Justin y Hailey Bieber Cariñosos en una cita... Qué lindos somos!!!

Justin Bieber lleva más de 5 años casado y todavía se siente muy enamorado de su esposa Hailey, antes de salir de fiesta en un lugar de moda en Beverly Hills.

El cantante le dio un cariñoso beso a Hailey durante una salida al restaurante Funke, y la señora Bieber se acurrucó en el hombro de su marido en otras fotos.

Justin y Hailey, al igual que muchas otras parejas de alto perfil, han estado plagados de rumores de divorcio en los últimos años, pero su acogedora cita nocturna el pasado fin de semana debería silenciar esos rumores.

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El cantante de "Yummy" dejó que las fotos hablaran por sí mismas, ni siquiera escribió un comentario, mientras que la fundadora de Rhode Beauty mantuvo vivo el romance en los comentarios, diciendo: "Somos lindos".

La sección de comentarios también estaba a reventar con los fans de la famosa pareja. Muchos decían que son la pareja que todos quieren ser.

En general, los fans están encantados de ver que su relación va viento en popa. A finales de este año, celebrarán su sexto aniversario. Incluso estaban tomados de la mano como un par de estudiantes de secundaria mientras caminaban afuera del restaurante.

La pareja ha sido abierta sobre los altos y bajos de su relación desde que se casaron, y Hailey incluso admitió que sus luchas le hicieron darse cuenta de que iba a pelear por su matrimonio "no importa qué".

La fase de luna de miel ha terminado, pero por suerte, ¡a ellos no les llegó ese memo!


Justin Bieber's more than 5 years into this marriage thing, and still feeling real lovey-dovey ahead of a night out at a Bev Hills hot spot with his wife Hailey.

The singer passionately locked lips with Hailey during an outing to the much-buzzed-about restaurant Funke, and Mrs. Bieber cuddled up on her husband's shoulder in other pics.

Justin and Hailey, like many high-profiled couples, have been plagued by divorce rumors over the years -- but their cozy date night last weekend should silence that talk.

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The "Yummy" hitmaker let the pics do all the talking, opting to go captionless ... while the Rhode Beauty founder kept the romance alive in the comments, writing: "we're cute."

The comments section was also bursting at the seams with fans branding the pair "couple goals."

In general, fans are just thrilled to see their relationship is going strong as they'll hit their 6th anniversary later this year. Hell, they were even holding hands like a couple of high school kids as they walked out of the eatery.

The couple's been open about the ups and downs of their relationship since tying the knot -- and Hailey's even admitted their struggles made her realize she'd fight for their marriage "no matter what."

The honeymoon phase is over, but luckily ... they didn't get that memo!

manifestantes francesas vandalizan a la Mona Lisa En el famoso museo del Louvre

el momento del ataque

Unas manifestantes francesas intentaron hacerse notar, arrojándole sopa a la mundialmente famosa obra de arte, afortunadamente estaba protegida por un cristal impenetrable.

Las dos manifestantes fueron grabadas en video el domingo de pie frente al retrato del siglo XVI de Leonardo da Vincin el cual estaba colgado contra una pared en el Louvre de París.

Mientras los entusiastas del arte observaban la obra, las mujeres arrojaron sopa de calabaza sobre el cuadro, bañando el cristal con el líquido bronceado.

La pareja se giró entonces hacia la multitud que se había formado a su alrededor, la cual filmó el incidente con las cámaras de sus teléfonos móviles.

Una de las mujeres se arrancó la chaqueta para revelar su camiseta blanca que mostraba un mensaje en francés, "Riposte Alimentaire", que en inglés se traduce como "Respuesta Alimentaria".

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Ambas mujeres también empezaron a gritar en francés: "¿Qué es más importante? ¿El arte o el derecho a una alimentación sana y sostenible?". Y añadieron: "Vuestro sistema agrícola está enfermo. Nuestros agricultores se mueren trabajando".

Los guardias de seguridad colocaron rápidamente barreras negras para proteger la Mona Lisa mientras escoltaban a la gente fuera de la zona general.

Funcionarios del museo estaban planeando presentar una queja a pesar de que la pintura no parecía haberse dañado, no se conoce el estado actual de las manifestantes.

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el ataque a van gogh

Después del incidente, un grupo con el nombre, "Riposte Alimentaire," emitió un comunicado, admitiendo el hecho y prometiendo el "inicio de una campaña de resistencia civil, con la clara reivindicación de la seguridad social de una alimentación sostenible".

Mona Lisa Splattered with Pumpkin Soup at the Louvre


Protesters in France tried to make a point with the Mona Lisa, throwing soup at the world-famous work of art — but, thankfully, it was protected by impenetrable glass.

The two female demonstrators were caught on video Sunday standing in front of Leonardo da Vinci’s 16th Century portrait hanging against a wall at The Louvre in Paris.

As art enthusiasts milled about, the women suddenly tossed pumpkin soup at the painting, showering the glass in front of it with the tan liquid.

The pair then turned to the crowd that had formed around them, filming the incident with cell phone cameras.

One of the women ripped off her jacket to reveal her white t-shirt emblazoned with a message in French, “Riposte Alimentaire,” which, in English, translates to "Food Response."

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Both women also started yelling in French, "What is more important? Art or the right to healthy and sustainable food?” They added, “Your agricultural system is sick. Our farmers are dying at work.”

Security guards quickly put up black barriers to shield the Mona Lisa while escorting people out of the general area.

Museum officials were planning on filing a complaint even though the painting did not appear damaged ... the current status of the protesters was not immediately known.

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After the incident, a group by the name, "Riposte Alimentaire," issued a statement, admitting to the ugly deed and promising the "start of a campaign of civil resistance with the clear demand ... of the social security of sustainable food."

No soup for you anymore.

Fontainebleau Las Vegas Nachos Upgraded After Online Jokes ... Competition Piles On


1:30 PM PT -- The Fountainbleau finally responded to all the backlash, and this is what they had to say ... "The Tavern menu was designed to be 'bar food favorites, all grown up.'"

They add, "We hope you’ll excuse our growing pains while the nachos went through their awkward phase. We’re thrilled to report they’ve matured into one stacked snack."

Fontainebleau Las Vegas found itself in a sticky situation ... drowning knee-deep in melted cheese after photos of some lackluster nachos went viral -- with people crapping on them.

Here's the deal ... an X user posted a pic of nachos he said he bought from The Tavern at the Vegas hotel Monday that the user said his party waited an hour to get -- and, quite frankly, they left quite a lot to be desired.

Check it out -- six total chips, crusted in melted cheese, with almost as many condiments as actual food to put them on ... and if you're wondering how much they cost, the outraged poster said he paid $24 for the food. That's quite the hunk of cheddar.

Of course, other people on the internet were outraged on the guy's behalf and started recommending other places to go if he wanted some premium nachos -- well, FLV must've got the memo 'cause they turned things around in a hurry.

Unfortunately for Fontainebleau, other hotels and casinos seemingly ordered their nachos with extra spice ... 'cause their social media accounts capitalized on the viral moment to post their pics of their own offering.

Circa Las Vegas, OYO Hotel and Binion's Gambling Hall are just a few of the locations that shared their own photos. They don't directly call out Fontaine, but the message from other hotels seems pretty clear -- come get our chips 'cause Fontainebleau is na-cho destination for great nachos. That's definitely the sentiment, anyway ... they're drizzling on extra shots.

FWIW, a local Vegas influencer went to the hotel later in the week and received a more respectable-looking plate of nachos -- certainly more than six chips at the very least -- so maybe people will consider bringing their fiestas back to Fontaine!

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We've reached out to Fontainebleau about all the viral attention ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:35 AM PT

Fontainebleau Las Vegas Mejora sus nachos tras las quejas online ¡¡La competencia se aprovecha!!

Fontainebleau Las Vegas se encontró en una vergonzosa situación después de que unas fotos de sus regulares nachos se hicieran virales y la gente los empezara a destrozar.

Esta es la cuestión, un usuario de X publicó una foto de los nachos que compró en el hotel de Las Vegas el lunes, particularmente en The Tavern. La persona cuenta que estos tardaron una hora en llegar y, francamente, dejaron mucho que desear.

Echa un vistazo, en total son seis nachos con costra de queso derretido, con casi tantos condimentos como alimentos reales y si usted se está preguntando cuánto cuestan, el indignado usuario dijo que pagó $24 por la comida. Vaya pedazo de queso cheddar.

Por supuesto, otras personas de Internet también estaban indignadas en nombre del chico y comenzaron a recomendarle otros lugares si quería comer nachos de calidad, y el hotel debe haber recibido el aviso, porque cambiaron las cosas a toda prisa.

Desafortunadamente para Fontainebleau, otros hoteles y casinos aparentemente vieron una oportunidad de marketing, porque rápidamente capitalizaron el momento en sus redes sociales para publicar fotos de su propia oferta.

Circa Las Vegas, OYO Hotel y Binion's Gambling Hall son solo algunos de los establecimientos que compartieron sus propias fotos. No critican directamente a Fontaine, pero el mensaje de los otros hoteles parece bastante claro: "Vengan por nuestros chips porque Fontainebleau na-cho el destino para los mejores nachos". Ese es definitivamente el sentimiento, de todos modos y le están sacando ventaja.

¡Lo que es importante, un influencer de Las Vegas fue al hotel más tarde en la semana y recibió un plato de nachos de aspecto más respetable! Sin duda más de seis nachos por lo menos, así que tal vez la gente considere irse de fiesta nuevamente a Fontaine.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con Fontainebleau por la viral polémica, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Travis Kelce I'm Eatin' Fresh W/ New Endorsement Stars In Subway Ad With Patrick Mahomes

Great news for people who can't get enough of Travis Kelce -- the Kansas City Chiefs tight end just landed yet another commercial ... teaming up with Patrick Mahomes to sell some sammiches.

Taylor Swift's boyfriend shared his latest ad campaign with Subway on Thursday ... a short clip that primarily focuses on the superstar quarterback raving about pairing subs with the chain's new footlong cookie.

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Mahomes addresses the camera in the spot ... saying, "There's nothing better than a Subway series footlong -- except when you add a new footlong sidekick."

"This might be my favorite sidekick ever," the two-time Super Bowl MVP adds ... as the camera cuts to Travis, who's clearly jealous of being replaced by a snack.

Mahomes and Kelce are one of the most dominant duos in NFL history -- they even broke Tom Brady and Rob Gronkowski's career record with 16 postseason touchdowns this past weekend ... so the ad couldn't come at a more relevant time.

The Subway partnership adds to Kelce's growing list of endorsements he's landed after becoming a household name ... joining companies like Experian, Pfizer and State Farm who have used him in commercials over the past year.

In fact, Kelce also joined Mahomes for an ad with the insurance giant last year ... so they've really liked the idea of packaging themselves together lately.

It's been an incredible ride for the Ohio native -- he's won two Super Bowls, hosted "Saturday Night Live" and is dating the biggest star on the planet.

Better get used to Kelce's mug ... 'cause he's everywhere.


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Mcplastic Mcflurry

A McDonald's customer is McHatin' after her latest trip to the fast food joint ended with her finding a gag-worthy surprise in her McFlurry!

You'll be repulsed watching the clip yourself ... the woman discovers what appears to be a trash bag or glove left behind in her Oreo-flavored frozen treat -- horror plays out on her face as she continues pulling out the seemingly never-ending item.

Laughter seems to be the best medicine in the situation ... she chuckles awkwardly with her friend in the viral TikTok clip.

"We had no idea what she just found at the bottom of her mc flurry im losing my mind,"  the user @kekebobeke adds in the text overlay.

She claims the item was folded down and left behind on purpose, and she tagged McDonald's on the post, hoping to get some answers.

The fast food chain has yet to publicly respond, but current/former employees attempt to explain what the item is in the comments -- one says it's an ice cream liquid bag -- another says it's the sleeves the cups come in.

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Needless to say, the customer's hoping for an apology -- at the very least -- from the fast food joint. We're guessing she wouldn't turn down free McFlurry's for life either! Just sayin' ...

Clienta de McDonald's Saca una asquerosa sorpresa de su McFlurry

012324_mcdonalds_mcflurry-kal - Copy JANUARY 2024
Plástico en un McFlurry!!!

Una clienta de McDonald's está que revienta después de que en su última visita al restaurante de comida rápida se encontrara con una asquerosa sorpresa en su McFlurry.

La mujer descubre lo que parece ser una bolsa de basura o un guante olvidado en su helado de Oreo, ¡y el horror rápidamente aparece en su rostro mientras sigue sacando el aparentemente interminable artículo!

La risa parece ser la mejor medicina en este caso, pues ella se ríe torpemente con su amiga mientras todo sucede en el clip viral de TikTok.

"No teníamos ni idea de lo que acababa de encontrar en el fondo de su mc flurry, no me lo puedo creer", añade el usuario @kekebobeke en el texto.

La chica afirma que el artículo fue doblado hacia abajo y dejado atrás a propósito y etiquetó a McDonald's en el post con la esperanza de obtener algunas respuestas.

La cadena de comida rápida aún no ha respondido públicamente, pero los empleados actuales y antiguos están intentando explicar lo que es en los comentarios. Uno dice que es una bolsa de helado líquido y otro dice que es la manga donde vienen las tazas.

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No hace falta decir que el cliente espera una disculpa, por lo menos, de la cadena. Suponemos que tampoco rechazaría un McFlurry gratis de por vida. Por decir algo...

Tyrese Trolls le responde a kanye Con fotos de su novia

Tyrese vio a Kanye West publicando contenido con Bianca Censori y trató de hacer lo mismo, mostrando a su voluptuosa pareja y haciendo bromas a expensas de Bianca.

El cantante y actor se enteró del post de Ye este fin de semana, en el que publicó un montón de fotos de Bianca pasando el rato en la cocina usando la más mínima vestimenta..

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Kanye estaba claramente satisfecho con lo que estaba viendo, pero Tyrese parece haber pensado que a Bianca le faltaba un poco de cuerpo, porque destacó que su propia novia tiene un poco más de curvas que Bianca.

Tyrese publicó un clip de la influencer y modelo Zelie Timothy -con quien está saliendo actualmente- y los estaban en una playa en algún lugar con Zelie deslumbrando con un bikini de dos piezas.

Ella se levanta y comienza a caminar hacia el agua, mostrandole su botín a Tyrese y el tipo subtitula el clip: "Querido Kanye... Todo el trigo, y mantiene la crema".

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Podría pensarse que es un ataque mal intencionado hacia Ye y Bianca, pero sin duda no es más que buena diversión. Lo que Tyrese parece estar señalando aquí es obvio... su chica es despampanante y él está orgulloso de mostrarlo.

Por supuesto, esto es sólo un troleo por parte de Tyrese, pero es interesante que la gente esté siguiendo el ejemplo de Ye en lo que respecta a presumir a su novia. Eso es algo que Kanye ha estado haciendo mucho últimamente con Bianca... le gusta mostrarla.

Por suerte para ambos, sus damas son absolutamente impresionantes, por lo que ambos están ganando.

A las mujeres tampoco parece importarles demasiado... ¡Pues adelante!


Oakland residents will soon have to travel a little further for their double-double and animal-style fries ... cause their local In-N-Out Burger is shutting its doors over increased crime.

Chief Operating Officer Denny Warnick says a surge in car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies are just a few of the reasons the fast food joint's closing its only Oakland location after nearly 2 decades in business.

He also says this wasn't an overnight decision ... they made persistent attempts to create safer conditions for employees and customers, but all came up short.

Basically, they couldn't keep encouraging their clientele to visit high-risk places.

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As for the staff at the burger joint, they'll be able to transfer to other branches or receive a severance package.

If you're in the Bay Area, there's still time to head down to the popular grub spot and bid it "bun voyage" ... the last day of operation is March 24.

Tyrese to Kanye How's This for 'Wheat'??? You & Bianca Can Have the 'Cream'!!!

Tyrese saw Kanye West posting thirst traps of Bianca Censori and tried one-upping him with his own ... showing off his voluptuous GF, and cracking jokes at Bianca's expense.

The singer/actor caught wind of Ye's "cream of wheat" shoutout to his wife this weekend -- where he posted a bunch of shots of BC hanging out in a kitchen, while wearing basically nothing and showing off her ass cheeks on the process.

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KW was clearly pleased with what he was seeing, but Tyrese seems to have thought Bianca was lacking in the body department a bit -- 'cause he highlighted his own lady ... who's a little curvier than Bianca, and with a lot more body too.

Tyrese posted a clip of influencer/model Zelie Timothy -- whom he's currently dating -- and the two of them were out at a beach somewhere ... with ZT rocking a 2-piece bikini.

She gets up and starts walking toward the water, showing off her booty to an admiring Tyrese, and the dude captioned the clip ... "Dear Kanye ... All wheat, hold the cream."

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It seems to be a little bit of a dig at Ye/Bianca -- but it's, no doubt, all in good fun. What Tyrese appears to be telegraphing here is the obvious ... his gal's a thickie-poo, and he's proud to show it.

Of course, this is just a troll on Tyrese's part -- but it's interesting that people are kinda following Ye's lead in showcasing their significant others for everyone to gawk at. That's something Kanye's been doing a lot of lately with Bianca ... he likes to show her off.

Luckily for both dudes ... their ladies are absolutely stunning, so they're each winning.

The women themselves also don't seem to mind the attention either ... have at it then!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Buffalo Bills Selling T Swift-Themed Food At Chiefs Game ... Karma Is A Quesadilla!!!

Bills and Chiefs fans with a blank space in their tummies are in luck this weekend  ... Buffalo's food service partner just revealed it's going to sell some Taylor Swift-themed snacks at the big game Sunday!!

Delaware North -- which has brought tasty treats to Highmark Stadium all season long -- announced this week it's packing two new options for the divisional round playoff game against Kansas City with odes to Swift in them.

One of the meals is called the "Bad Blood waffle fries" ... and it features two feet of fries topped with a grip of Buffalo and Kansas City food staples -- including blue cheese and BBQ pork.

The other option is named the "Karma Quesadilla" ... and it's got chicken tenders, bacon and pork belly all over it.

It's not quite clear if Swift will get the opportunity to enjoy the grub -- it hasn't been confirmed yet if she'll make the trek to Orchard Park to watch her boyfriend, Travis Kelce. But, considering she battled the snow to catch his game last weekend against the Miami Dolphins, it seems like it's a good bet.

What's interesting, the team has yet to make a food option with a nod to Josh Allen's GF, Hailee Steinfeld ... though something tells us if the home squad gets the win over K.C., Bills Mafia will not care less.

Kim K, Mariah Carey, Doja Cat Satisfy Sushi Craving At Nobu Malibu

Kim Kardashian, Mariah Carey and Doja Cat all showed up to get their sushi fix at Nobu Malibu ... as two of the celebs sat with each other with the third nearby, but seemingly worlds apart.


TMZ obtained video of the famous trio dining at two separate but close tables Sunday, inside the restaurant on the beautiful California coastline.

In one video, Kim and Mariah are seated side by side with their kids at one table. We're told the women were engaged in a pretty intense chat as their little ones played with each other. Of course, they all enjoyed their yummy pieces of sushi prepared with that Nobu touch.

Meanwhile, in another vid, Doja is seen chowing down with her peeps at the other table right next to Kim and Mariah.

Eyewitnesses tell us the two parties never spoke or interacted during their hours-long meals. We're told that it didn't seem like there was any bad blood between Mariah/Kim and Doja ... they were just doing their own things at their tables.


In the end, Kim, Mariah and their kids got up and left the restaurant first. Doja stayed behind to hang a bit more and shoot the breeze.

While she seemed in good spirits, Doja has had an up-and-down week. First, it was announced the rapper will be one of the headliners at the 2024 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, which runs from April 12-14 and April 19-21.


Then her mother filed court documents accusing Doja's brother of physically and verbally abusing the artist.

Jason Kelce Gifts McDonald's Employee Signed Eagles Jersey ... & She's Lovin' It!

This is awesome ... Jason Kelce (you thought the guy couldn't be any more likable?!) hooked a local McDonald's employee up in a supersized way, giving the fast food worker a signed Philadelphia Eagles jersey as a thank you!

36-year-old Kelce, who is mulling his football future, grabbed breakfast Wednesday morning -- 2 sausage, egg and cheese McMuffins with a coffee -- and also found time to spread some serious Brotherly Love!

Jason got to know Danielle Bonham through his repeated trips to the restaurant (hey, lineman's gotta keep on the size!), and with his playing career possibly over, he hooked the woman up with the autographed threads.

“To Danielle. Go Birds! Thank You!” JK wrote on the #62 jersey. The future Hall of Famer also found time to pose for a photo from his driver's seat.

As for Kelce's decision on his football future, while it sounds like he may be done ... it's not a done deal just yet.

In fact, on his New Heights podcast this morning, Jason said it was too soon to make a decision ... despite reports he told his teammates he was done playing.

Of course, the Eagles were blown out by the Bucs on Monday, losing 32-9, ending the Philly season.

Avantika Vandanapu Trabajar en Raising Cane's es genial ¿¡En la dieta de carbohidratos de Regina!?

Raising Cane's

Avantika Vandanapu puede vestir de rosa los miércoles, pero los martes son para trabajar ... pues la actriz se presentó en un turno de Raising Cane's luciendo totalmente fetch.

La actriz y cantante, que interpreta a Karen Shetty en la nueva película "Mean Girls", saltó justo detrás del mostrador en un Cane de la ciudad de Nueva York, para tomar pedidos y llenar las bebidas de los hambrientos clientes.

Avantika reveló que le encanta la limonada de Raising, aunque admitió que la parte más difícil fue conseguir la tapa de una taza y que pidió una orden de pollo fresco caliente para Emilia antes de regresar para hacer las famosas tostadas de Texas del restaurante.

La estrella parece estar siguiendo el ejemplo de Regina George, engullendo un par de bocados de la comida (¿¡interesada en la dieta de carbohidratos?!) en salsa Cane.

Avantika no es exactamente la chica nueva del curso cuando se trata de la actuación. Ella tiene créditos en la película de Rebel Wilson "Senior Year" y "Spin" de Disney Channel Original, aunque sería justo decir que "Mean Girls" está derrotando a esos otros filmes.

Vandanapu también le dio a todos los empleados de Raising Cane's el visto bueno para sentarse en su mesa del almuerzo y tomarse una foto de grupo con la pandilla.

¡Ella definitivamente no es como las actrices normales, ella es una actriz cool!