OnlyFans Model Joshua Hopkins Brawls With Couple At Nobu Bahamas ... Arrested and Jailed

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OnlyFans model and combat veteran Joshua Hopkins spent part of his Bahamas vacation in jail -- dude got arrested for his role in a brawl at Nobu, and the whole fight is on video.

TMZ obtained footage of Joshua brawling with other patrons inside Nobu Bahamas on Paradise Island, and you see him landing punches and kicks ... but there's also a woman shattering a glass over Joshua's head!

The brawl went down right in the middle of Nobu's large dining room, in front of dozens of shocked guests and staff ... some even tried to break up the fight, to no avail.

Joshua tells TMZ he'd gone out to dinner with Jason Luv, a famous exotic dancer and porn star during their guys' trip to the Bahamas.

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JH says as soon as they got to Nobu, people started coming up to Jason asking for photos -- all innocent enough. The trouble started when Jason went to the bathroom and Joshua alone at their table, noticed a couple staring at him.

Joshua says he made eye contact with them, and the woman suddenly stood up and yelled, "Who the f*** do you think you are?!?" He says her husband then stood up and got in his face, putting hands on Joshua ... and then all hell broke loose.

We mentioned the glass being smashed over Joshua's head in the fight video ... well, he says he suffered a cut that required treatment at a hospital.

While Joshua tells us he didn't want to press charges against the couple -- he thinks they were drunk and didn't want to ruin their vacation -- he says they pressed charges against him! So, cops showed up to his door the next day, and arrested him for assault and property damage.

Joshua says he spent 3 days in jail and had to pay an $800 fine because the couple claimed he ruined their clothing and sneakers during the melee.

As for Jason, who got some extra fame recently for banging Adam22's wife Lena The Plug, Joshua says his buddy was not involved in the fight -- he was actually at the front of the restaurant taking pics with fans when the brawl went down.

Joshua sounds like he's ready to move on ... he says he doesn't plan to sue, and it's all in his rearview.

Modelo de OnlyFans Pelea con una pareja en Nobu Bahamas Detenido y encarcelado

una locura total

El modelo de OnlyFans y veterano de combate Joshua Hopkins pasó parte de sus vacaciones en las Bahamas tras las rejas luego de que lo arrestaran por haberse involucrado en una pelea en Nobu, y todo está en video.

TMZ obtuvo las imágenes de Joshua peleando con otros clientes dentro de Nobu Bahamas en Paradise Island, donde se lo ve repartiendo puñetazos y patadas, ¡pero también hay una mujer rompiendo un vaso sobre la cabeza de Joshua!

La pelea se desató en un gran comedor a vista y paciencia de los comensales y el personal, algunos de los cuales trataron de detener la pelea.

Joshua le dice a TMZ que todo comenzó cuando fue a cenar con Jason Luv, un famoso bailarín exótico y estrella porno durante un viaje a las Bahamas.

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Joshua dice que en cuanto entraron, la gente empezó a acercarse a Jason para hablarle y tomarse fotos con él, y cuando Jason fue al baño y lo dejó solo en la mesa, se dio cuenta de que una pareja lo estaba mirando fijamente.

Joshua dice que hizo contacto visual con ellos y la mujer se levantó y dijo: "¡¿Quién diablos te crees que eres?!". Él dice que el marido de la mujer se levantó y se puso enfrente suyo, puso las manos sobre él y luego se desató el infierno.

Ya mencionamos el vaso roto sobre Joshua, y bueno, sobre eso dice que sufrió un corte en la cabeza y que necesitó tratamiento en un hospital local.

También nos dice que no quería presentar cargos contra la pareja —sintió que estaban borrachos y no quería arruinar sus vacaciones—, pero que fue la pareja en realidad la que presentó cargos y por eso los policías se presentaron en su puerta al día siguiente y lo detuvieron por asalto y daños a la propiedad.

Joshua dice que pasó tres días en la cárcel y que tuvo que pagar una multa de $800, pues la pareja afirmó que arruinó uno de sus abrigos, pantalones de jeans y algunos zapatos New Balance en la pelea.

En cuanto a Jason, que se hizo famoso recientemente por tirarse a la mujer de Adam22, Lena The Plug, Joshua dice que NO participó de la pelea en absoluto y que estuvo en la entrada del restaurante tomándose fotos con los fans cuando se produjo la riña.

Suena como que Joshua está listo para seguir adelante... Dice que no planea demandar y que todo está en el pasado.

Quavo Alimenta a 300 familias... Acción de Gracias en Huncho Farms!!!

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Recolectando alimentos

¡Quavo está dando de vuelta y asegurándose de que tenga un impacto profundo! El rapero puso en marcha la iniciativa Huncho Farms para el Día de Acción de Gracias para que las familias pudieran acceder a todo un jardín y un huerto.

La buena gente de Atlanta recibió un curso intensivo de buena mesa cuando la organización de Quavo Cares, rapero de Migos, se asoció con Urban Recipe, un banco de alimentos sin fines de lucro con sede en la ciudad.

Junto con Chef Brown Catering, Quavo y Urban Recipe sirvieron a más de 300 familias de todos los rincones de Atlanta y también crearon un libro de cocina derivado de recetas del Banco de Alimentos de Atlanta.

Las recetas van desde platos completos como el pavo en salmuera y pollo troceado hasta un crujiente de manzana casero, pero todos los ingredientes provienen de Huncho Farms, cuyo objetivo es aumentar el valor nutricional en la dieta de la familia todos los días.

HandsOn Atlanta y Team Huncho Basketball también desempeñaron un papel importante en la campaña de Acción de Gracias. El ex campeón de la NBA y nativo de Georgia Josh Smith estuvo allí cargando alimentos frescos en bolsas de regalo.

Quavo se ha centrado en hacer frente a los problemas sociales. Él y su familia se aventuraron hasta Washington D.C. para conversar con los legisladores sobre una posible reforma a las armas en memoria del fallecido Takeoff.

¡¡¡Y todo el mundo va a obtener su combustible de Huncho Farms en el futuro!!!

Quavo Feeding 300 Families ... Thanksgiving on Huncho Farms!!!

Rain Drop, Food Drop

Quavo's giving back and making sure it has a deep impact -- he's launched his Huncho Farms initiative this Thanksgiving to give families access to a whole garden and orchard!

The good people of Atlanta got a crash course in good taste this week when the Migos rapper's Quavo Cares org teamed up with Urban Recipe ... a nonprofit food bank based in the city.

Together with Chef Brown Catering, Quavo, his mom and Urban Recipe served more than 300 families from all corners of the ATL, and also created a cookbook derived from recipes used by the Atlanta Food Bank.

The recipes range from full-blown entrees such as brined turkey and chicken to nimble bites like homemade apple crisp. All the ingredients were sourced from Huncho Farms, which aims to boost the nutritional value of the everyday family's diet.

HandsOn Atlanta and Team Huncho Basketball also played a significant role in the Thanksgiving drive ... former NBA Slam Dunk champ and GA native Josh Smith was there loading up fresh food in gift bags.

Quavo's been focused on making a dent in societal issues ... he and the fam ventured to Washington D.C. and politicked with lawmakers about potential gun reform in memory of the late Takeoff.

And, everyone will be getting their rocket fuel from Huncho Farms going forward!!!

E-40 Nothing Wrong with Jaidyn's Cooking ... 'Ghetto Elegant' Cusine Is The Best!!!


E-40 thinks everyone hating on Jaidyn Alexis' unconventional meals for Blueface should learn to eat with their tastebuds, not their eyes ... and be open to mixing and matching random foods.

TMZ Hip Hop picked up on a few kitchen tips in NYC from Mr. Fonzarelli outside Sei Less restaurant ... as he took us inside his cookbook, which he co-authored with Snoop Dogg.

Blueface's fiancee was dragged across internet coals for her goopy pasta and cheese dinner, but 40 says his book contains plenty of creative recipes -- how does a ground turkey and sausage stuffed mozzarella BBQ meatloaf dish sound for your holiday gathering???

40 describes the dishes as "ghetto elegant" ... a term he developed while cooking at an early age when there were much fewer ingredients available in his pantry.

He's combining his 2 loves -- food and music -- on his recently released 27th album, "Rule Of Thumb: Rule 1," which includes raps about his food situation as a kid ... "My household wasn't like the Cosbys/Grew up on spam, noodles, fried bologna."

Culinary doubters might wanna swing by 40's "Goon With The Spoon" flagship restaurant when it opens -- he's promising heaping helpings of bacon cheeseburger lumpia! 😋

Vacaciones 2023 Los famosos se aprovisionan de comida... ¡¡Es temporada de cenas!!


Las vacaciones están en pleno apogeo, y al igual que todos nosotros, Hollywood tiene muchas ganas de comer, y basándonos en estas fotos de estrellas yendo al supermercado parece que estas celebridades están listas para sentarse a la mesa.

Un puñado de famosos han sido vistos en Los Ángeles en los días previos a Acción de Gracias, en distintas tiendas de comestibles y saliendo con bolsas y cajas de alimentos, justo a tiempo para las comidas de la temporada.

Jeremy Allen White, por ejemplo, recientemente hizo una carrera a Gelson's que lo dejó con una bolsa de artículos y bastantes flores también. El tipo ha estado cortejando a un montón de damas en medio de su divorcio, así que quién sabe para quién puedan ser. Lo único que sabemos es que son bonitas.

También hubo un avistamiento de Jon Hamm, quien parecía estar abasteciéndose de un cierto tipo de alimentos: CARNE. El tipo tenía un par de cajas de Cream Co en las manos, que se especializa en todo tipo de proteínas de origen animal.

Algunas otras estrellas que recogieron comestibles en los últimos días fueron Shay Mitchell, Chace Crawford y Stella Maxwell. Todas salieron con una bolsa o dos en la mano.

Es ese momento del año para todos, famosos o no...

Holidays 2023 Celebs Stock Up on Grub ... 'Tis the Season to Eat!!!


The holidays are in full swing -- and just like all of us, Hollywood gets hungry ... and based on these snaps of stars hitting the supermarket, it sure looks like they're ready to grub.

A handful of celebs have been spotted out and about in L.A. over the past few days leading up to Thanksgiving and hitting up grocery stores ... walking out with bags and boxes of food in their hands, just in time for the season's eatings.

Jeremy Allen White, for instance, recently made a run to Gelson's that left him with a bag of items ... and quite a few flowers too. Dude's been romancing a lot of ladies amid his divorce, so who knows who those might've been for. All we know is, they sure look nice.

There was also a Jon Hamm sighting ... where the guy seemed to be stocking up on one certain kind of food -- MEAT. He had a couple boxes from the Cream Co., which specializes in all sorts of animal-based protein.

Some other stars who picked up groceries over the past several days or so ... Shay Mitchell, Chace Crawford and Stella Maxwell, all of whom walked out with a bag or two in hand.

It's that time of the year for everybody, famous or otherwise ... time to loosen those belts.

L.A. Mission Celebs Dish out Thanksgiving Dinner to L.A.'s Homeless

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A gaggle of celebs joined forces Wednesday to dish out turkey dinners at the L.A. Mission.

Check out the list ... Nick Cannon, Danny Trejo, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Denise Richards, Maxine Waters, L.A. Mayor Karen Bass, Kyle Massey, Bobby Berk, Crystal Kung Minkoff and more.

It's an annual event to help the homeless and others struggling with some comfort on Thanksgiving.

The Mission serves more than 3,000 lbs of turkey, 700 lbs of mashed potatoes, 800 lbs of green beans and 600 pies.

The Mission also gives out 650 Bibles, 1,400 blankets and 1,200 tarps.

A good deed, indeed.

L.A. Mission Famosos reparten cena de Acción de Gracias a personas sin techo en L.A.

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Un grupo de celebridades se unieron el miércoles para repartir cenas de Acción de Gracias en el marco de L.A. Mission.

Echa un vistazo a la lista de celebridades que participaron, Nick Cannon, Danny Trejo, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Denise Richards, Maxine Waters, la alcaldesa de L.A Karen Bass, Kyle Massey, Bobby Berk, Crystal Kung Minkoff y más.

Este es un evento anual para ayudar a las personas sin hogar y otras que estén luchando a que tengan un poco de comodidad en Acción de Gracias.

La Misión sirve más de 3.000 libras de pavo, 700 libras de puré de patatas, 800 libras de judías verdes y 600 pasteles.

La Misión también da 650 Biblias, 1.400 mantas y 1.200 lonas.

Una buena acción, sin duda.

Chrisleys, Lanez, Joe Exotic, R. Kelly Thanksgiving Prison Meals ... No Pardons For These Turkeys!!!

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America's most famous prisoners are chowing down on turkey and gravy this Thanksgiving ... but Tory Lanez, Todd and Julie Chrisley are about to find out what R. Kelly already knows ... the bird is better at home.

TMZ obtained prison menus from across the country, where celebrity convicts are being treated to your typical Thanksgiving staples ... turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce.

Here's a breakdown of their Turkey Day feasts:

Todd at Florida's FPC Pensacola:

-- Roast turkey, glazed ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, assorted pies

Julie at Kentucky's FMC Lexington:

-- Roast turkey or baked turkey ham, baked candied yams, cornbread dressing, macaroni and cheese, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pie

Tory at California Correctional Institution Tehachapi:

-- Roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cornbread dressing, diced carrots, dinner roll, green salad, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie

Suge Knight at San Diego's Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility:

-- Same menu as Tory

Harvey Weinstein at New York's Mohawk Correctional Facility

-- Roast turkey, gravy, dressing, whipped potatoes, sliced steamed carrots, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, ice cream sundae

R. Kelly at North Carolina's FCI Butner Medium I

-- Roast turkey, baked candied sweet potatoes, cornbread dressing, green beans, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie

Josh Duggar at Texas' FCI Seagoville:

-- Roast turkey, glazed ham, cornbread dressing with turkey gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, assorted pies

Joe Exotic at Texas' FMC Forth Worth:

-- Smoked turkey legs, cornbread stuffing, macaroni and cheese, sweet potato casserole, green beans, turkey gravy, dinner roll, pecan or sweet potato pie

In addition to all the traditional food, prisons are offering several activities on Thanksgiving Day.

We're not saying the above inmates deserve special holiday festivities, but card games, relay races, bingo, checkers, chess and team sports will be available to some of 'em.

Celeb Chef Michael Chiarello DIED FROM ALLERGIC REACTION ... Says Coroner

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Michael Chiarello, a celebrity chef, died from an allergic reaction that set off a fatal chain of events ... this according to the coroner.

The former "Food Network" star's official cause of death is an allergic reaction resulting in anaphylactic shock, leading to a heart attack ... the coroner in Napa County tells TMZ.

We're told Michael's allergic reaction sent him to a hospital, where he was brought back to life only to later die of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy -- a brain dysfunction caused by a lack of oxygen and blood flow.

The coroner also tells us recent cocaine use was another "significant condition" noted in the final findings on Chiarello's death ... but we're told although cocaine was in his system, he did NOT die from a drug overdose.

As we reported ... Michael died Oct. 7 at Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa, where he was hospitalized due to an allergic reaction.

It's still unclear if Michael's fatal allergic reaction was food-related, or what it stemmed from.

Michael had a long run on TV, with his show "Easy Entertaining With Michael Chiarello" airing for 10 seasons on Food Network.

The star chef was also featured on hit series like "Chopped," "The Next Iron Chef" and "Top Chef."

He was 61.

Célebre chef Michael Chiarello Murió por una reacción alérgica ... Dice el forense

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Michael Chiarello, un connotado chef de celebridades, murió de una reacción alérgica que desencadenó una cadena fatal de eventos, según explica el forense.

La causa oficial de muerte de la ex estrella de "Food Network" fue una reacción alérgica que resultó en un shock anafiláctico, lo que le produjo un ataque al corazón, dice el médico forense del condado de Napa a TMZ.

Nos dicen que Michael fue llevado a un hospital tras la reacción alérgica, donde lograron revivirlo solo para morir más tarde de encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica, una disfunción cerebral causada por la falta de oxígeno y flujo sanguíneo.

El forense también dice que el consumo reciente de cocaína fue otra "condición significativa" de la que repararon en las conclusiones finales sobre la muerte de Chiarello. Pero nos dicen que aunque la cocaína estaba en su sistema, no murió de una sobredosis de drogas.

Como hemos informado, Michael murió el 7 de octubre en el Queen of the Valley Medical Center en Napa, donde fue hospitalizado debido a una reacción alérgica.

Todavía no está claro si la reacción alérgica que produjo la muerte de Michael estaba relacionada con la comida o lo que se derivó de ella.

Michael tuvo una larga carrera en televisión, con su programa "Easy Entertaining With Michael Chiarello" emitido durante 10 temporadas en Food Network.

El chef estrella también participó en exitosas series como "Chopped", "The Next Iron Chef" y "Top Chef".

Tenía 61 años.

NFL Teams Set To Wear John Madden Patch ... For Thanksgiving Games


John Madden sadly isn't around to enjoy Thanksgiving games anymore ... but the NFL is still making sure his presence is felt on the holiday nonetheless, revealing this week teams will wear patches honoring the football legend throughout the day.

The Detroit Lions showed what their jersey adornments will look like in a post on X on Wednesday morning ... and they're pretty awesome.

The black-and-gold emblems feature a silhouette of Madden from his coaching days ... and they'll be displayed prominently on the front of teams' uniforms.

In addition to the Lions, the Packers, Cowboys, Commanders, 49ers and Seahawks are all expected to rock Madden patches as well.

The holiday, of course, was one of Madden's all-time favorites ... as he loved eating turduckens in the broadcast booth as well as handing out pieces of the chicken/duck/turkey combo to star players on the field.

The NFL began honoring Madden on the holiday last year with several cool tributes on gameday ... and it announced this month it will expand on those with the jersey patches as well as a special Madden-themed coin for the games' opening tosses.

As we reported, Madden passed away in 2021 -- just a couple weeks after Thanksgiving. He was 85 years old.

Ne-Yo Who's Hungry, ATL?!? Serves T'Giving Love To Single Mothers


Ne-Yo is no stranger to giving back and this holiday season he's undeniably in his element ... helping out some of the community's most vulnerable citizens.

Ne-Yo was serving food to roughly 150 to 200 people Wednesday at City of Refuge Atlanta ... helping those who came for a Thanksgiving meal and a glimpse of the superstar singer in the flesh.


City of Refuge Atlanta provides shelter to the homeless, victims of sex trafficking, even single mothers with kids getting back on their feet, and provides gym amenities in addition to other wellness programs and employment services.

We're told Ne-Yo also donated a bunch of desserts to sweeten the pot for Thanksgiving -- and 4 of his children helped pass them out.


As we reported in the summer, Ne-Yo and his exes go to great lengths to shield their kids from any of their bickering, making for smooth co-parenting and family outings, in this case ... Teach Your Kids Philanthropy Day!!!

Lola Brooke T'Giving's On Me!!! Serves Asian Fusion Food to 200 Kids!!!


Lola Brooke is in a giving mood this week ... the "Don't Play With It" rapper popped up in the Brooklyn neighborhood that molded her to ensure a couple hundred kids have a yummy Thanksgiving!!!

TMZ Hip Hop got this video of Lola and her Team 80 labelmate Bleezy personally serving roughly 200 kids from the Children of Promise organization ... which mentors and provides therapeutic empowerment services to children whose parents are incarcerated.

Lola partnered with Sei Less Restaurant and its co-owner Dara Mirjahangiry to have the kids try something different this go around ... which was dishes with an Asian fusion twist that surely expanded their palate.

There were smiles around as everyone rushed Lola for selfies, and we're told Lolo's mom was also there dropping some knowledge for the kids to grow on.

110823_lola_brooke-kal 11/9/23

Lola's a fan of dishing and taking solid advice -- the last time we spoke to her, she was asking Lori Harvey to teach her tips for navigating the high-class dating game.

Obviously, Lola was dispensing far more important lessons than that for the young'uns.

Shaquille Leonard Passes Out Turkeys In Indianapolis ... After 'Shocking' Colts Cut


Shaquille Leonard didn't let his release from the Colts impact his charity work in Indianapolis on Tuesday ... as the star linebacker still found a way to pass out turkeys to those in need despite the rough afternoon.

Just hours after his tenure in Indy came to an abrupt end ... Leonard made time to partner up with Gleaners Food Bank and Chapel Rock Church to help families with their upcoming Thanksgiving meals.

Leonard was seen handing out turkeys as well as side dishes ... and TMZ Sports is told he impacted roughly 200 families with his charitable work.

Of course, no one would have blamed Leonard one bit if he had backed out of the event ... as he openly admitted he was "shocked" when the Colts fired him earlier in the day.

Despite battling a myriad of injuries during his six years in Indianapolis, Leonard had established himself as one of the best Colts players of the past decade -- earning three All-Pro selections. Yet still, he was cut unceremoniously while prepping for a midseason game.

Leonard, however, was still somehow in great spirits at the event ... taking photos with fans and signing autographs.

He told ESPN's Stephen Holder on the scene that he believed complaining about his diminished role in Indianapolis' defense this season played a part in his cut -- although he did add "there's no hard feelings" between him and the org. at this point.

Leonard could join a new team soon -- but for now, he's lending a hand to those who could use it ... and he deserves big props for it.