N.O.R.E. Loses 🏆 To 'Black Oprah' AGAIN ... Lets Out Salty Reaction!!!

N.O.R.E. and his "Drink Champs" podcast lost the "Best Hip Hop Platform" BET award to Yung Miami for the 2nd year in a row ... and the "Oye Mi Canto" rapper isn't taking the L too nicely!!!

After the 2023 BET Hip Hop Award winners were announced during Tuesday's airing, N.O.R.E. decided to stir the pot by tweeting ... "So nobody gonna say nothing bout the podcast /media award? Ok me neither!!!"

Miami not only beat out "Drink Champs," but also "The Breakfast Club" and Joe Budden's podcast -- but the accusations of Diddy paying off BET for her didn't fly as far as they did last year, as many of Miami's fans rubbed it in N.O.R.E.'s face!!!

Her "Caresha Please" viewership was proven to best N.O.R.E. and DJ EFN's in the last year and she's even given them one of their recent viral moments ... dubbing herself the "Black Oprah" when she was on "Drink Champs" in August.

Drake, Kendrick Lamar and Ice Spice also took home trophies at the Awards, which were taped last week and hosted by Fat Joe.

No one's griping too hard about most of the night's winners -- only the best platform category appears to be worth some debate.

KNXG CROOKED Las Críticas De Budden Eran Válidas

solo aire caliente

Drake está diciendo que Joe Budden es un rapero fracasado por estar hablando mal de su álbum, un golpe bajo de acuerdo con KNXG Crooked, no sólo para él, sino para todos los MCs que utilizan su propia experiencia en su Hip Hop.

TMZ Hip Hop habló con el ex compañero de banda de Joe con el que formaron Slaughterhouse a raíz de la disputa de "For All The Dogs". Las cosas entre ellos no terminaron de la mejor manera, pero Crooked sorprendentemente está de su lado, ya que siente que los insultos de Drake lo cortan igual de profundo.

Crooked reconoce a Joe como un pionero en lo que respecta a podcast de Hip Hop junto con el difunto Combat Jack y el encarcelado Taxstone, y dice que Joe estaba en su derecho de criticar la oferta de arte público de Drake tanto como Drake tenía derecho a responder, pero piensa que Drake lo hizo porque sabe que las habilidades y el respeto entre sus compañeros todavía importan.

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drake es para los niños
Joe Budden Network

Drake le dijo a JB que sus acciones palidecen al compararlas porque él es dueño de un jet privado y JB solo tiene una "modesta" casa en Nueva Jersey.

Crooked dice que Drake y Joe tienen una profunda admiración el uno por el otro, algo que él puede atestiguar personalmente.

Se remontó a los días de gira de Slaughterhouse alrededor de la década de 2010 y dice que Joe estaba escuchando activamente a Drake en los autobuses de gira, pero no se siente la necesidad de desempolvar su micrófono en el futuro, al parecer la plataforma de podcast es lo suficientemente poderosa.

Sin embargo, el corazón de Crook sigue rimando, él y Joell acaban de inmortalizar a sus leyendas locales en su nuevo single "Tale of 2 Cities" que es vendrá en el próximo álbum "Prosper".

KNXG Crooked Budden's Critique Valid ... I Feel Like Drake Dissed Me Too!!!


Drake is framing Joe Budden as a failed rapper, but KNXG Crooked says that's a low blow -- not just for Joe, but for all MCs who go on to use their expertise for hip hop commentary.

TMZ Hip Hop chopped it up with Joe's former Slaughterhouse bandmate in the wake of the "For All The Dogs" feud. While they weren't on the best terms when Slaughterhouse broke up, Crooked's surprisingly on Joe's side as he feels Drake's disses cut him just as deep!

Crooked acknowledges JB as a pioneer in hip hop podcasting -- alongside the late Combat Jack and incarcerated Taxstone -- and says Joe was well within his rights to criticize Drake's "For All the Dogs" ... just as much as Drake had the right to respond.

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Joe Budden Network

Drake told JB his stock pales in comparison because he owns a private jet compared to JB's "modest" house in New Jersey to shut him up, but Crook doesn't believe the beef is serious.

Crooked says Drake and Joe have a deep admiration for one another -- something he can attest to personally.

He harkened back on the days of Slaughterhouse touring, circa the top of the 2010s, and says Joe was actively listening to Drake on the tour buses. Crooked adds ... there's no need for Joe to dust off his MC mic going forward, as his podcast platform is mighty enough!!!

Crook's heart's still rhyming, however ... he and Joell just immortalized their local legends on the new single, "Tale of 2 Cities," from their upcoming album, "Prosper."

Drake Still Ticked About Budden's Shots ... Beef Good For Joe's Ratings

Drake has a huge sales week on the horizon, but isn't ready to let bygones be bygones over Joe Budden's scathing critique of his new album, "For All the Dogs," and his boyish lifestyle!!!

Drake threw another shot Monday at JB, clowning him for having a bulletproof fedora case and his podcast career ... "I thank god for this life and not having to come to rushed conclusions on Best Buy podcast mics."

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Joe Budden Network

HitsDD is projecting Drake to have his biggest opening week since 2021 -- evidence fans weren't digging that dance album that much -- yet, he's still distracted by Budden enough to spend the weekend duking it out with him.

The Canadian rapper went out of his way to discredit Budden's podcast cohost/engineer Parks Vallely, essentially labeling him "cool as Mark Zuckerberg," to which Parks might have trumped Drake with his response -- revealing he actually worked on Drake's 2016 "Scorpion" album.

JB was basking in yet another level-up for his podcast in the wake of his Drake beef ... posting how his anti-"Dogs" episode was competing in the global news market against Israel vs. Hamas and Donald Trump. Hyperbole's also good ratings.

Table For One / SiriusXM

Whether fans hated it or loved it, the new album could be Drake's last offering for a while ... he says stomach issues have been holding him back for some time now.

The Budden beef could be real or fabricated marketing ... either way, the numbers favor both of their businesses!!!

New York Jets Troll Sean Payton, Broncos ... After Win In Denver

The New York Jets whooped the Broncos on Sunday and then danced all over their grave afterward ... taking every postgame opportunity to troll Sean Payton.

Gang Green was clearly livid with Denver's head coach after he made several comments about them this offseason ... and once the final whistle sounded on the 31-21 victory, the team let him have it.

The Jets' X account posted a photoshopped image of a stunned Kevin James -- who famously played Payton in the movie "Home Team" -- with the caption "when you lose to the 'offseason champs.'"

The dig, of course, is a shot at Payton ... who accused New York of "trying to win the offseason" earlier this summer.

NY's run at the 59-year-old play-caller didn't stop there, though ... 'cause they made sure to praise the hell out of Nathaniel Hackett -- the Jets' offensive coordinator who Payton said was part of "one of the worst coaching jobs in the history of the NFL" when he was the head man in Denver last season -- at every turn.

Several players and coaches lined up to shake his hand after the win, and he was even given the game ball too. Aaron Rodgers also made sure to tweet about him as well, writing, "W. #hackett #."

Sauce Gardner, meanwhile, rubbed even more salt in the wound by jabbing at Russell Wilson's "Broncos County, Let's Ride" slogan ... writing on X, "Jets Country.......LETS RIDE."

Yeah, and you thought your Monday blues were tough.


Mike Perry
"me he estado preparando"


Perry, de 32 años, se unió a Mike Babcock en el programa de televisión TMZ Sports (todos los días en FS1) esta semana y nos explicó su papel como luchador de reserva para el esperado evento.

"Me estoy preparando para una pelea normal como si yo fuera el que lucha", nos dijo. Pero claro, hay una buena probabilidad de que nunca lance un puñetazo.

"Pienso que si Danis sube al ring, responde a la campana y se presenta, yo seguiría subiendo al ring y lucharía contra Logan".

Obviamente, si eso llegara a pasar sería algo nunca antes visto en el deporte.

Las peleas entre Logan (y su prometida Nina Agdal) y Dillon han sido tan intensas que la supermodelo interpuso una demanda contra el ex luchador de Bellator y obtuvo una orden de alejamiento contra él.

Paul nos dijo previamente que hay una cláusula en el contrato de Dillon que le multará con una cantidad sustancial de dinero si no se presenta a pelear.

Si Dillon se presenta y pelea, Mike dice que está dispuesto a arrinconarlo si no tiene un equipo con él.

"Mi entrenador incluso me dijo algo hoy, ¿qué pasa si Danis pelea y necesita ayuda en la esquina, y yo lo arrincono?".

Si Perry no está peleando en el ring, o en la esquina, dice que tal vez golpee a alguien en las gradas. 😅

"Puede que pelee esa noche entre el público. Quién sabe quién estará allí. ¡Quién sabe si alguien quiera hacer alguna estupidez!".

Quién pelea y dónde ¡lo descubriremos en cinco días!


Mike Perry I'm Ready To Fight Logan Paul 👊 If Dillon Danis Doesn't Show

Mike Perry

Logan Paul and Dillon Danis are scheduled to fight in less than a week ... but there's real concern the fighter-turned-internet won't actually show up for the scrap. If he doesn't, "Platinum" Mike Perry says he's ready to step in and whoop some ass!

32-year-old Perry joined Mike Babcock on the TMZ Sports TV show (airs weekdays on FS1) this week ... and walked us through his role as a backup fighter for the highly anticipated event.

"I'm preparing for a fight like normal like I'm the one fighting," Platinum told us ... but of course, there's a good chance he never throws a punch.

"They told me all the way up until the point where if Danis gets into the ring, answers the bell, and walks out of the ring to say that he was there and showed up, I would still get in the ring and fight Logan."

Obviously, that's unheard of ... but this is an event like we haven't seen before.

The trash talk between Logan (and fiance Nina Agdal) and Dillon has been so intense, the supermodel filed a lawsuit against the former Bellator fighter and got a restraining order against him.

Paul previously told us there's a clause in Dillon's contract that fines him a substantial amount of money if he doesn't show up and fight.

If DD does show up and fight, Mike says he's willing to corner him for the fight ... if he doesn't have a team with him.

"My coach even said something to me today, what if Danis comes and he needs help in the corner, and I corner him?"

If Perry isn't fighting in the ring, or coaching in the corner, he says he just may beat someone up in the stands. 😅

"I might fight that night in the crowd. Who knows who's gonna be there. Who knows who's gonna do some stupid stuff!"

Who fights and where ... we'll find out in 5 short days!


MMA's Mike Jackson On Fighting Pat Miletich ... He's Leaving On A Stretcher!

TMZ Sports

Pat Miletich and Mike Jackson used to be close friends -- key words, used to be -- now the men are about to scrap in an MMA cage, and they both have designs on seriously hurting each other!

Miletich and Jackson are fighting October 14 at Caged Aggression 36 in Davenport, Iowa ... and we talked to both men as they prepare to battle.

Miletich, a UFC Hall of Famer (2014), is 55 years old and hasn't fought in nearly 15 years. But, because the guys don't see eye to eye when it comes to life and politics, this was a fight Pat couldn't pass up.

"We got a pretty severe problem and there has to be some retribution for that. Do I hate Mike Jackson? No. Will I pull his arm off? Depends on my mood."

Pat continued ... "I can take him down at will. If I wanna be compassionate, take him down and choke him really quick. That's probably an option, to be honest with you."

Ah, compassion.

TMZ Sports

As for 38-year-old Mike, he rose to prominence in 2018 when he beat (it was later overturned and ruled a "no contest" over a failed drug test for weed) professional wrestler turned fighter CM Punk.

"If I'm being honest with you, only one objective is for him to be carried out of a stretcher, whether he's unconscious or not," Jackson told us.

"I don't want him walking out on his own like that's my only objective."

Jackson then went on to explain the nature of their beef and how it started (it concerns January 6/The Capitol) ... and it's clear the men have serious issues.

Because of the backstory, MJ says the fight means more to him than CM Punk ... which put Mike on the map with casual fans.

"I know the Punk fight was a really big fight in the MMA sphere given the platform it was on, but personally given where I am currently in my life and what I'm fighting for and all the things that's going on in the social sphere, this fight means way more to me. It's not just a fight."

1 week.

Tristan Thompson Es criticado por la familia de su primer hijo... Solo está para sus hijos con Khloe

Tristan Thompson puede estar recibiendo elogios de la familia Kardashian por ser un buen padre, pero ciertamente no todos piensan lo mismo.

Tristan tiene un hijo de 6 años llamado Prince con Jordan Craig, y la hermana de Jordan, Kai, acaba de criticar a la ex estrella de la NBA, diciendo que es repugnante que Tristan no pueda aparecerse ni ser un "padre real" para Prince. Sin embargo, sí es capaz de hacer un montón de cosas buenas para los dos niños que tiene con Khloe Kardashian.

Kai continúa: "El hecho de que pueda llevar a otros niños a la escuela y a actividades en la misma ciudad, y que al mismo tiempo no vea ni hable con su propio hijo, a menos que sea para una fiesta o una oportunidad planeada, es atroz e inexcusable."

Luego se centra en Kim, quien en un episodio reciente de "The Kardashians" dijo que Tristan era "tan buen amigo y tan buen padre."

Kai le dice a Kim: "No quiero pensar que eres así de insensible al hecho de que literalmente ignora a sus hijos. Genial que haya sido buen amigo contigo, pero consideremos a nuestras hermanas antes de tomar plataformas globales para defender el carácter de este hombre".

Kai también afirma que Tristan no ha pagado la matrícula de Prince ni la manutención de los hijos en un "tiempo muy largo".

Hay que tener en cuenta que Tristan también tiene un hijo con Maralee Nichols. No está claro con qué frecuencia ve a ese niño, pero sí se le ordenó que pague su manutención infantil. No se sabe si tiene otros hijos.

Tristan Thompson Slammed by First Son's Family ... Only Shows Up for His Kids with Khloe

Tristan Thompson may be getting praise from the Kardashian family for being a good dad, but it's certainly not that way across the board ... as he's now getting slammed by the aunt of his first son.

Tristan has a 6-year-old son named Prince with Jordan Craig ... and Jordan's sister, Kai, just unleashed on the former NBA star. Kai says it's disgusting Tristan can't show up and be a "real parent" for Prince yet he can do a bunch of nice things for the two kids he has with Khloe Kardashian.

Kai continues, "The fact that he can take other children to school and activities in the same city, yet never sees or speaks to his own son, unless it's for a party or planned photo opportunity, is appalling and inexcusable."

She then turns her focus to Kim, who on a recent episode of "The Kardashians" said Tristan was, "such a good friend and such a good dad."

Kai says to Kim, "I don't want to believe that you are this insensitive to the fact that he literally ignores his children. That's nice if he's been a good friend to you, but let's consider our sisters before taking to global platforms to defend this man's character."

Kai also claims Tristan has not paid for Prince's tuition or child support in a "very long time."

We should note ... Tristan also has a son with Maralee Nichols, it's unclear how often he sees that child, but he was reportedly ordered to pay child support. It's unknown if he has any additional kids.

Youth Football Shooting 11-Yr-Old Ordered to Stay In Custody


The 11-year-old youth football player accused of shooting two of his teammates earlier this week has been ordered by a judge to stay in custody for at least the next 21 days.

The boy, who cops say opened fire on two 13-year-olds following a dispute at a practice at the Northwest Recreation Complex football field in Apopka, Fla. on Monday, had hoped for home detainment ... but he will now be forced to stay in juvenile detention for at least the next 3 weeks.

Reporters at the hearing in Orange County on Wednesday morning said the child began crying when the ruling was announced.

He's now expected to be on suicide watch at the detention center ... according to WFTV 9.

At the hearing, an aunt for one of the alleged shooting victims took the stand and said the teen's family had hoped the 11-year-old would remain in detention.


A police report, obtained by TMZ Sports, stated a witness to the shooting said the initial dispute happened due to a quarrel "over a bag of chips."

Police said one of the 13-year-olds was shot in the upper body, while the other was hit in the arm. But, thankfully, both are expected to recover from their injuries.


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Por si no había quedado claro, aquí hay más pruebas de que Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann se odian. Al parecer Kroy la dejó fuera de su dormitorio y ella llamó a la policía.

Hemos obtenido las imágenes de la cámara y la llamada al 911 de un incidente a finales de agosto, en el que Kim afirmó que era incapaz de entrar a su dormitorio para recuperar sus pertenencias personales y su medicación.

audio al 911

La respuesta de la policía muestra lo desagradables que son las cosas entre Kim y Kroy. Él se niega a mostrar su cara y habla con los oficiales a través de una puerta cerrada.

A lo largo de la visita de la policía, Kim golpea a Kroy, diciéndole a los oficiales que Kroy no tiene trabajo y que ella es la razón por la que todavía tienen la casa. En la llamada al 911 declaró que Kroy la había amenazado y que se había puesto agresivo antes.

Hay que darle crédito a los oficiales por manejar de buena manera una situación tan infantil, trabajando para mantener a Kim y Kroy en calma para evitar que las cosas empeoren.

Finalmente, los agentes convencen a Kroy de que les entregue el edredón de Kim, el cargador del teléfono, los medicamentos y (según ella)- una crema de belleza de 1000 dólares.

TMZ publicó la historia, Kroy recientemente solicitó el divorcio de Kim una vez más luego de que la pareja presentara anteriormente y retirara su solicitud de divorcio. Kim se resiste, diciendo que ella y Kroy todavía tienen una vida sexual sana y que todo está bien. Sin embargo, parece que Kroy no está dando marcha atrás esta vez y el divorcio sigue más firme que nunca.

Kim & Kroy Tempers Flare As Police Intervene Kroy Barricades Himself in Bedroom During Fight

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If it wasn't already clear, here's more proof Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann absolutely hate each other ... after he allegedly locked her out of their main bedroom, and she called the cops.

We've obtained the body cam footage as well as the 911 call from an incident in late August when Kim claimed she was unable to get into her bedroom to retrieve her personal belongings and her medication.


The police response shows just how nasty things are between Kim and Kroy -- as he refuses to show his face -- only talking to the officers through a closed door.

Throughout the police visit, Kim bashes Kroy, telling officers Kroy is jobless, and she's the reason they even still have the house. She echoed some of the same sentiments on her 911 call as well ... even stating Kroy's threatened her and gotten physical before.


You gotta give credit to the officers here for handling such a childish situation, working to keep both Kim and Kroy calm to prevent things from getting more nasty.

Eventually, the officers convince Kroy to hand over Kim's comforter, phone charger, medications and -- according to Kim -- a $1000 beauty cream.

TMZ broke the story ... Kroy recently filed to divorce Kim once again -- after the couple previously filed and pulled their divorce filing. Kim's fighting the divorce, saying she and Kroy still have a healthy sex life, and all is good. However, it doesn't appear Kroy is backing down this time ... and the divorce is full steam ahead.

NIÑO DE 11 AÑOS LE DISPARA A SUS COMPAÑEROS DE EQUIPO Acusado por intento de asesinato

Un jugador de fútbol juvenil de 11 años se enfrenta a un cargo de intento de asesinato en segundo grado después de presuntamente dispararle a dos de sus jóvenes compañeros de equipo en la práctica de esta semana en Florida.

TMZ Sports confirmó el incidente que ocurrió en el Northwest Recreation Center alrededor de las 8:20 PM del lunes, cuando tres niños estaban involucrados en una discusión después de la práctica que tomó un giro aterrador.

"El altercado continuó en el estacionamiento donde este menor tuvo acceso a un arma de fuego en el coche de su madre", dijo el jefe de policía de Apopka Mike McKinley durante una conferencia de prensa el martes.

Fue entonces cuando McKinley dijo que el sospechoso sin nombre (la policía no está revelando su identidad debido a su corta edad), que no tiene antecedentes penales, apretó el gatillo y le dio a sus dos compañeros de equipo.

un incidente aislado

Una de las víctimas fue alcanzada en el brazo y la otra sufrió heridas en la parte superior del cuerpo. Ambos chicos tienen 13 años.

"Disparó un solo tiro", dijo McKinley, "y ese único disparo alcanzó a ambas víctimas".

McKinley dijo que el joven sospechoso está acusado de un cargo de intento de asesinato en segundo grado (podrían añadirse más cargos) y el departamento también está estudiando la posibilidad de presentar cargos contra los padres que dejaron el arma en un lugar al alcance del niño.

"Es un crimen para permitir que sus hijos tengan acceso a su arma de fuego en una caja no segura", dijo el jefe McKinley.

En cuanto a la corta edad del tirador, el jefe dice que esta no es una posición en la que querían estar.

"Nadie quiere arrestar a un niño de 11 años, de ninguna manera, pero en base a nuestra investigación creemos que esos cargos están justificados".

Afortunadamente, se espera que las dos víctimas estén bien.

Youth Football Players 11-Yr-Old Arrested For Shooting Teammates ... Facing Attempted Murder

An 11-year-old youth football player is facing a second-degree attempted murder charge after allegedly shooting two of his young teammates at practice this week in Florida.

TMZ Sports confirmed the incident with police who say it all happened at the Apopka (FL) Northwest Recreation Center around 8:20 PM on Monday ... when three kids were involved in an argument after practice that took a terrifying turn.

"[The altercation] continued into the parking lot where this juvenile had access to a firearm in his mother's car," Apopka police chief Mike McKinley said during a press conference on Tuesday.

That's when McKinley said the unnamed suspect (cops aren't releasing his identity because of his age), who doesn't have a criminal history, squeezed off a single round, striking his two teammates with a single shot.


One of the victims was hit in the arm and the other suffered injuries to the upper body. Both boys are 13.

"Fired one shot," McKinley said, "and that one shot hit both victims."

McKinley said the young suspect is being charged with one count of second-degree attempted murder (more charges could be tacked on) ... and the department is also looking at potentially pressing charges against the parents who left the gun in a place the child could reach it.

"It is a crime to allow your children to have access to your firearm in an unsecured box," Chief McKinley said.

As for the young age of the shooter, the chief says this isn't a position they wanted to be in.

"Nobody wants to arrest an 11-year-old, by any means, but based on our investigation we feel those charges are warranted."

The two victims are thankfully expected to be okay.

Blac Chyna Selling Shoes, Clothes & Purses Just to Get By!!!

Angela White, formerly Blac Chyna, says she's resorted to selling her personal belongings to keep her head above water, asking Tyga to chip in for their looming custody battle.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Angela says she's selling off her clothes, purses and shoes through an online consignment store and to friends and family just to make ends meet.

Angela claims she's brought in over $178k this year from selling her personal items, which she says has supplemented her plummeting business sales ... but there's a problem.

Angela says it's really just a stopgap measure ... because she's going to eventually run out of clothes, purses and shoes to sell.

With Angela fighting Tyga in court over legal and physical custody of their son, King, she says the legal bills are piling up on her end ... and she won't be able to keep up the fight for her kid without some money from her rapper ex.

In the docs, Angela also claims Tyga's been interfering with the limited time she does have with her son, which is only 24 hours a week.

Angela says Tyga refuses to directly communicate with her, share his contact information, or give her an address for where King lives. Anglea claims he's also holding back important information on the kid's health, safety and welfare, such as the location of the kid's school and his prescriptions.

However, sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ Angela knows where Tyga lives, and he's been paying for King's private school tuition, medical bills and most everyday living expenses. We're told King has his own line of communication with Angela that she has easily accessible access to.


Angela's seeking court orders to establish a consistent and regular schedule with King that Tyga can't obstruct and wants Tyga to pay $125,000 to cover her legal and accounting fees.