidencia entonces que Trump estaba hablando de esta manera en la víspera del aniversario de 3 años de eso. Y sí, sigue insistiendo en que las elecciones de 2020 fueron "robadas".

Recordemos que está en las probabilidades de favorito para postular a la presidencia, por lo que se perfila una revancha entre él y Joe de nuevo. Esperemos que la fea historia no se repita.

Donald Trump Tells MAGA Crowd ... Stop 'Bags of Crap' at Voting Booths!!!

stop the stool!!!

Donald Trump's encouraging his supporters to stop people on Election Day that they suspect might be up to no good ... and he's using fecal descriptions to send his message.

The ex-Prez was out campaigning in Iowa Friday -- which is about to kick off its caucus voting on Jan. 15 -- and he made no bones about what he wants MAGA loyalists to do during this presidential election in November ... put a halt to the BS, emphasis on s***.

Check out the clip ... DT ominously tells the crowd that he expects them to roam around election centers and keep an eye out for "bags of crap" that might try to infiltrate.

If the MAGA voters see any of that ... he encourages them to put a stop to it right there at the booths. On its face, it almost sounds like he's cosigning some physical confrontations.

Poop jokes aside, this is pretty serious ... and it comes across as a warning of conflicts to come as we get closer to voting day itself. Already, it's sounding like Trump is stoking the flames of election interference/tampering -- and he's riling up his base right now in January.

Of course, we've seen that story before and how it played out ... namely, Jan. 6, 2021.

It's, perhaps, no coincidence then that Trump was talking this way on the eve of the 3-year anniversary of that. And yes, he continues to insist the 2020 election was "stolen."

Remember, he's the odds-on favorite for the GOP nomination ... so it's shaping to be a rematch between him and Joe again. Here's hoping some ugly history doesn't repeat itself.

'Wild 'N Out's King Bobb'e J Katt Said What He Said ... Joke Stealers Need to Be Shamed!!!

bobbie jay defends katt williams

Katt Williams can count on at least one comedic ally after his royal roast of Kevin Hart, Steve Harvey and Cedric the Entertainer -- "Wild 'N Out" vet Bobb'e J. Thompson cosigns everything Katt's saying!!!

We linked with Bobb'e in Hollywood to discuss Katt's super-viral sit-down on Shannon Sharpe's podcast as the numbers for the nearly 3-hour chitchat breached 15 million views in just a couple of days.

Many comedians and even rappers such as Ludacris and Trick Daddy, took Katt's unfiltered thoughts as fightin' words.

Joke's On You

TD suggested he's ready to get physical, as he reminded Katt he's from the streets.

But, Bobb'e tells us there's never any reason to rumble over a joke ... unless you can fight, and he says Katt has no issues in the fisticuffs department. He also doesn't feel like Katt spoke out a turn, especially in the pursuit of being credited for his work.

Katt accused guys like Steve and Ced of stealing his material over the years, and even had damning allegations for Michael Blackson ... claiming the Nigerian accent is faker than everything sold on Canal Street.

Bobb'e worked with both Katt and Michael on "Wild 'N Out" and can't confirm or deny Mike's 24/7 speaking patterns ... but does say tensions will arise if a joke gets stolen on the 'WNO' set.

In the meantime, seems like Katt reigns as the people's champ.

La madre de Casey Anthony sufre un ataque de pánico al responder preguntas sobre su nieta

en aprietos
A&E & Lifetime

La madre de Casey Anthony sufrió un ataque de pánico mientras estaba en el banquillo... y fue tan grave que tuvo que abandonar una entrevista sobre su nieta fallecida.

Cindy Anthony sufrió un ataque de ansiedad durante una entrevista que le hicieron para el documental de A&E y Lifetime, "Los padres de Casey Anthony: La prueba del detector de mentiras", que se estrena esta noche y ella dice que está convencida de que su hija —Casey— sabe lo que le pasó a Caylee de 3 años de edad en 2008.

Cindy comienza a llorar durante la conversación, se lleva la mano al pecho y tiene que salir de la habitación, alegando que está teniendo un ataque de pánico... su marido, George, rápidamente va con ella para ayudar a calmarla.

Sin embargo, parece que el ataque no desapareció, ya que George le recomienda que acuda a un hospital mientras la tumba en el suelo para intentar que se relaje. Solo hemos visto un clip en este punto, por lo que no está claro qué tan grave se puso.

luchando por responder
A&E & Lifetime

Como informamos, George se emocionó durante la prueba del detector de mentiras en otro avance del documental, luchando por responder si ocultó o no el paradero de su nieta, algo que Casey afirmó.

Recordemos que Caylee desapareció en junio de 2008 y su cuerpo fue encontrado meses después, Casey dijo durante su juicio en 2011 que George se deshizo del cuerpo de Caylee y dijo el 2022 que escenificó su muerte para que pareciera que era culpa de Casey.

No están claros los detalles de cómo fue que los padres pasaron las pruebas del detector de mentiras, pero esto será revelado el jueves por la noche.

Casey Anthony's Mom Panic Attack Under Questioning

A&E & Lifetime

Casey Anthony's mom suffered a panic attack while in the hot seat ... and it was so severe, she had to walk away from an interview about her late granddaughter.

Cindy Anthony's anxiety set in during an interview she did for the A&E and Lifetime doc, "Casey Anthony's Parents: The Lie Detector Test," which debuts tonight ... and she says she's convinced her daughter, Casey, knows what happened to 3-year-old Caylee in 2008.

Cindy starts crying during the convo, reaches for her chest and has to step out of the room, claiming to be having a panic attack ... her husband, George, quickly goes with her to help calm her down.

It seems the attack didn't go away, however -- as George recommends heading to a hospital as he lays her on the ground to try and get her to relax. We've only seen a clip at this point, so it's unclear just how serious it got.

A&E & Lifetime

As we reported, George got emotional during a lie detector test in another preview of the doc, struggling to answer whether or not he concealed his granddaughter's whereabouts -- something Casey claimed.

Remember, Caylee disappeared in June 2008 and her body was found months later -- Casey said during her 2011 trial that George disposed of Caylee's body, and she said in a 2022 doc that he staged her death to make it look like it was Casey's fault.

Unclear how well the parents passed their lie detector tests ... but safe to say that'll be revealed Thursday night.

Rickey Smiley to Katt Williams Pryor, Martin & Foxx Wore Dresses ... Doesn't Strip Our Manhood!!!

Rickey Smiley Morning Show

Rickey Smiley is doubling down on being the first choice for Katt Williams' "Money Mike" role in Ice Cube's "Friday After Next" -- after Katt called him a liar -- and says they just changed the role!!!

On Thursday, Rickey cleared the air on his morning show and tackled KW's explosive interview from Shannon Sharpe's "Club Shay Shay" head-on.

Katt snapped on several prominent Black comedians -- Steve Harvey, Cedric The Entertainer and Kevin Hart all got snubbed -- but Katt especially ripped apart Rickey's acting abilities.

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Club Shay Shay

Katt claimed he drafted a contract that enforced Rickey to wear a dress the next time they appeared in a film together ... which was 2008's "First Sunday" where Rickey appeared as his female alter-ego "Bernice Jenkins."

Rickey denied there was any such contract, and says director David E. Talbert personally asked him to portray the role in the film, which was produced by Cube as well.

The Rickey Smiley Morning Show

Rickey noted how Flip Wilson, Richard Pryor, Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx all played female characters in the past and it didn't disrupt their legacies ... despite Katt hinting it was a down payment to an Illuminati membership!!!

Katt also accused Rickey of lying about getting stripped of the "Money Mike" role, but Rickey doubled down ... insisting his version of the character wasn't a pimp but more like a street cat from around the way.

After Katt auditioned, Cube and the producers gave him the part and allowed him to add his own flair to the role -- a move Rickey says he agreed with, as it became KW's breakout role in Hollywood.

Katt said Rickey -- who ended up playing Santa in the movie -- threw a hissy fit about the switcheroo while they were filming ... which is why he got included in his comedian blender.

NLE Choppa to Blueface Enough Disrespect ... Time To Fight!! 🥊

NLE Choppa isn't a fan of Blueface's new "Barbie" remix, considering the fact it's a play for his ex-girlfriend -- so, he's ready to take things to the ring!!!

ICYMI, Blueface used the 'ol beef-n-bait tactic to push Jaidyn Alexis' debut song into higher Billboard contention by name-checking Offset, Cardi B, Soulja Boy as well as Marissa Da'Nae, the mother of NLE's most recent child.

On Thursday, NLE took to X and challenged BF to a duel mano a mano ... "Let’s box who can set up @bluefacebleedem 👿 who can set up a celebrity boxing match in Vegas me and him hit me ASAP. He undefeated vs women ion respect a nigga that put his hands on em anyway !"

NLE was referencing Blueface and Chrisean’s explosive fight where she claimed he ambushed her with punches.

But if NLE was looking to intimidate Blue, his plan backfired … Blueface happily accepted his challenge with the utmost confidence.

He repsonded on X ... “I’m not worried about a Muslim vegan cryp on sY bet that small fry  squabble up or shut up," and added that he gave NLE his first big break with their 2020 collab “Shotta Flow (Remix).”

Fans immediately favored BF in the potential slugfest … he has a few pro-fight wins under his belt, after all, and even survived a stabbing while training.

NLE shouldn’t be counted out though -- he’s also been training in the ring, earning his lumps the old-fashioned way!!!

NLE Choppa reta a Blueface Suficientes faltas de respeto... Hora de pelear!! 🥊

¡¡¡NLE Choppa no es un fan del nuevo remix de Blueface "Barbie", teniendo en cuenta que es un juego para su exnovia, por lo que está dispuesto a llevar las cosas al ring!!!

Por si se lo perdieron, Blueface utilizó la táctica de las viejas rencillas para empujar la canción debut de Jaidyn Alexis hacia la parte alta de Billboard, nombrando Offset, Cardi B, Soulja Boy y Marissa Da'Nae, la madre del hijo más reciente de NLE.

El jueves, NLE recurrió a X para desafiar a Blueface a un duelo mano a mano: "Vamos a boxear, quién puede tenderle una trampa a @bluefacebleedem 👿 quién puede armar una pelea de boxeo de celebridades en Las Vegas, él y yo, avísenme ASAP. Añadió algo así como que no respeta a alguien que elige a las mujeres como sus contrincantes.

NLE se estaba refiriendo a Blueface y a su explosiva pelea con Chrisean, en donde ella afirmó que él le tendió una emboscada con puñetazos.

Pero si NLE buscaba intimidar a Blue, el plan le salió por la culata, ya que Blueface aceptó feliz su reto y con la mayor confianza.

Él respondió en X: "No estoy preocupado por un musulmán vegano cryp", y agregó que le dio a NLE su primera gran oportunidad con su colaboración de 2020 "Shotta Flow (Remix)".

Los fanáticos inmediatamente favorecieron a Blueface en el potencial combate. Él tiene algunas victorias a su haber, después de todo, e incluso sobrevivió a un apuñalamiento mientras entrenaba.

Sin embargo, no hay que descartar a NLE, quien también se ha entrenado en el ring y se ha ganado la vida a la antigua usanza.

Ian Ziering se deja ver por primera vez desde la pelea con motociclistas

Ian Ziering está repartiendo un poco de "Good Vibes", ya que fue visto por primera vez desde su encuentro aterrador con una turba de motociclistas despiadados en NYE.

La estrella de "Beverly Hills, 90210" parecía relajado durante un almuerzo en Bristol Farms el martes por la tarde, vistiendo una gorra de béisbol con el mensaje zen de positividad.

Sin embargo, su paz fue sacudida el domingo y TMZ publicó la historia... fue asaltado por un grupo de motociclistas cuando golpearon su carro mientras zigzagueaba a través del tráfico en Hollywood Blvd.

Las imágenes que obtuvimos muestran a los ciclistas dando violentas patadas y golpeando sus cascos contra el carro de Ian, todo mientras su hija de 10 años de edad, Penna, estaba sola en el interior mientras Ian peleaba al otro lado de la calle.

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pelea con pandilla de motociclistas

La experiencia fue bastante aterradora para los espectadores, por no hablar de la pequeña Penna, que fue vista llorando y siendo consolada por su padre poco después.

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ataque en grupo

Afortunadamente, el dúo padre e hija salió ileso del ataque. Ian apareció por Instagram el lunes para instar a las autoridades locales a tomar medidas contra la creciente ola de "vandalismo" en Los Ángeles.


Ian Ziering's trying his best to keep a positive attitude on the heels of his terrifying encounter with a mob of ruthless bikers in Hollywood ... as he gets out and about again for the first time since the street brawl.

The "Beverly Hills, 90210" star looked relaxed during a lunch outing at Bristol Farms Tuesday afternoon in WeHo ... donning a baseball cap branded with the oh-so zen message of "Good Vibes."

TMZ broke the story ... Ian's peace was massively interrupted Saturday as he ended up going toe-to-toe with a group of bikers, who he claims sideswiped his car while weaving through traffic on Hollywood Blvd.

Video footage we obtained shows the bikers violently kicking and pounding their helmets on Ian's car ... all while his 10-year-old daughter, Penna, was alone inside as Ian fought off others across the street.

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The ordeal was frightening enough for onlookers ... let alone little Penna, who was seen weeping, and was consoled by her dad shortly after.

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Luckily, the father and daughter duo emerged unscathed from the attack -- with Ian taking to IG Monday to urge L.A. officials to take action against what he sees as a rising tide of "hooliganism" in the city.