BEN AFFLECK $10 Mil FOR DUNKIN' Super BOWL AD ... Glazed Greenbacks, Baby!!!

Ben Affleck's definitely getting the last laugh over his undying love of Dunkin' ... after thousands of memes mocked him for reppin' the coffee and donut shop so hard.

Turns out the Oscar winner raked in a staggering $10 MILLION for his Super Bowl commercial last year, according to CNN. Remember, Ben appeared as a Dunkin' drive-thru worker in the 30-second clip, and his star power was a major treat for Dunkin'.

The company reportedly sold more donuts the day after the Super Bowl than any other day in its history. Capitalizing on that smash hit, Ben then signed on as an official spokesperson -- and will appear in another commercial for them during this year's SB.

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But, it ain't just Ben who made major bucks on Super Sunday -- Larry David also snagged $10M for his now-controversial FTX ad ... and CNN says at least 2 other A-list celebs are making $5M this year for appearing on-camera for less than 20 seconds in ads.

Keep in mind, companies are also dropping $7M just to air a 30-second spot!

As for Ben's new SB spot ... Dunkin's ad men have him trollin' himself for his "miserable" expression at last year’s Grammys.

Several million bucks for a few seconds of self-deprecation? Sweet gig if you can get it!!!

Snoop Dogg y Master P Walmart jugó sucio... Pongan nuestros cereales donde la gente pueda verlos


12:50 PM PT -- Tras la presentación de la demanda de Snoop Dogg y Master P hoy, Walmart le dice a TMZ Hip Hop: "Walmart valora las relaciones con sus proveedores, y tiene una sólida historia de apoyo a los empresarios. Muchos factores afectan a las ventas de cualquier producto, incluyendo la demanda de los consumidores, la estacionalidad y el precio, por nombrar unos pocos. Responderemos como corresponda con el Tribunal una vez que se nos notifique la demanda".

Snoop Dogg y Master P están acusando a Walmart de colocar sus Cereales Snoop en las estanterías, pero no en la planta principal, ¡¡¡una nueva demanda está acusando al gigante de los supermercados y a Post Foods de esconder intencionadamente su producto!!!

El abogado de las leyendas del rap, Benjamin Crump, presentó oficialmente los documentos que TMZ Hip Hop obtuvo el martes, los que alegan que Walmart y Post conspiraron juntos para enterrar a su empresa Broadus Foods después de acordar asociarse con ellos.

Según la demanda, Post primero trató de comprar Snoop y P, y más tarde pretendió compartir su visión al acordar adoptar su cereal como uno de los suyos y distribuir el producto en grandes cadenas minoristas como Walmart.

Broadus Foods argumenta que Post debería haber apilado el cereal Snoop junto a sus otros vendedores principales, pero que solo habrían accedido al acuerdo para dejarlos completamente fuera del mercado.

Diversifica tu desayuno

Snoop Cereal fue lanzado en Walmart en julio de 2023, pero la demanda afirma que los clientes se quejaron de que no pudieron encontrarlo unos meses más tarde.

Las tiendas online de Walmart supuestamente mostraban que el Snoop Cereal estaba agotado en todas partes, pero los empleados de la tienda descubrieron que el producto estaba siendo guardado en los almacenes de nuevo, lejos de los compradores potenciales y sin códigos de venta.

La falta de ventas puso fin al contrato de P y Snoop con Post. Los raperos sienten que esa fue su intención todo el tiempo, y están demandando por daños y perjuicios por lo que denominan "prácticas comerciales engañosas".

TMZ investiga
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Nos pusimos en contacto con Walmart, Post y P para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora, no hemos tenido respuesta.

Publicado originalmente -- 12:34 PM PT

Snoop Dogg and Master P Walmart's Playing Dirty Put Our Cereal Where People Can See!!!


3:40 PM PT -- A rep for Post tells TMZ ... "Post Consumer Brands was excited to partner with Broadus Foods and we made substantial investments in the business. We were equally disappointed that consumer demand did not meet expectations."

12:50 PM PT -- Following Snoop Dogg and Master P's filing today, Walmart tells TMZ Hip Hop, "Walmart values our relationships with our suppliers, and we have a strong history of supporting entrepreneurs. Many factors affect the sales of any given product, including consumer demand, seasonality, and price to name a few. We will respond as appropriate with the Court once we are served with the complaint."

Snoop Dogg and Master P are accusing Walmart of shelving their Snoop Cereal but not on the main floor … a new lawsuit accuses the grocery giant and Post Foods of intentionally hiding their product!!!

The rap legends' attorney Benjamin Crump officially filed docs which TMZ Hip Hop obtained on Tuesday … which allege Walmart and Post conspired together to bury their Broadus Foods company after agreeing to partner with them.

According to the suit, Post first attempted to buy out Snoop and P, and later pretended to share their vision by agreeing to adopt their cereal as one of their own and distribute the product in big-name retailers such as Walmart.

Broadus Foods argues Post should have stacked the Snoop Cereal next to their other top sellers but Post only agreed to the deal to shut them out of the market altogether.


Snoop Cereal launched in Walmart in July 2023 but the suit claims customers complained they could no longer find it a few months later.

Walmart stores online allegedly showed the Snoop Cereal to be sold out across the board … before store employees discovered the product was being stowed away in back stockrooms far away from potential buyers and uncoded to sell in the first place.

The lack of sales cut into P and Snoop’s contract with Post, which they feel was the intent all along -- and they're suing for damages they say fall under the "deceptive trade practices."

TMZ Studios

We reached out to P for comment … so far, no word back!!!

Originally published -- 12:34 PM PT

Super Bowl LVIII Eat Like Kings For $2.5 Million!!! Wagyu Glizzy, Surf-&-Turf Buffet In Luxury Suite

X / @lukesawhook

Rich people are gonna feast like it at the Super Bowl this weekend ... 'cause the luxury suite that comes with a $2.5 MILLION price tag will be fully stocked with the finest grub!!

Some lucky media members got an inside look at the expensive box that'll house 20 wealthy football fans when the San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs face off at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas on Super Sunday ... and they certainly won't have empty stomachs by the end of the night.

The spread consists of some bomb-lookin' items ... from a surf-and-turf buffet with wagyu beef and lobster to carne asada fries, seafood stuffed potatoes, bacon-wrapped hot dogs, cheesecakes and your classic souvenir popcorn, according to reporter Luke Sawhook.

There will be plenty to drink, too ... with a full-service bar complete with bartenders.

For those less financially blessed, StubHub says the get-in price is currently $5,300 -- a bargain from last week -- and the average ticket is going for $8,800.

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Unclear who'll be posted up in this suite when kickoff comes around ... but we take it the TV cameras will be sure to be on the lookout for Taylor Swift, who'll most likely be in one of the many boxes at the stadium to check out her boyfriend, Travis Kelce.

Celeb Hot Spot Craig's We Got Robbed, Security Did Nothing ... Customers Sue!!!


A couple says they got robbed at gunpoint at Craig's in an incident caught on camera -- and now, they're dragging the celebrity hotspot to court.

Felipe Darrell and Terry Christanio say they are the couple seen on surveillance video being robbed outside Craig's last year ... and they're pissed at restaurant owner Craig Susser, claiming he's shown no concern for them because they're not famous.

Felipe and Terry say Susser hasn't given them the time of day since the robbery ... and now they're suing him and his restaurant.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, they were leaving Craig's after dinner back in August, and were waiting in the valet area when 3 armed men hopped out of a car and robbed them at gunpoint.

The video shows the suspects throwing a man in a suit to the ground, and ordering a woman to get on the pavement -- Felipe claims they stole his Rolex and necklace, and they both feared for their lives during the robbery.

In their suit, Felipe and Terry say Craig's lone security guard was too distracted taking photos of other guests to notice a car full of men casing out the joint ... and they say the robbers were even parked at valet when they hopped out of the car to jack their jewelry.

The couple claims the brazen robbery followed other similar incidents at popular restaurants in the West Hollywood area last summer ... and Felipe and Terry say Craig's should have beefed up security in response.

It's been over 5 months since the incident and Felipe and Terry say the restaurant owner blew off an offer to meet and talk about what happened ... and they say they're suing so Craig's is held accountable for what they see as negligence.

TMZ Studios

We reached out to Craig's ... so far no word back.

Joe Biden almuerza con Jill y Hunter en Los Ángeles Y cierra la calle

El Presidente Biden almorzó con su esposa y su hijo en un lugar muy frecuentado por los famosos de Los Ángeles y provocó una pesadilla de tráfico para algunos conductores.

Etuvo en The Ivy en Beverly Hills el sábado por la tarde junto al Dr. Jill, y también se reunió con su hijo Hunter.

A propósito, el Ivy es un restaurante muy popular en la Ciudad de los Ángeles y está en una ubicación muy céntrica, lo que significa que el Servicio Secreto tuvo que cerrar las calles.

Échale un vistazo a algunas de las imágenes obtenidas por TMZ... hay policías alineados en todo Robertson Boulevard. Utilizan la cinta amarilla de precaución y nadie está conduciendo por la calle ya que la seguridad de Biden no los deja.

abrazos para hunter

Fue una escena dulce en el interior del restaurante ... TMZ ha obtenido un video de Hunter dando a su madrastra Jill un gran apretón justo después de que ella entró, mientras que los agentes mantuvieron un ojo vigilante por el peligro potencial. Papa Joe también recibió un gran abrazo de Hunter.

Curiosamente, sin embargo ... Los agentes del Servicio Secreto estaban bien con otros comensales terminando sus comidas en el restaurante - algunas personas incluso publicaron fotos de la primera familia desde el interior del local. Nos dicen que The Henry al otro lado de la calle todavía estaba lleno de clientes ... donde muchos clientes curiosos miraron a echar un vistazo a Biden.

No está claro cuánto tiempo los Biden comieron en el restaurante, pero tenemos una foto de Joe en dirección a su carro antes de alejarse en su limusina, y parece feliz después de una comida.


Biden está en una visita rápida en Los Ángeles, presumiblemente para ponerle un poco más de dinero a su campaña para las próximas elecciones, la cual mucha gente espera que sea una lucha mano a mano contra el ex presidente Donald Trump.

El índice de aprobación de Biden está un poco bajo por el momento, mientras que Trump está triunfando entre los republicanos, ahora solo Nikki Haley está en su camino hacia la nominación presidencial del partido.

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Cada voto cuenta... así que, ¡¡¡mejor que Joe espere que nadie le eche en cara el atasco en noviembre!!!

President Biden Beverly Hills Lunch w/ Fam ... Major Street Shut Down

President Biden hit up an L.A. hot spot beloved by celebs for lunch with his wife and son ... and, it created a traffic nightmare for some drivers.

POTUS stopped at The Ivy in Beverly Hills for some grub on Saturday afternoon along with Dr. Jill, and the First Couple met with son Hunter as well.

BTW ... The Ivy's an uber-popular restaurant in The City of Angels -- and it's in a pretty central location which meant Secret Service had to shut the streets down.

Check out some of the images TMZ obtained ... cops are lined up all over Robertson Boulevard, yellow caution tape is set up -- no one's driving down this street if JB's security ain't letting them.

Hugs From Hunter

It was a sweet scene inside the restaurant ... TMZ has obtained video of Hunter giving his stepmom Jill a big squeeze right after she walked in while agents kept a watchful eye for potential danger. Papa Joe also got a big hug from Hunter.

Interestingly enough though ... Secret Service agents were fine with other diners finishing up their meals in the restaurant -- some people even posted pics of the first family from inside the locale.

We’re told The Henry across the street was still packed with patrons ... where many curious customers watched on to get a glimpse of Biden.

Unclear how long the Bidens ate at the restaurant ... but we also got a shot of Joe heading to his car before driving away in his stretch limo -- looking happy after a full meal.

Presidential Parade

Biden's on a quick visit to Los Angeles ... presumably to put some more money in his war chest for the upcoming election -- which many people expect to be a knockdown, drag-out fight with ex-Prez Donald Trump.

Biden's approval rating's kinda in the gutter right now ... while DT's blowing through the Republican field -- now only consisting of Nikki Haley -- on his way toward the party's presidential nomination.

TMZ Studios

Every vote counts ... so, Joe better hope no one holds the traffic jam against him come November!!!

'Foodgod' Jonathan Cheban Fontainebleau Nachos Still Bad ... Hit Me Up, I'll Fix 'Em!!!


"Foodgod" Jonathan Cheban's not letting Fontainebleau Vegas off the hook -- even though the resort's updated its much-maligned nachos, he has a different plan for upping their appetizer game.

We got the reality TV personality/foodie out in NYC this week and asked him about Fontainebleau's viral nacho debacle. He was actually at the hotel's opening night, and while he complimented most of the menu options ... he went scorched earth on the nachos.

ICYMI, the meager nacho offering went viral after a pic of the plate, priced at $24, ended up on social media. The unappetizing dish caused a frenzy on X, and 'Bleau ultimately redid their nachos and posted an updated pic, trying to do some damage control.

JC's very clear on where the hotel went wrong ... saying the chef should've invited him into the kitchen to design a truly over-the-top nacho plate.

As for whether nachos should even be on a five-star menu, the "Foodgod" is unequivocal -- it all depends on what you put on those bad boys! He was generous enough to offer up a few ingredients to make high-class gourmet nachos. Pay attention, Fontainebleau!!!

And, if the ritzy Vegas spot hears something they like here, it better move quickly. Foodgod's a gun for hire, and is already chatting with other Strip hotels.

One more thing, lots of folks were pissed about the $24 price tag for the "nachos" -- but Cheban's cosigning on that ... pointing out nachos at regular places go for about $17, and Fontainebleau's far from regular!

TMZ Studios

Fontainebleau Vegas might wanna get Foodgod on the horn, stat!

Oakland Denny's Shut Down Due to Crime ... Follows In-N-Out

Another American staple in the food biz is fleeing Oakland because of increased crime ... the only Denny's in the city closed for good earlier this week, continuing a troubling trend.

While Denny's officials reportedly wouldn't speak on camera, a notice taped to the door cited the "safety and well-being" of employees and guests as the chief cause of the closure -- which sounds a lot like increased crime's become an issue for the 24-hour restaurant.

Employees were reportedly notified of the closure just a day before the 54-year-old Denny's officially shut down ... and the company promised to find the employees positions at other locations if they could relocate.

It'll be a minor commute for Oaklanders to get a Grand Slam at the Emeryville location, a 3-mile difference ... but it's just the latest in a shocking trend of closures precipitated by rising crime in the Bay Area.

This Denny's location had reportedly fallen victim to break-ins-robberies and violent crime ... just like the In-N-Out that's also hightailing it out of town.

As we reported ... In-N-Out's COO Denny Warnick cited crime as the major reason the super popular food chain was heading out of business -- though they'll stay open until late March.

TMZ Studios

It's an unfortunate Oakland reality ... even Denny's can't live up to its "Always Open" promise.

Teri Hatcher fue expulsada de una aplicación de citas La gente pensó que era falsa


Teri Hatcher no va a encontrar el amor en Tinder ni nada que se le parezca, porque dice que ha terminado con las citas en línea, ¡después de que una popular plataforma la expulsara!

La actriz y chica Bond que ha sido durante mucho tiempo un símbolo sexual en la cultura pop, se abrió sobre su salida sin ceremonias del mundo de las aplicaciones de citas durante una aparición en "Getting Grilled con Curtis Stone", explicando que entró a Hinge para encontrar un buen hombre.

No está claro cuándo sucedió esto, pero Teri dice que estaba "abierta y vulnerable", y realmente quiso entrar, pero afirma que el equipo de Hinge no la quiso y de inmediato la expulsaron.

Stone preguntó por qué echaron a Teri de la aplicación y Teri dice que resulta que simplemente no podían creer que Teri Hatcher estuviera usando su humilde aplicación de citas. Los moderadores parecen haber pensado que era falsa y desactivaron su cuenta, eso es lo que ella sugiere de todos modos.

Hatcher señala que más tarde se disculparon, pero para entonces ya era demasiado tarde, la fiebre de citas en línea de Teri ya se había desvanecido. Añadió que tiene una vida ocupada, por lo que no está persiguiendo el amor, aunque felizmente lo aceptará si llegara a conocer a alguien especial.

Ella terminó el tema con una verdad muy real para muchas personas, preguntando ¿quién necesita un hombre cuando tienes un gato?

tmz investiga
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Teri no es la única famosa que tiene citas en línea y tampoco la única a la que la gente no le ha creído. Sharon Stone detalló recientemente una mala experiencia y dijo que Bumble la echó también... al parecer es un tema común entre las estrellas.

Lo siento, fans de "Mujeres Desesperadas"... ¡parece que han perdido la oportunidad de charlar online con la mismísima Susan Mayer!

Teri Hatcher I Got Kicked Off of Dating App ... They Thought I Was Fake!!!

"I'm Over It"

Teri Hatcher's not gonna find love on Tinder or anything like it ... 'cause she says she's done with the online dating scene -- this after one popular platform apparently gave her the boot!

The bombshell actress/Bond girl -- who has long been a sex symbol in pop culture -- opened up about her unceremonious exit from the dating app world during an appearance on "Getting Grilled with Curtis Stone" ... explaining she hopped on Hinge to find a good man.

Unclear when this happened, but TH says she was "open and vulnerable," and really put herself out there ... but then claims the Hinge team didn't care, and promptly 86'd her.

Stone asked why they kicked Teri off the app ...and Teri says it turns out they simply couldn't believe THE Teri Hatcher was using their humble dating app. Moderators seem to have thought she was fake and deactivated her account ... that's what she's suggesting anyway.

Hatcher notes they later apologized, but by then it was too late ... Teri's online dating fever had already faded. She added she's got a busy life, so she's not pursuing love -- although, she'll happily accept it if she happens to meet someone IRL.

She ended the topic with a very real truth for many people ... asking who needs a man when you have a cat like she does?!?

TMZ Studios

FWIW ... Teri isn't the only celeb online dating -- and also not the only one the people behind these apps don't seem to believe. Sharon Stone recently detailed a ruinous rendezvous and said Bumble booted her from the hive -- seems like a common theme among the stars.

Sorry, "Desperate Housewives" fans ... seems you've missed the chance at an online chat with Susan Mayer herself!

Justin y Hailey Bieber Cariñosos en una cita... Qué lindos somos!!!

Justin Bieber lleva más de 5 años casado y todavía se siente muy enamorado de su esposa Hailey, antes de salir de fiesta en un lugar de moda en Beverly Hills.

El cantante le dio un cariñoso beso a Hailey durante una salida al restaurante Funke, y la señora Bieber se acurrucó en el hombro de su marido en otras fotos.

Justin y Hailey, al igual que muchas otras parejas de alto perfil, han estado plagados de rumores de divorcio en los últimos años, pero su acogedora cita nocturna el pasado fin de semana debería silenciar esos rumores.

TMZ investiga
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El cantante de "Yummy" dejó que las fotos hablaran por sí mismas, ni siquiera escribió un comentario, mientras que la fundadora de Rhode Beauty mantuvo vivo el romance en los comentarios, diciendo: "Somos lindos".

La sección de comentarios también estaba a reventar con los fans de la famosa pareja. Muchos decían que son la pareja que todos quieren ser.

En general, los fans están encantados de ver que su relación va viento en popa. A finales de este año, celebrarán su sexto aniversario. Incluso estaban tomados de la mano como un par de estudiantes de secundaria mientras caminaban afuera del restaurante.

La pareja ha sido abierta sobre los altos y bajos de su relación desde que se casaron, y Hailey incluso admitió que sus luchas le hicieron darse cuenta de que iba a pelear por su matrimonio "no importa qué".

La fase de luna de miel ha terminado, pero por suerte, ¡a ellos no les llegó ese memo!


Justin Bieber's more than 5 years into this marriage thing, and still feeling real lovey-dovey ahead of a night out at a Bev Hills hot spot with his wife Hailey.

The singer passionately locked lips with Hailey during an outing to the much-buzzed-about restaurant Funke, and Mrs. Bieber cuddled up on her husband's shoulder in other pics.

Justin and Hailey, like many high-profiled couples, have been plagued by divorce rumors over the years -- but their cozy date night last weekend should silence that talk.

TMZ Studios

The "Yummy" hitmaker let the pics do all the talking, opting to go captionless ... while the Rhode Beauty founder kept the romance alive in the comments, writing: "we're cute."

The comments section was also bursting at the seams with fans branding the pair "couple goals."

In general, fans are just thrilled to see their relationship is going strong as they'll hit their 6th anniversary later this year. Hell, they were even holding hands like a couple of high school kids as they walked out of the eatery.

The couple's been open about the ups and downs of their relationship since tying the knot -- and Hailey's even admitted their struggles made her realize she'd fight for their marriage "no matter what."

The honeymoon phase is over, but luckily ... they didn't get that memo!

manifestantes francesas vandalizan a la Mona Lisa En el famoso museo del Louvre

el momento del ataque

Unas manifestantes francesas intentaron hacerse notar, arrojándole sopa a la mundialmente famosa obra de arte, afortunadamente estaba protegida por un cristal impenetrable.

Las dos manifestantes fueron grabadas en video el domingo de pie frente al retrato del siglo XVI de Leonardo da Vincin el cual estaba colgado contra una pared en el Louvre de París.

Mientras los entusiastas del arte observaban la obra, las mujeres arrojaron sopa de calabaza sobre el cuadro, bañando el cristal con el líquido bronceado.

La pareja se giró entonces hacia la multitud que se había formado a su alrededor, la cual filmó el incidente con las cámaras de sus teléfonos móviles.

Una de las mujeres se arrancó la chaqueta para revelar su camiseta blanca que mostraba un mensaje en francés, "Riposte Alimentaire", que en inglés se traduce como "Respuesta Alimentaria".

tmz investiga
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Ambas mujeres también empezaron a gritar en francés: "¿Qué es más importante? ¿El arte o el derecho a una alimentación sana y sostenible?". Y añadieron: "Vuestro sistema agrícola está enfermo. Nuestros agricultores se mueren trabajando".

Los guardias de seguridad colocaron rápidamente barreras negras para proteger la Mona Lisa mientras escoltaban a la gente fuera de la zona general.

Funcionarios del museo estaban planeando presentar una queja a pesar de que la pintura no parecía haberse dañado, no se conoce el estado actual de las manifestantes.

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el ataque a van gogh

Después del incidente, un grupo con el nombre, "Riposte Alimentaire," emitió un comunicado, admitiendo el hecho y prometiendo el "inicio de una campaña de resistencia civil, con la clara reivindicación de la seguridad social de una alimentación sostenible".

Mona Lisa Splattered with Pumpkin Soup at the Louvre


Protesters in France tried to make a point with the Mona Lisa, throwing soup at the world-famous work of art — but, thankfully, it was protected by impenetrable glass.

The two female demonstrators were caught on video Sunday standing in front of Leonardo da Vinci’s 16th Century portrait hanging against a wall at The Louvre in Paris.

As art enthusiasts milled about, the women suddenly tossed pumpkin soup at the painting, showering the glass in front of it with the tan liquid.

The pair then turned to the crowd that had formed around them, filming the incident with cell phone cameras.

One of the women ripped off her jacket to reveal her white t-shirt emblazoned with a message in French, “Riposte Alimentaire,” which, in English, translates to "Food Response."

TMZ Studios

Both women also started yelling in French, "What is more important? Art or the right to healthy and sustainable food?” They added, “Your agricultural system is sick. Our farmers are dying at work.”

Security guards quickly put up black barriers to shield the Mona Lisa while escorting people out of the general area.

Museum officials were planning on filing a complaint even though the painting did not appear damaged ... the current status of the protesters was not immediately known.

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After the incident, a group by the name, "Riposte Alimentaire," issued a statement, admitting to the ugly deed and promising the "start of a campaign of civil resistance with the clear demand ... of the social security of sustainable food."

No soup for you anymore.

Fontainebleau Las Vegas Nachos Upgraded After Online Jokes ... Competition Piles On


1:30 PM PT -- The Fountainbleau finally responded to all the backlash, and this is what they had to say ... "The Tavern menu was designed to be 'bar food favorites, all grown up.'"

They add, "We hope you’ll excuse our growing pains while the nachos went through their awkward phase. We’re thrilled to report they’ve matured into one stacked snack."

Fontainebleau Las Vegas found itself in a sticky situation ... drowning knee-deep in melted cheese after photos of some lackluster nachos went viral -- with people crapping on them.

Here's the deal ... an X user posted a pic of nachos he said he bought from The Tavern at the Vegas hotel Monday that the user said his party waited an hour to get -- and, quite frankly, they left quite a lot to be desired.

Check it out -- six total chips, crusted in melted cheese, with almost as many condiments as actual food to put them on ... and if you're wondering how much they cost, the outraged poster said he paid $24 for the food. That's quite the hunk of cheddar.

Of course, other people on the internet were outraged on the guy's behalf and started recommending other places to go if he wanted some premium nachos -- well, FLV must've got the memo 'cause they turned things around in a hurry.

Unfortunately for Fontainebleau, other hotels and casinos seemingly ordered their nachos with extra spice ... 'cause their social media accounts capitalized on the viral moment to post their pics of their own offering.

Circa Las Vegas, OYO Hotel and Binion's Gambling Hall are just a few of the locations that shared their own photos. They don't directly call out Fontaine, but the message from other hotels seems pretty clear -- come get our chips 'cause Fontainebleau is na-cho destination for great nachos. That's definitely the sentiment, anyway ... they're drizzling on extra shots.

FWIW, a local Vegas influencer went to the hotel later in the week and received a more respectable-looking plate of nachos -- certainly more than six chips at the very least -- so maybe people will consider bringing their fiestas back to Fontaine!

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We've reached out to Fontainebleau about all the viral attention ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:35 AM PT