Demetrius Andrade Wants Canelo After Benavidez Fight ... But He Keeps Duckin' Me!


Demetrius Andrade wants to fight Canelo Alvarez, finally ... after he beats David Benavidez later today ... the boxer says that's if the Mexican superstar stops duckin' him!

The 32-0 (19 KOs) boxer has the biggest fight of his career against Benavidez on Nov 25. ... going down at the Michelob Ultra Arena at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.

Considering Andrade is an elite fighter in the eyes of many, it's puzzling that the 35-year-old hasn't gotten high-level fights until now. but DA tells TMZ Sports he understands why ... fighters are afraid of him.

"The point [is] that I can really hurt somebody," Andrade said, "I can hurt careers, too."

And, the boxers Andrade says are avoiding him is a whose who ... we're talking brand name boxers like Jermall Charlo, Gennady Golovkin, and Canelo, who Demetrious ripped for taking on weaker opponents instead of him.

"It's a difficult fight for them. It's business, too," Andrade said. "Those are all three guys that trying to save themselves. Fight the easier fights."

"Canelo can end up picking 'em because they're more beatable than I am."


Andrade believes the winner of the fight with Benavidez (27-0, 23 KOs) should get Alvarez next ... and of course, he promises that it will be him.

"I'm going to beat his ass!" Andrade said of Benavidez.

"I know that in this fight, there's gonna be a lot of hard punches coming towards his way."


We also spoke with Benavidez about the huge fight ... and he explained to us what a win on Saturday would mean to him.

David also told us how he's planning to hand Andrade his first L ... and he can't wait to knock the guy out.

And, since the bout goes down on Thanksgiving weekend, we asked both guys what they plan to do on Turkey Day ... and ya gotta check out what they said!!

Swerve Strickland Talks Bloody Match Vs. Adam Page Here's What Hurt The Most!


Swerve Stickland and "Hangman" Adam Page used everything from a barbed wire-wrapped chair to a heavy-duty staple gun to beat the s*** out of each other during last weekend's AEW match. We asked Swerve how he felt after the bloody match, and what part was most painful.

Swerve joined Mojo Muhtadi on "TMZ Sports" TV show (airs nightly on FS1) ... and talked about the Texas Deathmatch at AEW's Full Gear, which Strickland ultimately won. But, he paid a price.

"It was that Hangman Moonsault with the chair and barbed wire. Hangman is a deceptively massive man in itself. Receiving a Moonsault from him at that height and that weight and that speed and velocity already takes a lot out of you," Swerve told us.

"Add in a metal chair wrapped in like probably hundreds of yards of barbed wire wrapped in a spool around it, it just scraped across me, along with Hangman landing across me. Out of all the brutal stuff we did in that match, that was probably the one that stuck out."

With the big match under his belt and Strickland's stock being at an all-time high, we asked him what was next.

Swerve mentioned competing in the upcoming Continental Classic tournament ... but also has his sights set on something more historic.

"I feel like I catapulted myself as one of the top guys in the industry. And I said this before, earlier in the year, I really feel I can be the first African American AEW world champion."

Great matches require two wrestlers putting in work ... and Strickland spoke very highly of his opponent. In fact, he thinks "Hangman" Adam Page could be this generation's Mick Foley.

Check out the full conversation between Swerve and Mojo!


un momento especial

Swerve Stickland y "Hangman" Adam Page usaron de todo, desde una silla envuelta en alambre de púas hasta una pistola de grapas de alta resistencia para golpearse mutuamente durante el combate de AEW del fin de semana pasado. Le preguntamos a Swerve cómo se sintió después del sangriento combate y qué parte fue la más dolorosa.

Swerve se unió a Mojo Muhtadi en el programa de televisión "TMZ Sports" (se emite todas las noches en FS1), y habló sobre el Texas Deathmatch en Full Gear de AEW, que Strickland finalmente ganó. Pero, pagó un precio.

"Fue ese Hangman Moonsault con la silla y el alambre de púas. Hangman es un hombre engañosamente grande. Recibir un Moonsault de él a esa altura y ese peso y esa velocidad y rapidez ya te quita mucho", nos dijo Swerve.

"Si a eso le añadimos una silla de metal envuelta en cientos de metros de alambre de púas que se enrollaba en una bobina a su alrededor, simplemente me raspó, y Hangman aterrizó sobre mí. De todas las cosas brutales que hicimos en ese combate, esa fue probablemente la que más me llamó la atención".

Con el gran combate en su haber y la cotización de Strickland en máximos históricos, le preguntamos qué era lo siguiente.

Swerve mencionó competir en el próximo torneo Continental Classic, pero también tiene la vista puesta en algo más histórico.

"Siento que me he catapultado como uno de los mejores del sector. Y dije esto antes, a principios de año, realmente siento que puedo ser el primer afroamericano AEW campeón del mundo".

Los grandes combates requieren que dos luchadores se esfuercen, y Strickland habló muy bien de su oponente. De hecho, cree que "Hangman" Adam Page podría ser el Mick Foley de esta generación.

¡Échale un vistazo a la conversación completa entre Swerve y Mojo!

Lionel Messi Salvaje pelea en las gradas antes del partido con Brasil ... Golpes y sangre

Una brutal pelea estalló en el estadio justo antes de que comenzara el partido de Lionel Messi el martes por la noche y la pelea llegó a ser tan grande y sangrienta que el partido se retrasó varios minutos para que la policía pudiera tener todo bajo control.

La escaramuza en el interior del estadio Maracaná de Río de Janeiro comenzó cuando sonaban los himnos nacionales de Brasil y Argentina justo antes de que se diera inicio al partido por las clasificatorias al Mundial.

Un video muestra cómo los fanáticos de ambos equipos, que estaban sentados cerca al interior del recinto, comienzan a atacarse, lo que desencadena una pelea masiva.

Se puede ver a hombres cubiertos de sangre y a niños llorando. Las autoridades tuvieron que utilizar hasta sus porras para tratar de controlar el estallido.

Messi y otros jugadores que se encontraban en el campo de juego se terminaron acercando a la zona de los combatientes y les rogaron que se calmaran.

Al final, el icono del fútbol sacó a su equipo del campo y lo llevó de vuelta a los vestuarios. Pudieron regresar una media hora después cuando los enfrentamientos se habían calmado.

El equipo argentino de Messi terminó venciendo a Brasil 1-0, pero el jugador de 36 años tuvo que abandonar el juego antes de tiempo debido a una lesión en la ingle.

Después, le dijo a los periodistas que estaba agradecido de que la situación en las gradas no hubiera pasado a mayores.

"Podría haber sido un desastre", dijo Messi.

Tras la victoria, Argentina encabeza la clasificación para el Mundial, mientras que Brasil ocupa la sexta posición.

Lionel Messi Match Delayed After Huge Brawl In Stands ... Fans Beaten, Bloodied

A wild fight broke out just before Lionel Messi's game on Tuesday night ... and the brawl became so large and so bloody -- the soccer star's match was actually delayed so police could get everything under control.

The skirmish inside of Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro initially started as the national anthems for Brazil and Argentina were playing just before their World Cup qualifier match kicked off.

Video from the scene shows fans from both teams who were seated near each other inside of the venue began whaling on each other ... and, quickly, it turned into a massive fracas.

Grown men were seen covered in blood ... while children sitting nearby were in tears. At one point during the action, authorities had to use batons on spectators to try to control the outburst.

Messi and other players on the pitch, meanwhile, eventually made their way over to the area of the combatants -- and pleaded with everyone to calm down.

Ultimately, the soccer icon led his team off the field and back into the locker room ... before returning roughly half an hour later to play after the fighting had tailed off.

Messi's Argentinian squad ended up besting Brazil, 1-0 ... but the 36-year-old had to leave the contest early due to a groin injury.

Afterward, he told reporters he was grateful the situation in the stands didn't escalate even further than it did.

"There could have been a disaster," Messi said.

Following the win, Argentina now sits atop World Cup qualifying ... while Brazil is currently in sixth place.


Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann painted the picture of a happy family during a low-key outing with their kids Monday ... a scene that drastically changed 2 hours later when cops were called to settle an explosive fight.

Both were seen together leaving a barbershop in Alpharetta, Georgia, with some of their kids in tow before making a stop at a nearby Starbucks.


On the surface, all seemed well -- but on closer inspection, Kim and Kroy were without their wedding rings again. As we first reported, not long after the errands all peace was shattered when one of their kids called the cops over their "extremely loud" argument.

Law enforcement sources told us 3 officers and a supervisor arrived at the estranged pair's mansion to try to settle the verbal domestic dispute ... eventually calming things down.

Officers are practically seasoned guests at the duo's home ... first arriving to the property in August when Kim accused Kroy of locking her out of their bedroom ... and a month later telling them she didn't feel safe in her own home.

October brought another revelation by TMZ ... with us breaking the story of a court mandate ordering them to keep their distance at home -- Kim gets the basement and nanny suite and Kroy gets the primary bedroom.


One thing's clear -- despite the pair's efforts to salvage their marriage -- even celebrating their wedding anniversary together recently -- they can't help but find themselves amid conflict ... which we hope they resolve ASAP for their children's sake.

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann Tienen una pacífica salida familiar Antes de explosiva pelea...

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann pintaron la imagen de una familia feliz durante una salida de bajo perfil con sus hijos el lunes, una escena que cambió drásticamente dos horas más tarde cuando la policía fue llamada para resolver una explosiva pelea entre ellos.

Ambos fueron vistos saliendo juntos de una peluquería en Alpharetta, Georgia, con algunos de sus hijos en el carro antes de hacer una parada en un Starbucks cercano.

Se van por separado

Por fuera, todo parece andar bien, pero si hacemos una inspección más cercana podemos ver que Kim y Kroy estaban nuevamente sin sus anillos de matrimonio. Como informamos por primera vez, la paz entre ellos se rompió apenas unas horas después, cuando uno de sus hijos decidió llamar a la policía por una discusión "extremadamente fuerte".

Fuentes policiales nos dijeron que tres oficiales y un supervisor llegaron a la mansión de la pareja para tratar de resolver una disputa doméstica, que finalmente lograron contener.

Los oficiales son prácticamente invitados de temporada en la casa de Kim y Kroy. La primera vez que los visitaron fue en agosto, cuando Kim acusó a Kroy de dejarla fuera de su dormitorio y un mes más tarde les dijo que no se sentía segura en su propia casa.

Y en octubre nos enteramos de más noticias, como por ejemplo, que un mandato judicial los obliga a mantener una cierta distancia en casa. Kim se está quedando en el sótano y la suite de niñera y Kroy en el dormitorio principal.

Una cosa está clara, a pesar de sus esfuerzos por salvar su matrimonio, incluso celebrando su aniversario de boda recientemente, no pueden evitar encontrarse en medio de un conflicto, el que esperamos resuelvan lo antes posible por el bien de sus hijos.

Boosie Badazz Rod Wave & Kodak Black Gonna Pay For Stealing My Songs!!!


Boosie Badazz is standing on business ... and the necks of both Rod Wave and Kodak Black after he caught them allegedly stealing his songs for their new albums!!!

Tensions came to a head after Boosie addressed his IG followers on live, explaining that paying homage also requires paying him for using his work!!!

Rod's recent album "Nostalgia" topped the charts for 2 weeks straight in September and kicked off with the single "Long Journey" ... which Boosie says is a direct ripoff of his 2010 song of the same name.

The Lousiana rap legend says he didn't sign off on Rod using his track, and ditto goes for Kodak, who released his latest project "When I Was Dead," featuring the single "Eaze Your Mind."

Boosie's "Eaze Your Mind" came out in 2007, and although they fell out earlier this year, he says Kodak still could've done fair business when it comes to clearing the sample.


Rod, who's currently on tour, got wind of Boosie's rant and made a video of his own -- pleading for Boosie to skip the legal process, and let him pay out of pocket ... without overcharging him 😬.

Boosie decided to give RW a piece of his mind, suggesting he was swindling money from his kids' college funds.

Business is business ... Boosie says he also has a payday coming from his estranged brother and former artist Yung Bleu.


Tyrese Gibson está siendo demandado por presuntos daños a un alquiler de Airbnb por hacer "alteraciones excesivas", pero él se está defendiendo diciendo que los cambios que hizo no son un gran problema.

La administradora de la propiedad, Tracy Wolf, le dice a TMZ que Tyrese firmó un contrato de arriendo de 6 meses para una finca de 5 dormitorios en Woodland Hills por $20.000 mensuales a partir de febrero, y ella dice que comenzó a añadir estructuras a la casa justo después de mudarse.

no hay daños

Wolf afirma que Tyrese causó daños en toda la propiedad mediante la alteración de los paneles eléctricos, la adición de tomas de corriente que no estaban permitidas, la pintura de una chimenea de mármol en un color metálico de oro brillante y el cierre de puertas y ventanas, causando daños a las unidades de HVAC.

TMZ obtuvo un video de Tyrese mostrando algunos de los cambios en el interior de la casa, dice que bloqueó algunas puertas y ventanas por razones de privacidad y afirma que los materiales que utilizó no están unidos a las estructuras existentes de la casa y todos los cambios son temporales.

El administrador de la propiedad dice que Tyrese les dijo que no había cambios permanentes en la casa, pero insisten en que los cambios están lejos de ser temporales y, en cualquier caso, causó daños a la propiedad.

Es más, la administradora de la propiedad afirma que Tyrese intentó que el jardinero del propietario retirara 22 plátanos del terreno y cuando el jardinero se negó, dice que Tyrese intentó contratar a otra empresa, sin embargo, el equipo de administración de la propiedad se lo impidió.

hay que hacer reparaciones

Wolf también afirma que Tyrese permitió que un equipo de construcción perforara un montón de agujeros en la puerta de hierro forjado de la casa y flamante exterior de estuco y hemos obtenido video que muestra el supuesto daño.

La administradora de la propiedad dice que a Tyrese se le pidió en repetidas ocasiones no hacer ningún cambio sin el consentimiento por escrito de los propietarios, pero ella afirma que hizo caso omiso de la solicitud y realizó cambios cada vez que quería.

Wolf dice que la dueña de casa, Tiffanique Webb, trató de ser paciente con Tyrese y le dio varios meses para restaurar la casa, pero dice Tyrese dejó de responder a las llamadas, textos y correos electrónicos, y este es el porqué de la demanda.

Webb va detrás de Tyrese por más de $25.000 en daños y perjuicios.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Tyrese, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Tyrese Gibson Sued For Altering Rental Property ... He's On Video Denying Claims

Tyrese Gibson is being sued for allegedly damaging a rental property by making "excessive alterations" ... but he's on video saying the changes he made aren't a big deal.

The property manager, Tracy Wolf, tells TMZ ... Tyrese signed a 6-month lease for a 5-bedroom estate in Woodland Hills for $20,000 per month starting in February, and she says he started adding structures to the home right after he moved in.


Wolf claims Tyrese caused damage throughout the property by altering electrical panels, adding electrical outlets that weren't up to code, painting a marble fireplace in a shiny gold metallic color, closing off doors and windows, and causing damage to the HVAC units.

TMZ obtained video of Tyrese showing off some of the changes inside the home ... he says he blocked some doors and windows for privacy concerns and claims the materials he used aren't attached to the home's existing structures and all the changes are temporary.

The property manager says Tyrese told them there were no permanent changes to the home ... but they insist the changes are far from temporary and, in any event, caused damage to the property.

What's more, the property manager claims Tyrese tried to get the homeowner's gardener to remove 22 banana trees on the grounds ... and when the gardener refused, she says Tyrese tried to hire another company ... but got thwarted by the property management team.


Wolf also claims Tyrese allowed a construction crew to drill a bunch of holes in the home's wrought iron gate and brand-new stucco exterior ... and we obtained video showing the alleged damage.

The property manager says Tyrese was repeatedly asked not to make any changes without written consent from the owners ... but she claims he disregarded the request and made changes on a whim whenever he wanted.

Wolf says the homeowner, Tiffanique Webb, tried being patient with Tyrese and gave him several months to restore the home ... but she says Tyrese stopped responding to calls, texts and emails ... leading to the lawsuit.

Webb is going after Tyrese for more than $25,000 in damages.


We reached out to Tyrese ... so far no word back.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

UFC's Brendan Allen I Plan To Be Champ By End Of 2024 ... Believe I'm Best In World!

TMZ Sports

Sean Strickland's the UFC Middleweight champ today, but by the end of 2024, Brendan Allen believes the top of the division will look different ... he expects to be the titleholder!

TMZ Sports talked to 27-year-old Allen, the #10 ranked 185-pounder in the promotion, ahead of his UFC Fight Night main event scrap with #13 ranked Paul Craig on Saturday in Las Vegas ... a big fight for the rising star.

We asked Brendan for his assessment of the division.

"I think I'm the best in the world. It's up to me to prove it," Allen said, adding ... "I think Sean [Strickland] will be there for a little bit. Hopefully, ending of next year it'll be 'And new' for me. That's the goal. I don't care who's there when it's my turn. But obviously, the goal is 'And new' when I get my turn."

Allen, 22-5, is coming off a win over Bruno Silva in June ... his 5th straight victory.

35-year-old Craig had lost two in a row -- against Volkan Oezdemir (July '22) and Johnny Walker (January '23) -- before rebounding against Andre Muniz in July. Paul's 17-6-1 over his pro career.

Brendan also weighed in on Paul's decision to go from 205 lbs. to the 185 lb. division ... a move that could come around to bite Craig, according to Allen.

"I think the weight cut will play a role, but it's not the sole or main reason [I'll win]. I just think that I'm gonna be too good, too fast, too strong. He may be bigger, but I'm just a different guy when it comes to this weight class, and I'm gonna show just that.," Brenda told us.


We also talked to Craig ... who is going to do his best to (at least momentarily) stop the Allen hype train.

Paul's also pumped about being the first Scottish-born fighter to headline a main event ... an honor he says means a ton to him.

Andre Ward Praises Jake Paul For Bringing New Audience To Boxing ... Open To Exhibition Fight W/ Problem Child


Jake Paul's a big deal in boxing, and some people don't like it ... but don't count legendary boxer Andre Ward among that group 'cause the multiple-time former world champion tells us he's a fan of The Problem Child driving new fans to the sport!

"I don't hate on it," Ward told Babcock on the "TMZ Sports" TV show (airs nightly on FS1) this week ... of Paul's transition from YouTuber to boxing star.

"The crossover stuff like what Jake Paul, Logan [Paul] is doing, [Francis] Ngannou just did, I respect it. That takes a lot of courage, takes a lot of heart."

Ward -- who retired in 2017 with a perfect 32-0 record -- said he applauds Paul for ignoring the naysayers who have labeled him a gimmick or sideshow and want him out of the sport.

"I don't think so. It actually brings a new audience, more eyeballs," Ward said, "and if the fanbase follows them over to boxing, then more power to 'em."

"I'm a fan of it, I appreciate it and I watch it."

In fact, Ward, who is still only 39 years old, told us he'd actually be down to step back in the ring for an exhibition fight ... against Jake or Logan.

"I don't hate against it. I would probably do it for the right situation. I keep myself just good enough to where if I needed 7, 8 weeks, I can take care of my business," Ward said.


Although he hasn't been fighting, Ward's been busy ... in fact, he just released a brand new memoir titled "Killing The Image: A Champion's Journey Of Faith, Fighting, And Forgiveness."

Ward's book isn't just about boxing ... Son of God talks about everything from his difficult childhood to the role that faith and religion have played in his life, and how it's guided to him incredible heights -- including 5 world titles and an Olympic gold medal.

"This book takes you deep into my mind, into my life, into my upbringing [and] how I go to the point that I'm at today."

Ward's memoir dropped Wednesday!

ANDRE WARD ELOGIA A JAKE PAUL POR TRAER UN NUEVO PÚBLICO AL BOXEO Abierto a una pelea de exhibición con Problem Child

colgando los guantes

Jake Paul es muy importante en el boxeo y a algunas personas no les gusta, pero no cuentes con que el legendario boxeador Andre Ward entre ese grupo. El varias veces ex campeón del mundo nos dice que es un fan de "The Problem Child" por que atrae a nuevos aficionados al deporte.

"No lo odio", dijo Ward a Babcock en el programa de televisión "TMZ Sports" (se emite todas las noches en FS1) esta semana, de la transición de Paul de YouTuber a estrella del boxeo.

"Las cosas cruzadas como lo que Jake Paul, Logan [Paul] está haciendo, o lo que [Francis] Ngannou acaba de hacer, lo respeto. Eso requiere mucho coraje, requiere mucho corazón".

Ward —quien se retiró en 2017 con un récord perfecto de 32-0— dijo que aplaude a Paul por ignorar a los detractores que lo han etiquetado como un simple showman o espectáculo secundario y lo quieren fuera del deporte.

"No creo que sea así. En realidad aporta un nuevo público, más ojos", dijo Ward, "y si la afición les sigue hasta el boxeo, pues más poder para ellos".

"Soy un fan, lo aprecio y lo veo".

De hecho, Ward —que solo tiene 39 años— nos dijo que estaría dispuesto a volver al ring para una pelea de exhibición contra Jake o Logan.

"No tengo nada en contra. Probablemente lo haría en la situación adecuada. Me mantengo lo suficientemente bien como para ocuparme de mis asuntos", dijo Ward.


Aunque no ha estado luchando, Ward ha estado ocupado, de hecho, acaba de publicar un nuevo libro de memorias titulado "Killing The Image: A Champion's Journey Of Faith, Fighting, And Forgiveness".

El libro de Ward no trata solo de boxe, Hijo de Dios habla de todo, desde su difícil infancia hasta el papel que la fe y la religión han desempeñado en su vida, y cómo le han guiado a cotas increíbles (5 títulos mundiales y una medalla de oro olímpica).

"Este libro te lleva a lo más profundo de mi mente, de mi vida, de mi educación y de cómo llegué al punto en el que estoy hoy".

Las memorias de Ward salen a la venta el miércoles.

YG Pleeease Take Down That Stripper Pic ... Man Hilariously Claims She's His Baby Momma


YG's getting flooded with comments about a photo of what looks like a fun night at an in-house stripper party ... because some dude claims the dancer in the pic is his baby's mother!!!

The viral fuss is coming from a man named Andre Lowe, who's been campaigning for days to get YG to remove the post ... but hasn't had any luck yet.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

YG was snapped making it rain dollar bills during the Halloween bash as the dancer flaunted her flexibility ... and a strong game of G-string peek-a-boo!!! The photo IS a lot, but we don't think Andre's actually losing any sleep over it.

The guy labels himself a rapper/social media entertainer who jokes all day long, so there's a good chance this whole thing is just a skit, or a bit of trolling -- either way, it's prompting some hilarious comments from people.


Andre says he's getting teased online by a bunch of hypocrites -- guys who have the same kinda girl problems as him, acting like he's a chump.

He barked back at the haters in a new video, scoffing at all the newfound "Suga Free" pimp experts.

Some people are imploring YG to cut Andre a break and delete the post -- but even more see it for what it most likely is ... a funny skit from a dude looking to exploit IG's algorithm.

Either way, yesterday was his birthday, and it didn't seem like he was having a great time. Bro's sticking to the script!

YG Por favor borra la foto de esa stripper... ¡Es la madre de mi bebé!

Un mensaje a YG

YG está recibiendo una avalancha de comentarios por una foto de lo que parece ser una noche de diversión en una fiesta de striptease. Todo ello, porque un tipo afirma que la bailarina que aparece en la foto es la madre de su bebé.

El alboroto viene de un hombre llamado Andre Lowe, que ha estado haciendo campaña durante días para conseguir que YG elimine el post, pero aún no ha tenido suerte.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

YG fue fotografiado haciendo llover billetes durante una fiesta de Halloween, mientras la bailarina hacía alarde de su flexibilidad. La foto ES muy elocuente, pero no creemos que le esté quitando el sueño a Andre.

El chico se etiqueta a sí mismo como un rapero e influencer de redes sociales, que bromea todo el día, así que hay una buena probabilidad de que todo esto sea solo una parodia, o un troleo. De cualquier forma, está provocando algunos comentarios hilarantes de la gente.

Practica lo que predicas

Andre dice que está siendo objeto de burlas por un montón de hipócritas, chicos que tienen los mismos problemas que él con las chicas, pero están actuando como si él fuera un tonto.

Andre ha respondido a los haters en un nuevo video, burlándose de todos los expertos en "Suga Free".

Algunas personas están implorando a YG que le dé un descanso a Andre y borre el post, pero muchos más lo ven como lo que probablemente es... un sketch divertido de un tipo que busca explotar el algoritmo de Instagram.

En cualquier caso, ayer fue su cumpleaños, y no parecía que lo estaba pasando muy bien. ¡El hombre se está ciñendo al guion!

Larsa Pippen Pissed Off At Julia Lemigova ... Don't Ask My Man to Take Pics of You!

Larsa Pippen is enraged at her 'Real Housewives' costar, Julia Lemigova ... who had the nerve -- in Larsa's opinion -- to ask Marcus Jordan to take pics of her while they were at BravoCon.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Julia asked Marcus to snap a few photos during last month's big convention in Las Vegas, using his phone. We're told they were innocent, smiling shots.

Our sources say no one around thought Julia's request was odd ... well, no one except Larsa. We're told she seemed a bit jealous, based on the fact she started complaining about the incident to other cast members.

We're told Larsa implied to others the photos were Julia's way of trying to seduce Marcus ... and she wasn't cool with her asking her man to take them, especially on his own phone.

After BravoCon wrapped, Julia asked Larsa if she could get Marcus' pics of her -- but when Larsa went radio silent, the other ladies filled Julia in on what Larsa had been saying ... and now they're giving each other the cold shoulder.

Bottom line, we're told Julia is sick of Larsa's jealousy, and she's sure Larsa is on a giant smear campaign against her.

BTW, Julia never posted the pics Marcus took, but she has been sharing others from BravoCon. Seems like a few simple selfies woulda spared everyone the drama.