Victoria Beckham Hobbles to Fashion Week on Crutches Broken Foot Be Damned!!!

Victoria Beckham rocked a somewhat unexpected accessory at Paris Fashion Week heading into the weekend -- a pair of metal crutches ... hobbling her way into her own event.

The former Spice Girl-turned-fashion designer was seen limping along on the walking aids Friday -- which just so happened to perfectly match her all-black outfit -- ahead of the launch of her latest collection.

Posh Spice kept a low profile as she offered up no smile for the paparazzi and donned oversized black sunglasses -- still looking as chic as ever. Indeed, it was a sorta bizarre sight -- but Vic did her thing and kept it moving ... even if it was a little slow.

Her hubby, David Beckham, revealed last week that his wife was put in a boot after a "little accident in the gym." The retired soccer star told fans on Instagram that VB suffered from a "clean break" ... so hopefully she'll heal sooner rather than later.

Unclear what exactly happened that led to the injury ... but it wasn't enough to totally sideline her, obviously.

Victoria also spoke out about the injury herself ... having first announced the owie on Valentine's Day. VB posted about it on her IG Story ... throwing up a photo of her foot being treated with ice -- confirming she "fell over in the gym." Ouch!

BTW, these fashionable crutches made their way onto Victoria's catwalk, too -- but ever the professional ... the Beckham matriarch merely smized and tottered along, business as usual.

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Feel better, Posh!

PADRE DE BIANCA CENSORI VAMOS A ACLARAR LAS COSAS YE Dice que quiere hablar sobre la ropa

Si la ropa de Bianca Censori te ha llamado la atención, imagina ser su padre... quien ha visto todo y parece que está muy enfadado al respecto.

Fuentes cercanas a Bianca le dijeron a Daily Mail que su padre, Leo, quiere sentarse a charlar con Kanye West para discutir los trajes que su hija está usando.

De acuerdo con el informe, Leo quiere preguntarle a Ye a quemarropa cómo es posible que pueda pasear a su esposa con ropa apenas transparente como un "trofeo desnudo de mala calidad", no son exactamente las palabras que cualquiera querría escuchar de su suegro.

Al parecer, Leo también quiere preguntarle a Ye si le parecería bien que sus hijas se pasearan por ahí con ropa igual de transparente cuando crecieran, porque francamente, lo duda.

Como ya hemos dicho, Bianca está sorprendiendo constantemente con su moda y recientemente lo mostró todo usando medias transparentes.

Definitivamente, ha dado de qué hablar, pero no es la primera vez que lleva ropa reveladora, ¿recuerdas cuando estaba totalmente desnuda en un impermeable o los bodys que usó en Italia? Claramente no es de las que se abrigan.

Obviamente, Leo parece pensar que Kanye está forzando a su hija, similar a lo que se comenta en línea.

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abordado en la calle

Leo también tiene muchas ganas de preguntarle a Ye por qué está aparentemente aislándola de su familia, por lo tanto, suena como que el querido papá cree que Ye está controlando a Bianca en múltiples ámbitos de la vida.

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¡Tomaremos incómodas charlas familiares por $800, Alex!

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Bianca Censori's Dad Let's Rap, Ye ... Reportedly Wants to Talk Bianca's Clothes

If Bianca Censori's racy, barely-there outfits have your eyes popping, imagine being her father ... who's seen all the worldwide attention, and it sounds like he's pretty enraged about it.

Sources close to Bianca told Daily Mail that her dad, Leo, wants to sit down for a chat with Kanye West to discuss the outfits his daughter's wearing ... and these sources are saying he's outright gonna go on a tirade if he does get face time with him.

According to the report, Leo wants to ask Ye point-blank how he could possibly march his wife around in barely-there clothes like some "trashy naked trophy pony" -- not exactly the words anyone would wanna hear from their father-in-law.

Leo also apparently wants to ask Ye if he'd be cool with his daughters walking around wearing similarly sheer clothing when they grow up -- 'cause quite frankly, he doubts it.

As we've told ya ... Bianca's constantly pushing the envelope with her fashion, recently going as far as straight-up flashing her vagina while wearing sheer tights.


She's definitely going further and further with each new outfit, but it's not like this is the first time she's worn super revealing clothing -- remember her being totally naked in a raincoat or all the nude-colored bodysuits in Italy? She's not the bundling-up type.

Obviously, Leo seems to think Kanye's forcing all of these choices on his daughter ... similar to online buzz that sparked up a few months back about Ye taking away his wife's free will.

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Leo's also reportedly keen on asking Ye why he's seemingly shutting her off from her family ... so, it sounds like dear ol' Dad believes Ye's controlling Bianca in multiple arenas in life.

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We'll take uncomfortable family chats for $800, Alex!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

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Bianca Censori Peek-a-Boob in Paris ... Everything on Display

Kanye West's wife Bianca Censori is once again letting it all hang out -- and now, everything's on the table ... from top to bottom, she's showing the world what she's made of.

Bianca and Ye hit up a restaurant over in Paris Wednesday night -- and she wasn't shy about her body, not that she really ever is. She was wearing a VERY see-through top, which showed off her bare breasts. Yes, it's pretty easy to see her nipples here.

Not just that ... but you can also see her vagina, and butt -- depending on the angle.

The couple also shared some tender PDA moments inside the eatery, snuggling up along a wall ... and afterward, Ye followed her out to a waiting van as she put all her assets on display.

No shame in Bianca's game -- that much has been made quite clear.

Once they got in their ride, Kanye and Bianca took a few moments to chill ... sitting in the back seat as photogs snapped away. She didn't shy away from the attention -- neither did he.

The moment of reflection seemingly came right around the time of Kanye's latest public demand of Kim Kardashian ... when he posted a statement on IG calling on his ex-wife to take their kids out of the ritzy private school they all attend in California.

It's interesting ... Bianca was covered up earlier in the day when she went out in long coat ... but by nightfall she was in the mood to go nude. She's been doing this all week, BTW.

Remember, we saw Bianca showing off her bare butt and vagina earlier this week in Paris, where fashion week is in full swing, and now she's adding her nipples to the mix.

Her outfits last week in Italy were just as eye-popping -- although, here in France ... she's upped the ante and gotten even more risque than perhaps any other outfit she's rocked.

She's definitely looking like a typical Kanye muse -- and she appears to be loving every minute of it.

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Is there anything we haven't seen from Bianca? No ... no, there isn't.

Bianca Censori Ahora de transparencia Todo al descubierto...

La esposa de Kanye West, Bianca Censori, está dejando que todos vean sus atributos nuevamente, y esta vez sí que está todo sobre la mesa: de arriba para abajo, ella está mostrándole al mundo de lo que está hecha.

Bianca y Ye fueron a un restaurante en París el miércoles por la noche y ella no fue tímida con su cuerpo, no es que lo haya sido antes tampoco. Llevaba un top MUY transparente, que dejaba entrever sus pechos muy fácilmente, especialmente sus pezones.

No solo eso, también se puede ver parte de su trasero y algo más dependiendo del ángulo.

La pareja también compartió algunos momentos juntos, abrazándose y acurrucándose al interior del restaurante y luego Ye siguió a Bianca hasta una camioneta que los estaba esperando donde puso todos sus activos en exhibición.

No hay vergüenza en el juego de Bianca, eso ha quedado bastante claro.

Una vez que llegaron al vehículo, Kanye y Bianca se tomaron unos momentos para relajarse y se sentaron en el asiento trasero mientras los fotógrafos les disparaban desde lejos. Bianca no se intimidó en ningún momento ni tampoco Ye.

Este momento llega justo después de que Kanye pidiera públicamente a Kim Kardashian, su ex esposa, que sacara a sus hijos de la escuela privada donde los tiene en California. Ye publicó un post que luego borró haciendo el reclamo.

Es interesante, en la mañana Bianca fue completamente cubierta con un abrigo largo, pero al caer la noche estaba de humor para ir desnuda. Por cierto, hay que tener en cuenta que ella ha estado haciendo esto toda la semana.

Recuerden, vimos a Bianca mostrando todo para abajo a principios de esta semana en París, donde se está realizando la Semana de la Moda y ahora está sumando sus pezones.

Sus trajes de la semana pasada en Italia fueron igual de llamativos, aunque aquí en Francia ha subido un poco la apuesta y se ha puesto más atrevida que nunca antes.

Definitivamente, se ve como una clásica musa de Kanye y ella parece estar disfrutando cada minuto de ello.

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¿Hay algo que no hayamos visto de Bianca? No, no lo hay.

Kanye West y Bianca Censori Son saludados por la multitud en París Gritan 'F*** Adidas'!!!

Kanye West / Bianca Censori
"F*ck Adidas!"

Kanye West y Bianca Censori están recibiendo apoyo de la gente en medio de su lucha contra Adidas: una multitud se cuadró detrás de su causa en Semana de la Moda de París.

Cuando Ye y Bianca salieron del Ritz el miércoles para almorzar, fueron rápidamente rodeados por los fans y los fotógrafos afuera del hotel, algunos de los cuales comenzaron a gritar "F*** Adidas" al unísono.

El cántico claramente llamó la atención de la pareja, ambos esbozaron sonrisas de aprobación, o al menos pareciera que Ye está sonriendo. ¡Es difícil saber, en realidad, con la máscara cubriéndole toda la cara y la cabeza!

¡¡¡Kanye estaba especialmente contento y animó a la multitud para que coreara más fuerte!!! También le dio un autógrafo a un fan sobre su clásico álbum de 2010 "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy", donde firmó las palabras "F*** ADIDAS" con un lápiz negro.

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Me están demandando!!!
Instagram / @kanyewest

A principios de esta semana, Kanye fue duro con Adidas, acusándolos de violar sus diseños mediante la venta de zapatillas Yeezy que nunca aprobó.

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Palabras polémicas, pero al menos sus fans en París, ¡¡¡están con él!!!

La pareja sigue dando que hablar en los eventos de la Semana de la Moda. Bianca apareció el martes por la noche básicamente sin nada debajo de sus pantimedias transparentes.

No hay duda de que la gente de París está muy excitada esta semana.

Kanye West & Bianca Censori Greeted with F-Word in Paris ... Mob Chants 'F*** Adidas'!!!

Kanye West / Bianca Censori
"F*** Adidas!"

Kanye West and Bianca Censori are getting full-throated support in their fight against Adidas ... as a Paris Fashion Week crowd rallies for their cause.

As Ye and Bianca left The Ritz Wednesday for a lunch break, they were quickly swarmed by fans and photogs outside the hotel ... some of whom began chanting "F*** Adidas" in unison.

The profane chant clearly got a rise out of the couple as they both cracked smiles of approval -- well, it seems like Ye was smiling. Hard to tell, really, with the full mask over his face and head!

Kanye was especially pumped up ... he encouraged the crowd to chant louder, and grabbed an autograph seeker's copy of his 2010 classic album "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" and signed the words "F*** ADIDAS" in black marker!!!

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They're Suing Me!
Instagram / @kanyewest

Earlier in the week, Kanye went hard at Adidas, accusing them of raping his fashion sense by selling Yeezy sneakers he never greenlit.

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Spicy words, but his fans -- at least in Paris -- are riding with him!!!

The head-turning couple continues pushing boundaries at Fashion Week events -- Bianca popped out Tuesday night basically bottomless with only sheer pantyhose to cover her hoo-ha.

They definitely got some folks in Paris going gorillas this week!

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Kanye West Bianca muestra todo para abajo Nada de ropa interior...

La esposa de Kanye West, Bianca Censori, está en el ruedo nuevamente y con eso queremos decir que está de humor para andar desnuda, y esta vez haciendo una declaración de moda entre los franceses.

Bianca y Ye estuvieron en París el martes, donde se está realizando la semana de la moda, y Bianca definitivamente dejó todo al descubierto, al menos de la cintura para abajo, un poco diferente a la forma en la que normalmente anda cuando se desnuda todo para arriba.

No estamos bromeando. Bianca fue de bajo perfil, pero exponiéndose muchísimo a sí misma en este atuendo. Llevaba medias transparentes y, literalmente, nada para abajo, sin ningún tipo de ropa interior.

De hecho, Bianca va completamente desnuda y se puede ver todo.

A Kanye, por supuesto, no parece importarle. Más bien parece que le encanta tenerla arreglada y vestida. Sabemos que Ye ha hecho alarde de su cuerpo muchas veces.

Hemos visto algunos trajes salvajes de Bianca antes, incluyendo un impermeable transparente con nada debajo, pero por alguna razón ... este es más sorprendente.

Recuerden, solo la semana pasada vimos a Kanye y Bianca en Milán pavoneándose en otro evento de moda, por lo que ahora solo se están moviendo alrededor de Europa haciendo lo suyo y posando para las cámaras.

Kanye sigue promocionando su álbum en el extranjero, luego de encontrar dificultades para reservar locales en Estados Unidos. En Europa, parece que es un poco mejor recibido.

Por supuesto, Bianca ha estado al lado de Kanye todo este tiempo, leal y firme.

También ha andado muy, muy desnuda, pero eso es parte del menú ahora. Pareciera un libreto conocido y, sin embargo, sigue impactándonos y sorprendiéndonos.

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Aquí está la "comida" favorita de Kanye en exhibición para que todos la vean.

Kanye West Wifey Shows Off Bare Vagina, Butt ... During Paris Fashion Week

Kanye West's wife, Bianca Censori, is at it again -- and by that, we mean she's in the mood to go nude ... and this time, she's making a fashion statement among the French.

Bianca and Ye were out and about Tuesday in Paris, where it's fashion week there ... and where BC was definitely letting it all hang out -- only here, she was doing it below the belt -- a little different than how she normally rolls when she's baring it all upstairs.

We're not kidding, BTW ... Bianca was low-key exposing herself A LOT in this getup. She's got see-through stockings on here ... and literally nothing else underneath, no undies at all.

Indeed, Bianca is going full commando in these pics ... and you can see everything.

Kanye, of course, doesn't seem to mind -- if anything, he appears to love having her dolled up and dressed down ... we know Ye has flaunted her body a number of times online.

We've seen some wild outfits from Bianca before -- including her in a full-blown birthday suit under a freaking raincoat -- but for some reason ... this one kinda takes the cake.

Remember, it was just last week that we saw Kanye and Bianca in Milan strutting their stuff at another fashion event -- so now, they're just hopscotching around Europe again doing their thing and posing for the camera.

Kanye is still promoting his album overseas ... this after finding it difficult to book venues here in the States for the types of listening events he likes to host these days. In Europe, it looks like he's a bit more well-received.

Of course, this entire time ... Bianca has been by Kanye's side, remaining loyal and steadfast.

She's also remained really, really naked -- but that's sorta par for the course now. Feels like we know a little well at this point -- and yet, she continues to shock and surprise us.

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Here's to Kanye's favorite "meal" on display for all to see ... cheers.

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Ye's Wife Bianca in Milan The Naked Truth ... Wild Outfit for Fashion Show!!!

Kanye West and Bianca Censori are doing the fashion thing in Milan right now -- and if you're wondering what Bianca was wearing ... well, it basically amounted to a skimpy tarp.

The couple posed for cameras Friday for Fashion Week, where they put on their best attire and stood shoulder-to-shoulder as Italy's "it" couple -- and by that ... we mean fabric and clothing material, 'cause these aren't the most stylish getups, at least in our eyes anyway.

Take a look for yourself, specifically as it pertains to Bianca -- who's in a VERY revealing ensemble, which looks more like a bag made of leather than an actual outfit.

Indeed, she appears to be butt-ass naked under there ... and when you see her from the side, you'll see a lot of skin, even more than usual you might say. Ye is just ... well, Ye.

The only thing to really note about this look here is that he's still going strong on his permanent tooth grill thing -- a titanium plate that's cemented at the top of his mouth.

Truth be told, the real star here is Bianca ... who continues to turn heads with her eye-popping costumes -- frankly, that's sorta the best way to describe them at this point.

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Ye's definitely into her bod ... and he seems insistent on showing it off to the world, too.

What she's wearing here isn't too different from what she was rocking on Thursday at Kanye's 'Vultures' listening event -- where he seemed to have a packed stadium full of Italians ready to jam out. That 'fit made us blush, this one's making us melt!

Anyway, they did their thing at the show ... and went out to dinner afterward, where you could really see what BC looked like from the front and back. Solid angles here, for sure.

She's also still rocking her new bangs ... but that's the last thing anyone's noticing about her.

It's funny ... so much of Bianca has been revealed at this point -- figuratively and literally -- and just when we think we've seen it all, she somehow tops herself and shows even more.

Then again ... she can be pretty shy at times -- completely covering up, and ducking away from cameras. On Friday, however, she was more than ready for the spotlight with Ye.

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Ye and Bianca ... the gift that keeps on giving.

Bianca en Milán ¡¡¡Osado atuendo en el desfile de moda!!!

Kanye West y Bianca Censori están luciendo sus extravagantes atuendos en Milán y si se preguntan qué está usando Bianca, ahora, bueno, se redujo a una especie de body.

La pareja posó frente a las cámaras el viernes para la Semana de la Moda, exhibiendo sus mejores atuendo como la pareja "deseada" de Italia, y con eso nos referimos, a la tela y su material, que es lo más elegante del look, al menos desde nuestra perspectiva.

Echa un vistazo tú mismo, específicamente en lo que respecta a Bianca, que está usando un conjunto muy revelador, que parece más una bolsa de cuero que un traje real.

De hecho, parece que lleva el trasero desnudo debajo y de perfil, se ve mucha, mucha piel, incluso más de lo habitual, podría decirse. Ye, en tanto, es solo... Ye.

Lo único que hay que destacar de este look es que sigue con sus dientes permanentes, una placa de titanio que está cementada en la parte superior de la boca.

A decir verdad, la verdadera estrella aquí es Bianca, que sigue girando cabezas con sus llamativos trajes, francamente, esa es la mejor manera de describirlos en este momento.

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Luciendo un nuevo Look

Ye se ve seguro con su estilo e insiste en compartirlo con el mundo, también.

Lo que lleva aquí no es muy diferente de lo que llevaba el jueves en el evento de escucha de Kanye "Vultures", donde parecía tener un estadio lleno de italianos listos para improvisar. Aquel conjunto nos hizo sonrojar, ¡este nos hace derretir!

De todos modos, hicieron lo suyo en el show y salieron a cenar después, donde realmente se podía ver a Bianca de frente y de espalda. Ángulos sólidos, sin duda.

También sigue llevando su nuevo flequillo, pero eso es lo último que se nota en ella.

Es curioso, a pesar de que Bianca ya ha revelado mucho, en sentido figurado y literal, justo cuando pensamos que hemos visto todo, de alguna manera se supera a sí misma y muestra aún más.

Por otra parte... a veces puede ser bastante tímida, tapándose por completo y esquivando las cámaras. El viernes, sin embargo, estaba más que lista para ser el centro de atención con Ye.

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Ye y Bianca ... el regalo que sigue dando.

¡¿Cuál es la gran maldita diferencia?!

Debe haber algunas guapetonas en el ambiente durante la Semana de la Moda de Nueva York 2024, ¡y esas guapetonas no son otras que Gabrielle Union y Nina Dobrev! Deja tus pompones, ¡y mira a ver si puedes DESCUBRIR los pequeños cambios en estas dos tomas!

¡El dúo se vistió como una galleta de media luna dulce a principios de esta semana y con unos detalles en encajes para el desfile de Michael Kors! ¡Ambas lucieron ab-so-lutamente impresionantes!

¡Ahora veamos si puedes adivinar los cambios en sus fotos!

**PISTA: ¡Hay TRES diferencias en las fotos de Gabrielle Union y Nina Dobrev!

What's The Big Frigin' Difference?!

"There must be some Clovers hotties in the atmosphere" during New York Fashion Week 2024 ... and those hotties are none other than Gabrielle Union and Nina Dobrev! Put down your pom poms, and see if you can BRING ON the minor changes in these two shots!

Legs for days ... the duo dressed like a sweet half-moon cookie earlier this week and delivered detail -- decked out in lace -- for the Michael Kors runway show! Both ladies looked ab-shoe-lutely stunning!

C'mon now, get those changes secured in the bag!

**HINT: There are THREE differences in the above Gabrielle Union and Nina Dobrev photos!**


Kylie Jenner switched up her look yet again after going public with BF Timothée Chalamet -- revamping her style at Paris Fashion Week ... but being met with haters in her comments.

Check it out yourself ... the 26-year-old reality star stepped out in a strapless cream-colored sheer flowing dress at the Jean Paul Gaultier show Wednesday -- a far departure from her bold, skintight outfits that she's been rocking of late.

As you can see ... Kylie paired the stripped-back ethereal sleepwear-inspired dress with towering heels, minimal makeup ... and old Hollywood-style locks. A very soft 'fit, for sure.

She was certainly feeling herself in the moment, and even posted some clips of herself from the show -- but, unfortunately, a lot of people had less-than-nice things to say about her appearance ... namely, the notion that she looked a bit "old," at least in their eyes.

One person cruelly commented she was "aging in dog years," while another added she looked 47 -- and a third said she'd ruined her face. Like we said, very jerk-y remarks.

Nonetheless, Kylie put in her best effort to keep up appearances in her BF's native France ... probably sensing her Cali style wouldn't cut it in Paris -- a city at the pinnacle of high fashion.

While TC's been by KJ's side at several public events since their romance emerged, she was ridin' solo at the show ... although, there was a familiar face in the mix ... one Jordyn Woods!

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Remember, they seem to be on good terms now -- as the duo appeared to bury the hatchet last year after Jordyn's kissing scandal with Tristan Thompson from years earlier. Bottom line here ... KJ appears to have been in good company with a pal in tow.

BTW, Kylie's look here was echoed by lots of other celebs/models who were in the JPG show as well ... lots of different getups, but a similar theme -- simple, yet elegant.

Bella Thorne and Noah Cyrus were among those in attendance at JPG ... plus lots of others. And FWIW, PFW has been a huge draw this year for other stars looking to strut.

Take a look at some of the outfits and styles that have been on display thus far ... fierce!

Kylie Jenner Continúa su renovación de estilo en París Tildada de vieja en Internet

Kylie Jenner cambió su aspecto una vez más después de salir públicamente con su novio Timothée Chalamet, renovando su estilo en la Semana de la Moda de París.... aunque está siendo recibiendo comentarios de haters en las redes.

Compruébalo tú mismo, la estrella de los reality shows de 26 años, salió en un vestido de color crema sin tirantes y transparente en el show de Jean Paul Gaultier este miércoles, una gran diferencia de los negros y ceñidos trajes que ha estado luciendo últimamente.

Como se puede ver, Kylie acompañó su vestido de espalda descubierta, similar a una prenda de dormir con tacones altos, mínimo maquillaje y mechones de pelo al viejo estilo de Hollywood. Un look muy suave, sin duda.

Ella estaba ciertamente sintiéndose segura de sí misma e incluso publicó algunos clips de ella en la pasarela. Pero por desgracia, un montón de gente tenía cosas menos agradables que decir de su apariencia, esto es, la idea de que parecía un poco "vieja", desde su visión.

Una persona cruelmente comentó que ella estaba "envejeciendo en años de perro", mientras que otro agregó que parecía de 47 y un tercero dijo que había arruinado su rostro. Como hemos dicho, comentarios muy idiotas.

Sin embargo, Kylie hizo su mejor esfuerzo para mantener las apariencias en la Francia natal de su novio, probablemente sintiendo que su estilo de Cali no iba con el de París, una ciudad en el pináculo de la alta costura.

Aunque Timothée Chalamet ha estado al lado de Kylie Jenner en varios eventos públicos desde que surgió su romance, ella estaba sola en este show. Aunque había una cara familiar entre el público, ¡Jordyn Woods!

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Recuerden, parece que están en buenos términos ahora. Parece que el dúo echó por tierra los rencores el año pasado después del escándalo de Jordyn besándose con Tristan Thompson. Al final, Kylie parece haber estado en buena compañía con una amiga.

Por cierto, el look de Kylie aquí hizo eco de un montón de otras celebridades y modelos que estaban en el show luciendo un montón de diferentes atuendos, pero con un tema similar: simple, pero elegante.

Bella Thorne y Noah Cyrus estaban entre las asistentes al show de JPG, entre muchos otros. Y la Semana de la Moda de París ha sido un gran atractivo este año para otras estrellas que buscan pavonearse.

Echa un vistazo a algunos de los trajes y estilos que se han exhibido hasta ahora, ¡feroz!



Rihanna and Natalie Portman are the duo we didn't know we needed ... until now, that is -- 'cause they came together in the most epic of ways, with mutual adoration for the other.

Check out this clip that's making the rounds ... you see RiRI fangirling hard after running into Natalie in Paris -- where she tells her she's the "hottest bitch in Hollywood." NP ain't shy about dishing out the compliments either ... 'cause she's clearly a fan of Rihanna as well.

Rihanna shamelessly makes it crystal clear she's well acquainted with ALL of Natalie's acting resume ... in particular, commending her abilities for pulling off the perfect innocent impression. Yeah, she's not kidding about being a fan -- you know she's seen her work.

Natalie, for her part, is pretty taken aback that RiRi is star-struck ... saying she may faint by all the love being poured on her. Like we said, she's certainly familiar with Rihanna too.

It's pretty funny to watch -- usually, Rihanna has a cool, calm, collected demeanor about herself in just about everything she does ... but here, she's like a kid in a candy store!

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The exchange doesn't end there ... Rihanna asks someone to take a snap of them, to which they happily obliged. The two mega stars posed for a pic ... flashing big smiles.

Yeah, she's probably gonna frame that one ... maybe ditto for Natalie.