PUMP Restaurant Lisa Vanderpump's Olive Trees Staying ... New Bar Will Keep Iconic Pieces

Lisa Vanderpump's original PUMP restaurant's moved to green pastures, but an iconic part of its decor remains as new owners move into the space ... and we're told her olive trees aren't going anywhere.

Mario Vollera owns Roosterfish, which is taking over PUMP's old location in West Hollywood, and he tells TMZ ... when he and the other owners checked out the space, they all strongly requested that the big trees in the outdoor patio stay put.

We're told the trees ultimately ended up being a big part of the sale agreement, and Mario wanted them untouched because they bring prosperity and good luck ... not to mention, they're beautiful and add a lot to the space's ambiance.

TMZ broke the story back in May that PUMP was closing its doors ... and the "Vanderpump Rules" crew -- along with tons of locals and fans -- all said goodbye during its closing weekend in July.

PUMP didn't totally disappear, it just moved down the street next to TomTom -- Tom Schwartz and Tom Sandoval's eatery -- but if ya want to check out the olive trees, you'll have to stop by Roosterfish when it welcomes folks in after the new year.

La antigua ubicación de PUMP mantiene en su sitio los icónicos olivos de Lisa Vanderpump

El restaurante PUMP, original de Lisa Vanderpump, se ha cambiado de ubicación, pero una parte icónica de su decoración se mantiene mientras los nuevos propietarios se mudan al espacio y nos dicen que sus olivos no van a ninguna parte.

Mario Vollera es dueño de Roosterfish -que se está haciendo cargo de la antigua ubicación de PUMP en West Hollywood- y le dice a TMZ que cuando él y los otros propietarios revisaron el espacio, todos pidieron encarecidamente que los grandes árboles en el patio al aire libre se quedaran.

Nos dicen que los árboles terminaron siendo gran parte del acuerdo de venta y Mario quería que no se toquen, ya que traen prosperidad y buena suerte, por no hablar de lo hermosos que son.

TMZ publicó la historia de que PUMP estaba cerrando sus puertas y junto a un montón de lugareños y aficionados, todos dijeron adiós durante su fin de semana de cierre en julio.

PUMP no desapareció del todo, solo se trasladó a la calle al lado de TomTom -Tom Schwartz y Tom Sandoval- pero si quieres ver los olivos, tendrás que pasar por Roosterfish cuando se le de la bienvenida a la gente después del año nuevo.

Gypsy Rose acumula millones de seguidores en Instagram

Gypsy Rose Blanchard se ha convertido en una gigante de las redes sociales, acumulando millones de seguidores y posiblemente preparándose para hacer una fortuna.

Gypsy tiene ahora la friolera de 4.7 millones de seguidores en Instagram. Acaba de publicar sus cuentas de Snapchat y TikTok en su página de Instagram. Además, ella tiene 1.4 millones de fans TikTok.

Ella publicó esto: "Acabo de unirme a SnapChat, estos avatares son impresionantes!" También realizó un especial de Lifetime.

Ella tenía una página de Instagram, pero no era nada fuera de lo común. De eso a 1.2 millones hay mucha diferencia, y lo ha hecho en un período de tiempo muy corto.

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En cuanto al futuro... ella se está preparando para hacer un paquete en redes sociales, lo cual es interesante. Antes de que la encerraran casi nadie podía ganarse la vida en las redes sociales, pero los tiempos cambian.

También está trabajando en algún tipo de programa/documental/reality show para A&E.

Por ahora, Gypsy está disfrutando de las cosas simples de la libertad después de cumplir siete años entre las rejas por el asesinato de su madre. Se hace selfies y visita McDonalds y Burger King.

Ahora lo hace a su manera.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Insta Social Media Giant with Big $$$ Prospects!!!

​Gypsy Rose Blanchard has become an instant social media giant since her release ... amassing millions of followers and possibly setting herself up to make a fortune.

Gypsy now has an eye-popping 4.7 million followers on Instagram. She's just pushed both her Snapchat and TikTok accounts on her Insta page. BTW she has 1.4 million TikTok fans.

She posted this ... "Just joined SnapChat. These avatars are awesome!" Also – she pushed the Lifetime special on there yesterday as well.

She had an Instagram page, but it was static at 1.2M upon her release, so she's gained millions in a super-compressed period of time.

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As for the future ... she's setting herself up to make a bundle on social media, which is interesting. When she was locked up, almost no one could make a living on social, but times change.

In the money department, she's also working on some kind of show/documentary/reality show for A&E.

For now, Gypsy is enjoying the simple things of freedom after serving 7 years behind bars for the murder of her mother. She's trying her hand at selfies, and hitting up McDonalds and Burger King.

She's having it her way now.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Fiesta de bienvenida en familia

Gypsy Rose Blanchard está celebrando que salió de la cárcel y su familia la está recibiendo con los brazos abiertos.

Tienen que ver estas fotos de la famosa criminal disfrutando de una fiesta de bienvenida con sus seres queridos, incluyendo su padre, su madrastra, su hermanastra y su marido.

Gypsy aparece sonriendo de oreja a oreja en las fotos, posando con su padre Rod Blanchard y su esposa, Kristy. También se reunió con su hermanastra Mia Blanchard.

Parece que la familia se esforzó mucho con la fiesta. Había globos dorados que decían "BIENVENIDA A CASA", además de decoración, pasteles, aperitivos y Champagne.

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Celebrando con burbujas

Gypsy incluso abrió una botella de burbujas al igual que su marido Ryan.

Condena cumplida

Como ustedes saben, Gypsy salió de la cárcel en libertad condicional el jueves después de pasar siete años tras las rejas por su condena por el asesinato de su madre Dee Dee.

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Gypsy sale de la cárcel

Desde que fue liberada, hemos visto a Gypsy comprando nuevos zapatos, viviendo en un hotel y visitando un McDonald's.

Gypsy y Ryan aparecieron en el autoservicio de Mickey D's el viernes, para su primera comida afuera y parece que se perdieron los Arcos Dorados.

Gypsy está pasando tiempo con su familia también, justo en lo que queda de las fiestas, y todo el mundo parece súper feliz.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Welcome Home Party With Family

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is celebrating her release from prison ... and her family is welcoming her back with open arms.

Ya gotta see these photos of the famous felon enjoying a welcome home party with her loved ones ... including her father, stepmom, stepsister and her husband.

Gypsy is smiling from ear to ear in snaps from the party ... posing for pics with father Rod Blanchard and his wife, Kristy. GRB's also reuniting with stepsister Mia Blanchard.

Looks like the fam went all out for the bash ... there's gold balloons spelling out "WELCOME HOME" plus confetti, cake, snacks and Champagne.

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Gypsy even popped a bottle of bubbly ... as did her hubby Ryan.


As you know ... Gypsy got out of prison on parole Thursday after spending 7 years behind bars for her conviction in her mother Dee Dee's murder.

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Since being freed, we've seen Gypsy shopping for new shoes, living out of a hotel and hitting up a McDonald's.

Gypsy and Ryan hit the drive-thru Friday at Mickey D's for her first restaurant meal on the outside ... and it looks like she missed the Golden Arches.

Gypsy's mixing in some quality time with the family too ... at the tail end of the holidays ... and everyone looks super happy.


Dwayne Johnson sigue diciendo que es la primera vez que prueba In-N-Out pero se equivoca

Dwayne Johnson NO es el virgen de In-N-Out Burger que dice ser.

"The Rock" publicó un divertido video a principios de esta semana afirmando que estaba probando In-N-Out Burger por primera vez. El clip generó mucha atención y resultó ser buena publicidad para la cadena.

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Mientras disfrutamos de la producción de Dwayne y su entusiasmo por las hamburguesas In-N-Out, las patatas fritas, el proceso de drive-thru sin problemas y sus amables empleados, nos dimos cuenta de que ha hecho esto mismo antes.

De hecho, esta es la TERCERA vez que Dwayne menciona ir a In-N-Out por primera vez.

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Curiosamente, Dwayne publicó un video en Instagram en agosto de 2022 documentando una comida de In-N-Out Double-Doubles, patatas fritas y su propia marca de tequila.

Por supuesto, Dwayne mezcló tequilas reposado y blanco en el mismo vaso para lavar su In-N-Out el año pasado, así que tal vez se olvidó de todo el asunto.

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Pero luego está el hecho de que The Rock también publicó sobre su "primera" experiencia en In-N-Out en 2017, esa vez fue solo una selfie con un par de empleados de In-N-Out en la ventanilla de autoservicio.

En su publicación de febrero de 2017, Dwayne añadió un largo pie de foto explicando que su esposa y su hija querían In-N-Out. También prometió "destruir múltiples hamburguesas" si su película "Moana" ganaba un Oscar unos días después... bueno, la película no lo consiguió.

Así que Dwayne ha estado en In-N-Out y ha probado la comida antes de afirmar esta semana que estaba teniendo su "primera experiencia" en la popular cadena.

Anthony Bourdain dijo una vez que conseguiría más likes en las publicaciones de IG sobre In-N-Out que en las fotos con grandes celebridades y parece que Dwayne también quiere algo de eso.

Todo eso está muy bien, pero recuerden amigos, no hay que mentir para triunfar.

Dwayne Johnson It's My First Time Trying In-N-Out ... Um No, He's Been Before!!!

Dwayne Johnson is NOT the In-N-Out Burger virgin he claims to be.

"The Rock" posted a fun video earlier this week claiming he was trying In-N-Out Burger for the first time ... leading to a lot of attention, headlines and pats on the back.

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While we enjoyed Dwayne's production and his zest for In-N-Out hamburgers, fries, the smooth drive-thru process and their friendly employees ... we noticed he's done this same thing before.

In fact, this is the THIRD time Dwayne's mentioned going to In-N-Out for the first time.

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Funnily enough, Dwayne posted a video on Instagram in August 2022 documenting a cheat meal of In-N-Out Double-Doubles, fries and his own brand of tequila.

Of course, Dwayne mixed reposado and blanco tequilas in the same glass to wash down his In-N-Out last year ... so maybe he forgot about the whole thing.

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But then there's the fact The Rock also posted about his "first" In-N-Out experience back in 2017 ... that time it was just a selfie with a couple In-N-Out employees at the drive-thru window.

In his February 2017 post, Dwayne added a long caption explaining his wife and daughter wanted In-N-Out. He also promised to "destroy multiple burgers" should his "Moana" movie win an Oscar a few days later ... well, the movie came up empty.

So, Dwayne's at least been to In-N-Out and tried the food before claiming this week he was having his "first ever" experience at the popular chain.

Anthony Bourdain once said he would get more likes on IG posts about In-N-Out than pics with huge celebs ... and it seems Dwayne's wanting some of that engagement too.


That's all well and good, but remember folks ... you don't have to lie to kick it.

NYC Palestinian Restaurant Uses Antisemitic Phrases On Menu "From The River To The Sea"

A Palestinian restaurant in NYC recently opened to some bad reviews – and it's all because of its antisemitic menu.

"Ayat" eatery – which had three locations in the Big Apple -- opened a fourth last week in the largely Jewish Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, upsetting many of the patrons with the offensive language on the menu.

The phrases "from the river to the sea" and "down with the occupation" were scrawled across the menus handed out to fuming customers, who later went on Facebook to blast Ayat's owners for being "openly genocidal."

Of course, everyone knows the slogan "from the river to the sea" has been used as a rallying cry to wipe out Israel. The anti-Defamation League has even labeled the phrase antisemitic.

But, Ayat's owners – Abdul Elenani and his wife, Masoud – chalked it off to a misunderstanding, saying they have "no ill will" toward Jewish people.

In a Facebook post, Abdul wrote that "our interpretation on it is just simply freedom and rights to the Palestinian people between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea." He added, "We're just against the Zionist mentality of, like, eliminate or flatten now."

As you know, tensions have been riding high in the Middle East since October 7th when Hamas militants attacked Israel, slaughtering about 1,400 Jews, including babies.

A day later, Israel declared war against Hamas – a terrorist group governing the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Over the past two months, the Israel-Hamas conflict has produced major causalities on both sides and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight to all the fighting.

Kim Kardashian Come to My XMAS Party with Coke, Snow and Gingerbread!!!


The Kardashians had their splashy, annual XMAS soiree, and it was pretty glam.

Now that the brood is overrun with kids, it made sense to make it kid-themed, though still swanky. The adults wore cocktail attire, with Kim in a metallic blue, off-the-shoulder gown.

It seems like it was tons of fun, as Kim and the kids sled down a hill with fake snow ... sorry folks, it's the best we can do in SoCal. Check out the vid ... Paris Hilton is right behind Kim.

Even though the snow was fake, North and other kids were pretty chill, waiting their turns to sled down the hill.

At one point Kim and Paris sledded down the hill in an inflatable raft, and busted out laughing when they hit the bottom.


Babyface serenaded the crowd, as the guests, including David Geffen, Nicky Hilton, and O.T. Genasis watched.

And what's a party without Kardashian-branded products ... Coca-Cola bottles with "Kardashian-Jenner Christmas Eve Party 2023" custom written on the back. And check out the gingerbread house with "Candy Shop" written in script above the door.


Kim showed off the amazing forest in her backyard with snow-covered pine trees dotting the impressive property.

As we previously reported, Kim gave fans a sneak peek at all the decor on her Instagram before the big event on Sunday night.

Kim Kardashian organiza una fiesta navideña con nieve, Coca-Cola y una casa de pan de jengibre

una navidad a lo kardashian

Las Kardashian celebraron su espléndida velada anual de Navidad y fue bastante glamurosa.

Ahora que la prole está plagada de niños, tenía sentido hacerla con temática infantil, aunque siempre elegante. Los adultos llevaban un atuendo de cóctel, con Kim en un azul metálico y un vestido con hombros descubiertos.

Parece que fue muy divertido, Kim y los niños se divirtieron en el trineo por una colina de nieve falsa, lo siento amigos, es lo mejor que podemos hacer. Échale un vistazo al video, Paris Hilton está justo detrás de Kim.

A pesar de que la nieve era falsa, Norte y los otros niños disfrutaban el frío y esperaron su turno para deslizarse por la colina.

En un momento dado, Kim y Paris bajaron en trineo por la colina en una balsa inflable y estallaron en carcajadas cuando llegaron al fondo.

Babyface le dio una serenata a la multitud, mientras los invitados, entre ellos David Geffen y Nicky Hilton, miraban.

Y lo que es una fiesta sin productos de marca Kardashian, Botellas de Coca-Cola con "Kardashian-Jenner Fiesta de Nochebuena 2023" personalizado escrito en la parte posterior. Y échale un vistazo a la casa de pan de jengibre con "Candy Shop" escrito en la escritura por encima de la puerta.

¡feliz navidad!

Kim mostró el increíble bosque en su patio trasero con pinos cubiertos de nieve que salpican la impresionante propiedad.

Como informamos anteriormente, Kim le dio a sus fans un adelanto de toda la decoración en su Instagram antes del gran evento del domingo por la noche.

Chrisleys, Joe Exotic, Weinstein Extra Gravy, Hold The Coal ... Christmas Prison Feasts

America's most famous prisoners won't be home for Christmas ... but that doesn't mean it's just another day behind bars ... look no further than their prison menus.

TMZ did some digging, and celebrity convicts are being served traditional Christmas fare ... like Cornish hens.

Here's a breakdown of their Xmas spreads:

Derek Chauvin at Arizona's FCI Tucson:

-- Herbed Cornish hens, cornbread dressing, garlic cheese potatoes, whole kernel corn, chicken gravy, whole wheat bread, holiday dessert

R. Kelly at North Carolina's FCI Butner Medium I

-- Cornish Hens, cream of broccoli, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, glazed carrots, dinner rolls, pecan pie

Josh Duggar at Texas' FCI Seagoville

-- Baked Cornish hen, mashed potatoes, chicken gravy, dinner rolls, cheese and rice casserole, holiday pies

Julie Chrisley at Kentucky's FMC Lexington:

-- Roast turkey, baked candied yams with marshmallows, cornbread dressing, macaroni and cheese, cream gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pecan pie

Todd Chrisley at Florida's FPC Pensacola:

-- Baked ham, turkey, macaroni and cheese, green beans, cranberry sauce, whole wheat bread, fresh fruit, pie

Joe Exotic at Texas' FMC Fort Worth

-- Baked Cornish hens, bread stuffing, macaroni and cheese, carrots, chicken gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, holiday pie

Harvey Weinstein at New York's Mohawk Correctional Facility:

-- Baked chicken breast, seasoned chicken gravy, steamed white rice, steamed kernel corn, dinner rolls, margarine, ice cream sundae

Tory Lanez at California Correctional Institution Tehachapi:

-- Pineapple glazed ham, carrot and pineapple salad, mashed potatoes, beef gravy, mixed vegetables, dinner roll, ice cream, blueberry crisp

These celeb convicts aren't just being treated to a special holiday spread, some prisons are offering special games and activities on Christmas Day.

It sounds nice, but it's a safe bet they would all rather be home with their families.

Se revelan las comidas de los presos famosos en la cárcel el día de Navidad de 2023

Los presos más famosos de Estados Unidos no estarán en casa por Navidad, pero eso no significa que sea un día normal tras las rejas.

TMZ investigó y descubrió que los convictos de celebridades se sirven comida tradicional de Navidad.

Aquí está un desglose de sus menús de Navidad:

Derek Chauvin en Arizona's FCI Tucson:

-- Gallinas de Cornualles con hierbas, aderezo de pan de maíz, patatas con queso y ajo, maiz integral, salsa de pollo, pan integral, postre navideño.

R. Kelly en Carolina del Norte FCI Butner Medio I

-- Gallinas de Cornualles, crema de brócoli, aderezo de pan de maíz, puré de patatas, salsa, patatas dulces, zanahorias glaseadas, rollos de cena, pastel de nuez

Josh Duggar en Texas FCI Seagoville

-- Gallina de Cornualles al horno, puré de patatas, salsa de pollo, panecillos, cazuela de queso y arroz, pasteles de vacaciones

Julie Chrisley en el FMC Lexington de Kentucky:

-- Pavo asado, boniatos confitados al horno con malvaviscos, aderezo de pan de maíz, macarrones con queso, salsa de crema, salsa de arándanos, panecillos, pastel de nuez

Todd Chrisley en el FPC Pensacola de Florida:

-- Jamón al horno, pavo, macarrones con queso, judías verdes, salsa de arándanos, pan integral, fruta fresca, tarta

Joe Exotic en FMC Fort Worth, Texas

-- Gallinas de Cornualles al horno, relleno de pan, macarrones con queso, zanahorias, salsa de pollo, salsa de arándanos, panecillos, pastel festivo

Harvey Weinstein en el Correccional Mohawk de Nueva York:

-- Pechuga de pollo al horno, salsa de pollo sazonada, arroz blanco al vapor, maiz al vapor, panecillos, margarina, helado de crema

Tory Lanez en la Institución Correccional de California Tehachapi:

-- Jamón glaseado de piña, ensalada de zanahoria y piña, puré de patatas, salsa de carne, verduras mixtas, rollo de cena, helado, crujiente de arándanos

A estos presos famosos no solo se les agasaja con una comida navideña especial, sino que algunas prisiones ofrecen juegos y actividades especiales el día de Navidad.

Suena bien, pero seguro que todos preferirían estar en casa con sus familias.

Tommy DeVito Buries Hatchet W/ NJ Pizza Place ... After Dispute W/ Owners

Deep breath paisanos, PR crisis averted for Tommy DeVito! 😰

Just hours after the NYG signal caller caught grief online, DeVito made things right with a local Jersey restaurant owner and fans by showing up and hanging out with a gang of Big Blue fans ... where he took photos, signed autographs, and ate!

The controversy started this week when the owners of Coniglio's Old Fashioned pizzeria in Morristown (NJ) accused the 25-year-old rookie of going back on his word, alleging Tommy agreed to a $10k appearance fee, only to double his rate after the Giants' big MNF win over the Packers on December 11.

But, we're told the whole thing was just a big misunderstanding.

Sean Salci, DeVito's marketing agent and attorney, told us his client wasn't aware of what was going on, and there was never a concrete deal in place.

Still, DeVito was criticized, and the young signal caller wanted to make everyone happy ... so he made a surprise appearance at the pizza parlor.

"DeVito and the owner made good," Salci said. "He got the full experience today."

There hasn't been a more popular player across the league over the last month than DeVito -- an undrafted rookie (2023) -- who took over the starting job when Daniel Jones and Tyrod Taylor went down with injuries.

The Giants play the Eagles on Christmas Eve ... and for the time being, all's well in North Jersey.


Guy Fieri is cooking up a storm at home ... revealing he plans to die broke and leave his sons none of his multi-million dollar fortune unless they get at least two degrees.

"Shaq said it best," the "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" star began to Fox News Wednesday ... adding, "Shaq said, 'If you want this cheese, you got to get two degrees.'"


The celeb chef -- who shares Hunter, 27, and Ryder, 17, with wife Lori -- added that by two degrees, he meant they also obtain a postgraduate.

Guy says he's told his sons and his sister Morgan's 22-year-old son, Jules -- who he helped raise following her 2011 passing -- to expect him to "die broke" unless they follow his rules.

He says he's not gonna let 'em take what he's built willy nilly -- and that his dad used the same tough love on him ... telling him he'd be paying for his funeral.

Although his kids are doing well, Guy says his youngest son Ryder hadn't taken the news sitting down ... finding it unfair he's already pushing him to get an MBA when he has yet to get past college.


On the whole, we can guarantee that they'll be working their butts off for that inheritance ... especially as Guy's just signed a mammoth $100M, 3-year contract with the Food Network.

Looks like they're on track -- with his nephew Jules working toward a law degree!

Logan Paul, KSI Sign Patrick Mahomes To Prime ... 'Honor To Join' Brand

If Red Bull gives you wings, Logan Paul and KSI have rockets strapped to their backs ... Prime Hydration is exploding, and now the company has struck an endorsement deal with one of the biggest athletes in the world, Patrick Mahomes!

28-year-old Mahomes inked a deal with the YouTubers-turned-drink moguls ... as the two-time Super Bowl-winning quarterback becomes the face of Prime Hydration, joining other athletes like Israel Adesanya, Alex Volkanovski and "Bud" Crawford.

"PRIME is a disruptive brand that has taken over the beverage industry since it first launched. They are gamechangers, and that's exactly what I strive to be on the field. Our partnership is a winning play, merging innovation and excellence, setting a new standard both on and off the field," Mahomes said.

"It's an honor to join the PRIME family alongside some of the greatest athletes, leagues and teams in the world."

The deal is different than your run-of-the-mill sponsorship agreement ... we're told Logan, KSI, Patrick, and Prime have plans to collaborate on a bunch of different charitable efforts.

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In fact, Prime has already donated $100k in support of Patrick's 15 and the Mahomies Foundation.

KSI and Paul are clearly thrilled they've landed a guy like Mahomes, who fits right in with the brand.

"At PRIME, we believe in teaming up with greatness, and Patrick Mahomes isn't just one of the best quarterbacks of all time; he's rewriting the record book and bringing a whole new level of excitement to the game," Logan and KSI said.

"Aligning with someone who's pushing boundaries and breaking records is what PRIME is all about, so this is a dream come true for us. It's a privilege to welcome Patrick Mahomes to the PRIME family and we can’t wait for you to see what we have planned for 2024!"