Jeezy Jeannie Mai Knew Divorce Was Coming Ask Marriage Counselors!!!

Jeannie Mai claims she found out about her divorce from Jeezy like the rest of the world ... which couldn't be any further from the truth -- at least from her estranged husband's POV.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ Hip Hop that Jeannie Mai being blindsided by the divorce filing is absolutely false ... 'cause the clear signs of their uncoupling were long established and manifesting right before their eyes.

We're told the couple serially engaged in marriage counseling -- with multiple therapists -- before Jeezy came to the realization that the relationship was "irretrievably broken.”

No matter who the professional was, it seems like Jeezy walked away with the same answer. Clearly, it would appear he feels the writing was on the wall here ... and that Jeannie's suggestion this came out of nowhere is disingenuous.


Jeezy hasn't highlighted an exact reason for the split, but has maintained he felt it in his gut that it was best to walk away since filing for divorce back in September.


Jeannie spoke of strength and putting up a hardened exterior to Jennifer Hudson on Monday ... the same interview where she also spoke on allegedly being ambushed by Jeezy's court filing, which she says gutted her.

Remember, Jeannie has now suggested Jeezy might've cheated in their marriage in some form or fashion, which he also denies like the blindside. Just call him Michael Oher!!!

Joe Budden & NBA YoungBoy War Over 'Trash Music' Comment... And Birdman Has Entered The Chat

Joe Budden Podcast

Joe Budden compared NBA Youngboy's music to the lowest form of trash 💩 on his recent podcast episode ... a critique that's pissed off NBA to the highest levels of pissitivity -- and Birdman is hot too!!!

As the JBP's latest episode "Malcolm On Ice" came to a close, Joe ripped into NBA YoungBoy's music for being horrible ... with emphasis on the songs being "really, really, really, really bad!!!"

Joe maintained he didn't have anything against YoungBoy personally but painted him as a puppet his record label is using his frequent releases to spam YouTube to entice naive little kids.


The insults were enough for a rare IG response from the reclusive rap star, who's been holed up on house arrest in Utah all year.

YoungBoy informed Budden that despite his opinions, his music was still streaming very well ... and posted an Apple Music screenshot of his latest album's "Decided 2" accomplishments as proof.

He also challenged Joe to come to interview him face-to-face on "Grave Digger Mountain," but judging from his tone and name of the location, it didn't sound like a safe environment.

Birdman considers YB as a little brother in addition to a collaborator and the Cash Money Records boss also used his IG to issue threats to Joe.

Joe's no stranger to rapper beef and posted a meme of himself in medieval times armor ... in other words, he's saying he's not backing down from the war!!!

Kim Zolciak Sus amigos se avergüenzan por su comportamiento con Kroy Lo sienten por los niños...

Los amigos de Kim Zolciak, al menos algunos de ellos, no quieren tener nada que ver con ella y están diciendo que se avergüenzan por el comportamiento que ha tenido en su público divorcio con Kroy Biermann.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la situación le dicen a TMZ que la saga de la pareja ha sido una situación triste para sus cuatro hijos, todos menores de edad, y están preocupados de que tengan que presenciar el drama en casa y revivirlo públicamente a través de los medios.

Como resultado, algunos de los amigos de Kim se han distanciado en los últimos meses.

También nos dicen que sienten que esto se está convirtiendo en un juego de peleas para ellos, aunque Kim parece estar disfrutando más del drama que Kroy.

A pesar de las especulaciones de que la pareja está ampliando su rivalidad para un reality show, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que, hasta el momento, no hay ningún acuerdo de televisión sobre la mesa para ellos.

Para ser sinceros, las cámaras no necesitan filmar para entender lo caóticas que son las cosas entre K&K después de su solicitud de divorcio en mayo.

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Preparando el almuerzo
Snapchat / @kimzbiermann

Hace poco más de una semana, uno de sus hijos llamó a los policías después de presenciar una explosiva pelea. Todo, para que a principios de esta semana el dúo apareciera acurrucado en una cita para almorzar.

Su relación se produce en medio de un montón de problemas de dinero, con Kim incluso utilizando su Instagram como plataforma para vender sus zapatos de diseño y pagar las deudas de sus tarjetas de crédito, hoy por las nubes.

TMZ se ha puesto en contacto con los representantes de Kim y Kroy, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.


Kim Zolciak's friends -- at least some of them -- don't want anything to do with her ... saying they're embarrassed by her behavior over her public divorce from Kroy Biermann.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... the couple's relationship saga is a sad situation for their four minor children ... expressing concern they're forced to witness the drama play out at home and also relive it publicly through media coverage.

As a result, some of Kim's pals have distanced themselves from her over the last couple months.

We're also told the estranged pair feel it's becoming a fighting game for them -- though Kim seems to be enjoying the drama more than Kroy.

Despite speculation the couple is amplifying their contentiousness to score a reality show, our sources tell us that, as of yet, there's no TV deal on the table.

TBH ... cameras don't need to roll to understand how chaotic things are between K&K following their divorce filing in May.

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Snapchat / @kimzbiermann

Just over a week ago, one of their kids called cops to their home following an explosive fight ... only for the duo to cozy up for a Hibachi lunch date earlier this week.

Their on/off relationship comes amid a swirling mountain of money woes ... with Kim even using her IG as a marketplace to sell his designer shoes to pay off sky-high credit card debts.

TMZ has reached out to reps for Kim and Kroy ... but we haven't heard back.

Mike Perry Bare-Knuckle Fight w/ Eddie Alvarez ... Biggest Of My Career!


Mike Perry has fought in the UFC and BKFC, and can count the likes of Luke Rockhold, Cowboy Cerrone, and Michael "Venom" Page as previous opponents ... but none of those scraps were bigger than Saturday night's bare-knuckle fight with former MMA champ Eddie Alvarez!

"This is a very tremendous opportunity for me, the biggest fight of my career to date," Perry told TMZ Sports this week.

"Eddie Alvarez, he's got quite the resume. I'm happy to be against it, and I'm looking to shut it down whether that be finishing him or just picking him apart for 12 minutes."

FYI, Perry is 3-0 in BKFC (Rockhold, Page, Lane) ... and is the promotion's biggest star. Alvarez has less experience sans gloves ... he's 1-0 with a win over Chad Mendes.

As for where he goes after Eddie, Perry says he's "looking to put on a good performance and skies the limit" afterward.

"We saw Conor McGregor and me face off last time. I was talking a little bit of s*** about Sean Strickland, he's very upset about it. He's angry with me. Every time he talks to me he's like, 'We gotta box. We gotta box.' I wrote him and said, 'Come to the fight in Utah' and he didn't even open that message and read it."

BKFC 56 goes down Saturday night from Salt Lake City, Utah ... with the King of Violence belt on the line when Mike and Eddie step in the cage!

Ron DeSantis vs. Gavin Newsom Aquí está la verdadera caca DeSantis apunta a San Fran

Estás jugando sucio
Fox News

Gavin Newsom se enfrentó cara a cara con Ron DeSantis en el debate del jueves, intercambiando golpes sobre una variedad de temas importantes que afectan al país, ¡incluyendo las heces humanas!

El Gobernador de California y su homólogo de Florida se enfrentaron en el escenario durante el debate de Fox News presentado por Sean Hannity, pero la conversación de hora y media tomó un giro inusual cuando DeSantis sacó a relucir la caca en las aceras de San Francisco.

DeSantis mostró una foto de la ciudad del norte de California cargada de excrementos, explicando que los desechos en las calles son una forma de vida ahora en San Fran.

El candidato presidencial republicano de 2024 también señaló que Newsom solo limpió la ciudad recientemente para una visita del dictador chino Xi Jinping.

Newsom se veía nervioso, riéndose y diciendo que nada de eso tenía sentido.

El "gran debate del estado rojo contra el estado azul" tuvo otros momentos tensos, como cuando DeSantis acusó a su rival demócrata de llevar a cabo una campaña en la sombra para presidente.

Pero Newsom no mordió el anzuelo, demostrando su apoyo al actual presidente y favorito de los demócratas para 2024, Joe Biden. Señaló el récord de Biden en crear "catorce millones de puestos de trabajo, 10 veces más que los últimos tres presidentes republicanos juntos".

DeSantis luego apuntó a la crisis fronteriza entre Estados Unidos y México de Biden. Le dijo que los demócratas están mintiéndole a las personas sobre este tema, ya que millones de inmigrantes indocumentados han inundado el país.

Newsom devolvió las balas y atacó a DeSantis por enviar a los migrantes en autobús desde la frontera de Texas hasta la isla Martha's Vineyard "para superar a Trump". Luego se burló de sus números en las encuestas diciendo: "Estás 41 puntos abajo en tu propio estado".

Hubo más fuegos artificiales cuando DeSantis chapuceó el nombre de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris. Newsom rápidamente corrigió a DeSantis y lo reprendió: "Vergüenza debería darte. Para ti es señora vicepresidenta".

Los gobernadores también se atacaron mutuamente sobre el crimen, los impuestos, el aborto, las protecciones ambientales y la pandemia del Coronavirus.

En definitiva, fue un debate muy acalorado en el que ambos gobernadores se propinaron golpes, aunque no hubo un claro vencedor. Pero dado que el cuestionamiento fue claramente anti-Newsom, este merece el crédito por entrar en la boca del lobo republicano.

Ron DeSantis Vs. Gavin Newsom Here's the Real Poop!!! DeSantis Craps on San Fran

Fox News

Gavin Newsom went toe-to-toe with Ron DeSantis on the debate stage Thursday, trading blows on a variety of important issues impacting the country, including human feces!!

The California Guv and his Florida counterpart went at each other onstage during the Fox News debate hosted by Sean Hannity -- but the 1.5-hour conversation took an unusual turn when DeSantis brought up poop on the sidewalks of San Francisco.

DeSantis held up a photo of the excrement-laden Northern California city, explaining that human waste on the streets is a way of life now in SF.

The 2024 Republican presidential candidate also pointed out that Newsom only cleaned up the City recently for a visit from Chinese dictator Xi Jinping.

Newsom appeared flustered, nervously laughing and calling it all nonsense.


The "Great Red State Versus Blue State Debate" had some other tense moments, like when DeSantis accused his Democrat rival of running a shadow campaign for prez.

But, Newsom didn't take the bait, throwing his support behind current president and 2024 democratic frontrunner Joe Biden. He pointed to Biden's record of creating "fourteen million jobs, 10 times more than the last three Republican presidents combined.”

DeSantis then took aim at Biden's US-Mexico border crisis, saying the Democrats are lying to the public about the issue as millions of undocumented migrants have poured into the country.

Newsom returned fire, blasting DeSantis for busing migrants from the Texas border to Martha's Vineyard “so that you can out-Trump Trump.” He then mocked DeSantis' poll numbers, saying, "You’re down 41 points in your own state."

There were more fireworks when DeSantis botched the name of VP Kamala Harris. Newsom quickly corrected DeSantis and chastised him ... “Shame on you. It’s Madame Vice President to you.”

The governors also attacked each other on crime, taxes, abortion, environmental protections and the Coronavirus pandemic.

All in all, it was a very heated debate with both governors landing blows, however there was no clear winner. But, given the questioning was clearly anti-Newsom, he deserves credit for going into the Republican lion's den.

Teairra Marí to Keri Hilson Hope You're Ready to Fight ... I'm Coming To Whoop Your Ass!!!

Teairra Marí says she's done with Keri Hilson's passive-aggressive attitude and wants to get fully aggressive -- as in serving Keri with a first-class butt kickin' for years of talking behind her back!!!

The R&Beef sizzled on Thursday when Teairra got wind of Keri's chat on Tank's podcast last month.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Keri recalled a time the Teairra was sitting in the front row at one of her concerts and was feeding her toxic "I-don't-wanna-be-here" energy while she was onstage.

The "Pretty Girl Rock" singer says it's important for artists to give one another love during performances, and Teairra was doing the complete opposite.

Teairra didn't take kindly to Keri's recollection of events, and then wrote a fiery threat in the "The Neighborhood Talk" comment section ... "Y'all, people gotta leave me alone. I don't bother anybody, just leave me the f*** alone.! so now, Keri! what's up you wanna fight or do you not want to fight because I'm gonna whoop your ass when I see you I'm sick of you people bothering me! You had a whole different story when I was in your face you're a liar bitch!!"

This battle probably won't be settled with the standard Verzuz setup. Teairra sounds like she wants to inflict pain on Keri by any means necessary!!!

Maybe Tank will referee the fight ... having instigated it and all.


John Oates dice que está muy dolido por las acusaciones de su socio musical distanciado, que trató de vender en secreto su mitad de la empresa Hall & Oates.

John presentó una declaración en un tribunal de Tennessee, diciendo que está "profundamente herido" porque Daryl Hall tomó una disputa privada que estaban teniendo y la hizo vergonzosamente pública.

Como ya informamos, Hall ha acudido a los tribunales, por lo que afirma fue una maniobra de Oates para vender su parte de "Whole Oats Enterprises", la empresa que formaron para controlar algunos de los activos del grupo.

Hall afirma que Oates lo puso en una situación incómoda al encontrar un comprador al que Hall no quiere. Hall consiguió una orden de restricción temporal, deteniendo la venta hasta que un juez pueda determinar si Oates tenía derecho a hacer el trato.

En su declaración, Oates dice: "Daryl ha sido constante y públicamente inflexible en ser percibido como un individuo y no como parte de un dúo o grupo".

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Club Random with Bill Maher

Quedó claro el año pasado, cuando Hall apareció en el podcast "Club Random" de Bill Maher, que no había amor perdido entre los dos.

Oates dice que no puede hablar de los detalles, pero reconoce que "Daryl y yo no hemos estado de acuerdo". La cosa es que quiere que esos mirones sean ojos privados.

Oates insiste en que está tratando de mantener la integridad de Hall & Oates, pero está teniendo problemas porque Hall no quiere trabajar con él.

Quédense atentos...

Hall & Oates Oates 'Deeply Hurt' By Hall's Allegations ... I'm Not a Backstabber!!!

John Oates says he's gutted by his estranged musical partner's allegations ... that he tried to secretly sell his half of a Hall & Oates enterprise.

John filed a declaration in a Tennessee court, saying he's "deeply hurt" that Daryl Hall took a private dispute they were having and made it embarrassingly public.

As we reported, Hall has gone to court over what he claims was a move by Oates to sell off his share of "Whole Oats Enterprises," the company they formed to control some of the group's assets.

Hall claims Oates ambushed him by finding a buyer whom Hall does not want. Hall got a temporary restraining order, halting the sale until a judge could determine whether Oates had the right to make the deal.

In his declaration, Oates says, "Daryl has consistently and publicly been adamant about being perceived as an individual rather than as part of a duo or group."

112223_daryl_hall_kal SEPTEMBER 2022
Club Random with Bill Maher

It was clear last year when Hall appeared on Bill Maher's "Club Random" podcast, there was no love lost between the two.

Oates says he can't talk about the specifics, but acknowledges "Daryl and I have not seen eye to eye." Thing is ... he wants those peepers to be private eyes.

Oates insists he's trying to maintain the integrity of Hall & Oates, but he's having trouble because Hall will not work with him.

Stay tuned ...

Elon Musk Rips Iger, X Advertisers ... 'Go F*** Yourself!!!'


Elon Musk has a message for Disney CEO Bob Iger and all the other advertisers fleeing his social media platform -- don't let the door hit ya on the way out, and go screw yourselves while you're at it.

The owner of X was talking shop on CNBC -- on the heels of his recent Israel visit, and in the wake of antisemitism allegations -- and he fired away about the exodus of corporations cutting ties with him.

Check it out ... he says he actually hopes they stop advertising permanently, and then dropped a very clear "Go f*** yourself" proclamation to everybody who's jumping ship.

You can tell the host was shocked by Elon's choice words -- especially while live on the air -- so, naturally, EM said it again, and then asked if he'd made himself clear. He certainly had!

Elon explained that he feels like he's being blackmailed by these companies with the hope of paying for ads, and emphasized he wouldn't sacrifice his free speech policies for monetary gain ... even if, apparently, it means hurting his bottom line.

Funny enough, Elon singled out Iger in his remarks here, playfully calling out "Bob" as someone who was probably watching in the audience. Indeed, Disney was one of the major companies to pause its advertising with X ... as did many others.


Iger actually addressed that today as well -- before Elon's snipe -- and said, "We know that Elon is larger than life in many respects, and that his name is very much connected to the companies he founded or owns. By him taking the position he took in a public manner, we felt that the association was not necessarily a positive one for us."

Seems like the relationship's getting worse, not better.

KIM ZOLCIAK AND KROY BIERMANN Hibachi Lunch Date ... Week After Cops Called For Explosive Fight

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are seemingly back on track once again after an explosive fight prompted one of their kids to call the cops ... this time, grabbing some lunch together with plenty of laughs.

The former reality TV stars went out Wednesday to a Japanese steakhouse and sushi joint, Kani House, in Duluth, Georgia ... sitting down for lunch in front of the hibachi grill.

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Snapchat / @kimzbiermann

Kim documented the date for social media -- as usual -- mentioning Kroy while filming and asking why he doesn't do knife tricks in the kitchen like the hibachi chef. Kroy laughs from off camera, joking that's what he does when Kim's not around ... which could actually make sense given the fact they're supposed to stay separated in the house.

The hibachi chef also created a rice heart for Kim and Kroy ... and she loves it, calling it "cute."

In the clips, Kim and Kroy are both laughing and seem to be having a good time ... a stark contrast from last week, when cops responded to their home for an explosive fight in front of their kids.


As we've told you ... Kim and Kroy were bickering over finances for weeks before things reached a boiling point, fighting after a seemingly nice public outing with their kids.

The estranged couple's in dire financial straits, but we've seen them go out for fancy dinners amid their money woes and nasty divorce ... and this seems to be a similar situation.

No boring moments with these two.

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann Comparten un almuerzo hibachi A una semana de explosiva pelea

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann están aparentemente en marcha una vez más, después de que una explosiva pelea provocara que uno de sus hijos llamara a la policía. Esta vez, compartieron un almuerzo juntos con un montón de risas.

Las ex estrellas de reality shows fueron a un restaurante japonés este miércoles, llamado Kani House, en Duluth, Georgia y se sirvieron una parilla hibachi para almorzar.

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Preparando el almuerzo
Snapchat / @kimzbiermann

Kim documentó la cita en sus redes sociales, como de costumbre, mientras filmaba a Kroy y le preguntaba por qué no hacía unos trucos con el cuchillo de cocina como el chef hibachi. Ahí, Kroy se ríe fuera de cámara y bromea que eso es lo que hace cuando Kim no está cerca, lo que podría tener sentido dado que deberían estar separados en casa.

El chef hibachi también creó un corazón de arroz para Kim y Kroy, lo que a ella le encantó y calificó como "lindo".

En los clips, ambos Kim y Kroy están riendo y parecen estar pasando un buen rato, algo que contrasta con lo ocurrido la semana pasada, cuando los policías respondieron a una llamada de sus hijos por una explosiva pelea en casa.

Ya es suficiente

Como les hemos contado, Kim y Kroy venían discutiendo sobre sus finanzas en las semanas previas a que las cosas llegaran a un punto de ebullición. La pelea también se dio después de una aparentemente agradable salida pública con sus hijos.

La pareja separada está en graves apuros financieros, pero los hemos visto tener varias cenas de lujo en medio de su desagradable divorcio, y esto parece ser algo similar.

Defnitivamente no hay momentos aburridos con estos dos.

ELON MUSK Rips Iger, X y patrocinadores... ¡váyanse a la mierda!


Elon Musk tiene un mensaje para el CEO de Disney, Bob Iger, y todos los demás anunciantes que huyen de su plataforma de medios sociales: "No dejes que la puerta te golpee en la salida y vete a la mierda".

El propietario de X habló en la CNBC tras su reciente visita a Israel y a raíz de las acusaciones de antisemitismo disparó sobre el éxodo de las empresas que cortan lazos con él.

Échale un vistazo... dice que espera que dejen de hacer publicidad de forma permanente y luego dejó caer una muy clara "Vete a la mierda" proclamación a todo el mundo que está saltando del barco.

Se puede decir que el presentador se sorprendió por las palabras de Elon - especialmente en directo - por lo que, naturalmente, EM lo dijo de nuevo, y luego le preguntó si había sido claro. Desde luego que sí.

Elon explicó que se siente como si estuviera siendo chantajeado por estas empresas con la esperanza de pagar por los anuncios, e hizo hincapié en que no iba a sacrificar sus políticas de libertad de expresión para la ganancia monetaria ... incluso si, al parecer, significa perjudicar a su línea de fondo.

Curiosamente, Elon señaló a Iger en sus comentarios aquí, llamando juguetonamente a "Bob" como alguien que probablemente estaba viendo en la audiencia. De hecho, Disney fue una de las principales empresas que puso en pausa su publicidad con X... al igual que muchas otras.

Iger también se ha referido a ello hoy, antes del ataque de Elon, y ha dicho: "Sabemos que Elon es más grande que la vida en muchos aspectos, y que su nombre está muy relacionado con las empresas que ha fundado o de las que es propietario. Al adoptar la postura que adoptó de forma pública, sentimos que la asociación no era necesariamente positiva para nosotros."

Parece que la relación va a peor, no a mejor.


El Príncipe Harry fue dejado en visto horas antes de la muerte de su abuela, la Reina Isabel II, el año pasado, y la persona que lo ignoró no fue otra que su hermano William.

Un nuevo libro del experto real Omid Scobie hace una sorprendente afirmación: en particular, que Bill ignoró por completo los mensajes de Harry mientras intentaba planear un viaje para volar desde California al Reino Unido con la esperanza de ver a la Reina Isabel II antes de su fallecimiento.

Una fuente asegura que todos los mensajes de Harry a su hermano quedaron sin respuesta, con la aparente razón de que… "Claramente, no quería ver a su hermano".

Ya que William no estaba comunicándose con Harry… el libro de Scobie, "Endgame: Dentro de la familia real y la lucha de la monarquía por la supervivencia", afirma que el Duque de Sussex tuvo que descubrir lo que estaba sucediendo por su cuenta… lo que requirió que reservara un costoso jet privado.

Scobie alega que Harry tuvo que desembolsar $30,000 para volar solo… esto mientras PW estaba en su propio vuelo privado con el Príncipe Edward y su propia esposa. El libro afirma que Harry no tenía idea de si la Reina ya había fallecido o no… y la noticia de su muerte se dio a conocer mientras él estaba en el aire.

Sobre cómo supuestamente se sintió Harry al respecto… Scobie cita a una fuente que menciona: "Harry estaba destrozado. Su relación con la Reina lo era todo para él. Ella habría querido que él lo supiera antes de que saliera al mundo".

Este amigo anónimo de Harry agrega: "Podrían haber esperado un poco más, no habría sido nada en el gran esquema de las cosas, pero nadie respetó eso en absoluto".

Por supuesto, cuando Harry finalmente llegó a Escocia, donde la Reina estaba en su lecho de muerte antes de fallecer, ya era demasiado tarde… y no tuvo la oportunidad de despedirse.

Su presencia en el Reino Unido en ese momento fue solemne… y aunque él y William mostraron un frente unido para conmemorar a su abuela… este libro sugiere que las cosas estaban increíblemente frías entre ellos tras bambalinas. Ahora, con su reciente historial en mente… eso no es sorpresa.

La realidad es que… las famosas afirmaciones de Harry y Meghan sobre el racismo dentro de la institución real incluyeron la insinuación de que tal vez el mismo William había participado, algo que el Príncipe de Gales negó rotundamente en su momento. Es decir, poco decir que… a Will no le gustó cómo manejó Harry su salida como miembro senior de la realeza, y todo lo demás que ocurrió después… Al público y de otras maneras.


Incluso ahora, su relación parece helada, en el mejor de los casos… hay reportes que afirman que William no "derramará una lágrima" si Harry y Meg no logran estar en las festividades navideñas en el Reino Unido.

Prince William Ghosted Harry Before QE2 Died ... New Books Claims

Prince Harry was left on read in the hours before his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, died last year -- and the person ghosting him was none than his brother ... William.

A new book from Royal insider Omid Scobie makes the shocking claim ... namely, that Bill completely ignored Harry's texts as he was attempting to make travel plans to fly from California to the UK in hopes of seeing QE2 before she passed.

One source says all of Harry's messages to his old sibling went unanswered -- with the apparent rationale being ... "He clearly didn't want to see his brother."

Since William wasn't communicating with Harry ... Scobie's book -- "Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival" -- says the Duke of Sussex had to figure out what was going on all on his own ... which required him to book a pricey private jet.

Scobie alleges Harry had to shell out $30k to fly over solo ... this as PW was on his own private flight with Prince Edward and his own wife. The book claims Harry had no idea if the Queen had died already or not ... and word of her death actually broke while he was in the air.

As far as how Harry supposedly felt about this .... Scobie cites a source as saying, "Harry was crushed. His relationship with the Queen was everything to him. She would have wanted him to know before it went out to the world."

This anonymous pal of Harry's adds, "They could have waited just a little longer, it would have been nothing in the grand scheme of things, but no one respected that at all."

Of course, when Harry did finally arrive in Scotland -- where the Queen was on her deathbed before eventually passing on -- it was too late ... and he hadn't had a chance to say goodbye.

His presence in the UK at the time was solemn -- and while he and Will put on a united front to commemorate their grandma ... this book now suggests things were incredibly frost between them behind the scenes. Now, with their recent history in mind ... that's no shock.

Fact is ... Harry and Meghan's infamous claims of racism within the Royal institution included a hint that perhaps William himself had partaken in all that -- something the Prince of Wales firmly denied at the time. It's an understatement to say ... Will didn't like how Harry handled his exit as a Senior Royal, and everything else that came afterward -- public and otherwise.


Even now, their relationship seems icy at best ... there are reports that claim William won't "shed a tear" if Harry and Meg don't make it for Christmas time festivities in the UK.