Teresa Giudice She & Daughters Defend SHEIN Deal ... They're Not Unethical!!!


Teresa Giudice and her kids are getting an earful from unhappy campers after announcing a family partnership with a fast fashion company -- but they're standing their ground.

A rep for Teresa and three of her daughters -- Gia, Milania and Audriana -- tell TMZ ... the Giudices are not backing down from their just-launched SHEINXGiudiceGirls collection, which features a ton of different articles of clothing/accessories the family's curated.

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They're only addressing this due to the mounting backlash they've received over the past couple days -- with fans and haters alike flooding their comment section with virtual eyebrow raises, and openly asking how they could possibly link with SHEIN.

If you're unaware, SHEIN is one of these new zippy clothing brands that Gen Z absolutely loves ... thanks to their trendy styles, very low prices, wide digital presence and online accessibility. Despite praise, there have also been ugly allegations.

Among the most prolific are claims SHEIN exploits factory workers overseas ... there have even been probes into its business practices -- not to mention a lot of alleged images and videos purporting to show awful conditions folks are subjected to while creating the clothing.

There's that ... and there are also accusations SHEIN has ripped off lesser-known designers -- all stuff the company has denied since it launched back in 2008.

Still, that hasn't stopped people from crapping on Teresa and her girls ... but they're turning the other cheek here.

Their rep says, "The SHEINxGiudiceGirls collection follows a long list of celebrities and public figures to partner with the brand. We acknowledge the concerns expressed about our partnership and met with the SHEIN team prior to working together. We 100% believe in ethical practices in all capacities and in doing our due diligence have not seen any substantive evidence definitively showing unethical practices."

The Giudice rep adds, "This size-inclusive collection was made to amplify the voices and creativity of young women and to encourage entrepreneurship at any age. The responses thus far have been overwhelmingly positive and uplifting."

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In other words, they say they've done their homework here and feel confident there's nothing unethical going on with SHEIN -- which all adds up to the fam refusing to fold to public pressure.



Teresa Giudice y sus hijas han recibido hate luego de anunciar una asociación de la familia con una empresa de moda rápida, pero defienden su idea.

Un representante de Teresa y sus 3 hijas adultas —Gia, Milania y Audriana— le informan a TMZ  que las Giudice no están dando marcha atrás en su recién lanzada colección SHEINXGiudiceGirls, que cuenta con una tonelada de diferentes artículos de ropa y accesorios que la familia ha producido.

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La razón por la que tienen que hacer frente a esto es debido a la creciente reacción que han recibido en los últimos días; con los fans y haters por igual, inundando su sección de comentarios con cejas virtuales y preguntando abiertamente cómo podrían vincularse con SHEIN.

Por si no lo sabes, SHEIN es una de esas nuevas marcas de ropa rápida que la Generación Z adora, como resultado de sus estilos de moda y precios muy bajos, por no hablar de su presencia digital y accesibilidad en línea. A pesar de los elogios, también ha habido feas acusaciones.

Entre las más prolíficas están las afirmaciones de que SHEIN explota a los trabajadores de las fábricas en el extranjero. Incluso se han investigado sus prácticas empresariales, por no mencionar un montón de supuestas imágenes y videos que pretenden mostrar las terribles condiciones a las que se somete a la gente para crear estas prendas.

También hay acusaciones de que SHEIN estafa a diseñadores menos conocidos, algo que SHEIN ha negado desde su lanzamiento en 2008.

Aún así, eso no ha impedido que la gente se fuera contra Teresa y sus chicas, pero ellas se defienden. Su representante dice: "La colección SHEINxGiudiceGirls sigue una larga lista de celebridades y figuras públicas para asociarse con la marca. Somos conscientes de las preocupaciones expresadas acerca de nuestra asociación y nos reunimos con el equipo de SHEIN antes de trabajar juntos. Creemos cien por ciento en las prácticas éticas en todos los ámbitos y, al hacer nuestra debida investigación, no hemos visto ninguna prueba sustantiva que demuestre definitivamente prácticas poco éticas".

El representante de Giudice añade: "Esta colección se hizo para amplificar las voces y la creatividad de las mujeres jóvenes y para fomentar el espíritu empresarial a cualquier edad. Las respuestas hasta ahora han sido abrumadoramente positivas y edificantes".

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En otras palabras, dicen que han hecho lo correcto y se sienten seguras de que no hay nada poco ético pasando con SHEIN —y lo más importante— la familia no está doblando a la presión pública.

El tiempo dirá si sigue siendo el caso, pero por ahora, su colección Giudice está disponible.

Taylor Swift Bumping Up Movie Release By 1 Day ... I'm At The Grove, Swifties

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6:14 PM PT -- Taylor Swift is giving the fans what they want ... photos!!!

Taylor's taking time to snap a ton of pictures with the thousands of fans lucky enough to get a ticket to her special movie premiere ... and as you can see, Taylor's in huge demand.

One of the lucky ones to get a selfie with Taylor ... Gianna Caruso, the daughter of The Grove's owner Rick Caruso.

Taylor's not just taking selfies though ... she also posing for more traditional shots right in front of the movie theater where the film is about to begin!!!

6:04 PM PT -- Taylor Swift is at The Grove for the premiere of her 'Eras Tour' movie and fans are going wild ... and she's wearing the blue dress from her earlier social media post.


Taylor just made her big appearance, emerging for a few seconds in a blue dress ... waving and interacting with fans and telling them she would be right back.

Taylor Swift is giving Swifties more opportunities to see her highly-anticipated flick ... she's moving the release date up a day, and she's on her way to the big 'Eras Tour' premiere.

Taylor says fan demand is so overwhelming, she's moving the concert film release date from Friday to Thursday in the United States in Canada ... as well as adding additional showtimes Friday and throughout the weekend at theaters across the globe.

Meanwhile, Taylor says she's getting into the car that's going to whisk her away to The Grove in Los Angeles ... the outdoor mall that's being shut down just for her movie premiere.

As we first told you, the world-famous outdoor mall is hosting 2,000 lucky fans for the first-ever showing of "Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour" ... and the hoopla is bringing tons of security to The Grove.

TMZ broke the story ... Taylor's planning a surprise at the film debut -- there were questions about whether the guest of honor would be there in person -- and as long as chaos doesn't break out at The Grove she's going to show ... and it appears she's on her way.

It's already a wild scene at the outdoor mall ... where security is tight and helicopters are buzzing overhead.

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Guests will start arriving at 6 PM PT and the movie is set to begin at 7 PM ... so it's likely Taylor will be there within that timeframe.

Taylor posted the movie announcement alongside a photo of her in a blue dress and pearl necklace ... but it's unclear if that's tonight's actual outfit or just an old shot.

The 'Eras Tour' movie's already a box office hit ... with presale tickets across the world eclipsing 9 figures!!!

Originally Published -- 5:49 PM PT

Michael Jackson Pepsi Ad Jacket Up for Auction ... Should Fetch a Fortune!!!

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One of Michael Jackson's iconic clothing items is hitting the auction block -- and although it's a somewhat lesser-known one ... it'll probably demand a king's ransom anyway.

We're talking about the black and white leather jacket MJ wore during one of his "Pepsi Generation" ads in 1984. No, it's not the infamous ad where he burned himself on set -- it's the one where he's dancing in the streets with a bunch of kids and others.

This was the first Pepsi commercial Mike did ... which makes this custom-made piece he wore on set all the more special -- and apparently, quite valuable too. It's up for grabs starting Nov. 10 through the Propstore -- and we're told it could fetch anywhere from $230k to $460,000. Considering this was once on Mike's own body, probably closer to the latter.

As far as how it ended up making its way toward a public sale ... the jacket was actually gifted to a guy named Wendell Thompson way back in the day -- whose father was a cosmetologist who worked with MJ. Wendell says he actually received the jacket straight from MJ in 1983 (before the ad even aired) during a run-in with the King of Pop in Orlando.

We're told was there during the grand opening of MJ's personal suite at Disney World's Hotel Royal Plaza -- which was a huge deal at the time. Ribbon-cutting and the whole shebang.

Anyway, Wendell says he's held onto this cherished item for ages now -- but at this point, he's ready to pass it on and reap the benefits ... all with the aim of using the cash to set up his kids and family in his will, hoping this will set a solid foundation for all of them.

Considering this thing is expected to go for almost half a million dollars, we'd say that's almost guaranteed to happen. Wendell says he hopes the new owner can enjoy the jacket as much as he has ... noting he has fond memories with it.

A rare collectible indeed, and pretty soon ... it can be yours. If you're ballin', that is.

Would you spend nearly $500k on a Michael Jackson Pepsi ad jacket? Vote below.

Julia Fox Mi relación con Kanye fue todo un show... Me sentía como un trofeo

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Julia Fox dice que su relación con Kanye West fue solo un show y que fue utilizada como un accesorio por Ye, algo de lo que puede hablar porque no firmó ningún acuerdo de confidencialidad.

La actriz e influencer está revelando estos detalles en su nuevo libro de memorias, "Down the Drain", lanzado este martes. De acuerdo con Page Six, en él Julia detalla su turbulento romance con Kanye que duró solo un par de meses a partir de fines de 2021.

Según Julia Fox, Ye entró por primera vez en su vida cuando un amigo suyo le dio su teléfono. Al parecer, había estado preguntando por ella. Una vez que conectó con Ye, la llamó docenas de veces y hablaron durante mucho tiempo, aunque la actriz señala que era sobre todo él quien parloteaba.

Finalmente, la invitó a Miami, a lo que ella aceptó. Voló junto a sus amigos, en lo que sería su famosa primera cita pública. Sin embargo, parece que su primer encuentro cara a cara en realidad ocurrió en un club, donde se pusieron cariñosos muy rápidamente.

Durante su reunión inicial en el club en Miami, Julia dice que Kanye la llevó a un estacionamiento en un momento. Alega que Kanye se puso a orinar ahí mismo, en público y que hizo lo posible por cubrirlo de los curiosos. Una vez que terminó y se subió la cremallera, ella dice que lo hicieron "caliente y con todo".

Al día siguiente, en Carbone, Ye le preguntó si quería ser su novia y si le parecía bien hacer pública su relación. De acuerdo a Julia, fue en este punto que sintió que todo era una farsa, ya que justo en ese momento también estaban siendo captados por un paparazzi.

Poco después, dice que le pidió que mostrara varios trajes arreglados por él. Ella se sintió como un "mono de espectáculo". Durante una de esas pruebas, sintió que cierto top no le sentaba bien, a lo que supuestamente Ye respondió: "Te haré un trabajo de tetas si quieres".

Julia dice que su emparejamiento continuó sintiéndose fabricado. Ye envió un montón de fotos de ellos a un punto de venta y le pidió que escribiera un comentario. Ella escribe: "Siento que me está usando en algún extraño y retorcido juego. Me hace sentir sucia".

Finalmente, se fueron a París, que fue memorable en cuanto a la moda. Allí discutieron mucho e incluso fueron reprendidos en una gran fiesta.

Una vez que volvieron a Nueva York, hacia el final de su relación, Julia dice que Kanye la invitó a ella ya sus amigos a un hotel, donde les regaló bolsos Birkin, algo que Julia Fox sintió como un regalo de despedida de su parte. También les hizo recrear varias veces la secuencia inicial del video donde les entrega los Birkin, y dice que los hizo posar para fotos falsas. De nuevo, más falsedades.

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Celebración a Julia
@ksace_ , @sarapplemaliki, @bendraghi / Instagram

Por cierto, en medio de todo esto, Julia dice que Kanye le envió un acuerdo de confidencialidad, que nunca firmó y que sirvió para poner fin a la relación. Él le dijo que no podían seguir viéndose si ella no lo firmaba y ella estuvo de acuerdo.

Julia dice que Ye también se enfrentó con ella por su consumo de drogas, algo que al parecer había sido señalado por Kim. Eso se sintió como un golpe bajo. Al final, Julia dice que toda la experiencia fue vacía y lo que es más importante... ¡dice que nunca se acostaron!

Julia Fox Kanye Relationship Was Fake AF ... Paraded Me Like a Trophy

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Julia Fox says her relationship with Kanye West was all for show -- claiming she was used as a prop for Ye ... something she can now talk about 'cause she didn't sign a legal doc.

The actress/influencer spills the alleged beans in her new memoir, "Down the Drain," which just hit the shelves Tuesday ... and according to Page Six, she details her whirlwind romance with Kanye that lasted for just a couple months starting at the tail end of 2021.

Per JF, Ye first entered her life when a friend of hers asked to pass along her number to him ... apparently, he'd inquired about her. Once she connected with Ye, Julia says he called her dozens of times ... and that they talked for a long time, noting it was mostly him yapping.

Eventually, he invited her to join him for NYE down in Miami ... and flew her and her friends out, leading to their now-famous first public date. However, it sounds like their first face-to-face meeting actually happened at a club -- where they got touchy-feely pretty quickly.

During their initial in-club meeting in Miami, Julia says Kanye took her out to a parking lot at one point ... claiming he took a piss right there in public, spurring her to block and cover him from gawkers. Once he finished and zipped up, she says they made out hot and heavy.

The next day, at Carbone, Julia says Ye bluntly asked her to be his girlfriend and if she was cool taking their new union public -- it was at this point JF says she felt like the whole thing was a sham, considering photos of that exact moment were being snapped by a pap.

Shortly thereafter, Julia says she was asked to showcase several outfits arranged by Ye ... saying she felt like a "show monkey." During one of these fittings, she felt like a certain top didn't feel right -- to which Ye allegedly replied, "I'll get you a boob job if you want."

Julia says their pairing continued to feel manufactured ... saying Ye sent a bunch of photos of them to an outlet and asked her to write a blurb. She writes, "I feel like he’s using me in some weird, twisted game. It makes me feel dirty."

Eventually, they went to Paris -- which was memorable fashion-wise -- and she says they argued a lot there ... which even led to them getting chastised as a big shot party.

Once she was back in NYC, toward the end of it all, Julia says Kanye invited her and her friends to a hotel ... where he gifted them Birkin bags, something JF describes as feeling like a farewell present from him. She also says he made them recreate the opening sequence of the Birkin gifting video several times, and claims he made them pose for staged pictures. Again, more fakery.

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@ksace_ , @sarapplemaliki, @bendraghi / Instagram

BTW, in the midst of all this ... Julia says Kanye sent her an NDA to sign, which she never did -- and that finally came back to serve as the final nail in the coffin. She says he said they couldn't continue seeing each other if she didn't sign it -- and she was fine with that.

Julia also says Ye confronted her about her previous drug use -- something that had apparently been flagged to him by Kim -- and she felt that was a low blow. In the end, Julia says the whole experience was hollow ... and FWIW, she also says they never banged!

LaMelo Ball Wishes GF Ana Montana Happy Bday in IG Post ... 'U The One!!!'

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LaMelo Ball is head over heels for his girlfriend ... the NBA superstar gave her a lovey-dovey shoutout on her birthday, letting the world know that she's "the one".

The Charlotte Hornets guard confessed his love publicly for Ana Montana on Instagram Monday, her birthday ... and he used a photo from their Paris bae-cation where the two posed in front of the Eiffel Tower.

"What’s understood don’t needa b said," the 22-year-old said in the caption, "u the one and already kno how we rockin shordy."

"I love you and happy birthday baby blessings everywhere 😘🛸💕"

Things are obviously lookin' pretty serious between the All-Star and the fashion influencer ... who went public with their relationship in June, though they've been linked together for longer.

Montana -- who's in her 30s -- has been very supportive of Melo's career, including his launching of his LaFrance fashion line. She's even been modeling his women's clothes on social media.

"Always reppin," Montana said at a recent LaFrance event.

Ball and Montana have had a lot to celebrate over the past few months ... Melo signed a $260 million extension with the Hornets in July, had his own birthday shenanigans in August, and practiced for the first time since injuring himself last season.

Deion Sanders I Need More Trademarks!!! ... 'Bull Junk,' 'Give Me My Theme Music'


Deion Sanders is apparently aiming to make a ton of coin off of his most famous catchphrases... 'cause TMZ Sports has learned he's now filed trademarks for "Bull Junk" and "Give Me My Theme Music."

Prime's company submitted the applications on Thursday ... just days after filing for the terms "Working Or Twerking," "Ain't Nobody Care" and others.

In the applications, the NFL legend's counsel says he's looking to trademark the phrases for clothing items ... including hats, hoodies, sleepwear and more.

What's interesting ... Sanders' company also filed for a trademark for the phrase "Prime Time By Deion Sanders" -- a possible indication he's looking to come out with a clothing line down the road.

Sanders, of course, has been a gold mine for fun expressions ever since he became a college football head coach ... first displaying the humor at Jackson State before packing it with him to Boulder.

So far, it's all been pretty smooth sailing for Prime and his unique vernacular ... the Buffs are 3-2 this season and were at one point nationally ranked -- quite the feat for a squad that was 1-11 before he arrived!!

Kanye West Files for 'YEWS' Trademark ... Financial Services, Clothing, Streaming & More

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Kanye West is reportedly working behind the scenes to lock down trademark rights to "YEWS," a phrase he wants to slap on just about everything .. from streaming to restaurants.

The filing, obtained by TMZ, and first submitted earlier this month is linked to an LLC called Ox Paha Inc. We've never known Kanye to be associated with that LLC, but it has an address listed to Kanye's office on Melrose Ave.

Unclear if there's anything Kanye wants to do specifically with the word -- if he's the guy who filed for it -- but he's taking just about every realm of possibility with it.

The docs want to use "YEWS" for financial services, real estate, clothing (footwear, headwear, jeans, etc.), music and audio, entertainment content, beauty products, restaurants and so much more.

Of course, while Kanye hasn't publicly said anything about the word "YEWS" -- people are already speculating it's got some sort of connection to "Jews" and the controversy surrounding Kanye.

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As we reported, he was blasted for praising Hitler on "Info Wars" along with his other attacks against Jewish people on social media. Kanye's been mostly out of the public eye since the controversy -- spending the last several months in Europe.

Corey Feldman Famous Jacket's Been Found ... After Claiming It Was Stolen


Corey Feldman can relax ... he's getting back his studded leather jacket from "Dream a Little Dream" -- just a couple days after he said it was stolen, which now seems like a slight overreaction.

The manager for the 'Goonies' star tells TMZ ... an employee at the New Jersey restaurant where Corey was performing live music apparently found the jacket in a bathroom, and locked it in an office.

Remember, Corey hopped on social media Wednesday and franticly posted a thread in ALL CAPS about his coveted jacket being stolen from backstage, and wondered who would have the audacity to take such a beloved item from his wardrobe.

Now it sounds like Corey was seriously jumping the gun with his assumption someone walked off with it, and his manager says they're hoping to pick up the jacket today.

Of course, one reason Corey might have assumed the worst is that his jacket was legitimately stolen once before in L.A., only for it to pop up years later at a Boston flea market and make its way back to Corey.

This time, Corey lost the jacket during his Sunday gig at Homestead Bar & Kitchen in Morristown, NJ. A rep from the bar confirmed the jacket was found in the very bathroom where Corey changed ... so, no big mystery on how it ended up there.

The jacket, which Corey wore in "The 'Burbs" and "Married With Children," holds sentimental value for him ... he says it's a reminder of his late friend, actor Corey Haim.

No word if Corey's going to dish out the $1,000 reward he offered for info on the jacket's whereabouts.

Kanye West Solicita la marca "Yews"... Servicios financieros, ropa, streaming y más

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Se dice que Kanye West está trabajando tras bambalinas para conseguir los derechos de la marca "YEWS", una frase que quiere poner en casi todo, desde streaming hasta restaurantes.

La presentación, obtenida por TMZ y presentada por primera vez a principios de este mes, está vinculada a una LLC (un tipo de sociedad) llamada Ox Paha Inc. No sabíamos que Kanye estaba asociado con esa LLC, pero esta tiene una dirección que corresponde a la oficina de Kanye en Melrose Ave.

Aún no está claro si Kanye quiere hacer algo en particular con la palabra -si es que él la presentó- pero está considerando casi todas las posibilidades con ella.

Los documentos muestran que quiere utilizar "YEWS" para servicios financieros, bienes raíces, ropa (calzado, sombreros, pantalones, jeans, etc.), música y audio, contenido de entretenimiento, productos de belleza, restaurantes y mucho más.

Por supuesto, aunque Kanye no ha dicho nada públicamente, la gente ya está especulando que esta tiene alguna conexión con los "judíos" y la polémica que rodea a Kanye.

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Salió de la boca de Kanye...

Como informamos, el rapero fue duramente criticado por alabar a Hitler en "Info Wars" y realizar otros ataques contra el pueblo judío en las redes sociales. Kanye ha estado fuera del ojo público desde la controversia, pasando los últimos meses en Europa.

Drake Gives Birkin Bag to Talented Fan ... Not for 'Her 'T***ies,' Tho!!!

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Drake is making a habit of putting big smiles on the faces of his fans by giving away designer bags on tour ... and the latest one in Miami came with a very important disclaimer.

Champagne Papi was performing last week at the Kaseya Center when he spotted Nicolette Valenti singing along in the crowd, and eventually he had his security deliver her a brown Birkin.

Drake picked her out between songs, but let the audience know he wasn't blessing her with a bag because of her large breasts -- which has been a thing at previous tour stops -- instead, he said it was because of the way she was singing all night.

TikTok / @Nicolette.Valenti

In video capturing the giveaway, Drake tells the audience he likes to make people's days and Nicolete needs a brown Birkin to go with her brown top, and then security swooped in for the handoff.

Nicolette tells us she immediately called her mother ... Drake noticed her making the call, and after she showed him her phone, he dedicated the next song to her mom.

TikTok / @Nicolette.Valenti

Birkin bags can run well past 5 figures in retail, so Drake arranged for Nicolette to get a police escort out of the venue ... and she says Drizzy's stage manager made her text him to make sure he knew she made it home safely with the Birkin.

It was an unforgettable moment for Nicolette ... and she tells us she is never selling the bag.

As we reported, Drake also gave out a pink Birkin bag back in August during his tour stop in Los Angeles, so it's becoming a thing -- regardless of bra size.

Jodie Turner-Smith Shows Off Bod Amid Divorce from Joshua ... Posts 'Separation' Theory


Jodie Turner-Smith is already in post-breakup hotness mode days after filing to divorce Joshua Jackson ... but she's also deep in thought about the "illusion of separation."

The actress and model was glowing at the Balmain fashion show Thursday in Paris, rocking a black bodysuit that showed off her toned legs.

She also shared some photos earlier this week from her time at the Gucci show, looking drop-dead gorgeous -- and folks in the comments certainly agreed.

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Hot shots weren't the only things she posted, however ... because a string of text on Jodie's IG story Thursday seemed to point directly to her recent divorce filing.

She reposted a quote about quantum physics, which talks about "a particle vibrating due to your sound when you speak," saying it can affect a molecule inside a star "at the edge of the Universe instantly."

It says the phenomenon is known as "quantum entanglement" ... and added, "The greatest illusion of this Universe is the illusion of separation."

The timing here is telling ... TMZ broke the story, Jodie pulled the plug on her marriage with the "Dawson's Creek" star earlier this week, citing the usual "irreconcilable differences" in the divorce docs.

She's asking for joint custody of their 3-year-old, Juno, and wants to ditch the idea of spousal support for both sides -- there's also no prenup in place.

BTW, while Jodie was sharing photos of herself having a blast overseas, Joshua was spotted loading his car at a Whole Foods in Los Angeles. While he has yet to speak out, it appears they're living very different lives amid their split.


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Drake sigue adelante con su hábito de regalar bolsos de diseño a algúna afortunada del público.

Champagne Papi actuaba la semana pasada en el Kaseya Center cuando vio a Nicolette Valenti cantando entre el público e hizo que su seguridad le entregara un bolso Birkin marrón.

Drake la escogió entre canción y canción, bromeando que no la bendecía con un bolso por sus grandes pechos, sino por la forma en que estuvo cantando toda la noche.

la afortunada
TikTok / @Nicolette.Valenti

En el video de la entrega, Drake le dice a la audiencia que le gusta hacer cosas lindas por la gente y Nicolete necesitaba un Birkin marrón que combinara con su top. Luego de eso la seguridad se acercó y le entregaron el regalo.

Nicolette nos dice que llamó a su madre justo después. Drake se dio cuenta de que estaba haciendo una llamada y ella le enseñó su teléfono y le dedicó la siguiente canción a su madre.

el original
TikTok / @Nicolette.Valenti

Los bolsos Birkin pueden superar las cinco cifras en el comercio minorista, por lo que Drake hizo arreglos para que Nicolette consiguiera una escolta policial fuera del lugar. Ella dice que el director de escena de Drizzy le hizo enviarle un mensaje de texto para asegurarse de que sabía que había llegado a casa a salvo con el Birkin.

Nicolette nos dice que va a conservar el bolso como el recuerdo de una noche inolvidable.

Como informamos anteriormente, Drake también regaló un bolso de color rosa Birkin en agosto durante su parada de gira en Los Ángeles, por lo que se está convirtiendo en un hábito.

Kanye West Abandona abruptamente la pedicura Mis pies, mi decisión!!!

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No Toques mis pies

Kanye West no quiso aguantar el dolor durante una sesión de pedicura, y en su lugar prefirió cortar a la profesional rápidamente y volver a lo suyo.

Ty Dolla $ign, amigo y compañero musical de Kanye, subió a las redes el jueves unas divertidas imágenes en las que se ve la interacción de Kanye con la desconcertada pedicura. Allí se ve al rapero sacudirse de dolor antes de decidir que quería parar el tratamiento.

La pedicurista intenta convencerlo de que la deje terminar, pero él no se mueve y le dice: "Son mis pies". Echa un vistazo a la cara de Ty, quien está estupefacto con toda la charla.

Kanye ha estado caminando descalzo por Europa durante todo el verano, por lo que hay que imaginar que la profesional tenía trabajo que hacer, pero Ye no quería correr el riesgo.

Curiosamente, después de decirle que pararan, no perdió ni un segundo y volvió a los negocios.

Como informamos la semana pasada, Kanye está trabajando en un proyecto en solitario. Él y Ty$ también han estado trabajando duro en un álbum conjunto. Al parecer nada, ni siquiera sus callos, le impedirán terminarlos.

Kanye West Abruptly Quits Pedicure My Toes, My Choice!!!

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Kanye West didn't wanna tough it through a painful pedicure, cutting the technician off before the whole thing wrapped, and then getting back to his business.

Kanye's pal, and music partner Ty Dolla $ign uploaded the funny footage Thursday showing  Kanye's interaction with the puzzled pedicurist. You see Kanye react with a quick jolt of pain before deciding the whole treatment was over ... standing up and saying he wanted to stop.

The woman performing the pedicure tries to convince Kanye to let her finish, but he ain't budging, saying "It's my toes." Check out the look on Ty's face, he's stunned by the whole interaction.

Kanye's essentially been trekking barefoot in Europe throughout the summer -- so you gotta imagine the nail tech had her work cut out for her -- but Ye didn't wanna take a chance.


Funny enough, after he told her the whole thing was over, Kanye didn't miss a beat ... getting back to business.

As we reported last week, Kanye is working on a solo project, and he and Ty$ have been working hard on a possible joint album as well. Apparently, nothing -- not even callouses -- will keep them from completion.