'RHONY' Erin Lichy Sued You And Hubby Owe Unpaid Rent!!! But They Claim Landlord Loves 'Em

'Real Housewives of New York City' star Erin Lichy is being dragged to court over a debt ... her landlord claims she and her husband owe five figures in unpaid rent, plus interest.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Erin and her husband, Abraham Lichy, owe $43,950 in unpaid rent for their Big Apple loft.

The landlord says Erin and Abraham have rented their two-story apartment since July 2019 but claims the couple failed to pay the agreed rent and other charges between October 2021 and July 2023 ... racking up a substantial balance.

Erin and Abraham's landlord claims their lease called for them to pay a monthly rent of $13,500 -- due on the first of each month -- for the period in question, but they often paid late, didn't pay late fees, bounced checks and sometimes didn't pay rent at all.

Now, the landlord is going after the Lichys for $43,950 plus interest ... in addition to $12,900 to cover the landlord's legal fees in the case.

We're told the reason two months of rent was being withheld was due to an agreed upon abatement ... due to persistent rodents, unsanitary issues and a nonfunctioning elevator which lasted for several months.

Erin and Abraham are stunned by the lawsuit, because they tell TMZ ... the landlord wrote a glowing letter of recommendation for them when they moved out.

You can read it yourself, but their rep feels the document "furthers that the Lichys were exemplary tenants and left on excellent standing of their own volition. This lawsuit has no grounds and is just an example of someone trying to get their 5 minutes at someone else's expense."

Chrisean Rock Crashed Braxton's Prayer Circle Before James Wright Fight

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Chrisean Rock's cameo at Tamar Braxton's L.A. concert seemingly started harmlessly -- she joined a pre-show prayer backstage ... and yet, violence allegedly broke out later that evening with Chrisean in the middle of it.

As you know, Tamar's backup singer James Wright ended up hospitalized after eyewitnesses claim Chrisean bloodied his face with a punch ... and a new video obtained by TMZ Hip Hop adds context to why things might have gotten heated.

Eyewitnesses on the tour tell us Chrisean burst into Tamar’s dressing room in the middle of the prayer and judging from everyone's reaction, no one expected her to be there!!!

You can see Chrisean not only breaking up the prayer circle, but also giving Toni Braxton a shove in order to get next to Tamar.

Chrisean's aggressiveness clearly disrupted Toni's concentration -- she refused to hold Rock's hand or even touch her as the prayer continued.

The encounter was Chrisean and Tamar's very first time meeting after Tamar had invited Chrisean to pull up to the show via IG Live.

We're told everyone backstage -- even James -- laughed off the prayer circle fiasco and made Chrisean feel welcome, even allowing her to stay backstage and do a pre-show shot with everyone in the room.

It was post-show where the mayhem went down ... Chrisean was under the impression she was supposed to perform during the show and things were said to turn extremely violent when James politely told her that wasn't the case.

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Tamar hopped on Instagram for a teary-eyed live once the dust settled to name Chrisean as James' attacker, and clarify she was never scheduled to perform ... just assist in the twerk-off portion of the show.

James has yet to address the incident, but Chrisean denies it went down.

She say, they say.

Chrisean Rock rompió el círculo de oración de Tamar y Toni Braxton

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momento incómodo

La aparición de Chrisean Rock en el concierto de Tamar Braxton en L.A. aparentemente comenzó inofensivamente. Se unió a una oración previa al show en el backstage y, sin embargo, la violencia estalló más tarde esa noche con Chrisean en medio.

Como ustedes saben, el cantante de apoyo de Tamar, James Wright, terminó hospitalizado después de que testigos afirmaran que Chrisean le dio un puñetazo haciéndolo sangrar. Un nuevo video obtenido por TMZ Hip Hop nos puede servir para entender por qué las cosas podrían haberse calentado.

Testigos presenciales nos dicen que Chrisean irrumpió en el camerino de Tamar en medio de la oración, y a juzgar por la reacción de todos, ¡nadie esperaba que ella estuviera allí!

Se puede ver a Chrisean no solo rompiendo el círculo de oración, sino también dándole un empujón a Toni Braxton con el fin de llegar junto a Tamar.

La agresividad de Chrisean claramente interrumpió la concentración de Toni, ella se negó a tomar la mano de Rock o incluso tocarla mientras la oración continuaba.

Este encuentro fue la primera vez que Chrisean y Tamar se reunieron después de que Tamar había invitado a Chrisean a subir al show a través de un Live de Instagram.

Nos dicen que todo el mundo detrás del escenario -incluso James- se rieron de lo ocurrido en el círculo de oración e hicieron sentir bienvenida a Chrisean. Incluso se tomaron unas fotos antes del show.

Fue después del show cuando las cosas se pusieron feas. Chrisean tenía la impresión de que iba a actuar durante el show y nos informan que las cosas se pusieron extremadamente violentas cuando James le dijo educadamente que ese no era el caso.

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Tamar apareció en Instagram, llorando en vivo una vez que el polvo se asentó para aclarar que Chrisean fue la atacante de James, y aclarar que nunca estuvo programado que actuara, más bien iba a aportar bailando twerking.

James aún no se ha pronunciado sobre el incidente, pero Chrisean lo niega.

La cosa se está poniendo intensa...

Slipknot es demandado Supuestamente se quedó con las cosas del difunto baterista Para lucrar con su muerte

Slipknot está siendo llevado a los tribunales por su fallecido baterista Joey Jordison. La empresa que gestiona su patrimonio afirma que la banda está sacando provecho de las pertenencias de Joey, exponiéndolas en un museo itinerante.

Según los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, la empresa que gestiona la herencia de Joey está demandando a la banda, alegando que utilizó la muerte de Jordison en 2021 para aumentar las ventas de su álbum "The End, So Far", de 2022.

La demanda afirma que el álbum no se estaba vendiendo tan bien después de la muerte de Joey en 2021, por lo que los miembros del grupo, Corey Taylor y Michael Shawn Crahan le dijeron a los fans que el álbum estaba dedicado a Joey y que la "toma de conciencia de que Jordison realmente había fallecido 'se coló' mientras lo hacían".

Es más, la compañía afirma que Corey y Michael mintieron cuando dijeron a los fans que se pusieron en contacto con la familia de Joey para expresar sus condolencias tras su muerte.

Parece que la disputa se remonta bastante lejos aquí. La compañía afirma que los compañeros de banda de Joey abruptamente lo echaron del grupo a través de un correo electrónico mientras él estaba luchando contra la mielitis transversa aguda, una condición que le hizo perder el uso de su pierna izquierda.

Según la demanda, Joey y Slipknot acordaron posteriormente devolver todas las propiedades de Joey, incluyendo su equipo musical, pero la compañía afirma que eso nunca sucedió, diciendo que "al menos 22 artículos" permanecen en posesión del grupo, incluyendo cosas como las máscaras de Joey, su icónica batería Pearl y sus zapatillas Adidas.

La demanda dice que algunos de esos artículos son parte de la exposición en el museo itinerante de la banda, conocido como Knotfest.

Tras la presentación de la demanda, Slipknot respondió con sus propios documentos legales, negando las afirmaciones y pidiendo al tribunal que desestimara a demanda.

Como informamos, Joey murió mientras dormía en 2021, según su familia, y la llamada al 911 obtenida por TMZ, reveló a una mujer que decía ser la ex de Joey, que estaba emocionada mientras le contaba a los operadores sobre las señales de advertencia que apuntaban a su muerte.

Slipknot Sued Allegedly Kept Late Drummer's Stuff To Profit Off His Death

Slipknot is being hauled into court over its late drummer Joey Jordison -- the company managing his estate claims the band's cashing in off Joey's belongings by displaying them in a traveling museum.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, the company running Joey's estate is suing the band, claiming it used Jordison's death in 2021 to boost sales for their 2022 album, "The End, So Far."

The lawsuit claims the album wasn't selling as well following Joey's 2021 death, so band members Corey Taylor and Michael Shawn Crahan told fans the album was dedicated to Joey and the "realization that Jordison had passed away really 'crept in' while making" it.

What's more, the company claims Corey and Michael lied when they told fans they contacted Joey's family to express condolences in the wake of his death.

It looks like the beef goes back pretty far here -- the company claims Joey's bandmates abruptly booted him from the group via email while he was struggling with acute transverse myelitis -- a condition that caused him to lose the use of his left leg.

According to the suit, Joey and Slipknot subsequently agreed to return all of Joey's property, including his musical gear and equipment -- but the company claims that never happened, saying "at least 22 items" remain in the group's possession, including things like Joey's masks, his iconic Pearl drum set and his Adidas sneakers.

The lawsuit says some of those items are part of the display in the band's traveling museum, known as Knotfest.

After the complaint was filed, Slipknot responded with its own legal docs ... denying the claims and asking the court to dismiss the lawsuit.

As we reported, Joey died in his sleep in 2021, according to his family ... and the 911 call, obtained by TMZ, revealed a woman who said she was Joey's ex getting emotional while telling dispatch about the warning signs that pointed to his death.


the toxic situation
Trading Secrets with Jason Tartick

Chris Harrison has blasted the events surrounding his exit from 'The Bachelor' as 'toxic' ... which kickstarted following a racism scandal.

He says the backlash he endured after defending ex-'Bachelor' contestant Rachael Kirkconnell for attending a plantation-themed party while in college was tumultuous ... praying his worst enemy doesn't go through the same experience he went through 2 years earlier.

Speaking on Jason Tartick's "Trading Secrets" podcast, Chris says he initially thought the situation was something he could've figured out with show execs ... but things escalated to the point he knew he had to remove himself from the situation.

It was a bittersweet moment for Chris ... he wasn't ready to leave the show he'd been hosting since 2002 ... but he was ultimately proud of his decision to walk away.

He adds there's no hard feelings because the show was a blessing  ... changing his life financially.

Jesse Palmer ended up taking over hosting duties -- and as for Chris, he found his own happy ending ... tying the knot with ET host Lauren Zima in November.

Von Miller Breaks Silence On Arrest ... Calls DV Claims '100% False'


Von Miller is finally opening up on his domestic violence arrest ... adamantly saying the allegations against him are "100 percent false."

The Buffalo Bills superstar sat in front of media members for over 10 minutes on Thursday to explain his side of the story ... roughly one month after he was thrown behind bars for allegedly roughing up his pregnant girlfriend during a bye-week argument in Dallas.

Miller repeated over and over again that he did not put his hands on his GF -- saying emphatically, "All of it is incorrect. All of it is untrue."

"Never in any of my relationships that I've been in, never in my current relationship with my girlfriend, did any of those things happen," he said.

"It is 100 percent false," he added. "It's overblown."

Miller was accused of pushing and shoving his GF, before putting his hands around her neck following a dispute over travel plans. In 911 audio, Miller's alleged victim can be heard telling an operator, "My boyfriend was choking me, hitting me, pulling my hair."


"I have bruises all over me," she added in the call, before saying she had "some blood on me."

Miller, however, said the claims were simply just not true, telling reporters, "All of it is incorrect."

"All I can say is it's just a matter of time before everything gets set straight," he said.

Miller -- who has been allowed to play for the Bills despite the allegations -- has not been criminally charged in the case as an investigation remains ongoing.

As for his relationship now with his girlfriend, Miller said, "Everything is normal."

"It was just a crazy day."

Consequence To Kanye West You Owe Me & The Team An Apology ... We Always Have Your Back!!!

Kanye West's day one advisor Consequence is demanding an apology ... but not for reasons you'd suspect.

On Thursday, Kanye released his $200 Yeezy Pods footwear and Cons showed his solidarity by posting the slipper sneakers but had to give his longtime friend a piece of his mind ... Cons is accusing Ye of throwing him and the team under the bus!!!

According to Cons, Kanye put him and the rest of the Ye's backers ... guys like Don C, John Monopoly, GLC ... in an awkward position when Ye claimed he was alone in his fight against the supposed Jewish powers that be.


Remember, Kanye flipped out during a Vegas listening session for his "Vultures" album a couple weeks back ... Hitler, Jesus Christ and Donald Trump were all swirled into a lengthy word vomit rant.

Cons' face must be stinging, because he's calling his omission a slap in the face!!!

What's more, Cons notes he's been riding with Kanye through thick and thin since 2002 and thinks if Ye can apologize to the Jewish people he offended, then he can muster up an apology to him ... in English!!!


The last time we spoke to Cons, he was doing damage control for Ye's ex-publicist who got herself indicted in Trump's election scandal.

Ya gotta love a homie who's present for the good, bad and the ugly!!!


Tik Tok / @izzzjson

A Florida couple had a complete meltdown at the airport ... accusing American Airlines of keeping their pet dogs away from them after their flight was delayed.

Dustin Miller and his husband Anthony Thorne were captured on viral TikTok footage making a massive scene at Charlotte Douglas Airport in North Carolina ... while also telling a woman in a wheelchair to "f*** off, bitch!"

As you can see, Miller, who appears drunk, yells to other travelers at the top of his lungs that the airline has f***ed them over ... as they all wait to board a flight to Fort Lauderdale.

Thorne tries to calm his husband down, but to no avail ... as Miller fires back: "You don't care about the girls?!" .... repeatedly slurring the name of their pet dogs, Shelby and Dolly -- adding he was merely trying to get back home ASAP to be with them.

Miller's tirade escalates when the woman in the wheelchair with her own pet pooch beside her asks them to go away -- and he snaps viciously at her, too.


To add to the chaos, OnlyFans model Austin Summers, who used to live in the same apartment complex as the couple, recognized the couple from a video ... claiming on X they've made transphobic comments in the past.

This doesn't look good for Miller, who works as an accountant at Sykes & Company, according to his LinkedIn.

Pareja de Florida Crisis épica en el aeropuerto por sus perros

Piensa en las chicas!!!
Tik Tok / @izzzjson

Una pareja de Florida tuvo una crisis épica en el aeropuerto, acusando a American Airlines de mantener a sus perros alejados de ellos después de que su vuelo se retrasara.

Dustin Miller y su esposo Anthony Thorne fueron capturados en un video viral de TikTok, en el que hacen una gran escena en el aeropuerto Charlotte Douglas en Carolina del Norte, al mismo tiempo que le dicen a una mujer en silla de ruedas que es una "¡p***, perra!"

Como pueden ver, Miller, que parece borracho, le grita a otros viajeros a todo pulmón que la aerolínea los ha jodido, mientras todos esperan el embarque a un vuelo a Fort Lauderdale.

Thorne trata de calmar a su marido, pero no lo logra. Miller dispara de nuevo: "¡¿No te importan las chicas?!", arrastrando repetidamente el nombre de sus perras Shelby y Dolly, y añadiendo que solo estaba tratando de volver a casa lo antes posible para estar con ellas.

La diatriba de Miller se intensifica cuando la mujer en la silla de ruedas con su propia mascota a su lado les pide que se vayan y él también se ensaña con ella.

Para añadir al caos, la modelo de OnlyFans Austin Summers, que solía vivir en el mismo complejo de apartamentos que la pareja, los reconoció en el video y alegó en X que la pareja había hecho comentarios transfóbicos en el pasado.

Esto no pinta bien para Miller, quien trabaja como contable en Sykes & Company, según su LinkedIn.

La familia de una víctima de asesinato ataca a un sospechoso en el estrado

caos en la corte
Jason Wolff at Calfas Law

Una pelea estalló dentro de una sala de audiencias de Texas entre la familia de una víctima de asesinato de 15 años de edad y su presunto asesino y todo fue todo capturado en video.

Esta es la historia... en mayo de 2022, Ethan Soto fue presuntamente muerto a tiros por Víctor Rivas en un posible acto de represalia por un robo relacionado con las drogas en San Antonio, dijo la policía.

Luego, el martes, la hermana embarazada de Soto, Savanah, de 18 años, fue encontrada muerta junto con su novio, Matthew Guerra, de 22 años, tres días después de que se denunciara su desaparición.

Los detectives están investigando sus muertes como posibles homicidios, aunque no está claro si sus casos tienen alguna conexión con el asesinato de Ethan.

Un avance rápido hasta octubre de 2022 en una sala del tribunal de San Antonio, donde Rivas subió al estrado para testificar en el juicio por el asesinato de Ethan con la familia Soto presente.

Mientras Rivas testificaba, cuatro miembros de la familia Soto le atacaron en el estrado y todo quedó grabado en un video que fue publicado el martes en el DailyMail.

Los miembros de la familia se abalanzaron sobre Rivas, golpeándolo con sus puños hasta que los oficiales de la corte saltaron y pusieron la situación bajo control. Los oficiales rápidamente llevaron a Rivas -que no fue herido de gravedad- fuera de la sala del tribunal a un lugar seguro.

Cuatro personas fueron detenidas -dos varones adultos y dos varones menores de edad- y se espera que sean acusados de asalto y perturbar los procedimientos judiciales.

Texas Courtroom Brawl Homicide Victim's Family Attacks Suspect in Court

Jason Wolff at Calfas Law

A massive brawl broke out inside a Texas courtroom between the family of a 15-year-old murder victim and his alleged killer ... and the violence was all caught on newly released video.

First the back story ... in May 2022, Ethan Soto was allegedly fatally shot by Victor Rivas in a possible act of retaliation for a drug-related robbery in San Antonio, police said.

Then, on Tuesday, Soto's pregnant sister, Savanah, 18, was found dead along with her boyfriend, Matthew Guerra, 22, three days after they were reported missing.

Detectives are now investigating their deaths as possible homicides, although it's unclear if their cases have any connection to Ethan's slaying.

Fast forward to October 2022 in a San Antonio courtroom, where Rivas took the stand to testify at trial for Ethan's murder with the Soto family present.

As Rivas was testifying, four members of the Soto family attacked him on the stand and it was all recorded on video, which was published Tuesday in the DailyMail.

Check it out ... the family members lunged at Rivas, pummeling him with their fists until court officers jumped in and brought the situation under control. Officers quickly led Rivas -- who was not seriously hurt -- out of the courtroom to safety.

Four people were arrested -- two adult males and two juvenile males - and expected to be charged with assault and disrupting court proceedings.

Tommy Dorfman Acusa al personal de Delta de transfobia

La actriz transgénero Tommy Dorfman está arremetiendo contra Delta Air Lines, acusándolos de cometer una violación a los derechos humanos por confundir "incesantemente" su género durante un altercado.

Tenso intercambio
Tik Tok/@tommy.dorfman

El acalorado enfrentamiento ocurrido en el aeropuerto La Guardia de Nueva York fue capturado en video por la estrella de "13 Reasons Why", quien alega que el personal se refirió a ella por los pronombres equivocados, afirmando que uno lo hizo "intencionalmente".

No está claro lo que precede a la situación, pero en el clip que se ha viralizado en TikTok se puede escuchar a Tommy, que utiliza los pronombres ella/su, diciendo: "¿Qué pasa cuando un empleado de Delta confunde tu género intencionalmente?".

Para hacer frente a Tommy, el agente que está en la puerta le dice a otra persona que espere su turno, diciendo: "Mientras ella habla... mientras él habla".

Tommy, quien se declaró como trans en julio de 2021, no está nada contenta y le informa que se ha equivocado de género de nuevo, aunque el agente le dice que no fue intencionalmente y que si ella quiere tomárselo como algo personal era cosa suya.

El agente también arremete contra Tommy por ser condescendiente y la amenaza con ser escoltada hacia la salida por la Autoridad Portuaria. Además, le pregunta si era realmente necesaria esta conmoción días antes de Navidad.

Pero Tommy se mantuvo firme y en su pie de foto escribió que se encontró con la transfobia y las amenazas de ser detenida en La Guardia cuando simplemente estaba abogando por ella. Añadió que no sabía que era condescendiente levantar una bandera por la violación de los derechos humanos cuando se pasa a llevar el género de una persona.

Un portavoz de Delta le dice a TMZ: "Somos conscientes del video y estamos investigando el asunto, además de contactar a nuestro cliente para entender más sobre lo ocurrido".


Transgender actress Tommy Dorfman has lambasted Delta Air Lines ... accusing them of committing a human rights violation for "incessantly" misgendering her during a spat.

Tik Tok/@tommy.dorfman

The heated showdown at NYC's LaGuardia Airport was caught on camera by the "13 Reasons Why" star ... who alleges the staff referred to her by the wrong pronouns -- claiming that one did so "intentionally."

It's unclear what precedes the situation ... but in the viral TikTok clip you can hear Tommy -- who uses she/her pronouns -- saying, "What about when a Delta employee misgenders you intentionally?"

To deal with Tommy, the gate agent tells another person to wait their turn, saying ... "While she's talk -- while he's talking."

Tommy -- who came out as trans in July 2021 -- is none too pleased ...  informing him that he's misgendered her again -- though the agent tells her it wasn't intentional and if she wanted to take it personally, that was on her.

He also slams Tommy for being condescending .... threatening to have Port Authority escort her out ... and asking her if the commotion was really necessary days before Christmas.

But, Tommy's standing her ground ... writing in her caption she was met with transphobia and arrest threats at LaGuardia when merely advocating for herself -- adding she didn't realize it was condescending to flag a human rights violation when being misgendered.

A Delta spokesperson tells TMZ ... "We’re aware of the video and looking into the matter, including reaching out to our customer to understand more about what occurred."

Ja Morant Hits Apparent Gun Celebration ... In Win Over Pelicans

Ja Morant's barely been back on the NBA hardwood for a week, but he's already found himself mired in a bit of controversy again -- this time after he hit a celebration that appeared to feature imaginary guns.

The Grizzlies point guard pulled out the celly Tuesday night after he helped give Memphis an insurmountable lead over the Pelicans in overtime of their game in New Orleans.

The 24-year-old -- who just came back from a 25-game ban for a string of incidents involving gun-related social media videos last week -- seemed to turn his hands into the shape of pistols after throwing down a thunderous alley-oop dunk, before he appeared to spray the road crowd with fake bullets.

The gestures only lasted a few seconds, before Morant returned to defense to finish off the game -- but basketball fans were still critical of the moves nonetheless.

Several roasted him as "tone deaf" -- particularly after he had just returned from his suspension on Dec. 19.

Of course, it's entirely possible Morant was not mimicking firing guns and was instead just simply hitting a dance -- but the hooper has yet to publicly address it all.

Morant has been a complete superstar outside of the incident vs. the Pelicans since he was reinserted into Memphis' lineup -- leading the Grizzlies to four straight wins while earning Western Conference player of the week honors.

Tyron Woodley Offered St-Pierre Millions To Fight ... But He Said No


Tyron Woodley has been open about wanting to fight Georges St-Pierre for years, going back to their UFC days ... and even though the guys are no longer with Dana White's organization, T-Wood still wants smoke with GSP!

In fact, TMZ Sports was talking to 41-year-old Woodley this week when he revealed that he has not only launched his own fight promotion (more on that coming), but he offered St-Pierre a crapload of money to scrap.

"Like Georges St-Pierre, I offered him a dumb bag, he said 'No. I'm not in that world anymore,'" Woodley revealed.

Tyron added ... "When I say dumb, I'm talking pushing the eight figures, a lot of money."

Eight figures indicates $10,000,000 ... a lot of money by any standard.

GSP last fought in 2017 ... when he returned after a four-year layoff to fight Michael Bisping. He won by submission (rear-naked choke) in the third round.

As for the promotion ... Tyron says it's not just about fighting.

"It's called The Realest International Promotion, TRIP. We're promoting all things art, we're not just doing mixed martial arts," Tyron explained, adding, "We're doing music, concerts, festivals, cryptocurrency, e-sporting events, boxing, and then we just doing a lot of crossovers."

There's a bunch more with Tyron ... including the former longtime welterweight champ's revelation that he, not John Gotti III, was originally scheduled to fight Floyd Mayweather in an exhibition boxing match earlier this year.

Check out the clip!