Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce Team Up For K.C. Steakhouse ... 1587 Prime!!!

Patrick Mahomes is connecting with Travis Kelce for another off-field highlight -- the pair of Chiefs superstars are getting in the restaurant industry once again with a new steakhouse in Kansas City.

The hot spot is named 1587 Prime (a nod the duo's jersey numbers) ... but their business partners over at the Noble 33 hospitality group say their involvement goes far beyond that.

Entrepreneur Tosh Berman -- who runs several popular restaurants with Noble 33 -- says Mahomes and Kelce have been "instrumental" with input about the place's concept ... and have shared cool, original ideas to bring to the business.

The two-story, 10,000-square foot eatery -- which will be located inside the Loews Hotel in downtown -- is slated to open in early 2025 ... and it sounds super fancy, with a meat display as the focal point of the whole thing, as well as "hyper-subtle" nods to the Super Bowl champions' on-field accomplishments.

There will also be a massive wine collection, which will be one of the largest in the state.

Mahomes -- who also teamed up with his favorite target by investing in Chicken N Pickle -- spoke about the decision to join forces with Kelce again ... saying, "Travis and I have become frequent visitors of Noble 33 restaurants in other cities so it only made sense to bring something special to our own community in Kansas City."

Kelce added ... "We're excited to be a part of this journey with Noble 33 to create a one-of-a-kind dining experience, and what better place to start than our very own, Kansas City."

The guys are essentially attached at the hip both on and off the field ... and now they got the perfect place to double date with Brittany Mahomes and Taylor Swift!!

We're covering all things Taylor and Travis on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea" podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

TACO BELLS EN OAKLAND SOLO TENDRÁN "SERVICIO PARA LLEVAR" Preocupación por aumento de la delincuencia

El aumento de la delincuencia en Oakland ha dejado a Taco Bell en una situación precaria, ya que han tenido que elegir entre cerrar sus comedores o arriesgar la seguridad de sus empleados... y varios han optado por lo primero.

Al menos cuatro locales de Taco Bell en la ciudad de la Bahía han limitado sus servicios solo por razones seguridad.

La compañía afirmó que la seguridad es su máxima prioridad... Señalando que se han tomado medidas de protección adicionales en medio del aumento de la delincuencia en la ciudad.

Además de cerrar los comedores, el propietario de la franquicia local ha contratado guardias de seguridad y se ha reunido con las fuerzas del orden. Se ha informado de otro local que ha mantenido una política de solo pagar con tarjeta para no tener efectivo y así disuadir a los ladrones.

Esta actualización se produce después de que KPIX-TV informó de que un Taco Bell había sido robado cuatro veces en el transcurso de los últimos cuatro meses. El restaurante se quedó con ventanas cubiertas de madera contrachapada después de que los culpables condujeron una camioneta a través del edificio para robar una caja fuerte.

A Taco Bell le va un poco mejor que a In-N-Out. Recordemos que la cadena de hamburguesas populares tuvo que cerrar su única ubicación Oakland debido a la delincuencia en la zona.

Del mismo modo, un Denny's, que había operado en la zona durante 54 años, cerró en medio de crecientes preocupaciones de seguridad. Incluso Raising Cane's cerró un local cerca del aeropuerto el año pasado.

En cuanto a lo que se está haciendo para prevenir la creciente criminalidad, el gobernador del estado, Gavin Newsom, se informa que está tratando de tomar medidas enérgicas contra la delincuencia. Al parecer, envió más de un centenar de agentes de la patrulla de carreteras para ayudar a controlar la oleada de mal comportamiento en Oakland y en otros lugares.

No es una crítica elogiosa, ni mucho menos.

Taco Bells in Oakland Move to Drive-Thru Only ... Rising Crime Concerns

Rising crime in Oakland has left Taco Bell in a precarious situation -- close their indoor dining rooms, or risk their employees' security ... and several TBs chose the former.

At least four Taco Bell locations in the Bay Area city have moved to a drive-thru-only model in the name of safety.

The company assured customers that safety is their top priority ... noting that additional protection methods have been taken amid the city's rising crime.

In addition to closing dining rooms, the local franchise owner has hired security guards and met with law enforcement. It's reported that another location -- which has kept its dining room open -- has gone cashless to deter robbers.

This update comes after KPIX-TV reported that one Taco Bell had been robbed four times over the course of the last four months. The restaurant was left with plywood-covered windows after the culprits drove a pickup truck through the building to steal a safe.

Taco Bell is faring a bit better than In-N-Out. Remember, the popular burger chain is set to close its only Oakland location over crime in the area.

Similarly, a Denny's -- which had operated in the area for 54 years -- shut down amid rising safety concerns. Even Raising Cane's shuttered one location near the airport last year.

As for what's being done to prevent the growing criminality ... the state's governor, Gavin Newsom, is reportedly trying to crack down on crime. He apparently sent over a hundred highway patrol officers to help control the surge of bad behavior in Oakland and elsewhere.

Not a glowing review, by any stretch.

Vegan Bakery Investigation Doh-Nuts, We Got Dunkin'd!!! State Launches Probe

The owners of a vegan bakery in Long Island say they've become gluten'd for punishment -- instead of getting dairy and gluten-free treats, they fear a vendor sent them ... Dunkin' Donuts!!!

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

It might sound funny, but New York state officials are now investigating what went down inside CindySnacks in Huntington, NY. The store is a vegan joint, but it's accusing one of its vendors of supplying non-vegan baked goods ... possibly purchased from Dunkin'.

The offending item was a donut, which CindySnacks posted on its Instagram earlier this week -- a strawberry frosted donut covered with purple and orange colored Ds -- which CindySnacks pointed out, looks very much like a Dunkin' menu item.

CindySnacks co-owner Jonathan Stengel wrote in the post, “I immediately became concerned as to why this one donut was decorated differently than all the others and in such a strikingly similar way to a recognizable chain.” He says he pulled all items they'd received from the vendor, The Savory Fig, until he could figure out what was happening.

Stengel says he contacted The Savory Fig owner, informing them ... "If these are Dunkin’ Donuts the ingredients could kill somebody as we have so many ppl with severe dairy allergies that shop here."

Although the vendor insisted the donut was not a Dunkin' design, Stengel and his partner decided to check on their own with a home-testing kit for gluten ... and he says it came back positive.

For now, CindySnacks has cut ties with that vendor, and New York State's Dept. of Agriculture and Markets told Newsday it would be probing the incident. Meanwhile, the owner of The Savory Fig told the outlet CindySnacks' account of events is "untrue," and denied the donut in question came from her facility.

DORITOS ROMPE SU ACUERDO... Con influencer trans

Doritos ha roto su relación con una influencer trans española después de que reaparecieran unos polémicos tuits que provocaron llamamientos al boicot... y sí, esto repercutió en Bud Light.

Samantha Hudson (24 años) -que recientemente apareció en un nuevo anuncio de Doritos en España- estuvo en la mira de los usuarios de X de derecha esta semana en medio de su primera promoción para la marca de patatas fritas, llamando a una supuesta publicación en redes sociales donde al parecer declaró su deseo de hacerle cosas inapropiadas a una niña de 12 años cuando tenía 15.


Por supuesto, muchos también acaban de criticar el hecho de que Doritos se haya asociado con una mujer trans.

Samantha escribió el post inapropiado en 2015 y que aparentemente ha sido borrado de su cuenta, sin embargo, alguen le hizo un pantallazo y lo compartió en la red. La publicación original para Doritos también ha sido borrada de su cuenta de Instagram -que ha perdido casi 30.000 seguidores a raíz de la controversia- esto después de que Doritos anulara su acuerdo.

Una vez que el anuncio digital corrió y se hizo viral, el hashtag #BoycottDoritos hizo las rondas en línea. Luego de esto, Doritos España cedió y deshizo su asociación con Samantha diciendo que simplemente no eran conscientes de sus viejos tuits cuando la contrataron.

Y añadieron: "Condenamos enérgicamente las palabras o acciones que promueven la violencia o el sexismo de cualquier tipo".

Samantha supuestamente se disculpó por los mensajes resurgidos después de hacerse famosa, diciendo que no recuerda haber escrito "tales barbaridades" hace casi 10 años. Sin embargo, reconoció que anteriormente "se dedicaba a decir tonterías" en nombre del humor negro.

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Instagram / @dylanmulvaney

Si todo esto te suena familiar, es porque algo muy similar ocurrió aquí en los Estados el año pasado. Recordemos que Anheuser Busch -que fabrica Bud Light- se enfrentó a un boicot tras nombrar embajadora a la TikToker transexual Dylan Mulvaney.

Mientras que todo el asunto se prolongó durante bastante tiempo, con Anheuser recibiendo un importante golpe financiero después de que sus clientes se atrincheraran en el boicot, esta situación se resolvió rápidamente.

Parece que Doritos no quería correr el riesgo de seguir el camino de Bud Light y cambió de rumbo.

Hombre desnudo Se mete al tanque de agua de Burger King... Todo bien, dice la compañía

Espectáculo en un Burger King
Jam Press

Un hombre de Colombia encontró la forma de darse un baño de cuerpo entero en un lugar muy particular, sacándose la ropa y sumergiéndose en un tanque de agua de Burger King.

Un testigo filmó la escena en video, donde se puede ver al tipo saliendo de un contenedor gigante en la parte superior de un Burger King en Envigado, al sur de Medellín. Eso sí, esto sucedió a plena luz del día y el hombre iba por el techo completamente desnudo.

Luego de zambullirse completamente en el agua y salir del tanque, se lo puede ver relajándose un poco en el borde como si no fuera la gran cosa. Por supuesto, esto asustó a los clientes, quienes pensaron que el hombre estaba nadando en agua que Burger King realmente utiliza en sus labores diarias de alguna manera.

Afortunadamente, la compañía se apresuró en decirle a todos que no había riesgo de contaminación aquí. Dicen que estos tanques son solo reservas y no se utilizan en la preparación de alimentos o limpieza de las instalaciones.

Dicho esto, no están tomando ningún riesgo. Burger King cerró temporalmente esta ubicación y trajo a una empresa especializada para manejar el saneamiento y tratamiento del agua.

Más vale prevenir que curar, ¿verdad?

Burger King ha tomado medidas adicionales para evitar que este tipo de cosas vuelvan a ocurrir, sellando el acceso al techo para asegurarse de que esto no se repita.

En su comunicado dijeron: "Nuestra clientela puede estar segura de que esto fue un hecho aislado que lamentamos profundamente y no afecta a la calidad de nuestros productos de ninguna manera, ya que no utilizamos el agua de dicho tanque para nuestras operaciones".

Burger King añadió: "Nuestra principal preocupación siempre ha sido y será el bienestar de nuestros clientes". Hasta el momento, la identidad del buzo de la azotea de Burger King sigue sin resolverse y tampoco está claro si la policía está tratando de perseguirlo.

Aunque los tanques de agua no estén en las operaciones reales de Burger King, la óptica de esto, obviamente, no se ve bien.

Doritos Scraps Deal with Trans Influencer ... After Backlash, Old Tweets

Doritos has parted ways with a Spanish transgender influencer -- this after old controversial tweets resurfaced and sparked calls for a boycott ... and yeah, this has echoes of Bud Light.

24-year-old Samantha Hudson -- who recently appeared in a new ad for Doritos out in Spain -- was put on blast this week by right-leaning X users amid her first promotional plug for the chip brand ... calling out an alleged social media post where she reportedly declared a desire to do inappropriate things to a 12-year-old girl when she was 15.

The controversial pick

Of course ... many also just slammed the fact Doritos had partnered with a trans woman.

Samantha wrote the inappropriate post in 2015 -- which has seemingly been deleted from her account ... but which got screen-grabbed and shared online. SH's original upload for Doritos has also been wiped from her Instagram account -- which has lost nearly 30,000 followers in the wake of the controversy ... this after Doritos axed their deal.

Once the digital spot ran and went viral ... the hashtag #BoycottDoritos made the rounds online. In the aftermath, Doritos Spain caved ... nixing their partnership with Samantha and saying they simply weren't aware of her old tweets when they first brought her on.

They added ... "We strongly condemn words or actions that promote violence or sexism of any kind."

Samantha reportedly apologized for the resurfaced posts after becoming famous ... saying she doesn't remember writing "such barbarities" almost 10 years ago. However -- she did reportedly acknowledge that she previously "dedicated [her]self to saying nonsense" in the name of dark humor.

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Instagram / @dylanmulvaney

If this whole saga sounds familiar ... that's because something very similar happened here in the States last year. Remember, Anheuser Busch -- which manufactures Bud Light -- faced a boycott fiasco after naming transgender TikToker Dylan Mulvaney as an ambassador.

While that whole thing dragged on for quite a while -- with AB taking a major financial hit after their customers dug their heels in on the boycott -- this situation resolved quickly.

Sounds like Doritos didn't wanna run the risk of going the way of Bud Light, and pivoted.


Jam Press

A Colombian dude had it his way when he decided to take a full-body soak -- stripping down to his birthday suit ... and plunging into a Burger King water tank on the roof.

An eyewitness recently filmed this wild footage on camera ... and you can see the naked dude emerging from a giant container atop a BK in Envigado, just south of Medellín. Mind you this happened in broad daylight ... and yes, the man here was completely naked.

He chills on the edge for a bit like it's no big deal ... this before completely exiting the water tank and lowering himself down. Of course, this sight freaked customers out ... as they assumed he was swimming in water that this Burger King actually used in some capacity.

Thankfully, Burger King was quick to reassure everyone there was no risk of contamination here ... they say these tanks are just reserves and not used in food prep or facility cleaning.

With that said ... they're not taking any chances. BK temporarily closed this location and they're also bringing in a specialized company to handle the water sanitation and treatment.

Better safe than sorry, right?

Burger King has taken extra measures to prevent this sort of thing from happening again --sealing off roof access to make sure the skinny dipper doesn't stage a repeat performance.

They said this in their statement ... "Our clientele can rest assured that this was an isolated event, which we deeply regret, and does not affect the quality of our products in any way as we do not use the water from said tank for our operations."

BK added ... "Our primary concern has always been and will always be the wellbeing of our customers." So far, the identity of the Burger King rooftop diver remains unsolved ... and it's also unclear if the cops are trying to chase him down.

While the water tanks aren't in the mix of the actual Burger King operations ... the optics of this are obviously not good. Talk about a Whopper of a disaster.

Joey Chestnut Downs 39 Pierogies In 2 Minutes!!! ... Dominates 3v1 Contest

The Pierogi Punisher

The Kelce Bros. weren't the only superstar athletes at the Cavs game Tuesday night -- the world's best eater, Joey Chestnut, rolled through Cleveland as well ... putting his unbelievable abilities on display for everyone in attendance!!

Jaws returned to Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse for the Wine and Gold's home matchup against the Boston Celtics ... but the real contest went down at halftime, when the hot dog champ faced off against three normies in a pierogi challenge.

Chestnut -- who's by far the most famous figure in professional eating -- completely wrecked the field ... finishing 39 dumplings in two minutes, while everyone else combined for 23.

Joey looked pretty stuffed after the final buzzer -- his eyes got super wide as he was handed a championship belt.

It's not the first time Chestnut has taken on a trio of Cavs fans -- he previously crushed 47 back in 2022.

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Joey was eating fast, but the Kelces were drinking just as quickly ... 'cause Jason and Travis gulped on some beers in the blink of an eye while at the big game.

The Cavs went home winners, too -- coming all the way back from down 22 in the fourth to snap the Celtics' 11-game streak.

J Lo y Ben Affleck Limpian sus asientos... Después de ver "Dune 2"

Jennifer López y Ben Affleck fueron a ver "Dune 2" al cine como todo el mundo, pero a diferencia de los normies, se pusieron a limpiar sus asientos después de la función.

Ben y J Lo fueron a ver la película de ciencia ficción protagonizada por Timothée Chalamet y Zendaya el lunes por la noche en Los Ángeles, pero que la famosa pareja se mezclara con un montón de gente normal no es lo más interesante aquí.

Un grupo sentado detrás de Ben y Jen tomó un video de ellos con su celular, mientras se paraban de sus asientos, en el que se los puede ver limpiando, esto es, recogiendo el envase de sus palomitas de maíz y sus refrescos.

Echa un vistazo, Bennifer (pero sobre todo Ben) le da un buen repaso a su asiento para asegurarse de que todo esté impecable antes de salir. Ciertamente, tiene muy buenos modales, vamos a decir eso.

Ben y Jen mantuvieron un bajo perfil también. La gente del teatro dice que ni siquiera sabían que la pareja estaba sentada allí hasta que las luces se volvieron a encender.

Además, parece que J Lo apenas probó sus palomitas. Hay que decir que optaron por un envase normal y no por uno de esos que se han vuelto virales en Internet.

En cualquier caso, parece que Ben y Jen no dejaron rastro al salir, lo que no se puede decir de todos los que van al cine en Estados Unidos por estos días. Hay mucho vago por ahí, como todos sabemos muy bien.

Bravo. 👏🏽

J Lo & Ben Affleck Pick Up Their Theater Trash ... After Watching 'Dune 2'

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck watched 'Dune 2' in theaters just like everyone else -- but unlike normies, they actually went out of their way to clean up their area afterward.

Ben and J Lo caught a showing of the Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya-led sci-fi flick Monday night in Los Angeles ... but the fact the famous couple squeezed in between a bunch of regular folks isn't the most interesting thing here.

A group sitting behind Ben and Jen took a cell phone video of them leaving their theater seats -- and you see them picking up their trash ... namely, popcorn buckets and soda cups.

Check it out ... Bennifer (but mostly Ben) gives their seats a good once over to make sure everything is spick and span before heading out. It's certainly good etiquette, we'll say that.

Ben and Jen kept a pretty low profile here too ... people in the theater say they didn't even know the couple was sitting there until the credits rolled and the lights came back on.

Also ... it seems J Lo barely touched her huge popcorn bucket too ... and they opted for a regular container, not one of those viral 'Dune 2' ones that have been making the rounds.

In any event, it looks like Ben and Jen left no trace as they exited ... which can't be said for everyone who goes to movie theaters in America these days. A lot of slobs out there, as we all know very well.

Bravo. 👏🏽

Diane Warren Remains Modest On Oscar Chances ... But She's in the Pink for a Different Oscar!!!


Diane Warren says she's just along for the ride as she heads back to yet another Academy Awards while seeking her first win ... but her movie partners are a lot less bashful, 'cause they're bashing her competition.

We got the legendary songwriter Thursday at Pink's Hot Dogs on La Brea -- where Diane was being honored with her own veggie hot dog -- and our photog asked her about that elusive Oscar's win.


Diane's nominated for an Academy Award for the 15th time in her career -- this time she's up for Best Original Song for "The Fire Inside” from the film "Flamin' Hot" -- and she told us she's just happy to be nominated and already feels like a winner.

While Diane played it cool, her partners on the film go to bat for her ... telling us she deserves to finally win an Oscar.

Becky G sings Diane's song from the Hot Cheetos movie ... and she's gonna perform it at the Oscars, along with the other nominees.

The competition includes a couple songs from "Barbie" ... the Ryan Gosling-performed song "I'm Just Ken" and Billie Eilish and Finneas' "What Was I Made For?"

Diane's movie partners, Richard and Judy Montanez, take a couple playful shots at the "Barbie" duo here ... telling us Diane's tune is way better than the Ken song.

Don't even get them started on Billie's track, which they quietly say is "depressing." No hate here, just good fun ... Billie says she was depressed when writing the song anyway.

Win or lose next weekend at the Oscars, Diane's already got another notch on her belt ... in the form of her very own Pink's hot dog.

Diane's special dog is a veggie dog topped with jalapeño pepper jack cheese, guacamole, and Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

TMZ Studios

Bet they don't serve those in Barbie Land!!!


General Mills has been hit with a class-action lawsuit claiming Cheerios contains a harmful pesticide ... which some angry customers say definitely ain't good for the heart!

In the docs obtained by TMZ, plaintiff Steven Epstein alleges that GM has been manufacturing, marketing and distributing the hugely popular oat-based cereal brand without making it clear that it's laden with dangerously high levels of a particular pesticide known as chlormequat chloride ... which he claims independent studies have confirmed to be present.

In the docs, NY native Epstein says when he bought a box of Cheerios from the store in January, he had no reason to suspect that it contained chlormequat chloride based on the product's advertising, marketing, and listed ingredients.

TMZ Studios

He says chlormequat is linked to causing problems with fetal growth and the nervous system.

Epstein claims that if he had known that Cheerios contained dangerous levels of the pesticide and the potential harm that could result from ingesting it, he either wouldn't have purchased it at all or would have been willing to pay significantly less for it.

So now, Epstein is trying to put together a class action ... and is looking for millions in damages for what he claims are material misrepresentations and omissions in marketing the popular cereal.

We've reached out to General Mills for comment ... so far, no word back.


Travis Kelce y Christian McCaffrey no están dejando que los resultados del Super Bowl les impida salir a divertirse.

Las dos superestrellas de la NFL -que se enfrentaron en Las Vegas hace unas semanas, con el equipo de Travis saliendo victorioso de nuevo- fueron vistos disfrutando de la compañía del otro en Nobu en Malibú el miércoles.

El ala cerrada de los Kansas City Chiefs está claramente ocupado mientras Taylor Swift hace lo suyo en Singapur, la próxima parada de su gira internacional. Nos dicen que se presentó en el famoso lugar de moda alrededor de las 8 PM, justo cuando CMC y su prometida, Olivia Culpo, llegaron.

Parece que McCaffrey y Culpo estaban allí para un evento de productos Dolce Glow, porque un puñado de influencers y celebridades como Becky G, Chrissy Teigen y las dos hermanas de Olivia también estaban presentes. No está claro por qué Kelce estaba ahí pero en cualquier caso, estaba rodando con la tripulación.

Nos dicen que los deportistas se metieron en carros separados al salir del restaurante, pero Kelce realmente estaba empeñado en evitar a los paparazzi (aprendiendo de Taylor, ¿eh?)

Travis se abrió paso a través de la cocina para salir del lugar, mientras que la pareja comprometida eligió la ruta estándar y no les importaba ser fotografiados. Por alguna razón, Travis se ha vuelto tímido ante las cámaras.

En cuanto a Kelce y McCaffrey, no parece que hayan estado juntos por mucho tiempo -el corredor de los 49ers dijo en noviembre que conoció a Travis por primera vez durante la temporada baja de 2023. Y, sin embargo, están compartiendo poco después del Super Bowl.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

McCaffrey y Culpo se van a casar pronto, así que tal vez Kelce recibió algunos consejos de como dar el siguiente paso...

Algunos piensan que Travis y Taylor van a casarse eventualmente. De todos modos, Travis está haciendo lo suyo y sigue moviéndose por todo el país mientras disfruta de la temporada baja.

Travis Kelce Hangs W/ McCaffrey, Culpo At Nobu ... Not Lonely Without Tay


3:39 PM -- TMZ Sports got some more intel on what went down inside the restaurant ... and as it turns out, Travis and Christian never crossed paths.

In fact, we're told McCaffrey had no idea Kelce was also there Wednesday night ... and only found out after the fact.

Travis Kelce and Christian McCaffrey aren't letting the Super Bowl results keep them from bro-ing down in Malibu -- 'cause that's exactly what they were doing on Hump Day.

The two dueling NFL superstars -- who faced off in Vegas a few weeks ago, with TK's team emerging victorious (again) -- were spotted enjoying each other's company at Nobu in Malibu on Wednesday.

The Kansas City Chiefs tight end is clearly staying busy while Taylor Swift does her thing in Singapore -- the next stop on her international tour. We're told he showed up at the famous hot spot around 8 PM, right around when CMC and his fiancée, Olivia Culpo, arrived.

It appears McCaffrey and Culpo were there for a Dolce Glow product event ... 'cause a handful of influencers and celebs like Becky G, Chrissy Teigen and Olivia's two sisters were also present. Unclear why Kelce was there ... but in any case, he was rolling with the crew.

We're told the two jocks got in separate cars as they left the restaurant ... but Kelce was trying like hell to avoid the paps on the scene (Taylor's really rubbing off on him, huh?)

In fact, Travis made his way through the kitchen to ultimately make his exit around midnight -- the same time as the engaged couple, who elected the standard route and didn't mind being photographed. For whatever reason, Travis has become camera-shy.

As for Kelce and McCaffrey ... it doesn't seem like they've been tight for very long -- the 49ers running back said back in November he met Travis for the first time during the 2023 offseason. And yet, they're hanging together shortly after the SB.

TMZ Studios

McCaffrey and Culpo are getting married soon ... so maybe Kelce asked for some pointers on how to pop the question??

Some think Travis and Taylor are gonna marry eventually ... so that'd track. Anyway, Travis is doing his thing and continues to bounce around the country as he enjoys the off-season.

Taylor Swift Made Pop-Tarts For Chiefs O-Line!!! ... Andy Reid Missed Out

Taylor Swift really knew how to win over Travis Kelce's teammates ... 'cause Kansas City head coach Andy Reid just revealed she baked homemade Pop-Tarts for the Chiefs' offensive linemen -- and they were so good, he couldn't get his hands on one!!

Big Red shared the interesting anecdote at the NFL Combine on Tuesday ... when he was asked about the pop superstar's presence around the team.

NBC Sports

As it turns out, it was certainly a sweet experience for many ... 'cause Reid said the big boys up front felt the love in the form of some pastries at some point during their championship season.

Big Red explained to "PFT Live" the gesture might have been an attempt to fit in with Kelce's friends ... and he thinks she sincerely enjoyed the "escape" football provided her this season.

Reid -- who pointed out he's known the Swift family for years -- praised how grounded Taylor's continued to be throughout her career ... even though she's the most famous woman on the planet (in his opinion).

TMZ Studios

Of course, Taylor was present at the majority of Kelce's games this season ... including the Super Bowl, which was a great night for her man's team, and all the postgame celebrations that went down in Vegas.

Back to the Pop-Tarts -- Reid said he missed out on the treats ... as Taylor's gift went right to the linemen, who devoured every last one.